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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY nVfrBNINQ. SEPTEMBER tl. 164. DAY'S STUNTS IN SPORTDOM SI WASHES SCALP THE BROWNS-M. A. A. C. SQUAD IN HARD TRAININO RACINQ NEWS FROM TMB fiASTBOXINO, BASEBALL AND 5PORTINO. - ... AGSETfi OVER if MILX-IOIVn . A,HCAH -A fOIES REVERSAL Of FORM v "V' ittOAnn, m' vpnmr 'H ibowib m umi ei oobs f '". vma nr . am mom "as . wumiii srv iui M AttlAIHRM imnioit - ' -.- - -II V" ' :. Hew York, Sept Si. if bora racing to not U most uncertain tunc in the world tt mu a dot no with lor and aollUes for tha honor. everybody iu bemoaning the passing of the Brent bona f moralising bMUH Africander, McChes- My, Irish Lad. Waterboy im their j ike. which made tha racing season of itoi Iba most notable la tha history of tha American turf, bad beoeme 'baa wha hara coma Africander and Me Cnasney la tba B rich ton oup preliminary and run ooa of tba swat heart stopping races of tha aaaaon, beating "ob good onaa aa Bugenla Buroh, ba Picket and Major Daina-arflald. And tba bookman) FIGHTERS CARRY ; : NUMEROUS SCARS OS UMT JAY HUGHES PITCHES ' BROWNS TO SLEEP .i os I art ebalkad up 24 to I against African der, tha wlanar. Next thine Watarboy will oome out and ahow that tba talk about bla bains' a haa been la tommy rot. From that raoa tt la safe prop osition that thara wlU ba do mora a 1 money against Africander tbia i Last waaTa racing at Brighton Beach wu sll t 1Kb anaA Tha neclne eetlld hardly have baaa Improved on, and tha rowds wara worthy of tha racing, ror tbla and next week Qmvesend will bold tha oaatar af tha stag Tb announcement that tba braadtag Stud of tba lata William c Whltaay Will ba aold on Ootobar 10 baa ana of tha moat important pieces of tart news af tba waak. . la many raapacu tba aala will ba ana . of tha moat important ever bald, aa tt Include two of tha moat famous alraa , In tba country Meddler, who la at tha band of tha winning atalllon llat for tha pras .t aaaaon, and Hamburgv who alrad tba mat two futurity wianers. AU told thara ara elgtul stallions and M brood mnraa to ba sold. Tha stallions am Maddlar, Bamburc, Yankee, Maator- Uun, Ballyhoo Bay, Btaekatook, Sand ringbam and gUms rears: Tha aaaironb in among tha boat to be, .found in tba entire oountry, both nattvtf asm foreign fared. They wara aelaetad with tha great aat oara by Mr. Whitney, and rapraaant tha moat faahlonabla blood line baakad un br azoallant racing records. LOf all the aeares tha at ad vary fw a wlthont taelng raoarda, whlla tha yrforananaai af thalr produea. In thla and paat aaaaona provo thalr valua aa ntuduuaia. . It la balWvad that Hamhwrg wffl bring ttrnttv aloaa to I10.09a. and Maddlar BMarly aa muoh, whlla tt would not ba aurprtonng If tha total of tha aala did not raaeh prntty alana to half a ml dollara. ! Tha Whltnay "noraatf ara not tba only onaa to ba aold on OMobar U. ydhay Pagat will hold a aala of honaa In ' training on that data, whan tha graataH apart af bis stock will ba put andar tba tiiramar although tba Daat in tb atania will ba retained. On tba aaasa day tha attepu ahaaara that bava baaa'ninning ln tha name -of "Mr. atorey. who la J. D. Fay, Jr., will ba placed on aala- Fay " la prmottoaily n'nawoomer In tha lleld. avtd-tha annoonoamant of bla aala areated noma aurpiiae. Aooordlng to one story, . Thy had Intended to eell out hie hot-eea at hmretoga, but. wan parauaded to ra taia thorn. Immt week oaa of his horses, nTnlgbt af Harlem, won a steeple ehaee ,; after baTlng baaa backed down ' from W to 1 U I to L At tha time tt waa thought ' that Fay waa tha one who , a da tba killing, but It now turns out that the galnere by Knight af Harlem's victory were Jeeae lewlsoha and other big bettors, whlla Fay did not nave a sent on the horse. Fay thought It about time to quit when outsiders should know more about bla horses than ha did niat ' aalt and decided to sell out. ' Sydney Paget, by tba way, to forging - ahead as a winner, and It la lfng adds that be will aooa band tha Ust Ha la pressing dose on the heels of H. & Iurraa and James R. Kesne aa tt Is. During tha Bheenehead Bay meeting Pagat'a horses won a lot of races, many of them being rich stakes. His two-year-old fill 7 Tradition waa tha beat breadwinner, although tha erack three-year-old Hamburg Bella was also a . good eoutrlbttteT. With these two fill lee to tha aaonllent trim that they ara In at presint they -ara very eloee to being the seel ot the two and three, year-old divisions and It la regarded aa almost s a certainty that they will gather In many ' rich stakes before the season la over. Then with Ormonde's Right. Diamond. Quadrille. Woodsaw and several of the , ether shifty youngsters In. tha stable to help them along. It would not ba at all surprising to sea Mr. Paget bead the llat at tha end of tha season.. Trainer Jack Joyner has the horses In excellent ahape, and they are winning tba mar1ty of the races in which they take part. Tba Keens lot seems to have gone off, as tksy have not dona anything of note . tn the last few weeks. At present Dur yea la In the lead by a good margin avar James R. Keens, but should Paget knap on gaining tt will not take aim very long to pass the other two. Beventeea winning two-rear-olfla In ana assasa Is a pretty good record for any stable or any trainer, but Jack ' Joyner haa sent that number to the post ; already this season, and there ara othera In the barn that the sharps aay will earn brackets before Joyner takes his big Stable to Bheepsnead for the winter. There were some 4t or more two-year-oida in tha Paget ban at tha beginning ; of tba aaaaon. They began their winning streak on . tba oisond day at Aqueduct, when Pink Oartor and aL Bellane were returned : wmnera. Bitne that data tha youngsters have baan pars latent and oons latent win ners. Homes Bghert, rterk of tha acales for fhe New California Jockef club, was at Brighton Beach met week tn the In terest of the elob. Ha waa busy work tag up Interest tn tha stake events to ba run at Oakland and Ingleslds the coming winter with horsemen who an nually take a trip to tin coast, and trying to engage tha attention of new pserults. The stakes, of which thara are number of valuable 'onea, wfU close aa October S4. The meeting begins No vember 11 an win ran for almost six . m on tha. Mr. Rgbert Stopped at Chlraga ft bis 1 way east, and from tha Interest shown an tba oomlng meeting by . nornemefi there ha predlcta an umieualfy brilHant aaaaon of tha sport at California tracks the eomtng winter? sral ametcl aervkn.f " Bpebana, Wash., kept 1L Charles Itelllp. tha popular third sucker and Manager of the Indiana, wiy undoaht Pij be with gDOkaaa egaln nest season, has bed offers from other teama, but baa and neaa af thanv w v. . r' Xa former rears, any a decade r go ago. tha puglUat who did sot wear tba badge of bla prof amiss; to tha ahape af a broken noes or aa enlarged finger Joint, or a cauliflower" ear, waa a rar ity. A town was not eoastdered tba proper sort af a fighter aniens bis ooun tonanse bora traces of tba battles be had engaged la, ' Now; however, vary few of tha promi nent fighters i are go gosupteuoualr marked that their calling la recognis able to the aaaval observer. There ara several reasons for thla, one being that boxing has Improved tenfold since the time when John U Bull Ivan. Jack Demp aey, and Jack McAullffa were tha king vino in thalr respective classes. Fugl lists of the present day are admittedly cleverer, quicker, and better blockers than their brethren of years ago. They have aeoonda who know luat what to . do If their charges receive a punch which certain to leave aa impression If It .Is not attended to at onoa. J Tat tt to not always tha cleverest fighter who ana retire from tha ring without soma telltale mark noma of the most adenttfle boxers have quit with bulging earn, tilted -noses, and frowsy Una. Take, for Instance, oeorge inxon. Very few boxera In tha buetnaea oould compere with him Is point of knowledge of tha manly art. - Dixon at one time oeuld boast of never having" reoelvad bloody nose during a scrap. But of lata years, when nls vitality waa sapped by Indifferent living and too much train ing, Dixon -was afflicted with a nauuis ftower ear, which ba will carry to bla arava Dixon has a number of other marks, especially one aver the left eye. to ahow that he bag baaa la. tha ring. But ttfla gear waa only received si rears ago, tn a fight with Frank Brno. Up tn that time tba ex-feather-welgnt champion had been ex changing knocks with the bast af 'em for over tan years. Young Corbett baa no marks from bla many battles, yet ba has figured la soma etlrrtag contests, where ha exchanged Duneh for punch wltn his rivals. HI fane la aa smooth aa a aumtnnry gin a. and bla hands are aa solid aa a aky- scraoer. - Corbett's proboscis to ' as atraight now aa tha day ha waa born. Yet ba admits that he nag - reoeived many a good thump on It - . , Jim Corbett to this gay is aiwaya mistaken for an atkletto clerk or com mercial man. Corbett has a nose that Is very prominent. In a fight tt would anDaar tha vary point of attack. Yet through all the years that Jim baa been In tha ring none of his opponents haa eueeeeded In putting It out of shape or smearing tt over his visage, sa to speak. Corbett has also escaped any malforma tion of tha earn Ha does not- Ipgard thla as pure luck. Ha dechwen that eloee study and practice will keep any pugi list from being unnecessarily am That Corbett la honest In thla assertion may be taken from tha fast that moat of bla defeats wara tha direct results of being ernes hod OB tha body. "Kid" McCoy to another bruiser Who does not carry any traces of his pro fession. The "Kid's" Bene le fret as Intact today aa when he went to school, both of his ears ara normal, and bla lips are in perfect shape. Of course, McCoy has suffered from bad hands. Moot boxera are susceptible to thla Jim Jeffries says that although he has stopped sev eral bard kaoeka on tha bridge of his nose, this member la la aa good working order aa avar. JmTs rtret SUaaft yu, TJntn his last fight with Bob Fltssl Da mons at Baa Fraaolaoo Jaf fries never re oeived a blank aye .la a mill. Jeffries, for a big ma a, 'who to prone to receive a stiff blow oa his face during a battle, carries fewer scars than Bob Bhtslm mona, Tom Sharkey, or Qua Ruhlln. Tbla trio of heavy-weights have paid the penalty of their many engagements. Flu haa bad hands, Ruhlln has a number of wounds oa his cheeks, while Sharkey possesses a battered set of ribs, a "cauli flower" ear, and a none that is much tha worse for wear. Tarry McOovsm, Dave Sullivan, Billy Elmer, "Spike" Sullivan, and Jack O'Brien are conspicuously battle scarred Tha last named fighter's noss Is bent like an Inverted somma, and his face la dotted with soars sad wounds. Yet OBrlea to aa clever aa any middle- wet rht la. the buslnesa.' Elmer, the Sullivan brothers, and Mo- Oovern have under gone operations on their noeas, and have otherwise Buf fered , from physical mutllatlone. Joe Qens, the llgbt-welght champion, and bis predecessor, Frank Brne, ara leas disfigured than any of their rivals, Oana protects bis vleaa-e very adroitly and aa a consequence bla adveraarlea ara hardly able to reach bis face, "Jimmy Brltt thus far baa escaped the marks of his business, but in tha long run la likely to suffer, for na la gatlsflsd te take a blow to deliver one in return. The majority of tha hovers of leaser prominence declare that moat of the marks they bear were received In train ing or in giving boxing Instructions. When giving lessons a professor' takea good caution to duck his head and atop a swing on either oar. Constant punch ing injures the cartilage, and if the member Is not allowed to rest or prompt ly treated. It will become deformed m a ehert time. Good seconds always treat then charges' wounds with ears during and after a fight If an ear la swollen after battle, applications of sold water and witch hasd will do a great deal to reduce the member to Its normal slse and prevent It from de veloping Into the "cauliflower" state. So It la with tha nose. A acre nose should ba treated by a physician. . - . ' jeeveet xeectai servtoa.) ttle. Wash.. Sept II. Tha Port team waa not in tt for a second yesterday after Jay Hughes got bis curves working, but four hits falling to the Browns share. Tha game waa too onesided' to be Interesting. Butler waa knocked off his perch and Hastings soc ossaod him. but tba change waa only easy picking for tha Satellites. Frisk, out of four times up, made a home run, two triples and a atngia, and scored tour rang himself. The score; ... , AEREPail n Haitran, a , f S 4 1 .bier, 2b ilia inkenahlp, f. t. .... f f isk. L tr. 4 4 I 1 l a m Tan Haitran, g. htohlsr. Blank! Frisk. Delehanty, lb. 4 Murphy, lb. t Hall, a a. 4 Wilson. , 4 Hughes, s, 4 TotahJ....:,......17 14 14 IT IS I PORTLAND. AB.R-H.PO. Drannan, a. f. ....... 4 f t Hurley, lb. iff Nedeau. r. t. 4 Weed. lb. 4)1 Beck. lb. 4 11 Clyoea. L f. 4 ) WINNERS. ON THE COUNTRY'S TRACKS! Chicago, Sept II. Harlem results Five and a half furlongs Uaosv jack won; time l:s e-a. Steeplechase, abort coursa John M. Owens won; time S: 4-C. Mile. Cicero ats baa Stroller Ume 1:44 4-4. ' 1 MUa Magiatrata won! time 1:41 I I. " A k.l woa; '' time mm READY fOJ FI2ST SCROAGE -TT" sHKrTBAU BQUAJO 0 STBoara) AirromxA won; time :IT 1-4. Big furlanga Oypaena Stll ft-S, Oaa and an alghth mllea sQreat Xaav srn won; time 1:61 l-a. a, g II n Id 1 Steelman, a... f t f t Butler, p. I f f t f Hastings, p, I 4 4 1 Seattte, Wash, Bast llUaulta af today's races: Pacing, mile and a half daih One A. Won; time l:ll. Running, five-eighths mils Sir Chris-, tosher woni time 1:09 U. Bussing, live and a half furlongs auraoei won; time Running, seven furlongS" Carrn smato won; time l:lTn) Running, atx furlongs . Dortoa wont Ume lilt. Totals ..SI I 411 14 Blankewrhlp ant; bunted third strike. BUNS AMD BITS BY INNINOS.. !-! ! 4 I 4 T 4 I Seattle f I I 1 Hits a.vj J I I I I Portland ...5 f 1 f Hits . M I U- 4 r lUBSAni, t Earned runsSeattle, 4; Portland, Two-base hits Van Haltree, Weed Home run Frisk. Stolen bases Van Haltrea. Mohler. Double plays Hall to Mohler to Murph; weed in wurie; mi haiia on Tftushea. I: oft Has1 inM. 1. Hit bv oltcber Murnhy, b; u..tinMi HnaMei. b Hurh'i. 8 true out-By Hughes. 4; br Hastings, 1 Innings pitched By Butler, I; by Hast ings, Hits Off Butler I; oft Hear ings, 7- Time of game One boor and a minutes. Umpire sfecertny. Xes Angetes ....- 7. "stj f lJ l"5 Jn Tseesm ,...... fl -. t T 111 30 ATT Besttto ."....? .., T 4.. 10 I 1 g J10 Sea rVaaoism i 4 . , h .472 rortUsd v. T JjJ- lent n'iului)llWt Waw Becash Filches aeto Beimped, Baa Pranclsco. Sept IL-eOaklaad fall on Morlay'a new pitcher yesterday and hit him all over the lot Buchanan, who waa on tha slab for tha Oaks, took things eparetlvely easy after third. Score; i . -- - . . Loe Angeles ..40111444a I nakland - . 00lf04ll 14 It Batteries Waterbury and Spies; Buohanaa and Stark. Umpire McDon ald. . .. . , ... .. . A Taooma. Wash., Sept tl. The Tigers bunched their hits on Wheeler, while Thomas, who waa hit aa often aa the former Angel, kept tha bmgoea wan scattered and the Seals wara able to soars but anon. Score ' ' JL H. S. Taooma . , JlflffrS il aVn Vran 04100444 1 IS Ratterlee Thomas and Graham; Wheeler and Leahy, umpire Brown. x Won. Lost Xew York . ?! , U Boston I os Philadelphia. .,....... Chicago . , 7? Cleveland . . .71 St. Louis ft Detroit . . f-'I Washington First . 14 CO fit 77 74 143 r.c .414 .107 .401 .158 .lit .422 .421 -111 At St. Seaia, no: (Jeuraai neeeUl servtoa. 1 ' -;' ' San Francisco, Sept 11. Unless a change of aentlment occurs In the near future, tha Gene-Walcott flght ertll b tha last fletle exhibition to be pulled off tn San Francisco In some ttftio. The Jeffrtos-Mnnroa fiasco has stagnated the local sports to such an extent that they have Joined fornee with the element that hue aiwaya opposed fistic exhibitions. DLOOD am amena am eaanw TaSkdSf SB earn gnu, gstetav to nw wem esMsae ea err, yet tbe awlM WHkn yon KWOW WHAT TO DO, Hear bars pua les. as-ts s tbe wis. Tarra, im en I feanw Send te Dk nsnw IpbJs. PesB.. fav lR(i'j biood CTki. $afc Mr fcsttW; tern aai it to nixkop poianit rm Area t., Pslto'VI; X.H.1. St Louis . .................... 1 4 I Clevrlsnd . . .................. t T 1 Batterlea -HoweU and Sugdem; Vkn.M ,nii ntiaiow. Second game Tft. H. B St Louis . I J Batteries Slever and, Kahos; Moore, Donahue and Ostdlck. , . I . ; svt-waahiatom. ' ' First game B. H- B. Washlngton . .'.....1 4 4 New York vw.'J! Ji 1 Batterlea Jecobson and lUttredge; Orlh, Chesbro and MaOulra, Second gsmo R. H. B. Washington t .,.. n - -1 I New York ;.l I 1 Batteries Hughee and Clark; Chssbro and MoOuira ''';" ..,: .-; r.'aaa Boston . . ... ......U H 4 Philadelphia ... X T 1 Batteries Young and Crlgar; Bandar, Fairbanks and Schreck. SAnOVULladUS, : Won. Lost P.O. New York . .b... .... Oilsago . . ...71 41 . .404 Pittsburg.. ; H ' -!2 CinclnnaTl . ......... 71 . J , ..Sal St. Loula. 4 JT -, Ml Brooklyn., -5! , 2! ; " VA Boston 4 , ST e.y .144 Pblladelpbla . ...... .11 41 .414 A B. H.B. 01 Louis , 4 14 1 Boston ...,...., l I I Batterlea O'Neill and Grady l Sfa Nlchols and Moran. ' At sureoklya. ' ' First game- .- , - " H. H. B. PltUburg ........I 4 1 Brooklyn 4 14 5 Batterlea laee i That tba Multnomah foothall aaam doe not Intend taking aha noes with tha strong Astoria elsvso on tha 4th of next month waa evidenced last evening by tha long and vigorous practice held at im B. a a. gymnasium. In which tfi Players and jthree coaches participated. Tba new signals that wars announead on Monday evening were changed .last "a", me new oode being almplar to oompraheod. rat harder for opposing teama to figure out Chaster Murphy waa la charge of tbe team play and tha larooue attaniora auarterbeck nut the Candida tea tbrougba most Intoreatins- BunniadV mile J. V. Xlrbv won; ttta vnlneT, mgagamant every play In tha 1:41m. . i oategory being triad. - D. Sloeum. a former halfhaok en v.- . sw St Xsals, Sept SL4ausar Park re sults : Mils and T4 yards. seUlngw-Bugle Horn won; urns l:tf. Five furiongs Tama Bod won; time Mil and TO yarda, , saUlng BxtoU won; ume llMV,. Six furiongs, hanainsp Barklylto won; uma Sevan furiongs, puras Dagin time 1:1T. Mile and (hree-slxteetitna, aelllngwAl- oom sk worn- uma s:ia, v New alts: Selling, about aix won; time 1:1 l-i. Five and a half ' Al York, Sapt SI. qraveaend ra- fnrtonga- Latola furlongs Olseau Multnomah, waa out last night snd showed spurts of his earlier sneed and cleverness. Tom Henley, a halfback on tha Anaconda eleven, was In tha fray last night, and ahowed tha boys how halfbacks play In Montana. , John Oault an old Corvallla alarer. resumed hla moleskins last evening and Joined tha squad, playing fullback in Floyd Cook's place, who wul not have time to play thla - season. Tom Boas, the "slim" left guard. Is to ba tha pivot upon which will revolve tha latest trick plsy that has been In vented for the Astoria bunoh on October A Tom halls from Astoria and. whlla ha Is loyal to Multnomah, yet ha hates to Una up against his home arew. It la for thla reason that tha eouobes have decided to make Tom the pivot In tha new play, called the cramp wedge," so that be will bo compelled to ba In the play whether er not na llkea tt Of course. Boss has never baan accused of won: time 1:47 1-4. ' The Bays bore, selling, about six fur-1 cowardice on the gridiron. This so heme long Mont won; time 1:10 1-4. ! has been plotted In order that Multno- MUs and a furlong )rmohde'B Bight man win get Tom's best semoas in tna s j Wills tor UAtnutlsa remssttsg -eat esartdastlsa asaail and- fcnwied mrtamd seilty. r PB RPB tTI OIN MSf UPB IINSURA.NCQ ' . ' . BLAZB . SOOTY, S, BT. : BABBY B. SOOTV. A. B,'. ' - ' . atoM.iMtU OHajrBEk OF eoTsanes SLOS.r sXntfXATffD, Ok, BAR FIXTURES BILLIARD TABLES From Us, and YOUR LIQUORS WHERE V V i YOU PLEASE, if yqu want to save money a ' The BrunsvvlcK-Balke CoHender Co. won; won; won; time 1:11 S-4. Five furiongs Santa ra-Mna time 11 -. MUs and a sixteen th-Stuvva uma 1:44. . . FITZ DECLARES IN : FAVOR OF THE JAPS r Now ooraea Fltsslmmona with another of bla ecoentrio ideas. Flu haa soeed as an astor. keeper of a boo ana wont not bu( he must neada nave a j ape n see vaiet. Nothing alaa la tha valet Una will Sex Fits loves a winner, and tha fraoueut victories of ths Japa have given him a teste tor anything with flavor. , On the road with his theatrical com pany recently Fits sent n hurry cell to .now xora for a eoupto of Jaoanese vaieta ror hlmseir and wife. His call for "help Wanted" was answered with a ruah, and a Jap :nod ate wife were sent to them. - If the Russians should -turn tha ride of- war. Fits, no doubt would can his amall Jap rsaarva force and sand out a hurry eell for a eouple of Russian valets, but tba Japa ara the thing just PACOTO VAYSOVASj XdtAStTB. At Bolsa A .4 14 414 4 4 10 12 Spokane 44 10 0000 1 5 4 uatteries stamens Damsiann and Btanley. B. H. B. 1 a and Haaeea; gama aa ha to a "Holy BoHer." onoa he gets real angry. Last year a fellow named Overall stepped on Tom's foot to the Berkeley-Multnomah game and Rosa resented tt by pushing tba great "Ovm's" eye In about two Inches. Another player named Atkinson, noted for rough usagaj iked on Tom's etoraech during scrimmage, and tha result was that tha Infuriated Tom promptly pulled Atkin son's noes guard off, Tness tralta ara cited merely for the protoctton of man who onDoee Torn. The "cramp weogar wag nrst nsaa oy Yala In '44, and derived Its name from Walter Ctmo. tha alleged patron of American football. It to aruahtng, whirling, bussing play, that completely hldea tha ball, and tha' chances for tha runner getting away being vary good. The Dlar worked successfully last night and will not ba used la publle until the first game. The Multnomah eleven wm leava i-otv- land on Sunday evening. Oetober ,1th. for California, and will meet Stanford on Wedneaday, Oetober II, at Palo Alto. Berkeley will ba Blared on tha 18th, and the team will arrive home oa tha 20th. It tn practically settled that tha Uni versity of Idaho win play Multnomah on November 11. Bam Stow will Join, the squad aftea the California trtpv Two million' Americans suffer the tor turing pangs of dyspepsia No need to Burdock Blood fiittera cures. At any drug a tore. . ; ;SpcdilSLiMit Car. Monday, Oetabar 4, tba O.IL4H win run a special dourlat oar, Portland to St Lou la Particulars of C. W. Stinger, city ticket scent, Third and Washington streets. WlU i S, 4BamV MONARCHS DEFEAT: PRETZEL BOWLERS Last night tha Monerche proved them aelvea champion by defeating tha Prat aels, Tha new plas that wars put oa tha alleys just previous to tha game caused apl its, that played havoc with noma af tha players scorem Lee Van Horn made tba highest saora, 4; also tba high total, 447. Tba soore by games arat - Monamhs '" " 1 f Kelley tsSMi-Tz-sTr19l---Ut WatklnrTTT; W1B4 101 Hysmith . ........181 177 Rows ......... .12t 124 Xrusa .,...141 1U , Total i i fc.y PretaelB Kneyse . Armltaaa Yan Horn 201 Boulanger . . Its QaUlara. . ....... .HI Tt Trttt IIS 182 Ut 401 Its s 411 14G SOS .174 444 i i ". 2,417 ,.,r:.:,:.'.j; j?j aunsk re. . ......US. 177 161 4til Slt.141 447 177 111 121 431 414 142 Total .-. StlK Tha highest score mads for three straight games on tha Portland alleya, 7IL, formerly held by Harry Adamson. beaten Sunday night by Paul Kneyee, who made 744, Tha asms even lag, for tan straight games, ba mads 1,141 pins. . , Jack Hysmtth, tha boy with the speedy ben." haa rounded Into fine ahape lately, making tha pins disappear from tha alley with great regularity. BAD SEASON FOR i HEAVY PLUNGER (Jearaal Speetel Serrto 1 v New York, Sapt IL Five hundred thousand dollars Us -not an extravagant est! mats of tha money John A. Drake and John W. Gates have loat hi thalr battla of gold with tha bookmakers. - ft Is estimated that during tha racing " season half a doeon wall known plungers have loat SL400.004 la. tba betting riBgv At tha conclusion of this season trako . will nell out all of bts stable and after- that tt la not likely that ha or hla-aids , partner lb-tha betting game will ba seen. . frequsntly at the race tracks. , -. It Is known that frequently this year 'i Drake and Oatea, have plunged to the extent af SMv and 144,000, and . In 1 W some Insiancas K 0,00. on their, own " horses, only to be beaten out by a hosa, " or a head, and In lust aa many Instances -f ' they have let their horsee sua unbacked - only to sea them win and thalr oppor- I tunltlaa for raoouplng slip by. ' . rl -... : A feature of the withdrawal of these . ; two plungers from tha turf Is tha wall ' ' that has gone up recently from other ' r big bettqra 11 B. Smathers, Joe Yea- ; ger and others are known to have lost 'i : thousands. Strange to relate, desplta v- this protest of hard lack on tht part of tha batting fraternity, nearly all of tha bookmakers proclaim that tha season haa baaa a disastrous one for them. Allea Lewis' Beat Brand. land Bergen. E Second aama Phelps;.. Jonas SUM frittsburg .v.... ;..,. ...- 4 4 j Brooklyn . , 1 4 4 Batteries Kooertauia ana rnstpe; Mitchell and Bitter. Umpires Moran and 0 Day. (JewreU SeeHsl aerrke. Spokane, Wash.. Sept 11. A baaenalt game betweea Walleoe, Idaho, and Blts vllle, Wash., will be played In thla city next Sunday to decide the amateur ahampionehlp of eastern Washington and Idaho. Captain Charles Irby of the RltsvllLe team has poeted a forfeit pith Frank Smith and wlH put up In bla hands a 42M bat that Bltsvllle to the better team. ' Both teams otalrn tha amateur . championship, . and seen haa been defeated but onoa Stela will do tbe pltohtng for Wallace, whlla Drink- water will pitch for RltBvMle. How oaa this ooateet ba aalled ama teur whea Drinkwater, a profeeaional. V! ILLUSTRATION IS A FAITHFUL PORTRAYAL OF NEW FALL STYLES, ART-TAILORED, FROM THS i v PRODUCTS OP OUR OWN AND THE BEST EASTERN MILLS. -v . i -1 ' an i i - i oS-87fh!rd.SL SUITS, OVERCOATS, CRAVEN- ETTES and TOPPERS OF TODAY 5 HO to iniaAiifi auiiii ' t. la 1 7V-fl'a On Dvior North of Chsrobsr of Comsnrc X jiM SaaaS M SBMsTtlngtS tS ltt A. t,