3 . -v tw ill - r'j.-w '.ii a t-i ii y i v - . ...-. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNINO, . SEPTEMBER 11, 1ST 4p & . - port!- catfd eudldreacad f o ua will a 11 II ill tMftgyoa opy ;:r..V-, .. .. '; . -.,-y:" r; : y - ; , . ; On&ll orders eunouxuftx; Ccse)to eJl poirrta vYifbdrx feud tad ooo mi l Pprtftd-e MORRISON 0TniPOI&TlJ4m,Cra V 1 lwT?13! .V.f:-. rltfl - M l .lUlfcT-rs, ;1 I i 1 1 I I I I I I ' ill i ii vWHiqT; OUR NEW OiTrvq IO GOB ' 4 - iir,i. . . , t A i ' . . . . a r t . i t .1 . . "r mm . . . . - t wun our two gromi noroi, ooe nora ana one in sponne, m carry m ivor noes ox nouciunusnxngB m xa9 nonnwnu in xmcx, w mr varapiexa nouif furnithen" in very mum of the word. We are prepared to-furnish your home, from garret to cellar in every detail.- Our various departments are complete . stores within themselves and it is our constant endeavor that they shall exhibit a bright up-to-date array of good. ... -VV - V . .- ' . In our big Portland store and warehouse we have over 100,000 square feet of floor specs literally crowded with the most carefully selected Furniture, Carpets, ... - re and Household Utensils of every kind. We carry a full line of the famous Bucafs Stoves and Ranges, ' Draperies, Bedding, Crockery, Cutlery, Silverware, Hardware and Household Utensils everyone of which carries our personal guarantee as to quality and satisfaction. The Carpet and Drapery Department occupies over 15.000 square feet on our second xjoor. - ai is cquxppea witn me laiesx cwcxncai macninerv ana a corps ox sauiea ana competent woraxnen ov wnom au special oraers are. careruuv ana correcuv nuea. -v ... v -r. uur nsnisome new catalogue contains nearly one tnousand illustrations of useful and handsome household articles together with descriptions and prices of countless selections from our various departments. The Mail Order Department is in charze of an exDerienced suDefintendent who rives a careful and Dersonal attention to the filling of every order. In fact your lettera, receive the same attention as would a personal visit to our various 'departments. So don't hesitate to ' ' ask tor catalogue you never know wnen you'll need sometnlng. I -; f I I I i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 t' i ' ' r-. . 1 " V"i r""' '".'- ' $ 1 iSpSfe J IliiS '