The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1904, Image 19

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CUrk fatr Mfml piuw ad pBonumM
.; lutv b drawn p by the trebttMU f
."; th corporation. In ihm Mrtf atac
T whin lhar Woro f wilding Lirancd
. a. for 'Bd when th fair prewpoocw ooa
, alaUd of Immi and poaalblUtloa, thoao
; panoraawa wora- ooaMWhat daoaptlva. ,
-" Tha arobltaot apant ala tlma in da
vtalna; aarlatlona on tha landaoapa , anaNmpney waa anproprmlad for naw build
tha mouatatna appeared wltb araat da-
tall, alrahlpa floatad In tha braaia and
Bannara wara a una1 from Moorish oaaa
manta. atraet aara and antoa aarvad tn
,"1 V fill up tha saaa and amiIolas aarrad tn
v wwr tha water. Bis tewara atnall band
$ i atanda and many othar thlnaa antarad
r' Into tha panorama and plaaaln pto-
Lackr B07 Is Not Only Good Property Treas
' ore Group Shows Up "Well Many Other - :
f ; Properties' Are Producers. -; z
Bhaa RlvaVs mora thoroatD devetop-
ment on tha numerous properties reoelv-
tng tha attention of aapltal ta that dla-
trlot, la Indicated by detailed Hat of
- - mines whara work is now in progress.
.: Tha great mill and era body of the
, Lucky Boy. described la laat Sunday's
' f JNturnal, la tha moat advanced type of
- . tha dlatrlet. but there ara a laraa nun
; bar of minea, where-development la ag
greealva, and oa soma af them mil) trig
nlanta ara bains; greeted, or have bean
autllned. A list of those propartlaa
erovea that raoreasod production la -aa-
, eured next year, aftar which time Bra
River will ba claaeed amony tha staady
aoatrlbatars to Oregon s cold output, ,
' Tht Trsaasra group, owned by Caarles
- Parks and Bngilsh aaaoeUtaa, la the
i most aatenslrely developed mine In
Blua River, and the management la saw-
- ins lumbar thtg fail for a 1 to lft-
x' i ton mill la tha sprls. Owtnd to tha
thoroushnaaa of development, nvrge oro
'"' body and admirable situation for work,
tha Treasure la one of tha saost Intareat
. Inar properties of tba atata. It haa four
, consecutive claims on una great fuMure,
giving Loot feat on either aide af tha
slta whara a mill Is being located, where
backs of l.eoo ta MO teet may ba bad
' over tha mill level adM.
Tha underground development Oonslate
of three main tuanels on tha Blua Rlver
Calapoola divide. Ma. 4 tunnel has baan
' driven about lot feat on tha vain, near
: tha crest of tha divide. No, ft la 400
( feat long, an oa tha vela and about 190
feat below -No. 1. Ko. ft, tat feet ver
tically beneath Na. ft, haa been driven on
tha rain 1.7M feat. For tha last 1.1M
feat of thla drive, tha arerag vartlcal
, depth Is ltd feet. Ko. has been started
from tha mill level, and la about 0
fret deeper, vertical measurement, than
Jfo. ft. When No. ft haa been driven ua
r tha crest of tha divide whara a ver
tical depth of Mt feat will ba had. Bur-
fact work haa baan thoroughly proee-
eutad along' tha eourso of tba vela for
tha l.tot feat awaed pr tha pom pa ay.
aftaaamaah Ore Bad.
Jfo. t tunnel while foUowfnr tha ratn
all tha way. la In barren around for tha
first Stt or ttt fast. Than a grant ore
shoot somen In, and eontlnnas for l.tto
fret. There la but one break In thla re
markable ore body, that being; Where a
fto-foot horse auts tha rain squarely.
Tha ara la Rood on both sidea. The
width of tha ore body ranaas from four
to 41 feat, tha last-named figure being
proven In a crosscut oa tha third level.
Ml of this ora la vary free tha man
A sr aatlmstlng that he will jret no mora
tnan a ton of oonoenfratea from tot tons
tha faa af -tha No, I lavel. The Creede
in cuts Into tha Treasure vein near
th face of tha No. I drift, and work baa
followed th former. Th drift IS t be
brosaeuted oa the Treasure, until thla
level emerges on tha Palsaoole slda af
slope, which will b la tot dr ttt
fret beyond th present feca. By drtv
through th mounutn thus, on portal
Is had In' a dans forrat af ffaa timber,
sir I serurrd without relerng and fa
rlltllrs will be provide for Inatalliog
tba sawmill wbar Umoar la beat
QaxdnT Hons of
tnaa ama nana oat, bnrt wm 414 sot
Aa tha month1 want ay, how a far. thla
iti ahancad. Tha atata aomulaaloa
baaan Ho aontnaet far larva halla and
xhlbtt pateoaa. atata buMdlnaa bacan
to bacoma raalltlaa, and varloua addl
tlomv wara mada to tha Baopa of tha
fair. Aa tha aaaaana rolled Around
craatar piano wara - aat afoot, mpra
Inga, widar horlaon dawnad on tha fair
and tha archltaet and drauchtamam did
not hava to bothar aboat alrahlpa or
Whan tha Cnal panorama waa drawn
op this waafc by tha arahltaat It raoam
blad but llttla tha Orat pletnraa whara
tha imagination piayad fraaly. - It
- , .-t u., ; t A; . ;
Tha Oraad rata, oouratglnf with tha
Treaaura near tha faoa of th praaant
drift aa Na. ft, la a mrga flaaura, but la
not wall defined yet. No. ft will foUow
what la known as tha Shovel Blade vain
for 100 ta tot foot before reaching tha
Treasure, giving- a drift for thla drive,
and opening a narrow era body that has
bean found to ba mash abora tha aver
age of tha district.
Manager Parka has sot determined
yet -what type of mill ha will install.
Aftar experimenting with a plant of lftt
to lit ton aapeclty, and gettlna tha
treasure vela opened on tha mill level.
Mr. Parka aaya ha la eonndent of being
aula to heap a ttt t ftat ton plant
busy.' Hid era la anally crushed, and
saving will ba almpla, aa laat h plana
a plant of larva capacity.
Tha Vac Bern Mining and Milling
eomnanr has lust Samnleted a naw. mod-
era lt-stamp plant for amalgamating.,
and oncantnulng, steam being used
power. Th company is aampoaad af
Oregon and eastern people, R. A. Let
thtg befog m charge aa manager, with
the Weehburu Brother millwrights
and su parlntendetrt.
There are six claim and two free
tiona in th groap. and work has been
distributed oa eeveral vdia Recently
development was concentrated on the
Bullion and tha Bseelalor rains, which
converge) within l.tot feet of the new
mulatto. A drift of ttt feet has been
Biada a the Bullion and about set fast
ea th Bacalalor. Both of thaaa veina
are aald to ahow well in this work, and
reeerva la being opened rapidly. Mill
ing is just commencing bare.
The mill consists of a Blah breaker,
two battcrlea of 1, 000-pound gravity
stamps. Improved Hammond mortara,
one bumping table and a 40-horae power
steam plant. Another oomentrator. is
to ha added sooa.
' Oa th Badger group, owned by the
Oregon Blue River Mining company.
development aalculated to opaa five ar
atx veins Is being grease d -steadily.
George R Waggoner, Is sanaaer
tor th sompaay aad ' W. L. Beck
nor la superintendent af work, Th
principal real aroaalng th group, which
consists of three claims, it an extension
af the Treaaura, Manager Parks' Orel-,
opmeat of the latter vela will bring
work to the aoanda of the Radger prop
arty, mad thus perform work that prac
tically develop for the nuuUrer owners.
More than 10 feet of surface work
has been don by the company, defining
the strike of the vein system. It Is
found that three veins cut deep Into tha
Treaaure vein near the site f present
work, and there ia at least one import
ant parallel to this mother lode flaaura.
A tunnel H being driven from a level
that 'will give about 4tt feet depth.
from which level all vein win b opened
la drtfta running from the potato af la-:;
mraectlea, giving flv to MB reins as
tributary ta on adit. , ,
A complete le-atamp milt with staam
plant, haa beenordered for the property,
but canot be erected this year.
A Hunilngtoa aalU, to be used aaall-l
cm:x ftjcday joufnal wttland-sunday
thd Lcvis-and Clarl: Exposition Buildings arid Grounds
howad. In datafl t araat fatr, dad H
did not naad a atraat car ta fill a vaoant
eornar nor Mount Hood to hlp out tha
background. - la fact, tha troubla haa
baan to ft all In th gkateh that ba
)ona lhar- and aavarai thlnaa hava
baan loft out that wlU ba addad bafora
tha fair apana. . .....
But as h atanda tha panorama shown
mlnutaly tha aoopa of tha 10 axpoal
tlon. In tha forairround m tha antra noa
throuBTh tha oolonnadaa, Thaaa atrot ch
ina batwaen tha Or station and admlnla
tratlon building. Baat of tha antranoa
la tha laraa maohlnery haa raoantly on
dartalian by tha atata aommlaaloa and
craapad abovt It ara tha mining; and
auditorium building. AU of thaaa wara
lary to a two-stamp battery, la "being
installed oa th Orcat Northern, owned
by the a rent Northern Developmeat
company, af which H. C Mabon, A. Or
rUla Waller and W, d. fitandlah ara tha
Incorporators. Ta milling; plant will
have two eoneentrmtlng tables, steam
plant and crushing capacity of a nve
foot Huntington and two ISO-pound
stamps. An aerial tram ta projected to
oonnectt the lower level of the mine
with th mill, a distance of a quarter of
a mile,, There ara ala eiaime tn the
group, and three defined veina eroeemg
them. Most of the work dona ontu law
is oa one aaaure, which la opened by
one tunnel tot feet Ions; and .numerous
surfaoa cuts. Aa era body reaching
nine feet la width at places has been
opened In thla work. Portions of this
ora la tha rich black, oxide for whioh
Blue river la t amoua. ..
Thar ara Ave claims in tha Cinderella
group, owned by Thomaa Braanon and
i, X. Taylor, under partnership arranse
meat. One adit on the Cinderella vain
haa a length, of lot feet, are being tha
width of the tunnel, and another adit
haa been driven lftt feet oa a parallel
vein. - ,j- , t '
Tba Tata group, owned fay 'John,
Lewie, Bartlett and Grant Tat, consists
of av emimeY across which strike five
or sia veina. 1 There is aa aggregate of
about tot feat of work oa th group.
On shaft having been sunk ft feet m
aa are body of great promise, which hi
1ft to IS feet wlda where ooanad. An -
other rata has a width of Ave feat In
the work dona, with aa or body tight
up against tha walla. Tha free milling
ora In eight warrants tha brothers ta
proceeding with the oonatruotloa of
milling plant, which wlU ba taken Bp
aaxt yean Aa arraatra was naad on
the property for a time, hat la aot la
commission now.
Th Rowena and Baby claims, owned
by Meaara, Lei nee, Taylor sad O running,
ara epaned' by a tunnel of let feet
length, which donnas a small rein.
John Hawainaon and P. H. KlyUo owa
the . Red Cloud and Blue bird claims
adjeoent to th Ruby, aa which they arc
doing steady work. A creeecut af ltl
feet was drives) to open the main vela
at depth,: aad where the flaaura is aut
there Is four feat of odldlsad rock ami
It feet of a bluish aaarta. Two upper
tuanels hare been drlvea on th vla,
ah owing a targe body of arid mad are.
Tn Brewnavllle-CkUapoola Mlnln
and Mill tng company awns a group of
five elaims, known as tha Fxorman. ad
Joining, on which 40t feat of develop
ment shows a rata af three to ftl feat
width. This la sn extension of th rata
opened by Hawklnaen dj Kyllo.
Th fiunsefc near tha Lucky Boy, H
owned by Messrs, Dodge and Runyen of
Portland.-' Is tha surface development
done a grade of ore waa found that war
ranted milling, and a eoneid arable aona
Uty has been handled 4hua.
Dr. J. H. Kealer haa a group of sta
or aeven claims oa the Calapoola elope,
adjacent to . the Or eat Northern, oa
which ha ia proeeeuttng developmeat.
A ftft-foet Shaft baa been sunk em
George Fisher's claim, frees which a
milling ore la being taken. : , ,
lrg tetaa at ftssfao.
Otto Oleton. formerly of Nebraska, m
developing th Cuba group, near the
Treasure, In this property a large vein
has beea. opened, aad th management
has beea prosecuting steady work, with
tha hop of commencing milling next
A. at Woods and C B. Diamond aara
three els t ma below tn Lucky Boy, en
which Ibey have Just completed a two
etamp milt Water power la aaad t
ran th plant, A seven-feet vela ea
opened la about 10 feet of work.
On the aootb of the Lucky Boy RT. PL
McKelvey has a group on which th
aurface work hal Opened a large ft satire
Dr. C P. Cardlant, Italian vice-consul
in Portland, own tha Doctor groap,. on
which he has driven a tunnel between
4tt asm ttt past, -Th Aua claim, ad -
datrmlad on at tha mat mooting of tha
eofflmloalon and their total aoat will am
odbd 7a.0M. Contraeta hava aat baan
lat for thaaa atnioturoa but will ba an
Baptambar M ami work wfcll ba startad
soon aftar.
Tha first building to tha waat Of thla
roup ta- tha largo atataa buUdlnc now
known as tha agricultural hall, whara
moat of tha atata tshlblta will ba ahdwn
and that ara now housad in aapardta
atata buildings. Mast la tha llbaral arts
budding and than tha foreign ashlbtt
hall; tha laat on tha main boulevard la
tha unlqua foraatry building. huge
oabln built aff unhewn loga. '
Tbaaa farm the ohtaf aahlbtt batldtnga
ta ba erectad by tha atata commission
and are M par cent mora than wara at
Joinlac fa owned by Washbura broth
ers, and aft opened by ttt feet of sua
ai. - i
J. B. McCauley, oa th Oaiapoota aide
of th divide from tha Treaaura, has a
claim and a fraction showing a vela
about 40 feet wide, which is pronounced
one of the baat young properties of Blue
river. t He haa, a 10-foot shaft an th
main rata and two tunnels set and 4f0
feet long,, respectively, which open a
lars body of oxidised era.
-rom tha New York Bun,
A vmim ak ana fn. liIm
real dent of Newark and m now engaged
In going about the world taking cine
matograph ploturea, returned la Parle
recently aftar a long stay With tha Rus
sian forces In Manchuria. Ha relates
aome of his experiences in a letter to a
friend la Newark: He says tha Russian
so idler ( drinks alto gather to much
"Ton are right." h writes; 1 bar
aaaa Bight whioh trill never fade from
my memory, but do aot envy me, be
cause I have bought my experience
dearly. I fear I ehall regret It aa long
aa I live, for I have returned a wreck
aa far aa health la eoneerned, having
put up with privation and worry among
a crowd worse thaa eavagee. Unfortun
ately I cannot make public all my ax-
portenoas la tha far oast, aor tell ail
I know af how the Basslana fare.
1 cause we are doing a big buelnese with
: Rueela and should I offend them I
1 aot sail my aooaa there.
"I ia aot a tearperanoe man myself,
but a fin sermon eould be preached by
on using tha Buaalans as an example
af what drink wlU do. Aa a matter of
fact, ss far as the Rueslan army Is con
cerned. R seem more like a wooalng
expedition than a war. From morning
to night you see them at It. drinking
infernal rodka ar alcohol, aut or salad
bowls, teacup aad all meaner of recep
tacle. "I bar been a far as Newehwang,
which tba Rueelane at that time thought
would never fall mte the baada of the
Jape, They had two divisions placed at
this point, but the soldiers were so busy
with the alcohol that they found aa
tiara to find sut what tha Jape ware
doing, until one day they woko. too
lata, ss you know from the aswspapsr
aacounta of doing here.
Travel ea Baikal lake for fir days
In purauH af ploturea, during a tem
pera tare varying from SO t eft degrees
below aero. Is aot warm work. Btlll leas
did I enjoy my stay hi Pfisoa aa a so
ptotoue Individual. . . '
"Being in th drug buetaeee n may
Interest you to near laat I have seen
Ave sacks which were supposed lo ooa
teln quinine opeaed and found to contain
nothing store valuable thaa common
salt. These arrived at the Had Cross
hospital at Harbin. Evidently soma one
had pocketed th difference m price,"
From the Windsor Magestn, '
The Hon. Joha Coll let had an exciting
experience while pel sting Llllth, Hte
LUIth wears a snake la very conveni
ent colls about her. A famous animal
dealer af Liverpool, out of regard to
the palhter unci, A county court
judge, offered to lend him anything
from hie stock that he might want In
the nuking of hla picture., Thd me
nagerie was vial ted and a large boa
constrictor was chosen..
Mr. Coiner had hired a little studio In
Liverpool, and thither earn the new and
strange "sitter." The boa constrictor
ootled about his keeper, who had. him
in complete .control by holding blm by
the seek. It was a cold day, and the
boa waa. so torpid that tha keeper
thought ft salts prudent to divest him
self of tha snake and to an ta luenh.
I lea vine- the It vine oolL It feat lone.
i upon tha floor. The artist remained;
I he poked tha Are, and tha beat came out
ta waves. The boa eonat rioter, amdc
morning. September is,
first planned to ba paid for tram -state
funda. Bat thaaa ara not all af. tha bl
ashlbtt bulldlnga by any maana..
Aoross tha lake an tha pentnaula. In
shown one large building' Which la tha
main axhlblt hall of tha government
display. This wlU ba aa laraa and aa
Important as any tof tha buildtacs of
tha aspoattton but In addition to thla
structure thar will ba three athar ex
hibit halts, thaaa bein darotad ta flah
ries and gama, forestry and acrteultara,
Down by tha tarmlnus of tha bfidga of
nations will ba tha Ufa saving: station
with a unique and valuable exhibit. .
Tha bridge of nations la & oarporatlem
enterprise and will ba unique In that it
. :-
Aa devotee of the only IssaM Walton.
no fishermen ha Christendom can com
pete with W. KL Travis of this city snd
Fraderlak Imlth Of Washington. D. C,
la both hooking the wary albbler snd
dissertating upon their conquests after
wards. Mr. Imlth halls from the nation's
capital and Is recognised aa a veracious
fisherman. Mr. Travla haa mora than
leaa stuggtsh by th warmth, began to
wake aa and then to move. The artist
did aot stir at first; but whoa the boa
oenstrtclar amde bis way to aa Inaer
room eemmunloatMng with the rest of
the house Mr. Collier, not knowing how
unwelcome and dangerous such sa aa-
expected visitor might contrive to be.
sprang forward) la time to as tea ahm
by ths ten. ' . i
Pot a moment there waa a patfba, and
thaa the great boa constrictor gilded
forward and was test ta the artlefs
eight. The keeper returned to find hut
oharg comfortable enough as aa In
truder, aleeplng the sleep of innocence.
Finally tha ansae wsa chloroformed. In
order that he might mora placidly eom
pleto hie sittings.
It ft a fast hot veaeraUy known that
Andrew Carnegie has the organ played
every parsing la Ml Fifth avenue man
sion whn he la nt town. This practice
of ttt ironmaster has given his servante
the impression that their master is
ohanhgotagj Christlsa, seerc eapacw
, - v, ,
f, aajv ; ,
' '.-jr.. &
.." 4 . -i ;j-rv
will bear man of tha eoaoawlons wtitah
wlU be planed oa plat forms built from
the bridge aut over tha mam On tha
lake front near tha mainland terminus
of tha bridge will ba grouped tha big
eonoeaslons of the Trail whioh wlU ba aa
treat aa attraction aa tha Pike aft St.
Loam, or tha Midway Ctoloago,
At tha foot of tha 'Ion stairway
which laada up from tha lake front to
tha plateau north af tha agricultural
ball la planed tha main band stand,
where Innea' musloiaaa win render atir
rlnc straina. JTar to tha north a aat on
tha lake front will ba built the cattle
abode and stock pens, tha livestock
shows being' a feature of tha eapoaltloe.
Near tha mining and machinery halls
WU1 ba tha stale buildings and all atataa
matriculated In the same line. 'Oa th
occasion of Mr. fimlth's visit to this
city last week, A flying trip t Rogue
river was planaad, and the osteoma
was moat ' successful. . After catching
mora thaa their automobile would carry,
both mew sat dwa to dieenaa their ac
complishment. A friend happened to
have a camera. Imlth waa just esplala-
as he resists on bis help who, by the
way, ara all loo to Ik going to ehurch
every Sunday. ...
TbJa belief sf th Caiwagia eervanta
gave a newspaper man a great deal of
work and led to hla being rebuked by
Mr. Carl achura, a neighbor af Mr. Car
Regie, recently. The library giver had
been reported aa saying that h had
ceased to pray ft years ago. and the
aor I be was sent to ascertain Mr. Carne
gie's religious prooltvltlee If poaaibie.
Mr. Caraegie himeelt was away.
Bure he goes tv ehurch," mid tba
man who answered the reporter's ring.
"He's a brew releeglous' atan, ha m, and
will have nee a- areond him who isn't
a guM Chreeetlsn.' .
"Hew do you kaow he goes to church T
said the aoribe. e
. "Isn't that eno for T ' Wbcd doot
ft when ha thinks ss muckle o reteeglon
that ha ha rel 'oua asueto before
breakfaM every V, r
When Mr. ftVhurg was sawed If be ewer i
sw ni 'r-ir going to church, he
r ter over aaarpiy for a i
' -rtt t t I
. 1 my br4hrg haeperr '
havtng; appropriations for ButMlng? pare
poses WlU group their eUuctmee bars ow
high point overlooking am lake anav
tha peninsula, la Tartans parts af th
ground will be athor amaiiar xhm
hails and unique features and between)
now sad tha opening day many vnoanB
spaeea wUl ba fllled with attractions,
bat the latest panorama shows that tha
Lawla and -Clark fair will take Its plaoe)
amongT tha world's great axpoalttona and
that Ilka tha St. Lou Is enterprise, lb
baa so out-rowa Ita ft rat awaddlln
clothes that Its organisers would bard
ly recognise tha giant that haa grown
from tha Infant, wara they not keeping
a aloaa watch on lta progTssa-aad aidingj
H to aaauBM manly proportiona.
tnft th difficulty that he caper tc wood fn
landing a alee-Inch trout, when Travla
undertook ta deacribe the alee of a fa-
moue trout eatoh he onoe made, that)
mad Smith's look rather miniature,,
After Travis' speech, Imlth aaya he
had nothing mora to my. Tha proof odj
thla story h) th aeeoojdamytnB photo-J
graph. ' in ',, , v j ' B j
From the Tenth's fmpanioa.
Af emmeet naturalist wk bwidav-and'
ft la, aa well a ahalr la a university aa-l
nouaced t to members sf his sis as
one morning that a bad something i
unusual interact to show thaaa.
I have bar, gentlemen." a es4,
Msoraa aaira tram th akin of a you
created aaeL and we will proaeed t
study their peculiar I ties."
Vnfoldlng th small plac of a
that contained them, ha spread the h
out oa a sheet af whits cardboard a
turned te get his microscope. Which
ea s deak behisd htm.
While hla beub was tned a f
student aulckly swept 1
ilMk Intn hla hamd a
others very olo- r r
"Young "
n?a at (t-
b- n m-
ta are
-'1 'V f