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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
ar ' ' ' -to. rrrz 'Czzoox .paixy: jouxnau, 'pctland, Thursday avKWiHft beptembek ta. 1901 01 T I MOTION ' OITT SOT I0U. Q'ft VP TlOlaV ' affxTRTBa, OfTT ATO FltlBB. PPT VOTlOanV t t 4 - BAH Box SB TtnTBaSm TT 'taonm ourauos uuumN A nu - eui TO OBTLAVS R. fBXXa AiHr -. BOAS OOATJAJfT. A. ..u. .Hne M Pnrtland and . "fiku Ballroad Canipaay, 1W Wtcewioci and InIm, tbs rUbt to construct, acquire, owa, ; e.ii,lp maintain, run opera ts u4 w rtllM ' Ud notas and overbad wU and andnrfeound eoaddlta andwlree. able and Bond starts to . the City ef Pwiiwd, Oregon. , T Tba Sty of Portland don ordat as feSowSt tuti i na tkiM he and herctor ta . granted, aebtect t tU terms, ratrtcttemiend ' prortelea Ib Ihui rdirianes conialned, to rort--. bad and It. John Railroad Company, f . a, . tin. nv laHwtawated and exlsilaa law 2nd he Virtus et ta laws ef U BUto af ' -Ahum IM nrtACtaal ofnre and DlSCO . k.dHM IK nil af Pwtlanfl. IB IH CaOBtr of Multsoauh. la aid atate, and Ha. MeetNon and wIM, tha fraockhte. right ad prfvtlege to l7 down, re-tor. wutotruct, re -construct. atabUali. uvrchsna, . seatrs. tosss. : repair, maintain, equip. Bare, Bold, own, use, enjoy, ma and operate Boee of ralOean sad. a ayetem of nllraJ. cither stogie break or ' an to the other, with eoovealsnt enitcba, eld track, turnoote. torn-tobles, craaa everg, eurva . aad oonnerttoa Bad to ran aad Operate " aura , tharsoe, ta. ova. through, aieeg r, - through, along. Ituttnoaah. In the ' upon aud aeroa nw t atreeta a&d hlnhwsya tVwtlarM 1 the ftnnnle af ".' Aiat iC.n an-aftf Hun Wlllla boa la vard fro ib Eodioott street to Hodge atreet aad apen Hodge street from Willis boalceard to ErtaMtaa atraat and apn Prlnrato atraot Itoat oda atrial to tka artawta- boundary o i paid Cltr of Portland: ato acroaa roniaaa aoaia. Vard, HaryUad mm, U a)l- through Block aapioarad an (lTto &od llorntea addV Uoa to Kaat Porttaad. Pattoa BTraac, Brrant atraat. Den r or avaasa, tba altera thraucta btacka tQBsbarad (oar ( and fla 1$) u rfrat KWfl f trla addtttoa ta Albtna. Lasc-aatar atraat - Mto atroat. Bntfala atrat tba altera tbraoch btoeka auBbarrd atfbt (). alaa it) aad ta -r fiat ! aaM rirat BUtatrlo addtttoa. Malhoama atrial. Buttoa atrMt. Mppta atrat. DeUwara . , Buaaatt atrrt, Saldwla atroat. Farra (. t itrwt, Tanr it. Ilocaai Lh , aular avaiuaa, Smmtd atroat and Willi bonla Tard, aaoai lino to ba atlactad by It ffla ' klw ta m MHhM(wl dlrcettoB faaa tba . fatora-etloa at a tin whlfb ta a aorthrrlr pro-' w . louatloa of that part of lUirlaad Ttona Mn ,. Of tba aorth Una C Wortb Albina wlU Port laad Toabward. to potat ta WlUla boalmrd at or near Hamlin afroat; and to aaanoct to fotbay at Btraot IntoraafUoaa. sand at 7 Othaff ' ftlaoaa apoa lta wi rlbta of war1 or proparty, V hf ooarantant rarraa, awltebaa. torwmta, alda traaka and atanaettoaa. any fl all of tba Una f railroad ta ihla aartloa B4tk4, aa aa to aMTaolontlr aporato tba aaa a dna tattra . , arataai af raltroada and roa eara froaf aar Una af track to any attar Uaa of track; aad to knnI teaothor at aBraat totoraoMJoaa, aad at any at bat pjacaa sana lu twi aroaortr or rUtbto - af wait b oaawlaet earfaa. awltabaa. aid " trarka, tarWta aad coaaartioaa. tba Uaa of railroad ta tbta ottM aaaattoaad. aad aT ,:' otbar Uaa or llnaa. af ralbraad or railway ta satd Cttr of Portland, aad Mrt car Croaa oaa . la tba otbor; aad to aoaatrart, a-aooatract ;- aula tain, aaa and aairata coBTaJat atda- Kaka, awl baa. earraa and taraoata froai lta aa af railroad BMlaUtaod andar atborltr - ,af thaj ardtnaaaa, to and apoa lta propartr - and to aad npoa lta otbar rlgbla of way and to ' and lata lta aaopa, araa, atorcboaaM. repoaltor- toa, daaota. atatkma, paraa, tomlaalB aad baf klnal Lnllitln un tunliul minndl. Boe. i laid PortUad aad OtTJobna Baltroad 'Ormpany and lta aoccnaam aad aaaliaa atay oo atalo ar.d dtoboI eara orar- and aoait tba rall- oada awationad la paction oaa (1) af tMa ordl Maaa, by bmM dr oa orb aad or dndarpranad aWotrloal aowar, atoraaa atttarla. aaatpraaaad air. oabtaf or otbar atochanjral powor. aicapt la only , aad BHda and BMb oaly itoai aoapri aad ataaaj toaoaaouraa. r at any tlma ebanga tba BMUra pa war raa af opfratlaf all or any of a Id eara. BMb aaraaaary aad goaToalaa thanaea 1 traeba, BMOblnorf aad appilantea; wt to tba aatpoaa of oparattacna raltroada and for coa - Wrlu aowar aad akwtrVal nrrrak for lta awn faa. paid Portland aad ft Johrta Bathaad Company, lta aneraaanr tad aaalfaa.-. toay pat Bp. aract, aaaLatala and aaa aotaa aad ororsaad wira aad lay dpwa, eoaatracc lalatala pad - BN aaMtraiM 1IO0I aad oondalta and ador- Brwaad wir aa, ai aa and cabtoa. la. apoa, l and andar aay. and all tar and ahooa isi la of tba abraata and klchwar anatloaad ta a ptoa oaa (U of tbta ordtaaaea. . aW. tv Tba trarka af tb palbwada aaa - nntctbd aador awtbarlty af tbta ardlaanaa aha 11 ba laid aa nearly aa aaay bo aractlcabla la tba . canton af tba atraota and taafc arltb tba dfad" - tLaraof Ctvea by tba City Enateaor, ao aa toj - tctorfar aa ttttt aa apaetlaabU wttb an otbar ' nbllc aaaa of tba atrorta. (a tho eoaatrncttoii . at tba raltroada aatharlaoi bp tbta ardlnaaoa tba autortal aaad and tba workaaanablp tbaaooai hall ba p( awod aad aabetaatlat qaallty of thoto puh and kind, aad tba rail to bo aood aban aa atroY ralla. valaUtif aot teoa tba a 60 '. knanda to tba yard. All eoaatrartloa aad ra oaaatractlBa af tba Una af railroad aatbbr- toad by tbta ardlaaaa aban yromd by tba raavlarty oaaatltatad f tba Oltp of Pnrtlaad tar aaeb pai a. Tho rara narw- kr aald Poottand and t. Joba Railroad Cow. pony apoa tba Moos of rrllMad eaootraetod aadar aotbortty of tba at dtcaawt aball ba of approrrd coaatraetloa far aafoty and ooaaowtiafi aad ovary aoeb aar aball ba aaalppad with a Uaator drop award fonder, or aaaa otbar apafwrod fonb of fandor, apoa tba front ttoraoC for tba rotoettoa and aafVty af tba pablto. Oar aball be rnf apoa tho rait 15 otmtratotad and aialata loot andor aather- of tbfct ardlBaaea ovary day front g ertor; to. to II a'otoek p. at., net Ien freajnen tlr then SS attaatoe apart l ded, .that an own ed to etert before dera ear aball not be roealred Ball naat i for aaore tb aaven o rtoek p. m. Aay VtelaUoa tap M near of thla arovtaion for tb nnnlan, af car aacwnt wbea eauaad by rtota, atrUaa. aeeldant. tho act af God. tain net lea or Jodtatal Interference, or by defective ar ob- etrarted brldg a, aireeta or highway, aball aheat aald Porttaad and 0t John Kallroad Conipaay. lta aneowaora and aaalgaa, apoa oon wlotlon Ihereof la the ainolHpaJ oonrt, to a In 'of aot to oioaed twenty-Ira Aollara ghS) for ' each and avery offanov, aad If metlaued am nay Una of railroad tor aaore than SO dare daring any 90 anaeecattTe darn, tba Oewartl any by or died ao declare Aw felted the tranchlae to oper atd the aortloa of paid railroad a not oper ated, baf tb right of aald railroad eoavaany. It anccaaooni aad partgna, k ksalntata ad aporato their other railroad, aball net ba af fected r taapalred ar forfeited. The provle loaa of thla aectloa leaeirlnr the opera fVa af rare anaU not apply to aldetraehp, ewltcbaa. to rood ta, tntn-tablea, araaa-overp. carve ar Kieettona, or to traeka Into ahope, bama. ptaro aea, ratpontortaa, eepeta. BUfloaa, yarda or : terminal gronnda. at ta traeka aped far taraUaal or atormge pwrpnaoa. at to aa porUaa of any of tb railroad of Oald railroad Satpany lta anrwrapps ar aaalgwa. which or they , ssay perHaMatly dtoeon tlaae the opera tVm of. ' He vtotaHotl of the abovo prbedM pro Hal a or fklhira t aporato car aaaaed by atrlhea, riot, accident, eaaoa See. the act f Sod. Inyanetlon or yadldal Inter reoce. or by dofeotlve or oha traded brldgea, gtreet or klnwaya, aba It render any perttoQ of aaM raltroada ar the franehlee therefor oabject to forfett are, tie eara aball ba raa along any atreet of tb Olty af Portland the ralTroad etaatr-trtod nnder aatborlty oi thto ordinance at a greater rVe af a peed than Si ml lea par hoar aad ao car aball be allowed ta atop or remain rtlll apan aay totoroertlop af atreeto; and anr aondnetor. ate toa man, arlnman ar other employe af paid railroad aetapeny, Ita aaaaaaaora av aaalanat u eharge of aay aaeb ear prhlch may be raa al a . groeter rata . of areed than 9 arilae per bowr atno - aar atreet af the dry . at Partlend. ar ba tepedj op albrwed ta reaaala attll . apan any atreet tatoraartton ta aald city, aball , be denned gallty of a miademeanor and apoa . ronrlrtlaa tbareof before toe mnnlclpal aoart of , tb City of twrtlaad akall be annlenrd by a iaa af aot lota than B nor nwre tbaa (36 for each aad every -offenae. All oar aned apoa toe tinea ' af raltroed atalnUtned ander authority of thla ' rdlaaare for the earrytag aad traaa porta tlon of - nulla, espreaa BtaHer and fretght. aball ba of neat and approved dralen aad comtrncttoa. tn the event that aald railroad company, lta Bar ; ceaeorl or aaalgo, aball dnrtng tba Ufa of thla franchlae abeado any atrelt or port toa of ttreot ' over which the right hi by thla ardtoaae granted to eonetract. wa lutein and onerat rail- roaon, toea aaa id ibbi aaa aaio raiwoan com aeny, lta paeoaaaor aaa aaalgaa. ahalL forth- with anon aar abaadopment. remove Ita trarha aad ether areperty from acb atreet or Bortlon of atreet aa abaadnaed, and on me removal thereof roa tore, repair or rocooatrort that re ' tlna af the atreet wbtoh b the terma of tola - franchia td r I wood en mpanr t reqalred t ' fceen In repair, en that H aheH ba plaeed la " avca eeadlttnn a may be reowtred by the Ctroa- 1L A failure an the put af aald railroad aompaiiy. Ita enceaor and aaalgna, ta comply, -.within reaaenabU time, with aay of the pre .Vtalona or condltloaa of tbla fraacbloa aball aatborl the City f Portland to aWUre by - appro pr la t proceedlnga aa Immedtata for M tare af each fraaehlap. oad, awoa aaeb forfettare ' Maw made, the read or track apan tb atreet Or atreet a forfeited, aaatrncted andor antbor l' fty of tbU prdlntne, thall Itkewla ba for- felted, and, W Mid railroad company, lta ooc .' leaaora and aaalgna. aball fall, Deal act or refoe after SB day' notice given by the Oooodl to , reparr. Improve or ma la ta Id. aa rewntred by tbl ordinance, Ike pert to rm wbtab by thla ordfaanca . -are reqatred ta be r-falrd. Improved or mala- tataed by ald railroad company. Ita feoeeeoora . e aealana. of tho atreet a ever which the rirht M by thla ordtaaaea graeted to rawatrnct, main- tabs and epwrate raiieoaoe, inew reiej nir miuj j at Ma option do aaeb work and the ooat at ma aa aa cert load aad declared by the ell. aball be entered fa the Pocket ol Of tn Coon- of Ctty tieea and w forced la like meaner and with Hba effect aa a general toa apo real or peroneal property of paid raltroed eowpmny. tt Bacceeoora ar aaalgBB. after allnaaency. If aay atreet ' ar nerttoa tbereof ahal ' paid, the porthm of 1 tbl ordlaaBce which in be a band and, a afore- the fraachlee granted by rfclcb eaeere aoch abandoned atraaa ee anrtton of Otroot ohall thereafter ba anU and Void aad aball o forfeited wttboal Bar fwrtbar aevtaa on tb part of the oltp. See. a. Per tb purpnee of latlng down, re pel rloa and reroeetrarftew the railroad rrr anthortaed by tbla rranrhiae, raid Portland and la Jnhaa Italrreed Company, tta parrrmer and amtrns, aball not ehairaet any atreet fnr a ehatraet any atreet fnr a aHataace tbaa the toegth af on Urn or tar a wnget Beater oonitaaon broth at any partod tbaa tw ' toaatba af aar oaa ttaaa. erullam tbat la caaea of bad waatnor, ftrikaa, - - - - tuuitiH ala-a or aafaalta of oarrUra. Btatarlaiotea or eostractora, or la- ytiactloa ar yudldal Ictarfaraaoa. tba proporly ocnatiiutad autboritla of tba cltr aaay tataad au-b ubm at tbeir atoeretioa. . baa. a.MotkJna In tbta ar rirht, prlTllap or fraarblao araot d by tbta or dlaancO ahill ba aaaatraod to arevant tfct aidiilo- Ipal aatborlttaa af tba Olty af porQaod froa vmIu iniUna. aartu Btaakkaa. aiacaaaat latog, nproTlo-. altarln V rf rrbaf any of tho atraoU oiar which tba rallruada aatbcrtaod b7 IkU ardtaaa ar eonatructod or oparatod; bat all aach work ohtU ba dona no a to oaitoa aa llttlo rbatraetloa ar klnaVaac aa toaalblo to tn paaaaaw of ear and the eoerallna f oatd railroad, and tba owner oi aald pall' rorda aball bar tho prtTlUfo of ralalna; or at'linaa U- trarka pa aa a btom aa aim ao poaalbU ofeotructma to tba eperaUoa of aar Virtna; tba arcajroaa oi tba otroot aowerinf, nadlnc, para, pUaklnf raacadaptltiag, lav ILV.'rPt.'naBd'.JrtU- lUtl read Cob pony, lta eacceeMra and aaalma. awaor ar OWBor. of tba railroad tracfca po oat rutted or Btalntalnad andof autborlty af fhla ordlnaara, aball mi la or grade t the oaUbUabad prada an puna, para, repara, reooaoract m ouor wlaa lot or or a or repair, from time to time. whanew dlrectod by tb Council and aoeoaaary to pat lb name late - aa good condition of paramaat and repair aa the adjaeent porttooa of aurb otroet ar a treat a. aad li aaoh manor aa tba at unlet pal aatborlttoa atay dlreet. any pnrMoa of tho afreet ar atreeto alonf and orar whlck the aald railroad- ar eoaatracted aador aathortty of thla ordinance, the whole width of aald railroad bttwraa tba rail and between the traeka, and far a wfdtb of one foot oa tba outaldo at tba aatariaoet ralla. Wbeaerer dar taf or after tba eenatrwctioa of any Una of railroad aatbartaad by thla ordlnanre it la areoaaary to eouatmct any arldpa ar elerated roadway la aay at r eat escapled by aald Una of raiiroao. ana eara onn or lonm w" win ke aood and opropipa ay. aaia una mmu- road. aald Portland A St. iooaa Baltroad d mpanr. Ua aacaaaaor and aoalana. tf tba Hoe of railroad erroe auch brldn or aleratod road way ba a doable track Una. aball amy eoe- foortb of tba coat af the eoaatntrtloB of pacft brldn ar aWrated roadway, ezceptlaa; tba aoperatraetar tberaot (tba aaparatractar betuE endeeetood to be raoaoooad of the atrlnaera, dock ing or ttenrlag. It any. aad anrface paring or tlaakfag). r If roe Una of railroad acroaa aald rldg or at'Tated roadway aball be atagla trek. rkaa aald 'rallroaa oomnanr. lta aad aaalena. akall nar OBa-elehth of the aot of the eoaalractloa of each brldg or aUratad roadway, excepting tba aaparatractar tba roof, and aaid railroad eompaay, lta occoaaora of aa alana, aball a lap pay the whole . coat at aoa atrnctlag that portion af mii on para trwr torn of Bach brTdea ar alavatad roadwar aa M taeWded Drtoi batwaoa the ralla af the track, a&d oho foot aa tba eatalde af aald ralla aad between tba track. If tbaaa he two traeka; provided, tho apace between tho two track front rail to nil akall not ba aanro than aU feet ta width. and thereafter, daring the klateaee of tba rlabU graatod by thla ardtaaace aald railroad or bum ay, lta aacoaaaora and a roe, abalL if. lta Una of ralbraad orar amch bridge or ebmted roadway ba doable track Una, pay one foerth oi me coat C aaaiauiung eaia anape or ebrratod roadway, e-Hwptlng ones aaparatrumre " - .1 mnmt Ml Halntela. lag and repalrlag onch brldg ar ale-rated read war. exeaDtlne aoch attoaratmctttre thereof. U tie Una of railroad oeor the aarno ba atagto track, and akall aleo pay tba wbobj coat of repanag, replaoklag. reprinng ana maiateiaiag tbe aanw aortloa of aaeb aaparatractar af each t ridge or a la rated roadway for which they are required to pay tba wool coat of oooatructtoa, aa above aroviaed. Aad the City of Portland ahan, daring tba btac of the right granted by tbta ordfaaoeo, eoe tbat anch bridge or fie ri ted roadway la kept and antlaUtned la Palta Ua repair and oandJltea lor the aaerattra) over the una af the railroad of the aald railroad orataany, tto puaaaaaara and aaetgaa. aad aboold aid City of Portland (emit any each bridge or elevated roadway to become ao eld. nr or oat of repair tbat It la oaaoltabto ar aaaafa for the operation of aald railroad thereover, then and la tbat raea aald railroad ona-peny. lta eneceaaer and aaalna. aball have the option bat abaU not be obligated ao to do), on n day' nonce la writing Wo uto city ar rwrnaan, m farBer. reaelr ana pet anea anoge ar eie- rated roadwar lake eoltabka cohdttlon for the oawratton of aald rallraada thereover and the aa of te Bene b? toa dm and vVbielea, and If tba una aa raiirea ever awen orioga or oiemoa roadwkr aball bp a doable track, tbroe-foortha of the ooat and at at ao feconatrnetli reMlrrag and patting Into idltton btldge or elevated roadwar. excepting aald aa-pt-ritrurture tbareof aa above defined, or If aald rat wood be a tin tie track Una. avwa-elahthe of tka coat aad eiptaa of aa ppooaatracUng, ariad,aad potting Into good eondltloa aald age r'alaVkree) roadway, axcepttag the aapar Btiaetnra Ineraof. aa a bote defl&ed. and all of the aaat not reoatred to ba bora ay aald raU reed oompjnr. Ita aaeceeaora atov prorldoel af ropooatrertlng, repairing and ffi.l!X1&rn land; and aaid railroad earn pa ay, tto ateaaara and aetlgna. My aednct the aanw from aay money then doe or thereafter to beeoato doe froaa It ar tbeni la tan City of Portlaaa. . If at nan time asr 111 le ma da ar bride ar ekvated roadway constructed by the Cltr at Portland. In any ar tbe atreeta a nan railroad taarka are being maintained and need aadar authorltr af thla ordinance, and any railroad compear, railway aowtpajiy ar other comaaay or pen en ta addition to aald Portland and; St. Johnp n I tread Oomnaay, tta aniaaaaira and aa Mga, baa the right M gonatraet, malnmia aad per at ralbraad traeka or railway traeka or ran cam ever each AIL bridge or elevated roadway or tracks tacatad raareoa, then and In that enae tb portion of the coat of reek ill, brldg or ehmted roadway raawlred by tbta ordlnaaeg ta borne or paid, by oalaT Portland and St. oh no Railroad Oompeay. Ita neceaaepa nod aa algna, aball ba edually dlridod. borne and paid, ahare and ahar alike, between pad by all of tbe railroad rem pa a lea, railway rampant a or neraona tarn bavina tba rtaht to eonetract. mala tot and a pare t railroad ar ralHray track ar ran earn aver onch nu,. anoge or plevaled that ta the roadwar. It la kaeebr daeUred aaa af any tn being nwda the norrJoa of said worn which ft by thto at dt nance reaeh-ed ta be borne andeld by ptK Portland and St. Johaa hUUroed Oompany, Its eeceeeaoea and aaatgna, or by tt and ether oempanlea, a the aae amp ba, shall be eeah aortloa r aectloa of aald III s ta laetaded between vertical Been or nlaaaa attaateT IS feet apart and parallel with the erator Oaa of tho otroot. "if the Haa St ralnwafovar oaeh Ul b i washta traek do. or If the Una af railroad ever pach 111 2r rallraad over aaeb oa. or If the Hna aerttan STaBnTB aa Heal nee or ale nee and parall wlfh tb Doe, pea anon portion ar aa hi Wlodadbatween er oa at mated eta feet aaart and parallel wtfh tb aenter Una of the atreet. If ta aioreealr andeeateod that tf told Pert- land and At, okas ttallroad Oompeay. Ha dhe caiaari ar aarlgva. owner or ewm-ra, of the railroad cooat meted nnder thla ardlnaaae, ohall. rier written aotlea from tbe municipal aotborl ttaa ao to do, falL aagtaet ar rafaas tar so aara ta proraea w wans, pave, rape re. atreet ar otberwla Improve or repair or aula la la good ee edition, a reon tared by tbla ao tloa. the whelp or tap atreeto ahn and an y aartlon af tne street er eerwhlch paid ra lire da el all ha then eeoetrnctod and opera ted, tbe whole wtdta of aald railroad between rails, be tween the traeka and far s wtdth af ana foot cm the eatalde af tald ralla. then andTa tbat event tb City of Portland may. aad M hi hern atitbortaed to amaba aaeb saveawat, reparemeof. retaeetreerlaa, re pair or other tnrprevearaat, a atoreeald. aad the peat aad expense thereof stall become aad ba a rberaw sad Itan nvoo attd railroad and the railroad franchise, ta be e ilsaa, reastrocted anon nroaartr. rights of way tatanging ta ft at then rr ownarahlp to which . was derl warn ar tbetn. tba title ownarahlD to which . was derived from gmraas otter than ordtnaacea, af tho City of Portland, nor shsQ the prorlatcpa of tbta aee- noe appjy to any una ex raiiroaa, ar penton thereof, which aafd Portland and St. Johns tell- road Oompsny, lt eocoeeeore Or aaelrna. May reaae tn operate and abandon after the time when Mid railroad company. Its aureeaeors or tasUM. shall have pemoved It trark tbererrona n1 letlorvd U treat and pavemeat taito good con ditio conforming to the s djotnlng portiooo of the Mreet. ft e taring daw sad wnelractlnn af rail roads, polee, wires, a ader ground ana delta and cables eo net recited nnder aathority of tbta erdlaanc alall be Mbiect to the appro Tel of Ua property eeoatltuted aatborlty of tho rtty of Portland. Aad It Je lierebr provided tost MM Portland and St. iohaa afweaa Company. Ita enrrr. aaore and anatga. ohall ma lata In, M bare In fore reoatred. Ikj portion, hereinbefore apecflled, af tba atraota ever and open whloh reUeeed Irseha are lenalratlad and Operated aeder aatborlty of this ordinance, aa reoatred by the pmpevlv oeeetltated aatborlty of the City of Pert hi ad. and for fallnre ao to ne npon aay part of Mid railroads eieepttaf where conatractal npan Ita own property ar other rlghta af war, the riant hereby graeted to coeatrrrt. maintain and operate aock pert af said rslhwads apra Which each fallare tj made s i? tsfvs S issffi See. K It ohatt be anlawfnl tap any, arramt ar person to obstntct the la ring down, ee oa tract -Inn. mslntenanes er oners tie of the rail roe da. pal, wires, andergioand foedaltn. re hies er roodertera aerat toned ta tbta ordinance, and anr person or persona who aball rtota te the provision of this errtlon aball b deemed iitlty of a misdemeanor, and apan eanvtcti'in hereof before tbe manlrtpal oonrt of the Cltr of rortland. aball be analehsw by a Sn of aot Ires tha Ire notlara (SSI nor mere fhia tweaty Sra dollars ($SB) for each and every effeaeV Per. S. Aay rordntor, BstornMa or ether entetop of or noan the ralleeeds roajali acted nnder attthertty of thla etdlnaace bysfcld Port land aad M. iohaa Kathraad Company, lta awe. iiaaara and aeelgne, or say paeaewger tberena. of any peraoa oa or a boat the mote er tba para talengtng thereto or being operated thereon, who shell hp IsdSMBt, ipprabteaa. pvefan. nrfenalre. abnetve. ar aeecene unnaee. er herwle taanlt, abnaa. maltreat any pmaoagat e Mid r. or any rosdectnr. motormaa. grip- maa ar omNeve ef aald ralMwed eamoasy. Its rwccasenra or aoalgns thereon or annnt the aase ahalt P deemed palltr. of a SltsdeOManer. " ivlctlon therrot before u sawtM the ttry of Portland Vail be pn ad ttpna gnnt eenrt at I a otie- rv a San af.not ihna Ave cMUi nor tear then twenty -dv. dpltass w orieoee. . Boa. 10. Bald Peru d and it. Iohaa Ball road CV'oesr. Its aacieeeor and awtgna, ta ornaldaraLiua af the franchtoe, righm aad prt dirges grsaied ky this ordinance, an aa mmpeDeatlon therefor, la addition to doing the street aad bridge work reealrod by this ordt aaace, and performing the other agreements oa lta sari In tbl ordtaaaop contained, shall ay n? is ov or ruti .uu, aommsacing wti 11th roar of tto ealoteaes a oof its or their eitymeaf of the rtghu, frsnebtae aad prirl legw by tbta ordinance granted, the following named aaaaal aareeata el BMnoy. to-witt Par each of th eleventh. Twelfth, thirteenth. Teer- tcrath and Sfteenih yMra thereof the mm of two hBBdred dollar (30f; for each ef the atttosath. Mveateeatb, clgbtaenth, klneteenth and twaatleth years thereof, the Mm ef throe haodred doUsra (300); aad tar each of tbe twenty-Bret, tweefreooad. twenty-third, tweatr foarth and twenty-If tb year thereof . the wm of Ire hundred dollars (AS0O), aad an otbar ooaiBenMttoa and ao Urease, Ux or charge apoa tb boalnees, oecnpettoa or freechtae of Mid Portland and St. Johns Banroad Ooeupasy, its ea rce ears ay aeelgne, or assessment, street work, hrldgs work or burden hell, dnrtng the esisiaaca m tn ngnt Sr nsnee. he Imp used open, a wired of aald Portland and Company, its aureeaeors or esiatanca m ins ngnt graoica ay taia ami- u aiBceea rvom or ra ted St, Joboa Balaroad BMuma. other than tb abore eperloed luimenta of money and tho street wors ana bnoge won and other xmnga repaired, ef it py this ordiaaaee; bat tbtt pre vialon ahaU not esempt tb property ef tan Mid rallraad oopipaay. Its aaoreeeora er asslgsa, front lawful taXstlun. Bach ef the anneal oar men m of money roo aired py this secttan shall be mad by Mid railroad company, it ee raea acre and sentgos, to the Treasorsj land! en er before the I Tree ore of tne Ctty of Port- sjit aay ar uecemoer of the year for which the same la dee, gad Mid Treaswrer shall taenp bbi receipt rheretsr, which akall be a fall arqalttance to Mid railroad spmpany, tto easeosote and asstgna. for sack Cymertt., Snosld said ratlread eompaay, Its tcessorg 'sr ssalgua, fall af aegleet tar SO dare after tb same reeomea ana and payabl. aad after written nettoe from the Oltr of Port land to pay tbe asms, to oar aar ef aald anneal perineal of compapraUan OMvldod for la tbla aretiOB. me Illy eg the rtaht ta collect Portland shall ah ovirdna payments aamaaar. lta ana- mm mtiroad have a lea apoa tne rsUroed rek and ratK road fraachlo by thla erdtaagw srantaaV far Us payment of the aaam. Sec. 11. Bald Portland and St. Jobag laD read Company, lta auccissora and see Igor, may abaiva aad aollsct from each assssnaar trBTei- Ing open ft railroads, for each trip traveled by aaeb aa'Mngsr ta one general direction apoa tb railroads snootractod ander- anthority of TbU crdlMDCs within tbe Units of tbiClty ef lNrtUnd. a fare of five cents and ne asare: Wkseptlng that far riding ba er tbe ane of eb aorvatloa eara, party aara, faanral Mrs and ether apaaial Oars, aald rnllroad oompsny, Ita BveeesBors or assigns, may coargs sag poucet anch eosmsnaation. rates and fare m tt of they may desire, and said railroad company, ato auc- maeora anfl sastgns. may charge and wUaat mu-k resaonabta compenaattoa a It ar they wan nsaira for aarrxing matter, einesm matter or araaoeorttag mall and taelght, and for proa owe aad freigbl tka ana ad moil ears, ospresa oare. and freigbl See- tg.' Bald Portland aad St. Johns Itathmad Onenaanp. ft saccesaora and asetgna, shsQ sece meoee it, epos traction at the rallreeds ae tborlssd b Seclloa one (1 of thai or died nee to bo eoaatrneted within alx moetba from and after php flaal apnroval of thla ordinance, and shall complete tba cenetracttan thereof and eom mattee tb opersttad of car thereon within two i thereof tor Pallnre of Mid Portland and ohna Railroad Oowoanr. lta aucceeeora and aMtgna, to cuee tract any part of Mid railroad within the time In this aectloa Umltel therefor. shall reader tba rlghta hereby aranted'to eea atrurt, maintain and operate railroad anon all portlona ef atreeta apoa wbtab rallreeds obeli apt have been oeeetrscted within the time limited by -his McUoa, aabtaot ta forfeiture by apYreyriaV Brttan a? the UooarU. bot shall aot reader sabtact to far fetters or forfeit, af fect or Impair the riant of Mid railroad coot-1 paay, Its snccssaora or eeatgna. to rsatauten and opera It rsilresds which shall have been constrncted prior to tbe expiration of tbe time limited ta toW section far the aowotr action of Mid rallreeds. Bhoald tb conatractloa af tb ra I tree da sstnarleed to be ontrncted hp thto ordlaaaas ha delayed by rtota. strikes, anet deem. MMaltUs. defaalta er dtapa af oebtrac tssa, matortalsMS or oarrtara, or by the act of 04, eg y lnjeoction ar Judicial Interfer ence, then and ta any seek com tho time far traction thereof aball ba on tended he yead the period above limited ta thto aectloa fer a prcjog equal to in pan oc tn ncnooa i an ncH del ra an ceanaSt It and sbonld any an dee or ele vated roadway over which any of aald leJh-osds re bp be ooestracted pe or Become oat ex repehr at ta aandltton anflt for tho rannlng of ear ovef n Mate, wen ana is sax buck cess the tun tor the ennatrnctton of the Una ef Kneed whloh will ran ever anch Bridge ar rated roadway apafrbe M tended Wyond tho Ertod limited in tbta arcttos, for a period of no oaaal to tb Um which aball sla pee be tween lhe-eppreal of tbta ordtaanan and the pa Ulna af ewch tatdg or levud MdwarlnU aitsni swBilBb tat ta rnantag ox ears avor tea ai Bee. if. AO rtgbto, frsncbtoss and arfvV toare aveatsd to or satarrad apoa aaM Port land ad St. tahas bllread pompony. lta oae- orssors ar aaalgaa. by tela ardiuanee, snail epn tlene, ovist and remain ta fore antll thd axptrattan of twenty-flva year from and after taw approval af thU ardlnaaoo bp the Uaypr. See. 1. The PscUend and ftlohn Baft- rvwe vwieai rwnmi eoei nwa, mmw- after open the aala. transfer, aasrtjrsg. er lane heleg geade of the Una or Unas a railroad ar of the frsaehlae, rtgbto and arlvUsgea hereby tTaatod aball wltAta aluy dsxs thareeftor file wita tae nnaiur or iaa uir oi rorjuno a eopy of the aned, agree aae at mongagp. Usee or othar wrtttoa Instrument evtaenotog meh sair. transfer ar lease, certified and serosa tn aa correct br the araa lee In person If aa ledi vtdsat or by the presldeqt or eecretsry, if a corporsttoni and evary sale, tranafer, anrt- gaga eg rraeo ot ease rxancrjiM. waaiaar voina tory o7 tovelnatary. ekall be deemed veld andol arrest nnloM tn graaua anau witnta aixtx y after the hm shall have boos mad, flat after tan una aball nave seen maa .Wr: mcb sortton. sec. hull. reed Cocapeny posy snatL within thirty ISO) day approval of taia ordinance, file ta the tan And Iter af tba Ctty of Portland after tne efftaa af Ita written aseebta m af thla ordtnanca aad tba franchiM, riget an pniigea and arivtlegwj by nd reef erred apoa ICS dtnaaM gran tea to ana cenxorros aenigns. aabject to the reatrletioaa sad atoriatan ta tbta ordUense OMitsiasd. . Pallnre of paid Portland . and St. bna Miwand company m accept tsia aroi aco within thirty days from and attar tbe ml approval thereof snail ho doomed and held to be a atacttoa of said Portland and St. Johns Ballroad Oompsny af thla ordinance, sad spou the ex piratic of the time allowed rer the ac eeptaaaa of tbl erdlnaaee, tbe nan aot bar tas bees eceepted. this ordinance ahaU boconti and hi Wholly vwid, toopetsUv and t as fleet, , nee, la. tmi anon rne aapiranoa as tae period for which this fnaahlsa to granted Ua Olty af Portia sd roaarvso tba right at II leettaa and apoa the aaymaat is ere nar ar a sees and cV air vaiaaaan Mamma d aa a hereinafter provided, to anevha r and take over to Ksel. all of aa aa entirety aad take over to Has if, all of that sat Uaa of the plant aad property af said PortUad and St Mas fUllroed Oompsny, it sad tMlgna. which stay ba aitoatad eve and andor tho tracts, a Tenure and public ataceo of tho City of Portland, enumerated fa aaatloa one (!) of tbta ordl amnca. Prwvldsw. however, that be tare the city shall have awtherlty to perch sea or tabs ever a Boh pis at aad property' property' the awes t leu y shell ocoufre or toko ty ska IP first be aup. the city at the regular whether or not tne city snail anch plant rand property ska milled ta the to tor a of the city at the regular election tor city officer anal preceding Um eiptratiea of the period for whteh thto frap ahtot ta araatod, aad Um affirmative votes of at least two-thirds ef Um elector voting at seen election shall be accessary to sal hurl sa tbe acquisition of such plant and property by tbe rtty. in deterlalg the vataaUon of aald Blast aad property to bo purchased and takes over by tan city that enau to eiad there front aar valuation of franchisee ar rights of way derived from tne city eg portlaaa u main tain aud operate oach-plaBt aad property, but there shall be lac bided tn such talaaUen the raise ef all railroad tracfca. Boles, overhead wire, andergronnd conduits, wfroa, psblaa aaa wires, underground conduits, wfroa, 01 ondoctors, paving, brldgea, fills and gad piupeMy wklch aald ralhrsad auni material peer, lu and aesigws, may bare put late, upon. Seats, avenues and pubUe e nrlee ar ealnatlaa ta aa S laces of tne city, aid br the Ctty d by the City el Portland for aald plant aad property teen sa nxea ana neterminod by three arbttMtor, an appelated by. re tore, en tppeiat ay tne ueaaeii at nUj. another appointed by satd railroad tne OUT . anouer api com pa hr. Its aueoeeoora ep keslgne, and the thirl a pointed V the two aa ehaaen, and the decision In writing ef aald tlkree arbltratnra or tostarlty of tbem, made is duplicate and Btgacd hf fbrm, one delivered ta tba hi a rer ef the city ana in etaer to aaia rai treed compear , Ita Mcaeeeer er aMigue, aba) an ne nasi d Mid art Mndtng apoa the per ties, aad said pries and shall ke sold to Mid Poet la ad aad . 14 Portland and at. allread CotopAny, lu awerwaaesa at aa-H algna, be fere Mid railroad SO pa nr. lta sue-1 ar aaatgun. shall ar riant ta mal ta malatala, opera to aad en- ley paid pleat a Ml property, aad upon t be psy- eent i itn for, ekU beonme the property ef the City of K'tlaad by virtaa hereof tad payment tbere , as kforeeaid, and wlrb-ut tta execution of ;n taerrCuiaat ad see rar a ace. Bhoald MM ralbmsd OMnpoay, Its Miruiapra sr BMlgna, aeg leet for a roe seen Me time after tt baa been de termined that lb city H taorta-d ta gnd will parr bee and tabs over oald plant and prop srtv. aad after net ire ta that effect frnto the rliy, ta select aa krhttrater. at tn mm the two arettratore rboeea by the rOeoeetl of the olty and aald railroad aaatpeay. lu ar SMlres, teapectively. neglect tar a r able iiaw after their apnWatment. to Mtovt a third arbitrator, then and In ettber af aald CMM the Judges Of the anpeema uown of tba State ef fbregea aball appslat Ihrea arNtmrora to determlue tbe Drtce er vatastion to be paid tar Mid slant sad proseety, and the derUten ef aaM Uvea wMtraters, or a mstarlty af ay is city to aaia miroea oompany, i set leeaora and a est res. or prior and vetaatlo M datormtned M atacesstd. Mid ptoat and property M valeed. per res ted and as id so rbMra by the Jndge af the Be pre me made ta Writing ta duplleau and de ll -red to the partiet, an aferassld, ahaU be flui ed klndtu nana tke nartlna. If thu cltr shell sleet not to acquire euca ptaat and property, or shall net pwrcbaee tbe mom, aiui too cltr Mall elect to great a new or addi tional frsBchlM ta Hen of ar any satsnslon ml the expiring or expu-ed franchise graatod by thla sviinaace. aad sppI aaa appiMstioa ar ma itltcstloa da by said Portland aad St. uhos Ballroad Oooxaanv, 111 snrrnaeafa or aastma. for such new or ad (Urloeal er ai tended frsecblse, then and la tSht case, aald Port land end St. Johaa Belhroad Coautsny, Ita sncceaeers and seetgaa. shall bare the first and preferential right ta take and r cctre sorb new, additional or extended pen cblse. and If Mid Port land aad St. Joba Seliroad Cvmpauy, lta ancMaeors or assigns, does aot take such aew, sddiiioael ar ax tea ded fran cnlseJrMt tee same to. after Ha elect la aot to take the mm. granted by the ctty to any ether aorperetloa, eeeociatiso or tedlvldaal. then and la thai mm ssid other soryeratiun, ns soclstlon ay IndivldunL taking suck aaw, ad dttienal ar sxteoAed fVaerfciaa. ahaU la addi tion to b the sempaaa city for mcb aew. , sUnwr Oon piay T I or to tka Oty af Per tloa to ba the som seam I loo ta ba said ta lb city ror men aew, , soonieuai or eniannen PortUad and at. jokss suceeeesrs or aapigna, Portland la trnst for Mid Portland son ha. Iohaa Balhwed Oumnear. Ito Mceseeera and amlcoa. at or before the time such aew, addlilosal or ex tended francbtoe take afreet, and be tore aald PortUad and it. Jobim Ballroad Oompsaf, Ita eeecettors to -algna, shall be deprived W the right to aog saes, Bwlotata, opera ta and entay aald plant and areperty, tba fair and equitable value Hon of aU plant and propert? ef said PortUad aud m. Jonne. suiwoan usssnsnr. res enesaaoors and aseigna, whleh the rtty by thto Mellon res tbe lidbt to eurenase and tsM over. Um vataatloa thereof aad the arte ta bo paid at re for to Mid Portland and St. John Ballroad i spaay. Ita oarnaaBsra ar seetgna. ta be fixed aad determined la the aarar aunaar aa ta thla aectloa boots provided for fixing and deternti Ing the price and retastloa of Mid plant and areperty la mss the) Uy aheil jay is aaa Bad take ever the Mate. . Bee. IT. Tne Portland and St. yohss rtofbwnd Oompaar- lta sncceaaera and aMtgna, whenever or wherever otortrto enrroat are ased or em ployed, ta or about the aaa af the franchise by tbla erdl sense area ted, ar tba nroand wn aacted therewith, shall , provide and pat "ta ess each ateen and sppltaneda as win eoorrol and effectually eeetaln aaeb currents in their proper cbaaBSM aa tta ar their wm wtres, track and othoc atructnree. an ag to pre eat tajury to the prep arty, plpoa and tbor atra rores belonging ta the Cits of Porttaad or ta any other parson, firm sr aorporatlon within ssid city, and aball repair ad renew aald avena and apptlaaeM aad from time to time change aad improve the name as stay be aeoes aary to arrompUab Mid purposes, att ft Ito or their charge sad expeeee. aad at Its sr their risk, selecting and secpCtag Mch means and appltaeces as ahaU prevent la tar r to tbe pcopsrly. pipes er otbor rtmrtnres talorjglng to tho City of Portland as ta sa pareea, firm djd fPffHPfti tfajBJ, Bee. IS. Tba estimated total dost of ta works sswrldrd to be reewtructsd ander this ordinance to Blghty Thousand Dollars and the yearly same of rhoner to be expended thereon dsrlDg ennatrwr-tloa. Party Thousand Dollars. leiaann uauaru. The foregoing propose a on Heard by direction of tb poo aa oca of the pen rial oaa af ordlnsnoB m paw- a poo aril af aectti aril and la Pur aecttoa ST Of the rU,eaa ef aa fUle i Partlaad . -r. g DETUrf. Asdltai f tba City af Porttaad, Porttand, Ovewoa, aewt. tl. ISO. nJnUneTXnryT PSOPOSZS POB XMPBOTB- SfaVC O dw TMIMTXQnXX TBSBT. Metice to beaatry gtvew that tb Council f sdrttaad ropi to Msm the the Olty talleorlaa; deerrtaed report y and owser er owners aa being fi-clBlir n aecwBsriy owe died la the afcoolts est epweeite thenamea and deeerlptloma riereof for the tmpfeveeseet of Bast Jatrvtortb atrMt. from the swath line of Hawthorne gveeue ta .the north tins of Dlvtaloa atreet an prorldod by onaUramar tta. 1S.41S. . , Anyobiect1oa ta the appui Itaameut af wat tar Midtmprovement mast bo made ta wrll- 3 to the CoanHI and Sled with the Auditor thla IS days tram the data of the drat naV Ucsthta sf this nortos. and, Jf5W.oa will ho heard and deurataad by ths Council before tho psaaaga of tbs ardJaaaaa sassesiss; a t r a.ld 1 mint SOCTH BtlMMTSlDB-LOCK 1 W t , Wt' fTw? Tnytor, W; 'HI'. . W. Tartar. S1SB.BTI lot S, O. W. Taylor. IM.SS, BLOCK fc tat 1. 0.. W. Taylor. 1TB STi lot S. a. nr. Tsrkw. BlBP.Wli lex a. JLrBft SiMt 1TS.T4 kef twaaa eraa Haa af Waat Thlrtf -fourth atreet and a Una 10O feet west thereof aad parallel , tberewltb and between two lines rseaeouveiy I aa of foot end SB ST fort south of nod aaraUal with b aoutn awe upnsna smeei, felUa C rtaee. B2Z2.TS. Tract 01 moo ir tag krtweea weal Uaa of Bast TWrtj fourth tract aad a Uu 100 feet west tbereof aad naraUel therewtth and between two lines reeDcttvelr tSd.sT feet and SM.ST feet South and parallel with the amtVBa of snefh-aa tanrC aaknowa owner, 1S.4S. . Trsct of bias Ulnc bet tat Thlrta-foawth street .gad a tree 100 feet west thereof aad parallel J herewith and between ' M.ST feet andTdd al fi with the Booth ltan of t twere two IIbm reapectlvelr 'cot south and a par si lei Upbens street. lonsph ataereiL Tract af land Irtaa be tween west line af Baat Thlrty-fewrUi atreet and n Ha 100 feet went thereel. ana psroUel therewith gnd between two Hnre reenecttrely Mfl.r feet sud dM.ST feet south and narallei with tbe apBth line of Stephens street. Joseph W. Bwtl MU Bf, Trsct i Und lying bsrwseB wait Una af Bast Thirty-fourth Street gad Una 100 feat west thereof ana para lie I therewith and between two Hum vesnoctJvslr eA ST toot and SM.ST feet south and para Hal with tb south Una of Stephens ttroetr Daniel W. Beypolda, pm.iS. Tract ef land lying betweea west line of Bast Thtrtr-tourth atreet aad S Um 100 feet west thcraef and parallel tasrewtth and between two lines rrepectiTely A24 (7 feet and TM-tT feet pontb and psrsltal wttb the south tine of Stephen atreet; J. T. Bodwctl. SraVst Trsct ef Is ad tytae; hstwsea wort oe of Bast Thirty fourth street end a Mm 1S feet WHt tbereof and parallel therewith and between two Unas respectively T5S.I7 fret aad l.ole.ST feet aoutn aad parallel ' with tba aouth Haa of Bteftawna atreet. I. 't7woni wfaWt" Una Of Bsst Thirty-fourth atreet and a Una 100 font went thereof and aad between a Una 1.0H T parallel therewith feet aaa lb of and para list with tho sooth 8ne of Stephens atreet g no of Division street. iad hatwaen net ween tne norm no of Division atreet, Peter Van Bensmts pen, fl.T0B.oe. Tract of land lying between Bert Uaa af nest Thlrty-fourn. atreet aad aline 100 feet tost tnereof and parallel therewith and bete aaa tb asatb Ita of Mswtberne aooano sad S Ha 1SS feet swath tbereof and aarallel therewith. Anal . Wva w Kent it, Tract, at mad inat aetwooa Bast tfae ef ;er want Twrty-roartn sxrost aaa OS tart MSt tnereof and eerallel I Um 19 tatoawtta ana Mtweon two Unas respectrveiy 1U fet asd l.STLSS feet Math of aad narallei with tba sooth Una ef Hawthorne trsaue, Jobo Hotmsa. &S1B.S9, A traci of ad lying befireea so si lino of staet Thirty . foartk atreet aad a Use 100 reef MSt tnereof ' and aarallel therewith aad between a 11m l.trXM foot south of and parallel with the South tine of rlawwtaral avenue aad the aorth Una of htawh 4. Park Viae? niiatal, PA bVti Be? BxtendeaLOCK A. tat IS. Carrta hf. West, JIM M; lot It. Carrie W. Weal. ilSS M. 9LOCK IS, tat IS, Cerrle hf. Waet, saDBaS; tat If. Csrrte it. West. Ifc&tl1- 5i CaeT 83 fi tot IS. Oarvte WT Weet. Stit.OS: 1st 11. Jrrta hf West, I let SB, tat 11, ttarrta M. Kmt hH IS. Cacrlg pj. Watt, ATPOBD ITWrsTT ADDmoif BLOCK 1. lot 1. 4. l-eBer, giro. Sit lot S. J. Leat, flSlJti weet feet ef tat weet S root f lot la, PJ. t. Cow lie. haw, 08.00: wopt feet ef tat o, f, Legev. , Wcff. set . uener. IlSS OBt tat J; J. LeSer. t)0.Sr: Weet feet Of tot 14. B. J. Oewltabaw. SASB; weet LUCK X, hit 1. S it DnwnsbaW. nag tot B, T. Armatreaw. ST.St lot S. . Armstrong. Vn N: 1st I, 1 ' Arm treng. fisasd. BLOCK ft. tat t. TTl Armstrenw. fit 4. ST; tot 1 . h Armstrong, ilM SirTeet feet ef Tot 14, 7j. Arm Mreng. ff. 10: west feet of tot f. tTT " Andttaw of thslty sf'rlaBnV, Porttaad, gop, Beptambor IS, 104. ' PrlOPOftAXB POB STtJCR VOstX. " BMlad pre pees Is wlH bo recelvod at the Of. BreftaV Auditor of the City of Portiood the charter and ardlnaneea af lb Oty of Portland and taw oaUmato at tba anl- lj'maeV SS ttrictly ta .sarardhaew' t pel e ted bmaba, waicB win ao rnrnuuee en anollcsttoa at tae ofJta of tba Aadtter at tae City af porttaad. And aU Imworeawat meat ba completed oa ay bffore SO day from the 4a to of the tgtog Of tho aMtoSCt bp irllM "Ne sropoeaki af Men win as iiaalliiid aa. toes acoorepanld to I cert I led check par the to the erdrr of the Hayor ef the ctty of Portland, eertlued by a reeponelbto bank for aa s mount canal to' IS per aaat f tba egr- The rtaht to fajart sap aad s bads SJ TWfJB, B. m,t ' Auditor af the -ity ef Porttaad. tarttaaeV twwjsa, aepteakber IT, lave. r. Tayior, si is as 101 1, u. w. urm, Tui lot 9.0. W. Taylor. lew.dt.Blci. 1 i. 0, W. Taylor.; let", fj. W. a. IITkaf Tract of hind IrUB be- an til rriday, aeptsmoer as, ivua, at a ow ectoea IT to, tar She Improve meet of Bast Alder -1 irsuxxz KTiZSLzi itopobaIa po Brmxrr wobs. A Bated sropoeaki WlU b leeeived at the Of- Bee of She Audltar of the CUP of Portlsad antll BMdnr.-feirtershee 28. ISO, at B OO o'clock P. m., for the lniprovemeat of Hoaro aUeet freea the Wast line of Union, avenue ta the ms line of Oantanbsta avenoa ta the maa aar provided ly ordinance No. 14.1SS, aabject to the provisions of lbs charter and ordluaBcee Sthe City of Portland and tba attlmaU af City Engineer, on Sle. , -Ud must , be strictly ta aocerdasco with ted blanks, whleh Will be fur oi -bed aa application at tho etnee af tba Auditor at tie City ef Portland! And Mid Improvement KM ba ossnpUteA oa ar before SO lays from dale ef the signing at taa aratract by arwhi wffl ba amwUarod m SM8 aoawnpaatod bp S aertMed check psrabte to the order of the Ms rer sf the City of PertUsd. serrtSed by a rMpanathto bank Say an areeunt count to M per aaat af Ua ag- r-ry rVatrv. " i " Tiios, a ' Andrbnr of tbe City Porttaad. Oregon, a-pteraber THUS. O- unvun. Porttaad,! ISO. flOMiU POB STBKXT W0BK. Baa tod will ba eseetved nt the of- taw of tie Auditor Of the Ctty of PortUad smtU Prlday, aeptember IS, lSOd, at M o'clork p. ax. for ths lmprovea-vat of Pre moot street from tho west Use sf Best Eighth street to tba east 'lie nfCnlon arcane in tke naa ner provided bp iwdianneo h. r. nub tact to the provtoloos of ths chsxtar sad ordraoaoM hf the City of Porttaad and the Mil mats of thd Olty Rogtaeer, on Sta. Bide mast be strictly ta eecerdaace wttb printed blsnba. Which wtll be furnished 00 Sapplleatlen at tan ofSe ef the Auditor of the Ctty of Portland. And MM Improvement awt araukted on ar awfor SO days from tbs to of the atgnlnpt af the aoauaet y tae Sarttog tneress. '.rn to tad will be .rent dared M acoomoantad br a certtaed abeeh pay able, t tba order of OPS Mayor of tb City of Porttaad, arrtlawd by respoaetbta bank tar aa ansoust equal ta iw par oeot of the Bg- fiTV rptast sn, sad an tads . ' TBOS. a DSTLtlf. ' ' AndHot of tb Oty of PortUmf, 1 Porttaad, Oregon. Aaptsmber IT. ISO. ITBOISJAXB POB BTBXXT WDSX. -. BMled jproaosaU trtU be roc-trod at the of ire of tie Auditor of the City of PortUad antll Priday. neptrmber PA. 1004. at 8:0ft o' clock P. m. for the tmprovement of Bast Washington atreet from the east Boo of East Thirty-eighth treat to tb wat Ho of East Thirty-ninth street to be manner provided by ordinance Ho. 1CS08. aarbiect to tbe proviatone of the chertor and ardl nance af tbe City of Port land aad tsa axttaMto af tba Qty Bngtaeor, Bid mnet be strictly ta acoordsnce with printed blanks, which will bo tarnished, on application at the efflea of the Auditor af tho City of Portland. And Mid Imprev. meet mat be corn a' ted on er before SO day from tb date of tba slgring at thV eoatrsct by the parUea fhereto. r I, , Ko yrepuMto st pid will ba anaaldirad SntaM aceoapeatad bp s oertlfled check paytbta to be order of the Mayor of ths City of Fort Und. .cartlned by a reepooeible bank for an a moon aanal ta It pas aaat af tb smrnta 'rCAgbt rear r rod. ta retaH aay and aU btda I netwhy By order af Oa oratlvo Board. ' . TWOS. 0. DWTUW. f - . AadltBP of the City of Pertlaed, PyaHland. Qrrgoa, Bsptombor IT, 10. OOMPLXTTOnT AJfB AOOBPTAJfOB OP Int , PBOTXMKsTT OP BTBSXtX llftllli -"-- la laill ate that fjniltom O. - UfU. City Engineer, boa Sled Ja the office I of the anderslgaed BOtlre that Ooorn Bsnsr. contractor for taa I siren lament or earn street ander the areMaiona af erdluewes He. 1S.STT. ban completed aid atreet from the waet Boo of Oantoabeta Iveone la block SS. Albtna. ta the raster Uno ef Borfbwtcfc street feld accepts ace wlU be Mmetdered by the Bxecuttve Beard at o'ereck oa the Sad day of septsanber, ISO, and obtarttaaa to the sc reptsnN of ssid street, ar any part thereof, uy b Bled ta taa ofSe af taa aaewrrJgaad at sap time jwtar thereto. - ;iwlnl BXtalt'TlT. BOARD. , Anal tor af the City af Portland, , PwrfPiM, Orgoat Beptcmber IT, 1S04. t OOhtPLXTIOhT AJfD AOOXPTAJfOB OP Int PBOVKltXsTT OP SXTaWTlJUrrsI BTBXXT. Motloe to hereby alvna tbat WIHtaa 0. Hat. City Bngiaeer, has tied ta the sfnee of the aaneratgnsd nettoe that Star Band Oompsny. eon tract or tor tne improvement ex nev en tresis street, nnder tbe nrovi aloes of ordtnanco No. aid aa ainnUMil aald atrae 1Mb taa aaath ttne ef KaruhaU street to tb center Ilea ef Kortarap street and froa tba center Una of Quimby street ta tba eraser line of BsJetow Said aoeeptsaoa ertH be awjaliarid toy the Buecutlva Board at d O'rloeS on thd BU day of September. 1S04, and eb)ectioas to the er HatiH nt aaid atreet. or aar nart thereof. may be tied ta the often of tta aalinlgo d ht any naw prvw uwreto. , , TUB BXBCIJTTTsI sWABD. lta TaOfl. C. DBVLIK. Aadrtor- of the dtp of Portland, parttaam, Oregon. Beptambor IT. ISO. COhtPLBTlOV AXD AOOZPTABOB OA Iht- pmoTsfjurt or watxb ajjtb boos Motico to hereby ylvea that Wiriiam f3. BV ttott. City Bngtasor. haa Sled ta the office of the andecntgned noUc that ieayth A Howard Compear, contractor for the ttoproveaeat of Water aad Hood strata, nnder tne pre Halo a of etdlaenos Ba. IS, ITT. haa eorsptotod said atreet from the center Hoe ef Market attest h tbe ess tar uno or Montgomery aueet. Bald Sceeptsnee wlU be 00 sm dared try faa Bieeutive ftaard at 4 cetocfc aa the BM day af September. 1S04, aad ebjeetloaa to tbe ac ceptance of mM atreet. er any part thereof, may be sled ta the cfnee Cta aadsrstaaid as sap dm prior rnerero. TBB BXm-rTTTB BWABD. . . ' By THOS, a DBTLIH. " Aadtww of the CTty of TVu-ttand. Porttxad. Oregon, September TT, ISO. OOKPLATT0B gJTD AOOZPTAsTOS OP AV CALAIS OT nJfWBBt Of sUMTLTOV AT. 1 kwd AbTD TTaTBel fffBSXTSV Hottaa la berebw given that WTfnaSl C Blttatt, Olty Eagiaeer. kss filed ta the effleo af tba anastwignec nonce mat aiaer m Blner. oaritractor for the oeoatruction of a rbala f sewers ta Hamilton avenue aad Other Steer ts, oner me uroeiaione ee era hw nee ne. is. ear. hsvs eapleted aid chat a of aewers toHamlltoo avenno and etbot aUMW ta the WUtnawtta rlrer. Satd aorepranee wtB ne asatdafad wr tho xewurrre SWrd at 4 a'etock on tho tad day ef Septemjsr, ISM, aaa oojrctMmi w the se- oeptaaM oc Mia swwer, er aar pan rneroor. may bo sieg ia me otnee af tan andw at sap ttrsojwW tberjte. By THOS3. 0. DRTLilf, -And) top af tba City af Porttaad, rwrttand. Oregoa, September IT, ISO. 00smvTIOhT AV9 AAKTBTTABOB OP BXWZB XK OOOX ATKhTtnl AJfB STIOB ATXxTtTE. Mettao ta berefcy giren tbot William C. BlUott, City Engtaoa, baa filed ta tbe office at the anderslgned, notice that 1. B. SUmmona. contractor for the cooarructlou of a sewer la Cook avena and Cntoa avenue, ander tbe are rlaloas cf ardtnaace Mo. 14,044. few completed said sewer from tb south line of Klickitat street .to a point la Cook a reuse; thence west Con avenue to a esaanrooa wita ua srwar Oautaubein avenue. Bald acceptance will ba taaelasriB hp the secutlve Board at aa'etack on ths XSd dor af Srrtecaber. 1S04, and bbtacttaa tB the ae- cepuncs oi aaia sewer or any pan rnereoi. mar ba Sled la tbe ofacc of Ust radsrstaned at aaf Ua prior thereto.' .TUB BXhVTTITB BOABD, v , mr thos. uivliv, ' Aadtter of the ctty of PortlaaaV Porttaad. Oregon. Setitamher TT. IBM. OOhTPLETIOK ABD AOCXPTAJIOB 0T IV- PkOTSJaKBT T BAAT TWAXTTW. ST. Mottoe to ferccwr nlvea that Wlltlaau C. Elliott. Cltr Rnataeer. he filed tn the efftoo at Um Undersigned, notice that Smyth a Bo war 4 On, cewtractar rnr the toxprtivemBt of Bast Tnvlttb atreet. ander the preTUIoas ef adj- nenre Ne, 1 PTP. ass oompietcd Mid street, rvtina the sooth Han of Powell BWeat to the anter line ef Cols street, Bald Bceeptsnce wlH be PsnstasrsS by the Exeeuilv Beard at a o emcg on taa ana day cf September, 1S04, aad object I one to the ar ee(iid if MM treat, a any part thereof. amy be Bled to tne oraea at taa aadm al any. Um prior thereto. rTJ' THB BXta I-TTTbI board ay Tilths, o, uari.iir. ' Awdttor of tba City of Portland, Pert In ad, Oreaea, Bepumbar IT, ISO. OOnTPLB-rTOV ArTft AfXTEPTAKCt 0T Df. pBOTAoirT op BOBTjmoat rrun. Nettoe ta bereby given that WHUaa C. Kltlott. fltf SnrlaSeV. has Hied hi ths office ef the uederatgned. nottce rnat kflller a Bauer. aoaliBiitora for the tmprovewent el Berth wt eh atreet, andor tbe pro ketone of cdtaance e. IS. BBS, have completed aaut atreet, from the earth lie ef Rneeelt street ta tbe center Ba ef aeOemod atreet. Bald eevepteare win Be loaaiatog or tho area tire pjnexa at cmca oa ine gsa 01 of Sept am tor. loo, aad objections to te 1 eeednwee ef aa atreet. a any part tf y a ams in in ernes m to aaaarata. gl aaf time pre thereto; . TUB eari 1 Tin piuan. By TrfOf. a P"i Audi Ws of the City of rwtaaad; Ptortatua, Oregon, awptomber JT. 104. WOPrnjev AaWehlAhrr POB ' WrtOTB aTBBT OP XAArt STvnUITXJUiTm ATBBXT. Bottao ta hereby gtven that the Onauotl sf tbe Ctty af Portland prapsrea W searea the follow log described property and, owner to ounars a be tug specially and peculiarly Woe Sted ta the anwusta wrt opposite tbe names and decvrlptioM thereof for tbs Improvement of Kut aevenusnth aueet tram the aouth lta of kslmost atreet to the north Has of Bast TarWj atreet, ag nspvtard by ardluaa B' , Any sbJdVttoa ta the apassttanamat of cat for mid Improvsmsnt But be made Ta writing to tba Council and Sled wttb the Audita wlthla IS dare fronv tbe date of tbe Brat publication ef thla notice, sad Mid- ewjeettoea win be hard and determined by the Council before the pse Mge si the wains ens aae aa lag ths cat af Mid Improvement. rTWAW-l4 L Jena Dathto, BSArt! tat X John Dutfcle, BS4-TS. A tract of land lying between the soot Una of Bust AeventMRth afreet and a lta 100 feet seat thereof and parallel therewith aad between Ko lines res pert I rely SS.A fwt and 13.9 rt south of and parallel With anutb tine af Belmont street, Hancey P. Salle. fltS-OS. - Tract ef Una lying between tne Mt 11m of . Best Be? en teen tb atreet sod a Uno 100 feet esri thereof and narallsl. therewith sad be tween twg ltnea reaper tlrelr 1S6.S feet sad IMS reef aonth of and aarallel with soutb Hue of Beluaoat stroet. Orscls B. Imboff. llec.Bd. A trsct et load lying between tbe eat lias of East Beveatrentb street and a 11m IM feet Mt thereof and parallel therewith and between a Uno 1SAJ fret aonth of aad Brallel with aonth Hue of Belmont street asd s aorth H ne of block A Pa sake, and Its extenatoa easterly In, 1 prose at course, un known owner. SiS.Oa. Trsct of land lying , between two heee respectively SS SS feet and SU0 feet east of aad parallel with the et Ine of Baat Bcvetitecath street and betweea 4ttne IMS feet Booth ef and parallel with the aonth Hue of Betmoat street and the aorta Uds af Bart Taylor atreet, htsry Pal lows. SS.SS. , DAXRKsVBLOCX t. let 1. B. T, PelVrsoa. Sltl.dd; lot I, . .P. Peterson. S1S0.M; tot S. t. P. Deaefce. SIS0.SS: let 4. I. Wr Danrke. Cf-; tat S. 7. P. Dsaek. P4S.BS. Tract of nd lying between cut Una Kaat Seventeenth atreet and one flp S8 feet eat thereof and parallel there with and between tb north tin of Bsst Taylor atreet and a tins M B fat north thereof gad parallel therewith, t. Bnu- Stsoa, A4S.4B, Trsct of toad lying between e wmI Tin Of Baat rtevcatcenth treet, a w SS fret west tbereof and parallel ther- With and betweea tho south Una of Belmont Street and line W0 feet south thereof and parallel therewith . Hawthorne Aetata, fM4.SS. Tract' of land lying betweea ,two lines re spectively BO feet and -100 feet weet of and parallel wlBs the weet Uds of Baat Revet teeuth street and aonth line of Belmont mreet nd a IIM 100 feet south thereof aad parallel therewith, ' A mod $. , Xing, 1S SS. Treat -of land tying betweea the wat Bee af Bast jBrveeteeaih atreet and B line ISO feet west thereof and parallel there with and, betweea two Una reaprcUvcly 100 fret and IBS S-S feat south of Bad snraftal wttb the south ttne of Bslmeut street. L. P. Uearord. flSI.od. Tract of land lying between tba went Una af East Seventeenth atreet aad a line 10 fret west tnereof and aarallel therewith and between a line IBS 34 feet Math of and parallel with the math 8m af Bclsaont street and between the north or et block J. rtanahsTA. 9- Starr. SS0.4S. DAVtKB BLOCK 1. tat Tf. J. T. Huoeke. SlSVTT; let A J. P. rmaehw. BISAIB: tat A f P. Itoaoan, fchLPS; let i 1. P. Jtoaefc. ioo.08: lot A J. P. Dan-be. S4S.S1. Tract ef land tying between the west line of East Beveateeath Mreet and a lino 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith aad hat the north line of East Tartar atreet and a Una SB.T feet north thereof and parallel Jeha tbcrtoon. A4I.T4, tUaL Af,- TTtOB. 0. IfBTLIK. " Aodlter of tbe Oty of Porttaad. Oregoa, September It, fSOa. ' PwrttanA, OOhTPLITTOK AJftl AOOXPTAJI0K OP XV PBOTaaKJfT 0T tTAJTTOB WTVOt. H ottos Vx hereby given that William 0. Kltlott. Cttr Bnilnear, hen filed ta the office of tb underutrned, aottae that Oieotoeh A Joptta. aoetrnetora for the Improvement of BtsatoB "treet. under the pro virions ef ordinance Mo. 1B.S1S, have) completed aald Street, from the weet Hne of t'nloei Brawns to tta CM tor Rao af Rodney avenue. Bald eoceotance wlU aatamrsd) by tne on tbe ltd dsr Bxaeutlrs Board at 4 O'clock or fvptemser. itof. and ebJeetiona to ths a erptanrn of aid street, a any part tbereo may ba tied In tho efsee of Um aataaalgai andsSBlaOaai at aae tlaaa nrlne t'.ierelA. TUB EXECmTB BOARD. r y THOU. JC. PBVLIK. . Aoanor of the City of Porttaad Portland, Oreron. Reotrmner IT. ISrM. V CVJf Double-Track ' wUflwKJ BwlBBBJl tml Missouri River 'V ';1', onTw tfte Chefim-PortuarfJ Sprxisl, tret miid Invttrinaiei train Im that mrwlaL Prawng-rooni slaernt cars, dinifig car, tan stnoldrig rim library car iDaroer Boa drtal iess auui kasw dayt rortisnd to Chrcsja Two ThroughTrafns (O I.MC rogoa htcagol Par alera .ttaahlneVna Dullr aacaraloBB In Puflmab tenrtat Jeepl ng cart (rom Portland tbronga to Ckksgo witboat change. R. W. BTTCM1R. a. a. lAlttl. . n Hafhat Mreet, ' rm Third SWeei, Baa PnAMcmco, cas.i roarbaxra, oaa. IBB TniTd 9 toh, TrarsdBontlntanfdsl eta. JZr Trdhlrtds Oal.y ' aaV PAST TIME TO 8POKAKF. ST. FAUU DULITTH, MINNEAPOLIB, CH1CAOO AttB , Alele POINTS EAST. Daylight trta thrmig;h tha Cajsrade and Rocky aaounthlns. For full pnrtlo ulara, rntaa, ioUara, ato.,' eall oai Of ad drwas . aSlUAVBvaT, Orty Ylalsoa. agTu, . Astoria & Columbia River Raitroad Co. rXTOR OR POT. Arrtras. B-flfiS, Sh, Marwora. Bel Daily. Clsmhaata. Watsrt. U;Ja SB. Cllftnu, Astorta. War rentoo. Piavel. ttsa mood. Port Rter-ns. Oeerbert Park. Sesalde Aslerta dally. -it.s B;dSB Ba. Asteeta Bxpraa. J. C. tt BM P. A.. A" estate! Agent, n4 a Chicago ago are opera tea paiiv vm in K. It i Nar. Co., U P. R R and B North-W catena ttj. Chicago limn A and mania In (Vaena ana i X. fl . -e a . V 0j lOaLCTlj ako Union Pacihc 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Tbroorh Pullman stsnaard tad taartat etaew- taa cars dellv to Omaha. Chicane. Bnshsns: tourist stoepinn Mrs dally to X a sens Cltj ; tkrougn Itillmaa ton rial areeoing rare tpecsou allr snndnctadl weehlr to Ctaceao. BeeltaAasT chahr eara leasts ties) ta the Best dolly. UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrives, CHICAflO PO RTLAK 0 BI'BCIAX. Par the East via Baat tagtoa. : s;is. BBS, Dally. Dally,. RPOKANB BXTBR. Pa Raatcra Waablng tua. Walls Walla. Law 4:1 n. I ita a. Ik. iasm. Ooenr d A lens Daily. , Datljr. - and OreaJj rMrtbrrp ATLANTIC EXPRBHL Por Us East via Baat-1 I1SB. SJ. taarton. Dally. 0CEAK AjnTRfrXB BCKTTJLB POB BAN PRAltCfSCO; B B. Oec Wt Ebtate. Prom AtnswortB Opt. B, IS, An, Dock. SMB. to. . B. Oolum S:0OpH opt. 8, IS, SS. ' ' . ' ' - Celambta lrrar iHvtalni. POR ASTORIA and wu pnlnta, coacecttnaT with atmr. for Uwaco and North Beach, str. Hss- S nop. pn. Dully. Ahoar '' ' ex. Banner ISB. ! Saturday ac-aaaamn Mta, Ask -at. dock. loon m. Tsmhiintlvw Bee to. POR DAYTON. Oregon Olty aad Tamhtrt RUcr Tn a. a. -an a. aa. Clnfs, stvs. Roth ai ihIoc. Asb-st. dock. IWsta nermlftlnn.1 Crlly. ex. Spa Say Iftally. ex. ba Brvsr Beuta. 1 I pvR LinuiTitit, ids., s efts. ax. and way aolBta from Daily. Rlparta. Wash., etnm. oa.lrnt. ' Abent BAD Bv SB. Datta. x. Prlday. w wawiaton. TICKET OPFTcB. Tbtrd and Wsahliajwm.Tele - paean htsin T1A 1 P0IH1AND & ASIATIC -"- BTOtUCUin rvfkhgfkxartJ tg S A.hiTBa7Ilir VVJTir All I Par Tnkobama aad Hong Bang. calUap t Kobe, Ksgsaakl and BhangaslT taking freight via conacetlng steiwrt tar AUslta. Port Artha and Vladlvovatok. Pa rates and fall tafbnsatloR eefl as ay sd dfa efncUl r ageato af taa 0. JL A Cm, EAST via. t SOUTH la vox. I UNION frjpT. ' I Artea. OTBRLAND BXPPsVMl trslna, for Salcn, Rxwe S-JSp,ax- men to. Oeden. Ban treo- clsco, Rloekton, Cos An-t gala. Si psan, rw or-H want, aaa we uh. . htaralna train m-' neeta at WoogbureJ dally exra with train -BJBS.SL TrSB., Ana el. Bllrertoa. Brewmrvltto. 0 p r 1 a M Beid. wsaeuiac a si M 1 Alba sr pessen 4:SSp.Bl. sects at Wosdbnrn wl'n 10iss,Sk ML Aneet and Bttva-1 toa toes'. T a. m. IH:f. p.m. nsrveltto paeinaw Sherldsa piiiager--... II -Wt p. to a a. a Deltr. (Dally, exeept standar. Prttaad-Oawg Bnhorbsn nervtoS tM VaSxaW IMIelan. ' Depot Peat ef Jcffernon Btroet. Taoen Portland dsllv foe Osweae T:SS S. Bh.1 It BO, !CnV-l:.' B:S0, S:M, S:S0, 10: IS p. . Dally (except nunday), 5 SO. , S:S9, U. a. a.; :oo, u:so a. ah awaaiy eniy, :wn Betnvataa from Oewenw. arrive rwrttand dnp S:S0 a. u. : 1 M. S:00. 4 Aft. S IB. l:. B OS. 11:10 to. Dally (except Saadayl S:. f:. :B0, 10 m. UrtB a. m. BseeptMeaday, U S p. nr. Suoday only, loay a. aa. learaa rrom am oepoc roe Danes ana rarer mediate oeiota dnllr (exceat Bunder 1 4: SO n. ah Arrive Portland 10 SO p. a. Tha InVoewdeace-hIrumatk Motor Una operatM dally to htoamooth and Atrlto, son- nee ting with Sowtnern Paetar aranpa pifsWlaM far bom Porttaad ta and Asa Pnactoee SS0, berths SB; tola itoi rare SIB, aeeea-eUM neeta BX as, TVfcets to Bstoern Betnta and 1 Ispen, China. Ilnnolala and Aoatralla. flty Ticket Office corner Third and Wsjb tagtoa atreeta. Phew Mala Tlx. C. W. BTINOER. , W. B rtyatAK, City Ticket Agent. . ..4ton. Paa. tgal. TIME CARD TRAINS foi-rrLaAJvo UNION DEPOT. Alt lias. Pto. :. t . : 1 - MB a. sa. Sowed LUBltod for Taooas. Beat tta Olrauta. South Bend! :csvBx. .1' and Ofay' Bnrhee aolars. North rases Limited, for Tacoena. Seattle. Botts. At. Paul, slln- ur a po tlx. rhlcaro. New Tnrh. Braton and palatt Bast aad Southeast, Twin-City Ki prose, fee TaeosBa, Seattle. Spo kane. Helena, St. ram, Ulnneepolta Catenas. New York. Rnston and itiftp, at, " '..'. IRt,a -? -'f f Sta BV It aolBta Bant, BDOtneeaf. Puget Sowed Ksonaa nty -St Louis Spec is L fee TscorAs. Vat tie. Rnoksse. Butto. Btlllngn. Tata a. to. Deurer. Omaha. Kaaeaa Cltr. St. Iwata and all peteeg Bant sad Beaah I ATI tea taa dalta except en Brwtfc keaaeh. A. D. CHaRLToN. . Aartatoaf Osoeral Paseeag'V Ageat, ' gAS atarvhwa at.. est. Third, porttaad, OS. ALie XJLAIN3 VlAW - nV avAJLXIMORli aVQriit) IK R. 1 t