7 10 THE OREGON DAlLV JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAT EVENING, " SEPTEMBER ' 23, 1WML 5 4i t 7 . , LEWIS AND. CLARK DAY AT ST. LOUIS t - 1' Fcnton Delivers" Stirring Than -100 Descendants of Explorers Listen lewis GrandDaaghter Present. : ; y 111 tmailm B The TibtmI c ' St Lout, Bept M.-Today Umk wu Celebrated at tb world fair on af th om Inlereetlng f tb special day, la- uaneb a ther waa mnwnm la UM CKercleeo the eUlm af the far wast for a hearing to Its exposition aosjunemora- tins Um Lswls en Clark explorations. Virginia ate celebrated today, but Ita v partlclpsttoa waa to measure eellpeed 1 t or the exercise ta tb Oregon state - tutt41n which look Bias at 11 O'clock ' this morning. Om toot waa brought ut ; r-rommenUy and haft attracted Um attea ; tion of St. Lout reoideata, which la that tola Is the Mtk Malwmrr f tart v return of the explorers to this ity. On too platform was Mrs. Carolyn Deuglea, seed 7S pears, tha grand- V daughter of Lewie, who. with Clark. explored th northwest territory. She v-. earn to at. Louis frost Nashville, Tana. oo a flying trip to psrtlelpata to tbs Lewis end Clark 'day excretaes. She c only learned at o'clock Thursday area ' Ing that Uts osiobrsUoa had boom Sasd lor today. Tas aged wossap waa presented with a beautiful bowauet of rosss by Cot H. B. Dowh. d l root or of exhibit, of Um Lewis and Clark oxpooltioo b be held as Portland aext year. About IM persona, 1M of wheal ars ttosoondants of Um two famous sxplor - r ars, attsndod Uio exercises. Tho load In featar of Uio sxseclses " "hch woro partlclpatod la by Prostdont Francis and ssvoral ottaor aotsblos was tbs addrsso by WUliaai TX ronton. prtHBinant attorn ay froai Portland, who aavo aa sxhaustlya and axcopoonaUy . , ntartalnlns; rovtow of tha sxploratlon which lod to Um dlsooTSir of frogon and tho subsoquont battls for Ita lifhU ; which has lod that stats to such s prota- tnoat poalUoa. - . , , , , m This treat territory lylnt wsot Of tho Mlaalsatppl." said tho spsskor, and ' Mtsndlna' from lfexioa on tho south to tho British North AsMiisa wpoa tho aorta sad to Behrtaa; soa tn tha far Borthwoot. Is as yot to Its Infancy. Tho people of tho Orsffon country to' par ticular, and comprising that -portion of tho United fltatos within Uts limits of tho states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and parts of Montana and Wyoming, haw undertaken to oommomorata the great Lewis and Clark expedition by Um oxposltloa at Portland sod to Invito the world to parOolsats to aa aahlhltlOB - of tho acta. Industries asm products of . Modern clvlltsatloa, 'Ths soope and extent of this enter- i prise must neossaartly fall far below Um great world's exposition which bow so . - fitly celebrates ths aosulsltlon of Louls- - tana territory but In point of eomplste- - nose, to ths extent end richness of Its i vxhlbtts. la the sttrsctlvsneos and wealth . . of .natural prod action, to the soope and extent of Its territory, to the courage .'I and helpfulness of its people and to the . amount of money la proportion to pop wlstloa to be Invested, this exposition will be a credit to our people and well worthy the support and patronage of all !; the states and territories aad of all ths foreiga 'oTsrnmsnU thai ca partlci- pata "NitursJIy todulry will ha made, what - has been done up to data toward this great enterprise, and what are the pros- poets of Its oomplete sucoeesT Lot the , record apeak for Itself. i Amownts of money vwstd by states, fcre as follows: Oregon, for gsneral stats ' exhibit 4M.oo; Oregon, for Lewis and Clark Memorial building, l.oao. - For general sUte sxhlbtto there have fcsen made the following apgroprlstlons: CaUfornla. MO.OSO; Montana, I1MM; Idaho. Iie.ssg: Utah, tlO.Mfti Missouri. l.tOt; Washington lt,: Wyoming, le.eee; Mevada, lls,ss; North Dakota. S10.O09; Minnesota, 1 1 Artsona. tlt.ftOO; Virginia. tie.eoe: New Jork. HMMl Msasanhmotts. 1I,M0; ft total Of 6,vs, , After reviewing ths objects of thS sk pssltloa Mr. ronton saidi '. The population within t9 wHlea of the ctty of Portland la l.tO.WO; within lot mUes la l.Mt.OOS. and approximately there Ig ths same population within a radios of to and 10 mile of ftan Franclaoa. - "NotwlthstandlBa' tiis Pactrto ooeaa Ilea west of the city of Portland, only mllss distant thus catting off the possibility of settlement and population, there ars mors people within 109 nlles of tha city of Portland than within 10 antics of tbs city of Denver. Ths dis tance across the Pacific ooeaa ts POUCE-FALLrOUT;-7-i:frtX;X GUN PLAY FOLLOWS V A sensatlonaj encounter la said to have taken place between Policeman Mil lard P. Bless and Frank Doles, mem bers of ths first relief, this morning. - after they had reported off duty at the Central stalls. It ended la a gaa plax Stow putting Detaa to flight It all happened at Second and Washington B tracts, hi front of th Labbe building, where Sloan lives. Th quarrel is sot settled yet Charges will probably be filed before ths poMcs cmmlseionra Dolaa waa reported to Chief Hunt by Sloan as having been too long a time In ft sorts to saloon. It IS said, and was rep rimanded by his superior officer. Smarting ander the warpet call." h set about to ascertain who "tipped' the natter ts th ehtsf. Ha found that Bteaa was tbs man, and followed hiss. WILL CARRY GRAIN v TO FOREIGN PORTS After a stay of severs atooths to this port ths Oarmaa afalp Emilia was shar tered at I o'clock this afternoon to load grata for the United Kingdom, ghs wss chartered by Kerf, eifrord Co., the rate being 7 shillings and rtxpene. The Emit to arrived la Portland oa July a with a general cargo. She is la oom v tosnd af CsptsUi Wilms. Tea mlnuiss after the Em Ills had been chartered UM Preach bark David d'An giers ws taken by Oirvla Byre to load grain at Tacoma. This cargo win be shipped to the United Kingdom, and the charter rat waa Its sd. It hi aa sec ted thst both vessals win aegta loading wtthla ths next few days. Roth received th rates thst wer mad last summer by the shipowners' onwiblna, 3 a Tacoma rate n la Id tower tbA th CUed Cor Portlaaa, Address While More oral '1a segments of - tha clrsumfereaos of tha globs, b wasts of watsra sight to js thousand mUea wide, end yot our merchant ships pass bstwoen ports of tha Pacific eoast and tbs orient with Um freedom and frequency 'of a rlvsr (earner to Its passage of 10 ml aaoB any great rlvsr. "Across tha Pacific Ilea the future trade of the Ualtod atatss. In this vast region of Um orient are MO.tofl.oo peo ple who bar and soil tl.0.m,QO worth of oommodlthM overy yoar. "Their trade Is the pfiss af tha bmsV ara world. The great war between Rus sia, and Japan is struggle for com merce end lorrttery. The destiny of aa tkma points ts tbs orient. If Americans do oot parous that destiny other natlotui will, and ws of too Pacific eoast soa fldcwt of the future assert that the gateways to the orient must open and dose upon our toreehold, , "These ma torts! Interests' appeal to the sober and thoughtful man, to the nhitoeophle statesman, and to the far seeing student of aoonomlcs. For others there is Uts attractloa of oUmate, seen- ery and freedom from the congested population of tho great antes of tbs world. West of ths Rooky mountains ars located Tosemlts. Yellowstone, Pugot Bound, tho Columbia river, British Co lumbia. Alaska, Crater lake, ths grand canyon of the Colorado, gait Lake, the awignifloent mountains of Montana gad ny other wonderful natural attrac tions; yot oar people annually fret the soil of Europe and spend millions saoa year to visit ths old world. -Mr. 0sward, speaking of ths posst- Mlltles of this groat country, said that ths commerce, politics, thought and so Title of Europe wlU ultimately sink la Importance, while tha Pacific, Its shores. Its lslsnds, and the vast regions beyond will become the chief theatre of events to tho world's great hereafter.'" Referring to westcra Btonufaoturee ths speaker said! "The output of Um 'manufacturer! of California, Oregon and Washington In ltOtt wss l4It.tTe.tts, aad California, has yielded between 1141 and 10 U t.l7.e7. or about one eighth of ths total gold production of the world since ths dmoovery of America by Columbus to ItvO, Tbs eUtee lying, west of the Mississippi rlvsr In lis produced 9. per sent of tha nation's gold, tt.l per cent af Its silver, and ltl par ceat of Its coal. - - "Tha State of Texas ' With ' 4,0 square miles of wood area Is tbs first ststa of the Union tn timber, Oregon 18 saoowa, with . squars mUea, Mtn nesota third, with I1.3O0 square mtlea, whUs the stat ce of Oregon. Waahlngfon and California have at least one third of tha standing timber of the oountryV "In sjuaatlty of standing Umber Ore gon leads Um Union with lH.oo.Ofl.es feet. California eweond with 10.00,os. SSd foot, and Wasatagtoa third with, nssrly lft,0d9.O.Aoa feet , -In an eloquent pero ratios hg slssed aa lollows: ' "And so to Ilk BmsnBor these torn Il lustrious Virginians Lewie and Clark- hare made Immortal tho nam of tha America traveler and explorer. "Thaw ware the rararunssrn at thai gospel of civilisation and conquest thst has brought a mighty empire under th away of tha Amcricaa nation. "They and their descendants have founded commonwealths whoss reaming aad busy millions shall be the rich flower-of aU that Is best to the world. "Let as venersts their noble deeds. and from the abundant wealth of our resources fittingly eelebrata, next year. th centenary of American diplomacy. daring and exploration their memorable labors which have enriched as aa a na tion, and made as leaders of th world In all ths arts of pesos and war." . . Preaideot Ooode. of tha Lewis and Clark fair, today sent ths following to Pie aidant Prase la of the I u I si ens Par chase esppsltloa: "Oa this, um nth anniversary of ths return to t Louis of our first overload explorers, Um Lewis and Chirk con ten nlal oxposltloa congratulates tha Louisi ana Purchase exposition as man's great est achlsvoment. American people may well bo proud of the mighty west which has risen to the footsteps of th In trepid spirits sent by President Jeffer son to raise Um stars and stripes oa tha horse of the Pacific." after being dismissed by Captain Moore at 1 o'clock this morning- At Second and Washington nerve ts Dolan naught up With Sloan, who went straight to the I .abbe building, where be lives, and challenged htm to fight It Is said. Sloan real lied rot th first Urns thst his brother offloer had learned who "squealed" on him, and was very much surprised- Both ars powerful man, the phrilcal gtanto of th first relief, and for a mosMBt a battle royal waa to pros pect Sloan put e. swddeft atop to ths pro ooediags. Incidentally putting Dolan to flight by drawing his revolver aad ad vising Dolaa to "more aa.? . . Dolan did ao. ' Prior to the saloon trouble. It la said, Sloan and Dolaa were good friends. PRESIDENT SOUGHT BY TWO MORE CRANKS wetM.k ' Washington. Sept II. Tw orsnks sttempted ts see President Roosevelt today- On claimed he was Senator Dick of Ohio. He proved to b .Charles Berth, aa Ohio man. ' Th other was Matilda Stewart of Bath Rouge, la, who said sh came to so th president regarding trans portation of negro .eat ton pickers to the oottoa t leUa. Both were srreeted. aseelal Pwaetek a The Wal) Colfax. Wash,, - Sept. u. James ttrsketiill narrowly ososped aa awful desth this Bsoralng by getting caught oa a switch engine pilot He was 'ragged sTsTaj area and both legs brakea. - w MANY FOLLOW HIS REIIAIfiS TO ESI Ona of th tsrgeet funeral proocs atons ever wit sees ed to Portland fol lowed the remains of Henry Wslnhard thie afternoon from ths family resldsncs to Hivarview sametery, where th body laid awap with Impressive oore- seonlee ooaducted by the Masonic ardor. AH through tho morning there was a continuous lino of messengers carrying floral trios tee to the reoldenee. where Um flowers woro received by friends of Um iaraliy and plsoed s round the ket Two rooms In ths palatial home were fllled by Um floral offerings Dur ing too morning many Intimate friend called to view the remains, and between the hoars of ll:9 and 1 o'clock ths asm prlvUega wsa graatod tha giaeral public, Tha asfrloe beejaa at o'clock and were brief and simple. Ths music was provide by the Arias society and ths sermon waa ou versa oy um jmt. sonn Oantsnbsln, an old friend of the de ceased. The services at th house occu pied not more than II minutes, and the long cortege to charge of Funeral Direc tor Holmaa then mad ita way to the cemetery. Kvery esrrlsg In ths city wss to Una. At Rlverrtew the Masonic rites were followed by a fervent prayer offered by Mr. Oantsnbsm. . During ths time of the funeral there was a general obesrvano of Um request of th retail liquor daatora that au liquor houses be closed, and la every way respeot was ahowa th memory of Henry Welnhard. Among th numberless floral tributes t place six feet high from the brewery employee. Another beautiful design earn from tha retail liquor deal- era of in city, wbim aunareoa a par- sonal mends sent Sowars. At a meeting of Um Manufacturers asooclatioa yesterdap tn foUowhig res- olutlons were adopted: "Whereas. After a long and well spent life, Henry Welnhard has been called from tha busy scenes ox this world: and "Whereas. la his death tha Maaufao- tursrs' association of th northwest Is called upon, to mourn th loss of on of its oldest ana most nigniy nonorea members, aa a tribute to his memory. and In appredattoa of. a strong and forceful character, a largo-hearted and true friend. Be It "Resolved. That tha Manufacturers' association of ths ndrthweet slnoerejy mourns with his family, his friends and his fsUow eltlsone th death of Henry Weinhard. and rseognlses m Ms passing away a distinct and grievous loss to the eommanlty tn which bo had won for himself as savlsbls plaos through, years of stsrlliur integrity, rugged, upright kindly character and vn railing prudsnos and en tern rise: and be It further "Resolved. That these resolutions h spread anon th minute of th si elation, and that a cony of same be for warded to tho family of tho deceased, with expressions of heartfelt sysopathy for their grief and loss. ROAD SUPERVISOR r - HAS NARROW ESCAPE row escape from death, when hie horss I aiWI heiavv wan wee a cliff On tha It I Helens road, aa German town hill, yester- day. He got out of th buggy Just aa Um edge of the bank crumbled under the hMia rH.nt r.mmu.inur T.it. I nor assisted th road supervisor out Of his predicament Mr ' - supervisor after some trouble at nar- row place In th road, when Mr. Bay-1 brook's hers attempted t turn around utmlB7aBiwJhw) aafslttaaarsTTftttBasT ' awft lflMhla Seeing that horse and vehicle must to- vltably go over th cliff, th super visor leaped, for his Ufa His feet did not touch th road much sooner than th t.. tk. e au ' I xaoreo, puggr-wnw aaroeeej siosma ssv tangled la on onfueed bms over large log. After hard work th horss was released and found to be uninjured. What- waa stranger, the buggy waa not materially damaged. Ths horse taken home, but the buggy wag aot hauled out until this morning. WESTERNER, WITH A GUN, SAVES PROPERTY, (Vosrssl BpMtst Sarrlee.I r New Tors. Scat, SI. A westerner with a big revolver put tenderloin thieve to 1 rout at an carlv hour this morning and got back HO.oafl la Jewelry, moetly d la- mono ornaments, which had been stolen from him. He registered at ths Holland house, and when he did ao polled Xma big bags of gold out of his grip and asked the clsrk to put them In ths safe. His Angers, scarf and watch fob s! la ter, ed with diamonds. He left the hotel In the evening and did th tenderloin thoroughly, and returned at I o'clock. On his arrival at the hotel he discov ered the loss of his valuables. Hs promptly got a revolver and started to find a man and woman whom hs met to tenderloin resort and whom hs sus pected. In a very ahort Urns hs re turned with his property. "I found my nuvi n rewiaarant m- rOTXT-rilin t street." said th westerner, -aad ths sight ot my gua Was enough." Ths man's nam was not ascertained! DEATH AND INJURY : FOLLOW A COLLISION ' ' (sesrsal apsrlsl SsrrW.I CVmbsrisnd. Md. Sent. U. A wi. timer Ohio railway frslght train ran into a ear load of dynamite at North Hrsneb, sight mile from her, this af ter neon. The explosion which followed Mew ap tower house and eteht men are re ported as killed and II . In lured. A special train with physlcMns has gone to uis seen. Th dynamite was being oasd In eenetruotioa work aa tha Wa- Dsan rauwsy. PURSUE ASSAILANT - WITH BLOODHOUNDS Oearnal Stisrtet Setvlea.) Kltsnlng, Pa.. Sept t. Th t-year- old daughter of Thompson Coulter was assaulted by aa aaldentlflcd saan thlel morning while o her way to school. Ths girl will die. A peas with bloodhounds to In pur-1 sott, and If captured he will undotthted- ly meet with summary vengesnos, as th iuf m uwvaiar arousoo. - l xmrmaMMw hp m uiunni or erwwam oowvmm n mmmm- At aUTamwiaw-&OaeVm OmB- HI MAMUW OV WTAW9 tm OUM& I num mam. places FCLICE lk JAF.I UQVOS TT.T.Bf AJ.T.T Dramatlo ' waa the boob la Judge ears' department af ths circuit court this morning when Attorney Henry & McGinn secured front Policeman Daa Connors and peclal Officer R. L, Uen- tager admissions thst aftsr securlag al leged evldsnos of a violation of Uts law, they had Ignored Chief of Polios Hunt and Imparted Inform tioa to flherlS Word. Th admissions were made wtth ex treme reluctance and wsre followed by number of other - embarrassing ques tions on th part of Um lawyer, th tenor of his queries and comments be ing to establish ths theory that Um two officers endeavored to "hold up" Henry Bayard for "hash money aad several days after they had secured IM from him, became spprshsnalv lest detec tion would. follow and reported tha af fair to th aherlC . . Attorney Cherles A, Pet rain, as dated In ths ess with Attorney Mo Olna, asserted that th defense win at tempt to show thst Connors and Hen- inger .forced Bayard ts give them tit oa penalty of causing; his arrest for selling liquor without a Hoc nee at his resort on the' Whits House road. Ac cording ta Attorney Petraln. Bayard had only lit and had to borrow Um remain der of tha money. The Uro omocrs admitted that they let Several days elapse after taking the money before they reported to g he riff Word, oa ths sight of Jun it. They took th money, they said, as evidencs. but afterward became dlasatladed wtth this evldanoe. Connors also admitted that he had takoa a drink at Bayard's plaos some time previously. He failed to explain satisfactorily Why he had not mad or caused aa arrest at that Una, TO PUT ON PLAY WITHOUT A NAME Arrangements were completed today for tbs Initial presentation of Malvla O. Winetock'a new melodrama to take place at Cord ray theatre during the week of October f. It will be produced by James Keen, who purchased the play from Uts author. Mr. Wlnstock originally called th play "His Last Drink," but that title. while It Is fitting, can be Improved upou. the author be lie sea, and he la going to give the public a chance to select a dif ferent title,' Th melodrama will be ad vertised as fb unnamed play until after Its presentation and aftsr It ha been seen, anybody may euggeet ft title for It Tho oas who suggests tha best Bam 111 reeetvs prise of II. - Th dra matic editors of Portland's three dally papers will be asked to officials as judges of th titles suggested. Ths sntlre production will be built la thai city. COMMITMENT JS rcci iFn Fnp m i v tpon Ths-a dries of Mnnlclpal Judge HOgU UISTg STOa U1SOB tniB artrnoOB tau,o fa ootnmltmont for Ouy !. ,or who'" "f" warrant was trvi J. immuwa- Ma wm a isrga Chief Hunt and City Attorney MoNary ""f'J wovbbibbw dm vce waueu ln tn "rt arrest and conviction, but Ith records shew on waa issued. It haen lost, and It was thought best , w thing was IsgaL Kelly Is wanted by Judge. Bo gua and (uu Willi J .1 w nrw ivr II" grsncy. He "esc peer from th city jail after serving three dare, waa ro irrww win vm awv lavaa W jiibbi PUBLISHER ELVERSON MAULS LLOYD BINGHAM New York. Sept 11. Tb Malta la busy talking today of a fight at the Lambs' dub. ta which Llovd Blnabam. the huaband of Amelia 'Bingham, th ao tress, aftsr throwing a stoee of whis key in ths face of Jamsa Klveraon of Philadelphia, waa thoroughly thrashed by Klverson. Tho men cam to blows Just outeld th club. Bom onlookers finally Interfered la Bmgbam's behalf and hs was helped tote a cab and sent home. aUvereon Is ft weU-knowa pub lisher. THREE MEN KILLE IN SCAFFOLD'S FALL i 7cersl laerlal Serrlea.y SUoaa Springs, Ark., Sept. It. While loo mea were working yesterday on the scaffolding around tha new bridge pier being built over ths Orand river near Orova. I. Tn-ft Urge portion of th struo tur gave way, killing Thomas Brown- ni, v - Jf to oth-Ta and tnlurtng It other. Three of th injured may not survive. The dead and injured were taken to Grove. . ...-. lack Myers, ft eon of th 1st John Mysra, ss -chief sf nolle of Portland, waa arrested today by Deputy Sheriff Orsasl on a warrant from Columbia oountr, charging him with passing a worthless check. Th warrant has been In the hands of the sheriff for several weeke but had not been served for ths reason thst sly era has been out of We city. Ob hie return today ha waa plsoed under arrest. BVOft W, '22. SJSVfMpOatt Alleging thst Maud Oraol deserted him and entered a disorderly bouss. George Oraol filed sutt for ft divorce In th circuit court this morning through ths law firm af Oantenbeln Vsasla. Ha dsslrss th cue tody of tw minor children. The marriage took slsos tn this otty January Is, lttt, and ths de sertion alleged February t, !. . . toeeetal Msaatah s Tea Jesnsil.1 tysos, idsh. Sept. M. William Ds ns rt a. a miner, who disappeared la June, is still mlaalng. ,Hlc oahln furnishings are in place and nothing la missing, not van s sua 'which he usuallv earrled. jSle had sobw mnaty aad foul play g puspectes. ( SHAHAIIAN'S FOR SATURDAY'S ; S2LLI?,' G TO SATURDAY CHOPPERS Misses Jcckcts We hive a sample line of Misses' Jackets' that eclipse any line ever offered in this ,: city colors gray, tan, brown and hew j mixtUrca, ahort length military c'olltr,, . deep cuffa, trimmed with braid and but ' tons, with Butcher back and strsp. . Tha ' nobbiest effects, .We Jia them from fia-50 to , : ' - --' $5.00 Mixed goods, made in mannish effect, three-quarter lengths, 60 different styles, with and without collars, Butcher back with belt The swcllest things of the season .. Q Cf an entirely new creation. . We have them from 920.00 to as low fts.i...-w Women's . i Silk Petticoats ft ' . : ' - - ' ' We have a swell line of the very best -Black Taffeta Silk Petticoats, made round, walking length, with IS-inch graduated accordeon plaited . flounce, with ruffle, also dust ruffle. These skirts are a bargain at some stores at $5.96 who claim them as f 10, $11 and $12 skirts. .c Our price, dji ji q while they last.,., 9w A butiful Une'of Black gilk Taf fet Petticoats, with! ' a " 4-inch sweep, deep ruffled flounce, unfinished top;, worth and sold for $5.00 Our prices Friday and "- . t 1? Saturday, : , , COMPANY HAS NOW POWER TO MM worn wasuMPTtfj v. a. wxxjooz aa nam. So far as Its legal etatus 1 onorod. th Portland Open Air Sanatorium, for Consumptives Is now aft ftooompluibed fact. Artlclss of Incorporation were filed with County Clerk Prank S. Plaids this morning by A. I MlUe, T. B, Wll ook, C B. ft Wood and IV N. Pletschner. The purposes of the oorperattoa are sa Doanoad In tha following clause: j t T establish hospltols and other In stitutions for ths treatment and cere of persons suffering from or three toned with th disease known as tuberculosis. In any of Its forms or manifestations. and to ope rat th asms cither aa char itable Institutions or for hire or both; to soqulrs and disseminata knowledge as to th proper oar and treatment of tuber culosis and kindred dlaesaea, and to adopt .such measures as may seem ea podlem for the purpose of checking tha spread of such diseases. " ' - For th aocompllshment of these1 ob jects the company 1s rested with the right to acquire property by purchase or otherwise, to dispose of Its holdings and do such other things as are neoeosary. The estimated value of th money and property owned by th corporation Is IS.Ivv. Its sources of revenue and in- otsns will be dues, donations and be quests from Its members aad ethers. IpaymeeX to money by such patlenta aa m-w wuim i ewieiiwi ete ineir uwuviwotora. and the lnooms to b dsrtved from th investment of money received to any manner gives tn ths foregoing. The officers for ths first rear ars: President. A. I Mills; vise-president, T. B. Wlloox; gecrstary. C B. 8. Wood: treasurer, I. K. plelschner. Thsy will hold offte until ths third Wednesday ta September of ltoe, when another elec tion Is t tsk plaos. Elections will thereafter take place annually on the third Wednesday la September. 1 (Special Mesatefe W The aeerssl.) Colfax, Sept 11. Word has been received here of the death- of Prank Com a took In Seattle, formerly of this elty. He was Well known her. He wae aged )l year and loaves a young wire. , at&BB OWBBB OO: (feernal Iseeua Servle.) Pueblo, Colo., Sept 11. M. Dolly, a' wealthy resident of Pueblo, end mine owner of Cripple Creek, committed out ride this morning by blowing bis brains nut He wag desDondsnl ever bis wife's SHAf'AlIAlTG . .-. v . : f 10.00 tQ LADIES TOURIST wmi INJURY HAY EE CF HENT NATURE - IJearaal ftnarlal BiiiIi 1 ; Iondon, Sept. Is. At noon today Lady Curses is still to a erttleal condition and physicians are in constant attsndanoa. It la stated that Lady Curson la suffer ing from a rupture complicated by pcrttcnltle. if ah suooeee fully passes ths crisis It will b at toast four months before she is fully ooavaleaoent, and tb present illness may possibly - leave serious and permanent injury. ta of eenooleneo and 1 qwlry ars being hourly resolved at Wal- mer eaatle from Intimate friends and well-wishers of Lady Curson. whose position as Vicereine of India has pieced her la on of th most prominent posi tions avsr occupied . by fta Amsrloan woman. ,- . - . . . - fiinat PasmUy Arrhrea - Awssto HSWft. y eoraeJ Special ssrvtot.1 Chicago, Sept il.Josph Lelter. Mrs. Xev c. Lielter, his mother end Miss Daley Lelter arrived at 1:1 o'clock this morning after on of th fastest trips ever mads on a special train from Den ver. Instead af pro needing direst to Ixmdo. aa waa at ft ret Intended, they decided to remain hers and await news of the condition of Lady CursoB) who la new ssrtoualy UI to Loadoa, RACES AT EUGENE : STOPPED BY RAIN (Spertal Dsjectf Vm Joe-sal.) ' En gen. Or., Sspt It. Rain prevented yesterday's and today's raoes at th dis trict fair, and ths track will be too heavy to carry out tomorrow's program. All Is tercet to row centered oa ths ex hibits and tb programs In th pari lion. Last night Tom Richardson, president of th Portland Commercial club, dsllv ered an mthusiestle add roes before more than a thousand persona Today to Bugens aad Pioneer day. Oovernor Chamberlain ' and Jefferson Myers arrived this afternoon and will address tbs gathering tonight. . , SpMlal mesatch U The fesrmL) I Moscow, Tds Sept, Plres sr de stroying much fins timber owned by th Potlsch Lumber company. Th bias bj thought ts hav been started by serse &ABT. OVBBOB fcBSOBTBil tsT C9aT OXABB IV OOaTBVASrs : ATTBVB AS (IB IT I S BOW SAZB VO BB an angry at th aoaiBaay. . , SltANAI.IAfrS Tourht cr School its roa YouNcsTtM We have 635 ,new, the season'a latest ' creations, in Children's - .Tourist and School -Coata. Same are made up. in , military effects, trimmed' in braid and buttons, butcher back with belt, others with deep shoulder capes, piped With taf-, feta or velvet, in short, long, new and up-to-date lines. All the new goods, solid., 'and mixed effects; ages t to H years, ' We have placed prices ranging from . $2.50 COATS School Dresses ' All colors and styles, many new and' ' novel effects, prettily trimmed and well ; made, very suitable for school wear. 7 , Every garment new this fall's goods; ' (. ages from 1 to 14 years. These gar , ments were bought to sell for a fancy ' - price, but we have decided to move V them right out and haVe marked them I . low at the very beginning when they , are most needed. - We 'have them for Vf $6.50, $5.fO, $4.95, $3.75. $ 3.95. (3.50. $3.00, 7; ' m e S to' - " " I.V IDB scef? 44 SADIE WRECKED MUG SEA A AJBTXOXS VO sWPaWV SLAT MM (pedal Dtasatrh h The lesrssLy' ' ' awatus, Sept. 11. The ale wheel steamer Sadie, the, awhapnsr Duxbury and ths sohooner Lily L. are piled up oa ths shores of Boring sea. This ts th advice brought to Seattle by th steamer Victoria arriving from - Noma Tha Sadie, when tha Victoria loft Noma, wa to danger as. If a storm should Arts, h would be battered to pleoos. The Duxbury stood a good chanoe of being V5 ground, -to pleoos to tha surf wall tha - Lily L. was already a total loss. Th Sadie Ilea on ths beech at Caps York. She was wrecked oa th after- aooa of September It, Ths Duxbury to on ths beach at Nome ftnd the Lily L. la beached at asuit Caps. Ths members of all tha ersws reached shore safely to : amau Doaia. Th Sadie waft operated by th North- ; era Commercial company as a paSeeoger , , and frslght boat between Nome, St Mlohael and points aa far north aa ' Kotssbu sound. There to no cauas as-' -' signed for bar disaster othsr than ths master mistook ths depth of the water. .r -Th extent sf ths damsg to ths Dux- , . bury was not learned when ths Ylcterl ' sailed. Shs is ft wooden vessel and la ' not believed to be strong enough t - waathsr a storm la her present position. Shs Is owned by Bslllngham parties and want north, with ft cargo for L. H. Gray ,( S Ca i. i .., - Th Lily I Is gald to have- son ashors In a storm. TBTBsaAjra SUiVMIOat. (tptelal Dupatm The PssrsaL)- ' L v ' Htllaboro, Or4 Sspt II. Ths , semK ' annual reunion of ths Washington ' Couaty Veterans association will be v' beld st Hlllsboro Thursday, October . ! There will be program consisting of -, mueld, reel tst lone . and addresses. A -large nntnber of veterans are expected to be preeent At this meeting the time and place for holding ths spring reunion : Will be fixed. ,. . BZBS AT SAUst Ajrrx.vm pcebil Dtopatrs ta The MvraaL) Can by. Or.. Sect. IS. Samuer Mathews, aged H years, died yeoterdsv st ths Salem asylum. His funeral will teas place at II o'clock, after which ths body Will be shipped to Saa P render snd buried besld that sf his wife. He eaves one daughter, residing at Nea Psroa, Idaho. . , . 4 . . ... Por forty yea re Tr. Powler's Bxtract as been ourln of Wild Strawberry has summer com pis In t dyseitterr. dlerv. bloody ux. pin la tn aton ioh. pea novar IJuiwO I go avtfTuuna ( i i v;; ;;;; oiaimed for it