The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1904, Page 20, Image 20

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m mass um
Fbvswclal Agent
Real EstAftw and &eort9 Loast
HTw fctWoUKw Agwflt
SBAg? mo s xm iu vtmmmvmk
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111 -
f efcur evening Is Willamette hell a mu
nesting of the bIUmm of Oregon CHr
f will be held to make protest against
the pMHfi of tli ordinance granting to
, the Boutbera Paclnc wnpuf a perpet
ual fraaohlae tor certain privileges on
, Bluff street, er lUUtMd avenue. Lut
Hoodar nlaht the oltr council acted
Upon this ordlnanoe which passed Itt
v- drat reading, and unless rigorous ef
forts m wdt to prove to the Btmlxtt
., of the council that the majorltr of tht
f fioscrtr ewaera of Um city si, against
' the ordinance te tta cr tot form. It
jMtli probabljr ba am.
Opaoaltloa to Um RUtlBt f a fraa
entss baa dereloecd to tha paat few
dara, stnos tt became noised about that
tha member of tha eouncll, with the
er nearlr all. that tha oltr bad taught
' frw te the, oowrta. Tha Oraaoa A CaU-
gcrala Mall road company wara many
reare eg given a deed to Bluff atraat
by cm af tha MeLeagalla heirs, and
property, ut taa city
ho wad that Joha McLaughlin bad
Sisdig ail tha atraata and alleys hi tha
city ta tha municipal corporation, and
that tha railroad company amply bad
a wint ever tha atrip. Tha city
brought sit hi tba circuit ooart to
ulet title, and waa victorious. Tha
railroad company appealed, but ha
weme ooart auatalnad tha lower ooart
Kow comes tba Southern Paclnc and
asks Cor a perpetual frsnohlse to thla
si rat property, with -tha exception of
promenade on top af o bluff, and
tha oounell seems disposed to give It
without ouerUon. la rerura for the
aoaatracUott at subways tor teams and
Huge poatars am red) and yellow pa
per, advertising tha meeting, wara
Sacked all arar tba city yesterday after-
aeea. and are attracting much attention
.The sell for tha meeting la aignad by
J. . Oooke, a H. Dye, C. K. Oreetiman,
John Adams. 1 Adams, Char lea Catta.
H. MUey, Jan Jones. Chambers How
ell, F. T. Barlow, A. H. Orleeaen, ft, XX
WUaon. J, M. Mom, iohn Fmlroloth. M.
C HanUton, W. A. Huntley, a W. JBaat
hajn, WUllam Oardnar, J. B. Hedges G.
BohuahaL Cbarlaa H. Caufleld, Jacob
Caaaelj, Oaorg JB. Bargraavca, John W.
Ioder. H. C Btavana and , Benjamin
Judge MeBrida yeaterday leld a apa
dal tana af olreult oourC Hla primary
baot la looming to tha city waa to
Bear tba argument la motion for a
aw trial In tha of Multnomah
county agalnat tha Willamette dc Colum
bia Hirer Towing company, William
BiJteheU, POot Harry BmJttn and tba Pa
ino Bacport lAmbar cotnpany. Multno
aah ooocty brought cult -for 9t,M
dAinagea, and last April at tha regular
term Clackamas county jury found
cor tha defendanta. Tha cult waa In
stituted en aooount of tha damaga dona
to tha Morrlaon-atreat bridga by a
ataamot of the towing company running
into tha bridge. The court took the
motion under adrlaemcnt and will ren
der a decision later. Judga McBrlde
will bold a abort ceaaioa. of the circuit
court October It. . i . . 4tl-
Mr. and Mra. SL B. Cbarman - wara
urpiiaad Friday evening by about dd
of their friends, wha passed the cran
ing at the Chaxmaa home. Mr. and Mrs.
Cbarman will leave In about two weeks
for California to spend the winter. They
were presented with a Hartland china
dinner eet, as tbetr twenty-fifth wed
ging armireroary was recently cacced.
A motion to reopen tba Judgment In
the case of T. A, Uvealey dt Co. against
Lee Toy was enteres ta the circuit
ooart yesterday. Thla waa a suit for
tha payment of ft note, which was sc
oured by a mertgaga an hope belonging
to Lea, The papers ta the case have
been lost. -
J. XX Wolrcr has sold his farm C M
csss at Needy to J, IX Bitter for 14,
. dOO, Tba deed was recorded yesterday.
Mr. Wolfer Is getting along tn years
an4 wishes to retire from sctlre 2amv
ing. Judge McBrlde yeaterday Issued de
ereea la the following dlroroe caeca:
Joseph FlUsdmmons against Bidora
Fit tmmona, Bthel Finger against Max
Finger, Maria Tingry against a a
Tlngry. 1ft the latter case the plaintiff
was allowed fed ft moath alimony by the
In tha drrorce gun of Margaret F
Thornton against Luke Thornton an
order was made yesterday In the circuit
court making Mrs. Bdna F. Forbes a
defendant party to the suit, and the
plaintiff, waa allowed ii days to make
further pleadings.
0 An order to eater the lodgment was
saado yesterday In the suit of Gott
fried Marqnardt against Henry JewelL
This waa a suit for a penalty of lo
for ft failure to cancel ft mortgage. O.
W. rrt'h,i appeared sor the plaintiff,
and DimsDk A Story represented the
Loula Kcnoyer, an Indian, was yes
terday sentenced to pay a fine of 3
Sor diwnhenness, hi default of which he
was eonualtted to the city Mil for tan
ays. Kenoyer was without money,,
Miss Lrnaie Xaywr hss been elected
to teach the primary depart moat of the
Mollsla school.
Xa the divorce sutt of David T. Brash
against Helen A. Brush the demurrer
mt the dnfenrtsa te tne oonmlalnt was
varauled yesterday, and and was
granted M days In which ta file n an
swer. .;. -
Thomas F. B. Lorelao has been
Sleeted to teach tba Maple Lane school,
which opens tomorrow. This position
was vacated by Mum Maud aallogly,
jrhc m attending the State university.
Miss Mabel Clare Stevens will teach
the Una's Mill school.
Mies Catherine Petrala has been
looted te teach the Mew Bra School
and succeeds Mms Bradford, who hss
taken the school at Llnntoa, Or.
Mum Flora Ward will succeed Miss
Bern too Adams as teacher 1st the Canto j
school. e i 1
- Mrs. C a Hutchinson of Cenby was Mi
the city yeaterday. '
, Jonathan Dunkla of Olney, Or was
tn towa yeaterday as ft wBuess la ft oos
teet at the land offtoe.
, i i i f
Ith i ilil Dmwtsk te Tea JearaaL
Pullman. Wash, Boot. After a
tnost delightful wedding trip, sovartog
period of four months, which was
spent 1ft asland, Scotland, Oermsay,
Franca and Holland and all of tha prln
atpal elites of the1 oast. Including Bt
Ixwta. prof, end Mrs. B. B. Billot hays
aaturaed to their bocae, la Pullmaa.
e The teansl
Anatena. WasK. BepL M. Wayne
P iaaon was thrown from a eayuse
today and both arma and see leg
' t BATTLB OF LlAO TAMO. . . '.' -. - , . ,. -,, .... , . , ''' ' - . .
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(Sbedsl Bntmh
Bugene Or- Sept. 14. A number of
farmers In the Long Tom country, sev
eral miles northwest of Bugene have
taken preliminary steps to form a cor
poration for tha pornone of engaging ex
tensively in the irrigating business. It
their purpose to tan tha Long Tom
river on the Ryan place at the old mill
tary ford, where ft dam will be built to
secure the necessary head of water.
Canals will then be dug, . leading for
miles over the prairies of that portion
of Lane county. Some of the most en
terprising farmers of Lane county are
hold of the project, and they mean to
make ft success of It. The exceedingly
dry summer which bad Just passed and
the consequent shortage in the grain
crop has demonstrated the necessity of
Irrigation In the Willamette valley at
least during ft portion of tha summer.
and this experiment will be watched
with groat Interest. ,, t . ,
Baatt of Bagcna Staa. ' -
'. B. Biwrangh, ft well-known Burette
business man. being proprietor of the
BAslewood restaurant and bakery, died
h horns la this dty Friday algbt
from catarrh of the stomach. The body
was shipped oa this afternoon's tram
te Can trails, Washington, for burial.
The deceased was aged years. He
was bora in Hayworth, McLean ounty,
111. He came to Bugene from Central la.
Wash, a year ago and baa made a suc
cess of his btislnsss. 1 He leaves a wife
and two children. He belonged to four
fraternal orgsjusmtlons ss follows:
Knights of Pythias, Modem Woodmen,
angles ana grecernai iTiDunes, -Xtrs.
D. A. Paine and F. M. Day
terday performed the difficult operation
of removing a portion of the skull of -W.
J. Tuck, who waa Injured la ft nearby
logging camp last April. Tuck was
struck on the head by ft flying cable,
rsadsrlng him unconscious for fifteen
days. His skull was fractured and he
was brought to the Bugene hospital for
treatment. He partially recovered but
tha pTCsoQTo-on tbo brala caused ft re
lapee and the opsra'tion of removing
part of the skull wag finally resorted
to with good success. The man la now
Improving rapidly.
' - (sseetsl Dispatch te The Jssinil,) -Chehalla,
Wash., Sept ft The harv
esting of the l9rop tn the Cbehalle
valley Is almost completed. There has
been a falling off In that crop of from
one-fourth to one-third. There are a
few yards tn which the " shortage has
been one half. -The hops stood the long
drouth much better, taken as ft whole.
than did other crops, however. This Is
accounted for by the fact that the vine
long root that buries Itself far
enough Into tha gaound as to draw tha
moisture, when other crops, ilka the
grains and grasses , which have very
short roots, dry up.
There has been but one sale of bops
since the picking began, and no business
has been done for several months. John
Oarbs baa sold his crop at n cents a
pound, with pounds for tare. Buyers
usuaJry require T pounds tars. The
quality sf the crop this year Is fine.
The weather conditions were perfect for
pie king, sad the lies did not bother but
very little. Some samples nave been
taken la the district and within the next
two or three weeks it Is expected some
business will be done. A considerable
amount of the crop hers was sold some
time ago at M cents, some growers bar
ing disposed of their entire crops at
that price. Boms others have sold a
part of thd crop, only, and have the
ha lance ta speculate em
i : " - -)!! I. I. ! V.- .1 A,- '
i - J"" V ' . ' -" -V " v
(Ssestsl McMteh s the JoeresL) : '
University of Oregon, Bugene, Sept
34. Last night the annual reception
to the new students was held In the
parlors of the dormitory and was. at
tended by s large namber of the stu
dents, both new and old, and friends of
the University. President P. L. Camp
bell, Prof. LueUft Clay Carson and Wes
ter Whlttlaey gavs snort addresses.
After the reception and when the
oompany bad departed the freshmen
were given their annual basing. It waa
mild In form and good feeling pre
vailed between the Blesses. Ths fresh
men were mads to slag songs and act
foolish, and were given a supper of
sweetened oysters, which they wars
compelled to eat blindfolded. ,
(BSMSal Massfe e Tm laerssL)
Colfax, Wash.. Sept 4. The "Parm
tagtoa New Bra la the latest addition
to the Journalistic world. It Is edited
and owned by Prank gheppard, until re
cently of Sand Point Idaho. - Hie sons.
whs ar practical printers, will
him m bis asw venture. ,
. fSpsrtsl Wspetch t Tee jieareoM V "
Hood River, Or Sept I4v . O. bW
klrk of Indtaaanolls, Indiana, a brother
to Mrs. Audebon Wlnaas of this city,
shads bis skin twice a year. Great
patches of skla from the hands are now
on exhibition at the of floe of Attorney
Henderson. -
Mr. Busklrk sheds the epidermis, or
outer skin, from his entire body twice
each year, ta the spring and fait I The
skin from his-hands he peels off as he
would remove a glove. JBmlnent physi
cians state that hts Is the only ease of t
Its hind on record. Mr. Busklrk has
appeared before several meeting ofi
medloal societies In order that the learned
doctors may study ths peculiar phe
nomenon, but the gentleman Is averse to
notoriety, and prefers to seclude him
self at ithe time of the sloughing off
The new akin, after eaoh shedding
period is as tender ad that of a new
born babe. . Mr. Busklrk Is oom polled to
go about oa cru tehee until, the soles of
his feet become toughened. Mr. Bus
klrk is years old, but never married.
This shedding process hss been going on
for years. He spent Id years in the
United States army.
Three years ago Mr. Busklrk was i
resident of Hood Hirer for a year or
more. r '-.
: (tpeetel Vissstss te The TieimU
Baker City, Or., Sept it The dub
women of thla city are enthusiastic over
the. meeting of tha Bute Federation of
Women's clubs, which is to be held In
Baker City, October IB, it and 14, and
are making elaborato entertainment
preparations. It Is expected that IOC
or more delegates- will he la attend-
aneov Blks hall has been eecured fur
the meetings of the session.
A grand reception the flrst evening
and a musicals the second evening are
scheduled. Other important events. In
cluding visits to points of lntereet near
the city, will cake place. Nothing will
be left undone to make tha visit of the
delegates pleasant and profitable.
The following ohalrmcg of commit
tees have been - oppotnted: Ways and
means Mrs. Joseph Barton; credentials.
Mrs. L. Hlrshlsnd; hospitality, Mrs. T.
M. Sax ton; reception, Mrs. Samuel
Whits; music, Mra. Val Blldnsr; press,.
Mrs.-1. B. Bo wen; ushers and pages,
Mrs. W. H. Ellis; program. Mra Baxton;
badges, Mra J. H. Donald; deooratloa.
Mrs. J. H. Parker: transportation. Mrs.
M. a Spauldlng, The lmlles.
; ..v! 1 1 ' .
- (BowUt Dhveteh The JeerssL)
Cheyenne, Wyo Sept St A senna
tlonal kidnaping - occurred here when
Charles Crowner, ex-preacher, switch
man and brakemaa, came to the city
from Holyoke, Col., and stole sway bla
three-year-old daughter while . bar
mother waa attending a dance. The
father boarded an east-bound train and
so far has made- good his escape.
The Grown ere separated some time
ago because the husband objected to bis
wife stteadlng dances. She Insisted
upon keeping the little girt but he
threatened that he would come and take
her away. Now that ha has made good
his threat the mother Is grief -stricken
and will do ail In her power to regain
possession of the baby. , .
v,f;': ' '":,.:..'";
?f (Special Dtopeteh te The Joersal.) :
La Grande, Or, Sept 14. C. H. Carl
m of n"K who accidentally shot
himself la the arm about the middle-of
the month, while returning from a hunt
ing trip ta the mountains, died last
night The arm was amputated? at tha
shoulder a few hours after the accident
but physicians say the cause of death
was polsonliyT in the stomach, duo to
eaUrrh of the stomach, and bitters heU
had taken at Kamela after the acci
dent and with the greet anook it was
mora than his stomach could stand.
causing poison.
He was a prominent wood dealer at
KMnt, He leavea a wife and family.
was about SS years of ago, and a pro
gressive townsman.
x. of w. ro arrs bauT ' .
fSperuh lHsMtch s The fevreet)
tndeDcndence, Orj, Sept ti. The
Kalghts of Pythias of Pails City are
preparing for a grand ball to be given ta
that city.' Special trains will leave
from Independence, Monmouth and Del
las, and musie will be furnished by the
Independence orcheetra. The ball wlu
be given on Friday, September Id. The
lodge has always given exoellent daaoes.
(laerhtl Ussetta te The leanul.)
Independence. Or.. Sept 24. Mr. Bit
Henkle, Mra W. H. Walker, Mrs. . B.
Nelson and Mrat M. A. Davla had a re
union on Sunday last This Is the first
time they have all been together since
they have been In the stats of Oregon,
which has been a period of II yeara Mr.
Hankie and bis three sisters Compose
ail of the family and all are married.
mow aw,
Albany, Sept 14. Frank BodweU. the
ty at the Multnomah county iail
ran away a month ago after serving
only one month of a year's sentence, wes
captured at Oeorge Beamls farm, three
miles west of Albany, In Benton county.
this forenoon, and brought to this city.
Hero he was turned over to Sheriff: R.
It. White, who- assisted Sheriff Tom
Word In the aeareb for the fugitive, and
this afternoon Sheriff White took Bod-
well to Portland to deliver him ag
Multnomah county SsiL i
BodweU has been la the woode fa the
southeast part of thla oounty since his
escape, and last night came to Albany,
crossed the WUIdmette river oa the rail
road bridge,, and went te the Beamls
homo, where he asked for work and was
placed under arrest
Ten days ago Mr, Beamls wag to the
Sodavllle neighborhood, and an uncle of
Bod well, who Is a friend of Mr. B semis,
asked the latter for work and for a
bidlng-plaoe for his nephew. Mr. Beamls
premised to give ths young man work
and a hiding-placet' and thla forenoon
BodweU appeared at the Beamls home
and mtroeuclng himself asked for the
promised help. Mr. Beamls Agreed ta
give the desired employment and showed
the young man, a room In which to hide
if any one came after him. At the same
time he cent a member of his family for
Constable William Morris and other
neighbors, and whew these people came.
the escape was placed voder arrest he
offering no resistance.
BodweU was armed with aa old Win
ch ester ' rifle and ammunition ' and car
ried a pocketkntfe ho had stolen la the
Portland Jail before melrbiff his escape.
He also had a set of skeleton keys, a
small flic. It la money, jtwo Klgln
watches and a new overcoat'
Cod well asserted all this property be
longed to him, that he had owned tt be
fore his arrest la Portland, but It Is
stated by Sheriff White that Mr. Hart
of near Sodavllle owns the rifle, and tt
was either given to the f ugltlva r hai
etoie It Mr. Beamm and Constable Mor
ris were paid the reward offered by Bhsr
lff Word. Sheriff WMte took the pris
oner down thla afternoon, I retaining the
plunder found oa the fugitive. -
- - Hel Mssetx. ns 9oerasM "
Astcvis, Or., Bept J. The grand
jury saade Its final report this after
noon. The report calls attention to the
surprising Increase of vice among chil
dren of the city, and attributes the
condition to the fact that ths children
are permitted to rasa ths streets al
most at wtlL
Ths city authorrtlss are urged to en
force the ordinances regulating the mat
ter, and the grand fury points out that
the state officials should take vigorous
action If those of the dty neglect their
duty, ;- r -- r ,
-i deerls' Mseacm at lbs f ssl. '
La Grande, Or Sept It The cause
of ths railroad wreck to passenger tram
No, I east bound at Ferry last night ls
which ths mall, bag cage and smoking
coaches were derailed still remains
mystery, and tba officials have not the
faintest due te the causa. They only
knew tt was a mystery that- many of
the passengers on board wars not killed.
Of tha two Injured J. J. Ferguson of
Pendleton is doing nicely and wlU oome
out all right having received ft deep out
la ths head only.
The man who was riding an the Mind
still unconscious sad in a bad shape,
and will probably die. It la not known
who he is or 'where he Is from at this
(tpeelsi Mspatek S TW lesraaL) '
Baker City, Or, Sept. 14. The Baker
City Development league Is steadily lar
creasing Its membership and Is working
hard along the linen laid down or the
Oregon State league. Every possible
point hi being pushed to the sdvsntage
of Baker City and Baker county. Every
day some new work Is undertaken, H It
Is only to show a stranger about the
city, give him information concerning
Its resources, and tell him where facto
ries oaa be located to advantage or
where money can be put Into mines ar
farms with profit Bvery day Secretary
Innle Is sending out information by let
ter to persons whose names have been
received from Secretary Tom Richard
son of the Stats league. .
- Seeeul Mspetsh The Jsarsek) ,
Colfax. Waabu. Sept 14. Dr. A. B.
Stdht chairman af the Whitman oaunty
Republleaa central committee, will open
Republican headquarters la the Wluaaa
buildins, Ooteber U
Auction Sales
. ' . ,4.. '
- .Vr. ,. J ""' ,,- .
Tomorrow, Monday, at 10
A. M at Residence L46
Tenth St.; Cor, Alder.
We are instructed by the owner, Mr.
Becker, to sell the entire furnishings of
his residence, eomnrlalna Parlor Chairs
ana Kocxera c
Oak and Blrdseye Maple
Center Tables, Piano and Banquet
LAsipa; Ixix Axmlnster nun; Art
Squares and Uarpets; Laos curtains.
Portieres; Oak Extension Table, Box
8 eat Chairs. Crook erv and Olaasware:
Twioe-roiaws? Beoa: nne uax uresaeri
with French olate mirrors: full slse an
tnree-quarter iron ueas, complete with
springs ana naitreeses. fiuows, sneeis.
iom, comrortcre. B
Comforters, Blankets; Birds-
eye Maole Chiffoniers, Tables and Rock
ers; Odd Dressers: Toilet ware Heat-J
u'S ' i i-uwv (uuias, wnniii A i
ure ana other userui iota
Sale MONDAY at 10 a. m. sharp.
QJDQ, BAKBB CO, Auctloheers.
- SEPT. 27th, a
At Baker's Auction House
Cor. Alder and Park Sts.
Sale of Hlgh-CIa9Jp-to
Date Furnishings,
removed to our sales
rooms for positive sale,
Includino; V J x
Pretty Parlor Set, tn rich coverings, ma
rram es; elegant nocxe
ad golden oak, with Bp
rle Chair, fancr wicker Chairs. Parlor
and Library Tables, hlghl
rv Tables, hlshlr noushed::
handsome Couches, OU . Paintings, Eton
xll Axmlnster Rugs; -Velvet, Ax-
minster and Brussels Carpeta In good
wiHiivivu. law r. qiik m ui b.vii n,,
sters Encyclopedic mctlonary. leather
bound; Velvet Hall and Stair Carpet;
Round Extension Table: act Box -Seat
Chairs, with leather seats: cuartered oak
Buffet with mirror: pretty Sideboard;
Oaa Xrop Lilght Parlor Lamps; massive
osjc Bee room Beta, witn very large
French plate mirror; pretty Bnameled
Bedsteads, c omelets with best Scrinss.
hair and other Mattresses, fine Feather
Pillows, Comforters; pretty Dressers, in
blrdseye maple and golden oak; Chif
fonier en suite; fancy Rockers and
Chairs for bedrooms; H&U Lamps; Heat-
tog Stoves. Oas
Household Treasi
oas Range, steel Range
ure ana omer enecta
On vleaAMonday. Hals TUBSDAX at 1
Id a. m. j. "j v 1
OEa bakbb cut. Auctioneers.
On Thursday at 10 A. M.
On Friday at 2 P. M.
Resular weehlv sales for censrsl
household furnitursv - Carpets, Btoves.
OBO. BAKBB dt CO, Auctioneers.
Oaaa aaU for aemmd-haad furniture.
woaaigmmanes reearrsa as su
ft OO, Asm
Auction Sales
TortrSfTOw, st SgJssroorfl, at to A.
JUL, Anksay sb4 5lxth Sts. i
--This sals tncludss led books. Majestic
Steel Range, fine assortment of Iron
Beds, In different tin tings; Chaira Ta
bles, Rockers, Folding Bads, Springs.
Mattresses. Parlor Lamps, Brussels and
wool (jarpeta, mtcnen saxes, uoox
Btove. Kitchen furnishings, a variety of
Heating Stoves, etc.
-v T. WILSOK, Auctioneer. '.
Wednesday Sale
At 5slsrson, Aafcsnjr sad
Sixth St., st 10 A. M.
. Purnlture. Csrpetg,kfurniahlngji ; for
. -jf, ( J. T, WILSOll, Anctiopeea
r;- Friday' Safe jyl
At SgJesroom, Aakso mu4
; Sixth Sts., at 10 A. flQro
- carted, Clothicat, Etc. :.. ''
On this date we' will sell a Quantity
consigned by the railroad company; also
some fine breakfast bacon, 110 suits of
clothes, ladles shoes and a variety of
useful goods. -
. NOTE.-f-Y7e ere paying each for fur
niture; carpets and furnishings. Phone,
Main ita.
J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer.'
beg Of
SOP 00 .i ie-rcom house, on BTlIl street
0,0110 T-room new bouse and half a era
. , . . ( convenient to car line; city water
and sewer. .
$10,000 ioo acres, well Improved, near
gSOOO gull lot eloss ha, Weet SMa
$1509 S
room henss. hi South Port-
and: very good location:
street Improved, cement walk.
Look this up If you want a cheap horn a
P, V. TCmaLER, 101
i IACA d-room cottage oa Qrand ava
lllalll Bortb. near to school and
dJIWV emrM. a v.rr nh) location. If
yon want a cheap home at a bargain see
lr W.' TOROLBft 0 Sherlook Bldg
We have a few more line homes teade
open for locating Pine wheat land. In
quire of
SP AOBBft I miles from Qsrvals, Ma
rion oounty; all plowed; rich sou:
' ' small house and barn; orchard, etc.
met 9s,ee.
SB ACnama Om oounty road. 1 .mile
.... from Bhattuck station, Just outside
- city; 7 acres cleared, Balance um
ber; 1,000 cords wood; well fenced:
' new 4-rocm house. Prloe cut to
93.1H for ImmedlaU sals.
AS iff One mile north of Clacha-
j, mas station; l plowed; x crush: l
.' acres beaverdam; small house This
i is a nne gardening tract Price l.
, 10d. -
ISS a CaWS On Columbia river; tod
, . tn cultivation: 78 more easily made
' x- ready for the plow; balance U
timber: fenced and crose-fenc
Sch soil: well watered; good I-room
use; 4 barns. With farm go SO
head blgh-grada cattle and heavy
draft horses, farming Implements
r, ; or au a mas. cream separator, cnura.
ww, rnm i ,vuv.
SO AfTaTBS 14 nllee from Portland,
miles south of Tualatin;. T acres
' cleared, balance light and heavy
. umner; weu waterea: ricn soil
- good new buildings: 'phone In bous
. and life interest tn line: revenue
from potatoes alone last year. I&5I.
' Price ILtbs.
MS AOBBB Near La Center. Wash.. Id
piowea; e siasnsa; ie pasture, with
t - i living springs, naiaaoe t:
., good buildings; fruit dryer,
soli excellent. Price IS.&eO.
We hone a hum rnimhss- ss?
farms and ask lntsaduar tiurchssara
wnss ss oau los usi grrmg xuu sesonp-
S AflBBS T blocks east of Monta-
vtlla car Una, and all lneultlvatloo;
r. 1 acres orchard; new t-room house:
for tl.SOO If sold at once. Also tU
acres adjoining; t-room house, barn.
roothouse, etc. Priee ILtOOi fine
- property. '"v .. ,' , J
TWO S-SMOBt eottacss and wall-located
, lot near fair grounds: rental value
v 2K; for sale si a decided bargalar-
'AgflsV lot 44aies, well to
)uth Portland. Price 1.-
cated In South
700 &0d
caan, -balanoe at per
S-BYOOM OOVTAOB, lot Mxlft, on Bast
, ita n.: DiocKs irom sac: rants
for-i. Prtee g700 cash.
BOVBB. hard Anlshed. lot tv
10, Rodney ava: rented for 111.
Price 12,600 Li M cash, balaaos
at t per cent
MMXW B&O0t on Portland Relahta
well located; good view. Price It-
S-BOOK STOTTSB, ' tot lorltl, Alblna;
nne prtvenv - race ss.soe.
T-mOOsX modern h
Hawthorne ava.
A m U kill of elegant buUdlng altes oa
!'-, .... 'h
The Shaw-Fcar Cc
MxideV oa lith and Harrlsoa atA, das
block from ths Portland Academy the
ground la covered with all klads of
shrnbbsry; there Is a hone that oaa M
remodeled, bat we do not Sgur this
house la the price. The property, with
out a vestige of anything oa It, la worth
mora than tha price asksd.- " "'-v -
. ;
W.L MORGAN, 513 McKay BJdg
$1,000 An elegant quarter block In best
. Bast Side district with fine house of
t rooms, hot water heating through
out ana vaurvuB"7 moaem.
trgs lo
lot at Mount Tabor, doss
to car line:
oeauunu piaos , for . a
home. ty -
gap Quarter Mock at Ockley Oreen.
with barn nd fruit; will lend money
to build and sell on sasy paymsnta
hMO Half cash, a Well w hunt new.
thoroughly modern t-room house, with
hall and bath; handsome oak manteL
with large mirror; situated on West
Side, on lth st between' Jefferson
and Columbia. : s
tit, "a
W.L. MORGAN, 513 McKayBldg
About tha tost qasrtsr block la
the best business part of the dty,
lOsxlOe, southeast corner llth and
Alder streets.' '.,'-."' ..v-v
Lcuij Sclcmon
Bnthsr of those three newly flnishad,
modern, I -room houeoa, on southwest
corner of Bast llth and Stark streets,
for sale at rsaeonabls figures.
. Ws hava sorao ehelee tots for sals an
assy payments. Let us show you tbem.
Free street ear ttahwta.
KArpy ni it tkey
Who r!H c4x tar way
ad4RTttotbe .
RtALifinrS I'Xh
Splendid Jot right on Spencer
street : I Slocks Meniavllla
' . schoot v
ISS Bsob, very ehdoest lots 10x1 CO
, , feet Oak Park Addition. St
Johns; will double la next 1
' months. -
S WS ffiAcellent acre tract; 4-rocni
. . house, good barn, other build-.
, " Inge; well. Iron pump, choice
fruiti One tooailty; convealeut
' to cars,. , , . .
9 SssV Siem ! acre plaoa. neat eottagef
ohoice fruit; cosy home, betweea
oaa urave and c
eautlSRl lots, with neat cot-
tags; C blocks from electric oars.
VOO .. Splendid r7-ore place; love!
country home; comxortaoie hull
itry home: comfortable build
ings; living water; ohotoe fruit.
easy drive to Portland.
SI SOS Magnmcant home oh Bast Ninth
street; beautirul t-room cot tare J
abundance of fruit and shrub
ery; a dandy for the money.
SXTgS- Handsome horns at Woodlawa; f
run lots; elegant i-room cot
; tags; modern, convenient: choice
fruit ana shrubbery; cement
wsiks ; .... ... , ,
-sere lot: oosv t-room oet-
tage: choicest variety fruit and
berries, shrubbery; . 4 blocks
AtaatavlUa oar line. .. t
Per a sTsad modern home ha
vtouacay a AMition. I rooms:
beautiful lot, stylish -place.
Nf . ! ' Qrand avenue,
: -..f-'-.- HAPPT. fi - -
TheDann Larvrehce Col
Xo M
Block 200x200
S. P. ft f. lona side, suitable for
bouse or manufacturing purposss. For
irics and terms address Cross st ghaw.
M Washington street -r.-.
ttoe down, balance tlB ner month, house
and. lot. in Ulchlaad Park, " , ... r i;
018OO ;': ;) -
? acres; new house under conatrQatloni ;
blocks from oar llnejrsry cheap. ; :"
new bouse; grounds well tm
blocks from car Una; a nice)
. T.eedfsg Beat 'Bernse
St. Johns
Hss obtained s new industry
every thres months' during the
past two ymn. 'fh'"'::
Four New Industries
Are now under construction. vis.t
Ths Portland Woolen Mills (to
emolow 800 hands'), i r .
The Jobes Flour Mill (capacity
800 bbls. per day)., v v1
Ship Yard lor Wooden Vessekt.
Ship Yard for Steel Vessels.; , v ;
Lots 50x100, $5 Down,
15 a Month 0
We will assist you to jot a horn
Frtt Stmt Car Tkkets, ri als mi
laltfBiUofl aWApplkati. to .
' t Chamber of Commerce.
St Johns Park
fine, new oottsges nssr Woolen Milts
and car line, for sals ohean, on taatalW
meat alan. ,
One with 1 lots... ...SLOBS
One with 1 1-1 lots .81,000-:
Three with 1 full lot each. ...... J soo
The Weetoa BUUs Will be In operation . ..
seen and 60 to 100 new bouses will be
needed la. St, Johns. V'
Ssasral Ageata, St. goaas. -
0. Kalbseea, Owner, fSS fThembai aff
Great Big Bargaiiv
( Lot 16, CEDAR HILL
: $1,200 ; : r
14. 000
Good Investment
Corner lot en Ninth and IDstIs, with
three nice buildings, ridding good In
ooma en ,
SsH w Stiset, Oeawsi Oak,