I THE OREGON DAILV JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVE KINO, SEPTEMBER U. 1904. LOIS TO EE';, i;sk:jt fab lUIEAQIDAK AT ECGEKEEO f- -V;:'.V:,; THE QUESTION V - I : , , : ' . SBAVTU MASZTO fTOlflOW -1 m nomjun tibtcm sex ' rioru vo ana s nmi o , nm wmw umimi, --, 'A - : . - ' ,v; I ... Saslal Dwaat to The lnrwL ; Seattle, Wuh, Sept. 14. Mayor Bel linger hu reoommeoded to Um heeds of departments of the city government that U ally employes, who , ou be spared from duty an Oetobar f. Ne braska law aching day, be given loaves Of absence. . . Tba oasis role wlU be observed In the county aglow cad only legal bues- .. nesa, whlrh cannot be left undone, will be M through on- that day. AU tha stores ef tha etty will aloes during Um hours of tba launching In erdar that their elarka amy bo present at tha ears- laony. Tha laat list of names ta whom Invl tat Urns wUl be sent haa been handed to hioran Bros. In all thara will ba JO.eflt Issued and will Include, outside of .00 In this state and Oregon, tha president, . members of bta cabinet, oanatara and members of tha boose of representatives, nay and navy officers, members of tha supreme court and in fact everyone In official Ufa. ' , It la estlsnated that at least lt.OW visitors will ba In tha city on that day by Invitation and probably aa many mora who ooroe of their own neoord and on general Invitation front tha munici pality. . , Ona of tha features of tha celebration will ba the handing ever to aforan Broa. of a, eertlned check for tlOO.OM, th a mo ant of Seattle's subsidy subscribed ty patriotic cltlsens at tha tint tha award of too 00 n tract waa being consid ered la order that . tha shipbuilders might scale-their estimate and receive tha contract. About fltt.OOd worth of tha no tea hare already baan. paid, on two days' notice, and tha balanoa will ba on band before tha time needed. Everything wUl ba dona to make tha stay of tha visitors enjoyable and many entertainment for their amusement are being; arranged. Tha official visitors will be tendered a reception In the Wash ington hotel. . fuCCH ENTHUSIASM AT LEAGUE MEETING spetai Mspeim te The Jesrnal.) -O rants Pass, Or.. Sept 14. Tha ovaa lng session of tha southern Oregon meeting of the ' Oregon Development leaajua, which met In tba opera house last evening, was wall attended and much enthusiasm prevailed. Addresses were made by Secretary Tom Richardson and President Cake of the Portland Oont merclal club, B. B, Bees-waa. W L Vawter and O. P. Cos how. Speclai amphaals waa laid npotk tha matter of personal work and correspond ence. A resolution was Introduced, tha ' a nee of which was that tha proposed military post that is now under eon- ' Blfleratlcm toy "tha go amnion, bsr aa tabllshad at, and maintained at gome 1 1 v : ljm . .r 1 x 1 -a- a u. a a . sai i r f- a. 1 sr ' "zn - " -a , 1 1 1 1 v ftsrxi, a j m ii sam v tmkm vx" rocr. -a? 1 1 :lxJt$ vi'ljr( - 1 ;7 Kuropatkdn Has Left Mukden in Safety and Is Moving North New Dispatch - r . . 1 1 1 v .r- watOVaTMl AaTB VAVXUOaT MWMa vm zwTxmanyrkp bvbovatom eligible sits ta southern Oregon, and tba following committee was appointed to work for tha establishment of tha pro posed post ta eeutbern Oregon: Jack son, Dr. Bar, A. A. Davis, A. K Beamea, Douglas, F. A. Benson, A. C Marstara, t. K. Bhsvidan; Joaapntna, Judge Hale. L A. Bobis, H. U Ollkey. . President Bmlth presided, Tha need of advertising was effectively shown, and the program was Interspersed with plan and vocal solos. The crowd waa reeponetve and applause waa frequent. The Woman's dub provided efreeh- ta ox iruit; Boanrvtlla, N. JM Sept. 14. The Dem ocrat lo eongraaaional convention of tha Fourth district of New Jersey was held bars today and resulted ta tha nomlnar Uon of Francis B. Lee of Trenton. .1. i 't 'i- STILL THE QUESTION IS: "TOT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY?" Tha Wogglebugv wise man of the party, undertakes to answer aU qnea tlons for his somrades from Os. He ass to answer ona each weak. HLa answer Is not printed. Tha reader Is left to discover It. Tha ptoturao and deeofipUve matter make this eomparaUvely easy to too active mind. Both the pictures sad the story are guides to tba eolation of the problssg, and the question admits of but ona correct answer. The puaale requires only ordinary skill and knowledge of facta Included la history, biography, bot any and natural history, or aa acquaintance with planes, buildings or em blems about which Informs Uoa Is easily obtainable. It la not a guessing aontsst, bat a trial af skill. -. . ,, v .-, To stimulate mtersst ta the visit of b paspla frCm tha Land af On. The Journal will gtve $eO.M In oash each month ta those of Ha readers who send In correct or aaarly correct answers ta tha questions put. to tha Woggiobug by bis sow pan tons. . . - Sept 24. No. 21 ' TJse this Coupon Only. - To the WOOGIBBTJO MDITOKi . -V'V THIS aTUKDAT JOUBIfAL. POBTXAMD, ORBOON. Tha answer ta the ejueatlea asked af tha Wogglebug la tba Maga aba section af tba papas of SUN DAT, aEFTKMBKB It. Is . -y-v... " .t ".. - t, ; .. ,. -t . , - t . v. . a , .1- ' '1. (; .1 v i- . t.- ' V" .4 'it 1 . .' . kliMfMfMtHl,(MH,tMl',ttH,l,ftt(,lat '' ' ( '' n '!,'""" 1 -" " " ' - f" ,s. , ,.; , .Kama............. .,.,..,..,. ' ' '"' . - . ' ...;--.-r -. j;-, ; j ; - ntreat and Muabar.. M Towa or CUy..,.....wBH4a s oeayAeyB af whs Waa ar ami if af aa ampUyss fassily m aV lowad as antes aba eosteet t c s FILL OtTT THE ABOVE COUPON. Also tba eoupon to ba found each day In Tha Journal until Saturday. September 14. This gives you seven ' chances to answer the question saggsated la Sunday's pnga, Bach Sunday a fresh question ta asked. This question Is to be answered on tha cou pon printed oa that day and on each of too sis week days following, ex cept that la tha weak be sinning September 3ft only tba coupons up to and Including September will bo counted In that week's anewsrs. SAVB TOUR COt'PONS, and on tha last day of the month send them all to THB WOGQLKBUa EDITOR. The Journal, Portland. Thia will and tha con test for September, sad tba prises wlU ba awarded vary sarly la tba month of October. , yr y, . ,.;..., FTFTT DOLLARS II CASH PULSUS WILL BB OtVBN AS FOLLOWS: ' L For the greateat number of oorraot answers, 1.09. (1S.M S. For tha asst largest number of correct answers, M.tO. I. eg S. For tha third largest number of correct answers, 11.10. . t. 4. For the fourth largest number of oorrect answers. t. B.O I, For tha tea next largest aumbsrs of oorrect answers, tl.t each.. le.M f. For the ten next largest numbers of correct snewsrs, tl.M each. ' lo aa T, For tha eleven next largest numbers of correct euswers, eta. each Ag COMVQ EUCHARISTIO ; CONGRESS NOTABLE tJearaal Speelal Sarrloe.) , Kew Tork. Sept. 14. One of the most notabm gatherings of the Romas Cath olic episcopacy and clergy aver held In this country will ba tha third Bucha rlstlo congress of ths United States, which wlU begin Its session neat Tues day la St, Patrick's cathedral In this city. Afraagementa for tha gathering are about completed. -Tba Prt eats' Buohartstla isagus is wn dsr tha direction of ths Fathers of tha Biassed Sacrament. It was established by ths Rv Per Byrne rd, founder of tha Congregation of ths Voat Blsssad Sacramenc Its object Is to draw nearer to ths Lord Jesus Christ, abiding In ths Host Holy Eucharist ths priests "His Friends" to bring them Into closer ooa- rnoetloa with the most sanctifying sacra ment, the beginning, canter and end of tba Catholic priesthood., The central di rection of ths league Is la Belgium, In this country ths director gaoarsl Is Father B. Poirler. of the Church of St. Jean Baptists la this cltv. Bishop hfaes of Covington, Ky arfll preside over tha approaching congress, which will ba attended by a largo ma jority of tba 4.IM members of the league throughout the United States. The con gress will doss with great pomp, which will Includa a pontlf tclal high mass, s moa and a procession of clergymen and laymen about tha grsamda of the cathe dral, la Fifth avenue. Tha pops will be represented at ths congress by the apos- tojle delegate, Monselgnor Fmlooaio. . . .-;, t. HUbBS UF THS WNTUT. The iargeat aamber of eorraet answers wins. All coupons for any owe month will be eensscutlvely numbered, ana must be placed la ana eavalope gad arranged m erdar - of their guMlea tasa. Only ona coupon of tha game data oaa be placed ta the tarns carol ope as answers far the month. v If mors then one Indtrldnsl should have every coupon oorrect y marked and properly arranged, ths "ret prise would be divided between the wtnnere. Other prises will be similarly divided In ease any number of contestants have the same number of answer that are equally correct, but not absolutely so. Oonteetante need nor write the cams answer oa all eon pom tesosd fnt any one week. A differon saswer eaa be written for aaqh say; but If yoe are sura you are right.-yon .will, of course, write the same answer en all coupons Issued for any one Sunday. Bamcmbor, the largest auav her ef'rorrsct anewere trine. All ooupons fr say one Uonth mast be placed in .the same envelope "4 be in the omoe of The Journal by 1:C a, aa, of the M day af ,i.wing geontn. ; . --tt;- - -aajsBWBBBBammmatmsw and Oss, am lbs wag; ts Um posioffloe. CASCADE RESERVE . NOT HURT BY FIRE . : fapaelal Msseteb a The JearaaL Hood River. Or.. Sept 14. Adolf Ascbofr. supervisor of the north half of tha Cascade forest reserve. Is await ing final reports from hi head rangers. So far, cay Mr. Aaoboff, the fires bars dona practically no damage within the. reserve.- What fires did get beyond con trol were eon fined to old burns, and really did more good than damage. Mr. Asohoff speaks la highest praise of his forest rangers. Soma of them worked dentins the flames until the shoes were burned off their feet. Night and day they kept up their contest with ths flames, and as a consequence no groan timber was destroyed. The worst fire started in the Bull Run reserve, but after five days work waa -exttaLgunhed. Many fires started from careless campers, but Mr. Asohoff says the In diana are the hard set people he has to contend Wlth Ths presence of Sheep in the nrountams a rives out we game, and the red men, anxious for revenge, get fires to drive out the sheep. Ths sbsep men. Supervisor Aschoff says, as sisted materially In keeping down the fires this summer. This Is oaa of the requirements d mended when graslng permits are' granted. - -1 . TRIAL OF THE MANNS IS ON AT CHEHALIS ' ia. - i i . - ' (Special rtwpateh ts The Iearaal.f Chebaile, Wean., Sept. 14. The trial of the case of the stats against J. H. Mann drags along In the superior court. Hon, W. O. Chapman of Taooma Is pre siding. Judge Rice having gone to Ta ooma to hear the big school bond case this week. The Mann esse began Mon day. Mann Is charged with having been In a conspiracy with bm wlfa to burn a millinery store which the Manna had m Centralis, to secure the insure noe money. Mann was in Ltttls Falls when the firs occurred and disclaim! any knowledge of It or how It was started. The lurors are here In attendance at court, awaiting the rase of Mra. Mann, which Is exported to come oa Immed iately on tha conclusion of the case against her husband. There are 4 wit nesses la ths case and the taking of the testimony will likely be concluded to day. Maim fofmsrly worked for the Taooma Mill company. , ATTENDANCE LARGE : AT CHEMAWA SCHOOL (gsirlil btsseteh k lbs Jeareal) 1 Gbsinewa, Or, Sept. 14, Eighteen pa- pits were received at tha Indian school yesterday- They came ta two parties. one of If being brought from Roche Harbor. Wash by- C O. French, and the other by Mra. McBride of South Bend. Wash. ' The ettendaacs Is larger at present than It was at this time Isst year, and In ail probability the record ef Isst year will be broke. Last year the en roll men t waa - Its. The work at the r school has settled Into Its regular groove, all af tha tadustrls shops now being open. Mr. Charles A. Woods, the last of the employes to return from his vacation, arrived yesterday morning with his family from England, where he has been visiting for ths past three months. He reports ' a n trip. . SEATTLE MAN FINDS HE HAS TWO WIVES rtet IMsBsem Is The eserssL) Seattle, Wash- Sept. 34. R. L, Fox. plaintiff In an action brought by him against tba Oreat American Marble company for an aocouotlng. la much worried for, since beginning tha suit, he has discovered he Is married once too often. When the action waa brought Llbbls M. Fox Intervened aa co-plain tiff. Yesterday Margaret Fox put in aa appearance and asked the court to be allowed ta Intervene as co-plaintiff aa the real wife of Fox. . . Fox and Llbbla Fraser were married ta California In Ills, and now have a child four years of age. At that time Fox believed bio wife, Margaret, who deserted htm In Canada years ago. was dead, aa bad been reported ta htm. "Ho beard nothing of her until a few days ago. " Fox haa instituted a iratt for divorce from Margaret, but this will be re sisted la order to protect her claim la bis marble company action. VO OXAVOBS OPT STJXWA ' fnpeetat Meesteb te Tha searsal.i Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 14. B. H. James. repreeentlng the elvlo union, last night filed with the elty clerk a petition, made on behalf of the union, to revoke the sa loon licenses of J. J. Fsrgusott and Jammlaon A McFarland, oo the grounds that gambling has been .conducted la their places contrary to law. ' Dwtorbaneee of strikers are not near ly as grave as aa Individual disorder of ths system. Overwork, loss of. sleep. nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, u alecs a reliable remedy la Immediately employed. There's nothing so eflldent to aura disorders of the liver or kidneys ss Electric Bit tern. It's a wonderful tonic, and effec tive nervine and the grestcet all around medicine for run down system. It dis pels nervousnesses, rheumatism and neuralgia end sxpele malaria germs. Only - IOC and satisfaction guaranteed by Bed Cross Pharmacy, corner Sixth (JearMl Special Srrrles.) ' ' Milwaukee, Wla., Sept 14. At the an nual meeting of fbe stockholders and di rectors of the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway company here today only routine matters are re considered, no Im portant action being taken, either as re gards directors, officials or other busi ness. The odd board of directors wss re-elected, and J. Barling of Chicago waa ehessa to aueand himself as presi dent. .. - ... - (Jearaat Special service.) Lima. Peru, Sept. 14. Jos Pardo. who waa elected preetdsat ef Peru last June, wsa Inaugurated today. Ths popular discontent which prevailed to an ornlo oua degree earlier toi the summer haa subsided hi s great measure end the ad mtnletraUon of President Pardo begins under aeapteaa much - mors favorable than were hoped for a few geontha slnae Userssl speelal Servtee.) - Burlington. N. J.. Sept. 4. Oongress msn John Ji Gardner was renominated for his seventh suoosaslvs term at tha congressional convention held here to day by the Re puM leans of the Second district The nomine I tea wag me as by aooiamatloo. , ' (Si i Dill Dtaseem ta The fesrssM atageae. Or.. Sept. 24v The Bugeae district fair haa come to a close after fire days swooaaaful run. Tha fair was aansldsrsd a aoaaag la ml every particular except the raoea, despite I Us rata which fall ta heavy saowsrs, on Thursday and Friday.. There were by far more paid admla- alons to the pavilion than at last year's fair, and the exbibita la every depart ment were mere complete, than a year ago. - Yesterday being Busene and Pioneers day. Immense crowds of people crowded the grounds and pavilion. The receipts at ths pavilion door broke all previous reoorde. Ths band played martial muslo all ths aftsrnooa and the streets about the pavilion and the Midway, presented a lively appearance, Laat eight. Governor George R, Cham beriala and Hoa. Jefferson Myers ad dressed aa audience of a thousand people ta tha pavilion. The addressee were both highly appreciated and elicited rounds of applause from ths enthusiastic listeners. The distinguished visitors were lavishly entertained by the fair board and cltlaana ta general during their abort vlelt here. Other feat urea of last -night's program were music by tba band, a recitation by Harold Wells, a vocal solo by Miss Grace Mount and a reading by B. R, Moon. The work of awarding the premiums haa been oompleted. The general opinion i la sni maud that the Judges 4UQ ueu work la an Impartial aaannar. Many ef the a took exhibits and race I horses are being taken from ths grounds today and the attractions of tha Midway are folding their teata preparatory to aaovtna; away. ' The directors of the fair association express themselves as being well pleased with tha financial Phase of the fair and promise that next yes they wlU have eve a larger and better exhimtioa. in Avtttetabfe fretmfnlionforA'B-mtobtmadaauuxxKaot reteMarursTxxwtdins neimr Opium(orfupc iwrMkatrai. NoiJiAHCOTIO, 'A AperJbd Hrrtsdy rorCBBsHps llon. Sour ShOaiach.Diafriioea Warns jConvubions .Fewmbr ffwaSwem 3tfrahrra of EXACT OOTf. OP tetsAssnTJt. Th3 Ki:l Yea ' faarsassa ' psksevl ? Bears the ''pAj 1 T h i r t y MTt3 a r s i t 'viwiassasniispssm sen iiaa aiar The attendance at the Eugene high I sehecl Is very much larger than nectcd. and It la plainly evident that the directors will have to employ another teapher and fit up another room. The total reglatratlon la B44V. Borne or tne rooms at present are aocommodatl ng mora than ed stodenm eaoh,-whereas ths capacity of each room la Si students, ; Chairs are being used to aeoommodste ths overflow. The freshman class alone numbers It. The directors figured oo led as ths. maximum attendance ta that olasa There were as graduates af ths eighth grade In the Eugene public echoole last year and M of these have not yet presentea wsmssivss xor ew trartoe ta tha high achooL It wlU ba readllr scan by these figures that the cityr has mads a 'wonderful growth ta population during the laat year The school directors wlU meet soon and no doubt make arrangements to relieve thia oongesttoe. THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON V- STARTED RIQHT i i 7 jaATES ARE CORRECTLY; BASED Good Inwirance Furniabed to Mcti and Women Who pjj Required F.raminationa. -Tff AU WHO ARE UNDER THE; AGE Of SIXTY CAN JOIN . p If too want tha best fraternal tnaarmnoa to tb worid 'irv vfjstigste tba plana of Tba Order of WaaUnfton; for full par ' ticnlara, pauirphactaV etc awldrega, ghrinc yoor sga, . ; , J. aU loTTCHEIJU Suprema Sect9ttfpp, v 613 Interquam BLdc. Portland OrrbV Ta VaMt s4van aa examination before Justice of ths Peaoe Vlntermeler yesterday afternoon oa the charge ox tne larceny of soma bed clothing from the Kneore hotel oa June If. He waa aouna ntw ta the anna of II OS to a oncer for trial at the circuit court ta November. I bfrs. Al Leonard while coming deem the rear stairway at the Hoffman hoo.ee vesterday. al roped and fall to the bot tom of the stairs, where shs lay In an unoensolous condition for soma time be fore she waa dlcoovorod. She waa car ried Into tha hotel and It was found that her spine waa badly Injured and that ah cue talced severe brulees on various parts of her body. She will re cover. J - . ',-',, FREEMAN'S CASE IS UP TO A GRAND JURY fas Hal Msaatm w Tie Peeraal.) Helena, Moot, Sept. 14. The United States grand Jury, acting upon the opin ion of District Attorney taaoa. that it i bad Jurisdiction, has oommenoed an hv oulry Into tha alleged aasault by ex- Chlef of Polios Travla, ex-afayor Id- ward a. ex -City Attorney- noreay i Sam Ooodmaa vpon Oeorge Freeman, re ceiver of the United Statee land offloa. The attack la said to have been due to the refusal of Freeman to divulge the name of the author of the eharge that they had mulcted for polios protection S7.KM from a gambling-house. Five witnesses have been examined. ' faueelel -IMapawa m.Tbt XesreeL) HDokane. Sept. 14. Commissioner i Onto Is srranaing for somewhat of a revolution In the way of conducting the i business of the office of gecretary of the board of city commissioners. Practically every official la ths employ of ths . city Is to be placed under bonde, especially those at the head of a department. Ia connection with this plan he haa Issued sn order that ths superintendent of the 1 Isolatloa hospital be placed . andei ,frveV (ftMCtal Mseetea m The Jearaat) Corvallla, Sept 14. A Republican dub wss organised la this city last night. The organisation was only temporary. but ft is intended to make tt permanent next Monday evening. Oeorge Bird was elected president, and Mr. Oeorge C. KUsbury secretary. A large number of Republicans are expected to enroll their names ea the list of members. The new voters appear te be all Republicans thia year, or. at least. Roosevelt men. KCWT Before the fatl rains set fa yea want some of our . , ... , axoauent .... - ' r I House and Floor Paints I To cover a lot of stains and dirt easily. We can aid you with very little exertion la renovating A room from a very bad condition to look Uka sew. r Fisher, Thorsen & Co. t Asns htoxwiaoaT. VBUY YOUK BAR FIXTURES BILLIARD TABLES FVorA Us, and YOUR LIQUORS WHERE V YOXJ PLEASE, , if you want to save, money . j . and stay in business. J - it--, r --; SBmmmxramar ; t, The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co. eddwb -. . ' i ..... don't Forget Us When your linens are soiled and need the care of aa expert laundry to put them in good shape.. This laundry does work that do other laundry can do. as ws hare the simile noes, machinery and expert help to do It. No saw edges. . - , - WXsTT 8XVS OnFIQBl ISP 1IPwb1 sraTatamTa ' "i'A Troy Laundry Company f XtAVsTDSTl, ViTIS V aAsrv sxoa. 4 4 M No Pain 1m aut er-e Itiat It Mndot ha I lllSI aj WRh Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fills. It Is the only mraliiMe remeoy gnown for lha relief and cure of every kind of naln. headache from any cause, neural- Lgla, rheumatic pains, backacne, side- acna. menairuai pains, diuwhih pama, stomach ache, toothache, etc If you are subject to aches and pains of any kind, taae t Dr. Miles' Anti-Pali. Pills when yog feel the first symptoms com ing oa. xou win oc entirely reiieveu from the attack. They are pleasant little tablet a. but they do the buatnese besides, they are absolutely harmleea I bare used vr. allies', anu - ymin Pills for three years, and they never fall to relieve my nervous headache and neuralgia. I have learned to get the best of ths attacks by taking s tablet in ad ranee. " RA CHKL. J. JOHN BON, Albuquerque, ft. sL v ir nrat parRKse aocs not -oensn you. rail your dVi at, and he w 11 refund money, u doses. II oenU. Never sod la bulk. ieaaj EIST PORTLAND FENCX & WDUC WOUKS , A. CARLSON. Fioptsrtef ' Manafactttrer of WOOD. IRON AND STEEL FENCING And the Universal Oomblnstlea Fenoe . ,- . sTLBTVATOH BNCLOffUrXBS . , aTVBRTTHINQ IK . WIRaV ' SSS m Vorratsa BVerpiad, l Telephone. Unloa 174, The Portland esmVwkeTfCwmaV eSgaaml S3 ft Say axeal Uaevar4 waUDOUAsrrtmrrXPg TtXtthTta MBKC1AL TAVaxaaa kneetal rates made te fammsg SJSt StAglS fwdtntei. A mndeni sat IA Uft,A V ! 7: - y , a J V v' 1