The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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' "j
Maranam' Orand - llottdaV.
Uofatann, ha pianist;
Tuesday and WedtMsdar, "Swart
d Clovar"; Thursday, Friday aad
d . laturday. aa Toy.
:CoHMabh BoackMiall'a . , "Tha
6rdrar- "Tha Sill af CaU
4 fomls."
A Bakar Halbovna lCaeDvwalt
and Cthl FuUer Mi Sardou'a
J -Tha Bmpraaa Thaodora." -'
Kilr Oark. - ;'
4 - . I.yrlo VsudUla, .
A . Star Vaudvill.
. aijosv VaudaylUa. .
4 Amarta VauAalUs,
I r wm Friday wml Tha Apantnt
tfcs saw btli only 4t bonra distant
Tha Oohmibta's staa was llttarfd
frosa wall ta wall wtta "braoaa,"
-Vlata. aad "drona.". That M taaaV
vy, tba kltohso obalr. waa sraatly ta avl-
nm. A dnsn Of rts km iapr-sam-a
uany diffrtx bxtaw-doors and
ttr-aaia, windows and winoow-suia,
tablaat lon-a. writing daaka, statuary
an4 partial as aaythlny last bapssaad
ta ba la tba soana plot and bad sot bsan
oonpMad ka tim Car tba poaala n-
Oat ta tba rraaa room an frata nasta
OC propartlaa was sooldlaa' a emnMti
'soana ahlttsr for harlnf run a wlnH
tota a bSTrowad caadlsllsr wtta appalUns;
results. Tba soealo artist was aboatlnv
dowi from a ofty scaffold a Bwsaplnc
U atort" aballsnp ta tba btttbsrlns
poa of pardltlen wbo had tipped orar bla
sra paint. And from andarnaatb tha
fmna- tha aartsrbd voloa of tba
tnssaoa, who had swddsnly dlsotr-arad
h.t a aswals had baan Ml la har
tfrasslnc room. ,. t
-Will Barnard sat on top of B ptane hla fast stlsklna- lb bstwsaa tb la
' o;-aosBt bulbs of ths footllsht trough,
feott lna In his hand tha saanuaerlpt of
ntndar Two Flass" aad looking worrtad.
Tbsy wars rahaaxaing. -
. Oat hi front, by ardor of' tba atacd dl
notor. aat a nawspapsr Mb . as tha
owi44auaH Whww tba. Unas of
tba actors fallad to rsaoh his aars. his
tfuty wan to anaka n known ay a anrtH
wblatla or whoop and brln ths ra
hvarsal to a stop wbllo Barnard oor
retd ths faalt.
Tha nMaboni of tba oocapany who
wars not busr on tha oteao wara aoat-
tsiod around In box as or soar ths front
In tha orobsatra. Hsro and tbara soma
player waa numbllnr orar hla Unas In
a tons aoareely aodibls, whUs tba star
stalk ad around ta Bloomy dignity, woa
dsiins; what words wars bains spoken
am on tba asrsrsl wblsporlnc aTonpo.
dhiddoaly, Barnard Juts pad straight vp
In tha air and landad to tba middle of tha
dassrt of Ala-tors, Tha porforntsro on
ths stags a topped ahort in their perforn
auHis and looked at him oKpactaatly. Ha
took lone breath, appeared to oount
ten. than n-ran la a soft and ovoaly
aaodulatod tons:
."Ladles anal gontretnsa, i Oosaa baek,
msase. Coma BACK!"
They as ma thosa who had nat auwa
am xlt- " "
-Now. allow ma, sxtsndlng hla handa
wpward, "thta would bo lorely. this
would be grand.. aUnply grand; It would
ba great, ladies and ganUemen, If wa
vsss amateurs. Bat," and Ms paass
was eloquent. jvt. unfortnnatsly. wa
happra to bo professionals."
Looks of eurlous interest from tha
players out ta ths aodltorlnm.
- "Unfortunately' rosumed tha ataa
elfraetor, wa are profaaalonala. lly
ar Miss - ean I not Indoea yoa
as aaaaaatfato your wntnd- upon thla
awn for a aaotneot Just for na Uttlt
xaomenL Can I ootT
"1 I aat trying to," faltarad ths
? Tea, yws ars trying to that's tt
; jWont yoa plaaaa stay trying, and DO
JT Nowr '. v '
. i Tba ooBsradss oat la front sssaaad tar
ytfled. Tba actreas triad harder. -,
, "As I aay.v. sontlnusd Mr. Barnard.
Nra ara profaoslonals. 0o wa wUl hava
v rto do It all orar again- That waa not 4
U Ufea I KOT A BIT liko It! CaelL
, 19ia ara it to go ap stsgo. How "
- n garotte talk as yoa if yoa doT Now thaai 1 know, yoa ara la lore with tha
't SUvar PhcasaaC' Aay It lust that way.
iand than down atago. Toa andoratandr
Mow, all of yoa. ' Again, oaoa mora.--.
' Barnard resumed hla seat oa tha
v Una. but waa - ap again - tho swat
-I oaat hear a word. Caa yoa baarr
, Wtnf ta the vound-gauga," oat where
' . ths audtsnoa would ba late. "Welt If
ytm oan't hear, atop them, yell, STOP
them. Raka, I harsn't hoard A word
y y0' yoa eama on. I oan't
. bear you. Can't boar a word yoa say.
Jsw. ssalA- -
An ImpioTwaagt Vp agaam. ahadding
Vassal (ft X ' ' ' A '
"Cecil. Oall, how oftari haro f told
. . 'your ha sboutad. Thara'a no dooi
, TH BR, . Ton oaht got i THAT
Wsa wbara hv -t whar
la tha
woor. Ma Bernard?"'
v "There, THERE tndloatlng tha
' bafaan a water buoket and a broom.
' Bortto Cecil retraced bis stepa and
. Pllppod through tho "door" not through
tba open nlda of the ataam wltaoat klek
Ins oror tha bucket.
Barnard found somsthJflg to evsopy
hla mind elsewhere.
- -Miaa . r ha asHauwAd. "1 aant
ejadorstand why yon ara nevor perfeot la
this poena. Too never haro beoa par
feot. Toa dont know yoar llnaa, not
ynur altuatlona No you don't know
thsm. Ton didn't know them yoatarday.
Toa dont know them today. Mr. - - -
K-s t a eer beea parf ert la tits
s--f X ask you has ah ovov baa
A aaagaataa awn awsul hot hare do-i-rd
thesa aasam - mors rapidly,
oompany saenmsd awkward po
ns oa tm p' a. .
r. - v wa why I waa aat aor--t
ynwtw y,-' r aded tba actress, la
if IT
t J II Tinn HM ptt?vnx?rj . IF V 111
I ' I J V S) Y. I iTH IT l-Mf? iWrT ViiuA . " I' I I
"Bat that doesn't naattap 1 r-v ,
: Why I . v . '
i- "Whan yosj s' -h .. .
'WaW 'T ' "
Ar-f--'r ' . ' '.-!
Tha lnterlaoln alagw was bope-,
loss, bat both flntahod oa ths same
words, strong, and Bernard ardsrad a
rapatttloa of tha scene.
A squad of soldier Mai ;
slaughter Caolt
"Now. inarch --a. MARCRV--MARClir
aoroamsd Barnard. "Ksnigan,' do yoa
think this Is a WALTZ? Why don't yoa
march f Why lal your
Kerrigan seemed howolesa. Ha
TW a half day's salary aid b aeana
band Bubitltutad. 9o it t-nt an, the
slags director sorrsatlng tu, changing
Inflections of tones, tha g rtures and
stops, wstah'ey orary moramant ilka a
lawk and noting a gooC deal ilka that
bird at times wt na pattaiw otased to ha
a virtue. .
At tha anVt of four hours Tba company
at noma to lahch and a flna was
P-rted for aJat wbo was sot aarfaot oa
the morrow.
Somebody on got ft ehmmatlaa Win
Bmrd. . .
. 'w'f f ,
Who said Portland would Support
three stock companies?
Tha Empire closed last Bight Man
ager Wiedemann's plans are almost per
fsetad. Ha announced yesterday that
October S tha Empire will reopen as a
dime rauderllle house, it wa not as
pect as that tha laaasa would allow the
House to remain idle while ba want oa
paying tha rant There wa a rumor,
unsubstantiated, that other managers
In the city, realising that tha supply of
theatricals In this city only covers tha
demand, would boy the Jess from
Wiedemann and ales the sous Indefi
nitely. The other sensation of ths weak was
the change at tba Baker, Mia Deans
receiving her discharge and Ml as Fuller
suocssdtng her a leading woman. Mtss
Deans threatens a suit for three weeks'
salary In Ilea of three weeks' notice,
he says that her discharge wa tha ra
snlt of Mr. Baker's Inability to pay Sift
a week, an asssrtlon which the manage
ment meota by saying that the actress
wss released simply because she would
not study bar llnaa and therefore oould
not give a satisfactory performance.
The suit has not yet reached the courts.
Other Portland houses have run on
about a usual. Tb Marquam (ran
wlds Its doors with the splsndld produc
tion of "The Burgonaaster" Thursday
night, and played until last night to In
creasing business at sack performance.
The same house offers tha great Kof-
mana, on of Paderawakl's rival, to
morrow evening, then tke pastoral play.
"flweet Clover." followed by Fischer'
mammoth musical comedy, San Toy,
with Jams T. Powers In tha east
At tha Columbia, tha heavy prodtio
tkn of -Under Two Flass," In which
Miss Counties and Mr. Beume won fresh
laurels, will be -succeeded by Dion
Bouclcault'c comedy drama. The Jilt."
If for no other reason, the presentation
will ba notable a tha last appearance
of Ross Ky tinge with ths company.
Business at the Baker increased IS
per oeat over the flrat week of tha Mel
bourne MacDoweU 'engagement. Tha
company begins Its last week here to
day la Bardou's "The Empress Theo
dora.' From Portland, MacDoweU and
the company will go oa the road under
Mr. Baker's management and Ralph
Stuart will sIsH ths Baker.
Cordray has had a prosperous week
with Jslloa Walters fn "Sidetracked."
Tha Incoming attraction 1a "The Hills
of California,' a California play by a
California authory presented by a Call
fornl company. Much interest has
beea aroused by the dnnemneemont that
during tha week of October ths new
melodrama by Mel via O. Wlnstock. bust
noes manager of Cord ray' a, will be pre
sented for the flret time by James
Keen aad company,'
Arsons the vaudeville heusea, tha
Star" a great bill of last weak la tba talk
of tba town. How sorb earn as the
Tuerett Twine ean be played for a dims
Is quits beyond com prehension, The
Lyric, Arcade and Bijou ea defied their
crowds all right, but Manager Chris
Brow a, they good-naturedly eon rede,
had aa unusual streak of luck la sotting
so many good acta oa one Mil
A stole gllai pee of Stag Dmetr
Beraard a sen at tba Columbia theatre
rp i ffi : . T I ?. . --rr. - II ill
V w-k I ... If 4 ' X If III Iff
rTMi4 tha prmnw of MwwaHy(l '-'l r 3 1
pU four tt klvh. Thy rpr nt I ; M . WL ' .. 'V'
all itrlM of DUira u wlU b pTOdumd. I I W - . ' .
ptrhapa, la th following ordr, btgin-.,;. k-;- I I " ,
Bin today: rrh Jilt," TJioJo" -An I . IV II
AmrloM CltlM "Th Olrl I lfl B- I 11 III
Uod Ha," "Tb Aduoh," HSowln t i W I I . I
Wind," "Tb Fatal Card,' "lira. JaAk," I ; . I
-THir Vtkt " and Th UariatnU." . I j 1
it. . . BACH WiUTNST 1 l f I
Small TaltStige V;, l jL!
I 1
Deaftor Hobso has captivated London
with "Merely Mary Ana."
"Lotty." by Plnoro, Is roasted by New
Tork critics, Paverabam and CariotU
NlUsoa are both slapped el
No mora comic opera for Francis Wil
son. Ha will star la a faros called "Tha
Maid aad tha Barge," beginning at Froh
man's now London theatre.
Instead of trying It on "tha dog," Sav
age Invited 1H ohorus girls to visw tho
first and private performance of Ade's
"The College Widow." . tt look to ba a
"How,1 asks a curious San Francisco
writer, "do actors spend their tin la
dress lng-roome between scenes and
actst" Dressing and undresaln. mostly.
Cecelia Loftua. no longer with the
"Hamlets" and "Proud Princes," Is
doing what to deaertbed a a "dramatic
novelette" la , New Tork vaudorille
"Tha Spellbinder waa a failure at the
Herald Sauare. New Tork, and has bsan
shelved. Bla Broadway theatre are
now dark, aa unusual oondlUsn for this
tan of year,
Arthur Byron ba bean singularly un
fortunate. Hla new starrln vehicle,
"Jack's LUtle Surprise baa beea takes
off tha Rlelto aa a failure. A couple of
year ago he atarted out la "Petticoats
and Bayonet," which lasted three weeks.
One of the Interesting events of tha
early season at the Bnker will be the
presentation of "The Sign of the Four,"
a drama tlsatloa of ana of A. Conan
Doyie'e Sherlock Holmes stories.
By apply tag at the box-office, tha pa
trons of Cord ray's theatre may reserve
their aant for tho entire siasen la ad
vance and secure tb asms ohoto seats
all the time. . .
Portland Is ooa to aaa FrodTtoh
Ward and Kafbryn Kidder at the Mar
quam Grand In Waganhala A Kemper
big production of "8a lam bo." It will be
more than noteworthy event, -1
On the roster of tha' Sot hern-Marlowe
company wbleh will appear hero during
the season, toe names of 14 players,
stag hand and musician arc regis
tered. Their season began September 1
at Chios go In "Romeo and Juliet."
Ths all-star east of "Tha Two Or
phans," put out by Ltobler A Co., In
cludes Clara Morrta, Jamee O'Neill.
Oraoe floor g. Louis Jemes. . B. Dod
son, Sarah True. Kilt Procter Otis.
BIJotj Fernandas and Mrs. ieMoyn.
They otmt In Boston. -
Bob Fltsalmmona I setting particular
In bW old age. He finds It necessary to
employ two Japanese servants In his
new play, A Fight for Love," and has
onimgvd a man and wife to dress him
self and his wife, respectively
Portland Is to witness new thriller,
"Thou Shalt Not Kill." come thne during
November. The melodrama la attract
ing much notice la ths seat a tha moat
sensational product of half A dose
During tb weak of October V we are
sura ta have MrHrtn O. Wlnstoetr's melo
drama. "His Last Orlnk." at Cordray
of which house the author to business
manager. The title may be ahansed in
the mean time.
Charles Probman baa ansjajred Arthur
Byron, whoa play. "Jaeh'e Little Sur
er lee." ha just proved a failure, as
Maude Adams' leading man for the pres
ent see sen. Ther will cos ta "The Llt:
It Mtnttr at the Umpire theatre, and
this wlU he followed by A new Zen w Lit
oometfy, "Jenny. A revival f "L'Aig-
10" is alss in store.- ... ,
Leretta Jefferson, a daughter of
Thomas Jefferson and granddaughter of
Joseph Jefferson, will continue the fam
ily traditions to ths sixth generation by
making her professional debut oa Sep
tember 14 with her father at Lebanon,
Pa., in the role of Mania la a revival of
"Rip Van Winkle."
Tb measure of tb Ideas of com au
thors a to what tha public demands may
ba conjectured from the fact that t
lyrics man of "Tba Maid and the Mum
my" ba produced a song the Inspiring
title of which I "Oh. Oeel It' Great .to
Be Craay." Oa the same plan It must
be iBUllootuallr sublime to be aa IdtoL
It Is a noteworthy solncldeooe' that the
two most conspicuous stags managers of
London ara now In New Tork directing
tha production of Bngllah Importation
J. A. B. MaJene, who to the general stage
director for Edward ea, la patting on
"The School QlrV and JMon Bouotosult.
Frohman'a chief aid la London, to mak
ing the New Tork production of "LeUy."
Charles R. Baoon, who wa for II
year manager f the Bostonlano, baa
bean placed In like relation to the Sav
age English grand opera company. Mr.
Baooa to a aapablo business man. a amn-
ager of taste and tact, and a vary pat
tern of personal and commercial honor.
A philosopher who Uvea ki the atmos
phere of tb atago, and who may have
some vague meroeriee of hla Sunday
school days. Is on record to the sfsect
that ia ths puerile drama all thins ars
pure. Then, as U elated with hla own
diseovery, be proceeds: "It's ths early
traia that oaUDes the troupe." "On
ttfe'a atase wa oan't all save tha center."
"Ton never caa tall by tha looks of
troupe how far tt aaa lump." "A seas
of humor oovers multitude at aln."
Direct from hla recent triumphant run
at the American theatre. New Tork,
Ralph Stuart bring hla splendid acenle
production of the atlrrlng Russian melo
drama, "By Right of Sword," to the
Baker theatre the tarry part f Octo
ber. Ths play la a dramatisation of
Arthur W. Marchmont' popular novel
of the same title, and ma played fog
two tour of the Pacific coast with great
success by Mr. Stuart before he took
Lit east as a vehicle for hto starring tours.
John Drew, wearing pearl trousers,
Prlnc Albert coat, a silk bat, a oh rye
ant hem um. light gloves, a oanA stepped
from a cab In front of the Umpire thea
tre and noarty -collided with two todies
who were passing. One of them waa
young, the other a matron. Mr, Drew
raised his hat and hurried away with a
rapid apology. They passed on. "Ma
that wa John Drew'" said tha younger,
xcttedly. "I roeogntoed aim." said the
mother, stiffly. "We are no doubt ths
victims of aa aoVertlstns gam."
Somebody baa tabes ths pains to eoant
up the deatha in Shakespeare, either on
tha etage or behind the soenes, and finds
the number is, Tha variety of eewaee to
great CoM steel aocoante for about
two-thirds, It are of eld age and decay.
T persons ara beheaded, I die by poison.
I of suffooatite I of strangulatloa, 1
from a falL I by drown Ins by snake
bite, and t Is tramped, to death with a
eandbag. Oddly, the compiler of this
urloue tabla overlooked one of the most'
affecting In all the plays, that of Memll
lus, l "Tb W later a Tale. Mamillus,
' f or 1MB
aon of 4ueen Hermtone. died of a broken
heart caused by grief over tb supposed
perfidy of hla mother,
Tb performanco of Sexdou's "Theo
dora" at the Baker theatre next Thurs
day evening by Melbourne MacDowell
and company will ba fot the benefit of
the Proa club, Manager Baker having
kindly extended the courtesy. A oom
mlttee of the club to working hard for
tba sueoees of tha evening and a large
number of tickets bar beea sold on the
outside at at cents to any part of the
souse. The Play or rheodorar la on
of tha most interesting of the Sardou
repertoire, and its prcssntafn by Mr.
MacDowell Is an event that theatre-goers
aboald not evsrlook.
Stories cf ttc Stage
- While vainly seeking t ruin a west
ern gambling bouse soma seasons ago.
Nat Goodwin, la desperation, promised
II to every stage hand at the theatre
should be Anally succeed. On night,
between tha acts, he triumphed. He
broke the um, , The ft Mil were duly
distributed. -
On his nsxt visit he wa reminded of
nts rormer argument wnn we tiger, a
man with a heavy black mustache, a
large mole on hla chin, and wearing
khaki overall touched tb comedian'!
arm. ' - - ,,'.-
"Misters Ctoddadwtn. last tints yoa
play da town da gang get da flve-s dot
Ten give- me not da dam sent."
Mr. Ooodwla hastily mad good and
tba man disappeared. After the perform
ance tb actor waa again aoooated, thla
time by a aniooth-snavea man In. street
clothe. ' -
Ach. Mr, Oootwln. yoa didn't va if
ma no $fe toiler bills yet for breaking
up dot gam of rab Yow missed ms
already." n
"I admire groar versatility,- sale
Ooodwla, "but your make-up la rough.
Ton still have the Italian's mole on your
obia." . : , . . ,.it .,- :
' -- '
When At Leech boarded the attest
car be wa probably lauatng over Ala
lines, and absently handed the 00 n
duet or buff slip of papsr.
Tha conductor, overjoyed at Ala op
portunity, banded tt back. . ,
"This to a bouse and lot. If yoa nave
aaongh of them," be eald. trlth a sw
perior smile, "but yoa eoulda't tide oa
this oar H yon bad enough to wis a
block. A - - . - t ,
"Beg pardon stammered Leach, T
did not taeaa to hand yoa a oigar coupon
nistead of a transfer. Ther yoa ara"
. Ha banded over another slip of paper.
"Five cents, please,'' sniffed to con
ductor. "Thla Is a pawn ticket"
"So It la," observed Leech, more eon-
fused, "I found that thing. Hera to
your transfer." , t . t.
., The conductor beamed, , '
"This baa aplred,- he sstd. "It might
have beea good If yoa had watched what
you wer doing and Wasted less time
With coupons and pledge"
Jjeceh harmed htm alckal to be let
alone. 1 '
"It aeesia to no you are very particu
lar." bo growleA "The Broadway con
ductors carry a far laundry tlekcta."
"fa Decatur, Ilf." aald Mr. Mltohell.
"I met a chap with the prise hard luck
story f the aeaaonv- He seemed so de
spondent as ha aat about the hotel office
thai I determined to bring soma sun
shin Into hto darkened life by buying
him drink. He accepted the Invitation
without trace of eathualeam. but after
the second round ho sort of looeaed ap
a bit and told me this tale;
T took out aa "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
show.' ha setd and waa doing flns busi
ness under the white top. I hag with
me as my treasurer a young fellow who
csme from my tows, and I had every
osufldenee at Mm. but oa night after
the ahow be ad Topay wer mleetns-
wsre the weak' raoalpu, Weli, t
was hopping mad, and I set my six
bloodhound On th track of the two.
And what do you suppose happened r
T told him I couldn't guess, and tha
fellow continued t
" The Moodheund caught up with
him all right but that ouss be put ropes
on ths hounds, shipped them to Iowa,
and atarted another' "Uncle Tom'a"
ahow. And bans me If I've got money
enough left to get to Iowa to have blm
pinched. And tha worst of It Is. h's
Ttolng land office business, while I'm
her ta Decatur without drink money.' "
Tn "The B-aeondidul. Lenta Mann's
hew comedy, there is small part oast
fot; a Japanese. A real Jap was secured
to play the pArt From the moment
of his admission at the stage door be
ahowed a keen interest tn the rehearsal,
ha thrust the special edition containing
the war new la his pocket nd applied
himself to th mastering of bla Use
On discovering that his nam in the play
wa to be "Hulshl," the bland smile
forsook hi face and approaching Mr.
Mann he Inquired If he could not ba
called by hla own nam
-Why?" asked Mr. Mann, "what ob
jection can you have to Hulshl r
"Hulshl mean what you call oow. X
tt oow. X Japansse gentleman:
The actor conciliated him. and ba the
distinct understanding that be waa not
la any sense rogarded as a oow the Jap
resumed hla task and divided hto atten
tion wooderingly between the "business"
and A par of Ph property oorssta. r
r Monologue
.1. V....S 1 1 ' ' -v-;'..'
Commencing with the matlne parfur-
today th Columbia theatre stock
Qompany will present "Th Jilt," Un
questionably on f th moat delightful
comedies In the range of the drama. It
to the master work of that Incomparable
dramatist, Dion Borucloault, and waa
originally presented by him at Walla cks
theatre. New Tork, where It ran for an
entire oason. to a succession of crowded
houses and delighted auditor. It to n
charming story of life 1 tho English
shires, among' the bora raotng, fox
hunting oountry gentry: S delightful
little love story two of them. In fact
rune through It with Just enough vvll
lalny to add interest to th theme. Bril
liant dialogue, sparkling In epigram,
bright and keen la repartee, atrons. in
incident and dramatic situation, with
an Interesting plot ably drawn and skil
fully developed. It to n dramatlo com
position of superior merit and one that
cannot fall to pleaaa. The full etrength
of th etock company will appear tn the
oaat Edgar Baume will appear aa
Myle O'Hsra, the WlMyX noble Irish
poor gentleman;- Cathiine Count las a
Kitty Woodstock, ths weet Bngllah
lass, and the other members wUl be ap
propriately cast. Mis Kdlth Angus ap
pears aa Mlllieent, who la th Jilt, and
ha some excellent opportunities, play
ing opposite Donald: ' Bowbss.' Frank
King will provide entirely hew scenery,
th ooatumes will be rich and correct
th atase appointment elaborate, and
tha play will. ha presented with every
attention to detail, under the personal
direction of William Bernard. .-, . '
The full cast follows; ' ' -
styles OHara Edgar Baume
Sir Budlelgh Woods took. Dona Id Bowles
Colon! Tudor. -(..( William Dills
Geoffrey Tudor. . . . .George Bloom quest
Lord Marcus Wylia. .William Bernard
Rev. Mr. Spooner.,., , Scott Beaton
James Daisy..., Oeorge B. Berrell
Wilcox ...Harry Hawks
William W. Cuyler
MUUcent .'. ..........Edith Angus
Phyllis Welter., .v Louise Brandt
Mrs. Welter.,,,,,,..... ..Roes Bytlnge
Mrs. PlDOott.....--..'.... Roy Bernard
Susan v... Marlon Barhyte
Kitty Woodstock. . . . .Cathrlne Countlaa
Th play produced under the stag di
rection of WUl lam Bernard.-
Synopsis of scenery Act I. Drawing
room .at Budlelsh Abbot's, Torkahlre.
Act IL Th same. Aot IIL Mr. Wel
ter'a oottaga. Act TV- Sir Bud s "box
at tha raoe course. Aot T. :, At Budlelgh
maor . . ,
' " ' . 1 ' , " 't
"SAJT 'l'OT AT in ntAJAOtTAJg.
Dainty, tuneful and picturesque "Saa
Toy" will be seen at th Marquam Grand
theatre next Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday nights, September t and St aad
October 1, with a special matins Sat
urday at S:U o'clock. There to already
an Interest manifest th its Doming which
Insure tt rousing reception from play
goers. Ths clever chines musical com
edy will be offered bore by John C
Floher and wUl have tb benefit of aa
exceptionally strong east. In the mount
ing it will present stag plot res which
for artistic elegance, have not beea
quailed In any previous production of
musical comedy. James T. Powers will
play .the part of LI, a thieving China
man. the eame role la which be appeared
during the year th play ran in New
Tors. With him ara George at. Fortea
cue, Margaret McKlnney, John Peacbey,
Mlna Rudolph, Magic Barry, Katharine
Howland and w. L. Romaine.
It take eorae time to tell tb pretty
tory la detail and ther are moments
when tt look aa though it might be
lost altogether In th conglomeration of
songs, Jokes, Sanoss and magnlfloent
BTOUDinrs that are totrodueed. There
are bits of 8oai Toy" which remind one
of "The Geisha." aad "The Mikado," but
ita owa attractive features are so b
merou nobody ha time to figure out
the point in whloh It suggests th ether
plays mentioned.
The score 01 "Ban Toy ana it oengnt
ful and original numbers of whloh
those moat In favor with tb public ara
"The Six Little Wives." "The Moon
Song." "I Mean to Introduce It Into
China,' "Little Chin Maid," -Rhode and
Her Pagoda," "Chine Sole-Man," and A
lot more, Tba play to tilled to repletion
with solos, dust a quartets, and other
concerted number, every one of frbtoh
to olever enough to win encore.
Th advene sal of seats will open
nest Tueaday morning at 10 'look,
wbea not mora than glx easts will be
old ta an person fog say single pan
. sTxrw tfiti a m
The Braptre theatre WlU be dark for
th oomlng week and ths company which
ha been appearing ther under th maa
asement of Mr. Weldemana will be sent
on tour. Th house will reopen next
Sunday afternoon under the Wsldemann
managemaat hut tb plan will be
changed. Th prloa of admission WlU
be reduced to 10 costs for any seat In
th house and oason of light oomedy,
varied by an occasional melodrama, with
number of vaudeville acta interspersed
will be undertaken. Manager Wei do
me nn announce that the season fust
dosed has beea a financial success bat
he believes th organtaatlon can be made
more lucrative aa traveling company.
Moat of the present members will go an
tour but aome of then will probably re
main bare ta work la tb aew oempany.
p OAxxromarxA.
A native Califomlan wrote "Th flllla
of California," which with tedaya mati
nee, begins a week's rngageartent at Cor-
dray's theatre; It will be preeented Ot
this theatre by Wilfred Rogers, who In
this work bag mad a a tar of Frank
Bacon by giving him a part created tor
his seaeterty gealu is quaint old Amo
The story begins Hi Maripoa county.
California, goes to Saa Franolseo, then
back to Mariposa, Ita prettleat acts are
I the open air soenes of tb uncrowded
oountry; everything there breathes an
air of happlnee and eonteatateat. with
one exceptionthat exoeptlo Is Artel
Hill, the man who brings pats and sor
row to the otherwise happy Hills. To
none sf them doe this sorrow oome with
mora weight than to Amos stilt, boaast,
brave, patient, a tfio of virtues that
makes maav Then ther to his daugh
ter, the girl oa whom he has bestowed
all the affeetloa of whloh bla old heart
is capable. The girl he loved so
chat even whoa ah was branded
soaiiet - letter, he loved her Just
same ioppy Hill, a little flower
country life: Rverett Bushnell
tred but possessing enougb honor
suit; Phillip Beaker, thoroughly
distinguish ths geld from dross; thee
, sorely . . a Ik
able t j 1
are a group of ehsracter that make
"Th Hills of California' a and play. 1
Mr. . Bacon's supporting company In- . ')
oludra Mr. Wilfrid Roger and Miss Bee- ; ' i
sle Stuart Baoon and a company of j v
sterling merit j "v
Tha specialties at of- the tlghast ','
order and so spproprtote te the pity that '
they do not mar the performance in any- .
way, but rather ld it along. The mualo -.'ft
to la tha main part furntahed by th
Callforala quartet which has a repute-
tloa own. - - , . v r
, i. "'i -
trmm cxovw comxw.
' Tha' atanagemept of the Mereuara - ' !
Grand theatre takes store than th usual- , 1
prlds In announcing th forthcomlsg ft
appearance of the aeenlo production of '
tha comedy drsma. "Sweet Clover," at 7
that theatre next Tuesday and Wsdne f
dar nlshta, SeDtember XI and It
Two clever young nawspapsr and
magasina writer, the Misses Paulina
Phelps and Marlon Short, are ths au
thors, and that they have contributed
to the literature of the stag with their
f retty play to evidenced by the buoeesa
he drama to meeting with 1 all cities
where It ba been given.
There to no more eharmtng adjunct
to a good play than rich and appropriate
costuming, and "Sweet Clover" admit
of the moat elaborate kind. Tha soon
of the second sot to laid tn the lnterl-r
of Mrs. Bmmstt's New Tork homo dur
ing the progress of a tableaux party.
Romeo. Rosallod, Carmen, PiiedUa,
Queen Oulnevere In her gorgeous robes,
and other , historical personage are
The locale of tha stirring lnotdenta of
the play are on the beautiful farm ot
Jereme Holoombe. Tb flrat aot to an
aartertor and ehowa the pretty Connectl
out horn with Its beautiful flowers and
wide eorwadln oak which abetter th
dooryard and extend welcome to, the
visiters of th Holoombe farm. ' - - '
The seeond and third act ahow th .g
nomas ok iws weaimr new inra uuw
Use. Th tost act ahow the later lor of
tb Holoombe horn.
Otto B. Thayer, the varsatll sharao-
ftar oomedlan, atlU assume the role C
Jerome Holoombe, Tb tsldhtod young
emotional aotruee. Miss Gertrude Bond-
bill appears as Lotto, and tb origin! .
company to retained.
The advance sals of seat will ones
tomorrow ..(Monday moraiag r At 10
o'olcoa, , " ...
&AAW ' OTBBK OT aUlMJpOfJ. "' .V
Commencing today at the matinee thl
to th tost week of th special Sardou .
season, which baa been at the Baker for '.
tha past four weeks. For the closing ",
attraction Melbourne MacDoweU will of
fer "The Km pre so Theodora," or, aa tt
la more familiarly called, "Theodora.
"Theodora" tell of tho unlawful lev : ;
Ot the Empress Theodora for Andreas,
h youth who to plotting against the Ufa -of
the Bmperor Justinian.- She toad a .
double life and when Andrea Is arrested
and cast Into prison to be punished ah
devotes all her cunning to eave him. So
visits th olrcua In disguise and rids a
race t save Andrea. In tha hope of ...
having ' her ' love returned; Theodora -i --
give Andrea potion wheon proves
to b poison. She eventually meet raft- - :'X-
ii button at the beads of the Justly In- V
dlgnant and revengeful emperor. ..
"Tbeodonp" to more spectacHlar. than
any other of Sardou' s dramas. . Tba - '1
production calls for aa Immense com-, . r "
pany and the ooatumes and effects will - .' -excel
anything heretofor attempted In
this popular theatre, ,. ' - - .'.
As Andreas. Melbourne MsoDowell .
has s role which many of hto warmest
admirers prefer him la. Th leading '
woman, Btbol Fuller, a ths empreas. -t
ha an opportunity for emotional act- "-
lug and gaiety whloh oecoea to Tew fol-
lowers of tb atagA . t, . , v ,. ; .'
' AmoABsrs srstr xaxav ?. -,,.
Name that sound Ilk tba Arablaa -N,
aighta and acts which are a Wonderful
aa any that ever startled ths Caliph 'of
Bagdad ara oa tha aew program of tb
Arcade theatre, which opens tomorrow
afternoon at 1:11 o'clock. Rural and
jratima areata iraiurexperrormers, ana .h
th team to oompoaed of a famous soul- :
llbrlst sod a contortionist who tie her- -
self into knot! that only a Bailor or bar
self oould undo, - ' .
If one took th fimnlaat comedy ketch
ha had ever seen and improved tt 00 per ,
oent It would still be far short of th .
turn which wlU ba preeented by Lol . .
and Cecil. Theee sparkling mirth -ma no- -
facturers make a brand at fun which la
seldom equaled.
. .Joke that are stamped with th dsa
3001 en every yard are ths principal pro -duct
of Blllle Miller, a ceaaediaii e'boae ,
right to draw eatery for being funny -,
has never beea disputed. Morris Is a
novelty artist who will present, lml ta- r
ttone Of famous person. . .
TheArcad'S favorite songstress, Kate
Coyle, will ing a new ballad hot from .
the pressea, and the big bioscope wUl . 1
flash aa amusing lot of pictures en tha M
canvas. Tha ahow today will be con- -tlnuoua
from I to 11 p. a, and will af-
ford tho toot opportunity to eee' McCoy
and Knight ths people who auk musio .
out of ahaapaga bottle.
- . B3nsr-Bns1 AT STAB. : -
At th bom of vaudeville hn no ration,
the Star theatre, another sensational act
baa been engaged for tha week beglnntag
tomorrow afternoon t I p. m Tha
Kins-Nora, marvelous - European equt
llbtiata. Whose anwalng feats of heavy
weight balanciag have startled two con
tinents, wUl ba the heed-liners.. Pianos,
cartwheels nd trunk are held on th
chin of theee giant performer with
ease, and their other feats are squally
startling. '
Bight groat, sets Are on the Star pro- v,
gram. Mr. and Mr. Hunn will appear ., "fi
to a black face sketch. Burdock has aa ' ?
Illusion set that to mora than mystify
ing. Xfidward Da Moss, phenomenal
baritone, will make hla flrat euypeeimne
in th wast In vaudeville, ,, ,
' Another novelty aat that to worthy
M that Of Do Shields, a wonderful equi
librist, Juggler and serial cyclist, who
ride as ordinary bicycle on a swinging
strand of wire. Will Brown to a jovial
jester, WlU a Hoyt mng new Illus
trated aong and Edison's projectosoope
will flash a aew seriee of moving pio- j
tare. . -j . .. "
- Tba show today la oontinuoug from I
t 11 p. nu thO great Lorett Twins and -he
Glrdellera making their last appear '
ano 1 their famous sots.., , . , ... .:r
V W S? ' ,;,.,. . i.
af m Taua' ;v
Deep grows tho mystery thta week; ;
ss yoa watch th great and only Cub- .
ning, who to aald to be th handcuff V
king af th world. Even Sheriff Tom l
Word, who Stopped gambling and Jail '
breaking, seems t be atumped over ta .
siyaterloso working of Cunning. He
certainly manipulate th handcuff fn
S manner which entitles Mm- to he eallefl
Cunning the Greet Th- vrrte'o hill
also includes such people aa tha rural
(Conthiued ea Page Seven teen,)
v V
much'- . .5 fl
with 7i II
th 1 IP
Of J;
.r. IT
., --1