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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
Cr 1 rjXDAY lOUT't; PCSTXAWB. SUNDAY MORNINO, SEPTEMBER W)C , v n .-.-i-y x a 2 7 '-,1 .Y A .. . . H.,vi a "', , ' ;'- ' V7 LU v'i'v. . -aaaBmsBaaaaa . v -, 1 Sfc f'. . . ' MORE - NOWADAY fiteTi "bfittSttOPPER TAD'S IMPRESSION OF JAC JOHNSON. THE SMOKED HEAVY, WHO IS HOT ON JEFF'S TRAIL x k m i i m - - EIGHTH BATTERY -- TIN VICTIMS !:.'.r-!'.tioi' AT Ml vow - tm TH fild day mt t Vancoavw tar- ntika jrMttrdmr hA th f(ot of brlnr- 'xoovttonallT fin for th nua mnttata. nit thai Mietatorai :.. . tat a tbmsjT. " Vh acor on point toward lh w!n- tilntf of th up otatido. h follows: r Blghta battary, flold rtllUir. 4 points; .. osmpo r. NlBstOMih IsXantry, I . , MlHUi Twenty-sixth bstttry. f1 r tlllsry, I points; company I, Ktnsteonth x.. Infantry. points; aompany K. Klna ttonth tnfwitrr, eompanr B. Nlnetaanth Infantry and company B Nlnataaatt tm- i- fantry. aooh ona point. On tha raos for tha cup all tha othar oompaolao sta X tlonod kara sUnd This nukes tha various eompantas soora for tha first t v half yaar toward tha trophy as follows: Oosapany B. Mlnataantli Infantry, T . -'points; Elshth batter, field artlUary. ' : t points; oomnaay 1 Nineteenth ln- yantry. H point Twanty-slxtb bat- tarr flold artlUery, 4H points; company ' 1 Nlnetaanth infantry, S points; oorn- pany r, Nlnateentk Infantry, t points; , company A. Nineteenth Infantry, t points; eompany O, Nineteenth Infantry, - ' . I saints; oompanles K and & Nineteenth Infantry, one point each, and ail the tbtrs naoa-ht. -r: In tha event oc yestercay u ancDta tamitarv eama out first company F. Mtnateenth inxarttry, saooad and tha fUld ' artlUary. ''4 Twnty-ein- sanery third In points made. . Tha aeon for the areata stood aa fol lows: - - f In Itt yard dash Campbell, Twenty- Sth battery, ld artillery, first; IM a LeMauphian eompahV & Nine nth Infmatry, aeaotidi PrlvaU North, Vtfhth battery, field artillery, third. Time, tJi l-a. Second heat Private Hudiaff. Biahtb battery, field artillery, first; Mandell, Twenty-sixth 1 battery, field artillery, second; Kelbla. oompaity I, Nlaetepnth Infantry, third. Time. :. In th final Prlrata vampbelL Twenty-sixth battery, field artillery, first; McOlaucblan, company B, Nine teenth Infantry, aeoond; ZUkie, company t Nineteenth Infantry, third. Time. t:tl. Shqo race Won by Private Keeler. Wi.i iattrv ft rid artillery, aealnat '' "v privates Root, company F, Nineteenth. i; y i, Infantry, second, and Ieamawakt oom- najiy B, riineteemn mraniry. in tnrowtna baseball for acearaey. ; Prtvata William, company F, Nlne- teenth Infantry won; Prtrata Medley, , i company K, Nineteenth Infantry, seo vv and, and Appel, company B, Nineteenth r," - infantry, third, the eeor nuoi it. v' . A Si and tl respectively. If Rutmln broad Jamp Woh by Prlrnte iv North, Kishth battery, field ortlUery, X ; aaalnst Musician- Hutch and Mumctafl & ' v... Knata M fnmMn t Mlneteenth in- fmntry. the score eta no in : norcn, V- X ' ii f i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaiaaaiaaaMiWawaaBaaaaaHaBa i fr -f Xfi 5'' V 1 This Label- U a tTiaranteo to th ponsnmer that tba iarmente that bear tt are reliable la very detail Our line of .Nwa Hart," Schaffiicr 4 Palt, and la Maatinf With ' VrT BrO unoua. These ararments srs made rlht at popular prices, we will StnthlnK In Portland, at money-amvlna prireo. Bee our ad. on pdo 1 s Saml Rose&Uatt a Caj v f foot Inebest Hatch. It feat mob OS J Farr, 1. feet H Inches. r Tn top; of wax was "aolte exoitlnf and Was won by the first battalion of tha Nineteenth infantry, lhe contest was batwetn each of the three battalions of infantry and two of aruiury. th final beina- between the two wianlac la the prevlona beats. Too third battailo of the mneteentn lnfnr wnM In tha Mfla aamoetltlon. nJ amanlal ftntnmiilattfin was nald to the members of company K." Thta ooas- pany, aituouah last year aTerasins; eu per cent, the lowest in tne ranx ox MrbiHiMBhiii In tkai arm, haa: rloan now to the ooveted first' place In the arrayi and the company now boasts of marksmen and lo anarpanooiers. There waa only one third olaaa marka man In ths oommand. and he some time aa-o deserted, thereby liatiny tha eoaa pany wltat a sood rank of uhrksmen. ' In the pistol compatltloa th Eighth battery team won out against every man In th Tlrehty-alxth battery. Tb lowest man 4m tha Klarhth hattaTT made 11 point, while the highest made In the Twenty-sUth battery Was, Id points. The coatt on timm na v'a firinv in tha tlm flrin th rang was If and yarda. oonslstlng of five shot In SO second. Ia tha rapid firing. consisting of fir shots ta- lw seoon. k. Minn IK and ti nrda. The following Is a detailed account of th aooree mad: . IOHTR BATTBRT TKAM. Time Fir. Rapid Fire, tow 4T 41 ii It a :' . at ' ; ' 79 Hubbard ....... Terman .... 44 Divine ..It Bowers .... .,.! : Neuhaos i..mH Total ........ ' - . t TWBNTT-4WXTH BATTBRT TAM. Time Fire. Rapid nrt Total. Mnion '.......IT . .I? Reed ,,..... 41 -V,: ,. " w..VM -v 41 --v t7 8trtekr ,' It 7 Total ;tii.w:': y:--' ' ' . " a tha aioaa of tha slatol ooateat the off leers la charge contested between themselve with the followtnr result: Time in re. itapi ire. ihu. 44 ' 4t 4 U " a 7 i t,lent Wllaon a, 41 Copt. lwtoii. , hiflitu Kelland.l4 t.iaiit Penton. ..14 i iltnhll .IT h. aftamnfla eras ttoeoaad te a baU between the enlisted men, which counted nothlna; on points lor me tnnhv hut araa won in seven inning ) ii I In favor of oompanles A. B, C, D and F, Nineteenth Infantry. wd the BlghtB Cattery, ieia xiiiry. against companies O, , I. K, u ana u Nlneteenth Infantry, and th Twenty tut battery; field artillery. - PREMIUMS ISSUED ' r X FOR BAKER CITY FAIR i. ;r 'v. -At .-; : 1 loaral tpMal arrMe, " Baker City, Or Bept 14. President Qsorge Bbeit of th Firat Bastera Ore mi EHstrtet Agricultural society ban just Issued hi list of premiums to be awarded at th fifteenth annual fair, to be held In Baker City October 11-lt. The list la very complete, and oovera all btnAa af stock and every description f agricultural product produced oa the farm.' These premium are paia by ap nronrlatlon of state money for the In ducement o the improvement In every line of agricultural worm, and th higher breeding of alt kind or Hv stooa. Than nafflDhlet. or eremtum Mats, can be bad of Secretary John 8. Dyke, Baker City, or a C. Carroll. Baker City. Th oemohleta also contain too eonatltvtto and by-laws of the society, and other fa terstlnff Information. 'The Baker County Fair and peed as anatatlon will at tha same tlma and nlaoa hold a race meet, at which many Interesting races will be polled off. Thla latter asseelaalea bought the ground, built the raee traek, grand stand, horse tails, agricultural eahlblt pavilion for the SUt Fair society, and is a perma nent orsanlsattsn for tho advancement of interest )a high-bred horse flesh. Its stock la at par today, and ita property worth Id per cent more tha a paat for U. v- '-'r. ; BTOaT BBFBATB axtAB AT 4Nt. ' ' tfearaal stalal tarvle.) M. Loula, gopt 14. Lyon o Toronto defeated Champion Bgan tor the Olym pic golf championship In th first 11 bets. Ia eplta of a driving rain storm over a thousand persona witnessed the matA&r a:. GLOOMY PROSPECT m - FOR OREGON ACRICS '" (Jearaal geeatal vvtee. OorvaUia, Or Bept 14. A spirit of dlscouragesfent la on among th foot ball cnthualastlsta at the Oregon Agri cultural college. QrJglnally It was ex pected that air save one of mat year'a strong team would bo m ooUego again this year, but this expectation resulted tn dtaannolntmanL Cunoer. ' the watt know quarter, waa among the list of graduate and neither Sunday, . tne favorite guard, nor Bpagle, th excel lent and - af la at aeaaon'O team, has ahnan an. . Tha ether members of the old team ar en nana ana tn use - duds Walker, canter; CHiniap, guarai Nnwan and Ahmhama. tackles: Rum ba ugh and Cooper, ends; Root and Will-' lams, halves, and Captain ruKingio. fullback. In the matter of new ma terial, the ' ahowlnaT ao far is not o promising aa It baa been In paat aem- eona and thla with tn aeiay ox wn that some of tho old men are not yet rial a ia ha ooaaalon of sreneral spirit of discouragement among eothu- ataeta A feature that heightens th dlsoouragement of the. situation la that n aond taaea ahowa un for practice. Always, hitherto, a strong second teem has been a feature of roooaii at tne college. There have been time when the Junior team could almost hold Its own against their seniors, and th re sult u excellent practice, but It ta not so this seaooB so far. Coach 8 tackle has arrived and t doing prw llanlnarv work with th few men who how up for practice. With thes fas is oxpremeiy popular, ouo w ota s tlamanlv character, and bla eonsummat knowledge of the game. 1 ' -. ,Mr. Steckle played xour years vm we team of Olivette college, Michigan, and throe year a tackle on th team of tha TTntveraltV Of Mlchlsmn. He WBS oaptain of th latter team la th great gam with the university oi - s-enn-sylvanla. He la monUonsd for throe nivouiva waara In the football guide. and Is give th peoltk of tackle In the All-Star western team. ooecneu n University of Nevada team ror inree .a tba. tin iMfai O, gax feat aaafna Bunford and Berkeley, la all games with. the institutions play lng close ceres, notaniy wst year, wdto th nm wttfei atanford was to , and Berkeley defeated by to . The first gams to be pisyea ny tne coiteg- lana IS with th Portland Medieoes at Corvallia October 1 - On tho 6th they play th University of Washington at Seattle, and on the satn in team oi mm UUb Agricultural college at Corvallia. All ether dates have been practically uttiad (Mit nntH contracts are signed the contesting teams will not b knows. FAVORITES', GOOD DAY :m AT THE MEADOWS ,. Il"'.'v. -;;l;v;t: "'-: ; (joarm! Speetal ierrli.) ': fleatUe. Wash., ept 14, Raolng ra suits at th Mtadows: -. 1 ; -ipt moe, five and one-half furlongs; time, l:0tH--Roeebud, even, won, Krn shnw apj Jerry FUnnagan, seoond; Phil Crlmmlns, third. Second race, foot furNmga; Mm, 0:4s Redan, 4 to 1, Kelly up, woa Tarr let, second; Judg Tboomst third. - . . Thit mm aeve furloturtt thme. t-tiu r Christopher, i to t Slunot up, won; Mooketot second; Fans, third. wvMivtfc mm. rtva fur4onas: time. 1:91 H ITrbano, aron, Slnnot up, van; Zensil, aeoond; Educate, tniro. Fifth rare, six furlonga: tlma, lrlt My urprle, k to 6, Holbrook up, won; rw av.n nffid- IT a tat a. third. - lath race, one mile; ttm 1:40H Corro Banto, t to a, TUiie ap. won; Suburban Queen, Kant op aeoond; A V. Kirbv. Wilkin tin. third. M,tk mm. Aaka tall Slut VeOtV yards; Ume, l:4t Mountebanhv Clark up, won: Mis Vera, Alan uo seeonu; Pranh Poaroa, a.eni op, tniro. - f( COACH HAS GREAT i V ; , , FAITH IN ELEVEN - ;-'JW"y - -- - - 1. fPata aafca rroM vaaterdav the lonaj footbaU aenaon will be formally opened with a gridiron battle Between tne Muri ne mah club and the Commercial olab aiavan T Aatorla. on the arround Of the former. . Tho soateaft aboold be doe and Interesting struggle aa both taams bar been tralnlog; faithfully , for, the fray, and th Astoria boy would crow forever If they could roll old Multno mah around tn the mud. The local team baa been putting In hard practice for th past two weeks and at the end of another fortnight th boys will bo tn rare form. Coach Me al 1 lien think that Multnomah will carry off all th football honors on th eoeat this year. "The best feature of the prac tices so far" says Mr. McMillan. "Is tlm deep Interest that each man lp taking In his work, and the faithfulness with which each player keep training rules. Th effect cannot do otherwise than mak the eleven tho ruggedest on the, Pacific coast and capable of mooting any etoven la the United States." , BACHELORS DEFEAT ' nrurmx nrriipnc Jfca haohalnr attHeeraf at VaaeOUVer bararcks downed their rivals, the Ben edicts. Friday afternoon fa a game that waa replete with brilliancy. The score waa race-track aoore la sufficient la order that an Inno eant anectator would appreciate , the match Intelligently, The scores , F . BACKKLOR OFFICERS. r - AB.K.'H.PO. Tillatson. a. ........ 4 T t Terrell, p. .u. 11,1 Dew. i..-..-r...Vi-o- 5 i t I Enochs, lb. s f Taylor, s. a. ......... Rnn h. 1 I Fenton. r. i Parker, c, f. ......... f 1 Lawaoa, L f. ..... 1 Totals to Ti II 11 1 MABRIBD OPFICBRfl. ii 1! AB. B. Hegemsn. av-r' f 1 ann. B 4 nratiam. lb. ........ .'t Wilson, ID. ...7.... Betnei, a fc..ct a b, , ..!" Supple, o, C ...j.,.. f Total; ...I I U 1 U RUNS AND BITS BT INNINGS, . 1 1 I 4 Bachelor . Hits . . ........ Benedicts UltS . . .a,...'b.. - SUM MART. . Xarned ran" Benedicts, 4: Bachelori, a stolen bases Tillottson. Dew t, Tay lor, jlsthol, liegeman. Bases on balls- Oft Terrell, a; ore Alien, . iru-a ui n Taiiail. ( fav Allan. I. Two-base hits Tillottson, Lweon, Bethel. Three base hits Fenton. Boon. Homo run Murphy. Pasned balls Tniotaon, Hege- man. wuc pucn Alien. 1 1IOS, us ftnA hmiv an SO mlntttaB. iJBa- pires -auroai an auropmuu i a j ?! !1 TIGERS GIVE WHEELER , A HARD DRUBBING; (peetel Mapateh bylaweed Wire 4 The learaal) Taaeme. Waaa Sent 14 The Tiger pounded George Wheeler all over th lot today and won -th nrtn atraignt iha Baala - ehnmii waa In fine form and bald hi opponent down to six scattered nits.. Kike ynoa msav a two-bagger and homo run while Tommy fiheehm secured four hit, oat of fir Ume at bat Th seam iV . AB. R. H. Pp. A. B. rxivle at ff. .........i i 1 Bhaehan. tb. a...... 1 Nordyke, lo. Synch! 6. ft .. Casey,' lb. McLaughlin, L t ..... Hogan. a ........... IbomUL a. . Totsia, ; ....a...4 11 W 11 U "l . . SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R-B. PO. 1 4 1 Tan Buren. lb, e Jfeaay. r, IV rwln, lb. ...... Anderson, ZD. ... Whniur. a. a. ...... Gorton, c ........... t waeeier. . Total., I 4 II RUNS ANp BETS BT INNINOS. t tit AB 1 1 II t V Mil; San Francisco Hits Tacema , , . . t i SUMMARY. it By Wheeler. I. W7 Bass an OjaUa Off Thomas, 2; off Wheeler. 1- track Hit hv nltcher By Thomas. 1. Two- Hit ay piicner ty i iiumw, i, base hits- Sheehan t. Kagan I, Nordrks i i.mrh Home run iincn. oncruite hit armra-8 n Nordyke 1 Lynch Plret base on .nclsoo. 1. Btolea bases i. rca Waldren. Wheeler. Fra coma. 10. Left on' bases Tacoma, , T; Ban Francisco, I. Time of game One trued runs Ta- hntn- and 40 mlnUtSO, and fisher. Umpires BrewD FA0JFI0 OOAjT XVBAgVW. SIATBSt j ' ' ' a i i I, 1 hot Aagelts Btaftle Oakland ....w . Ban rraaglaec i... VoitUad a. ,i ar Of 71 0 s si i WlllH'Mt 14 I ! tcM at) p4 .oT tOt fllHlI JU4 a 10 3T . ai Oitai am hoi tia t Ol ,fn!ttlMlllatMlB F1YE STRAIGHT FOR PARKE .WILSON'S MEN (Spatial Dam by Leeeei Wile ta The leeraal) a-mtum, wash. MWit 14. Seattle Lmadf li Sve straight from Portland to day by dareaung tne weoroowm vy nM n a tit s. Tha vlaltara hit the ball harder and made fewer error than th home team, ana men eoura not win out Charlie Hall waa oa tne sua ror Beettt and received fair support tm scots: t,., a SBATTLB. " ' . AB. R. R TaA Haltren. a, ft... 4 Mohler, 2b. .......... I 1 HiankananiBk e. . e w rviaar. L f. ...l..'... Delehanty, th. Murphy, lb. . ..,- R. Hall. a. A Wllaon. C c. hil pa v Totalg. ; " f M M It t , PORTIaANIX ; AB. R. K. PO. A. BL ' SOTAXI Claatfll CTgAMPTUBghUF. f Tb gam wnflch Ira acheduled to be played this afternoon between the Royal Club nine and th crack Columbia uni versity team has been called off by the nttter organisation, and In view of their action of the Royal Club team chtlms th ctty championship which wo to have been the issue of the contest. v riMMMB BUUUBBDS VBEPXmS BBjOWST. Tacoma, ' Sept. St. -Umpire Tom Brown waj severely hurt by a foul tip tn the sixth Inning of tho game between Tacoma and Ban Francisco today and Manager Fisher of the Tigers finished tb gam In hi stead. Fisher's de detoaa met with tho approval of both teams and th spectator. Special Excirsloa. October t. 4 and I a the speoial enrston date for th neat world's fair ticket via th Northern Pec inc. Throe big transcontinental train daily. These ticket ar good en "North Const Lim ited" as well as on either of tho other train. Tic seta will be good for M days from date f sale and good for et op-over la both directions. .Fall parttcuiara aaa be had at th ticket cflo IM Morrt ooa St, aoraaff Third. . 1 4 and Butte club. If thla is ao, the edict of th National association do not seem to bother the fat man very much, for thece man continue to play with, tb Browns. Billy Hogg, tha erstwhile Browm of last season, th man who jumped ear era! times, arrived tn Portland last even ing and left on the late train for Seat tle, where he is to rejoin Pugdalo after a year'a separation. Dug expects Bogg to pitch against th Siwaabes thla after noon, - Dug will soon have all tha member of hi old Seattle club on the local team. He now has Drenaan, Hurley, Hogg and Stanley, and 1 to get Rockenfeld la th near future. Speck Hurlburt Jack Hiokey and others wlU probably be ao neifrtl next season. Back French says that he want to get away from tho Oakland team aa he think that tber la a jinks following him around white tfl aa Oakland uni form. -He baa boon hurt ao often in the past two seasons that h bellev a ohang wlU do him good, r Hal Chase, who ha been oorerlng seoond for th Angels Bine the Injury to Tud Smith which necesaltated Flood's transfer to third, had a bad day yester day, being charged with three errors. He play well at almost any position. , , Track Began will not be drafted by Cincinnati a was reported, Charlie Or hem has been taken by the Detroit club instead. Tacoma1 s crack, catcher will have to eocelvo extraordinary In ducements from th big leaguers or be will not report he ha business pros pect the he would not pass ap unless he ha son guarantee of a steady peel- Jacfaeoa. the new twfrlor on the Oak land team, kas also been called to th Aajora. Th Cleveland dub drafted him on the etrength of his showing la the Texas league. .: PRESIDENT FRANCIS f ANSWERS TELEGRAM president ft W. Qoodo of th Lewi and Clark fair last Bight received a reply to bla telegram expressing con gratulations to President Fransl of th Louisiana Purchase exposition as a re sult of th celebration of Friday. Tho reply waa in ths form of a telegram and was received last night it follows: 'Thanks for your kmd oxpreselon. Tha Louisiana Purchase expedition greets the Lewi and Clark exposition l.t..n anarrfarf aiMWaaa. "TTi two ovente that attended th boundary of our country from ths Mississippi, river to the Paoino ooaat ar worthy af commemoration. "DAVID R. FRANCIS- i'c mwrrr 111 d LAL.U AT ST. LCUIS CD eAXatPOBMXA ootnaT am VOVS AMO 1 In th opinio of Attorney loha X Ruddock, a prominent Demoeratl poli tician of California, tb state of Oregon ha one of th best exhibit at tha Bt Louis exposition. He believe that tho benefits accruing to the Stat from th exhibit will bo vast- , Attorney Ruddock has -played a Mad tag part In northern Call fornix politic for many year. He is th city attorney of Uklah, th oonnty seat af Mendocino county, where te located th tormina of -tho California North wester Una, now being extended to Srkas Humboldt county. Bight delegate went from California t th annual meeting of tho grand, lodge of Red Men, held this year at St Joseph, Mo. Mr. Ruddock Was on oC tho delegate and returned by the north ern route tn order to get a glim pee of Oregon and Washington Ba left toy California laat alght ; During th afternoon b waa a vtsltor at the courthouse and met the four cir cuit judge. He waa an attentive auditor during th hearing of a motion for a new trial cf tha suit Of Andrew Boron- -on against tha Oregon Water power a Railway company, a jury recently award, lng gorenson tll.OOf damage. Attorney Henry B. Medina appeared for Boron aon and Attorney WUbur far th Com pany, 'Oregon hv a wonderful country aats Mr. Ruddock. T am very favorably im pressed with Portland. It has some of the finest business and residence struc tures I have ever seen. "I think tho Oregon exhibit on of th boat at Bt Louis. The benefits of uch an exhibit to thla stats will be far reaching. Th directors of tb exhibit deserve gnat credit for than work." t iSaaatal tMaaalah k JBaraalt iHnm Waak. SJatA John- giant) M ha sold hi valuable ranch of 41ft acres, west af town, fr I17.M. The pnr nhaaar la from Rook Island. Illinois, and be will twtmea lately auua bub m home on the ranch. That Pn 12 10 0 i I "2 11 14 11 1 Drennen. a. C, r.. Hurley, lb. . Nadeau, f. 1 Weed, . Beck, tb, Clyne, t f. .- Stanley, a Steelman, tb, Thlsiaaaa, p. i Totala . . ..W......M - : BUNS AND BITS BT INNINGS. . SeetUe , t . .J Hlta . . a I I I i J j f Portland . J 1 1 f f I f 1 Blta , ....... i.l 1 I t t t i I - SUMMARY. j Earned rune Seattle, 41 Fortland. 1 Two-baa hits Delshanty 1, Hail I. Beck ft. Clynes, Wsed. 'ihree-basa hit TrSk, Bacrlftce hits ' Van H.ltren. Drennen, Hurley Butler t. Base on balls Off C. Hall. 5; 0 Butler, 4 by pltoher Wllaon. Struck out By C. Hall. 1: by Butler. 4. Time of gam On nour and 41 ailaataa. Vmplr McCarthy. " : DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Ta a recent' tssa of a Baa Francisco paper appear tb eta lament that Dug dale la not to ba allowed t play either Hurley or Skat Roach owing to th foot that Secretary FarreU of tha Mar tloaal association, has suspended these man at tha reouest of th i-ltUa Rook r imiiutiUvtaiiiiitiMiMMumemwmm ! WHY DO YOU SUFFER Jba Jllreat .Chinese Doctor CGEBWO 'V eaa cur you of any ailment by his powerful and harab Teaa chines herb and root, which are unknown ta medical cleno of this country. His wonderful cwres .thraugnout tne u. a. aione ten me W7:J1,'" people ar thankful to him for aaving their live j WITHOUT OPERATIONS. - . . - , F,a fcinima Santnr hnow the SCttO of ever ilAiV Iteed th diit.reI iseaees. . mfM. -,-,,,.,,1, ftwm welVbmown peosl tsB f -Baarml emraUve newer of natar owm root d her be. Mr Conrad XraJt 114 SHer man street ourej of lodlgsothm of V atcmach and Uvwr troubteof years standing. After taking als wee? CSStmenf of QeTWo'i medicines ) waa entirely red and am mm a well and strongman. "d'Jiawiia V 'ths TsTosiach and lung trouble, and waa aaidy tha ia tn tiav inrnirania nunaumviiv lot Vartr evenua elty, imtrerod many yeme) Ii f to say. SE.iiTr2mr f fmiiidlei I have fulty'r aftr fc Eontns treatment ox ur. v " " i . . L . Vl -i A w . . . lth and strength, freoommeirfallth n.'rVTro'mTnfWnn.t.on BSwxiiSP rz&lc .1 tttiS?!-? " 5 am Uukf ul te say that after four month treatment t wa -- maraatse to cor Catarrh, Asthma. Lfvr, Kidney, t RheutUnZNervoOsnMs! Stotaach. Female Troable end , d Hundred of teetrmenials. Cmre sierata. It r ' of the above ailments, them sail and see him. fSxvSS iS 3 th ctty writ for blank olrotrt AddMs , A ... TheCGceWaG-r KT AbW Srrvmt. ctm Ot Th? t ' ammmmitttum" at. 1 .! ('