V". THE OREGON .DAILY . JOURNAL PORTLAND, MOKDEY FVT'?IKa SBPTEKETR, t, VI tm HOLD-UP ft. MEN ARE BONDS PUT UNDER r (it MVt fwfrcclir StWf a PnTJr flfftrw iot iueir viaua -Appear m tuuri-riuw Not Guilty After Confessing Oime 4" Tbe wen attempted to hold up polleo is Taylor at 11:10 o clock this mom I'Jva) Charged with asannlr with Jntent to yJ rob Policeman Thorn TuUr, Will'am v ,W Bo, en and Jthn Moraan m thia '4-v ' rniag ViUMk1 Left - VunlUpal ,!4 Judge Bogus Tbsy entered pi of iW (fetid ta await t.e .cjcji cf ttm grand ?'.-:$- tT oader. bond of tl.eoe each. .1 .-"V , 5 i man Taylor Inf at Twelfth and Morrison atroeta ;.; , They wan masked and Bowon waa - , 4' armed with a loaded S-eallbra revolves, !;, ,In tlM daikacaa they failed recognise 'f their Intended victim aa a poltoeren:. ,",,;H waa readr and oevartas taam with . 'hi ravolvar forod tm to throw up ' rthctr. Jtaada and took Utaia to Ua city '' ; '.Jait , -c - , -. - ; AltkoDth Mfora Jufla Hofoa both maa plcadad aot vulltr and walvad pia ' llaOnaiT faarina. thay eonfaaad to Ty ' lor, Daptitr Dtatrlct ' Attaraar Hanr and otb4T ,ptwaa that H waa with Ch V V in t ant Ion af koldtna' up and robbing v aoma ona that thar 'went forth laat . . Blsht; that bmy fullr vurpoaad making vlatlai a the pcrtteafoaa aa they naadud lnoa7 Thejr (ail ad to aottoa nla atar , ' untU tby fad him. Thalr anddea ehanga of front fftthar. stwciUaC tba of Aolaia, -i- .' .' V 1 , - ' VMM Kava UMlMfc . ' : The nmaka, tfaa ravolvar and all of ' Iha aftacta of tha vea, la tha poaaaaalo " at tha tlma of thejr aaptura, axa In tha hand of tha polloa and will ba ttaad :t pateat tha prtaonara im tha oirauU : oourc " V . i Bo waa 4a Partlaad1 nan. bavin m wlfa and a rar old daua:btr. Ha haa (- aoma ' property. A month t ha ap piled to X3putt ZMatrlot Attorney Uaney tor a waJTant for tha arraat of hi wlfa, ,ut Invaatlcatlon did not Juattfy tha of- flcUla 1 oomplFtaK. Ha waa undav ar raat oo a ohaxga af aaaault and battary on hla wlfa. but sha rafuaad to proaaouta and ha waa dlamlaaad. Ha Mapaotad ly eama front Prorldanoa, R. L Both ha and Bowan any thia Is thalr nnt at- tampt at hold-up work. ' T had a hard Urn to maka tha nan Taylor, ro talllna of tha captnra. "I waa wajktnc toward tha eantrai a tattoo, aa I ' hod ran In any loot jreport for tha nlarbt at tba patrol box. I walkad alon by a blab board fanoa on Twalfth atratft. wbara It waa pratty dark. 1 paw tba two snaa dodva Ipto a vacant lot, and aaw taay wora maaka. I than vraparod for notion, 1 walkad atamdliy alont un til Z raaahad tham, Tbay madir a mbva to oonfront ma. and Bowan waa Juat at tlna JU roVolvar raady. to oovtr ma whan I turnad and fnoad tha two. Tbay my atar for tha flrat tlma. and Bowan dried uu Mr Oodl H a aa affioarl' . - - M Tbrow p you handa and drop your vun quick!' X cornmaadad. and Bowan ! "i :'- ' ' POL 1C KM AW THOMAS TATLJOR. a lboalomploymont a pent of payins ttn- duo notloa to Mra. Bowan. Ha aaeurad n ravolTer, want to tha man'a oAoaand thraatanad to kill both him and hla boo If thay avar acaln oat foot la hla bouaa. No arraat was avar mado for thia. nfernmn la from Saattla. accordfn t hla own atatamant. Ha amy ha orlatnal- Thf Store That Sells th Best Goods st the Lowest Prices." Women's Ready-jto-Wear y ' - GARMENTS'. i: Captivating Creations, Dainty, Exclusive ' ; Nothing Prettier, Nothing , Dressier v-: A showing of the beautiful new -apparel which fashion's most critical followers will wear this season. W take much pride in presenting them, for seldom have garments expressed so much style, so much grace and so much material worth, The best thoughts of the, world s cleverest designers are em bodied iif these garments, ' They constitute- the most, superb slock af women's outer attire it has ever been our pleasure to. present and your privilege to see. It may not be your inten tion to buy at present, nevertheless we want ytra to visit the rjepartment and see just what is 'td comprise the wardrobe of the, faultlessly dressed woman this fall Our popular price methods are even more- pronounced than formerly. J v. , . ; . HUNDREDS RliJST STAY AWAY Third -Week of School Year i Begins ,Undeft Dis &i trcssing; Qrcomstances 596 ; Pupils Arc Idle 642 on Half Instruction. On tha bpaninc day of tha third woek droppad tha rarorrar. i tnan naa to hof th fall term in tba city achoola tharo ara atill St pupila without Inatruotton and-14) era raoatvlnc only half loatrwo- tlon. At tha More tuna tha taxpayara ara paytna iu.& -a day for taacharr aalarlaa to lnttruotora ; who ro not worklna. i " ' , 4 At tba Cltnton Kally Mhooi 14 mt- piia ara- unabla to attend ochool on ao aount of .tha uaflnlahed eondltkm of tba bulldlna', and at tha Atklnaon ochool thara aro 4M hlldrpn who ara wltbout Inalruottoa. Of 'tha numbar who have to do with only half tnatruotien, tM ara at tha Clinton Kelly, pl,ot tha Brooh lyn and S4 at tha Atklnaon. Thia mornlna- tho hA ochool raopenad and tha building fa crowded. Too hoat lac apparatua la working aatlafactorlly. AUbouah ratumn of tho attondanoa ware not made at a lata hour to tho oAto of tha city auperlntendeat, it la ex pected that tha numbar of pupUa In at tendance will exceed that of tha Srafe week, whan tho reoiitratloa waa1 fit. - H Acuity with tha heatlna apparatoa at tha new ochool building on Twenty ftrat and Ralatgh atreeta. whloh throat-1 NEW TOURIST AND STREET COATS Every express the put week brought us the newest ideas In Street Coats covert, cheviots, Venetians . or .broadcloths, 90 . to 60 inches long, the new tour ist effect-also Blouse and Long Coats in tan. : We have them from $10.50, fl2.50, f 15, f 17.50, f25 and f35. it. --V THE NEW SUITS ' We will place on sale Mon 'day 200 new Tailor-made 8uits, in the popular blouse, Norfolk or 30-inch jacket, or medium long' tourist effect, plain or fancy mixtures, very newest skirt, m aide or box plaits, al sixes; very exclusive styles.' i , f 15.00 We show the larg est assortment of Suits in this popular price to be found in the city; every late style, all the popular cloths, more elegance for the money than usually found at the price, : A Misses Suits, ages from 1ft to 16. Perfect fitting Suits at mod erately low prices. m, -. -. The Newest In Dress Goods v v THE LATEST WEAVES IN LATEST COLORS - m meaofe eonld ho ante fomiiB hoao now weavao aaC oatorkaawi Vat yon know -that nhoy a era, and wo tn-rtto ywa to aema and aea theaa.. tt lo InwpaawJhla daoorlbo tha many beaottfol fabrlaa td aha UmHad apaoo of now ana paa ejuMmnoanuart. who now Tuathow Sflrawna, Oaten sun, Smrnt Omngo, mandarin, raralfal nrna and maroH wvoano ara alliae tag a swat deal of attaaUom and wo ana ahowlnr Vbaoo ravovlte nhadon In many SoanUfol olotho. Vbio week- on oaaraatlTa Unaav with thohf .nmnaottaw piteen, mm maw at yaw. ; , l. , , . y. - amv com-varva m mm svema xa m om jr arrmaTwon. , ' - - amnunwanmaawfrnwrnawmaamn- punch blm in tha atomaoh twice with my ravolvar before ho would nut tiim baJM un Ha wanted to argue about il than called to tho people In tba Colonial houee. They not l fled headquartara, and Captain Bailey, with Sergeant Carpenter and Officer Price, eama with the wagon. 1 thought from tho flrat that tha two man ware not out for any good purpooe, aa thay noted auspiciously. When I aaw thay worn maaka X determined to captnra them, and am S'ad I waa abio to do ao without bains hurt or having to klU ona or both of them." ' Polioemaa Taylor la ono-of tha yotmg oat man on tha foroo, but l aoeradltad with being on of tho moat oompatent and bravo. This W hi second note worthy captnra, A year ago ho ne- caedad la landing two telephone-box rob ber a In Jail, after a ohaaa of many piooka and after firing fire enote at them- They were convicted and oerved terma Hi the county Jail. Ha raconUy auccaaafally paaaad an erajnlnaUca for tha poaiuon of aargaant. Lnt aorlnr Taylor had narrow ea- capa from being eerloualy Injured- Kob boro having entered a houaa on tha cor ner of Main and Eleventh atreeta at an early hour tn the morning. Taylor and Jailer L.1M18 ware aent by CapUla of Po lice Bailey to try to run down tho man. Tho offtcere ran all tha way to tho houaa from tha polloa atatton, hot tha robbers fled before tho patrolman arrived. While looking In a dark bail for - aoma doe. Taylor fall down tba rear atnlrwoy. Ha had luat exclaimed. "Thia la tha why tho man escaped!' Taylor waa badly Jarred, but waa not eerloualy injured. , ; SECOND YEAR OF ,i THE GAELIC SCHOOL Tho Oaella school opened Its second scholastic year laat night at Ita head quarters.. Seooed and Stark greets, with aadreeeao by prominent aone of iraiana. A large audlenoe waa In attendance. - J. J. McCarthy, tho prlnolpaJ. In a brief talk announced tba deal re of tha directors to hold a grand ball for tha benefit -Of the eehooL He aynopalsad tha work of the Institution during tha past year. Of lta benefits ho Said that tha school aerved not only to give a knowl edge of tha Irish language, literature and music, but It had tha affect of bringing together tha members sf tho race In Portland and teaching them to work for thdlvation of the race. , Professor W. H. Tterney of Columbia university gave an excellent address on the methodsused by tha eastern orgaot sntlone relative to- the promotion of Irish societies .' , Professor Uorrtn spoke ,st considera ble jength of tha beauty of tha Oaello toftjrue and tha bright proapaota of lta cultivation In the future. Professor Morrin, who u ft. noted Irleh author, pkdged his support to theachool. ; Tha Iter. Dr. Anselm of Mt Angel collage, who hea bean ' atudytna; tinder M MoCartby for soma time, touched oiu.the simplicity a.nd Jntrlnalo worth of the Irish language In tho field of philology. The school will be open every Sunday at 1:10 p. m, Vitttora aro welooma. -. v WOMEN SINGERS. ARE NO LONGER ENGAGED " fearaal Special Sarrka.) - . New York. Bept. II. Woman singers have finally seen excluded from choirs In tha Roman Catholic churches of New fork, -and tha -Gregorian ehanta replaoe music which heretofore has bean part of tha mass. The order making tho changes went forth to tha head of every Roman Catholic church dlooeao through Arch bishop Parley, and waa issued in accord ance with ona of tha flrat of tha pub lic inatruetlons of tfaa new pope, direct Ing and correcting abuses which had crept into tho musical part of liturgical functions In Roman Catholic churches. Already tho changes have been made In many of tha churchee of Europe, but no action has heretofore been taken in thia oountry. . - oned to cause the ' dismissal of the school daring tho latter part M laat week has been remedlad by tba atartlng of the fwrnaoas which wars eomptecea Saturday. All of tho pupils of this aohool assemhled for work thia morn ing and found tha building oulta pom- fortabla. Reports from tho Cltnton Kelly aohool today ara to tha effect that tho entire building wlU. be raady (or oooupaooy to morrow. r '' Work Is alac being rushed at tha tadd aohool. Superintendent Rlchw and tha teachers ara becoming vary Impatient and aro Insisting that tha work shall be completed oo that the children may amenable In tho buildings aa soon as poaslblo. Thay realise that aa Injus tice Is aot only being suffered by ther puplla but by tha taxpayers of tha city. Thara win ha a meeting of tho city hoard of education ftbla evening and soma Interacting developments aro nrom- leed. Ia all probability an explanation wlU be demanded of thoss who are re sponsible for the delay In completing tha work; on the different school Build ings. - ' , T BURGLAR ESCAPES; POLICE ARE LATE While tho aoadouartor patrol wagon was harrying to tha reaidenee of O. XL a. Wood, tha well known attorney, at Mad ison and Ford streets, at d o'clock thiol morning, carrying a squad of policemen. a burglar who bad beam endeavoring to effaat an . entraaoe to tho house took fright and? mads Ma eeeapo Whan tho officers reached the scene ha had got sway Only a minute before aa been tampering with tho front does. -'4 Tho household waa awakened ahortly after 4 'dock bx, tha burglar trying to gee in. mi sept woraing at ina iron door sntll tha lights wars turned on and ha became aware that his presenoe was known. Ho did not know, however, that a talephono message had been Peat to polios headquarters and that a wagon load of policemen were ooming at a rapid rats. , Tha polteamon searched tho neighbor hood, hut In vain. Tha burglar had nod. UNIOUE REC62D IS flASHED T nun op aoxvoom nivrauow ato. 'oa XUXTK vsAZdi pnovuAa ooauivioa ear APPAzns xar , acmooa saaaaua. VMsnzsTfi. aom wu maorioa. Mt V ITALIAN DRUNK v i fe USES HIS KNIFE Aftar pleading guilty to a charge of druDkenneas. Benedetto Sohulll was to day also charged with aaaault with in tent 'to kill Domlnlp Manicmi with a knife. . Trouble arose between the two yeatesday, resulting In a fight, Poring the f my. a knife was aaad and Hsncino reoelred severs atabs In tha arm and hand. Ha la at St. Vincent's hospital. Tho trouble between tha Italians arose over alleged talea thay are alleged to have' circulated against each other. They met at fifth and Sheridan treeta yeetarday afternoon and hot words vers quickly followed by the stabbing. , , ... a i . SAVAGE RITES 2 MW FOR CHIEF JOSEPH ; (Spsrisf Mspatdk te Tea Jbaraatr J ' Spokane, Wash., Sept Indiana are riding in great numbers to tho funeral of Chief Joseph. A band of S0 Nea Percos and Blackfoot Indiana passed through hero thia morning to danco and feast at tho funeral at Nesptlem. U will be the largest gathering of In dians for fd yeora,.. Mora than C.aoe, with provisions for ejws months, are on tha march from points In Idaho, eastern Oregon -and Washington. Tha data of the funeral la not yet oat. ; , 4'.,' IfipMlal totimtA tn 1st fearaat) Blberton, Wash.. Bept U. Mrs. Sarah C Kllla. aged 44 years, died at her home on Tennessee Plat yesterday. Aha was the mother of nine children, all of whom survive her. ,Tho funeral was avmxmn at siunoso. ''"V.r. ftpeetsl MsaeMi te the Jnanel.) v Hnishro, Or.. Sept , Tha funeral of Padds Carstana was held hero yes terday. Ha waa n Oanoan, I years of age, and had lived tn this county 14 years, mostly on a farm at Baaka fU loft ante chlliiran. 0 It dcvclobsd in tho suit of school district No, 41 against I Ferdinand Floss, on trial this morning before Cir cuit Judge Praxer, that soma merry leetlons have occurred la the district. The. old records wars Introduced, anew Ins that threa men had neon allowed to Tots, though paying no taxea la tha dis trict and having no children, because one of tham pulled off hla sent and threat- aneo to near the onairmaa. Tha report was signed by the 'seers tary, whoso words brought on tho row. and by thc eh airman, who thereby ad mitted that ho waa afraid of tha man of puglllatic tendency. Tho reading of th minutes of tho meeting by Attor ney George W. Joseph, who appears for tho district, caused so much laughter la court that the ballls? had to rap re peatedly for order. Bvon tha court and jurymen could nut keep serious ooun- tenanceo. -, , , It Is averred by tha district that Sep tember at, 1801. it leased aa sore lot from Floss for years. Tha deed waa never recorded and tha dsfenuant is charged with destroying It It Is fur ther charged that on tho night of May ft, lfOI, ho want an tho land and des troyed an outhouse. Suit is brought to recover damagea for tho destruction of tho outhouse and to have the - l made a matter of record, (ha defendant to bo enjoined from further, interfer ence by tho district, Attorney Joseph Introduced all tho rec ords of tho district, inaludlae the min utes of tho meetings held. Under date of March, Is, 1892, It contains tho fol lowing record, . signed . by Chairman Luke James and Clerk P. Plop: "Before any vote waa east, tba Dis trict clerk made objections against soma persons as being alleged voters' being present at tho meeting, who had no children at all and who had no property In the district on which they did pay a tax en When Charlie Llndemana rose up and said tha remarkable words; That ho has no children and he never paid tax yet, and bo would Ilka to aea who stops him hers from voting.' Mr. C. Undemann did pull hi eoat off sod of fer tho chairman. -James Luke, a good licking. Thara were three rnea at the meeting who- never paid a tax and who had no children Charlee vndemana, Henry Llndemann and Frederick -Han son. But tho chairman seemed to so afraid of them and ho oast their votes. and by such means Charles Llndemann and Christian Ressmussoa were elected as directors, and William Butler i clark. livery motion made for the throe men to elect them aa officers waa and baa bean not seconded." - .mMmmmw PRuamzoa: ansa. 5 - Dotmold, Germany, Sept, J. Count Xrnest Casimlr Frederick, regent of the principality af Uppe, is dead, at tba ago of 41 years. ECZEMA :, aufff rers. ream what ' zens Hvdro and. CLTCOOrTC have -dona tor a caiecnioa jouraeju ia ne weom. rtetOaaaMswtiea) W Mr, oo at aeaiMW M yw WyO. 1M lad Ulrttn Mt ftnlf reJI4 bat KbMtvtahl ""W) Jr., Kama Sl, n. Y, nm trial aettlae af Hi d naa we and myosaaaa sent on ractiot of ik. Is car eipreatage. ThoMprtperatleaaem hana leea.retpowerralctrrnicldea. aaad by lead ing ahysklaea. .3eM ky ataf nvui, M Pitoua at. saMAreWfc a fcerimi wiish stiiaia SAYS G1S IflFE mm mm ipow acasar WAjrsa arme. VATauav XBSb aV09S VROSROVTRR FOR Rlw - AaTT yv wmRlRSa OOVsTW OLsTRsT :.. PZR&IMI WXTR RVXWXHwR SwATnTaT . woxtaK ' f -ii'. '-.. ; ' " t. 7 K I f II 1 - a a a y 1 m m lj'. r . L ' ' ! W- " VWr w- n Q Ccich Cold IfYouVBe Our - Turkish Vepor It quickly removes all Impurities from the skin, opens-the clorted pores and restores, the circulation to. 'its natural healthy condition. ; . v- , -y . t . v . r x inaigesnonfjiianeyiirouDies J.... Art quickly removed. We sell our cabinets on a axarmntee - v-CA ,i.r For 3-t Ceri& You can have is your own room M home, either a fr:-'. tMimwiat MEDICATED, Russian ; . , z; --y t-V,Y:r -,our Stylei of Cabinet-, An OoooVV' We pay freight to any railroad station in the northwest. r Rend for our catalosrue of Bath Cabineta, r v v 4 . -popular-Price Druggists, Fourth and Wsahmgton Streets. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Writing from -Freeno, Cat, to County Clark Prank a. Plaids, . J. X. Oreea pre- fers a serious chares ' against Mra Nathaniel Rico, whom bo deolareo was his legally wedded wife when aha mar ried fiiea. .Ua inoloaea their wedding certificate and a letter he sara waa writ- tan nlm by tha pre cent Mrs. Rice as avl denoa of tho truth of- his charges, and requests that thay be turned over to tho district attorney and tho woman prose cuted for her alleged offense. . Oreen wrote the county clerk relative to the wedding of Rlos and Maggie Mc Danlell early la April. Ha said -llo- Danlell waa tho maiden nams - of hla wife, which she resumed after desert ing him. Mr. Fields aearefaed tho roo- orda and April It aent .Oreen a oommmv loation to tha effect that Rico and Mag gie atcDanloU wars married January X. Inclosed tn tho communication to Mr. Fields Is a letter signed "Maggie Oreen,' written from No, 1841 street, Fresno, to Oreen. whoso address Is No. HH P street. Tho writer asked his forgive ness if sha had dons wrong, accused him of living with another woman and re quested him to call on her so that they oould maka. arrangements for a, legal separation. ; CONFERENCE WHF 61 , HELD AT HARRISBURG Beginning Thursday memlng the Co lumbia conference of tbo M. O. churuh south will be held at Harrlsburg. Bishop H. C. Morrison wlU preside, - This conference Includes tha western half of Oregon and Waehlngion. It Is expected that all the preachers of the conference will be tn attendance. Tho Rev. K. K. Mowre, 'who haa ohargs of tho work to Portland, has sloaed sis year and WlU go to Harrlsburg Wednas day. At ths conclusion of ths confer ence he will go to Missouri and Iowa to visit relatives. While east heNrlll work la tha Interest at -the. church building project. During - his absence, Mr. Mowre'd place will be Sued by -rartous ministers of this city, - -I- j,, - 1 - BAIL IS WITHDRAWN; - CHINAMAN IN JAIL liuey Tong. a Chinaman, said io be Illegally In this country, ,was given into tho custody of Sheriff Word today by a United States deputy marshal, and will be bald pending stops looking U hid as portation, v . - - " Tong was takes into custody mat Sep tember by ths authorities, and ahortly afterward . released on bonds. His bond em en want into tho federal court thia morning and draw down their ball mony, whereupon Tons waa sent td tha county jail, r . ". I ii ' 1 - MAKES APPEAL FOR ' CHRISTIAN UNITY fiilAtiAAtAiiiAAaAAAAAAAAAAiaiaaAiAAAai 1 vtmiy CSv''-:y "... a-w wi J , k- - a I A BUG W S---.'--. -Jt P" - ,,.-VY- Jr v Ths Woggls-Bua; says fin ths name tn -4 ; -v.. ;;'. 4 this santsnoat. 'Tha American people la S-4 v ; .;; caa warn mam bduu ao naa onnc weaa . w-t : kaaHsbV ., at I In Gold Given Away to 1 Public School Pupils ! j -V: ' (Sseriel Uteetahi ta The JenrstL) Washington, Bept. In tha Cathed ral grounds at Meunt St. Albans yester day afternoon, in the praeence of an Interacted audience estimated at from 10,000 to la. M0 persons. Moat Rev. Thomas RandaU Davidson, Aran blah op of Canterbury, awdS aa appeal for Christian unity. r 1 Sir Henry MOrtlmer Durand, ' Mrs. Davidson. Mrs, Hitchcock, Oeneral and Mrs. Chaffee, Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Bthel Roosevelt, Mrs. J. W. Roosevelt. P. Morgan Of New York. President Oilman and Secretary Hitchcock of tbo Oarnegm institute wars present Peacock flour always gives Sathrrae- tla and la suaraateed toy year yooec. I Clothing Firm r-lllFirstiStrli -1 ' . jf- V f r.f, V X will 3ff ,(v k-. ..J,-- $10 for first Correct Answer rcerved; $5 for Second Correct Amwer Received, end, $2 eech to the next five Correct ABewert rcefved. ; . -X'', H ;T':-aPUH ' ' jk. Portland firm that haa been esUbllshed tor elprht years In this city, put has never advertised, located on First street, between Yam- , Lnlll and Washington, carrying a HI. 000 stock; has daotded to Inaugurate a great cut price saw advertising nig, on or about uetober i. tm quae- , tloa M. Who is itt Quaes aa atnv times as you saa get k coupon. Only c pany to pupils Of Portland public schools. Contest dosed and decided September 79. no ona conn ec tea wits any newspaper m eiigioia to -mar this eontsst. Use ths attached coupon and mail or take to Tho Journal. addressing to mm. siaiasiag wusweas.. v- ' ? v..-.l" ;5-"v poawxAjra-, aapvaMaa as. lMtIU'lMUI,ltH,.l l . . .... ... ..... i ware ss awodwawiH,,,,,"-.,i AM9 OOaiieOVB 4k,4.eea . ... ......'.i. ..vi .vv .Basav os puaineaa.) (Street numbar.) 1 . ... ; i- '( J':'vreaisjaeL"ui J-i" (Tims received,) yyn'tftTfffVfyffmfttttfyttMfi'fyttytfytmsT sou m9 pmaaOor. A (BpMtal Mesa tea te The lew ml praosott, WaslL, Sept. td. Baa ITnU, a recent arrival from Chicago, - Shot himself In tho head last night on ths railroad track hers. He left a note at tributing tha aot te hard luek and .111 health. . , : ; j PA1 Of twtbs av st ' (Speelal Msaatek s Tea ?wraaL) ' Chelan, Waahq Sept. M. Twin daugh ters, one weighing S 14 and tho other S pounds, were born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Prevlartee. Tb father af ths twins is si years old. ' ' POBTSB AJTB aOWUSfiX . (Speelal Dtspsten to The Jearml.r ' '"i Colfax, Wash., BpC l-A bowHng -dlley her was raided laat night and a poker gamo unearthed. Several persona' wars found playing, and Will Martin waa arrested. It Is said to have bean a percentage gnmt This Is ths first gam bling raid made sines gambling beoamn a felony la tho tut of Washington, .. XMXvmn zar - (Spaetsl Btasawa a Ike JesraaM Rathdrum, Ida,. Sept. S4. J. Fmltar was probably fatally hart b being acci dentally struck by an Iron bar In tho Mammaih miao Saturday -: -4 'v v ' .1 . - V