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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. , SEPTEMBER 2 1904. i ;: Jqwelry , Repairing WiULast- Our workmen are practi cal fas their methods and are careful and patastak' Inj in executing repsira, no matter . how trivial Any work that you may entrust to us, we are sure, wOl show the lasting qual-i ides that you may expect. Diamond Mounting is a special feature and if you have a pin or ring to make over, we will suggest ideas that are right up-to-date, with prices that are exceptionally reasons Fcldcnhcimcr , , . Cor. Third snd - Washington . y ' 80srsmitb JOSEF HOFMANN MARQUAAt GRAND esSEPT.26ss A master of bis instrument, of whom all things aro possible. STEINWAY PIANO AU INSTRUMENTS Vied exclostveiy by Hermann Md all other leading concert pianists.- j A LAO tvY ALL THB CROWNED ' ,. HEADS OP EUROPE. ' And tbetr" respectl a courts. This la an honor accorded do tner piano. We htv the axel a Its Ml of StoJ way pianos for thla territory and take re la ehowtng Lara aaaortment n aprjghto and greass in their various atrtaa sua wooo. ... - Soulc Bros. Piano Co. n as SM Sontom s. Oor, W. Per. r.EAL ESTATE MAN L'cS AT BIS E2 fliMfii a wat a. - W- OOWWTJ TOOTOK A rmonssxo. 'B. W. Comal 1, wall known la raal tate elralaa of ihia city, tflad at o clock tola nomine; at hie residence. Four teenth and Yamhill streets. Death waa due to baart troubles, with which be bad been afflicted for aavorai years. Faw of Portland's business-men wara bettor known or mora raapectad than BS. W. Cornell. Ha cam to Oregon from Ohio whan quite young, and waa edu cated In thla city. Hla preparatory education waa received at th Portland academy, and nftar completing tba courses of that Institution ho studied nw a near Oonaral Hamilton, Though ha received aa extenslre legal education, ha noVor practiced tha pro fesatoo. In H7 ho antarad tba raal ae tata Ann of Parrlah, Watklna ft Co, and waa a member at tha firm for IS ream. In bualnese ha Waa successful and re tired in 1191. Slnoe that tlma ha haa continued bin raal aetata intereeta and haa Invented successfully, though ha hen net bean actively engaged In business. f Ha waa years of eg at tha time of Ma death, and la survived by a wife and two sons. One eon la living- In eeetern Oregon and tha other la en anted in tha railroad business In tbta city.- Ha to . also survived by two brother and a ala- ' tar. Tha elater. Mrs, Boyle, la tha wife ce n Mat hod (at minister. Wilbur Cor nell, a brother, la now la Alaska, and Holler Cornell, another brother, to an architect reel dln in Boat Portland. Tha funeral arrangements have not been completed.. Services, however, will be bald nt Qreoe Methodist church. luiii oosASdM onors. fSitlal DtopaWS Tba Seeal.) -' Dallaa. Or, Sept. 21. The Dallas eoU lege baa again begun work. The et tendancs to larger than an any prcrlosa) , opening. The opening address wag de ll re red by Hon. N. I Butler. CIIlOUSilGSS "t hsee aaad yeer vataaale Caaeeteta sad acrfart, CotiUa'i do wltfcoot I kia the at faraeai llaa tor lodirilo aa4 hare Ml- ow eoalpMflr rr. Baeeai Trroa. One erlta, yea Will ltt la aa tmt."' MwaeiA. Mar.; Ahaf, . IE' d aevet ha vltaeM ftesffor Tha) DOMrwhl ins cxnvwin . , Peeaat, Taeta fleed. Ha fleas, '.. t .to t 'm sea COO. W ear ( rear aHf eaes. bternag aiaaayCe..CMeegearsTT Ssa r FaiLAD STEEL TO CO TO GENT atxow veaoiJAvajv- cuaao Evidently Japan to preparing t cat material from Portland with which to hulld mora batttoahlpa. - Inqulrlea ware made of tha Portland ft Allelic ateamahlp oompany this morn ing aa to whether or not It would ha possible ta eat freight apace on tha steamship Arabia for tha shipment of 1.009 tone of steel plataa to Hongkons. It la presumed that, their final destina tion will be soma port In Japan, and that tha material wlU ha used for tha con struction of war vessels. Tha Informa tion la riven that there will be about T.vot plataa la tha consignment, and tha ohnanaloa of each to axlt feet. Tha explanation to made br those who have beard of tha nature of tha sblp ment that the material to either needed for making repairs to war vassal or to build new craft for tba navy. An ef fort waa made to have tha shipment go br War of Puget sound, hut ail the apace baa been en as red on a very steam er due to sail from there for the far et up to tha middle of ast month. All tha apace on the Arabia ban also been contracted for, but It la stated that arrangement will probably be completed for tha steal to be taken on the oriental liner Aracone, which la dne to arrive at thla port October Si. -With thto much freifht In slant to start with. It to aald that It will be a vary abort time until a full cargo will be aeeurad for tha Ara aona. At tha way orders are oomlnsj In. It is feared that tha liners ope rutins from Portland wtf be unable to handle all tha bualneea which to offering. Cotton, apples, flour and lumbar will comprise the bulk of tha Arabia's cargo. From now on It to expected that thare will be great 'quantlOee of cotton shipped from Portland to the orient on the next several steamers which nail. Tba Algoa would be brought north from ftan Prancleoo to naalaa la taking nam of tha freight, but It to aald that tha company baa been prom lead almost a full cargo to load her where she to now lying. . Unusually hit flour ahlpmenta are also expected to be made to Japan within the next month or two. regard lass of tha fact that the new Import duty of 1 oents n barrel will go Into affect (bare October 1. -1 ., Oa Malor W. C Langntt and David B. Ogden. assistant United States engineer. returned reaterdar afternoon from Bl- parla. where they made an Inspection of tha new dredge Wallowa, which to being fitted ud br the government ato be placed la operation on the Snake river. A portion of tha machinery haa been In stalled and they report that the vassal will bo ready to go Into aervloe br the latter part of October. Aa tha aaaaon will be ao far advanced br that time she may not bo able to So mock work until nezt anrkic . The framswork of the new dredge waa built by Joaeph Supple of -thla city and ablpped by rail to Blparla In knoeked- down form. It la the only dredge ever built In thla section of tba country to be propelled by Its own power. In re ality. It to a steamboat, being supplied with powerful engines, and tha expo sition la that the era ft will be able to make nt leant Id or IS miles an hour. Just aa soon ao tha machinery to In stalled the vessel will bo nat to work cutting; deep channels through tha ai eral- sandbars which are located between Rlparta and Lewis ton. Owing to tha many shoal places the stead boa Is which are plying regularly between those towns have bean unable to carry fu)l eargoea of freight during the pant two months.- But it (a bettered -that the dredge will accomplish noma good before the rainy weather' starts. Soon after ward there will be plenty of water ten anawer all purposes until the low watgr period occurs next year, and br that tlma the dredge will be In a position to keep the channel In good condition. . Tba government representatives re port that tba at earners Lewlaton and Spokane of the Oregon Railroad Navi gation oompanys fleet are taxed to their full capacity these days in handling tha mammoth wheat crop which was grown la tha Snake river valley. - It to sup posed to be one of the biggest yields in the history of that section, Tba grain to brought to Rlparta and from there sent by rail to Portland. Practically all tba fruit has been shipped out of there. stxt re main man. .... : , Agnlns Navigaatom A special dispatch to Tha Journal states that a ault waa Instituted In the circuit court at Tillamook yesterday to recover mora than tl.sss . from the Ore gon Pacific Navigation company, snd the def andante named as P. H. Skinner. J. K. Locks snd A. J. Partington. The incorporation waa formed for the purpose of either building sr buying a boat to be placed on tha ruS between Portland and Tillamook. The project waa worked up br Capt. P. H. Skinner, who, It to aald, succeeded la Inducing a number of Portland peonja to subscribe for stock In ths 'enterprise. It became evident some time ago that n sufficient amount of money could not be realised to carry the plan through to a, succeas- ful eoncluawn, snd n waa anally abaa doned. Those who did subscribe and pay their money . In advance. It la learned, are the parties who were Instrumental In bring ing tha suit. " The project waa brought to the attention of the Portland board of trade, and It to learned from that or ganisation that suits n number of ths local wholesale people took stock In ths enterprise. Just who they are oould not be learned. Stock oartlflcatea, which were printed In this city, bear tha In formation that the corporation has S capitalisation of I be. So a. About two montba ago Captain Skin ner left Portland for California, and since then there has been bat little talk about ths proposed sheamahlp Una, , Astoria, SepC at. Condition of the bar at Is, m.i rough; wind, oast; weather, cloudy, thick outside. St. Helena. Sept. SI Peaaed St t:li a. m., British bark Ruth well. - Kureke, Sept. 31. Bulled at S p. m steamer Alliance, for Portland. Astoria, SepC SI. Sailed at ld.Sd a, m., barkentlns James fonnson. for San Francisco. Left up at S p m steamer Oeorge W. Elder. Arrived at S p. sju. steamer Bmorm, from TUtomoek. Local exporters chartered two mors grata ships yesterday afternoon, both of which are owned In Prance. Tha bark Brtoeur, now In the harbor, Was taken by ths Northwestern Warehouse company nt STa td, the union rats, to wpen or tho Vuto Uaeonv Major tanidto nam W. SI amfftoont den Mil ill Hag on Bhain. HEMORRHAGE CAUSES DEATH OF C. F.MARTIN 1 i - s .' ,v w w mtnr -V ',. i - 4 w w C F. Martin of Denver, aecretary of tha Matlonsl Livestock aseoelation. died Tuesday while on hhr way from that elty to Cheyenne, Wya While m the tram he waa seised with a hemorrhasw of tha lungs and expired a fsw minutes after being removed from the train, ft Oreeley. CoL , Tot years Mr. Martin waa wwaiy known as a newspaper man. Ha was m charge of papera In several wwetarn ottlee, and was later tha Assonlaiad while tha Portland Sourtor mills en gaged the Pierre Lotl at 17s to carry a grain cargo to the same destination. The tartar to not controlled by the as sociation, but ths fact that her owner received such a trine lass than the com bine rata shows that ths outside Arms have- made up their minds to derive a aha re of the benefit resulting from ths organisation. During tha past week the Portland flouring : mills have chartered three vessels to load for Buropo. ' -f ' ' - ' oar vousi ee? iMSpaoriosr. Si TntoonUghfr- Wfth United States Senator Footer of Washington on board, tba lighthouse tender Columbine Is expected to leave up from .Astoria today for Portland. A umber of Hants and buoys will be placed In position, consequently ths steamer will make h leisurely trip up ths river. It to supposed that aba win not- ranch hers before late tomorrow afternoon. Senator Fester, who to chairman of ths rivers and harbors committee, -to making; ths trip to familiarise himself with ths contemplated harbor Improve ments for which appropriations will be asked nt the coming session of oongrees. Ha was expected te reach Astoria from ths Sound several days ago, and tha Columbine was delayed by his non arrival. Ths senator- Intends to vlstt all the coast porta so that be will be In a better position to judgo of ths merit of their claims for government aid.? Upon reaching Portland the several contractors will be asked, to submit bids for making oome needed repairs to ths lighthouse tender. It Is the Intention to racanvss her upper deck, and other minor work will be done to the Those' Interested In ths craft were surprised this, morning to aes the steamer Mascot, which eank.tat the mouth of ths Lewis river Tuesday night, oome limping into port under her own steam. Tha local agent of ths line had received no advices of her having been raised and thovght that she was still resting n the bottom of ths .river, st ths. time she nova to sight at ths foot of Taylor street. . When ths tide receded yesterday It appeared that ths , vessel was prac tically free of water.-and-tha members of ths orew who stsyed by her busied themselves by stopping up -ths leak In tha bottom of the damaged hulL . By the time tba next flood earns along ths ves sel was sufficiently, repaired aa to bo fleeted and brought np to Portland, Having mads up two days on ths round' trip ths steamer George W. Elder reached her dock l the harbor last sight on her regular schedule tlma from San Pranclsee, Owing te ths heavy smoke and fog which overhung tha river at ths time of her last visit, she was held In port day waiting for the skies to clear. For tha same reason another day was lost while aha waa coming up the coast from the hay slty. But the weather conditions have been much more favor able durlngl the past few days, and the effort made for ths steamer to regain ths lost time was attained with success. Meyer, Wilson A Co. hare chartered tha German ship Oregon to load a fen em! cargo at Antwerp for Portland. eBhs will begin loading at one snd probably will be ready te ssll by ths middle of nest month. The Oregon te a steel ves sel snd of l,77i tons net register. So ' Tiagy arerssd. . "Just IB the nick of ttms our little boy was saved." writes sf re. w. Wktklns of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia bad, played sad havoc with ''htm an4 n terri ble cough set In besides. Doctors treat- ad him, but he grew worse every . day At length we tried Dr. Ktng-e New Dis covery for Consumption, 'and our darling ta saved. He's now sound, snd well' Everybody ought to know, It's the only sure aura for cough, soldi snd all lung dlsemeee. Guaranteed by Red Cross Pharmacy, corner Sixth snd Oak, on the war to tha poetofhe. " Price too and I1.H. Trial bottto free. , vaseiL .r mamoow aunrvmws. - Vrsp Keen Pi am' litotu -' a n4mf representatlva hi Denver. On the organisation of tba National live stock aseoelation bo was elected sec re tary and haa bean elected (0 that posi tion each suocasslvs year. In that ca pacity ko became widely known among cattlemen of tha west. Ha la eurvlved by wife, who resides In Denver. As secretary of the aseoelation ho had oc casion to visit Portland frequently and waa wall known In thla elty. Ho vial ted this city . several wabfcs ago. far as known she has haver been at this f Ths now hsvss wharf, built for-Hood River by the Regulator Una, has been completed and will be towed to Its des tination next Sunday by ths steamer Dalles City. It ta sufficient In capacity to hold several boatloads of freight.. . : Cspts. & B. Edwards and George P. Puller; local Inspectors of steam ves sels, spent yesterday at Wsllula, Waatw Inspecting tba atesunsr Slate May. Ths vessel u operated at that place' as fsrryboat . . CANADIAN COMES TO v- SETTLE IN OREGON . ;, Ths ApM progress wad la recent years In Vie Canadian northwest to told by the presence In Portland of n Ca nadian rancher. H. Seymour - Otldden, who has sold his land) in that country and to going Into ths Klamath lake re gion In search of n saw location and cheap land. He says:' "Years ago when I wont into the Ca nadian northwest land was very cheap. But the railways have Induced farmers to oome In from ths Dakotas, Minne sota and Nebraska and develop the coun try until now land there brings a high piios. I have sold out with ths Inten tion of locating in Oregon tf l ana And suitable land at' a lew price. , I have two friends who are awaiting ths re sult of my tavostlgstlon and who will com with me If X find conditions Inr vorebte." i FALLS FROM WAGON V i V AND BREAKS NECK (pedal Mepeteh te The -ntaD ' Corvallts, Or- Sept. St. While driving down Main street In front of n bakery last night, Clarence Smith, aged St, fell out of his wagon, while Intoxicated, and broke his nook. He died ' In .half an hour. . Tha funeral will be hold Friday at hit residence st I o'clock In the afternoon. Rev. - Mr, Thompson of . independence will' oondoot the services. (Special Dtttprn- te The eesraaL) Seattle, Sept. SaUsfled with the good work bs -had done, while noting as chief of polios. In removing Detect 1 A. O. Lane from the force. Mayor Balllnger continued his crusade and .ysatarday Issued order -No. i closing sil saloon tflyer" games of poker throughout ths city. A detail of omoers was sent out to notify the proprietors that they must dose snd to less than an hour after the omoers started there -was. not. a running In ths city.. , . . xs samiouax.T a. " , ' (Baeelal DWeeteh a The law sal Monmouth, Or., Sept. 11. Mra, Charles Brooke of Troutdale, who haa been visit ing her pa rente-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Baabs, of thla plaoe, was taken seriously 111 soms lev days slnoe with stomach trouble, snd after terrible Buffering ths attending physician a. being helpless to relieve her, aba has been taken to Port land in tha hops that surgical opera tion may asve her ' Ufa. The trouble hi supposed to p ths result of eanoer of ths stomach. - ',.... . muwr. POTTxa svartrajriw f. fkpeUl Dtapat'- fetThe Jesrsst) Chemawa, Or., Sept. 11. Supt. Thosess W. Potter and wlfs returned to ths In dian school yesterday after n month's absence, during which time he visited the St. Louts ssposltlogb Potter will probably remain at ths Indian school until soma time about the' first of No vember. 'Although Supervisor Chaleraft assumes ths head of ths school October 1, the work of Invoicing ths property will not be completed before Octoper M nt ths earliest , - aajjra a roi eaora. fffeeelal ntaeateh at The JeeraaL) yorast orov. Or Sept tl. A Brest deal e rale; has fallen during the night and continues today. , . - . . j,. -n.1 ' ." V '"'-'. ," ''. . ' ' s ' .' Ss. pg,..-.!"-! ATGPI'SAIIEST ' Whan C. W. Oliver rmdhad home from his work yesterday and learned that bis mother, Mrs. Cummlnga, oooupled n oell at tha county Jail, with a charge of In sanity against bar, he was dumfotisded. But when he was Informed that tha charge had been filed br hla wife, the man waa fairly frantic and hastened to ths court house to see Judge Webster. A brief Investigation convincing ths court that a grievous wrong had bean done the old woman, he immediately ordered her discharged from custody, snd she was taken home by her dos. Oliver lives at SM Height street with hla wife and three children, ths young est being 4 years old sad the eldest 14. His wife went to the court noose yester day morning snd filed n oharge of In sanity agatnsb . kla ' mother.' Deputy Sheriff' Gruaat served ths warrant and took Mrs. Cummlnga, who to aged about 6 years,' to the county talL There aha was planed 'In ths women's department, under 'charge of the matron, and by order of Jailor Grafton treated with every consideration. In ths afternoon Oliver went home sad learned what had happened. The man was almost distracted with grief and Indignation when he arrived at ths court house. My mother to as sane as anybody alee In the olty. Judge," ho declared. "For some time she has been la Ul healthf and at lmes to inclined' to be querulous. Instead of soothing her my wife argues with her snd has made horn anythlag but a happy spot." Judge Webster Immediately ordered the release of Mrs. -Cummlnga snd aha was accompanied homo by her son. Her smenor at the toll wee gulet and she appeared to have DO . hallucinations whatever. , --. -.- -.- . rail TO VOTE C LOCAL (SaeeUl DtBaetah to The Jearsat) 1 ' McMlnnvllla, Or Sept SI A petition signed With 40- nomas has been t filed with the county clerk asking that a vote be takes in November to decide whether saloons shall be allowed to exist In Tam il 111 county or not Of these names the bounty clerk struck off SB on nooount of their either being: not registered or of some hTpaulsrlty insjilh signing of the petition. In soma Instances the parson m not sign ths petition In ths same way tn which ho registered, snd In others ths band writ log did not oorrespond. - Tha petition requires lis signatures to aeon re a vote on ths question. A suit has been begun tn tha circuit couVt by Albert Ulleathall am-wt J. A. MUls, r. M. Olovsr. and others, asking for an in )n notion to prow est them from moving or disposing of the hops grown on ths P. at Olover -hop yard, sear. Whit aeon. Thto suit crows out of hop contract made la 1M1 by which J. A. MUls snd F. M. Olovsr agree to deliver 11,000 pounds of hops of the 1004 erop raised on the P. M Olovsr hop yard to 111 ten th all for 14 cants per pound. They not only ask for sn Injunction but also for a decree requiring specific performance of too contract. DAMAGE SUIT WILL. NOT COME.TO TRIAL By agraomsnt of the mtaroststf part lea the suit to recover (4.000 filed against tha Portland Railway oampany by F. H. Hatbnway. ns guardian of Pan! Hath, way. a minor, we dismissed In the clr- Laelt court ysstsrday morning by Presid ing Judge George. Attorney George JL Brodle, repreeenUng the plaintiff, stated that a sstUomsnt bad boss affected out of court. Young Hathaway , alleged that last April 10 his foot was crushed by a ferry boat ' at the VeneouTsr ferry. He claimed It was due to the negligence of the oompany ta displaying signal for passengers to go on ths boat before It had reached Its mating ptooe in ths slip. Ths oompany asserted In defense that Hathaway tried to board tba bast before It waa oompietelr In- ths slip nd was Injured through his own csretoasneas. 50,000 Boxes Rheumatism Cured by a iNew Remedy For rhenmstlswa that horrible plague. I discovered s barmleea- remedy, nd la order that v rY suffering reader may learn about It I will gladly mall him s la res eral v box free. Thla matt. -ltnUt erful r to a d y. 1 ' ' which I dlacoverod by fortunate chance, ha cured many of c and yearr atanoing. among them persons of upward of M years of sge, - No msttsr what your form of rheumatism to, this remedy will an rely curs you. Do not mind If other remedies' havs failed to cur you. nor mind If doctor say yow are Incur able. Mind no one, bnt write me nt once, and by return mail you will re- oelve. the box, also tha most elaborately iliustrateq door ever gotten up on the subject of rheumatism, absolutely free. It win ten you all a pout your oaae. Ton set this remedy and wottderful book at the eame aime, both free, so let me near from yon nt one. JOHN A. SMITH 0X4TeVS Win ttVM BBS ew-TBAJe- ou MOTBJUe o JaxXi ?irme tar SAJrxrr nwsaojs rnnaa was. BasJUM aWOBT. aiiiiua eAjurrara BgaisiBSdsrT OOVSITt OTisTBe -mOt STIT ZS XB ."tV. - . : . . - 4 Free! . . a aaw neformttr of ths touts ,U,-M,,,""M '"" . t '" mmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtfmmmmmmt' i TV T TI7 i . ; ivontvvan Until the cold 4o buy s ' But come in now you - the proper wear.; We have kinds of prices. 1 WE , ARE i ? t, . 'Winter; Underwear : ; FflB m--'A' Dr. Jaeger's Health Wool Oar ments 'and - Dr. Deimel'i Cele brated Linen Mesh Underwear, also the ."Vassar Combination Garment, perfect in fit , ' 'vK. BUFFUM Clothiers, 811 Morrison 8t if !or tk fall .ft."!-. Es eovor slot of stains snd dirt anally. ' Wo can aid yon wttti wsry little. terUoa la ronovsttng a room from every bad ooudiUoa t bjog.Uk now. Irk It. 1 : . . . Fisher; hbrseii & Co ; - . ' mrmmtrmatm leA isyfo sstt siaisi.: ;, ; wesseeeeeeeee)eeeeeeeeieeeeeeMeaeeeeeee Hk M MMM i It's a Clbtlilhg Fuin, "2 mmjB I To Public School Pupils I $10 to First Correct Answer lUceiveri: to Second Correct Answer Received; end $2 Each to the Next Five Correct EXPLANATION7! a t A Portland Arm that haa been established for sight years In tfito' etty, but haa Jievet advertised, located between Salmon and Washing ton, front and Fifth, carrying a 13 5,000 stock, haa decided to Inaugurals s great cut price saie aavertising uig, tion la, w no is ii r uuess aa many i man y d public ed with Only open to pupils or Portland September is. no one connect f t'.im contest, t'ee the sttached coupon and mail or take to The Joarnai. w T addresalng to Ad. Snassliis Oowsest. - ; , t. e ... ............... ;..., , . : ' MCiTIB , f , . ; . ' , ' ; ... . ASTB eOSTBVOTS . t - . , . I. A WMOM JOUTJiAL VAr IT ' w snap is upon you - k- and let us show tiling for fall all tinds at all ;;:" '!'-.y-'- AGENTS & PENDLETON i Hsttera, Pwnhhera, Opp. Postofftce rata set ta yon want . paints J t . . " "i ',1-V 1 v ' SMMMMte But Who Is It? eV cm or about October I. . The que times as you can ret a coupon, school Contest oloeM and decided any newspaper ta eligible to enter T spapei 11 or , OmnASTD, . (Name of firm.) . , ' 1 y 'h (Street nuabor.) " ;., a 4l. ...... i. ... (KinS of bnslnoss.) . r..;;.............-...;..,.'.i -,, x -.(Tour . Vstrswt'nVmber.)'' (school.) (Time reoeived.) eeee ADS PAY E2ST V f. .n't '4 t . ' t: -