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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
'OREGON DAlLr JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, lfOC ...... : .. NEWS OF THE MINESil I... I i ' MEAT PLANT READY I AT BOHEMIA NINE CREAT COPPER IE W want to Mil 1,000 Eclipse 8tl JRanget by Janusry l.-lWd. Yotf csa bTp ui by buying ont, Just to stimuUts Inttrsst In this sals we propoM to girt sway absolutely fr , ; - -. r 1 v lr- . - ' ' ' .THREE ECLIPSE PRIZE JIEATER0 . . - "Valued at fSJrO, to die three rraona rideeing nmrtst to the number ec Eclipee Steel Ranges we sell from'apternbW MU 1904, to January 1, 190fiv i Everybody can -gueas free ' no charges-buying not ibKMdsrjr.' ;:; : )., . : .t t . . v .- .i v'f ;' BODY CROWS WIDER ''J. . 'V L xs m re And Rerfiater ITatiT Giieaa-';: v ;:; Call at the store and uetlister I our uuess XttuuTi mrapAtra BO And white here you are welcome to inspect our large stock of Purnlturo and Household Goods, which ia without singk exception the LARGEST, BEST UP-TO-DATE J-INE IN THE CITY. Sold on liberal terms. ; - ; ( , 3: v M . - - . f ', V 1? nrv son a a AND MOST Tb eompltton of noit of th Wt Jhos Mulpmat for th On Seouri AIm company waa resort loot volng fey 0. B. Mngen, secretary ant trw - rw of the company, before hta depr- tun to bla Maw York bom. Mr. Hen- . k.. a iMk as tba property 1b Bohamle on km ot bis regular rialts to keep b touch wttJl tho operations. -Wa bars recently delirsrsd at tin mine a horse-sower electric motor to It ui or am oa the lel of 'the main AM tKa mIm tannine! of th sur- 4im tram,' aaM h ta -nan-crating lata rk. "This motor w tse nrsi wm w the etats at a mining- property. I ao ' "n... win ha out on a track raa- mlng from th Mualck mlaa through Um 2ic aroaa-eut Into inampion saste. jwha tram la extended from tba cross- rut level to anothsr rcss-out, to opoa tha Helena mis from tba Champion atda th motor will aiao naui ui cara ... ikU Ibaa. Tba l.sQd-fho tram rom thW ie th mUlle . graU proposition, ana will neea. no power, - - t-. n,rtiiii Mlu.haa.alao aaaa o plated, tba new, transformers la tha dy namo room at tne ami nare ovb 9imvmm and tlH raduatloa alaat la reaay xor on. ' Th main ema-eut ia aDDroalmataly MO . oat from tb point wbera It ahotild opaa tba Cbamploa vela. At praaant, owlna; 40 low watar, arbleh la aproadantad to tha dtotiict. wo Kara powar tor bat About ooa ahlft with tha autchlaa drilla " i iU In tha ' Aa mm aa raiaa aat In two jahlfta Will ba put m tba faoa, drirlnf J to II foot par day, ana w Man "n daya thoraaftor tha Cbamploa vala will Lh mmmI oa tho doao levai. A drift- tn craw haa juat boon pat la tba Ba- oaiaior Taia. waica wo ut ;oanUr. Thla aaaura baa a widtb of IS .feat whera tha tannat tntaraaota It and 'tha drift atartad Ja on taa Toorwaii, fwbara tba Uaaaat crada of or la loand. HTw.v mm tn Maw hafAoo abort. a m BAaa artth tho nooaaaltr of BraTtdlna; Minat muh w ooaafronoa next year or whoa thorn may b anotnor aeaaoa mo Iwthar turbla and dynamo balow o abva ' tha praaant plant, to una tba aunt watar I'twloa. Thla will enable ua to tlda orar i the dry apall. la Wet weather, which Mrtll be moat of tba yar. w will baw mora power than -we oaa naa, Thla lm provanMitt rtU not ba taken up twUl past winner. , - s t . i . , , -An aMeaaloa of tha Orapoa Seath- U "An aMeaaloa of tha oraax CeaBm railway, track la to I Tat otina. Wt intend touUd a pMat about St Uaj fr DO UKU My I tbid- year to from CotUn : Hm. arttif4t will artoa- ua to tba bminda iof tha foreet reeerre. Two as Ilea of thla lesteoeloa haa been iHi and- raUa arill Ik imtA nnML While thla work la to (pronreaa aratUnc wilt ba preeoed "oa to itha point indwatea. , ntavelopment baa been reaoaaed hi ' 'the H ualek mute, a crew hartac boon put oa tho No, lavol ta 4 lire that drift t beneath tha ore bodlaa openod la Noa, 4 tad L No. I wUl ba driven eav tbrau-b ito aeenre air." I Mr. Hancea la blaHly plaaaad with tha a1tuatloo at tha mlnea and looka for fward to Important devalopmenta la Bo hamta within another year, whan tha planta now bln perfected art produo - itof wttUloa, . , vti I ,:. biut o utr nr... 'U vVaoMant Wllllamaon. -of tha Im - proved Mlaaral dm alter oompany, aaya : .that ha la arranalac ta ire to Dear rTrall creak, WaahlnctOB. where tha new -furaaoa erected there by Mr. Blanohard, ' of tba arm, ta to bo Mown la ohortly. ' i Mr. Blanchard wlU notify tba Portland ; offloa In time ta enable tha oflloora and uch Ttoltora as care to wltaaaa tha teat, to reach tba Turk property. After tha ifaraaoe haa been Mown la aaneral ' invltatloa will bo extended to ail In f tereated la amolUnt to an to tha prop- larty. aa thla-la th flrat practical teat ;to be mada -o tha Inprored JUaarai r JAT wOTTU. h MM anrntaatkm to belnff mada of tha ' fay Oould mine, near Whitney, aaatarn ' Oraaxm. Cyrue ftradley of Spokane, wbo j haa hold a bond on the property for two ijaa, haa taken out h. W. Bpear, of tha . pear'a American Bxehanaa, New York. ;nd aat-Ctata Mine Inspector Jaooba of Idaho, who will make a oareful report. itr, Bvadler baa been endeavortng to ,0001 a mill an tha mine, and It la pro- oumad that If be enlteta tha efforts of .'the aaatarn psople, thla and wilt be at- talnad- quk-kly. Between 1. 00 and 1,U J1 eat of work haa been dona oa tha Jay Oould, and tt haa opened three falr- .ataad vatoa. ,; - "i- brtftlns- la la proaieea aa tha 1M level of the PralrJe Dlgg-lna-a, to which depth Manaanr WaddeU haa sunk tha abaft of , ) thie John Day arnperty. There are throe 'reins in tha a vat am croeetrut tba prop- : arty, all lane and offering arrant re- ' . Servaa of low and medium trade ore, Tha mill la a modern economic plant, of 9S-atamp aapaelty. rua by watar powar, and wben tha abaft workloaa prora a sufficient reserve, operations there will be oa a larajo aoaia. k ' I ... - ' I ' ' BUSINESS MEN WLL I ? NOT BE ANNOYED NOW Th Portland chamber of commerce Is ending to mere ban ta and profeeelenal men of tha city copies of a circular, ao oanpaaio nr a cara rar poeting in a nnapleuoua pmoa In at or or offloa. The nard Vn forma tba caller that "No aub- pcrlptkms are gtva to ebaritles ord smrtlatng srssmas nnleaa endorsed by th Portland chamber of commerce, - and ta etroular sapiains the reasons whv. This Is In Una with tbs aetloa kft hy the ehunbr anm time ago. CASTOR I A 7r LifuU Oaildra. Kews reoelred by Secretary If, BnUar of th Oraaoa m PhlladelphU aeourltlee oompany. ralatlv to tha Copporopolte mine In eaatarn Orasjon, proves that th mala are body, openod by th eroaaottl baa not yet been fully deflaed. On of th etapJoyea af th aampany has osm down with aampla, taken from the lateet 'work, abowtnc that tha are la atlU a pretty cuarts. htsnly Impicaatad with oopper py rites. Tba araaaeat that la asplorlna; this ore body haa been drrrea mora than fat. and th foot wall m yet ahead. Tba drat SO feet of tha drive haa bean spoken of frequently of lata, and la said to carry a food bleb a vera par-; canUaa of oopper. A home five to sis feat wM earn In then, but did not de fine a wall aa at drat expected. An other are body exactly ' ilka tha first was entered and continued for II feet In tha eroeeeut.- At Is feat from the boreal a softer .material, apparently of Intru sive eharaoter, was encountered, bat Im mediately gar way to oopper ore amln, specimens from th ll-foof body and th Uat strike war hrouaTht to th olty. , Th last named has carbonates and py rites nmlnglad, hilt a.uext gangue eon- ,tlnue as before. - Tha. apaelmen - brenght -down ar jkmong th beat ever seen from tha Cop-, peropolta, and give th management 1 greater aamrano of ttte CopperopeJi having on of th moat ramarkaUa or . bodlaa opened la the atat. No drifting baa been don on th or body at thla depth, but there at surrae and other Indication from approximately parajlei . work, which satisfy the managemetft 1 that thla .shoot extends between a fablf. lag dike af porphyry on th eouthweet and another defined fault lino cutting-; acreaa tha Tain to -th- northeast, a ana-, tanca of more than to feet. Manager W. W. Otbbs will return from tha pron- arty la a short Urns, . , axexaafcaaxaamaBm,omnMaTSw , , CONFIDENT OF THE : ' SMELTER'S SUCCESS Oranta pass: bualneaa naa profess to saa In all work betas dona at th Takll ma amettor. tha earmarxa of permanent suoceaa. X member of tho southorn Ore gon mining towns board of trade stated whHe in Portland -today thatbead ev- ary eeaurainj of the sejal I ai jboeUng thevl highest axpectaUons of th manaka- ment i. O. Bi Ounn, a. atoekbobSer, ami sonnoetod .with th Union Wmrks, f Baa jFrancisoo; w. bl uavia. also a prornn- env son-' rranoisco sua, an (jot T. Wala-Jraper Morgan, passed through Oranta Pass a few day ago to visit tha smelter. Preceding an Inspection while th amelter was andar full bust, tha gentlemen did not ar to make any statement, but admitted that the reports received had been af tba moot eatlsfao- tory nalur.- The amelter I doing ex oellont work, and th na pessary fluxes are being obtained with eomparatlT aa. Ore la being furnlahad In suffi cient quantity to heap tha plant operat ing ateadlly. The mere fact that suoh eminent reduction magnates a Meeara Tott, McNeill and Panroee, managing tha United Stat Reduction Refining company, of Colorado, have entered the southern Orexoa field on th basis of permanent operatlona, gives assurance that no athr event oould furnish. Grants Pass people feel that th smelter will run ateadlly. enlarge as its suooaea la establlebed, and prove an Incentive to development in the Blue Ledge and WeJdo oopper holts that has Ions bean lt Qvnn OrOU A elaaa-ttp hae been mada at th Mar Quean mine. Red Boy district, eaetem Oregon, following a run on too tons of or to determine a general averue of what baa been openod In late work. Tha average grade of thla or Is not Indi cated by Manager Thomeen. but tho alas of the gold brick taken to Baker Cltv for ahtpment to the Nebraska aeeoclatee of tha manager is a safa aasurano of further development. Tho mlaa Is equipped with a ten-stamp mill, and a hoisting plant waa recently Installed to alnk below that adit level. A depth of about S70 feet la attained In thla work. Tba vala on which most work has been dons la believed to b an exteneton pf tha noa Boy. a eons Id arable or body ha been opened oa tho lower level, at on point It having a width of sight foot. Development continues unabated- while tho management dec Idea upon th future of th property. MAI Edward It fun of tha Arm nf ttaW A Coiwell; mine-engineers of thla city, ia m axing a surrey for patent for tha entir Oregon Securities group, Bohemia district Thla property oenalsta of el claims, being tha largest alngla atla- rrai noioing or tne etate, nnlaaa tt ba xeeeded by th Balsley-Blkhorn group casiern uragon, which ta owned by tha Beaver oomnanv. Ifr. Has? ku been engaged la th work for Some time. ana is expected to oomplete th aurvey arir W UClQDOr. 3. 1 .v';f"V'"': and pubMshsd tn Th JcwnaL Doelring to protoct Us men bars from doubtful achemewtorth line of charities and ad vert la I ng. tha cham her of oomtaero haa appointed w ' standing aommltta to In quire tnto and pass upon all schemes of this kind, , "It goe without toytna;,M aaM Preel dawt Burnb. 'that there are aartala Well knowa chart tlea and well atabHsbd ad vertising mediums which wlH naturally aot be affected by this piss. What la aimed at la to provide against the doubt ful achetnea, of which there are no many, and which are ao wearLag and distsrbing to bualneeg mon,1 Tba personnel of th chambWa aom mitto la for ebrloo raaaon not pnb liahed. and parsons who are solicited for aubsortptlons to echeraea or abarltlos, the merlta of which are not known, am requested to Utephoss to th nsslatant aeretary, chamber f oommero, who win bnnr tha mater bzo li piroper ocnmiitea. . Eclipse" 7 I A, Steel W s. Range . . y1 . THIS IS THE RANGE That You $1 Down and .,". it We put it up on payment of $1.00 ready for use in your home. " The Best. Stove on Every Point, in the World. See It Work. Guaranteed for 10 years. We take your old stove ia- exchange and allow full value. , We can sell v- you the Beet Range on Earth - -bar none, for Vou pay $1.00 down and $1.00 a week: Help us out m selling a thousand of these Stoves by January L IMS. L PRICE OF MAT 1$ K TO HIGH OS Ol . w . i ,' Y (Jearsil Vaeelal terrlsa.)- " Kanssa City, Mo. Sept. 10. ShorUy after reaching St. Louis last July, .1 wrote t friends in Portiand. that I had paid oareful atteatlon to the wheat fields la North Dakota. Minnesota. Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, and told them how poor th wheat looked and predicted an early Inaraa is the prio of thla grain. It has goo up M eents a bush! slnoa that Urn. During tho past fsw weeks I have seen much of tha oorn country in Iowa, Kanaaa, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, and 1 must say that It Mobs one. Iowa needs two weeks mora free dom from frost. If tbs frost keeps oa? that long th oorn crop will be Immense, and thereby keep wheat from Increasing la prioa, Farming sections visited In Pennsyl vania and Oble showed a oomplete fail ure la wheat, fame that usually pro duce from too to 1,4H bushels of wheat yielding nothing. I oonolud. therefore, that the praaant prio of wheat la non too high, although It may be temporar ily reduoed. . All of th ettle rtaftofl notably Pittsburg, St. Louis, Chicago and Kan sas City still show th effects of th great depression which took plao dur ing 101. However, all kind of bua nesa. Including manufacturing Interests, are looking muoh hotter and there vj a greater feeling of oeafldence shown in all circles. Peopla on th Paclfta osast war aot ail acted with th buatnee losses and general depression Which ex isted la th east and middle weat. For several years past there has bean a wild speculation among all classes of neools. .sad everything was rua on a terrtaoally high preseura plan. It ws not reasonable to spet It to last, and tba great majority ef tba people are sow considerably reduoed ta their mode of living. And yet, th Immense wealth of many has a tendency to heap us very extravagant habits. tn Pittsburg there ar over 4 man. many of Una undr years of ag who war- mada millionaire by tba formation f th great United State steel trust, which oomblnatlon of planta gave Andrew Carnegie MOO. 00, 000 worth of bond, secured by all tha ate! work and guaranteed I par oent annual eater.--.' ' V ' ' - It aaigbt b Intarestlns; t Th Jour- - . .f Can Buy For , : : $ 1 a Week FIRST AND YAMHILL nal read era to learn bow so many of tha employ as of Uis old Camegl oompaniea got so much cash whan Mr. Carnngta secured; H. Phlppa. Jr4 tlto.oot.0v; hi brother of reoea! family troubl fame I 0 ., and several other kwaja snma, Thla la th explanation Tha original capital of th Canwgw oompaniea was vary small, lass than half a million. A a ha re of stock of th par vain of fit waa actually worth something Ilka I10.0O. Over M am' ployee, beada of various departments, to both th offloes and th mill, were given from eoe-elgnth of a a bars to two aharea each, and war to pay for th stock out of the earnings, ao muea aash year. Mr. Camegl did this ta order to have hie man take , special Interest In tbs business. Th prodts ware lnv menaa. Mow, wben th great steel trust waa organised It waa necessary to bar th shares of stock bald by Messrs. Lorcioy, Psaoock, Corey, at aL, and th fabulous prio of II, 000. 00 waa placed on each a hare of the original stock. On can see that th man who waa getting from t,09 to ll,m a year salary, and who owned a ahar of stoak, was handed la actual eash 11,M,0. Sev eral af these employe had two aharea aach, whU rerx fsw had as low aa ae sighth, Wisitflil ' "'J On splendid result of thla. quickly aocumalated wealth waa to beaoUfy tha city. A great many of th lucky crowd bar rected beautiful and masnlfloent houses, have expended millions la fur nlahlng them and In beautifying tha grounds around them. Many a poor "duffer" In th east and mlddla weat. who purchased United State ateel (heavily watered) at top-notch prloss, has lost hi 160. hi lt,v. maybe gW,- 000. Tba common stock now pay a no dividend, for Mr. Carnegie must be paid bla tlt.000,00 and favored" Investors must got somsthlag on tba preferred stock. Th atorr of tbs great Crucible Steal company pattern after that of tha United State Steel, and thoaa woo learn th truths snout theee organisa tions are ready to bellev all that Law- son has written and as th UU of "frensted rinaoes." It haa been bt good fortua to aw ebro a number of "wrlta-npa" la aav aral dally papara for tba Lewis and dark oxDOSltlon, and 1 bar mat many people In various plaoea visited wbo gav willing ears to lie tea no ract oon oemlag Portland, Oregon and th ltOt fair. Mast year Portland may spot larga attsndaaos from all parts of th east and mlddla weat, Muoh, however, depend on whether th railroad air a reasonably, reduced rata Speaking of this,, reminds ma that I bar taken tha trouble in maay plaoea rlaltod during th past two months to so what tha railroad eompanlea were doing to adver tise Oregon and Portland- Tbs South ern Paclfto and the & t IN. bars rery good circulars everywhere, which Btve full and Interacting information about beautiful Portland and splendid Orgott. Why wa Others do not tspat finding out. V OJ0GRU W. UAZaiM. . AIR TIGHT HEATER No. l&W-Alr tight la a good Stove, mada of the best Russian ateel and is ateel lined. We sell it for . S3 50 ON EASY TERMS $1.0 0 a Week Bays Any Piaca of faraonra Thh Store Over 100 Different RANGES AND STOVES To SELECT FROM ROCKEFELLER PLANS TO FIGHT HARRIMAN ... .V;- Kew Torfc. Sept. llThar ar rasaors sd trowblo bata aaa th Roeke-feller-Oooid combinattoa and th so called Harrlmsn group of Snsnoeara. Theee have oonflrmaUon fa weU-la- formed quart era. also la th atoek mar ket. Th dlfferanoe of opfhlon between th two great camp of capitalists bar reached a stag which ta very nearly acute. Aa to the beginning nobody We Arc ICctinng v rom uusmess IN PORTLAND. OUR STOCK OF HIGH ORADE MERCHANDISE CONSISTING OF , -r- 'a Arrv Are to be closed out. regardless of their original cos)." Every buyer of clothing knows the repur tatkm of this store, that has been sustained for 81 years. In closing out our stock the same strict buaineee principles of dealing honestly and fairly, giving the best values rxiestbfe, will be carried out . Our faQ and winter stock is now at ha best and embraces all the hew novelties and styles ia the mw goods in. Suits, Overcoetiv and Rain Coats, V-? "". .'tl V- f,f V'-i , WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY-COME AND SEE 7VSL k . r .... , ' - f nrC-St tLACC 301 Stoycs: 1 ''on '' : ' iA.- -- V'Lr.V ' f lew t mnet ;;;-'J Plan J PRIZE ECLIPSE HEATING STOVE A Stove without an equal for heating purposes. Novs the time to buy a stove, and in doing so don't forget that ' ha not-bow cheap, but how good. The Eclipse la the Finest Hester in the worMralr tjv outer bodycol rolled- ateel, ttnea vra aenvv casaron too ana vanm. Warranted for five years. A real gerra of -p a stove; worta axs.iru. wur price. . . . . . , . STREETS kaews notly, bat tho latest trotibl I do to th dlr of Rockefeller tntaresta to get Isrsar returns m heavy holdings of Union PnoiAo stock. Thla atoek pays par oot, although tb road la samintf anough ta make naymnt of S per sane . Tb Western Pacts is again a sign of tb trouble, banana whea tt I ssro pleted H wlU b direct rival to tha nVnitbera Pactfle'a sentral branch road. The unfriendly purpose of thai project toward tha Ham man Haas Is especially apparent alnc th election to tb board of KM win Hawley, whom th street sup pose t be ana of tha bitterest nemle of Harrlmaa. ' Varr rt aTTPtxr vitt A un t,- ' .M BVsaaf una vv nan s7-as na RED FR A CkKZalwrt mat Tuml&tn 2l7?l s&so awptemuat; mmm f . . . v C aearaal Sseetal aarvlaa.) , - . Dubaqna, Ia, Swpt. JL Th onsaora Mon of th Rev. Fathnr Matthias a Lln han to tb nv Bomaa Ostholla Manoprta of Oraat Falls, MonU took plao to th Cathedral of St. Ranhael today, Th aanlua bagaa at l:t o'clock. Tbs church d!fle was crowded, and tho greatest Interest was manifested la th proceedings, which wsr th most elabor ate of th kind ever seen hr. Th ooa s't oration oaremony was performed by Arch bla hop Keane, who was assisted by several bishops and a larga number of prteat. i Tirrhrrvo fintin - T p ri ' . MCXFJSON STFXIT a