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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
1 THE ORKCOW; DAILY. JOURNAi; PORTLAND,. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' SEPTEMBER , IK i'. it. ' ; k::i tc::cs 1 stunraptt amuujuvts. - Mereuai flnil Oartea'a Wmtmm Mlaatrvta l-olauabl -'Usser Tw run" "fllUtrud" ''Daels Test's Csbia" ii "Fedore" ; Vaiutoillte Tauda Tills , , TudTlita ..f ViTlU KIUL a Din (hkN , "' A carload of puNanr traffic umU will Imvi Portland about the first of Dotmbr for Mexico City, to attend the thlrtr-flfth annual convention of to - American Association of Traffic Pe- senger Agents. They will Include north wUrn agents of all tha roa4a la tha country, and nearly every on. of them will be a trans worker for Portland aa tha convention city of tha association In IftOe. j. w. A a ma of Sea Praaolaeo. Paotfle coast passenger agent of tba Nickel Plata road, who laat evenlns de . partad far noma aftar visiting Portland and tha aound, expressed hlmaalf am phatleally In favor of Portland for. tha - lo eonveatloa. Ha aaya many paa , senger agents at their -New Orleans , meeting laat yaar , praotloaily pledged ' tha loa convention to Portland In ex- change for tha northwestern vot In ' favor of Mexico City for this yaar. Tha annual maattnr of stockholders - f tha Portland General Electric oon , pany yaatarday slaotad tha following board of d tractors: H. W. Good a. Fred erick V. Ho) man, Samuel Q. Beed, A. C. Bad ford. Pradarlo B. Pratt. W. U. Ladd, J. C A I na worth, Frederick O. Sykse, W. X. Smith. S. Parrell. Charlaa Oaufleld. , Tha board of dlraotors wUl. at a meet l trig to ba hald a month benos, eleet offi cers for tha ensuing yaar, who,' It la .'understood, will ba tba present Incum bantawHj W. Goods, president; Prcd- - arte B. Pratt first vtos-preeldent; Prad arlok V. Holman, aaoond vioe-president; Charlaa H. Caufleld. secretary, and Sam uel A Raad. treasurer. ' Thora la talk of anothar olaetrle raH-' way lino down tba pan Insula. o ba built by tha people who ralsad a MI.OW1 subsidy to build tha North Portland Una to ffn. Johns, which was bald up for soma unexplained reason. Tba naw line,- la suggested, will saeara a routo oloaaf to tha Willamette river, and running ooa-vanlant- to tha Columbia unlvereity, tha oil storage Unka and villa that ara built or. projected alone tba waterfront bat wean Portland and St. Johns. - Tha statement la made that proparty own ara along tha roots will build tha lino should - tha eonsolldati oils looted to tha otty limits by the menlcl- pal officers, aa tha district attarnay had1 daoidad that tba aounty oould eoUest a IS poll tax from votara la tha bounds of tha town, and tha addition of tha city poll tax of I to this oouogr tax was oonaldarsd excessive. . . , , AT TK2 TtI2ATXS ltoaa Bmlnge baa severed bar eon- neotloa with tha Columbia thaatra stock company la ordar to devote all of bar Umo to tha loatruotloa of pupils? in dramatlo art. Tha damanda upon bar sarvloaa In this direction have so In- oraasad that Miss Bytlnao oould not at tend to both bar olaaaoa and tba par- Fire la tha sfttoas of tba TaHay Land aompaay, la tha Ollsan banding, did 1,00 damawe early last Alcht. It la thougtit tha flamao oaucbt from a u Jot that waa left burnlnc. Two paint- Inaw, aluad at T19, belonxns: to P. Abraham, ' wen destroyed. Tbero no Insurance. That modern, la-room raaldoneo at It I Twenty-fourth streeu near Marshall, la for eaie. The house and trounda are tn good eondlttoa and It hi one of tha n least raaloanos parts of the alty. Por prloa and tarma applr to J,, N. Teal. wo roaster mag. Mrs. A. tarbaoh of Woodburm. - dr.. la trytnar throua-h lood theatrtoal I aaTora to locate bar son, Fred Fairbanks. wbo la ba) laved to ba on tba ataaa. Tha mother thought ba waa playing In Port land, but If so bo i under an aaoumed AT "Under Two Flags," at the Columbia theatre, la a pbonomnal suooeaa. Tba reasons for this are aimalo and plain. The story and action of tha play form a tbrlUlng and touching ground-work for tba members of a vary high-grade stock company to exert their bast ef fort a Tha apaetaoular and the ecenlo realisms afford ample opportunity for the energies of tha painter, the manipu lator of every last mechanical aaoossity of tha production. Add to this tba exquisite finish and In comparably contagious enthusiasm of Miss Countlsa. who portrays the chief role. . "Cigarette." around whom . ara grouped tha vital Incidents of tba ro mantic masterpiece, and you oan readily see wby tha Columbia production la In flaming and delighting the town. Nothing but d raise la duo to every body concerned. It la Ilka a Tammany hall election you must leave nobody 'out all along tha Una. Bravo everybody I Oulda. who wroto tba story, knew bow to thrill and sway and touch. Her you have Oulda at bar boat. And It la a skillfully carved dramatisation of tha tale, it will run ail tbla weak at the Columbia, . , ; - , , Ntwlll Riverview academy ' Opens at le a. ah, Thursday; i September If ' Take the "ft" ear to ooraer of v Corbett and Thomas. . . r Phono Main SIM. A , Povrtb-olasd poatmastsra of - Mult nomah and Marlon oountlea will meet at tba 0t Charlaa hotel Saturday. Septsca bs 14, at p. am. Tba obiaot of the masting Is to organlM a state post-. masters' leagua. onaolldatsd street ar aompaay dH to do so. M . These forest area taaeb as that flro - , does burn. All -tha steam on earth might have bean turned Into these for - ests and not a troa would bars been eoa- sumed. It la tba same with steam heated pollshera. These do not burn the i. garments, bat tha flre-heated polishers act upon the textaro-of tha linen Just , anougb to weaken It. though tba effect Is lmperoeptlbla at tba time. Our par factad polishers, heated by steam are the - .'only ones la Oregon. Union Laundry, aeoond ami Columbia. Tel. Mala . Tha following were exmmtned yaator- day by the state board of health aa ap , plleaats for ombalmar's Uosnsaa: Fred Fortmlller of Albany. It. L. Holman of Oraon City, ri A. Blmmona of North YamhUl, A. B. Hamatlck of Portland. ' W,altr F. Holman of Portland. W. B. McPuff of Juneau, Alaska, B, B. Cook r f Kalama, Wash.. C J. Crandall of Tha Dallea, and William F, Walksr of Rot. O. F. MoAfes. supartntendent of Presbyterian borne mission schools, told v of tha ohurch work la Alaska at a meet ing of the Woman's North Pecine board' of missions yesterday afternoon. Tha ; meeting waa bald in tha parlors of the First Prssbytorlaa ehnreb. Mr. HeAtm :. headquarters are in Near Tork. Ha la at present Inspecting ( tba mission . achools of tha wast. r , ... Sunday, September 1ft, will ba- ob r served as Bally day la tha Centenary M. M. Sunday school, at Bast Ninth nd Prno street At 11:1 p. m. aa lntaraat- Ing program wlU bo rendered which wllf isclude tba rocaptloa or naw saamnara and processional by primary depart" snsnt. Thia will ba followed by a roily social to ba held la tha ohurch on Tuoa- day at TiM p. aa. v , ; Tba Hebrew Sick Benefit Mtlbm baa bsea oramnlaad. tba majority of Ita members being those wbo reoantly left oonaragatlon Nova Ledek. fjsrvloss being bald a Draw ball, deeond and Mor rison streets. A Jaeanasi wosaaa living aw Fworth street waa attacked in bar apartments at an early hour tbla morning by a Chinaman, who -ohoked bar. Iho re ported tba matter to tha central polios katatlon. Mo arrests war made. For Bala Bast paying and bast ad- Tortlsed msroantU business In Portland, in eenter of retail district; 91I.09. Ap ply MeOarry m Rlohardsoa. Atty's. I0 Oionlaa. - I ... .. .i -". .. .. . y Chow Dsn-Tal-Owsa, hav pearly teeth and prarvent. decay. For ami avorp- wbaro, -- . :. Br nest O. Bpltanar, violinist, begins teaching September M, Studio Mar- quant building, v. . .. ' If yov want a flrat-olaa bard whoat flour, try Peaaock. , Ysur groosr aalla It Bpltanor orchestra masts Wednesday avanlng at f :!. In Alleky buUding. C K. Faulkner of Boaaburg a lteraa at he Perkins. J. W. Renlck la a Dallso sltlsoa tapping at the Parkins. W. Wills of Athena was ktrtval at tha Perkins. J. F. Watt of Hood Brvar M topping, at us rermna. BTXseOMAaTTnH OustAv tiudara, oompoaer of tha great musical comedy. "Tha Burgomaster." which will bo - seem at tba Marquam Grand theatre . tomorrow .Thursday,, Friday and Saturday night. September K--lt, with a special prlo matinee Saturday at 1:11 o'clock, has been mak ing soma comparisons of tba relative sales of bis various songs. He states that two songs In "Tha Burgomaster" load all others by over ten thousand copies apiece. They are tba 'Tals of the Kangaroo" and "X Love- You. Dear. and Only Ton. Tha "Cupid Doss Not Marry - com position tn "Tba Bur so- master" equals la sales "The Tale of the Shells." la "Prince of Ptisan. and ax aeads tha sale of any song in "King Dodo," both of whlob Ludrs wroto. Tha famous Indian chorus in The Burgo- itar," baa been one of tha laraeet aellers to orchestras, choral organise tlona and bands, whlh tha Heidelberg song in "Prlneo of Pllsen," which admittedly taken from the "Dear Old College Days." in The Burgomaster, is tied with "collage Days." A naw song an titled-"In Society4 has been added" te "Tba Burgomastsr this yaar, being sung by Louise Bracket t and chorus of elegantly goemedglrla. .. . BOFMABsT, WtAXXmT. Tharo U no pianist before tha public today who baa such intellectual powe of a high order aa Hermann, who will ba beard at tha Marquam Grand. Mon day, September 3. Originality distin guishes his interpretations of tba great composers from tha readings of other leading pianists. Ha brings something naw to bis audlenoa with ovary program ha presents. Upon bearing his playing of Beethoven. Schumann or Wagner one is surprised to discover tha wealth of hidden meaning in tba eore position. Tba Naw Tork Herald, of March IS, bays It was loft to bis Anal recital laat evening to deepen the Impress loo to mark Josef Hofmann as a master of his instrument, or whom all things ara possible. In tha "Soiree da Vienna and tha Mendelssohn Scherso ho was amas- Ing m raaouroa, in oontrol of hie pow- ers, and lav preparation of dynamic sur prises. The Schubert impromptu found S morning him ready with a tender mood, breadth of understanding and sympathy for Its oantablle phrases. His most perfect work was lax tba Chopin group. Tha salo of seats will open Friday B. F. LAko or Rooaburg was among 1 morning at the Mara nam Grand thaatra. the morning arrival at the Perkins. A. A. LyW of Antelope has made ap plloatloa for tha loan of a sat of in struments to take weather observations and for tha establishment of a volun tary observatory station at Antelope. -The local weather bureau will recom mend that bla roqueat ba granted as - Antelope Is regarded as ft favorable sta tloa for tbla work. . - The Aberdeen lodge of SUm baa in vited Portland lodge ltt to attend the ceremonies attending the dedication of thalr naw home on Saturday, beginning at 4 0010011 The dedicatory address will bo delivered by D. Bolls Cohen of this oity. Al Caldor of Seattle will pre side. Special railroad rates hava been ajrustnittOseV K.. i i Wa-Hoo Tonic. Tha great blood purt - fiat; nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For sal by all druggista, ' ' Ths Mllwaukla council dsolded Mon day evening to refund, the poll tax col- Mr. and Mrs. A. C Weed and child of Oregon City ara guests of the Par kins today. Dell McCarthy of Pendleton Is seglA- taraa at the Perkins M. F. Hanley Is a Medford si tinea registered at the Imperial. Mrs. C. F. Michel bach of ThO Dallea stopping at ths Imperial. Mra. M. D. Ia Rhodes of McMlnnviUe la ths guest of the Imperial today. Carrie F. Spauldlng of Sumpter Is stopping at ths Imperial. Mr. and Mra. Joe Miller sad eh lid of Bake City are registered at tha Im perial. Jamas M. Byjr'of Salem fa registered at tno imperial. After a two woeka visit with rela tives and frlanda, Capt. O. C. Tokum. the veteran Mt Hood guide, left the city yesterday for bis winter stay at Gov ernment Camp. Until winter closes the passes, ho will guide hunting parties to tno aear runs of tha mountains. President a M. Crouoh of the Ala meda Mining com pany returned yaatar day from the east, where ho baa spent three months on mining business. George -B. Aiken, formerly- of Baker City, passed through ths City today on routs to Tonopah, Nov., where ba pacts to ongag In mining business. Richard Cos, half owner of the Scor pion group, Sumpter district, . returned yesterday from an extended tour of northern California, where he baa been looking Into mining propositions W. H. Hewitt, sod of Henry Hewitt. Jr., the millionaire lumbar operator of Washington, la registered at tha Port land. Mr. Hewitt has spent tha past season la Sumpter, where ho baa bean looking after th lumbar tntoreets of his father and himself in that section. STAB BOSS. ' It Is not the policy of the roanagemsnt pf ths Star thaatra to make grossly flat taring announcements of tba not at this play house; there re, . when It state that tha program this weak has never- bean squalled in tba history of this, thaatra, th statement la entitled to attention. - , Tha program does contain three acts of superlative saoellano. .Tba Lorsttaa are a trio of children, twin ' girls. and tbolr brother, who recently ap peared at th Crystal Palaos la Lon don. Borland. Thalr set on tha triple bars la unprecedented. Th Qlrdellsra is also a team of three performers. For charming act; beautifully set i staged. It la without a parallel. A third feature of tba program which traas- oends all other turn of the kind Is the cornet playing, of , Iron Franklin, a beautiful woman and a gifted musleta: very body should see tha Star program this week. - - Allen Lew1s- Beet Brand. HI? ' An attraetivs feature of Gorton's min strels, which open tonight at tha Mar quam Grand, Is tho clever specialties f Mlaa Cteone Pearl-Fell, the brightest and moat versatile child actress la tha specialty class. Tbla dainty llttl en tertainer has n vary amusing monologue. perfectly salted to bar talent and) dancing oan be described as truly won derful. Aa a monoiogulst ah aosaasssa the rare faculty of being an exoelleat story-teller, bar wmctsms never failing to score with bar audlenoa. In her dancing she executes with skill and pre cision all tha Intricate steps of slog, buck-aod-wlng dancing, besides a va- iety of- other tarpalcboraaa dtvertla- menta. She also take part with Welby and Peart in thalr comedy dancing ketch, and la competent la vesp way to share th responsibilities of woosss with those of established reputations. A grand band concert will bo given tonight at T O'clock In front of tho thaatra. Hoisting Engines Logging Engines Electric Hoists Belted : Hoists ' Hand-Power Hoists SXBB-TBAOXBS strut. At Cord ray's theatre this week evary- ! thing 1 aide-Tracked but Jul Walters. Mr. Walters Is a vary enthusiastic auto- mobllllst. and yesterday while out riding (n a hired machine hs cam vary near getting a quietus put on his Ambitions In that direction, for a First street oar ' oatne oloee to upsetting hist and his i party. Th comedian escaped, but had bla nerves a llttl rattled. r Th play Itself Is moving along In Hs marry way, drawing th largest audl- enoes of th season at Cordrays theatre. Mr. Walters said yaatarday that he re tired two years ago for a rest from the atrical labors and on account of doing nothing; after having boon In barn for tt years. It came very near giving I him nervous prostration.- M2ET MS ON TIG BALCONY AT iedCstntters i &tvt&ld& Ladies' Outfitters Fourth and .porriaoii . J : Fourth sixl Morrison YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED AT OUR t ' . i , , : ' M-LL OPENING and Tomorrow .Afternoon ';-',; ;V:'WtptT, OixhettTB From sr to 5 F.M. Our biitUl exhibit of Woraen'i and ChUdren's Millinery, Softs, Costs, Shirtwsjet Sepsrate Skirts, Sweaters, Knit and Muslin Underwear, Kimonos, Hosiery, Gloves, Bags, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Infants' Wear and the most complete assortment of Furs in the west '111' i While you are looking over our new store, visit our Children's Depsvtment. Al an introduction we win offer you this week a special inducement. Tno new Japanese Military Coat. Korfolk and Peter Thomp son's, in albelln, novelty mixtures, Scotch tweeds and broad cloths, In tans, greens, blues, browns and. .onion akin hand some tailored garments, military effects; soma collarlas, otners cape collars, turn-back eurrs trimmed with braid, lillald velvet and Imported buttons; ages to is. This week $6.95 FALLr FASHIONS IN FURS AT SEPTEMBER PRICED ketch. "Boxeys Christmas Present": Beltveau and Roberts are pleasing In their comedy work;' Thames Bay sings "Th Day Is Done." and th vltsaoepe shows son splendid new ploturea. ; OOBB A BUOV. - If nothing but the Mother Gooes song. Mm given by th pony ballet, oould be seen at the Bijou this jveek. it would still be worth one's time to gs. "Court ship tn Japan." the musical burl at ta of the Bins company, and the catchy songs of tho ballet girls six of them, and pretty ones compose a vaudeville on. terta lament without a peer. ARTIST TO EXHIBIT PICTURES majuBiJioB ov OABYABBS BT S- Oft NIGHT SCHOOL . . p - .- - . . Bertnntng'wlth Oetobor we will conduct a special three-months course In Penmanship four hours per week, under the leadership of Mr. J. M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Ennla. Mr. Walker waa a student of th noted In Penmanship, four hours per week. Williams. Mr. Bnnla la the expert card-writer at Meier dt Prank's, where he has bean for the past four era. Students of the regular night school have th privilege of taking aP 0UaseBj fog CbsMBSws.1. BfnNaC WALKED StftlNCSft COLLEQf AftTO MOBBTSOW AMUSBSlBWeSL OB, WB MAKE AND SELL' EVERY POSSIBLE COMBINA '. ; . v - TION OF -'-, v . Gears, Drums and Shafts Careful design, a liberal disposition of fine material and high . grade workmsnship puts , us in a position to GUARANTEE RESULTS Two roar of Bthioplaa mirth, MeOoy i and Knight, are making merry at tha ! Arcade ' theatre thle waste. These two performers. Ilk th man who "sans; a little tenor, smog a llttl baritone and sang a little baas," do a little of every- 1 thing in th musical line. Their turn Includes seme eiavar piano playing and reaches Ita climax tn their performance on the hones, tnoee on ana rattling Instrumenta so dear to the heart of the I'old plantation darkey. Another act, en tirely different In Its character. Is the top boot dancing turn of Gaston and Harvey, whoss skit Is amusing and n tertalnlng. . - BTBMPS SOOB BBOV. All tover of fun wad mualo should nof I fall to Visit the Lyric this week. Every act m a good one. Swor and Weetbrook I arsk clever eomedlans and dancers: Bo I main and JTUoh present pieaalnt B. Brvtng Couss, the wall known artist, who with his wife mad a visit at the borne of her sister, Mra. Charles Ksmm, of Portland, some months ago, baa decided to make aa exhibit of about 0 paintings. Including all of his recent work, at the room of tho Portland Art association. In the publio library build ing; October I to I. MsmCous has bean In Portland aer- eral days, making arrangements for th exhibit. He baa spent the summer In Kllokitat county, Washington, devoting his time to making studies among the Klickitat Indiana. ; Some of bin most successful pictures nave been Indian subjects. He has found among th tribes of the American desert sod the Pacific northwest subieets for many vases that bar become famous among eastern patrons of art. For two seasons Mr. and Mrs, Csrase Uved among th Mokt Indiana of Art Bona, and there be secured some Inter esting studies. On Is "The Snak Danoe, a oaavaa Mxed trachea. It shows the Mokls engaging In the dance in which they pray for rain. Th seen is i of startling realism. The picture Is now the property of the Santa r Railway company and hangs In the office eg President Ripley at Chicago. . "These Indiana willingly submit to be sketched." says the artist, "and to this they differ frpm tha KUokitata and others of Ute northwest, who often seri ously object- to being pictured. The Klickitat believes that after death bis spirit will stay with tho picture. How ever, I bare no difficulty In ending some wbo err willing to sell their souls for aomparatlveiy email amount of money." ' Five years ago Mr. and Mra. Couss spent tho suauaer at her old borne, the Walker ranch, In Kllokitat eouaty, to miles from Th Dalles. Hers Mr. Couss Ulnda Indian Ufa to Its most favorable aspects, and among a few Indians on Rook ereek be secures the best types for posing. His "Peace Pipe," painted at the ranch to 101, captured tho first Hallgarten prise at the National Acad emy of Design the following year. The canvas Is ttxSS. and is now owned by New Tork sol lector. Another Indian picture, showing a Pueblo Indian I oordlng General McKenale'B fight en oanvaa of tanned akin, was painted In If at and won tho Osborne prise of HO. Tn tbe Solanugtrndl slub competition the Shaw prise of t00 was awarded bis picture of A Fishing Scene-, on th coast of Fraaosi This picture was ex hibited at th Buffalo exposition. - Th Salajnegundl elub gave the artist an honorary dinner to New Tork, and pre sented each guest with a souvenir photo of th picture. Mr. Couss1 Oregon sheep span as are wonderfully IK-like and pretty, and the artist, to showing them to the visitor, evlaoes aa nmutakble fondness for these pastoral snansa. "The Brook," g small bunch of sheep with thalr shep herd, was painted to ltOl and w 'now tha proparty of Andrew Freed man, a Tam many leader and well knows patron of art. - , r - . i Don't lot the tittle onea suffer from eesema or other torturing skin diseases. No need for It. Doan'a Ointment cures. Can't harm the moat delicate skin. At any drug store, ts cents. "Notice" Obi Ssclcty. ' ' Th regular saonthly meeting wilt be held at K. of P. ball, Marquam building, nsxt Friday evening, September ts. A full attendance Is requested. Refresh ments. WM. OOLDMAK. Secretary. Pea sock flour Is the best fancy ft UM ssnrket,. At fsding greoer. Columbia. THeatre IWteaash and WasUsstaa. B. O. Welsh, leaaee sad bimm. Paei Bala 110. All this weak, nurthw Ba tarda, ha UNDER TWO FLAGS uPrtcs-lbs, J&e, Mej sstfre ffallarr, ISc BlatlDea 15e and tsV; satire rmllrrr. inc. Ticket afore epea at Sows S Martin's, Sixth ana wauiagios, iron 10 a. m. ts T p. m. ruvmm hii i iv. ai master warn f p, sju 10 p. IB. PhMM Sll. POLICE LOOKING FOR INCENDIARY Detsctlvee ar still engaged In aa ef fort to ascertain who set Are to the res ideates of Mis Minnie Seldleman, near th crematory, early yesterday morning. As stated to The Journal last night, shs waa tha sols occupant of tbe house at the time, and was asleep. She came soar perishing tn the flames, but wakened just to Urn to scape with her life. "I firmly bellerve the Br was set by aa tooendtary.- said Miss Seldleman to day. "Persona who passed the house 10 minutes before the flame burst out say they aaw no signs of smoke or ft re. I think It was set for revengs, but cannot understand woo oould have a grievance WsTld's Fair bunton. On October t, 4 and tho Canadian Pacific will again place on sni special round trip tickets to St Louis. Chicago and eastern points at very low rates. Tickets will be good for stopovers. This will be the tost opportunity to scours World's Fair tickets at special rates. Barly reservations should be msda Cheap excursion tickets from eastern points to Portland are now on sale. For $j11 particulars, call on or address F. R. ohnson, P. and P. A, 141 Third street. Portland, Or. LAZBTS FAZTXrtTB, ' ' fSaeetel DTssetsk ts Tee JsersaLI Avon, Ida., Sept. 11. The funeral of Jamas Nesblt, the feeble-minded old man who wandered from bom and waa found dead In th mountains, was held here yesterday. The faithful dog which accompanied Naablt on his fatal tramp and whose barks attracted the searching party to the dead body, remained with the watchers during th two nights pre ceding the funeral and then followed the bddy to the grave, all the time giving vent hi reelings with pitiful walla. ' (Sparfat Drsestck t Tea JesraaM ' Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. J 1 Whit man college yesterday dosed a bargain for what will be one of the finest pipe organs on the Pacific coast. It Is the fine Roosevelt organ foicnerly ta tbe Cathedral at Louisville, Kentucky, which when new cost 911. att and was the best specimen of the work of Hilton Roose velt, uncle of President Roosevelt and a famous er ran maker. It will be set up In the chapel of Whitman Memorial budding. JUST, OUT! Fountain Pen Osil at ens J. R. EVr.3 in Fesps rr rv-Tjel r ABTVBSBBSB Mar mn m fipanrt Thoatrw t.fitik - Phone Main Ml Then. lav 1st tr Wti V - Clcyc!: Cc. GreatCIearenceS:: - v OF ADMIRAL-BICYCLES Vktsr ttesetall Ooeds, Ess. We desire to clear the Boor of every wheel in tha house, and to accomplish that result will offer such bargains and Must Clean the Wozzz Without delay. The Admiral has ne se perlor In the TJnttsd SUtes. It is faultless blcyoto and to move It aalokly we offer ... Racers at $25.03 Road Wheels at $19X3 We carry a complete line of Parker. lgton. Smith a. Ithaca. L Ferva and Worcester Shotguns, Winchester and Marlln Repeating tihotguns and a We also have a very fuming makes of Rifles. complete assart snent of cutlery. tackle and sporting goods of every ahar acter, at vary low prices. 113 THIRD STREET West BIS f Street, Bear WesSdagtos. TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known' the world over, are tbe only dentists In Portland having tha late bo tanical DISCOVERT to apply to th urns for EXTRACTING, FILLING and ROWNINO TEETH WITHOUT PAUL sad, guaranteed for TEN TEARS. , Free . BUS SS ma hi SUver Fillings , Woig "Ullags Full Ss Teeth that St from ,. aoid arowma ...BS to Bridge Work .....SXOO to OUR SUCCESS la due to our PAIN LESS METHODS. LOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK DONE BT SPECIALISTS in each denartment. NO STUDENTS in the office. All work done PAINLESSLY by SPECIALISTS of long years expe- ence. Give us a call, and you will and we do Just as we advertise. Boston Dental Pariors to. St. m.. Sat. Mlfffctm. San M rtal-prlm awnsse Sab. tea Useful "THB BUROOMAATBR - lH-r'-l1Umn, !?. axetpt laat i, 1.5; last Baiconr. rat fo"- flii weood I raws, TSe; hit mra. BOe. SMctal sjaUoea prices PHrqneCfl ; mraset cirri., TSe. Balseay Srpt t rows. Toe; last 10 'ums 9U7' ,Bc- BMr Mu-qoam Grand Theatre TOmOHT AT 0CtOOK. GOSTOlfS FAMOUS MINSTSELS Prtets ft. Tea. SOa, a aad , Morrison SB IV. Morxlsos, CORDRAY'S THEATRE . OOBDRAY BraflTtLU htaasgafe. , Partlasd'a Mast Pepalar FawllrTlMatie. . TON I OUT AND IVXBT WIGHT THIS WEEK. IUTDRDAX MATINS. Btsadlar roost salr I nur kit! lbs Blsg of aH tnnuw! Jt'LB WaLTBBS IB "BlDBTrlAwKBD" A saatlaeaea sett ef lssshbwl a saw ana eparsnng easMari Ur. and BOs. SsMrlal SMta, sua. aUUaee. priesa. Me aad Me. Baker Theatre ; : L. Masaser. OrMFoa TkMtM Hb.. hw - -- AIM THIS WSKK. MAT NEB SATUBDAY inmn a roraBMst Actor, OuBBTB aUOBOWlLB. ta BarOou'e Oret Plar, PEDORA" Talak sf Ml BreelBs. Ifto. BSs. BBa Bsa. Bhti. m, sve, joe, m, BMPIRB TtlBATRB Osr. 1Mb aad Msntaas SW. Ftoss Mata.IlT. TOS1QBT AlfB BTPJIT KIORT THtB WBBK. MATIN KB SATURDAY. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" stsassrx is, ids ang as. THE STAR TtlfATRC TBS BKATXST TATrDSTTXLB BXU ,BTXS PBOBVCTB IB POBTLABB XT Kg AIA-nUTVBS ACTS. Geaeral ral aaileiloe. Wet :M ts 4MKT ta lo :N.a Tee heaw af soma vaeasvlua. Cesrhniisa awaonasscae fra 1 ts : SL Bandara eMUseoea f to 10 SO a, aj. Bves Isg eernwwssces tfom T te M m. Sk Asp sastbT ths theatre. U esses. . TtlC ARCADE TtlCATKC BOB. ABTO lams. B TBI ST. WTT.r.ri S ibLka. BTOOTAVll iwtoir. BATB ABiamxoAjr mtomtjon. ASXitaeloe. lOe te any seat. OaUaaeas vasdavlue. I 1 t P. Bk to imm LYRIO TMBATRB JAOWWA-ar, aftseoa"aiee, ' B. 7 A .4. Shm a. .m to 4 At; f 4 to M law A Parallel To the gualtty ami variety of this hardware showing at little - to pay prions wemM Basks tatsrestlng taspo tloa at elose rang. But youll have to look ton and saarehlngly and then probably without . results, far tba limit of guallty and tbe minimum of prio ara side partners here. AVERY &Ca . 82 Third St. COAL Dismoad Lamp, ton.eJ. Newcastle Lump. ton. Wsthed Nut, ton.. fan weigM 98.50 S6.50 itTisnn KI1NQ COAL Ca Rocksprings Cod Is best for bouse use. Otbog good Coals from ti.10 up. Oet our prices oat Steam. Coal In ear lots. rornroBT abb ev;, - :3 i Vulcan Cod Co. 339 BURlNsSIDB BT. NOM KIN sbbsv ' letjrw ese w Delicious Chines so. . r perb shop suer. r -oat' " visnit M en aescnp" . m a- ' in t. " i A " r