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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
THE CREOQM DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1004. Portland V Quality ?- Shop- 1 ..: 9 1 The v "Different Store- i i u. J '1 : . Maa I ! Order "w inm nu book win w f a . - . MASaC w IteMi atf ottv icmHw w t ' UCDt. off aw wall it O TT . T V 8oW fent :i Oregon for the '? ; '1 worldUmou ,1 ' v -JBONNKt: ET CIE'3 SILKS," Newest lints of Stoves and Cool "inf Ranges In the northwest. Home of Celebrated "Quick Meal" .r Ranges. v;" - 1 Better open a credit account hers this falL Now is a good thus to start. Credit office Third Floor. f v- THURSDAY THE SECOND DAY OF THE 1 . ' OR ANT) FORMAT. OPENING EXHIBIT AND SALE of the world's most worthy merchandise, gsthered from every torner of the earth, and centered hers for THE GREAT PUBLIC OP THIS GREAT STORE to gass npon and select fronv Stupendous Merchandise Displays! . Georgeous Decorative Effects! : Brilliant and Unique Electrical Devices! Beautiful Window Decorations! Or chestral Concerts, S to ft p. m by Brown's Military Orchestra of Ten Pieces. The grandest opening shows ever made or attempted by any mercantile house in mis western country, fuelling all past effort, surpassing all previous performances, outdoing ourselves, who have never been even rivaled by any organisation in the northwest or outdone by any west of Chicsgo X-t. -''X 1 .. .. V AN OVERWHELMING OVATION HAS BEEN TENDERED THIS HOUSE TODAY! - WnAi a uunivn ii has Dunn invuoAnus vr rAmiuAR tavjlo, auuuw wiin cninuoiAon ahu ui vviin, umiu ouax-cuoa, hatj uwna ' TROOPING THRO' THE GREAT TRADE AVENUES THAT COBWEB THIS, GREAT STORE. The children of the "Old Homestead store have all been back today, bringing -" with them hundreds of. strange faces we've never seen before. Introductions were happy, and what a glorious "Harvest Home we all have had together. How we have, enjoyed ' this big store fairll of as. what sights we've seen! Old acquaintances renewed, new ones formed. Such merchandise displays ! Was the tike ever seen before? . No friends, not m this mtmtarn eoantrv-nvwhera. Twsa rast like walking thro' the manle woods "awav back on the old New Ensland farm alortg after lack Frost had hist nipped the leaves a bit. x bad pinched their cheeks and mads 'em blush a rosy red. You've walked thro' the country lanes, haven't you, along In early autumn when the leaves have started to turn? Well, .. didn't it carry you back to those good old dsysaway down east or just outside the smoke and hurly-burly of the city, on a good old Oregon ranch? And the roses 6f Oregon are ,! here, too, vieing for supremacy in your favor and the roses win for the leaves they die, and wither and drop; but the roses the glorious roses of Oregon bloom on forever. Koses, in the matchless climate of Oregon, are the flowers everlasting. They dot the lawns at Christmastide and Nsw Years as their prototypes gladden autumn foliage and climbers of roses arch the aisles. And. wasn't the concert "great? Brown certainly outdid himself today. The strains of his big. military orchestra just filled the great store from basement to roof. . Such expressions irf appreciation as were heard on all sides! - Myl But how some storekeeper's ears must have burned today as their mediocre shows were contrasted with our mag- - nificent, colossal exhibits. A number of business men cams in, compared its goods and its service and attendance with those of other stores. Said one man, who needn t look for a , job: Td like to work for Olds, Wortman ft King. There's leadership for you!" ' Well, we want every feature of the store and its service to stand equally secure ss first in its , ' class; wo want every helper to stand first m his or her class. -With health and strength the world demands a lot from ua all-And to you young men and young women, who've done . ao much, today and always, since- yon joined this big store fsmily, to contribute to your store's success, we extend thanks--but mind you, we expect it; we expect the eame good work tomorrow., and always. We're putting bricks on no one's headWrow s big aa yon an. - We -need big people. .: After att the merchandise was me Diggesx exmorc, sna n mun nave soucnea everyone acxie-oone, ior we never Dcxora soia so manv srooos on an urcwinu oav... uoooi Mm oacx nHnuuuw "iwjuuuy ami muii "t7 onuno wiau aa sauuaa avami - cm w unijgHiDia m now nwi wuiv. uui iwuh ui um ucw miw w whwmi at iuu vuvwaus u -" t ible to show half today. the BIG SHOW COME3 TOMORROW ! Qet hers early and stay all dayt don't miss a feature I SPECIAL OPENING SALES IN ALL -.if-. - DEPARTMENTS Watch for the price tickets that point the way to hosts of economies that Una your r tath thro' the store tomorrow. EXTRA! -m e .EXTRAJtSv-P-EXTRA!!! r Aa Opening' Silks and Dress Goods Extraordinary ! A SALE PHENOMENAL IN ITS VALUE-GIVING IMPORTANCE I THE BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED BY A WESTERN HOUSEI AS A SPECIAL' STAR FEATURE OF THE SEC OND DAY OF THE GRAND OPENINGS I NEW NOVELTY SHIRTWAIST 8UIT SILKS AT MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES. Such values as no Portland bouse ever dared offer its clientele at a season's opening. , .y ' .y . - '. - ;- ;; r - -,''..'. ' v 1 -' " - ; Actual 85c. and $1.00 . FANCY SILKS at 59c yard Thousands of yards in the offering. All the newest of the new. ; Bright, saucy silks, just received from the looms of the makers.-. Every coloring snd tint that Fashion favors is here. Regular 86c and $1.00 values in these .handsome fall auks. THUKbDAY ONLY, as a Special Opening Feature, choose for, yard . . I Two Great Bargains Tomorrow in BLACK TAFFETAS ; 36-INCH BLACK TAFFETAS, best wearing taffeta sold in America for making dropstitch skirts, etc: t'. v Regular $1.60 Value, Special Thursday4 $1.29 Regular $ 1.75 Value, Special Thursday" $1.46 FANCY TAFFETAS 18,000 yards of Colored Taf fetas, our regular 86c grade, every color and shade made to be found in the lot, also our entire line 6f Changeable Glace Taffetas, the regular 88c tn yard grade. 8pecial Thursday ........Uyt PLAIN COLORED TAFFETAS Regular $1.00 -value. -All pure silk crepe de chene, very sheer and has rich, high, lustrous finish in all evening and 'street hades, including white, cream and 2A black. Special for Thursday only, yard. ... . . U"C A Great Sale of Dress Goods Regular $1.00 grades of Mannish Mixed Tweeds, in new mannish suitings and covert cloths, all colors; all new, no old trash or junk such as would-be com ' petitors may offer. Special Thursday, per Jg Regular $1.25 values of above goods. Spe cial Thursday only, yard.... COLORED DRESS GOODS FOR THURSDAY'S , JELLING , . Regular $9.50 French Novelty and Plain Camelshair, and Zibeline ; very swell for street wear, in follow ing colors: Champagne, Reseda, phim, browri, mode, castor, grays, jiavies. Oxfords snd black. Special for Thursday only, yard. ......... J1U Regular $1JH) new Fall Suitings our entire line Mannish tweeds, hairline stripes for shirtwaist suits, , illuminated English tweeds, French and German tweed suitings and Zibeline, in fact every new down-to-date suiting fabric shown tfeia season and every new color In the line; values at the regular price that cannot be duplicated in the city. A Special for Thursday only, yard. ...w... .4liy SWELL BLACK DRESS FABRICS for Thursday. ' Prices radically reduced; all the newest weaves In the different lots - . u Our regular $3.50 fabrics lace embroidered poplin de chine, silk and wool crepona, chiffon voiles, crepe de Paris, poplin de chene, Turkish mohairs snd broadcloths, special for Thursday only, ; p Our regular $3.00 Fabrics Silk and -wool caritas,v crepe de Paris, chiffon and poplin de chene, em broidered voiles snd poplin de chene, Turkish mo hairs, broadcloths, etc. Special for. g Thursday only, yard......... ....... $07 Our v regular $1.75 Whipcords, Arraures,' Granite Cloths, Satin Creole, English Mohair, Rainproof , Cloths, Twine and French Voiles, Crepe de Paris and Poplin de Chene, Special for Thurs- Am day only, yard. ... ....... . . . , . . .. f In Portland's Largest and Leading Apparel Shop and Matchless Millinery Salons! THURSDAY, SECOND DAY OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH GRAND ANNUAL AUTUMN OPENING OTIONS FOR 1904 ; v : EXPO The Formal Opening OF THE' FALL AND WINTER SEASONS' ,i SHOWINGS OF ; COSTUMES, WRAPS, SUITS, EVENING WAISTS, SKIRTS, AND THE GRAND AUTUMN EXPOSE OF cent , ... ..... .. -V ,. J , , f The Immense Grand Salons on the second floor are entirely given over to the Surpassing Style Shows. Magnificent settings and bewildering artistic decorations, symbolic of the autumn season, present a mar velous ly beautiful, fascinating and Intensely interesting kaleidoscopic panorama, that has autumn as ha theme, and emphasises with enthusiastic ardor, the incomparable, stupendous and niagnificent display of all that's latest and newest from Fashionland. Autumn's authoritative styles, a masterly expose that proves more vividly than ever the absolute dictatorship of the Olds, Wortman ft King store aa style arbiters among western stores, -1 . - , :- - ; '. .. , Brown's Full Military Orchestra ': -JiH'r'' 'Will discourse popular selections from t to 5 p. m. The honor of your presence is requested Thursday. See the Window Displays I See the Store Decorations! - Sea the wonderful Merchandise Shows I Lis ten to the 'melodious strains of the Concealed Orchestral ' New Gowns and Wraps will vie with the latest conceptions of the world's most famous Milliners in Europe and America. - A BATTLE ROYALS Magnifi Millinery Contrast these values by examination with the "left-over and trash liable to be offered by the "Cheap- Tohn stores in competition., . '' . : -. . .. - Panama Caiial Model Voting Contest The Interest is strengthening wonderfully. Don't lose a day; don't waste a ballot See that your friends vote your way or get them to give vou their ballots. A vote goes with every 25c purchase. Voting closes Wednesday, November S3, at 6 p. m. For the present, on account of the pressure of advertising, matterthis store is so full of good things we shall only publish the names of the 10 schools hating the highest vote at the time of count t s ; . - n - ' . ' . . - i - J ' . "v : THE VOTE AT P. M. YESTERDAY: " 7 V; ST. MASTS ACADBlCT . . . , HI OH V. ATKINSON. HARRISON . 0 ........... PARK . , , VAXUKa. . ................. ........i ............. W1LL.IAMS AVTWVn ... .4 4.S CI, INTO KBiXt. 4 4 HlOHljAKO , uMinnn -iiiriMin f CUNTRAL 4 . ................ TOTAL TOTBS -Sf - t