THE OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDEY VHKMNQ, SEPTEMBER M, 1901 , " CLACKAMAS KIVE8 XLO A VICTL-.! frotrxs kunof wua RUAV AJTB IS flaTSTSTWTt V1AUT BAQWVXS XV Whfls fishing ta tbo Clackamas rivor L.paetarday. morning Louis Landon at. Al bino, aged yeara, wn drowned Id sight of a' oompanloo. who wu unable to nNiM him and bad a hard struggle to mti a la owa Ufa. Young Landon worbed In tho Meteor tu rains: mill at Albino, where hla rela tives live. In company with Prank Rou, a pootoffloo employe, hs want to Casadsro, which marks the terminus of tba Or con Water Powar Railway company's Estacada Una, Saturday after aoon. with Uia Intention of paeelng yes terday In fishing. Tba two row at an oerly hour ya terday and started up tha gtreosB. -t Thay want about two nUw obovs tba nw dam which tba O. ,W. f. Co. U building in ordar to aacuro alootrto pow ar. Tha water lookad shallow, bat vary wlfL The war In tha middle of tha stream, whan younc Landon found be fould with difficulty keep on bla feet Kb auooaadad In reaching. tbo opposite bank In safety, and. turning to aaa what auooaaa hla friend waa ha Yin, ha waa horrified to aaa him awapt off hla faat and oarrlad down tba stream by tha awlfU flowlna currant. Jtoee ruehed Into tha atraam ta an attempt to reach London,' who waa at ruacllna hvtbe current. Which, ovary moment carried him naarar to a daap whirling dooL Ho ventured too far In bla eeaernees and waa oarrlad off hla fact and for a fw momanta no strug gled daaparataly bafora regaining tha bank. Ha then tfa raw out hla fishing pole to Landon. but tba Vtter seemed unable to grasp n and aoon waa oarrlad Into tha seething whirlpool. Roaa acmla attempted to raaeua hla friand by jumping In attar him. but ba waa unabla to aaa or hoar anything mora of hla unfortunate companion. In dea aeration ha ran up and down tba atraam dor soma Una trying to gain sight of th. bodv. but fall Inc. ha hastens to Caaadaro, wbara ha obtained esslstanee. A .ear of. man wsrs ordarad from Bstaoada. Thay took grappling hooka and ropea With which to drag tha river. Thev worked until it craw ao dark thay war unable to aaa anything and then returned. Tbla morning, headed by tba coroner of Claekamae eounty, -they atartad for tha eeene of tha drowning again. With them wara tha father of tha unfortunate young man and Frank Roaa. Up to a lat hour thla afternoon Uu bodv had not bean recovered. - There ara many deep hole along tha river In tba locality of tha drowning and It la auppoaed that the body baa waahed into one of them, where It may not appear for several . daya, unlaea tba aearcher happaa tp atrlke Ik with their sraoDllna irons. " Landon la seldto have been employed in a eandy factory In Albino. Hla home. waa formerly In Salem, where hla por- ante now reel da. - - MANAGER WELCH GOES BEHIND FOOTLIGHTS .'? R..O. Welch hs retired a manager of the Columbia theatre and will go Into tha comnanv to play llctit porta. In ao doing, it la announced that Mr. Welch la following the plan of Lee tar Wallack, Who. after aatabtlahtng . ate theatre on a buelneee baala and winning tba ooofl deneo of the' people. Invariably entered tha out to follow the work ha liked beat. i. Charlea W. York, treasurer ouoossds aa acting manager, , . , Mr. Welch baa had fcng oxperlenco aa a character comedian and hla flrat appearance on tha Columbia, stage will -be awaited with Interest. ' BIG PLANTS OPENED v OPT OPEN SHOP BASIS ' (fcaraal SpeewJ ervka.y -- Chicago. Sept. M. -The opening to day of tha Deerlag dt McCormlok plant, tha. International Harvaaar company and the Pullman worka on aa "open ah op" baala haa alarmed tha union la bor leader, wbo eee In It a ystematie more -on -the ' part of Chicago amployara to down them. The Union Harvaatar company has ro fuaed to renew lta agreement with tha union and took back 1.0 0 men en a : xe-bour-day and at a 10 per cent reduo tlon In wagea. Tnd Pullman employes ax pec a 19 or. tt par sent aut la wages. DETECTIVE SIMMONS ; ,. IS SERIOUSLY ILL :, Captain Of Datectlvas Sam Slmatona, who waa aelaed with oonvulalons yaatar day afternoon. IS resting easy today. For a time bla Ufa was despaired of, and It la got expected now that ha will sur vive the stuck. Stomach trouble to the eauao of hla nine. He la ono of tha moat widely known ofnoera In the northwest, having served to ofdclal ca pecltlea for many -yaara. Hla wife la police matron. : . DEATH LIST FROM r KNOXVH.Lt GROWING "if ' (earaal gaaelal Servtee.) - Knoxvilla. Sopt "t- The following Southern -railway wrack vkttlma died In the general hospital here today; Will Cunningham James Mills,, negro fire man. Ethel Shlpp, aged 14 and Anderson Moors, aged 4, all of Knoxvllle, and Melvta P. Oheat, of Bellweod, K, O. Vher are now M la tha hospital, many of whom era hi a aarious eondltloa, , Chairman Frank Baker of tha Re pnhllcah central commit tea wishes It dletlnctly understood that no tlohots wUI be. nor have beer Issuod for the Fairbanks rally. A report Is current to the affect that partlalny is being shown by the distribution of reserved seats but thla la absolutely denied. Rev. F. R Block will speak this even ing at : o'clock at the opening of the ladles hussar on Sixth street, between Morrison and Alder etreets. Tba hail haa been neatly furnlehed. Vvery av Onlng a mulolJgojrjgw1IIbj(c sWllrlwL555 "ill? N H.Y m i EX-POSTMASTER KC3Y CF PC2TLAKP, DEAD : -.v,v. 'v.'- - w. 1 nd. t . (Jeenul spetlal errle.)' Madlaon. Wis., Sept. 14. : Koby, poatmaater at Portland. Or., under tha Cleveland admin istration, died hers today at the ago of T years. C W. ltoby was wall known hi this city. Ho was principal of the Portland high school at tha time of tha flrat- election of drover Cleveland, who appointed him poatmaateiv' He had been" Identified with tha Portland schools for a number of years. After serving as poatmaatsr dur ing tha entire administration ba became connected with tha board of school director. Sevan yeare ago ha wont ta Fresno, Cal.. and from there went eaat. Ha had many friends la thla etty. Ho Waa a member of several secret orders and waa t prominent Mason. . : e i : Mr. Roby was postmaster when a package of $10,000 la currency. -JMnt by1 the Flrat Na- t tonal bank to on eaatern bank. disappeared. Attaches of tha e poatoffloa wars suspected, but no d arrest were ever mads nor waa toe money raoovorad. PORTLAND MAN INHERITS WEALTH Thomas Sllnger. who resides ' at his humbls homo at SH Clay atraat with hla wife, is aa heir to a portion of tba great JClsor estate hi County of Kent, Enc land. There are 11 other belra to the property and It will be divided tween them, but aa It 4s one of the largest and richest estates la England there will ba a fortune la the property tor each Mr. 81 lager says that his mother's father was John aUaoa, a d I root heir to tha Bison sstatsv He oama to America and Battled la Strath roy, Ontario. Can ada. Ho waa wealthy and when the English aetata fall to him ba made little -effort to come into poaaeaalon of It. Ha told hla children that they must keep track of the property and U would be their. . . He died and little waa thought ef ths matter by bis children. They frequently talked of tha estate, but no effort waa made to get possession -of tha property. The family scattered and It was almost forgotten that there was aa estate. . A year ago while looking over a di rectory oi Kngllsh sstates which were without heirs be saw. that "the Bison es tate waa unclaimed. He Immediately began aa Inveatlgatton which haa rs aulted la hla establishing his Jlht to a portion of the property. HIRES LIYERY RIG, THEN DISAPPEARS Vhsrlff Word haa- bean In telephone communication .with tad authorltlee of adlacent oouatlea today, looking to tha arrest of Iks Blcnett, wbo m aocueed of the theft of a horse and buggy Iron the a table ef Frastar A McLean. ' It la said that Blgnett, who formerly wnrkae) for the rnv went to the stahls gunoay morning ana procurea a norae and buawy. Oaylng he wanted to go to the rock quarry loaated between thto- cltv and Lttmton to oellect a bill of T.I0. That afternoon, tt Is reported by an smploye of Meier dt Frank, hs wss seen In the buggy, traveling toward Be vert on. Sines that time nothing haa been heard of Slgnett or the rig ho pro cured. ' Signott ta dsBcrlbed' aa being about five feet elghj Inches in height, dark oomplexloned, smoothly shavso, welch ing 17 pounds, and wearing working Ulothas, with a black hat and black overcoat. Tha horse was a "flea-bitten gray gelding," 10 years old. which pocea when traveling alowly. The buggy haa a rod tear hlaofc body and rubber tiros, HE USED BAR TO CRACK HAZEL NUTS Hs waa freak from the rural dlatrlcte, and Otto Soutmsn did not know It was Improper to crack basal nuts on saloon bar. His lamorance resulted In a flaht at the Brunswick samon, on lower Third street,. last night, tha subsequent arrest of ths bartender, trial in ths municipal court this morning, the fining of the de fendant In ths sum of 40 for assault and battery, and aa appeal of tba onso to ths circuit court. " R. a Hlbbard waa ths bartender. He hit Soutman for cracking the nuta on the bar and for being Insolent whoa toM not to, hs said. "Have you." any Other wltnsasssf asked Judge Hague. "I don't need any witness aa," suws tlcally replied Hlbbard. "I fine you ISO," said Judge Hogue. : 1 appeal." amid Hlbbard. - ---hb,- nwaanal m asl nsa Bhl bbbbSwbbb INDIAN GIRLS ARE CAPTURED (Special Memtc The learaet) JuncUon City, Or, Sept. II. Tha three Indian girls wbo sloped from ths Che- mawa Indian school wars appronsndsd hers by ths sheriff this morning. They were on thslr way to Red la ads, CaL, and will hs returned to Cbsmawa. They wars not aeooeapanUd by any men. . . CRUSADER GOES 1 . ONTO SHANGHAI ' (Jrl bpeelal twvlea.) London, Sept. tt. Tha owasro of the British at earner Crusader today received a aispaten rrom Moji saying mat the sssl left there for Shanghai after ooallng and had Buffered ao detention. Tom Brown waa today hold as await tha oharga of the grand Jury on a charge of arson. ' Hs Is charged With having eet fire to the houae at Ha loift Haw thorne svenue, la which ho and his fam ily wars living. Hs wan saptured la tha plaoe with four Jars coal oil by the firemen from Sunaystdo station, and brought to police headquarter by the poitce, . Bonds wara axed in ths sum of IMvt, . i i ' I. i i ' (Speetal Usaatea to As Jsaraet) ' Weshtuoaa. Wash., Sept 14. Homer Howertoa, agsd IS years, waa bitten on the thlghv by a vlcloue dog yestarday. Although badly hurt ha will recover. lots t? . fC3 TGT CI.4TS A AgTOmiA WAIV ES ro Mm rowma v During tha next few daya tha tow balaxot the O. R. A N. Co. will have ail they oan do brinoingolhlpa and schoon srs up and down ths river. - Ths Har vest Queen arrived la port thla morning with ths British ship Wray Castls and the American schooner S. T. Alexander In tow, and Immediately after they were berthed ths Harvest Queen left for two other vesssls which are waiting at Aa toria to be brought to Portland, it was tha intention for hdr to take the schoon er Zampa, which to lumbar-laden for a California port, with bar. but aa the veeaeKwould got be fully loaded until t o'clock ths company decided not to bold the Quaes in port ao long. On her next trip up from the mouth of the river the tugboat will bring tha British abipa Bskasonl and Hartflsld. which reached Aatoria yesterday from San Diego. The French bark Pierre Lot! haa also reached tha city by the aaa, and two other vasssls are outside awaiting an opportunity to cross ths bar. A big fleet of lumber-carriers is. duo, and to bring thsra all to Portland will keep ths Harvest Qussn and ths Oeklahama bus ily occupied for the. next wssk to come. Ths, Wray Castle, Captain Owens, cams from San Pedro 'la ballast and moored at the Ban field dock. She made a lose paaaaga up the ooaat. but nothing of Incident la reported. Tha trip was somewhat prolonged bp ths contrary winds which were experienced during the are tar part of the voyage. She reached Astoria, September 14. Ths vssssl is under charter to Balfour, Guthrie dt Co. to carry a cargo of grain to tba United Kingdom. . The skipper of tha Wray Caatla waa bars several years ago In command of the Britlah ship Alnsdale. Tha schooner Alexander was taken to the Portland mill, where aha will receive a cargo of lumber for Ban Francisco. She Is aa old-tlmsr In port, and has been engaged In the off-shore trade for a number of years. The Alexander will toko out about 0O0.0O0 feet of lumber. MAT Ml VO PAJIAMA. If ths 'right sort of arrangemsnta can ba made the steamer Nome City, belong ing to the California dt Oregon Coast Steamship company, will be placed la commission this fall and winter carry ing lumber from Paetfte coast ports to Panama, where s new railroad la now under construction. Should It be deter mined by the company to a a bar for thla purpose her houses will be removed, la order to put her In eondltloa for taking on aa much lumber aa posslMs. With a few alterations, tt Is claimed, that aha could be made, to carry at least 1.IU.MI feet of lumber. . George XX Oray, general manager of the company,, passed through Portland last night On hla way to the sound, where ths Horns City la lying, and It la understood that before he returns the may ho bartered for the pur- Indicated. Mi. Oray was acoom- panted by B. SV Hough, consulting oor gloeer for the Una . Ths - Nora City made one trip to Noma during ths early part of the sum mer, and upon her return she waa tied up at Seattle, where oho boa been lying ever since. Last winter shs mad sev eral tripe between Portland and San Francisco for. the Oregon Railroad dt Navigation company, taking oar of the surplus freight which ths regular line of steamer wars unabla to handle. If not placed on tha Panama run It Is pos sible that aha will bo operated again durlns: tba flomlns winter between Port' land ami the California metropolta, al though tt la explained that this step has not as yet been given any serious ooa alderatlon. Tha steamer Alliance, operated by the name company, -will aalt tomorrow night for the Bay City and way porta, xtnonr k other freight she wilt take out 11.000 feet of piping for a new water works system, which la being Installed at Myrtle Point, aoar. Coos Bay. . , : ' ' - " Astoria, - Sept M.--Wlnd aouthsaat: weather cloudy; bar smooth, thick fog outside, v i t ' Arrived at 4 a. to. and left up at l:4ta- m. Sfeamer Oolambto. from San Francisco. St Johns. Sept It. Passed at a. m. British shrp Wray Caatla, schooner S. T. Alexander. ' . ' Astoria, Sept 1. Arrived In at 11 a. m. British ablp Hartfleld, from Baa Diego. 1 Astoria. Sept, 1. Arrivsd down at Id a. m. Schoonsr Church Hi Loft vp on 1 mVdonar Churchill. Left up at 1:0 Wrap Castle. British Ship Arrived at 4:11 p. m. British Bskasont, from Saa Diego. Arrivsd at .4:10 p. m. French Ship bask Pierre Lotl, from Honolulu. Arrived at 4:10 a. m. Schooner Sou lah, from Redondo, ' Arrived at 4:10 p. m. Steamsr Boa, from San Fraaetoco. Saa Franolaeo, Sept M. Arrived at f a, m. gteamer Klder, from Portland. San Franclaco, Sept 14. Sailed at t a. m. Steamer Aurella, for Portland. Sailed s at noon. Steamer Acme, for Portland Saa Diego, Sept . Sailed yaator Aay Britlah . ahip Olauous, for Port land, , , -. . - . . -4 .;. AJT "WaTFAXB us. At meeting of the Carpenters', Rlg- snd Shtpllnsrs' , union ysstarday afternoon. Contractor A. Melntoah was plaoed ons the unfair Hat Tha labor men aay that the action waa taken be cause ths contractor to employing none but non-union man la the wont of clean ing and painting the tug Tatoosh. - which waa taken on ths drydock Saturday af ternoon. They also declare that he has cut ths wage aoale more than half, as ha la paying hla employee 11 cents so hour, while the regular union scale Is cents aa hour. It to alleged that the contractor has employed four members of the Tatooah'a crew, and tha others he st work for blm .were plokod up around ths dock. It to admitted thaf the character of the work that to being done to the Tat- toooh dose not rsejulrs skilled labor. M. T. Wlfsress, osshtor for the Fort- land Astatlo Steamahlp company at Hongkong, passed through ths Olty last night en. routs to Vancouver, B. C. wher ha mtsnds to anend a six month' vacation. . Ha arrived at San Franolaoo few days ago on the oriental liner Oaells, and wbils passing Shanghai re ports that ho saw tha Russian cruiser Askold. which put Into that port several weeks ago badly- damaged. Mr, Wll- gr- states that several shells pene trated her steel oldea just above- the water Hue, and ths haeael looked to be a hopeleaa wreck. At the time ha toft tha cruiser waa sdlng dismantled. - ATTIRE F0I -t--aC HVeUl- e fl-- HOT MEETING IS SORE TO RESULT TJnless J. W. " Thompson, secretary ef tbo Lewis and Clark Fraternal Building aaaoolatlon, withdraws from his position st a meeting of the board of directors of tbo corporation tonight, four or Sve of the director have threatened to resign. This action will com only after a com plete Investigation of ths charges whlrh have been mads against Secretary Thompson Hs to not only aecussd of attempting to force Jdra. Xou Cornell, to resign as a member of the board of directors but hs Is also ebarced With sn attempt to force ths business, men of this city to advertlss In a prospectus of ths fair, supposedly- gotten up by the fraternal societies, under threat that unless they advertised they would bo boycotted by the fraternal organisations. J. B. Wsrlsln, ths president of tha organisation, has tendered hla resigna tion aa-president, and says ba will In sist that It be accepted tonight. - "Our original proposition waa that wo wars to erect thla building without th esalstauoo of any ether means than by our own snorts," said he "It waa aleo aoread that no .officer of the or- gaataeUoa waa to reeelve a salary, hut Thompson has boon lawtrumsntal la starting a miovsmsnt In that direct loo since his election, although ba declared before his nomination that hs did aot desire any salary. "Since then ho has atartad out with a proposition to secure advertlssmsnts from morehanta for a pro pectus ha is getting up, purporting to be authorise! by the fraternal organlsatlona our or ganisation refused to authorise him to do this. Ha goes to ths merchants with the argument thst anises thsy adver tlss with blm their names will be pub lished among ths societies and their stows wtlt 'ba boyeottsd.- "I will aot a tend for aay such work. neither will ths board of director To night I expect soms Interesting develop ment, should Mr. Thompson still refuse to resign." ' ,. PURE FOOD CONGRESS BEGINS AJ ST. LOUIS ' fJeersal Special servlee.) St. Louis, Mo., Sept It. Th Interna tional Furs Food oongrsss and eighth annual convention of ths National As sociation of Stats Dairy and Food Com mis loner began today In Congress hall at the exposition. Delegates from msny fore lam countries wars present, and with them msny eminent personages of th United States. The. chief purpose of their work to to oseursj the snaotmenl and enforcement of national and state legislation to preveot- the adulteratiou of foodatuffe. - The convention waa called to order by President J. W. Bailey at I o'clock this morning. To the sdaresssa of welcome reepOABS was mad by A. H. Jones, Il linois tale food sommlssionsr. secre tary of Agriculture Wilson will addrsss th convention on ' wsdnaadsy. which has been leabzneted as "Pur Food Day," by th si position management. y SULTAN OF TURKEY BECOMING INSANE ' (tarsal ssel! senses.)'.'' ' ' Soda, Sopt. It. A special agent, who la maintained In Constantinople ssnds th startling Information that Sultan Abdul Ham Id Is suffering from aa Incurable mental disease, akin to that which af fected King Louis II of Bavaria. He adda that aertoua s vents ' are about to occur at the Tlldla Kiosk. Under ths leadership and presidency of Isset Pasha the most prominent par aonagea of the palao hav met to dis cuss the question of dethroning the aul tan. These men do not form a bat meditate no revolution, hut are Im pelled by the Idea of ridding theli coun try of a rulef whose mind to nbal snosd. ' ' v 'j - - - GATES EXTRADITION ' CASE IS PROCEEDING (sfMbl Shwsteh to Ta sssrasil Vancouver, B. C, Sept. In th Oetee oase Judge Sols dismissed tbo ap pltoattoa this morning relative ta hab eas corpus and sptradltlon proceeding will continue. Gertie Johnson waa discharged on habeas corpus proceed ings. Th point waa raised that aha did not procure in Canada and was therefore out of Jurisdiction. Ostsa to cbsrgod with bringing a young woman from tha United States to Canada for other than lawful purpose purpose. Allso and Lswtt Beat Bras. A CHARMING STORY One of tbo prettiest plays that wilt ha eeen In Portland thla season to "Sweet Clover, which somes so the Morquom Grand for two alghto, beginning tomor row. It to a rural story Interestingly told, and tha first scene to tha Interior of Farmer Hotoombo'o pretty City folks who aummor In tha little Connecticut farm near by, love to visit tha Jerome Holoombe farm. Mrs. Bm mst, her niece; Bunny And re we - and Bldrldgs Orosvsnor. a young capitalist, are among the most frequent visitors. Sunny likes Jach Hamilton, a Ttephaw of Abigail Holcmba, Jerome's spinster slater, wbo herself has an old beau. Job Maeson, wbo has been "a-lsedin' up to It f MILIUM I,,, ' J '. y ; , i b ii imja i hi n 1 1 imswl HERO OF SAN JUAN IN BAR-ROOM SCRAP John - TV Collins, - who - carried the American flag at tha head of the troops st the bstUs of San Joaa hUl vntU three lapajileb bullsta told him tow, waa before Judge Hogua thla morning on a abarga of flghtrng. .1 Th testimony m the case showed that Collins waa In Brlckson's saloon yesterday and got into an altsrcatlon with Jam. Uirnh. u M-nrla dshter. Murphy tried to whip Collins, but the "rough rider" was mors than holding his own. when two of Murphy's sssoclstes. MpJ . Cmmmmm mnA ThnMI ICacnn. Jumped In. About that time Policeman Jones srrlvad, but Collins did not neea th offlosra aaalaUnco. aa ne naa ail MAN EATING SHARK IS CAUGHT BY GIRL While fishing ta Blk ereek, aoar See- yeaterday Anna Blaasy, 11 years sf ago, caught a young nsan-eatltig hark which fought viciously before aubmlttlng to capture, Ths animal wstghad SO pounds and waa 9 foot la length. II waa brought to tha city museum this morning by J. L. Hawso, A postal clerk on the Aatoria St Columbia river railway, and attracted a large crowd of spectators. Col. L. L. Hawkins and F- J. Bresee, taoadermlst. peonounced tt a man-eating shark aftsr consulting a number of authorities. Others, how- UCll BOOMERS : BACK FROM TRIP Ths Portlenders who attended the Orsnto Pasa meeting ef the Oregon De velopment league have returned noma enthusiastic aXtr a mora eatenelve trip then they at flrat planned. After the meeting at Orants Pasa Messrs. Case, Cornea and Richardson were taken by Dr. Ray of Med ford for a drive over land from Medford to Ashland; President m. U Smith took a long drive with Mr. Careena of Orants Pasa through tha or chards of Josephine county, and B. B. Beekman went over to Jacksonville, the county at of Jackson county, to spend Sunday at his old tons -Thsra has been a gradual dsvalop- atent In southern Oreeron. and her p - u let ton la growing s-wlr," said K, Beekman, "io peops asot 1m Because) wre pay mora attention to tha requirements of Jurenilesi than others do, wt ars best abla to supply their needs. ' ' Excepting Shoes, we solve every problem of Boys and Youths' Outfitting except individual choice. - ' We" provide all fradea, weights, sues and style of Boys Cloth ., ing and Headwear in pricea to meet every purse and consistent With honeet gooda, IN OUR BASEMENT DEPARTMENT WE OFFER 7 Boys sturdy schoolsvitSllSelSSJS . r MAIN FLOOk . ' - I Boyt finest InistcT Ib-oiwa, Saflor Not! oDC, '- , ! s Doiibk Breasted Suits, three to twelve I 7 , years. . ..- r. -w . . , JiOO to $10 , ; ' - i i 7 .yovths Colkie Sults-very -.lx.:nnWBe S&50 to $2000 Missed i'- . THE QUALITY STORE, 'Yon Get Your Morieya Worth Hare for N ysara. Orosvenor. la bis fre- nitant vlalla has fallaa In lov With Lola and confides hla secret to Jerome and ask for permission to spsaa to Lola Ths old man puts him off. Tears before, when Lola waa a babe, her mother rah away with a celebrated or ttmt mnA AtA without L1b ever knowlna her. Bat Lata haa met by accident and fallen la leva with a handsome young artist named Slsdo. Ths father has reared tbo girt in fear that aha may follow her mother's way. Slado hon- tt Invaa th mirl and wlShSS tO make her hla wife, but bo has to go abroad and aaka bar aa a nartlna favor to ooms out of ths house arter bedtime and ki hla Th lbvers are de tected by the father, aa Blade vanish through tbs gardea gate. The 010, man uvhimi th rl of wroaodolna. and tolU her ths story of how bar mother ran away wuh an artiet names visa. Lois say a "It was Orosvsnor and 1 hub m maW Mm." Ths scene changeo to th beautiful to- tsrtor of Mrs. Kmmet's city noma, aar Ingths.progrssa of a tableau party. In rhifh ltm ba ' air. Oroavanor. at tends. Albert Slads has returned from hi. tttn atwiaA thr ha warn the salon nrlae with his famous painting, "A Memory." The old lovers ara surprised st meeting here, and Slads wttngs tbs truth from her. Tbo scene shifts to tha palatial hma as ih drMMnari after tha nartr Tha Kuaheind'a auanielona are arouaed. He -has told Lois not to wait op for him. The husband changes bis mind i nutlvM ta atav. hut seeks ths nlerht air as a solacs to his bitter thmivht. Ivila. sn nsallaso. dlaturbed at her husband's eeolneaa, dsoosads fee xhamher ta aAmfort him. But Slado baa followed the Oroovenors boms r4 KniiliiB th done men. durina? ths hushond'a prspafatlema to part;-waH ters. Lois is nornnea 10 nna, inww of bar husband, that oho to face to face with her old lovsr. three of hta opponents whipped. ' Ths noiioeman took both Collin and Mur phy to tha outlaw oa a charge of flght lng. After hearing Murphy"! story, which Was to ths effect that Collins had called him a Tile name and had provoked tha aaaault. Judge Hogue decided that both men were equally guilty and fined tham II i each. Cotllna' dtochsrgo from the army, which ha exhibited to Judge Hogus. shows that ha waa a member of the Second West Virginia Infantry, w wounded thro tlmee at the battle of nan Juan bill and was promoted to ths rank ef sergeant for bravery on the bsttls field. opposed to the decision. Authorities ststs that tt to the flrat of lta kind that haa ever bora hnowa to In habit north Pacific wutsru. Tbo young woman was fishing with a rod and line for rook cod at ths Urns. Shs felt something taks the hook sod wss enable to move her catch. Finally, however, after oeveral swells from the 00 saa oh saw that b large flan had been hooked and rushed Into the water, which was up to her waist. Shs seised the shark by the tall and ths animal snapped and bit furiously. Her calls for help finally attracted a number Of men who went to her assistance. growth during fha next year or two. An Increase of population to Beaded to develop the splendid rseoureso of Jack son and Josephine counties. Ths Orants Pass mooting waa th largest that has been held by the lea sue sines Its Portland con rest Ion. Speeches were made by all of the Portland men, and were received with much favor. Mr. Comsa made two good talka on the trip. Preeldent Cake of th Portland Commercial club la said to have aur passsd his previous fins efforts In bis complete exposition of development work before the Orants Pass audience, Mr. Blchardsow gav a practical talk upon methods.. "Our trip wss sffeetfv,' say Mr. Richardson, "along tbo line of amu' ths clthtens of Orants Pass. Me. , and Ashland to the Imparlance as w ganlaatloa and work.' T' .e-OCS) B-nitA.-) t"9f , " I : S1ARVELCUS YIELD "-CUB.. TIB (speetal Dlsptteh to Ths Jarst Bagens, Or.. Sept. It. What Is saM to ha tbo best bop yard In the world to that owned by George A. Dorrta. living near Eugoao. Hla yard covers IS acre, situs ted oa tha Willamette river, where ths eoll to sxossdmgly rich. Thla rear Mr. Dorrto barvaated moro than I.1M pounds of hops to tha aero, which, ooa sldsring ths xtrsasly dry siasoa, to a remarkable yield. In leS ha ratosd mora than S.SM pounds to the oore. la mora than M" pounda to tba acre, and In ltsl mora than, 1,IM pound to th aero, making an average of t,od pouada to tha acre hi for ysara. 1 . 'N Whllo -Mra. Henry Hopkins of this city and her eon, Joe, were riding la a buggy between Kugsns and Springfield. Saturday afternoon, their horse , ran away and threw them heavily to the ground. . Mra Hopkins' right leer was broken. Ths hoy. waa not Injured, BOAT OVERTURNS AND ; TWO ARE DROWNED (Opeefel Mepetct to ths JasraaL) Ytotorla, B, C. Sept. Wbtl aaO- Ing In aa unballasted snip's boat from tha British ship Btythsswood. the boat was upssl by a scasll off Albert Hood, yesterday afternoon, and two of tha party of oevea drownea and one other E missing. Th drowned are Ssrgeant Major Churchard, who tried to awlm ashore, and Sergeant atodloott. whA lost consdousnssa and sunk la tha ley wa ter. Both men were of the Royal en gineers of fhsYIct6rta garrison.' The iMtauriner man (a tba second mate, who atartad to swim to tba ship ssvsral miles distant. Tbs survivors were reseoed by tha stsam launch Shamroest, which wag re turning front Reos Bocks, .when oho slghtsd ths overturned boat.' Ths res Mies Blaaure-akrB were almost dead from the cold and la another 1 mlnutsa would all probably havo drowasd. 1 " fSjinhl PWpelifc to The JearssL Mk V.klM Waahu. Bant. IS. Whlla elAwlnei dOWTs tA nut Off frSlaht at Yakima late Saturday eight, freight train ST wan oraanaa wio oy a ngn w glna following. Btmkema D. W. Steele i.iu -mrm ataiwiin an ths rear of tha cabooae waa pinned under the wreckage. which took nrs ana no wss aiowiy reasteu a naiik . TrwA bov oars loaded with wheat, together with tba osboooe, wara totally deetroyeo. After hotag out for oao hoar, the) Jury hi Judge Sears oourt trying Ttwnanea J. Brvant for bursrlarv. brousht In a verdict thla afternoon of not guilty. Th rlsonsr waa oer ended oy Atrarnay Arthur C Dayton. Bryant waa ac cused of stealing goods valued at flM from Dr. C H. RaSsrty oa July ltv BXtog OF F fasaetal Doipstob s Tss tiwsil ) rhnv. Wash. Sent, It. Mr. RoO Msnlg. aged 7. died yesterday of. pa rs! vsi a. Bho leave a huabaad and three children. (Jew sal Bpssfal sWries.) WaabtnaTtoa. eton. S. Ths Dreetdewt today eat aside the aantenco of Private Edward Skow, sentenced to he heutged for desertion ta too pnmppiaee, aaa ordarad hla releaaa. BXP TO MM OFBBTSm, Thr lli be a aneetlno of the Lewto and Clark CenUimlal Bxpoaltton 00m mlssloa Friday evening for the purpuao nt otsaninsr bids for the oonstrwntloa of tbrs buildings st tbs fair. The build- in are the machinery, electricity ana transport t loo building. tha .mtatzag building and the festival halL ' (Sveetal 0tta to Tss JssrssLt Cottaoe Orove. Or., Seot. Orove'a new aewer sye'-o will he pieted within two It w complete and afford the city vtoo for years to eosns. to . 1 c