A, THE OREGON DAILY jQCTNAL, PORTLAND,' MONDHY SVgfflNO, rPTKMF?H ELKD EETTi:: AoeaTO over i7: ntiXeUriorca ON THE SPORT CALENDAR BROWNS LOSE SIX IN SEATTLE DICK SMITH ARRIVES AT EUGENE FOOTBALL, BASEBALL, SPORTING. L.vaaL Ahii.gillL V.A.HwAAN t CICK sr.:iTH TAKES mm CF ELEVEN ' f FAMOUS VSAVBm UHtlTM inuniinovaf JV.'.r unvr. X J-." " A. l"; University of Orffm. Eugene. Bent 1 1ft With the CCMOltMt of th coich, - ek-k Smith, who arrived from Kalasjr- ih Falla at I o clock Saturday iwmin i raethall ursolic has bee aommmMd - in earnest. Smith waa met at tbe train r bv a crowd of enthusiastic stodsnte, who riMMTAd th eld-tim hero, in the afternoon the eosch appeared "on the field and a ahara ncactlee at formation Mars followed. The old mm and the ;'i showed tin at great advantage. Xlncald ftolo wm hard and the stays Were run quickly. " . f Smith la aoacommltal aa to the team that he will turn out, trat aara thai h likes the chances, altbounh the team ' will be handicapped by man loat by graduation. Wiseacres who hare picked . the team ear that Beld wl play hta old poaltioa at center; Kerroa and Bart, gusrds; Hun. laat year second team man who la ahowlnc up in great style, : and Mclntyre. a ISft-ponnd freshman from Ashland, tackles For the and poaltlon there r any quantity of can didate, but Chandler, last year's 'ver aity end. la almoet mire to make the team, and Hathaway, a new man from' Portland, to picked aa hie running- mate If be trlea for the poaltlon. hut ha wHl have a bis field to buck acainat. Le teurette at present aeema to have a t mortgage on the quarterback poaltlon. ' and Xuykendall, and J eh neon will be two promising- auba for thla poaltlon. Captain Templeton will either piny half or fullback and may alternate these positions with Hammond, a brother of Tom Hammond, of West- Point fame. Hammond la bis and feat, and though round would make an meal fullback, ad he punte to perfection. The other half back poaltlon at present wilt lay be tween Moore and Harris, who are both feat meq with considerable experience. Penland and McCleln are aleo promlelna; candidate for Una : positions. These - men mentioned are the moat promising material at present flint the 'vanity team will be picked from.' but there re mains any quantity of freshman ar terial that will no doubt develop Into good. If net 'varsity men. before the season to over. Oregon a flrat game will be on October I. when the alumni team will sjather at Rusene to play the ' vareHy team and remain to help de velop the player. - . .....- FCOTBALL SEASON ON AT CKEMAWA SCHOOL x fc-v 1 (taWU Mssetm M lew XearaaM - Caere wa, or., Sept. St. The, toot- ' ball eeaaon opened here Saturday In earnest, and It ta now certain that the India school will have a team In the field which will be much stronger than t: waa at flrat thought possible. In aplte of the fact that a number of . teat year's teem nave not aa yet re v turned to the school for the winter, the practice thla afternoon waa snappy and v fast. Among the new etudes t several old and experienced player, have been v, found, while there la an abundance of raw material which will be, rounded Into shape before the end of the season, T he team will be light but fa at this year. Among the old players Teabo to probably the strongest and moat reliable. At, quarter he ta quick and has the sdvan- tag of being a good field general. There were over St men out la the after-. ' noon and a good necond team has been formed. - - A number of games are under ooosld ' oration. . Inquiries have bean received - from the Multnomah dsn, Albany ool- ' lea;, the Aatorl team and others. There . " will be enough vacant datea in moat of the schedules to Insure a number . of games this season. The Cheniawa team fcaa always had - the dleadvantaeja. of not bavins grounds . st the school where games could be played.- There to no enchased fteld hers '-; , and In order to make any money It has nlwaya been neoessary for the team to go eleewher for It gamea. It la now almost certain that the electric line : will run through the school grounds. In which ease a ftaM wlU be built and with - transportation facilities bettered r the same will be more popular at the scaeoL The Salem people have always ' su ported the same in good ahape, and ' with an electric line te Cnemawa a good ' crowd eould be drawn, - The team will preetfae every after noon hereafter, Ught work will he the order for a week, after whtbh s more atrenuono practice will, .be the .rule, . Ther ta ho iteoeealty for ft training table at Chsamwa The school board la y good, aubatantlal food. As the boys all , work a half, day In the shops they can , keep in perfect sondlttoa, rV. y , - ; A '" .SOI Ul ruitv V Whi What eT you think of tftatr nftld Pete Lohmsn tM other day when be c ' waa looking aronnd for enouirh men to ; . make up a nine, after reading a mes- sage sent from Devereaux to the man ' ; agar. "Force of habit, -1 suppoae.H mused Pots. Here's Dover u beooma sick from eating files yea. actoally ' ,. gulped down two big bottle flies while - he waa in the arms -of Morpheus, and ., v his Inwards rebelled, and ho won't be - sera today. Thla la the limit Here after he's ot ta wear a mosqutto net ting nightcap.1 Sure enough, the "Red XMs" was put on the sick list, and In ' most peeullar way. Dcaamlng of hie -v, menas-erlel tour next year Biiek's mind ems wandering, and with mouth agape rf at the btg gate receipts, two stray bottle files, drawn to the crater by the ambre , aial dors, ventured too near, end soon wore la region unknown to the wfensed ' Innoosnts. But Brick knew what had i happened, and Immediately had an alter : cation with the umpire declaring the files should he out It needed' no stom Y sen pump to assist Devereaux la hta k dilemma, but for once the "eld dog" bras forced to capitulate, Moaklman K erore pevereaux uniform and did all ( 'J that he waa called upon to do. but he . sera If "Bill" pulls off aer more such tunta ha must go It alone ha draws th line t t ' DLCL. tns wsfet dletese ee art yt ta u, t te Wiir.M xul 1A WHAT TO t J Man have stw p . spnts ee the tl n. sen la tbe 9l alow, faltttw . Sr-w JMlie. ca fe. 4 ena't ktMW ' i I i s. hr S OWM'f - v s. '; I its mm , eetr r rrsa Sea, v. , at v . j f d k SEATTLE SIWASHES; TAKE SIX STRAIGHT Uoeraal sped! rlervles.t " ' Seattle, Sept Is Seattle made It MraUrht from Portland, by defeating Dugdale'a Brownlea In- fairly good game yesterday. Hogg was In the box for thsr vialturs 'and plteljed ar sploidhf game, until he -wrenched' hto aboulder in the fifth mnlng. .1 The Browns couia not connect safely with Hall whan' hits were needed, and consequently loat. Portlands only run came on Thlesman'a hard smash ta Hall, bis ateat and Hur ley's safe drive. The ecorei 1- - . 8JCATTLE. ' ?" . V ;:-r -t4 i - f AB. It H. PO. A. aV A. a M Tan Haltren, a. f,.., . 1 Mohler, id. ..,,,.... ill Blankonahlp, Jk.V... 4 f I f Frisk, 1. f.k.,., f f Murphy, fh, .......... f 111 Halt a. a. ............ S 11 1 ! Smith, r, t. ...v.? 4 J Totals I PORTLAND. ' ''r . ARB. H. POAK Drennen, f..', I.... f I o Hurley, lb. ..v 4 J u. Beck. Sb. :k::: i Weed, a. B. i Clynea. t . Stanley, c .......... i 1 ! " Steelman. So. ..4' 4 1 1 Hogg. p. ., i i i l ThieTman, p. 1 1 Totals . . ...At 1 t It bunted third Blankenahlp Out M atnxa, , RUNS AND HITS BT nfNINOS. HMIIIdl lMih 1 I I I I 1 t Porltand.". ffiSfSllf! named run .Seattle. 1. ' Three base nit Williams. Sacrinee hlta Blankea- hlp. Williams. Btojeo oaae Jdonier. Blalikenshlp. Delehanty, SraKh. - Hit by itcher Williams by Moggl. cirnea. itruck out By WlUlama. 1; by Hogg, v Thl.lKiam Wild nltflhwHOVK. Hit Off Hogg. t. In innings; Horg opponents. at oat, li- -nine oi gme Two houra and 1ft minutes.. unp McCarthy. . 'v Taooma. Wash ' .Sept. 34 Joe Oer- bett pitched better, than Overall and al most .shut the Tiger a out Tha Seals cored all their runs In the seventh. Corbett did not allow ft htt for aeven Innings. Score: . 4. ' v. ' , B. H. S- Taeoma . .. ..... 1 1 9 t 1 1 I Ban Fran ...... .0 e o 0 7 v-7 n a . Battene-Ovenul and uranam; cor bel i. Oorton and Lalur. Cmplra Tom Brown. L. ' . , "- f sngvlt 'Vsm ta tno stalv San rranolaoor Sept. 3d. Rain Inter fered with the Loe Angeles -Oakland games yesterday, whan the morning game, scheduled for Oakland, was ealled off and the afternoon game waa called at tha and of tha sixth Inning, with Los Angelea having one run to, the Oaks' Score;. Lot Angelea ....... 4 1 naklaniT 4 0 9 Batteries Newton ana spies; suon xnan and Byrnes. - . . , -1 j i m i ' T PAOSnO BTATlOaTAA KSAS VS. V R. H.SL 0o1e . . ..... .4 4 4 41141 11 11 4 Spokane ......104441414 -I II 1 mttenes xnompson ana akeuecaey. Murdoch, Dtmmann and rrary. AtSaMtefes. 1 - v ''' ' 1' " "' " R. H. M. Butte . . 4404I4lt 41 11 1 Salt Lake 4 4 0 4 114 4 0 14 ft Batteries -Bandel in spencer and El- aey; Thomas an nausea, , umpi tT""" XJtA4KTSi. ' 4' PC .414 .404 .674 ill - .-: Won. Lost si i 44 a Boston . , ......,....,,86 New York . .81 Chicago. . .L,.,;...,,.T4 PhllaJetpfalft . , 74 Cleveland . , ......... .71 r St. Louis , St 4 Detroit ...........U Washington . . r.. 14 .424 71 X-422 14 .18 At Irtftm. First sxbm . 1 4 4 Washington . , ...........I . Batteries rt- Palty. nd KAhoe; and Klttrldge. Second amfr-."f ' v .... .1. : , R, St. Louis T7T..........,..Vi..l Wolf I I T. IUa lll . , ft Batteries aiado and Bugtisn; Town sand and Clark, r v .. - g mtasara ' ' ' -V- ! . ' It. R. B. Chicago.. .4 1 0 Phlladelphift . , t. 4 0 Batten o white and SulUvani Cock ley and Noonan. , . .... r PARKE WILSON QUITS - THE SEATTLE CLUB (eetaal sveetsl Servke.) " Taooma, Wash., Sept. 14. Parka W11 fton has severed hla connection with the Seattle baseball club because of preju dice against him there. He Joined the San Pranrlaco team In Taeoma, Wil son admitted his desire to get away from Seattle was due to dissatisfaction with the work of the team under hla man agement. He believes Rues Hall, who succeeds him,, will have better luck Is pleasing- the Seattle fana Tommy Leahy left the San Francisco team last night and Immediately loins Seattle as catcher. Henry Ooodman of San Fran cisco and President Cohen of Seattle ar ranged the deal. This to regarded as the biggest baseball enseilon since Dug dale disposed of his intereetg in Seattle to the coast league. Tha complete deal a arranged calls for the trade eft Wlleen and Delehanty of Seattle for Leahy sad Ooehnauar of Baa Francisco. f , ( . . . j . .. ? rrJSST SM0M.MJI OF xjlMft " Th Multnomah aide's social rooms committee announces that Wednesday night will be devoted to tha members, end ft smoker will be held. This wilt as the first smoker nf the season and al member are requested tn be present Aa interesting program has bets err ranged, , . . ro ' raomo ssasi mmmn . . ,P:i-'- if i f f If h ''-' ,. I, I,' ; ltil-lfclf tJ, Tseeaw .... ) t OJll lei M Ma Um AageJea o UiSl 5 3 Jww grtlTv;.r.".... t . J SflO M .802 Oilund o t.. fiolit Ms fUn rraanseo ....... T 1 I oi M .448 lYrtUae ............ Ml T fri- tj oj. U Ust; 'TT.1. I . . A . ! lliIMtSlllBlTlj ,.. - flerseW PUsbss mm BalL FLEISCHNER-MAYER - ;jril?JE.WINS CONTEST The ML Hood ' team, ' with Osorgs alxBhiger Oft the alab, defeated the eraok SchlUe nine yesterday 1b any Interest ing ganw of baasbaU t ' the league, ground. The final acore waa i-to and the result was In doubt up to the ninth Inning, - when -. the Flelsehner Mayer. Co. .team scored the winning rua.,, " r Oeorge Bnssl and Thung Callff of Oregon City were the opposing: twbiera, and the lad from the fails stta' gv the leaguer av decidedly oleoe ma for the honors. Both team offended quite frequently nd to these errors oau be attributed moat of the run scored. Louis Castro held down first base for the hit Hoods and the way in which ha pulled down the high throws from Raymond, Hart and Bredetneler waa a iwvemUon. Danny Shea caught a brilliant game and alpped several would-be base stealers in clever style Harvey Newell played a splendid game at short for the Schillers, and Harper, Hunter, Sueea and Bradley were at times brilliant in their work. , Teally Raymond played real pU hi that ninth Inning and nipped two run ners by ions throws to first. Hart at seooad was excellent A large crowd waa preaent and went away thoroughly satisfied with the exhibition. The score: r .. at. je. rv. m. u- Raymond, 52.;:;:::;! I l l Hart Castro, Oliver, Shea, c . f 4 RredemalaiL lb- 4 t 1 Mclnnls, U C ....... 4 1' J f Druhot ft. f- f Kngel, g . r. i.... ..' . TotaJa.. ........... IT - , SCHILLKRS. , AB. B- H. PO. A. B. fewelt 1 J 1 rorthrup, p. .....i t J ,f uess, . e t . 1 1 1 e l AB. B- H. PO. A. , NewelL Ha Bra NorthrUD. fluau ti. Hunter, lb. .A I a a X riter, IP, ,.V I 4. r. fV I ,1 ( Reed. r. f. I 1.1 Joh Totals .".1...i... i.il M 11 RUNS AND H3TS BT INNINGS. Mt Hootffl . ...... 1 - 4 J ! J 4 14 HltsV. M1HM4.I Schillers f . ......' ! f , H1U . v. 1 1 1 4 SUMMARY. Barned 'rune Schillers. 1. stolen base Castro 1, Fngel. Raymond. Oli ver, Hart NewelL Bases on balls Off Engel. 4: off Callff. 4. Struck out By Engel. l by iSllff. 4. Saortnca hits Rivnmd. Shea 1 Newell. Boon. John- eon I, Two-basC hit Reed. Xoubla Slaya BQea to naymona ; tsrauiey 10 ohnaon; Harper to Hunter? Newell to Johnson. Passed bail Sueaa, 1. Wild pitch Callff. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Spencer f DIAMOND GLISTENINGS 1 i, Talking about hard lock and ft crippled team, take not loe of the Oakland, nine, that took four cut of five games from Los v Angeles last Week. Devereaux, Strdb and Franeks were cut of the game all week, end SchsifUy missed a game or two. . .... , , .( - Portland wet cut straight games to Seattle last weak. With tbe cream of the Pacific Nationals hi the Portland. lineup,- the toad of the games Is ft re flection pn the much-touted Nationals. ' ' During the past five months Portlanfl has had more players on her payroll than all the other clubs in the league. If at first ytm don't succeed sign a few more men. "Ha laughs bast whosa laugh lasts,'! sayg Dugdale. .... J- 4Mrw7M0 DBFBATS OABTsrsY ' (Jearaal Special Senear - The Oswego team won- a flat and exciting game of baseball from Canby on the Istter'e grounds yesterday. The final score waa I to I The Oswego team to composed of the following play ers: Cro leant e; Jamleson, lb; Hous ton, C c; Van Wortwlck, V f.; Klser, lb.: Ball, f. t.; Todd, 4b,; Nelson, c f.: O'Brien; . ' '-.--" J r JVMB SMASSsim ZM VOWsT. . . Frank D. Skinner, who presided at the Irvlngtoa race meeting recently, passed through Portland yesterday on hls way to San Francisco. Me. Skinner presided at last week's moot at Seattle. Xn speak wig. of tbe meeting, Judge Skinner said that while it wad not heavily patronised yet R was fairly successful. an 01 KILLED AND ' MAHY BADLY SORT CM1OS4I0V BtTsttar4TOsl s - 4) OTsTOT pAssTBirama t vbatjt uifumbb sTlT4F008S XIVUMOXS. WITS - ffestxal Sesrlsl Servke.) , Zlmwood. I1L. Sept. 14. A Cftleaso. Burlington A Qulncy passenger train waa ditched, two miles east of here at 4:14 o'clock thla morning. Ons man waa killed, three fatally Injured and 1 more or lass seriously Injured. The dead man to John Bock, a section foreman. The fatally Injured are Rev. Oeorge Kanlston of Bl in wood, John Red dins; a traveling man, and an unknown an. The cause of the accident Is yet undetermined, - BT '-" oaraal ftfscJal ervtat.y " Xrwtn, PcmL, Sept, 14. A Pennayt- vania express' atruck a gang of work men at Manor thla morning, killing Paul Kclerkc, Max Stanar, and Tony Detwaki and fataUy injured Andrew TecMey. (Jearael Speetat ftervl,) Winnipeg. Manitoba, Sent l4.-The Canadian Pacific Continental train ctrook a oroxen ran near jiranaon Saturday night and four ears wars, ditched and seven passengers injured. smPF4MOTsm MT v '' " ' ' (Jesraal Rveia4 SerrW ' Como. Colo., Sept. 14. August Joha son and Roy Miller, miners, were svf fooated by gas la the Almedan tunnel ACC0ES L!?IC:i CFADVE8TK!"j 4 UABXsT4 TApstTSFw WsV um tm okas Movmm nr :amuxoa4j em ASTAJTOTJI SOS OwTf nVMOTUm. ,. I . berael special tarries.) London, Sept. 14. The attack On Sir Thomas Linton br "Yachtsman," the leading authority, hare, 'has caused veritable sensation In yachting circles Friends of the baronet have rallied to hto defense and Indignantly deny tha motives Impugned to have been behind hla eagerness to Wis America's cup. The attack which to in the form of. an editorial, reads l - a The evident determination of 'Sir Thomas Liptoa to challenge and raoe.for Amerloa'g cup and at any oost and at any aacriftoa compel us to adopt ao at titude at once antagonist lo both to him and his methods. We do so with con fidence knowing that we speak for the largo body of British yachtsman, If not Indeed, lor all, and ft feeling or t sponslbfltty of oar duty to the public To avoid mine las matters and to so at once to the root of the matter, tot us say that wa eonslder America's cup, aa far a Sir Thomas Lip ton la concerned. to bo first to last a huge advertise ment Business men who- know Sir Thomas Llptoft's great capacity arc aware that It was Ms advertising genius that has raised hint ta hto present po sition. - Ant erica w cua contest has un doubtedly been hto chief d'Oedvre In this particular line and has, both HI recti y and Indirectly, brought him greater profit than, sap other effort be has ever mads. "Thomas Llpton's commercial fuid America, so tn America must be tbe set ting. But that concerns ua little. If Yankee ht out-Tankeed ft to hla own lookout, as we hold our brief for the British public, who may not set. near enough to hear the ring of the metal. SECOND M. A. A. C TEAM STRONG AGGREGATION Few amateur athletic ehibs la the country can boast of a stronger or faster football eleven that the aggregation known as the second team of tha Mult- nomas club of thla city. For the past three weeks this team has been In train ing; under tns tutors" ip ox unesaer Murphy, and hi the first Uncus saminet the 'varsity, the second team cave the older men ft good rua for their money. each team scoring a touchdown.. In the earlmmagen the second team snowed quick dash and spirit and "winded" their bigger opponents la good style. -J In the Jlneup of tha eleven there la much promising timber and the old ntembore of the varsity will have to look out for their positions hereafter.J The person net of tha eleven to as fol lows; Bnds, Harder, Montag-ua, Ser- saneows, Foley; tackles, Wiley. Alias. Seeley. McNalland; guards, . Jeffery, Sterling? center, Callahan; sacks. Owenc, Zander. Austin and WMtcomb. Oames havo been arranged with Portland High School for October 1, Portland academy October 1ft, Hill Mtlltery . academy Oc tober 11. Astoria Commercial club sec ond team November ft. Games arc. be ing arranged with Seattle High school. Taeoma High school, Willamette uni versity second team, Xtagene High school and Chehalto High school. , The team wlU probably make a holiday trip to the Sound playing Taeoma High school on B&turdav. December 14. and Seattle High school on December 14. The first game of the eeaaon win xm with Portland High school next Satur day, October L .' x Zander captain of the team. -, ', sMOIM4 BMZBTS A OAXXBT. Cincinnati. O.. Sept, C4. Dnrtnc ' the present week Oskler Park wilt be the center, of Orand Circuit activities, tbe race meeting open tog there today under favorable auspices. The stables are well filled with fast horsed that have been campaigning' on the eastern tracks thto summer and the outlook to bright for the most auccessful meeting of the kind ever held In thla vicinity. The feature of tbe opening day and In fact the moat valuable event of the entire meeting, to the Obis, ft &,4 stake for S:04 trotters. ha tha Tarryall district this morning and Supt. L. C King wag dangerously burned. The accident was caused by a Ore which destroyed the tunnel bouse. - SPECIAL yST. LOUIS CAR. O. B. ST. Offocs Splesdld On the evening of October 4 the O, R. S N. will run a special tourist car to St. Louts without change. Very low ratee to St. Louis and Chl oaajo October -4. 4 and S via the O. R. A N. Particulars of C W. Stinger, dty ticket asent. Third and . Washington streets, r M. C Evans of Hood Riter ,lo regis tered at the Imperial. I L, M. Carsoa. Of Mt Dale, OT la at the Imperial. ' JL w. Drake eT Aveca, Idaho, -to at the Perkins, C. B. Oaddls of Rosetrarg toesit the Perkins ,- O. Nelson and wife of-Mrmmoutb. Or., are registered ht the Imperial. Walter M. Pierce of Pendleton to at the Imperial. I Claude Phelps of Milton, Or to reg istered at the Imperial: , . WUma Waggener of HlUsobre tB ft guest at the Perkins. 9. A. Clark of Salem to' at the Im perial. - B. F. Laugntia of The Dalles te ras litered at the Perkins. - - C. L. Thompson of Taeoma to a guest at the Portland, ' 1. M. Irwin, who . registers from Alaska, to at the Imperial. Edward Metschan. son- ef PW1 Metecbaa of tha Imperial hotel, has re turned te Philadelphia to complete hie last year at the dental college at i that place.. Ha ranks high la hla class and to said to bo one ef the most prosatolng students at the university. Architect David C. Lewis returned from Seaside this morning, after a two days' stay. Mr. Lewis has charge of the enlargement and recenstraotMa of Major D. J. Moore's hotel. ' . ' r i Peacock floor hi the host fancy patent ta the market. At leading grocers.. , PAmstma xosTsrs is mitom womb or BTXBBsTOB XsT VBW TOBK OWTJgW TO 4T1R SS BBFTrSUOAsT MABTtS -XOITBOV -WAOBBS AJUi CM3 .- v r t (JeavnaV BsseUl tervles.) : " New Tork. Sent 14. Election batting to heeomins; mare animated, Tha aplli In the Republican ranks In this state sas given an Impetue te tn laying of wagers which waa lacking before. ' In Wall street, where anoet of the bets have been laid. Parker money on tha general .re-" suit to obtains bis, providing a wager is taken at the aame time on nemos, to carry tbe etsta " Cable d vice indicate Hiat even larger wftgors are bcipg quids In London on the result of tbe electloa than hexa -uoaa of 2 to 1 Dreveil abroad as here. . There are several prominent Democrat abroad who have backed up their opinio witn money on Parker. , , . In many of these internxttonaj. nets. the stakoa are held by basking bouses bavins: corressDndoau '.In this 'city. which will enable prompt settlement at either end of the line.- Bunnell. Buohanan dt Co.. curb brox- era, announced today utnst tuey nave commissions to place 1,44 even on Roosevelt to carry. West Virginia,. 47,400 even to carry thla state, and 29,099 St two to one that be will win. R, p. Wilson, a broker at If Broadway street, says he has a oommlsslon f 144,- ooe to place -'at even money tnai tns Roosevelt and Falrbanka dec tore for Mew Tork state dre elected. John R. Nellon. managar of the Brook lyn branch of Henry Clews A Co., ban 11,004 to bet at even money -that Her- rick to elected governor. He says that todav he Disced a bet of 41.404 to IX, 4 00 on the election of Parker. Frank C Mulcaby, pr - toe noma an House, says he has 12,044 to hat- at even money that Roosevelt will carry Nw Tork. He saya he atoo baa t,40 to 4et at two to ons on the election of Roose- velt' a professional Wall street agent aald he' had placed a. bet of M.404 to 4404 on Roosevelt. - Another broker said he 4uuJ t.e-: to plaoe at .even money on Herrlok. . v by i - (Joeraai BpecUl serrtae.) " , Masj Tork. Sept. 14. Alton B. Parker weot back to Roesmount Saturday after lUy of two and a half days at the Hoffman Houae. during Which he re ceived reports from Democratic leaders all over the country regarding the out look ta the various doubtful states. . The candidate's train pulled oat of the rwcohawken station at 11:40. Secretary McCauxland was hto only companion. While no statement was made by Parker as. to. the situation throughout the country, it to known that he went back to Baopus la a very much more hopeful state of mind than when he came here, Then be had had only meagre reports. Loaders from all the debatable atates called on him at the Hoffman Houae and told blm exactly what be might expect oh election day. All hto callers seemed to he Impressed wtth the candidate's leval-headsdness and want away pleased. August Belmont and Elliott Dan forth wore hto last visitors lost before he loft tha Hoffman 'House. Belmont spent some time with the candidate, and told him. the exact condition of the finances of the national committee. BeJmont has not been as successful as had been ex pected Is gettlqs contributions. This was the reason Thomas F. Bran was asked te give a helping hand. Ryaa Is aid to be producing better results. . . 1 - i StSFIlBIflOAJf.. O&TTBB. ' ' '1", " ' - " - (spMial DU patch to The JearaaL ) ? r Bast St, Lenta, 111. Sept, 44. -Young Republicans from all parte of the aute wars present today mt the opening -of the biennial convention of the Illinois League of Republican clubs. President C F. Buck of Monmouth presided oyer v.. SUITS and y ' , it . . How ,, -1..: j v. '.-.c m r, s , W and 87 Third Street Ctc Door North of Write for tntwnaiMe nspeeUag ear eesuMsetloa, eaeuU sad alsnt eMssad PwXy. A PBRPBCTION in , ..BflAXBT. sBOtT. S. X. oiie-n-ti ts-lt OWAVSXB OP 00KM1S0S iNIGHTf SeHOjOpi "Beginning with OctobeM we wlU conduct a apcclal threa-monthst course In Penmanahip. four houra-per week, under the leadership of Mr. X. M, Walker and Mr. H.,W. Bnnla. Mr. Walker was a student iCp the noted, penmen. Schoneld. Behrensmler and Williams. Mr. Knnia to the expert card-writer at Meier ft Frank where he has been for the past four rrf Students of ths regular aig;ht school have the nrlvUege of taking hs special oour . , ; ' ::V.,;:'f llsTsssBFee 4MslS , Bates from $t m mm 9 , aV'rr i j j ; PktmmJUaim $41 German Publishii Co. i-::'-P n T N 909 the dAy"s . proceedings, which largely of a routine .nature, Xstareat centers in tns pusite me ibis w oe held tonight, , which twill be addressed by Secretary Shaw, Senator Cullom and qther party leaders of national prom inence. . ; TSSBKST-- ' " - I . - (Jeacaal Sgsstal asrvlos.1 Topeka, 'Kan,, nept. 14. Robert BO- malae, the aelfcepfaseed dynaalur ftf tnc iMCpsnaenco,- voieraao, oepot, new Into a pass ton today whan told by the sheriff that Bell of Cripple Greek consid ered bfa confession a fake. He called Ball ft liar. Romalne will probably be tried soon, oft tha charge .of burglary. 6 . .'.:" ffexrael ftfsetal Sarrke. . - Winnipeg, Manv,. Sept. 14. A Are In Dawson City destroyed property "valued at 4140,404. The Cecil hotel, a big log building, waa badly damaged sad the guests had to, leap from the windows. It's folly to suffer from that1 horrible plague- of the night. Itching1 piles. Doan's Ointment cures, quickly and per manently. At any drug store, PO cents. -1' ' " WABJT4J TSB sTOTOSlSTxV . Vs the ar5fiyoui on WE K OUR FOR t OVERCOATS to , ': : CIO 025 '' V west SSeV V - - V Usrwe - a-llfcS lUKAHVO ;BAsAX B, POOTX A, P, , : i - ' 1U4., ' T " FOBTLAFB, OB. PAojts- Mai S4i0: T E R:S frwnh COWBOYS SERENADE K' NOMINEE FAIRBANKS- (Jeanal Sssstol lerrtoe.) .' Q endive,, hfeatt, Sept. 14. Nomine 7'. ": Falrbanka was Joined by ex-Benatoaj Carter of Montaaa and started his trhe ; . through. Montana with a morning meeW Ing here: Last night was spent, n branch eMlng at Wibaux. Cow punch era gave hby ft rousing aaranft,de thls morning. - v. - The senator spoke here on thef Ifrlga r; 7 tlon policy of the sovarnmeiit ana, th -guberayrtol candidate made act ad armmm. Falrbanka marched tn thd mtd " die of the rood with a Ions parade, ' '"' afternoon a meeting wlU be held aS Miles Oty and Fersyth,- .', , . ,,. Uesreal Smctal eeme.) - -. Mr Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 14 Dr. Clar eneo Hefling, a brldesTOom of but twtl - months, was today aeotenoed to servo 40 years Is the penitentiary for criminal assault on his 14-year-old office grlrL ,' Bight of Um Jurymen flavored the deathj penalty. - , 1 ies question ? ; 1 11 STAND SQUARELY UNSWERVING POUCY,j OF OK". . Guaranteed Clothes At Popular Prices;' ' WE ARE SHOWING hNTIRE-' EW PRODUCTS 1 PROM vTHE. LOOMS OPv OUR OWN AND THE LBAblNO - EAST ERN MILLS, HXND-TAILORED INTO Authoritative Fall Styl&r MEN AND YOUNQ MEN. of TODAY 'W e) w i Chamber ot Commeraiv L0 U, ,1 'e .j -7 a-' :k v-1 ft- :1 1 A