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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1904)
, . . i . .'V- V 1 -j y pop e vfninq; ' y 15.5! Of THE JOLkMAL ) : YE5TE3AT WAS Tonight and . Friday, showars; fresh brtak southerly wliid. VOL. IH. NO., 171 PORTLAND, OREGON THURSDAY1 EVENING, SEPTEMBER 82, 1901. 'J - PRICE FIVE CENTS. REAM! flll rtllT MIL UUI v. , ;. Three Russian Cruisers at Vladivostok Report Their Fitness. ; ; WOULD HARRY THE SEAS Officer Advists Tbif Fleets Seit ' ! Assist Port Arthiir-ReporU , ; ; Show Great Uss f Life - ' - Jo Battle. ; . A i- I (Joeroty Steelel Barflee.) , 1 St htmtatt ; 8C. II. CmpUln Clad at bu rrlTStf' from ' VIadlrotok with a mmffi for tb emr. Hm m- wbloh Tpd from th Iuumm Hoot, r acmia m food rptr and rdy to . Proao aoldlora ar going forward to ; tho far tut at to rate of t.W a day. - This aombar wilt aa tnerad aa aooa ai th lak Baikal dtfnoultlM art aur- laka eomplHad, waloft wUl ha wlthia a W WMU ' dadat aaff tha Ranlana wtll ba on abU to raoaptur Port Arthur la tha avant of Ita fall without harlBf eom pUta mactarr of tha aaa and uraaa th dispatch at onoo af arary aval labia ahtp to tha far , taoludiag tha Black as Thara im a poatfwmy, owtna to th nctrama hlfh eqofldaiic plaoadV In- hla Judamant, thaa hla BunaaUoiM win b to aajr, howavar what aotloa wilt ba j taken aa racarda tha Black aaa float. -Captain Cladat aaya that If tha graaC naval ruah la mada for tha far aaat and word la aoBTajrad to ' tha bateavaarad ' onaa, thay stay auooaad In holdlnc out . until .rsiisvaa u asiiavaa Twom M te0 ha ha WoalTad that tha earrteoa wyt in -may vtwi mm unui ineir num tara ara so dscinaatad that fvrthar Saht imm would ba foUy. r-... A raport was .raaalvad ha- today whloh atatas that slnos Soptambar t.tha Russian oaaualtlas m Port Arthur -feava Baan 24 afinoars kUlad and U woundad, .and ansa klllsd and TSO wouadad. Frty-dra Ruaalan oannoa bava baan rulnod by tha Japanaas ira, - Tha report ooncludas with tha stata msnt that tha- eflloars and sarrlson ara ebsarful and hopaful and may ba da pandad apoa to fleht to aithar a suaoaaa ful flnlah-oT daath bafora fsilora Thara la unquaationably a aantlmont Crowing! faara lit tha oapltal that flaata hould ba ruahad at full apaad to suocor tha Tallant Oaiwral atoasaal. whoaa arlm xasiatancs acalnat apparently hopalaas odds arouaas tha adalratloa of all Rus sians. ' .Oanaral Kuropatkla reports tmdar yas- tarday's data that thara Is so ohansa la tha altuatloB about Mukdaa and adds: ' "Small dataohmanta of tha anamy bava ntarad from Bastapudau toward Raoy- toui IS ordar to panatrata north of Da- tins' Pass. Tha Indications ara that tha anamy la andaavorlna to flank our lafU "Our ' tosaaa at Dal Ins Pass Monday ' wars ona efflear klHod and 10 offioara wounded, thraa man klllsd andr W aaaa wounded. ..' Tha extant of tha RuastaA loss as at Ltao Tana was offlcera kll)ad and 167 oflcara wounded and !. 801 neb killed and U.OU mon wounded." OTaJKA sVfat ha Onmtag Bastts, (harsat sptetal ttrrlea Horns, Bept at. A telet-ram from Toklo says Plaid Marshal Oyama has addressed a proclamation to the army urging a aupreme effort in tha terth aoralnt battle, whloh ha says Is liable to decide tha oampalcn. w - Oyama adda that tha whole atrntsed world is amtchlns' the Japaaeaa army, whose harotam, ha says haa sueoaeded la wlnn Ins; a raneral aympathy 4a the struula asBlast Russia , .rf-.l i ' ' - art Aithat lima e Ba ,( ' itmrmi Batolal Bwrrvra.) - n . Cnefos Sept. IL-A dltpatch from Xal Choa says that the British aollier (Continued an Pace Thraa,') mmtrxmrn oouom nwrxiMWD, sMaflsar CASTS A STAIN ON PANAMA AFFAIR spu: nteeetck e Tee JwU) New York. Sept M. Gabriel Daqoe, the editor of the Panama Star and Her ald, of Ookm. arrived bora yesterday oa tha steamship Advaooe from Colon. Ho waa one of those who helped to brlns about the rerolatloa asalnst Co- IDDIDia MM IB nuini n W v. says WUltam Kale on Crowmell, attorney for tha French Panama oanal company, offered him an ones for hla assistance. "Mr. Cromwell offered me tha prest dsnoy of the republic," Said Duqua. "If I would rales a small foroa af men and declare secesaloa from Colombia. He also aald If Colombia attempted to lastd a force la Panama, the United States government would sand a foroa of troopa to keep the Colombians out. ' ? know the United States government was aware that a revolution was being brought about and that Frasidani Rods a , 1 1 1 1 In School Board Number of children vritbout Clinton Kelly ... Portsmouthf , , .-, , . Atkinson 'if.-, Total Number of children with half Atkinson . .. BrooWyn.,.,V.;..v;,.,v. V; . Total "! .''' v ' i " - 4 .Number of children without instruction, second week ' ' Clinton Kelly.. 143 Atkinson . 'J 468 High ...... . Total ,....;.....;.. U28 Number of children with half Instruction, second week Clinton Kelly ; '850 Brooklyn Atkinson e 84 . . Number of children without instruction, one week; Clinton Kelly .. 393 Portsmouth v. ..Y. . ,826 Ledd "'' .t '' ' '.' ' 710 Atkinson . .;a y. 463 High !.'" , '-rt '. 833 wv.' Total . ' . v.. ?! -.('. s71w. "" Number of children without Clinton Kelly Atkinson Total - Number of children with half instruction, two. weeks . , Atkinson j v "! - . .;: 84 Brooklyn '.' ,-. j ' -. i i ( ' .,J"' ' 8 . Total jj !."' j i.y". i v ... ' 398 : " Loss to taxpayers for teachers' salaries ;.V;y. Perk, loss per day, 878.70; S days. . . .. . . r T .$ 885.50 Atkinson, loss per day, $35.50; 8 days.,... 873.80 Portsmouth, loss per day, $28.10; I days. . .v. . . ..vr. . . 110J0 Cantos Kairylose per day, $44.80; 6 day (ftrst week ' WfOO Clrntonr Kelly, lose per day, $17; 4 days (second week) 68.00 High, kiss per day, $126.60; 4 days. .. .. 506.40 Total loss in salariee..............:.,.$U64.60 Amounts now being paid Atkinson . .i . r. m . . . tr . 11 , I .unTon iwcuy v .ii ,' High Total .... STILL AT' WORK' ION THE: -:r -v a ' III". Hundreds of School Children Must : Remain at : Home Until Buildings Nerar la tha-htstory af inUi 1ty aara the publto sotaqols baea la auoh a as maraltsed ooatfltion as thajr ara at, the present Ulna Hand reds af pupils are without any Instruction at tha end of tha second week of tha aohoal term. and hundreds of others are fatting only half Instruction. Relief for the deplor able condition of affol a Oil seems to be far dtetant. Taxpayers, etttseas, teaohers and pa st Is are becomlna aroused at the con dition of affairs, and explanation ara peine demanded on every aide, what is the eause of the delay la oompletms the school buUdlna-s, la the question. Three weeks ao It was promised, by those harms' control of tha oort at ruction work. that tha buhdlnss would be ready for oooupancy by the epenlns of sohool. but two weeka aner the time for the term to open flre schools ara far from being ready for tha pupils. What makes tha situation; worse is velt had a force ready to go to Panama If the Colombians sent any force. Duque ears the leaders of the "revolt wars offered money ta eatabllah a go eminent so they eould put through tha canal deafer Money was used with a Ur iah hand to carry out tha scheme af tha oansptrston - Colombian offlelsls, generate and even common soldiers were well paid for their sarvtoaa. Not a general received less thaar It, 000.. It waa wholesale bribery backed by the support of tha United States thai robbed Colombia of Panama, Duque asserts. Duque was the bead of the fir depart ment and took aa active pdrt In tha re volt sad so is la a position to know the facts. Ha reiterates that it was money that won Panama's independence and that no sne-kAOWg wher tha money asms rxoav Irresponsibility . v ..." instruction, first woea 803 S26 4S3 710 i' ! i Man ......... ,IO instruction, first week 84 ;?..v..-v-,808 833 instruction, two weeks- - ' 143 453 696' per day teachers who are not -w-tt V -'.- w'- $ 85.50 17.00 126.60 $i7.iflf REPAIRS St' Ak FiiMcd Those ... i tha damp.-ratay weather. If tt mains eold and oloudy tha dlffarant achoolhousss will not ba St for ocen paney bafora tha heating plants ara In- atalled. and It la not known how aooa relief from this sou roe will ooma. sTaaslsg Flaarta Mot Beady. ' The heating plant In the Clinton Kelly school has bean promised by Monday. but from all apy)earanoaa it will not ba completed by that, time. Tha Ugh school beating and ventilating plant will not ba started bafora Monday, and tha high school students bava to loss a whole week'e Instruction for this raa- aoo. The Ladd. school, ft la said U1 not be ready for oooupancy for at least a week from today, and per ha pa not ba fora a week from Monday. While It has bean atated that the Atkinson school ba completed by aaat week,- will heating plant will not ba in operation before tha latter part of -tha week, and this will keep the echool from opening until a week from Monday. Meanwhile, only a portldtt of the pu pil ef the Atkinson acnool are meeting for tbelr work. All the etudente of the hlsti school have been dlambaeed. The pupils of,' the Ladd school have bean meeting In tha portables, where there is a llmtntad amount of room. -At' the Atkinson school over 40 pupils ara with out lnetruetion and -are receiving half Instruction at tha Coach school, while about 1 per cent have received permission to attend other schools. ,: - a a Unas Asa Isle. - -Because of the buildings not being completed, l.?tt pupils wars without any Instruction the first wsak and 41 had to get along with half lnetrucCloa. Dur ing tha aeoond week l.l't puntls. Includ ing those of the High School, were with out tnstruotloa and Ml ware given half lnetruetion. Slnos the . sabools opened M pupils bava - gone without one week's Instruction and have gone without ny Instruction whatever, while 191 are atlll being kept oa half work. - While the schools ara lying idle the teachers' salaries ara being. paid by the city Just as If ths schools ware In sas alon. . Tha total amount of salaries which wtll bo paid to tecRers who have not baen- at work on account of tha oo- (Contmued oa Pas Three.) NEIBUIEDINGS 1 0E1 1 4! MEi i IfOMHIlMRlilTHlSiMILOT rjwfw-,!.',!'-.) 1 m ij-H n . m Him ii j. 9w aw -.BVij-l wi. . lu-vi'tui gaw-4a'i' s -4w"i ; I y . , t I i J- 'II' 'ff J-zr' ii,V'1f".i"-"' sTsaalwr friejrmyam.ssWa NORTHWEST WHEAT Chicdgo' Manipulator 1$ Taking All Wfen tr a fthh.Aftviiir g;0ver.; Maria rIVlcc. t armour has Invaded . ths Portland wheat territory. - -w During the past few dajc a Mr. Hlg gins, representing the big-firm, has been ta - this territory and soma very heavy sales have been reported v Balfour,, outhria A Co. bava sold largs amoaat ta tha great wheat manipu lator, and soma. large sales ara reported by other firms. - Ths principal purchases made by Ar mour have been of the red Ruaskut va riety, but all grades' are 'being- bought at a alight advance over the present market price here. ' ' It is aald that Mr, Hlains Is tends to stay la this territory for some time and will take all tha wheat offered at the present 0 cares Other eastern buyers ara again swarm ing Into this territory sad a great many people are now willing to admit that dollar wheat In Portland Is not so much of aa ira possibility as some have been lsd ta believe, - Mr. Hlgglns leaves for Ban PYanclsoo tonight, but will return In a few days. CHICAGO POLICE BAG GANG OF CRIMINALS ft' - (yasraal gpeeUl BerviM.) Chicago, Sept. 21. Tha confession of John R Smith, onarsaO with the cold blooded murder of Haas - Pstsrsoa, storekeeper, led to tha arrest today af John N. Leonard and Harry Brown as partlcrpanta tn the hoMupv -It la daimed "Jock" Brigss, M ready andsr - arrest. fired the fatal shot. Tha police say they now have a gang of desperate holdups who are responslbls for many of tha recent srlmtnai schsmss la CUoaero . . V tJssrssi Sieul iWtwrJ Prasden, Sett. 31. Kins; Oeerre of Sasoay la Ul with broaahttm. Grave fears ara entertained, swing- - to ths tha-f!" drBnoM " ! aim mm , Huf-nwno uirie hiutwhi! jrrjn .a pa vraa (Jbaraal staelal Barrlaa.) Sterling. Sept. M.t T. B. Cabby died hare today a pauper. - Shortly after his daath attorneys arrived to notify htm that he was ths hair to 1X00.000. , Want journals in ? rcity of seven hills i Albert Ferrate,' an attorney d of thla elty. Is In receipt of a let- a) ter from Antonio Demenloo Possf of Rome, Italy, asking A that 10 copies of The Journal ba - 4 : t o htm. compiled srtth and 10 oopies of d Portland'a progrssstvs paper s were forwarded to ths Ita lias s captUL Possl explained that ha wanted the papers kl order ta A ah Interview with . his brother that appeared In Ita col- 4 amns several weeka ago, Tha brother visited hi Portland while d tourinc tha worlds ; BUYING 'iff. ; . -. .. ' . .:--.; tr :.t. .. .... - fa BIO-COAL BUNRKRB OF THH BOLMB COAL t ICK JOURNAL FUND GOES TO MRS. OLE NELSON Check k Presentd ft Wife wf Police- nai Wbo ttsket Sfs life an. " ' " Captured Baodft Waltoo - -" ' Received from The Journal Publishing company, ths audi of $147. to one hundred forty-seven dollars and fifty osntsy, be Ink amount subscribed to Ths Jour-" nal Nelson relief fund as al ready acknowledged through the columns of the Oregon Delia-' Journal. MRS. O. HBLSON. . . Ona hundred and forty seven dollars and fifty oent was handed to Mrs Ots Nslsoa yesterday evening by The Journal..- It was ths eum collected by this paper for. ths benefit of 'the family ot Patrolman Ole Nelson, who was shot down by-a-hlgbwaymaa on tha night of September 1. The Journal headed the aubacriptlou Hat with A fed donation. When the money was handed to Mrs. Nelson tears eama te-aer eras and for several mlAutes she , was unable ' to speak. . 1 "W thank you so muoh." she aald at last. "We need the money badly, as the expenses of Mr. Nelson now amount to over tlto, besides ths doetors' bUle, and my aueband will sot be able for duty for several weeks yatv "The people have bees' aa good to my husband and to ma aiaos he was shot. and I hardly know how to thank them. 1 want you -to say la -Ths Journal that we ara very grateful So all the friends ho have been so true during this trouble. And I thank Tha Journal from the bottom' of my faear,t for this klnd- Mrs Kelson eould. say no more. But aha - took ths check that waa handed her, and sassd at 1C for eeveral minutes. She had Just returned from the hospital, where she watches by her husband's bedside for many hours every day. The wounded man does not seem satisfied unless she la holding bis hand. Whan told that there waa 1147.10 col lected by Ths Journal on tha "Nelson fund." ths wounded patrolman quickly replied, '"Oh. I oantiot take It; you' sea. It Is Agalnat the rulse of the department for an officer to receive any money out side of his regular salary." But when Informed that ths money was not to ba given him, but ta hla wife, Mr. Nelson smiled and said: "Every ens has been ko kind to me. f want you to say In Tbs Journal that I thank all of my friends for their many kindnesses." At this the . patrolman stopped. Al though he had risked his Ufa in defense of property, had calmly walked up in the face of a murderoue-looking revolver and bad with his sands captured a high wayman. Patrolman Ole Nelson was too deeply touch ad by this kindness to speak mors. About midnight September 1, Nelson naught a robber holding up a Wil lamette Heights street can Charles W. Walton, a ll-yeer-old boy. la under ar- rsst chanted with the crime. Nelson Is at ths Oood Samaritan hospital, where he Is slowly reoovering from tha af fects of his wounds. . . sOOSEBB) BT MOSssaV - - Col villa, Waah., Sept ft, H. C Crounoa, an aged prospector, waa throwu from a horse end kicked Ints Insensibil ity here yesterday. . . His oandUlea is precarious wtba ooaraun uiciibbv Wardnert Ida., Sept II It thai Still committed suicide here by drinking ear bolla scld yesterday. Her parents re side tn Portland. Deapondeney and drinking were the enusea of tha set . ' V - - .. --..-.- .r 3 t if. 4 A V CO. 1. 0. 0. F. TO MEET in nun inn null 111 TUlLAULLfUlA Som'lfi Grind lodge Takes Next erftaf wiy frta WasblotfM r :- r (Jearaal SpeetaJ Sarrlsa.) 1 ' -J San Francisco, Sept. ?X. The sover eign grand lodge of Odd Fellows this morning voted down tbs proposed eosy asltutlonal amend meat providing for ths admission of parsons of tha ago af IS year a, ehangtng- of titles af offlosrs of tha grand lodge, providing- for a repre sentative tnf the-sovereign grand lddge for tbs Rebekaha, changing the term ot repreejeptattve from two to owe year and th aAmJesioV -of Indiana - of miked biood. t- It waa decided unanimously 'to take the next meeting from Washington and give It- to Philadelphia ton account of tha small membership ta Washington. An amendment admitting the California wine manufacturers and dealers Inta ths order waa shelved. Tha fraternal press association elected L. . R. Sbepard of Maxwell. Idaho, president; D. I Bad ley of Boise, Idaho, vice-president, and W. ft leedy. Indlaaapolla. secretary- treasurer. Ths delegates -who accepted tbs invi tation of Bear Admiral McCalla to visit ths Mars .Island navy yard sxpreas themselves' as being- much blessed with the trip and the features of interest pointed out to them, amen which was ths dismantled Russian cruiser Liana. Among other decisions arrived at by the International council of patrlarcha militant la that the cap now worn by the uniformed Odd Fellow a Is to be changed according to thia. decision and a headgear almliar to that worn by- the United States army will be substituted, with tha exception of tha necessary Odd Fellow emblem a A per capita tax of 16 cents has also been' decided upon by the-council for ths purpose of maintain ing at Marengo, ia, tha aeeaquarters of tha ordar. . : m snuav a amzaroa. ' - iJearatl SpMtsl Berries.) -Bristol, Va., Sept, a. -oonfedera ta veterans of southwest Virginia and east Tennessee assembled- la annual reunion hers today. Ths gstherlng was held under the auspices of Ful hereon camp, ef this city, which provided elaborate enter tainment for the veterans and other visitors. ' One of the principal features Of ths program was an address by ex- Oovarnor Robert L. Taylor of Tennei TORTURE FOR r, - (Tesraal Speelal ssrrlea.) ! San Francisco, Sept 11. After' til hours In a straight Jacket Adam Strohl, a convict la Ban Quenttn,. Is paralysed and on tha verge of Insanity, and his condition ta such that the pVlson doctor '1 , 1 ' fears ba may not recover. Ths man was found with morphine tn his posses sion but refused to tell where It came from, so wss thrown Into a dungeon and tha next day waa put Into the Jacket In 1 this torment he wss kept for OT hours. His condition became so pitiful and he was so weak .that pr. Casey, whs stood by, said ta horror: "If you ksVp that man la ths Jacket 10 minutes longer ha Will be a deed man." , - - On whs doctora orders ' Strohl was taken out of the Jacket, hla filthy clothes changed .and he was takea sack to the dungeon. He atlll refused to tell of the morphine and was ordered lo the straight jacket, v t, . - ; 4 Progress Made to Port land This Year ,1s : 5 Amazing. ' SCORES OF BUILDINGS April (taslest Koatk H fir Wbel Half Millloi Dtliirt' Worth of Open- -' tlou Were Commenced Fill ' tusk b Fairly SUrtet- - Building operations thus Csr this ssa soa la Portland haws amounted te a susa , la ths Mighborhood af t.sOO.00. Na leas than l.COO new tmlldings save been -nut up this year. There was a slight -' oaeaatlon during- July and August but renewed activity la now on, and by tha doss of tha year there will have bean 11.060,000 spsnt and 1,000 new buiidtage ' erected In this city during- loot Tha month of heaviest blnnlnga ta I building was April. During that month . building ' operations ato ths amount or -nearly (000,000 ware commenced. May,' and June kept up a dose raes with tbm -record and then, during ths hot months) of July and August there was a lulL With September cams a marked revival, and a large number of buildings, of ail si sea and kindswot taaes. .residences," factories and busiriess'buUdlngs- wars under way. . -. , v - ' "C BwMrt Maaa saufty. - ' - Ths year's . work was. begun by W. D. Fentou, who In January started ths con struction of a 170,000 office building In , Seventh between Stark and Oak streeta. During the season many notable build- . lngs follow ad bis lead, , The number ln dudeai, .. . . v - " A brick warehoua for Xowanbarg Oolng. at Irving and Thirteenth atresia, 4A.0O. ' ; - - ' Columbia theatre, at Washington and Butnside streets. 171.0 00. Jewish ehuroh, ai Clay and Para Streets, 118.000, School building m Sast Tweaty-elghth street 8,000. Industrial school, by OouncU of Jew ; I ah Woman, in First street f.e00. Residence for Alhtn Lewla, aA Park avenue and Lewis street f 10.000. . Oood Samaritan hospital, at Marshall ; and Twenty-third streets, 110,000. S, School bunding for dUtrlct No. 1. la ' Eleventh street HOlOOA. ' V School building for district Mev-. -tsv- Morrla atreet, 110.000, - - A building for, tha Portland Wire A Iron works. - . . Ths Lyrts theatre, at Seventh -and Alder streets, 11,Q0O A hotel, built by Dr. Parker, si Weak Park a ad, Morrison streets, 111,000. A school building In Cor belt street. kii.000. .... - , -. Oregon Furniture factory. In Macadam road, 940.000. . Portland Art association bunding, at Fifth and Taylor, streets, 150,00a. ' Portland Cracker factory, la , East' Third atraet lli,0M. , , A number of other largs buildings ara ta prospect tha builders having taken out permits at the office of the elty engineer, but delayed the be sinning of cons traction for various reasons, A score or mora of apartment houses and flats have been built, ranging la aoak from U.000 ta 120,004, - ,. , . rtrst Ooal la Mow Baakisa. . vWlth ths 'piscina; of a boom on tha high unloadtng tower, the aew ooal bunk- - era of the Holmes Coal A les company, st the foot of Qulmby street wlll ba ' completed. . Next Monday the Brttlsa, bark RuthwelL which has Just arrived.. - here with 1.000 tons of coal from New esatls, N. B. W.. wUl taks a position alongside, being the first vessel to be ' , unlosded at ths new bankers." Ths Brit- ;. lab ahlp Oweenes Is dus to arrive hers ' about October 10 with 4,000 tons ef ooal - from Australia, for the same firm Ths bunkers when completed will bava ' cost a little mora than 135.00. They are 18 feet long. M feet wide and 40 feet tn height from the floor ef tha dock. They ara divided Into 10 pockets 1 on each strie and will hold .000 tons of coat They will be covered with A roof, the. eaves of which will extend oaft over tha dock on each aide. Tha un loading tower atsnds a little ever 10 feet abov the water.- It is fitted with ,, - -i .- (Continued en Page Two.) CONVICT 311 HOURS ' This tlm ho was kept la tbs lortara Implement for .104 hoars and when takea out Was paralysed. Ousrda ha4 to carry him to the elevator. - s Tha ebatlnat prisoner was put in soUtary confinement in a dark 11, bat his Hps wars sealed. For a third tlsae he waa sent to the straight Jacket. Very hot days cams, and to arid to the further horror of the cruelty Btrnhl waa. wrapped In a heavy blanket before bet a triced and twisted. This time he a fared 11 hours He is now in a 0' -geoa sad Is a physical wreck hsi not open his lips. Indeed, it la a" oertaln that the positive deter? for stlence has so welshed upon h a dtatorted mind that he will swrnr utter a word. He refueee to queettetia of say nature wHe f though not connected with tea a smatttB. . ' V V :'--.-: -j. j . ..,TJ- - ......