The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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    . ' . ' v-' ' THE ORB(
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i '
PraStabla Business
Ventura Along Original Line.
TM aftiftlns- of fashions, from the full
to the scant, from in neevy i ugnt.
from brilliant te comer and ta Um
twinkling of, an aye aad back again,
on of tb soul-trying ordeals la th
a lift of the von of limited nmu, and
g J. tb "mako-or" lanpoeaibUlUe ar tn
salvation of th4 merchant. But-oscs-
lonally okup te atyle, or ft fashion
able fad WW tpw up oft employment to
auan wid-awafc woman who la lacing
u bread-and-butter proposition.
When comoa hun Joined hands with
fashion , and decreed that too light
French kid nhoe ahould give Place to
tha stout, heavy alf for street
the botuo of "OUt Edge" ehoe pMian.
"V to bo daubed on la ft aioat unaatiofao
' tory manner also mad 1U HV and
: mtd demand. Hoc a, Bllahd aboa
r; v When too women of Now York dis--b
ooverad Chat tbm wen mnr women la
tn alty and surroundings who wen In
' imoI of ft wqmd'i hotel, when only
women woald bo received and when tee
i Mculiar 'aaods of womom would M a
; ministered to, a cosapany waa organ la
fcv won and too ftlocanft "atartna
waauaiun" hotel of Maw Tork woo
tb mhIL
When tho boary ahoao Moood aollab
Inc .nd tho 'Milt BdaV waa ao ioagor
vallabio, tho opportunity oamo to too
woman oat tho outiook, m a anoo
po) la bins parlor la tho Vartba Waab
faicton" hotal faralabo aa taoraUvo
IttUa taiiowt a aax waaaaa. la Mow
York mnmuda.
VHiW aakod who woaoat M
tho proprietor aaldi . "Tho Mo .waa
Artvtnal with, aw: that la, I had narar
board of wok ft thine whoa X raaolvod
to asako tho voatvxo for aayatlf. Sine
than I havo heard of a alalia aaub
ttahoMt ia CtakmRO and than are prob
ably othara to Othar plaoaa. TM poaai
blliuas of aaoh a bustaeso ooturrtd to
aa whUa I watebod Uto toDf Itaoa of
si tin la th ahna ctaraa. 1
hava thalr ahoaa frcabanod ft , BO 1
reaolvad to tavaatlsato tha aboa polish
ing buahMaa and tho mora I lookad Into
St tha batter it aaomad to promiaa, Z
vontad thla olaoa ad atftrtod out to
fcmy ftsraitaro. It may oaana a amaU
think to fumlah ft plaoo 1 by U faot
but I waatod to fttmlah It Jaat rlcht
nd X am ouro I aat la 40t chaira. baton
I bouahft tbeao four, and I looted fa
doaaa plaoaa boforo 1 bouM tbftt to
wardrobo and awlnplna akorai a-iass.--Tha
raault at thla eara la a antty,
ArtUtlo room, comfortabla, oosy and at
traouve. which la so amaU. factor to
furalsblna tho aatroaaca.
la addition to tho boe-pollshla tha
Uttlo oatabUsbfoont baa ad dad -a. amail
tock of oraraooaa, ahoa laoao and a fow
Jtaaoy allppora to aaU. besHU kaepina
vmbrallas to root. Umbnllaa an ran lad
by tha day for if eonta, and ts one of
tho moat profitable featuraa of tha bual
ftjaaa. Whew tho oatabifshment waa
ready to open, tha enterprtslna' pro
prtetor oppilad to tha' padrone of a
atnaJl eolony of Italian ttoym for on to
do the work, aad was furnished with
tha "Joe" that U tha woman of the
"Martha Waahmotea" an aequatoted
with. Of Joe, hi employer aaya: "Ail
Italia &oetblack are oea or Tonlea. I
have bad many Tonlea Is tho year 1 have
beea fca bualnaaa, but there la bat one
Joe." and aulta unaeUUhly aivea Joe
credit for financial- the thin aucceed
fwlly. aa bo 1 keen, aarowd aad dip
lomat In deal In with otstomora. : . -
bt t n,-,. K';
Serrant Girl Question mnd "
Striker at Palk River, Ma.
' A do haa certainly slipped hh
Whare in our oeonomkt machinery Wb
tha ary la heard on ovary hand for
more (trie for domeoUo aarr lea. Laujk
of oookav auroaa aad bauaomaldi, and
tha appaltlna; outlook for houe keepers
aabla to perform their own hoaaebold
Piedmont - Chape V-Cleveland vntM
and J arret 1 street: Rev. L. Myron
Booaer, pastor, sermons, 11 a. m. and
' 1:M p. m.j Sabbath school, it noon;
Jpnyer meeting at 7:St p. dl, Thursday.
First Rev. FMgar F. BUI. D. K
U lQ a. aa. and T:te p. m.
Flnt CumberbUHV Corner 1 Twelfth
isnd Bast Taylor atnatst Her. R. Nel
son Allen. 19:19 a. m.. The Book of
1 Rook;" ll m. Sunday school; S:U p. nu
Junior Bndeavori 1:10 p. m.. Senior Sm
Seavor; 7:1 p. m., SaveiaroUa. the
Morning Star of the Rformtlo,'
Calvary Rldvonth and Clay. Re.
William a. Gilbert, pastor. l:g, "Dan
iel Today." .
' . In th evening there will be pre la
act vie by the choir. Mis Lin Llnehaa,
opran and - director; - Mia Virginia
Spencer, alto; Leon M. Jonea, tenor;
Oeorge Street. baxltone aaslstsd by
Mr. Oeorg Woest, violinist,
- Program
' Organ voluntary-.
Quartet "Aria Shins for Thy Idght
1 Come" .Buck
' Trio "Praise T" . . , .-. .Verdi
Tenor Solo "Tb Plaint of Peace" ,
Quartet "How Long WIU Thou For-
' get Met Pflnger
OnTertory--vleiln solo 'Song t th
, Kvealag Star
Mr. Oeorg Wuect
Soprano oi heard th Vole of
Jesus Say" Harries
Quartet "T Deum In B. Minor.. Buck
1 Sunnyslo Kplscopai iOasf Thirty
fiftn and TamhlU street. Rev. W. H.
Selleck, pastor. Thla being the t
Sunday of the oniareno year, full re
perta of tb year work la all depart
ments of the church will be made. i:lu
Xbpworth , Lea go missionary meeting,
"City Kvangeltxntton;H T:I "Bt. Paul a
Conception of Christian Lev."
i CnUnary- lCust Ninth and Oast Pin
Street. W. B. Bolllngshead. pastor.
tUv. D. L. Rader, XX L., editor Pacttie
Chrmttan advocate, wltl p reach at l:U
m. m.1 T:t p. raw "A Substltuta for Pop-
alar AaMiaemanta." Thla will be the
closing service of th conference year.
Rally day exercise Sunday school,
11:11 p. fa.. Dr. J. J. Wlggln. Puperln
tandentl Junior Lengn at p. Ba. Kp
wortk Leagas at t:t p. m.
Trinity -Corner Bast Tenth and Grant
Street Rev, Harold Oberg, pastor. At
Ure morning service a aUas of proba
tion will be admitted lata member
l.ip. Evening Rev. W. T. Kerr Will
pre en. Bundar chel, 1 'm. Bp.
Wnrt liOague. ;s
minuter. Claasea, f:f; pranthlng.
10 ta, "Pnr ReUaioa Sunday school,
Rpwwrth Leagu ervic T
ootockt I I, "Ktngley Qualltto,',
Immense! Second and Mead ftnrt.
Rev. Mead M. Riedsoet paurtor. It . au.
sprayer and pre lee service; lOrto a. m..
. -Judgmeal." Rvanarlfet OharUe tt Hart
WlU have charge of the mualoi II nv.
demand; o tha on Plda, and to turn
frost that to the horrors of th situation
at Fella Rlvar, Uaaa., when ,00 peo
ple, a tar peroBDtace of them bain
womea and cfrla, have boon oat on
strike for two month with the attend
ant horrors of Blokneeaand starvation.
Tha ''Women's Journal of reoeat date
devote more than two eolturma t tha
account of personal investigation made
among th women -textile worbar of
Kaila River, by Amy Wellington. the
doe not treat the alraaUon aa ft whole
btit has sought out Individual cases as
she happens upon them, but finds In
summing up th whole that these fur
atah a pood average. If no others existed
but th doaen or so ah report a, they
would furnish horror onough to make
vary black peg fn- th commercial his
tory of to country. . ,
Throat troubla," la other words, only
none wish to use ft, oonsumptlon Is one
of the penalties -of tha trad and the
oondiuona under which tha work la don
foater and prapogate the grm to
frightful extent. Think of aU thla tato
mont lnrolvee: "Sucking the aha t tie to
threading them, ta a fearful mm of
contagion, th yowng girl perbapp pnt
ting a shuttle to her mouth directly altar
eoneumptlv wossaav . - -
Theee fabric later com to us Tndened
with the gen infected breath f the.
,ver. But thai Is another and larger
question. Oar thought was, why will
young women who have to ear their
ow living, remain tn tni die in
fected employment, at starvation waves.
waa An the beat of times, and at th beat
wage ver given, subjecting themselves
to tha whim at the company, or th fickle
demands of the market, when they could
go into domeatlo service, in clean, com
fortabla homes, live under sanitary con
ditions, work teas nd have ovary Bare
elty of .tit - furnished and draw
monthly wag, clear of all living .ex
pense, of from $11 to SOf If at th
yonac unmarried .women who ar now
on atrfk at rails River, well satisfied
If they can enep into hovel to sleep
go into
domeatlo service, - kUaaaohusett at
least would be relieved of th strenuous
tension of th "servant girl problem.
and th ettuatlo at Falls River be re
lieved of thai much of Its horror. .
Thla ts no w rjwught. but it la
ver recurring queatlo why soia stu
pendous effort 1 not made by worn to
Drug snout uu nroiotion.
at .
I Poitlaruf Ciubwomen't
Great Day at State Fair.
If any ao oould aueeUen th benefit
socially, of th club tnovemenX their
doubts would be dispelled by the anting
in woman's ejus too to toe state fair.
Th publicity committee of the club.
being notified by th oommerclal bod
lea they aro oo-opentlng with that It
was .tb dwaln that th Woman club
should b represented at tb fair. Im
mediately got to work to a ahat ft was
don properly. - A oar waa chartered and
tb president, Ifr. P, J. Mann,, ordered
banner for each side, bearing tb
words, in large letters. "Woman's Club,
Portland." Long baton th time for
starting, th car-was full of tha club
member,' few Invited guosta and
good representation of elub husbands.
All th prominent member, bealdea the
publicity committee, were early . on
hand to assist members to find th ear
and to aooun seat, and Jollier crowd
or more asnganlal party would be hard
to find.
2 tb crowd ft would hv been hard
to keep so many together on th fair
grounds a .was at first attempted, but
th runch hour found little croups all
over tha grounds, some enjoying th
lunch they had carried, while others pat
ronised th lunch-stand. During the
Afternoon tha hospitality of tb Salem
club was extended to th visitor. lira.
Cat I In. president of tha amlem Woman's
elub, on! led th tw clubs together In the
pretty aodltorlnm, and a genuine good
BIB4 scbAoL WIU S Hal, superintend
ent; :M p. ml, B. T. P. U.i J.l p. n,
"Ths Invitations of th Blbl
Whit Temple Twelfth ami Taylor
atreeta. Rev. 3. Whitoomh Brougber, T.
D. pentor. 10:1 a. isu, "on aooord"
pnyr meeting; 1:3 a, r., eervlce,
with sermon by Dr. BL Orattan Oulmte,
.th famous London preacber; 11:1 p.
m, Blbl scnool: ff:M p. nv, R. T. P. U.;
T: p. m, Th First Runaway Coupla.-
econd Beat Seventh and Ankeoy
street, Stanton C. Lapham, pastor.
1:IP a, nw 'The Lovabl Disci pi-;
it m Bible school; :4( p. m.. Toung
People's union; 7:4 p. m.. Tha New
Hell." Midweek prayer meeting Thurs
day evening.
CrnrraJ Woodmen of tb World band
ing. Bast Alder and Keet Sixth atreeta,
WUHam B. Randall; minister. X:W .
m- "Roger Williams Religious Liberty
for All Men"; it bl, Blbl sobool; 7:l
p. ntq "Life's Testing and Triunxpha,"
a servtoe with llluatratad song.
j L - ewwaaasaiSwB1 t ' -J
' OOSTTMtXaATXOTgAa. - - .
Hasaalo-Streat .Rant Seventh street
north and Hasenlo, Rev. Cbarto BL
Cbasa. iPct a. m. and 7:4 . m., serv
ice with sermon; It m.. Sunday ehool;
:4t p. m.. Christian Endeavor.
Mississippi-A venue Mlastaatppi cv
nu and Fremont street. Rev. C M.
flmythe. IP a. m., Sunday aahoolf 1 p.
nu ChiistUn Endeavor; Ham, 'Ob
scure Paople"; 1:4 p. m -War
Flnt Park and Madlso street. Rev.
K. U House, D. D. pastor. 1:14 ft. m.,
Habit"; 7:41 p. irk, "A Oreat Question
as to th Condition of Portland' Toung
Mea"i 23:1 p. a, Sunday school. Rev.
H. A. Start, superintendent; U p. bl.
t. p. a. c x. - - .
Pilgrim chapel -Second street near
Lincoln, Rev. H. A. Start, pastor, trie
a. m , Sunday aehoei, W. D. Scott, Super
intendent. -
Sunnrslde Bast Taylor and TCast
Thirty-fourth street a, Rev. I. J. Staub,
pastor, ll , m., 'Trnnaflgwratloa La.
aona"t ?:fl p. m "Israel te Prophecy
and Fulfillment"! IP a, nv, Sunday
ubooL S. a Pier, superinUndsnt; I It
p. bl. Christian Endeavor secvioa.
Praycy meUng Thursday at Z:t p. at.
' swtoofifc t,
t. David Bast Twslftk end Bel
mont streets. Rev, George B. Van Wa
ter D. XX. fuotor. t:4 a. bjl. Sunday
scbnoti 11 m bl and 1.X a. m.. ryr.
Oood ShepherdVancouver avenu
and Sellwood street. Rev. Joan Dnwaoa.
rector. 11 a. m. and f:S p m prayer
nnu sermon; is a. m.. nunday school.
Chapel Qt th TrarnflgnraUwi gialti
Street near Oak, Rev. W. R. PewelL chap-
min. ii a. m., seme aad ermo; tie
. nv, Sunday school.
St. Paul's Woodmen. Rev. W. R.
PoweU, t bra, . .4 n. to, aervlc and
a en 1 1 on. -
U John's MeroorteJ oVHwood, Rev
W. K. PoweU, iavaAsrse. it a. -s.. aWKftt
day schsolt 1t4 p. am. rvl and ear
mon. i
TrinHf earHrT .ftnetnth street near
WMhlngtoa, Rov. Dr. X A. Morrison,
I ' jut, ujmhuh , mmun. rnmmujMuis,
r mmmm
' i
V f-
- ... - - T- -A
Um was Indulged In. Mr. A. 8. Dunt-fl
way waa iie oa for-a apeeon, ana
with th sun vigor .with which she d-
dreeaed an audience oa these sun
graund 40 year age aha spok eloquent
ly of woman' work ta the state and
of hr rightful plaoa 'te th councils of
th nation. h called attention to the
pioneer mothers and paid ft fitting trio
ute to awcajawea, the only woman In th
bawls and Clark party and tha flnt plow
near mother of Oregon. Tb Secretary
dT th Saojawe Statue association
being present, ah waa called oa to ex
plain Ita work and progress and to put
th matter tn tangible form for tho
Sal era woman to take hold and assist
pthem tn. Some points wen mad clear.
and right then and than th Salem nrom-
en put their shoulden to the Saeajawea
wheel and will giv It peroepttbl lift
during th winter. Mr. Cntlln, aastet-
notor, Rv. tf. D.-Chambsrv In ehnrg.
I a. holy communion; 11 a. nv, serv
los aad sermon; 7:t p. au aarvlc; 1:14
a at Sunday sohooL -
-r , v . 1 " " 1 .1
TTnltsd Bvajgalioa) St John K. W.
MoVlckar, pastor. 11 a. m. and I p, m.;
Sunday school li a; Jr, X, U C t,
S:S0 p. m.; ST. 7L L. G K, T:4I p. to.
First - Oerman church Tenth and
Clay streets, Tbaodom Schauer, pastor.
1:4S a. m. and I p. m; Sunday school,
. m. T. P. A 7:1 p. m.
Tint English Bast Sixth and Mar
ket streets. Rev. O. W. Plumer, pastor.
II a. m, "Receive to Give; Ip., The
Sin Pardoning Ood; Sunday school. 10
. ; Junior Blliaaoa, p. m.; Toung
People's all lane. 7 p. m.
' United Evangelical Fargo and Kcrby
atreeta. Rev. X Rowersox, pastor, ll a,
nu. To Spirit Filled Life an Equipment
for Service;' 7:10 p. nu -Christ Abiding
With Men;- Sunday school, id a. m.;
K. L. C T p. m.
Central Bast Twentieth and Salmon
streeta, Ray, J. F, Ohonnlsy reetor.
10:14 a. nv, Wtohman, What of the
Night r 7:4. Tb Fanatic;" Sunday
school, it at,; Junior Endeavor, p. v;
Senior society, :4 p. m.
First Park' and Columbia, streets, K.
& Muckley pastor. 10:t0 a. , The
Respons off Obedience to th Call of
th Master;" 7:4 p. nv, Th Law of
Sympathy," sermon dosing with read
ing entitled Tb Hons by th Bid of
th Road; Bible school at 11:1 p. av;
T, P. B. C. R, 4:44 p, m.
Rodney Avenue Rodney averr and
Knott street. Atbya Esson, minister.
11 a. bv, Tn Philosophy of Mlaslona;
7: p. nv. "Unbelief j" Sunday school,
46 nv; Christian Endeavor, d;0
p nv
r r
' PTogreaslve Hail 101, AMaky bulld
Ing. aorner Third and Morrison street
Rev. Mrs. C. Cornell ua. 1:4 p. nv.
"How to Ovroom Evil." - t
First Spiritual Society Artlaan bn,
Ablngton building. Third street near
Washington. 11 a. nv. aoafereaoei II .10
a. nv, children's progressive lyooum;
7:4 -p. m., Mrs. Raweo will tootqn on
'Splrttunllsm From My Point of View,"
fallowed by Rev. O. x Lov,
A kllntt TtAR SCUkSSOB. '
First Church of Christ Scot Hah Rtte
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale
street 11 a. nv and p. av. TJnreejH
Ity"; Sund school at eloee of morn
ing service. Wedntaday evening meet
ing I 'elock.
Second Church of Chriat Auditorium
building. Third between Taylor and Sal.
mon streets. 11 a. m. and t p. m.. serv-
Iha, anhlant "Uawlltyij -44- e. saSuaM
day school to . th reading-room
Wedneaday meetlsg p. - nv
Norwegian ( Kertb Thlrtsmwh
street. Rev. J. ML Nerrlg pastor. Bar
vioae 11 . nv aad p. m. Sunday obool
:4 m
Our Savior Th Kovwegiaa synod
church, corner Bast Tenth and Orant
street. O. Hagoes paster; 11 a, nv and
at ltd p. avi Thiirsday vcnins th
: ' v MRS. IDA
Th Woman's Relief corps waa or
ganised m Denver Pa IMS, aa aa Aux
iliary of tha O. i. R Wbil it main
object of xJstno wa to aid the
who fought In th war of th rebellion,
It has proved liberal educes! o to wom
en whoso live might otherwise have
been narrowed to the routine of house-'
hold duuo. K -i.
From vary smaft bealnntng ft has
Hrrown until there is scarcely state m
th union but ha It Woman's Relief
corps department, la all nuaabeting over
IfiO.O members. Oregon ha 14 corps,
nsith ft membership of over l.fftf. '
Hral Roberta M. Smith, atoU president
of th department of Oregon, W, R. C.
Ua an especial favorite of the O. A. R.,
ad by Mr. Cuslok. Xr. Thellnea and
otber Salem clubwomen, carved hot
lunch to thd Portland elub visitor t
tb Eplacopai Guild rests rant before
th train left fr Portland, and M la saf
to say that an enduring bond of friend
ship waa sealed between th two elub
that day; at least, a was th general
opinion of th happy home-returning
crowd, if " r -
-- ft as ntV;;,:
Impressions Gained . i''.".
By Visit to Mrs. Stffvens.. V
"Mr. Ulllan M. N. 0 towns, Uia'vle
prealdent of th World W. G. T. O.
and the- president of the Wattamal Wo
man's Christ la Tern pa ran oe union. 1
a native of Maine, and Is eald by thos
who know and trust hr to be a Immo
vable as tha rock and as strong and
straight as th beautiful pin of that
Toung People's society meets tn the
K- autvt vkoAl m ftila. . . '
" aa. sv ssuxa. - .
First ltHi Second atreet Pastor.
Rev. B. Mowr. Sunday eehooL it a.
nv( servicee. U v av and p m.l Ep-
wsrta fasagu. T p. as, , , .. . (i- ,r
i . T :r
T. M. O, A, Assooistkm adtortum.
Fourth and TamhlU. Maa'a meeting,
Sunday, 1:10 p. nv; addre by Dr. U.
Onttoa Outness, the gnat London
preacher, on "Religious Beyond:" tenor
solo by Arthur Alexander.
. Millennial pawn Bervtosa cor. B.
Orant and B. Ninth street, t p. v; sub
ject: "Looking Not at th Thins
Which An but at the Things
Whioh An Not Seen.
Th Churoh of Splrft-Commnnlo win
worship to WUUmett haU, 107 H Beo
ond street, t 7:4 p. av: lactur and
spirit maaaage by Dr. Wheeler, lata of
London, England; subject, "What Power
Hath Material Spirit Ovar the.Dlaem-
bodled Intel 1 Isaacs r
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints A 1 laky Bldg., ball 401, cor. Third
and Morrison. 11:10 a. m. and p. m.
Peopl Christian Union Unity hall.
Tho Drew, 141 Second street, near Mor
rison. 11 a. av paper by Mr Mcln
tyref 11:41 p. av, biblical and truth dis
cussion; 7:45, Instrumental concert by
Union orchestra, F. aV MuCurdy, dl ree
tor. UrnVaraallet. Pint East Oowsa and
Bast Eighth, W. F. Smalr. pastor. 11 .
m., snbjct, "Beauty and Morality Sun
day school. 11:16 p. ro.
Unitarian, First TemMll and Seventh
streets. Dr. Qeo. Croswell Or ey, pas
tor. 11 a. tn.. The Progrees of Peace
Through a Century off War" Sunday
school at 11:10 p. nv
Frto th Chicago Trlbene.
-While wandering feebly around the
neighborhood on day tn search of some
thing to eat. Job's turkey noouatered
th church mous.
Thank heaven." soinoqutssd th tur
key, T am not quit reduced to the eo
eUl levei of that afclnay llttl creature!"
"If that hideous old bag of bones
think fn going to rccognlss her.' said
th mouae, sotto voce, "Boa's got another
guess comlngv t draw the lln right
And they paed without speeklng. '
north Coast Ll.Itei
Tak th Mortham Paetfl Nrtb
Coast Limited" on your trip ta th
world' fair In October and you wilt
travel n th crack train of tha aorth
weet. and It don't ot yoa any mon to
travt on this train than ft do on any
other. Special excursion tickets wlU be
sold for the round trip and tickets will
b good for 0 day from dat of issue,
giving tp-over privUeges la btk di
rection. . - ,
For detailed Information call on or
writ A. XX Charlton, A. Q P. A Fert
land. Or.
From th Bt Louis Republic "
The Ruaalan an brave, the Japs an
braver. Lona Star they wave, . tut
never waver,
her father he.vta been an old tmldlar.
aerving with hi oompany. tha Twenty-
fourth Massachusetts, detached, through
th civil war. t-
TaTr. Smith I 10 n meat worker
In tha Order of th Ken tern Star and a
prominent member of the Portland
Woman club. ah ha Just returned
from th national convention of the
Woman's Relief corps held In conjunc
tion with tha gathering of th a, a, .
Bt Boeton, Mam, when h npresanbit
Oregon, f
- Mr Ida M. fUrdmaa, department
traaaurar vt th W. R. C. la a woman
well fitted to hold th poeltlon sh wa
eleoted to. Sh I gradual of th
commercial department of Albany sol
log. . Sh la largely Interested in lodge
work,' having served as an officer In th
Order f Rebekan. Ladle of ths Mac
cabees, Rath bona Slater and Degree
Mrs.' j. h. Prltchard w one of the best
known , women In the state. Sh haa
worked earnestly In the relief oorps and
woman's suffrage society In Oregon and
Colorado, and is servtng for th second
Um a recording secretary of th Wo
man a club. -
stat' - Of bar public Hf mcti to knwn
Sa for mor than 10 year ah has bean
know throughout th whole country
far her sweat charity and sturdy reform
work," say Ada WaUao Unrub.
. "I wink th readen of Th Journal
koald see picture f Ska home wnnm
a I remember be In her bom to
Strondwater, suburb f sortlnd. Max.
sn my Srst viait then. Z was familiar
with th splendid presiding offloer. J
knew wall th stntalr, queenly wmsn.
and was somwbat ouiiou on this my
first visit to a hr In another eettlng.
Alighting from tb oar I walked up th
hill, entered th apaalou ' ground and
reached foe door of my friend and om
rad. Th door was Just opened whea
figure appeared that puxsled mud startled
me. -The stately woman to almost sa
ver oucg, inat i naa Known
changed to dainty flgur tn soft blue
EigKty Millions for Ckarity
S- lOHTT million doltsra
- donated to pbuanthnpi and
I a charitable work la tb United
State last year. Of this sum,
40,d0,W0 onm from Kcw Tork, Vast
as the mount I, tb nporta Indicate
it wilt be still greaur thla year. Th
distribution of the mighty fortune
ha been extensive. The money has
beea mad to oover all fields f endeavor
known to th experts of sharltabl er
ganiaatlons. Millions o dollar hav
been expended wisely. Perhaps mil
lion have been expended foolishly.' Xt
earn like an easy thing to do to gtr
away money. When one has determined,
however, to sir away million. ftn
give they away Judicially, tb proposi
tion Is evolved Into science. Expert
no has tougbt th almoner that th
art of giving sonorously, wisely and well
is th gxsftuat blowing of th philan
thropist On every aid when on may turn In
this country are evidence of tb free
hand of th giver Magnificent libra
ries, eolleg, schools, hospltala and pub
no Institution, donated and maintained
by generous Americans, appear In all
tha cities and In many of th sraaJler
towns. Millions an pndd In pro
viding for th poor by prtvato means
outside of the regular erork on tb state
and manlcloa! government -
Private schools for technical work, in
stitutions for scientific research, borne
for tb blind, for th deaf and dumb,
for th crippled, for th old, for or
phansfor all classes, all conditions,
of th poor and needy, halt and lame -an
maintained; museum of art, of edu
cation, of natural btatory, an founded;
expedition an equipped for the dis
covery of new lend and new peoples;
mlaaionartee an sent to all part of tha
globe;, churches and cathedrals- an
built, and 1 every conceivable way that
money may be donated It 1 given free
ly, eagerly. .
Probably th four greatest giver in
th world, tn th sens of general Q her
itable an philanthropic donation, an
Andrew Carnegie, Jacob H. Sobiff, Jamas
8 payer and Morris BT- Jeesup. . Of theee
Mr. Schlff ha been rated as th model
phllanthroplat on account of the amount
that be gives, th way ta whleti he gtvaa
It, and his discernment as to Ins help
ful nee of his donation
Unquestionably John D. Rockefeller
gtve mon to educational work than any
other man. Re on know exactly the
extent of bt donation H la know
to hav given away mor than tu.eeo,
toe, mor than one-third of which lit.
WMHHMt sivesr to 43Meg univer
alt,.; - - '
Together tnstKutlon be baa si vent
Rash Medical coiieg ef Chicago, f,oo
Ml Barnard college. fl.47t.OO0: South
am Bduoatlonai fund, fvlM.0; Har
vard onrvT1tyv ll.OOO.fw; Baptist Mis
sionary fund. 1,00,0; Teachers' eol
leg. New Tork. Ii00e0i Yasser eol
leg. 1400.04: Brown university, 4)a
000: Cornel university, tzM.000; Bryn
Ma wt coHvge, 1310,000; Rockefeller In
stitute for Medical Research, too.eoo;
Newton Theological aeiajnary, f i -, j
home ire with genrou ruffle of
fllmy lace, who am forward with smil
ing face and outstretched arms to giv
me hearty welcome. It wa a vlalt for
conference en import awttar a well
a friendly converse, and so w wont to
th study of that busy woman, i wish
our readers -Who think of public womea
aa square, angular and nl to horn
life, could peek Into that atudy. Book,
everywhere f ear; a huge desk full
of work but la perfect ordart a hug
0 replace piled high with whit clothed
biro log and plot urea and daintiness
wars everywhere; do, ar mora of
Ml Wtllard'a plot ares were there for
no Jealousy of her lnoomparabl pnde
ess or can enter her largo heart. Among
these waa a large plaster oast, lovlagly
modeled by Lady Henry Somerset (wh
would have bee an artist had sh not
been a reformer), and presented by her
to Mr. Stovan. Tb whole roomy homo
Ilk house spok of her bom loving
heart and gukling hand. At tb dainty
lunch we dlsouased kaiaa decoration and
bom architecture, exchanged ooUng
reelpea, compared experienoee In bread
making nd separated to go each our
buay way while X .oarrted In my heart
tha plot or of a 4vmg wife, a tender
mother, a careful horn maker, a loyal
friend and humanity lever wb la
steadfastly holding to a fixed purpose,
to help paak tb world mon horn Ilk
for an.- , .
. ft ft ft ' v. -.-
Michigan fatersst in ,v
Ths Lewis and Clark Fain "
Mr. Sarah W. aTnsle. th mother f
tb "Indian day' for club programs.
write this - department that . th
Woman's club of HartfoA, Mich, ha
at th head f their program for this
th following: a "Nothing la
American history has aad a mon pro
found effect upon tb futun than th
expedition headed by Iwt and Clark.
and tb marnlnoont , oonoaptlo , of
Tboaa Jefferson." . , , -,
Mr. Engle' part 0 tb reraj will
be a talk on SaeaJawea and ah
written for data regarding the progress
of the work the dat of unveiling th
statu and who wiu be la charge.
Michigan doe and should feel ft pe
culiar interest in everything pertaining
to Lewi and Clark. Oeorg Roger
Clark realised that Detroit wa th key
to tha whole northwest em situation. In1
th event of a war with England It la
no lass tha key today, and It Is probably
mon strongly MentlAed with th great
vents that hav gone to make American
history than any on particular point la
the United States, and -with many of
the events various mtnbre of the
Clark family hav been associated. I
one of tha beautiful parks 1 Detroit th
past summar baa biased out to gorgeous
flowara th words "Lewis and Clark
ltM." Why didn't out enterprising pub
licity eommttte of th Lewi and Clark
fair use' persuaalve that would have
induced th park oommlaalner to add
the word-"Oregon" T
What an advarUMment tt would haw
benl ; -r-v - .' ' -
?:yi-.. n m n .
Literattifw Proves to Be. : ,
The Handmaid to Philanthropy.
Mr. Huraphre Ward ha again
nehleved suoc la Tear phUanthrnplo
work. Five year ago ah eetahllaked a
hraaoh for special Instruction and oar
of crippled ohlldran la ' tho vacation
school of th Vaaotnor Sd wards set
tlement in London, which was founded
through bar tnfluaao. Thee llttl kan
dloapped ehlldren hav been nursed and
taught trade and arts, and th tiny
school 1 mow able to annouoo that on
boy, formerly a hopetea Invalid, has
been apprenticed to a Smt of gold 'and
attvorsmltha; another boy with spinal
complaint. nd nnother with dob foot.
hav beea apprenticed to aa artist In
pbogrvw; another pupil Is ft print
er's reader: on girl Is serving la ft mil-
Ilnrs atolleri another I at tb art
Adelpbl college, fltS,Oc araeas tml
veraify. 100,00; Bmlth eoJIeg. 1100,
00; T. M, C. A., Now Tork, 1100,000;
T. Mv'0. A Brooklyn, 1100,000; WellB
ley oollerer 0100,000) Columbia knlver
slty. 1100,00; Deniaon college, Onnvllla,
CX. 110,000; Purman unlvrslty, Oreen
vlll a C, ti 00,000; Untrsrslty of Ne
braska, Ml.OOt; T. M. a A-, Washing
ton, 160,00; Zndmna university, 60,000;
Shurtleff oollsg. Springfield, lit, fl.
000; Bucknell unlvarslty, J6,000 Wil
liam JeweU university, I2S.0O0; gifts
prior to llrf, exclusive Chicago unlvar
slty,; gifts to churches aad
personal charities, 12,000,00.
Andnw Carnegie, however, ha bn a
greaur glvr than Mr, Rockefeller. Mr.
Carnegie's gifts hav been-for th -tabllahment
of llbrarlee. He has al
ready given away mon than 104, 000,000.
Of this sum th United States has fft
oalvad MM17,471, Scotland 417. 711. T40.
Holland, 11. T 40.00, England and Wales
11,144, 004, Oand 11,014,400, Irelaad
I 14.000, and Cub 1161,000. ,
rK a u. tigfoa oaiAX iu
aad piamiiatiea of bsiaty. .
A beautiful;
AM fee WtrBext wrlaklM r tboaa
. fef tkat spread oat la every
direct V froai tb eyre my V li4 r
, any lady OmMb tkesa yoemfal charm,
wn4 at nifuag txpmea, by appltaf at Ua
Crlestatl Ce-SKty Parlon
S64 Wmft$n Street, fktt Put .
Dr. A J Neldsn
fs the ppoat-et omiofHt la me werM,
barlnc cllta from all toe treat elUea
Burope and t C'letloenV aa wtU aa trem
' ail parts ef America. aa . , y
Of tt tveettl Po" rVrm.
of Xt
e r ' , In 19, 1 ttart
T t,)i a. Tm .j. h kin In Ma
em tv--.,int in 4 i, gradiiittnf
tl . aad aa api A fcr parlor
aa tn ar -waa
9d sv thla - rr- 4
"r m a .tl of W prnAa.
Isw l I i B,a place of PflrMamaV
waioo aaa
I as set aa 1 en tie Paclaa Oeeac
' ' i
Tvavenw'aaMaa3 SrA W B
school and will finish her training event
umiy t th rsyal scnool g art aaadi-
wwrs. '
Th Ida ha been to train th uhvs. f
ioaily belplea ahUdren to make us
their brain, that their Uvea may bT
happy aad selfaupporting. Mrs. Ward l
gives much of har Um to th personal '
supervision of th work, and on feel,
quit gratified that ah can demand
such handaoma royalties for her book.
when muck of it la turned to , '
. , ft ft ft ).
. . . .-.
TsstnfMses Woman Pav -
Visit to Famous Fort Clatsop. A
Mrav WUkea, wif of Sup rem Judg
Jona a. Wilkes of Tenneasee. wrlteai
"l nave beea to BU Louis for ths purs
poa not only of seeing that grand array,
but from aa educational standpoint- 1.
cannot but exprea th wonder and da.
light I kxpaslenced whll there. AmoasK
other thins. X went to so Fort Clatsop.;
uonuguy enjoy every part of tt.
I wa wail equipped to enjoy every part
es it arter having read The Conquest.'
It makes aa lautreaatv and strlkln'
picture. Or and. gloomy, subs tan tial, ,
even austere, among thr bulldlngst
ah sprung n leak, during th fearful
tornado pressun that passed ever North
St. Louis during my stay then. .X hav
had Bear my heart th Oregon exposi
tion; hav talked It and advertised It
extensively, and wns o glad to do ao.
feeling assured you fully appreciate my
latareat and hearty good will toward
Oregon, then thnagh you I shall make
bold to tell you bow the lay of the land
look to a man up a tr.' X fear your-
Oregon fair Is not bains advertised a
thoroughly as tt should be. Xt seem
to me that th bast opportunity that a
possibly b procured 1 being neglected.
I hav a criticism for what ha beaa
done, but your exposition l not being'
suBlclantly advertised In Bt, Louln. Ft,
Clatsop 1 grand, but So yo nails how.
small a percentage of peopl know any-.
tning about ta iewis ano uiarg axpo
sltlonT. Tour ouatodlaa there wa ae
courteous to . and whea X told aim
how intereeted we were he waa
pleased and soldi Thousands of popl
wb have been ban do not know or ap
preciate a you do.' Right thr waa
bora th Idea that Oregon also needs to ,
be spoken of more freely.
Mrs. WUkea first becam Interested
tn Oregon through reading The Con
queet," and than Monti fled brrf wttk
tb Bajawwa aasoclaUoa la a aubstaa
tial mannCt .
- kft ft ft -- " fUiMm,
Apartmenta wnere ; ;w;j
vmiarefi Are welcome.
Apartment houaes and th serrant gM
problem enter mon largely into the raoe
suicide question than probably President
Roosevelt from bis emlaent height eauld
oopoelv. . Tb lattw drive peo
ple; Into th apartment houa wttk tb
arm attached, and Janitor' sarvlo t
oonsnand, and theee excuses for home
In turn are placarded ail over, aa Indeed
meat of the bouse for rent are. with
th forbidding word. "No ehlldret:
Chariot t perkla OUmaS ha contended 1
sor years, botn by pen ana worn ox
mouth, that If tha bullden f flats r
apartnwnt houses would provide plan
when children oould enjoy eblld life.
they would not be objectionable to their
tenant. Th experiment Is about to be
tried to Rarum, when aa elegant apart
ment bouse Is about oompletad and pla
carded, Cblldren an wloom.H The
top floor; or attic, la mad Into jk hug
play room for tb young ten with many
thing for their pleeaur and amuse
ment, and th yards an supplied with
swings and other apparatus far play.
in this way-It will not be neaary for
ohUdrea to prvad tb wbok boose.
-well regulated parents" should
have m trouble In living oomfortably
la thla bouse, without detracting la th
least front th oomfort of other ooou
' From th Chicago TrTbun ':
fthAhspear. bavlag produced Romo
and Juliet, ts surrounded on tb first
night by cluster of critic wb object
that th drama to by far too tragic
K us harrowing up th feeling f
th audleno in this way. BUI," aaya th
orltlo of th But Jim Oaaetta.
"But I don't eee any way to VoM tt4
argue Shampoo r.
"Easy nugh," declare the dramatl
Xpert of th Piccadilly Palladlunv
"Begia uaing the blu pencil with th
balcony aoena. . Work In a eomio Irtoh
polloaman there, to amat Rome for
porch climbing. After that, you ' aaa
hav Juliet vlalt him la JaU, Jealous be
onus all th other women are sending
him flower. Huh! Tou've got to get
th human Interest tato ft play to make
It , Bill."
' Sh Was BtoWfL
Rewhusband Ton must pot go oat SB
the streets of th alty alone, lovey.
, Mr Newhuaband Why not, deartoT
Mewhusband Beoaua you an snob
an unsophisticated llttl country girL
th lint polleemaa you mat would prob
ably "pinch" you. ........
Mr. Newhuaband Wall, don't yoa
suppose X could pinch back again, huh?
SEX,, tmo bnlimkm k ewe ef fee
,' -rr .
FAF ASA yttTgx-rnSg0yX
Fiaprtater OriaBtat iUtj Puiara. Rat.
rleaa sweet, lieu Waat Park, .
vI!a 0a3 '
.' Wfltto fw