The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1904, Page 18, Image 18

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    .- fi
x. m. a, to Maw York Baa.
' Ret In St. Petersburg th fata off Roa
to to hanging la lb balaaee. Th war
with Japan might ctoee tomorrow, and
BuhU'i destiny would be but little af
frted by tlM episode. All th raal te
gaente to the crista are here, iod here will
be decided tha momeatoue question of th
rise or faU of th pressst dyaasty d
Revolution' an th form of aopojar
revolt wlU not eorae. Ia ao country
art ar tht pneautlono against Ntol
lion so complete, and nowhere els would
tta attempt be ao hopeless. But aw
ernments ar sometimes oTarthrown from
tba top; and thta danger to never absent
la aa autocrat? whtch to presided over
ay a weak and vacillating amonareh.
Tbo woatara world baa been told many
times during tba paat few months that
the raal rulaa at Russia ara a group of
oblr. who. by on bmuh or anotbar.
Oonrrot tba emperor and dominate tba
policy of lb empire. No MM baa at
tempted to point out - who Ara these
mysterious Individuals aad whet art
thalr motive and method. Z
Tba toto bL da Plohve u merely tbatr
representative, aad a very abla oxaoutor
ka waa of tbafr atarn and Inaxorabla
boUey. Hta traato and wan doaarrad
fata baa preduoad temporary eonfuatoa
And nnoartalncy la tha ptona ad bto
paaatara. Tba aneartalnty to not dua to
ny ralaaUnc to tba tyranntoal daalcad of
tM raal ' oppraaaora of Huaato, but ta-
atasd to ooaa natural raluetano on tha
nrt of tba caar to aanottoa aUu atarnar
aaaaaurar ac FopraaaKm.
' Tba peopta of a fro oountry aa bar
Dtua oonoaptloa of tba pari! to which
tbto unhappy man would axpoaa htmaalf
am a atrioua ruptura witb bto mantora.
Lt H bo ramambarad that tba aaaimtna
r bto fraudfathar wara not Hlblltota, aa
Ituauto nva tba world to suppoatk but
tha atfaata of bto own aatourac wbo
took thto maana of fruatraUnf tba eaara
an(ntkm to araju a oanatttutton to bto
Tba lboaatan paaaport ayatam to Iha
maat offaetlva anfaouard acainat eiin
known to modarn Inatltatlona. Ita rulaa
ara atrtnfant and tnay mr atrteny an-H
, no parpati may ramaJa away from bto
Ordinary domlclta mora than ona nlbt
without tba foot belnc raportad to tba
oltoo by tba booaeboldar, - eondargo or
othar paroaa te ooatrol of tha bulldlno
Tha arrival of any paraon for a otmliar
Itnftb of Uma must llkawtea ba rnportod.
Ona affect of thla ourvainanea. eom
BiMd Wtb Tha otnra punlahmanU m
wtotod, to that Urcany. . ambeaalamonto
Aid all mmor olfnuao ara far moro imra
In Kuaato than In any oouatry on aarta.
Xaoapa to praatloally Impoaalbla, onoa a
on ma to dlaoovarad.
o it oomaa about that Rnaala 'to bonaat
th tha nan -criminal aanaa of tba word.
It to an boaeatp of compmtoton. parhapa,
but tbto form of Ruaalaa 'tyranny- to
Juat and aqultaMo. Only In 1U public
arrtoa to tba oountry hopaleaaly aorrupt,
nd tharo tha oorruptlon axtota by tacit
donaant. nd it to willingly unrreranl.
' Tba admiral who buya aoaJ for bto
dtitpa la forotom port oaewrao aa vouch.
i'f .
Oearrigat, I, by W. R. Heent.) f
' . - tt was tb race week at bteriahabad.
an India, and a asottey orowd thronged
- -th sours.
Btatelv tdMt Mi m vlth
' Mra. alltford, th Mllotors wife, - A
4Mual, an was surrouneed by admirer.
wut of her tw most faithful ones, Mr.
VTarratU the oommlseioeer. aad Major
Wardrop, only Bur rail wa by her aide
; do hop major Wardrop will wfn
thto, don't you, Helen r said Wtnnl
Valtland. Mra. Kit ford's niece, a brlght
tsed gtrl of IT, Juat. out from flcotland.
, J TOt oouro I do," ah aald quickly.
I a;ielea had awd the aoqualntano of
ireotfr men whilst her father was sta
tioned last peas at Marlahabad, but be
had been suddenly maved owy a few
v moaih pcwvteualy aad aattlt trJa week
they had not met again.
But s far the meeting had been Oil
of otoerpomment. fine had been at
. BUriahabad now for tea day, end ta
( fall that tUn aha had aevar beea alone
w1tb Oerard, although he had eagerly
1 (sought her society ea aM poaslblo ooi'w
; ratena. Her boa teas waa a veritable drag--;
aa, -aad an waa beginning t suspect
.her of preventing gay nrtrate ooaversrv-
Wa R poawible that h wanted aria.
v SJto to marry hlmf The little gin seemed
!' quite ready to loss her heart to blm,
and -ha ara evidently attracted by her
. youthful prettlneea, Hera her train of
thought wag Interrupted hy a cheery
f ivoloe behiad bar aytag: .
f "A Pamr foe your thtmghta. Mia
- "j ghe rraofeod wp aad saw young Toddy
'Oerden. e boylaft, but very ataaoh, ad-
, jmlrer. '' '
I "OH. they ar worth more fhan that
, it me, Teddy, so TU poet pone th root
(tai of tbam until yon make me batter
' 'eater-
' "Well, f earn to ask yott tf you would
, Hk to waaeb thto aext ran from th
, iwatr Map, I aapoct we shall see a
' ; few spllia, tor tf uh a big field."
. J Looking baek aba aotleed that Winnie
rwaa. for the moment, alone and celled
'it bar te ya them. The girt start
, u eagerly and barrtod eross t the
Jump, . ,
. -Mow, theyrv oft ' Wo: If g false
, 'start Tra, thera they really are en tht
time, I da tblafc Mater Waldrop win
iwnn." d Wtnnto atoeprd her hands,
her pretty brae ayes danefng With a
fearw ) nearer m th broe
They seemed to be ell together. Would
they an clear the Jump? .
- . Aa Instant auapene and Mr. oar.
- r r wa over, quickly followed by
" '-rtn mm- the rhtwtnut. Those two
wre Mheed or all tha rest, and H
a and aeck race. Only en toor
System ; of Graft
ar thronrh a mlddlamaa raoatpto for -a
much larsar aura than tha actual pnoa,
and ha and carta In of hto oubardlnataa
poobat tba dlffaranca. Almoat ovary oon
traotor who fumlaha ouppllaa' muat pay
trlbuto to ofOclala ajnounttnf to tba fuU
actual valua of tba goodo or ovon mora.
and tha prlea to tb govommoal to Ml
craaaad aooordlna-ty. "
Bhra tba baMaot of ouch ortmao. bow
trar, oft an ga unpuntohad, Tha laat grant
robbarr of tha publicly oubaortbad Bad
Crbaa funda. ona of too moot dataatnbla
national aoandato of tba tlraa, baa
broucbt no ratrlbutloo pa tha bia-b-placad
thtavaa. Thaaa thrta, aoeordlni to oonv
mon raport, amounted to no tooa than IK
par eant of tba whola sum ooatrtbutod
la Tliiaala and abroad.
AO H lata high, placaa, ao M to to low.
Aa ooon no anqulry to dtrocted to tba Taot
mactalnory of tha alvUaarvtoa tha oaerat
of tha policy adopted for aafacuardlnfj
tba Ruaaton artotoernoy to dlacloaad.
Tha Brant majority of publlo aarvanta
ara almply naalaaa paraaitaa upon tha
body polltto. In ao othar country baa tha
bureaucracy davalopad Into ben an lat
monaa burden upon tha atata. Nowbora
atoa baa orary publlo function boon ro
duoad to auoh an tnvolvad and nboitrd
ayatom of olraumloeutlon.
Tharo ara two mathode of daaltac wtth
ladlTldunui or troupa whom tba ffovarn
maat aany rcanrd aa annaaroua. Ona to
rapraaaloa m aoaaa form- -ttaalabmant to
Blbartn or a dtoteneo prortnoa; tba othar
to to add tbam to tta own rank an faad-
oro from tha publlo crib.
Tba lot tat plan haa baan foltowad to
an axtant that to almoat boyond baltot.
Dapartmant after dapartmant baa baan
craatad. biro after biro of araat otnoa
buUdlnao baa baon bdllt la St. Fatera-
bur for tbto purpoaa. It to aald U ba
Hterally truo, for Inotaaeo, nat tharo
ara aa many olarks upon tha pay roll of
tha offloo far day Uoonaao la St. Futars-
bura aa tharo ara doaa In tha oapttal.
It to naeaaanry la tba tateraata of truth
to npaak la fbo fmnkaat tonna of tba In
fluanoo of tha Qrotk ohurch upon Ruo-
rtaa Ufa. It to a oubtoot of tha atmaot
practical Importanoa. for It to tha oburob
mora than tba ovarnmoat. mora tndaad
than any Mhar obotaola, wbloh haa bald
back tha march of proaraaa to Ruaato.
To maattoa flrot what may aaom a tnV
fling mat tar. It to tha ohurch which bv
alata upon tba ratantkm of tha Rnaalan
oaiondar, which. to It dnya alowar than
tha trw rooard. It may o hnaatnad
that rallatoua tradition and oonaarvaUam
aooount for tba oppoaltloa to aueb an
obviou raform. Mot ao. Tha raal raaaon
to that tba ohanao would oonfuao tba
arransomant of tha ealandar of ralltioua
holiday and would oparato to aboltob
many of thorn,
Wa muat W atlll doapor for tha vndap
tylna; motlra. Laat wook too oaar ra
eelvad a haavy potltlon from aoutharn
Ruaata, nraylns blm ao bead of too
church aa well aa baad of tha atata to
onaoat ooom of tha oompulaory bolldaya
which now raatrlot tha anaraiaa of hi
aubjacta. Tbto outaaotloa will bo oar
naotly and probably aucoaaafally op
pooad by all tba Inflaono Wnlok tb
Oraafc ohurch oaa brine to boar.
hurdle. Whteh would whit A 1oka-
lng crash t ' , r.
-By Jovef Ri'i lewnf t - . f ;.
Horror atrloksa slleno fell upon the
group. Wardrop' bora had swerved;
Khen, Jumping wildly, had fallen heav
ily. , After a short struggle he regained
hi feet and went oan taring riderless
away. - v ..v
-Oh. h ha fallen I fa billed r and
Winnie oovered her face with her band.
, "Don't distress yourself. Mia Malt
land," bald Teddy. "X daresay h aot
badly hurt, Mo, , there h to walk
Ing away. Let' go back t th stand.
Wa ahaU leant mor about blag thera,''
Presently a 1 ympatbatto s nturnlur
greeted th eppeeranoa af th victim
of the aootdent himtf naoa th stand.
He made bia way at one to where
Wlaato wa alttlng, feeling a little
s shamed of bar udda display of feel
ing. -
:T awfatty sorry to have lest yog
th bet, Ml Winnie, and I 001 even
lay claim to a broken limb to as oil
your compassion. - -
"Tog really gay gg a dreadful fright
both Hates aad 1 thought you, war
killed." T
Major Warder turned to Helen, wbo
waa a tending a little behind th other,
She flushed slightly aa she met bto eye.
but gar go othar lgn of dtocempo
ure. Th raos ball ra to take pteee that
evening. Helea waa feeling tired and
languid aad. In preparation for It, pro
longed her aftentooa' rant beyond it
usual limit '.:
However, th d est re for tea aroused
her at hut, and leaving her room ah
stepped Into tho veranda to -look for
Winnie, when ana stopped abort sudden
ly. Trembling all ever, her knee almoat
save way under her, for Wlnnte wa
there, steading a tha step, her hand la
Major .Wardmp' a, a general appearaao
of happtnoss la her air. -
'Til do my best to maka yon happy,
Uttla one," ho wa saying, "and tomor
row 1 shall come aad have th dreaded
Interview with Mr. Mitford. Mind you
keep plenty of daaes for ma tonight
X shall be obliged to be little tote."
And. with a wave of hto hand, be Juaiped
lalo hto dog cart and drove off.
Helen moved meehantoally baek to gar
room. The ayah oam to dress bar for
dinner, but she motioned her sway. Thee
Mr. Mitford earn to th door.
"I m going to Ito down, Mrs. Mit
ford. My head aches o that I thoaght
perhaps you weald lot me have torn
dinner quietly her. I am so afraid of
aot hern sble to go to tb bail."
The dainty ifttl meal appeared ta doe
rime, but Hb1 at a. If ssoh moutb-
fat would choke bar. .Oalx thm desirs
i r
Wilt M bo batlorad that tharo ara ta
tha Rnaalan oateadar aoma a aaeular
dayo la oaoh yanr whan ordinary labor
to problbltedT It muat bo obrloua that
a hoary bandloap la thua tmpooad upon
tba proaporlty of a nation. . .
It maana that no laao than M par eont
of ordinary labor prodvcUTo opportinv
Hy to eanoallad. In othar worda, a Uva
Ubood for M dnya aniot bo aalaot by
111 dayo work. .
Bara llaa tha oaerat of tha hard atruy
rl of tha Roaotoa maaaoi wttb pvrorty.
Mo nation undar tho fraoat political la
titutiono oould proapar wndor auoh oon
ditloan. i .
Ruaato to an agrlcul rural oountry. A
omallar prjporttoa of bar population Itro
tot oHIao than In any othar olvlUaad na
tion. Tho lm position of onforoad tOlo
aaaa upon tha paaaaat farmon la po
oultarly onreua ' i ,
Boforo tho omanelpatloa of tho aorfa.
tho manifold holiday oyatam waa b wal
ooma boon to tbanv Thay oarad llttlo
for tba material proapartty of tbatr man-
tera. Mow thalr Uv
thalr own oxartlono.
Thny cannot win onouaft 'from tho ooD
for thomaalvao and. thalr famlltoo anlaaa
thay ara parmlttad to maka full uaa of
thalr powora, fianeo wo hara la Ruaato
today a aoelal phaoomanoa navar known
laewhara an aaitatloa by tollani tham
oalvoa la favor of Urn abolition of halt-,
Tho armrdt will not If tt ean avoid It
yteld a alngia on of It compuiacry
aalnt daya. Whyt Simply baoauaa on
wary auoh day tha paopla an at leant
onoa to rburoh. and onoa attendance
maana a nontii button of a few kopooka
or mora to the prlaet'a eoffara.
Tb troaeure of tho aharob hi money
and tewele amounta to a rabuloua num.
It to. ta fact, unlvaa waU Informed Ru
tana ara deoelved, batter abla to oupply
tba afnewa of war ta tho prioont atrur
l hi tho far oaot than the Imperial
treasury Itaelf.
Let It bo said without issiliatloo that
R la the emperor' a aincar dealre to be
at peace with all the world, to Infrtnae
ao rlahte of othar nation, and to defend
and footer In every way the beat tnter
eeta of hto people. The common aaylno;
la fit. Peteraburo; to that the osar'a
rlawa ara tho of the laat man with
whom ba haa oonvarood. The matter
baa boooma a by-word, and and tt la for
Ruaala that thto thlnn abould bo true.
It to Inevitable, even In an autocracy,
that man of Influence abould bo divided
between two rival polltloal pollclea
There are not two partlea In Ruaato for
ouch a definite division of political opin
ion la not permitted to xlat. Two Ill
defined croup to, a bettor dealmaUon,
and thay may no roughly defined aa lib
oral aad reactionary, .
'. bL do Wltte may Jto named ad the
beat representative ot liberal Idea, and
Grand Duke Alexander If iohselovltch.
botdlns; the new poet of minister of
commerce, to oertaJnly tb leader of the
rapreaalvo policy which ha xeeanUy
oontrollod tha canr of Russia.
- Tho strufpjto between than two Beta
of opinion haa been lllently wan-ed
too the liberation of the eerfa. The
to play her part well enabled bar to
swallow anything. Tb obaaipagn bow
ever, pulled her together, and when she
mad her appearance ta th ballroom
aba looked like a quean Indeed. -
"Too late. Major Wardrop," aba aald.
My program is full; there Is ao room
for loiterers by the way.' Bad with a
emtio and a nod ah passed on with her
partner, leaving Wardrop- gpssabjesa
with astontohment - -
Dancing gayly tb rough the program,
her most favor partner, wa hi own
friend Burrcll. . t , - .
Opinion wer freely ax pre seed gg to
bar probable acceptanee of hto suit, snd
it caused but little surprise tn tho so
clety of Marlahabad when Mra Mitford
anxouaced at th club next evening that
they war engaged. Only on Wardrop
did th news fall like a thunderbolt.
"I swear ah loved me, be muttered
h paoed his veranda, unable to
alesp, through tM km hour of the
night ' ' - ' -" " ;''
. "If tt hod beea any other gate the
Barrel mine own familiar friend, I
would try even at thto tot hour to
put thing right between aa, But X
oan't poU hto Hf- After U, she had
her choice, ghe maat have know that
I loved her, ao she deliberately ohoee
betweea 'aa"
And wbat of Helen 7 . Waa ah happy?
he had saved herself outward humiliation-
by accepting Mr. Burrell aa bar
lover, but would aba never forget that
she bad gives her leva where tt wa
corned, aa she Imagined?
Mr. Burrell wa pressing her to nam
a early date for their marriage, as hi
wlehee furnished her with aa xius for
returning home.
A Mrs. Mitford wished bar aa affec
tionate 'goodbye, she aald mysteri
ously, 1 expect you will Ojear aom
new of Wlnal which will surprise yon,
bat things ar got really atud yet." ' -
"WaU. wish bar Joy for m. please,
Mrs, Mitford. whoa th time some.
Ah, fr ar off." And Helen waved her
band to th group assembled to bid her
Ox morning shvixry after the Tftmis
bad eettled down at MariehabaxL Helen
received a "chit" from Winnie, Inviting
herself to tiffin thai day, "for," she
wrote. Theve aoma great news t tall
you whteh I think whi surpris you.
Things wr only really settled yes
terday. "I suppose t must say yea.' but, oh.
how oaa I bear to hear her talk of her
happiness with Oerard 1 How shall I
ever bid my own feelings? Still, aV
must be done, s here goes," and Helen
oat down and. wrote a few line t Win
nie eaying aba would be pleased to ee
ha welcomed. Wmnto warmly whan
ah arrived.
"Wen." she said gayly. "and what I
the great new, deer? Or oaa t gueea
It; to tt that yoa ara geiag tg b mar
ried?" 1 . . . . , v
. "Tea, but wbat la tha world made awa
tfuena M qaiahlyr
"My child, hasn't Major WarnVon
bees your shadow for weeks It wen
easy to oss whs waa going ta happen."
"Major Waroropr gasped 'Wlaato;
T- 1 ' y m i v '-,
- Ta dr tho sTand dMraov four
of whom tt 1 aald bold abaoluto
power ever tho oaar. From left
to riant they are: TMmltrl Con-
otantlnevrtch. Ktohoia Mtobola-;
vltch, Oeoiw Mlkbaalovltcb..
Vladimir Ntobolaavltch. Peter '
Ntohotaavttab, Mtoboton Mlkbne
lovlteh, Andre VledlmlrovUoa,
Bars iAlanandrovltoh, ' Michael
AlexajMrovUoh and anran Mlkh
oaloTltob 1 - .u :. - - t '
i " y ' '
thra lateat
-Alexander If, Al-
mourner XIX and Mtobolaa ttnUl reesntly
bav been liberal at heart aad Inclined
t araat a larger measure of liberty to
tho Ruaalaa people. Tho flrot oppoood
tho policy of tba reaotionarioa at the
by no mean tacking- la eourage, re
frained from making htmaalf a martyr
to the aam eauo. Tb third know
full wall that be la at the mercy of
th who would keep Ruaato under the
heal of oppression, nd be ha yielded
almoat Unreservedly to their demande.
Fortunately, the victim of Ruaaton
tyranny the tyranny only nominally of
the oaar noderatand bto helpleeenoe.
Mo bomb fraea the aam ovro aa that
wbleh killed Do Plebvo will over ba
directed against tho emperor. Danger
Of hto aaaaaalaatloa may arte, tt may
already exist, but It wlU oone, from
qult another direction. -
The praoant retention apptloatlod of
Iron heeled oppression throughout Rua
ta and la Finland to largely dua to tho
alarm among the nobles oauaad by tho
Introduction of tho liberal policy of
If. do Wltte. It muat aot be Interred
that thla enllrh tened otataemaa advo-
oata for Russia reforma which would
bring her within range of western Idefta
of proa-reea He to far too wiea to
plaea hlmaelf ta aueb n poaition.
Ho baa aot bought. to disturb axtot
lng Inatltatlona. Hto tnfluonoe baa boon
oonfiaed otriotly to oommerctei, flnan
etol aad eoonomlo 'problonia, to Par
fro condemning, ba ba not hesitated
to mk uae of the aavareot wsapona of
tb atitiwiisapi ' -
ML do Witte, navertheleaa, to tba ableat
and aoat prograaalVB publlo aaaa In Rua
sla. HI enemlea, wbo have deprived
him of muoh of hto power, and who
would destroy him If they oould, ar un
able to do ao, becauae hto rvlofl are
almost tndlspenaable to tho oountry in
daling wlU tba flnanotoi problem of
the war. . - -"Th
atory of bio overthrow 1 tb
record of th triumph of the grand dneal
regime, which bow oontrola Ruaato and
which I responsible for tb present t
aatioa, ... . .. .. -
Th grand duke regained their ae
daaey over the emperor hot gradually.
Neither Co Wltte nor Lamadorff to an
expert oourtler. and they ware aot ante
"Major Wardropf and h burst oat
tooghrae "Why, ho to a ragalag dear,
aad oaly for him I ghoaldn't ba going
to got married 1 but you muat know that
yoa are tho oaly woman la th world
ha oar two straw about. Why, What
Is th matter, Helea, ar yoa HIT" For
Helea had turned what a her drees
and for avoment eonld not speak.
"It to nothing; dear, nothing! I only
felt a little faint GO on: tell me who
it I yon are going to marry."
"Fred Darell. wbo 1 have haOww all
my life. Th funny part of It to that
Major Wardrop to hto unci aad It to
all through him that my peonl have to marry.
Onoe alone, Helen's forged oompoour
left bar and ah -wept bitterly. "Oh.
what roust Oerard have thought of her?
How oould ah have had so llttlo faith
In hlmf And how ah loved hlml Why,
why, why had she not trusted hlmT"
and so on her thoughts want around and
around till aha felt giddy aad dased. -But
time, tho great healer, ooftened
Helen's sorrow, aad a tb year went
by ha grew ooatented, aad almoat
happy. . ..
Ao It waa with slncer grief that gho
mourned her husband's death, when R
took plao. suddenly from cholera.
For aaarly fiwe year aha traveled all
over the World, bat ta time aha tired of
wandering and mad up her mind to re
turn to Kngland. and, taking; a hove,
try to settle down. But first, she wa
to pay a tang visit to Winnie Maittond.
long si nee Mr., Darelt. Her hue band
had prospered la the business which
hto uneto had helped blm and they war
living ta a oharmlng bouse te, Berk
shire. WhyF Helen, gay dearest, 'ytm took
younger than yog did seven years ago,"
xelatosaa) Winnie. "What hara pom
done to yourself r v v - -v
I have wandered .about th world
feeling a very lonely woman, tf that to
a good thing to restor youth, said
Helen toughing. ....... t .
Ton will hava very ou1t Visit
Helen, for I wa selfish and wanted you
tng xnyafwfldV aw Wf awnaVal av V IbPbCOb"bI 'Baar
ceptlng 0rard (for ba won't let m
call him ancle), who ia bar n tea
day leave." - ' "'
Helen fait a If1 hay heart bad stopaad
beaUng. . ,. ..
- Oerard'' aaat aha, ar Wsr-
dropr-v , , "V ,- -t
"Tesi yon reeotlect htm. W1 yeaf
"Very well, indeed Wmnie" laying
her hand 00 th other's arm doeg he
know that J am oomlngf"
"Tea, of Mur. Thvn a tbatr ya
mt a light dawned on Wlnnte.
"Why. Halea, to that what H fgf Is
that why be haa never married T" Ono
la hf life Helen broke through her re
serve and teld Winnie tb story ef thee
day when bar want of faith had parted
her from tb only paaa gag had aver
oared for.
A few weeks later a quiet wedding
took place ta London, Oerard having
overruled ail of Helen's an net In a aba
shortness af gaato engxgemeert.
to spend much time la eyoopheney or La
Mfeguardlng the emperor ponftdanoe la
tbemaelvea. Tnny were undermined
with elaborate and Inaldioua aklH.
Thalr danger flnrt beoam apparent
when the esar firaated tb peat of min
uter of oommaroa for Grand Duke Alex
ander. Da Wltte vlge rowel y oppnssd the
proieat, and. baring failed, he waa m
dtoorer' enough- to maka dlfflouUle la,
th financing of the new dapartmant.
Alexander aeon detnenatnatad hto a
perlor laflueno at oourt. and tb decline
of tb V Witt policy waa rapid. It
became the aim of th grand ducal group
to throw all poeelble pollttoal power late
tho hand of Do Plehv and Alexia A
In tbto thay ooeoaeded eomptetely,
Do Plehva won bto position .by eheer
ability and foro of oharooter. He wa
th Ideal executor of th reactionary
nolloy. Ho waa honest, broad and Im
placable. Ho wag aleo cruel. meroUeea
and mistaken. s
Alextefr retention tn power, by the
way, to a mystery which axolte no aur-
a In Ruaala. Th - OTP I a net I On OO
generally aooepted t that It . almost
amounts to common knowledge Is to
the effect that tha Aetotlo vioeroy to
the eon of Alexander II by aa Armenian
mother, and therefore tha natural uncle
of tho oaar. It ta quit th ouetom tn
Russia to provide liberally for tho
-left-hand aide" f th family.
Tb mad reokleasn of tho grand
dneal poller which haa plunged tha
oountry Into a war for which It wag ut
terly unprepared, wbleh aa driven It
most prosperous province to tho verge
of rebellion and has alienated tb eym
pathy of tb entire world, la bitterly re
sented even by many . who ar opp osed
to Witts' Uberaltom. Tb war la In
tensely unopuiar outside th afftotal
Open reetetano to tb prevailing pal
ley la hopeleea. Paoatva raatotaao to
exercised to an extent raich Ruse to la
si riving to ooaooai from th eatald
world. - . .
Th orders for reserve troop to Jorn
th oolor are entirely ignored la wholr
provtnoea, and tb government has not
force enougb ta eempel ebedrenoe. Tho
esar attempt to arose a patriot to re
sponse by hto publlo appeal during hi
recant tour waa a complete failure, VI
nam to openly reviled dally ta tb
street and cares of Odessa, Through
out aoutharn Russia his prestige to gone
and loyalty baa disappeared. -
But a people without arm Cannot
rebel. Authority 1 maintained tot each
d strict by troop drafted from oomo
dlatent province usually unaympathetlo
by reason of racial, or other difference
with the people whom they are assigned
ta oentroL Th danger of a refuaal of
th eoldtera to fir upon a aub 1 thus
obviated. ,j . .v,.u
Intelligent Russia hi learning; for
tunately, to analyse th vil influenees
of which the emperor to' tho victim.
Honest reactionaries are beoommg thor
oughly alarmed by the ortmao and oor
ruptlon erf the small group who have
brought the empire to the verge of ruin.
Thee plunderer of. Ruse la ar all
I Vunder Vre
:- ?
WStmtmt m wt m m . . . .
' t" L
miliiw or th Imperial family, near
relatives of the esar. They are: ,
Grand Dak Alexander sftcheelo
vitcb, wh married th emperor' fa
vtrlt slater, Orand Duches Xeato. ,
Grand Duke Vladimir, Alexia and
erg, the brother of Alexander III.
These ar tho men whom tb euro
crat of all tha Rnaatea permits to Wield
bto eoeptre.
Tho domination of their win over tn
emperor I no aw thing. All hto life
Nicholas ha been accustomed to sub
ordinate himself to hto anolea, and hto
aeoaaelon to tha throne made ao dlffer
aaea. For the past year or two th la
fluaaoe of tho brother-in-law ha Ln
oraaaad above that of tho unci, but
there has bean a rivalry vtm pottoy
among thsm s
Tall dark, with aquUln features and
strikingly handsome 1 Alexander Mien
aelovltcb. He to 44,, eight year the
senior of tho emperor. Ha 1 th fourth
soa of th Orand Dak Mlohnol and
grandeea of Mloholaa I.
Alexander a first appointment was
that of vice-admlrai-ln-ohtef, under hto
uneba, Orand Duke Alexia. He realgned
thto post after a abort time, but ha ba
now resumed U la addition to hto cabi
net plaea.
The resignation followed on Quarrel
arising from tha foundering of a Rua
alaa battleship tn the btoltto about tea
year ago. Certain naval officer de
clared that the v easel waa unaea worthy
and that her watertight bulkheads war
shame, and they Induced Alexander to
preeurO'th omperor'a eon eant ta a gen
eral inspection of other ship.
Tho result waa oomplet preea? that
Alexia and bis friends had been divert
ing shipbuilding? money to tbatr -own
packets aad the whose neet suffered
from Inferior equipment Th highly
placed thieve whom no had helped te
expo oon made Alexander' a place too
hot to hold him, aad be left tb navy
for a few year. In hto retirement be
mad op bto mind t leave hornets'
nests alone In future, and today "help
you reel f to th recognised system In
both the departmenta with whlok bo I
Ia character. Alexander 1 narrow,
opinionated, arrogaat and unoerupuloua
He waa oolaly responsible for the raid
uvea neutral snipping by tb volunteer
fleet, and It I aa opea question whether
hto real obteet wa not to embroil the
valdlmtr is a maa or waony ginwont
stamp. It to dlfltoalt to- understand by
what moan be maintains his Influence
over tho emperor, unless It bo that ba I
th eldest of tho ancle to whom he haa
always bean accustomed to took a hi
senior la knowledge of tho world, - -
Valdtmtr and hta two sons, Cyril and
Boris, have este bit shed notorious rec
ord try their profit rat and dissolute
Uvea, Their habtte approximate etoaely
those of the detested group of Austrian
grand duke, whom Emperor Freaete
Joseph nn removed from th Una of
succession, and who have been driven
from Vienna -by tb dee ant sens of
their oouatrymea, bobte aad h amble
Atoxte, th head of tho fleet, to a mtmh
BoIiVer My Little
qotetor man. He ha succeeded ta keep- .
log matrimonial bonds oat of hta mor- ' f
gaaatle alllanca, which art hto ehief . ?
PTeoeoupattoa. v i
gome of tho actreoaes at tha Freneh J
theatre ar muoh bejewelled by him. 2 re
acted as go-between In Paris la a deal v
for the purchase of ear tain foreign ship , -,
for Rossis, Us succeeded In oollectlng ' : .'
a oash eommlsslon ot IO,Od, and the , u,
tb deal fall through. " .
- "ergo, the youngest of th three, to ' x
military governor of Moeoow, He 1 K
tb tending Jew baiter of the family, and
ba will not allow a Jaw to pang tho -Bight
la tho elty of Moeoow. ' '
All three, but Valdimlr mor espor , ,-'
elally, ar tn laves of publlo money sad
private Bubsarlptlona, htonay for tb '..i
army, for th navy, for th hospital j
funds, haa to pay toll la millions of . !
ruble aa It pease through than hand. ;
Thalr hanger on, who aasaa la legion,
oopy tbam with aL
Tb very ohurch, built ee) tha on
of to assassination of the reforming
esar' Alexander II. who death -was- an---rts
doubtedly ordered by hi reactionary
relatives, stande uneowiyleted, although L
it wa begun SI years ago, and th fll
money was subscribed several time V
over by tn Russian people. Ho ono - .
axpecte that It wlU be completed In tbto
se Deration. It to tho murdered oaar" "1
ona, th three, grand dukes abov - -f
muned, who are the treasurers, r
Cortaln provincial governors deplore ' -
th sxlsttng real m a, and their power In '
tb seotlens over which they preside I '
supreme Za co-operatloa feasible be- : c
tween tbam and mw or tb military
authorltle and other dlaeatiefled lead
r and nobles hi the eepltair If no -.
the a oonp d'etat might gncoeed. & '
But espionage la Russia has been ye- ?
dnced to uh an exact ealenoa that ' a -wMeaptead
plot f thto nature would be ;
axessdlagly danger sea, .If aot eertaln of
detection. The peculiarly Russian 't
weapon of sesasalaaUoa to mor likely ,
to be tried first., . ..
There to ao doobt that thl danger
already exists for Alexander If not for
the other grand dukes who have been
named, at. do Witte ramarkad cynto
XtT tho' othar ' day that Da Plahv1 ;
snsssssor If a reaotlonary, would aot .
bo allowed ta live six radntha. Tho 4 .j
blow, bowevsr, would bo abxed at hint
alone. -
On th bthr hand wbat -would haa
pen. If the . emparor should oxperteno a
change of heart and abould rapndtot v
th grand dueal eabal and all It warka? , 'i
This is quit too muoh to expect from 3
a man of his gbaraeter la the prnt ':. ;i
ttuatloni H is -much more likely to
ek a polley of Impoaslbl eompromlss. 'I
Opea revolt agalast hto presant men- p
tors would Involve him la dire personal ' i; .
peril, for they are mea who aorapl at X
nothing. He would be swept away, and - '
ono of tho grand dukaa, not tho younger '
brother of the emperor, would attempt - ? ,
to usurp th throne under th form of
a recency. Th Infant Csarevltoh might ,
or might aot live to wear tba crown.
la tt surprising that many true Rua- ' -(
Ian, aselng no Other hop, for thelf
country, are praying for few more
salutary salntlona
Elephant Is?