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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
V t C Of i-3 PORTLAND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, I Editorial Pag Journal A-' . T H E ORE G g, & JACKSOH Pushed oiwspt stonday ) east t SCHOOL NOT READY FOR s 3MB ef the achooUi which 1 -r occupied, UlM the high school Kelly, are closed again until snob, days wbta the heating apparatus can Irux order. The attendance si the numbered 9U. At- tta Clinton Kelly ' hare bsca dismissed and to other half days on sooount of lack ef heat. with tta esT pnpile will not ba ready iMxt weak, while a hundred and mora children watt tardy Mnmmdttbni at the Ladd and Brooklyn schools. Bare the we at ill nova abort fceM puplla, H made, who have baan unable to secure acbool aeeommo dattone and toa or mora who are attending hah? time. . la this a record of which to ba proud to apologise Cor aa the OreconJan does thta moraine and baa dona before? There la an effort beta made aa usual to ahlft the raaponatbllltr and ao distribute it that It will definitely reel nowhere. Bat tt -will not do. There ia one body and only one, ao far aa the publle la ooooerned, 'which la responsible for thla dreadful dereliction, and that w tho ochcol board. That IS the only body tho nob lie can recognise. To tho acbool board It haa delegated foil power. gtvuJp tho maano and allowed what waa considered amnio tint la which to ot everything In meillmss for tho fall opening of tho schools. If tho con tractor haTO boan alow tho performanoa of their con tracts, tt than baa boon failure to any direction the remedy waa to tho hands of tho board and all tho con tractors are responsible to that body. s ..i The lack of results la wtthoat excuse or JoottfloaUon. To any that the task before tho board waa difficult justi fies nothing, for tt waa dtfrtomlttoa which It waa expected to surmount. To leave s,eo children without means of Instruction, to have ail expenses go on' Just the same,' to - Invito demoralisation In tho school work Itself, ao wall aa among too children who am thrown a. stato aC affairs that calls for tho - curm, for It evinces a lack of appreciation of responsibility '" on tho part of tho board .which la atmpiy aanaalna This whole matter should now be taken hold of as though the board really Bieant business. It should not lose a moment's time nor permit any or tho contractors to do so. If tt Is necessary to work day and night that should ba done to retrieve as far ao now Ilea In Its power tho egregious mlatako of which It haa boon guilty. Having dona wbat , ever tt can to retrieve Itself, tt should not rest content until ovary contractor who haa boon derelict In bis duty haa paid tho fatt penalty, tf tho public holds tho board, the board should hold the con tractors. In this way there will ba Introduced a now sense af responsibility oil alone the Una In ouch work, and while what has happened can not now be remedied, there would than be a oertainty that the same thin would not happen acaln next year, or any subsequent year. '. , .' w , NO CHANCE TO REFORH. n I HB Dalles TlineeMoo2iteinotr routes tho Incident f f 'of a man belns; arrested la Out ettjr no aeon as f he stepped off a train because he wore etothlns; . fumsihd by the Walla WalliT penitentiary. Tho man, John Toons' by name, had a bad record convicted, and had Just flnhthed serrbts; a five years sentence for that crime. But he had paid the fail penalty - imposed by the court, and waa a free sua. , He bad done , nothins as yet. according; to The Dalles pa par's statement. ' to justify his arrest, nor did the officer know that he & eontomplatod any crime. While not probable, it Is possible .-' that he utended to lead aa honest life henceforth. But the penitentiary officials sent him forth Into the world ' with the brand of Cain upon htm In tho shape of a suit ' of penitentiary dothea, and the officer Jumped to the con clusion that he waa Intent on another burglary, and ao ran htm In. t -- ; . .v This is all wrong. What chance has a discharged eon- vlct to reform and bo an honest, decent cttlsen under such circumstances? Mono whatever. It Is true that a great many, discharged convicts would not altar their criminal . career a they had over so much omiuuiageuieut, but oven ; they, having paid their legal debt to soctoty. are entitled r. ; to fall freedom nnttt they commit some other crime or . until tt is positively known that they contemplate a . . i . AVOTllS BATTXPJ PBATSB, ' St Is arely BbMU Vp from Bfhtteal To the Editor of the New Tork gun Mr, Charles BstteU Loomls, with hla militant sum and peaceful protesta ttons, otters a form of battle prayer whieh seems net, stale and unprofitable. Why does Jm net go to the proper source for hla Inspiration, the Bible Iteelft Permit ee to suggest the fol towing prayer as. sjore In eensonanoe with holy writ: Almighty and most merciful Ocd, we beseech Thee to emits our enemies and utterlr destroy thru (Deuteronomy, vll, l-, and save alive nothing that breatheth. (Deuteronomy, xx, lt-17.) Sfod, we pray Thee, wild beasts amonv " r OTsVeMesfMsygsV i th tn, which shall rob them- of their chll- I .'. dren. (Levltloua. xxvl. XI.) , Walk oon V '-. " r trary also la Thy fury, that thr may 1 ' V: eat the flesh of their sons, and the flesh fe; iof their daughters may they eat. t r i Wltlous. xx rl, IHI.) gmlte them with I X, '; eonsumptlon, and with a fever, and with ; the sword, and with blasting snd with M mildew, let the heaven that la over them b be brass, and the earth that la Under y , them be Iron. Make the rale of thslr t .' land powder and dustt from heaven may It oosm down upoa them until they be destroyed, and then earoasses be swat unto all the fowls of the air aad unto . .t the besets of the earth, end no man ' orar them away. O Lord, emits , them with the boich of Kgypt. and with the esMroda, and with the scab, and with , the Iteh, whereof they cannot be btsltfj I (Deuteronomy, xxvtll. tt- ' Heap mischiefs soon toemf spend y to In arrows npoa them. Sura them f ' with hunger end devour them with bura J Ing best and with bitter destruction. Smd slso toe teeth of beasts upon toem. with the polsos of serpents of the dust. ' The sword without, and toe terror with 1 Is shell destroy both the young man and the virgin, tho ouekllng also, with tho ,.' man of gray hairs. Dutreaoanr, XxxIL tI-U. MiUie Thine erruws drunk with blood and Thy sword shall devour flesh ( (lb M Stone tbera with stones, and , btru them with Are after i.m haet stoned thm with stones, (Joshua, vll. , - t trtterly destroy all that they save, end spare not: but star both ata and ' . wesson, la fa at and seckliag..- X sswel, ' sv. 1-1.) H.rpy ehall be' be who taketh and . daeheth thlr IttUe ones aaaJnet -thm stnnee. (Fee) ma, c xxvl I. t.) Tea, O memful Ood, gather them aad blow ; upon them the Sre of Thy wrath thef O N D A I LY v. :-'au'" imdipimoknt niwipapir PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. unday I Portisnd, Or OFP4CIAU PAPER OF THI CITY OF PORTLAND BUSINESS. crime. On the citlaea If he met were supposed! to be chance. Itereiy and the Clinton houiit ba extended, time In the course or be gotten mto work- high school yesterday BchooV tM pupils puplla are attending enoourageroent and The Atkinson oohool useful cltlsena. (or oocupancy until Suppose John such a coots of whan a rigid oount and to It a record from the penitentiary? J , . SALARIES Important, stantiated by tho oatioa. which shows for women. In average la higher, states still higher, in boas-ridden Pennsylvania the salaries are only for men and IM.SI highest salaries of greatest distinction fornia pays tho those to women Is the southern average for the upon tho streets, 4al ttonad. liveliest public critl- Theee salaries distinction In the SUPPRESS w poker as a burster whan everybody knows they may be melted la the midst there of. Eseklel, xxll, II.) May the smoke of their torment ascend up forever snd ever (Revelations, xx.. i in the pres ence of the holy angels and In the ores- enoe of the lamb (Revelations, xlv, 10), wnere the worm dleth not and too Ore Is not quenched. (Marks, lx, 44. May they drink the wrath of the Almighty (Job. xxt It), and may Thy wrath some upoa them to the uttermost. (I Thes es on tana. IL If.) May Thv rlaht hand. O Lord, dash In pisoee the enmy. (Ex- odus, xv. a.) For behold, tho Lord will coma with Are and with Mis ebaiiots like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury and Hie rebuke with flames of firs. Usalab. IxvL lft. k Therefore. O Lord, deal In fnrv. let not Thine eyes spare, neither bavo pity; and though they cry In Thine ears with a loud voice, ret wilt Thou not haar them. Biklel, vill. It.) Tread them In Thine anger and trample them la Tby fury, and their blood shall bo sprinkled upon Thy garments and will stain all Thy raiment. (Isaiah, Isllt t.) Wo also will laugh at their calamity; we will mock them when their fear Cometh; when their fear oometh aa desolattoa. and their destruction oometh as a whirl wind. (Proverbs, t g-K.) . 0 give thanks unto the Lord; for He Is good, for His marry sndureth forever. To Him that ssaots Egypt in their first born; for His mrcy endureth forever; but overthrew Pharaoh and hla host in the Red sea; for Hla mercy endureth for ever. To Him that smote great kings; for His mercy endureth forever; and slew famous kings, for H1o mercy en dureth fereveA Blhon, king of the Amorltest for His merer endureth for ever: and Og. tho klog of the finahan; for His mercy endureth forever; and gave their lands for an heritage: for His mercy endureth forever. (Psalms, exxxvi, l-Sl.) ' ' C WATERS. ' Cleveland, September . Prom the Philadelphia Publlo Ledger. A man Who was "wanted" by the po lice had been photographed to' sis dif ferent positions, snd the picture ware duly circulated among the polios. The ?- O,.po'lw.111 x"try tows wrotoieumbent upoa thorn but seek to control to polios headauartori of the altv i search of the malefactor few days after the. set of portraMa had been Is sued as follow i "I duly received the pictures of the ant miscreants whose capture la desired. I have eereeted Are of them, and the siith Is under observation and will be secured shortly." , wu ;J O U RN A L JMO. P. CABJtOU. Te Jowrnal Building. Fifth and Yamhill other hand many a convict oa his die- charge after serving a first term would .become a worthy with encouragement, 'hi he were given a on tho score of economy, the smallest of several considerations, this chance, this encowragemont. to, them. - To thai and the system of lnastormlnato aentenoes, and parole on certain conditions, ought to ho adopted. There should bo aa nearly as possible a sclent Iflo differentiation of Irreclaimable and hoooleas criminals, and those who might with proper under duo surveillance, become honest. Young realty had made up hla mind to life hereafter; hxrw can ho bo blamed for renouncing hla good Intentions and becoming a sworn and lifelong enemy of society when he la sent out labeled by hla clothes aa aa hx-oonvlot, and arrested' on that score as soon aa bo gets off a train bearing him away QF AMERICAN TEACHERS, TUB STATEMENT frequently made ' that school teaching, than which no profession Is more is the one most poorly paid, la sub latest report of the commissioner of odu- that the average monthly salary of teachers to the United States Is M7.H for men and Mt.t7 New England and the middle etatea tho IST.TI and S4X.M, and hi some western being lS.M and SM.M la Illinois, while for women. Massachusetts pays too any eastern state, and makes the between men. and women, while Cali highest salaries of any western state. teachers averaging MM1 per month. It states and Pennsylvania that bring toe whole country down to the figures roen- are surely too low, considering the great importance of teachers work, and pubUo sentiment should be aroused to their tnjustloo to capable, faithful teachers. Tot they are liberal as compared with salaries abroad. In Oreat Britain male teachers receive an average salary of ISM a year, and women teachers less than $SOC. In Prussia the average Is. tilt, In Prance ISM, la Spain tide, to Sweden and Norway fit to men and M to a. These figures are significant aa ahowtng how much more liberal the people of the United States are than those of any other country, except perhaps Oct many, in supporting common . schools, and also lp making less matter of salaries. Since it Is amorally admitted that women as a rule make the best teachers, there la no good reason, except that their oupply fa) so much greater, than that of smb. why they should not receive equal salaries. - They really earn' as much, ; ! ;, ,..v PUBLIC POKER GAMES. HATffVBR quibbling and vphistry may be 'employed in attempting to show . that tho games are not under the legal ban, tho sanar-as other gambling gamed that have bean closed. that they are so. Notwithstanding the false pretense of placards that they are played for drinks or cigars only, everybody knows that they are played for money, and that tho proprietors of tho gambling heuass get a rery large rake-off. A "quiet little game of poker." among acquaintances,- by private personal agreement. In a occluded place-, is something tho law cannot prevent, and should act, and does not seek to prevent. To that extent man ought to and must be allowed personal liberty of action. But the open public, freo-fer-o very body, systematic, gambling poker games ought to be oup press id. and Tho Journal will go 06 far as to say plainly that It tho duty of tho courts to sustain the sheriff in bis efforts to execute the law by suppressing them. There Is not a lawyer, - nor a business man, nor anybody who knows anything about them, personally or by correct accounts of them, but knows that they are Just aa Illegal gambling games aO any other ever Invented. This being the case, quibbling and sophistry and pettifoggery to make Mack appear white should find ao sympathy and do great degree of tolerance In the courts. . .. naasDmsmmwassmai BEBBIBw A BfCASJ BT sUO, ' Prom the Chicane Journal. Many persons will be surprised, doubt less, to know that IS England a person can be sent from one part of the king dom to another by mall Just aa tf be was nothing mors than a msre letter. One day a man celled at St Martln'h la Grand with the object of consulting a directory and finding the address of a customer who lived In a remote part of Bel bam. He waa not acquainted with the locality, and was most anxious to see his customer st onoe. These facts be mentioned to aa obliging clerk behind the counter. He waa at once Informed that he eon id be sent to the required address by reg istered mall at a f ee ef oente a mils. The man gladly aocepted the offer, and in lees than a minute found himself In charge of a amart messsngsr boy. who very soon guided him by the shortest route to bis destination. The boy carried la hla hand a printed slip with the description of his "mailed parcel" under the heading, "Artlale re quired to be delivered,'' and this be re quired the man and customer to sign before he left too letters house. xirow Prom the Newberg Graphic, A Newberg bachelor baa besn adver tising la a Portland paper for a wife. Thla Is a reflection against the young ladles of this vicinity which should not be allowed to pass UMtailengod. Or, oa second thought. It looks more like a re flect loo against the bachelor. He muef either admit that he can't pass muster with tho young ladles of bis acquaint ance or wbat'e about aa bod, that be to too backward to make known hla heart's desire except indirectly through the mod turn of printers' Ink at a distance of t mllea If the Utter Infirmity la bis ex cues he has our sympathy. Inherent bsshfulness Is tho besetting Weakness of the average bachelor. Prom the Banttam Hewa. Our United Ota tea senators do . not matters la state poUtloa Thsy wish to dictate who shall bo the seat presi dent of the senate aad speaker of the bouse, deems to the News thst they ere meddling with something that does not oncers them la the least. Ths senators ought to give their entire ol tentlon to matters of national stilt ise and aot sals up la state aSaira, . 1 Small Change Lena Is resting easier, . Now for the Taaima fair. It hegtns to feel a Utile like oyster ther. . . .. . . ... , , ... 1 Portland's growing. suburbs keep V"- right on The campaign will be opened again next week. . , Debs will likely be more Interesting than Palrbaaas. . People In 1001110 cities are havlag (baled) bay fever. , y t ; ' Rossis waa going to evacuate Man- chorta anyhow she said. . If tho tariff made dollar wheat, why didn't It make store of ItT ' v Togs looks st San Praodsco harbor oa the map with a frown. To the weather bureau: 1 you are ready, you may lap It rate, Evidently the wogglebug has not said yet that It was going to rain sooa. ' -The Democratic party are"-- says the Adams Advance, Taru't neither, ' Great excitement to Prance; a Preach man haa been seriously wounded la a duel. . . . .. tt seems now that the report that the Disaocratlc party was dead waa prema ture....:. 1 ....- : Cortatyou la a sensible chairman, ao far: he stakes ao public promises predictions. Many experts say there are oceans of ell under Oregon aou. But nobody strikes It. Keep beting. . Save Hill premie to swear off oa New Tear's. But we all know- how aweh New Teare prcealsie amount to. . ejwsawemiwaB Aren't we going to have Palrbanks at Salem? Salem Statesman. Why, the weather Is comfortably oool Bow. BeouMloana and Democrats are both satisfied with the result of the Vermont and Maine elections, and ao everybody la happy..".'. k After election, if Roosevelt wtna, will It be "Mr navy" "my army." "my peo ple." etc, all the same as Bnweror William aad King Bdward? Albany Democrat: A teacher at Che- ma we saye more work and lees frills Is what the Indian girl needs. And that Is what a good many'other girls seed. When yea read a New Tork story of what Judge Parkerb) going to do during the campaign, you may be sure that it will be contradicted la the next bt aot la the same paper. The Populists are said to be wn sup plied with campaign runes. It needs do great amount of shrewdness to guess where they got them. Bven uaeio Jimmy Jonas- eeeJd-e-lb r - As a rattgloua eect, the Hormone, tf Lthey obey the laws, are not to ba Inter fered with; but their churen nas no business In politics, and the party that allies Itself with them should be beaten. " Pure" food sharps say that meet "W the raspberry Jam of commerce is com posed of syrup of apple cores, anallne dye and hayseed. City people might stomach the others, but should draw the line at hayseed. Anierlcan-mads typewriters la the United dtstes, HOI, kept at that price by a tariff -protected trust. The same typewriters In foreign countries, where no tariff protects, - end efter paying freight !- Whom does the tariff pro tect, the half dosen firms making type writers, or the millions of people using them? It protects the former by rob bing the latter. And tola la a sample of, protection. VAorzos op imw saps." af too Art of Prom the Russkoye slovo. , ; Yes, we were greatly mistaken when we called them "little Jape.' We have never before ted to deal with such skill ful opponents. They have Included In their tactics all modern methods, strictly edaptlng them to their own national peeullaritlea Por Instance, knowing the weakness of - thslr cavalry,- they never allow It to go out unsupported. There la always infantry behind It, and our cavalry often rune against tt. not expecting Its presence. The Japanese reeonnsJsoaaee to et- footsd thus: A compact force- of rifle men marches, sustained by screens, and patrole move about five versta ahead. At distance ef throe veratg tae eoouts are preceded by a number of Chinese. Theos last some to the Russian llnea, examine the samp, and make signals to tho Japanese ooneernlag tho whereabouts of the oavalry patrole. AS the country Is mountainous, they advance at the rate of seven vents a day. Intrenching and fortifying every atep they take. Their path la an uninterrupted row of fortifi cations. Knowing ths excitable. Impres sionable temper of their soldiers, thsy never pursue the enemy before settling down in good order upon the position occupied, because during a pursuit troops often become disarranged. Judg ing by their operations one could im agine they are tho most pnisgmscio ana methodical people in the woria so strong In their military education and their knowledge of the art of war. They very reasonably avoid ths bayonet. Their leading ranks run away to ths right er left, opening the frost for the fire of the succeeding lines. Running sound these to the rear, they again form their ranks, thus taking tba place of reserves. If the troops uneoverod are unable to stop our attack by fire, they repeat ths maneuvers. ' What ee If -control, what discipline are required hi order to do thla and what a consciousness -or strength! When they are oa tho march it to all but Impoostbls for them to meet with any surprises. In addition to wis men detached for guard, they aurroOnd their eolunma by ehslns of eoouts, who advance along the crests of ths sieve- tlona Movement under such conditio no may he Blow, but It Is euro. ' lasae Matt toe People, ; ' Prom the Philadelphia Record. ' There never before baa been Issued from the White House on any occasion a missive ef a public character oouohed in language of suoh studied Insult to one-half of the people of the United States. It reads Ilka a speeeh from the throne of a God-anointed ruler Instead of sa add re so of a public servant giving sn account of bis stewardship It la a breaking forth which makes only too evident what has been going on In ths betued-up seclusion of Oyster Baft " A SOCIXTY DAMCJ SECRETARY Prom "ths Chicago Tribune. Probably there Is ao position to whieh women eara money to which there are so many ehoerful aspirants an that ox private secretary to the rich acoiety dame. '. Quilelees notes t written on dainty paper, cheerfully requesting the- post and expressing absolute confidence of being able to All .it, era part of the morning mail of every Chicago matroa prominent In society and club Ufa Ths moot pathetic 'side to these little ep 1st lee hi the utter Ignorance whieh they show of the business qualifications aeosssary for ths position for which thsy so eagerly ask 1 am aooustossed to refined surroundings, aad am euro that I would easily fit Into your estab lishment," or "I have always moved a good society, and aa you see I can write a good letter are some of the reasons ursed for special fltnesa As to how -different from this are trie real essentials of a secretary, the way la whioh the position is filled for the "acknowledged leader of Chloago'e aot of younger society - matrons may be taken as aa example. Of course, the aecrotary must be familiar with social usages and have the art of well bred lsttsr writing at her finger ends. First, then, the secretary Is engaged at 1T0 par month. This seems like a princely stipend, which It would oome nearer being if it Included the luxuriant homO popularity supposed to go with the post of the most trusted employe of a "great lady." But It doesn't This secretary of the' 'ladles' companion type.- who Uvea la the house, hi out of date In the best bouses, everywhere. The pretty matron of - whom we are peaking la noted for her ouslneos like qualities, aad expects her secretary to nod her home elsewhere and to come and go to her business fat the earns Inde pendent and Impersonal way that- ths maa who holds the came position With her husband does to hla, he comes, then, at I :ls remember. you who think It so easy, that this means rain or shine every day but Sun day throughout the year and that the m Is gone over with "madam. who la a noted early riser. Sometimes this means Just the accumulation that came the day before, after sbo ion. 'Madam'' points out what she wants eepeetaUy at tended to, and "Madam" or "mam'selle murmur," as the case may be, gets to work at her desk until the morning's ill Is brought up. This Is quickly sorted and classified with a praotloed eye, and the social letters demanding Immediate reply are taken to "madam the employer at once and the answer outlined. The formal invitations are looked over and compared to the al ready full sngagemsnt book before they are also taken to her to decide which to to be answered with aeeeptaneee and which with regreta Bills' are laid aside until they are all la for tho month, when they are also given to her to go over and O. K.. which she does by putting on the, familiar little business signature. Some ef those, pertaining to household matters and having nothing to do with personal expenditure, the secretary takes entire cbargs ' of herself. One of her strongest business qualmeatlonB Is a tactful discretion as to Hading out and adjusting all that ehe can without bothering her employer. , :, . i i V Thf letters "from 'foreign nooses, often lb. French, are replied to in French. And then eomoo the bulk of the work which demands the secretary's atten tion. This Is the great mass of begging and borrowing letters, which In quanti ties undreamed of pour down upon the devoted heads of tole rich woman and her secretary- A funny side to It la that at certain times this part of ths mail becomes even unusually heavy. Perhapa madam's, husband, who Is a noted financier, haa beoa making aa ex tra sueoissful deal In wheat, or any thing else It dooea't matter. Probably madam herself hasn't . heard anything about it, and la not even enough In terested la that part of the daily paper In which .It la recorded to ever happen to see IL . Certainly ths secretary isn't. But she knows what has happened when she boss ths mail la the morning, and It she doesn't tho letters soon tell her. "I see by the paper that Mr. made many thousands on a big deal on the board of trade the other day. Will you not use little of this to send mo THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN - Prom the New Tork Tlmsa. - Here Is something- brand new In a cot glass dish that the woman who likes dainty things for the table will be glad to w el oome. Thla la an individual mush room dish, with a bell cover. It la a low, shallow dish, attractively cut and with little ears on either side, the high bell cover plain and with a sliver knob at the top. They are etceedlngiy pretty dishes and cost 7.i6 a dosen. They may he more elaborate and may cost more. The bell, for Instance, may be engraved with mushrooms, or It Is de lightful to have a monogram upon tt. The bell tops oas be bought for fed a dossn. Another Individual service dish which Is a delight la for tho oyster oocktalL Ths oysters snd the dressing are served separately. With this servloe every man or woman la his or her own cocktail mixer. It Is much more satlafactory than the usual method. There is a cut glass plats, In the center of which Is set s small, rather ow-etemmod glass. The oystsrs era eervod oa tb half shell on cracked loo In the.. plate, which has rather a high rim. and ths dreeelng Is In the mall glass In the center. With an oyster fork cash oyCter Is dipped In the dressing and given as much or as : pxors gMowzMg tot Arssuroos. Prom the Nev Orleans Times-Democrat "Did you ever atop to think-about the fact that we have more showers Is the afternoon than we have In the moralng, and tho eauoea which bring about, thla reeultf askee a man who tabes an in terest la motsoroleglcal questions. "The ohlef faotor Is the upward move ment of the air whtoa la brought about by heat. Ton see la dear weather the heat le act at Ita height until after mid day. Tho Changes which aot la aa a result of ths air movement In the after noon, and the gradual withdrawal of the sun's force as the orb roUa dowa to ward the western norison will bring about Just those conditions fevorabie to the production of eaowsra, and the next result ts the showers ws so eftea oa perieaos In the afternoon. '.There eeems .to be In this, as la all of nature's plans, a fine wisdom. It would he Impossible to measure the ad vantage at tbsoe showers to plant Ufa Often plants need resuscitation after the severe beat of the day. They are tn a wilted condition, and need the sprinkling we give the plants tat ths flower garden. Nature doss the sprinkling by send lag a good, re free h fog shower. The sfternoon shower is a great institution, too, from tho standpoint of human beings, and other animals, for animals, you know,, frequently begin to droop under the de pressing influence of savers heat. to colleger or "to help me Improve myself r er to give sas a musical ed ucation T er to tide me over a diuV oult place until I em oa my feetr - Sometimes these cries for aid are ac companied by a promise to pay tt alt back. Sometimes the promise la so defi nite end the need so appesie to tho heart of ths, secretary that she brings It dlrectlv to the attenlon of her em ployer. She Is not rioh herself, and her heart goes out to these people who are In a tlaht niece: and. besides, this is in ths spirit of toe special Instructions given by madam." who wants to give what eases she can her personal at tootlon, , Her attitude Is alee generous, aad thsa It la the secretary's duty to go aad took up uts ease, , , -. . i .c " ' Oeaerally though she must act as the butter between this class of appeal which makes unheard of aad unlimited demands and her employer. One of the ways in which she instantly classifies the letters la by ths transparent little ruse ef marking them "pereonai. which Is done of course with ths pur pose of making them "pass" without ftrst being opened for the secretary's censorship. Naturally thla little plan defeats Its owe ends, as the really per sonal letters are never marked "per sonal.'' and are easily detected st the arst glanoa 4mong the great number of thla kind of letters are tho appeals for work Part of the responsibility of helping this olase also devolves upoa ths seorstary, who Is Instructed whenever possible to make some- expllolt suggeettone aa to where the applicant would best go to and the beet kiad of work which she la seeking. In this oonneetloa, too, the work often assumes a funny aspect. When, as every boor kaowa thla woman's little daughter woo tho subject of a great sdrsical eperatloa not long ago, and waa talked of through the papers from one end of the country to the ether, the number of letters which asked for the special privilege of becoming governess to the little patleat by woman with endless strings - of credentials from schools and colleges, assumed alarming proportions, besides being in ' many oases of tho funniest dssarlptloo ths would-be teachers of the poor little maid sometimes being apparently all packed and ready to start upoa receipt of the ex doc ted ursont telegram. The task of answering all these ooav mun lest Ions ts the heaviest work la a household like thla one. Tho personal "notes, too, are la hardly any ease dic tated, but simply suggested and written la tho form,- "Mrs. w desires me to aay.f etc, The keeping of duplicate ooples of the engagsment book, of which one la upon the secretary's and oae oa isdam's" desk, la alee part of the recular work, and a tactful reminder that such and such aa engagement Is at hand la depended upon from her usually. when dinners aad partlee of any kind are en hand, the beeping track of ae eeptaneee and regrets belongs to the sec retary, and planning as mueh as possi ble for the keeping straight of any spe cial thing which la undertaken. For Instance, whoa this capable matron took oharge of the rehearsals of the charity bail tho work of her secretory In plac ing ensgesBonts must have bees simply enormous. Thsn. too. she Alls - out all of the checks with which bills are paid, mail- ins: them after they are elgned. and, m turn keeping ail receipts carefully as sorted, boo also has a larse sum of money put Into her hands every month with which to pay house Mile. 'and to handle any transaction which requires ready money. Of all this aha keeps so- oount by accurate bookkeeping ' another requirement not usually on the list of accomplishments of the "would-be sec retary. . Answering the telephone, too. which la pieced upon nor desk, tm no light task and la constantly Interrupt ing her work. Through It or through a pereonai Interview she meets all i quests for Items by newspaper people. and ehe slso receives all those who some upon business of any kind which tt Is considered expedient not to turn away without an Interview. In all ef this she haa need to be upoa the alert to serve the beat Interests of her employer, ao that net only tho secretary In this bouse but In those of most up-to-date matrons is selected because ehe haa bualne qualifications which equal those of the average work tag ousinoee woman. little ss may be desired. The Idea of the oyster on the half shell sad showing thslr absolute freshness Is very agree able. Together the plate and dish cost a dosen, sad asperate each fit a t. rbc new moon hung la the sky. Tho sun was low In the And my betrothed snd I Is the ehurobyard paused to rest ' ' Happy maiden end lover, , . Dreaming the old dream evert - '5 The light winds wandered by. ' - And robins chirped from the nest. And lot in the meadow sweet Was the grave of a little child. With a crumbling stone st the foot - And the Ivy running wluV Tangled Ivy and clover, . . ' V Folding It over and ever; ' Close to my sweetheart'B feet v Was the little mound up-piled. Stricken with name leas Tears, he shrank, aad slung to me; ' And her eyes were filled with tears For a grief that I did not sec; ; Lightly the winds were blowing, T, Softly her tears were flowing, . Tssrs for ths unknown years ' ' And sorrow thai waa to be. Thomas Bailey A Id rich. as a rule, the hewer le needed mere In the afternoon than at any ether period of Una" . , - ASA Clara Merrta, hi Center's for Septem ber IT, sayst -At the theatre the weary and the care-rlddea seek forgetfulneas for a lit tle while, and presently they actually weep st fictitious woes, laugh at fic titious misunderstandings, and heartily applaud all patriotic er noble senti ments thus returning thanks, aa tt wsra. far the lossoa unconsciously learned, "And lying close to the heart are lib erty, enlightenment and progrsss In volving la their development and fruition Buffering and happlneos, vtoe and virtue, error and truth, defeat and victory 'the stage comprises thorn all I Oh, what a power! end when we See the vloiortee won for the Btage by It, we feel that sympathy ts ths fulcrum with Which the pulpit should lift ths world r 1 ' 1 1 Pegotobls Itom. Prom the Philadelphia Record. Mrs Boggins Those busy neighbors nest door who are always peeping through the blinds have an awful lot to say shout their family tree. Mr. Buggins Hugh! I ll bet It Is a rubber plaau s , . . EE Oreoa Sidelights Mitchell n rapidly building up again. McMtnnvtUs is also moving for a sub lie park. . A , ,a ;, . u- -v Development leagues are the order of , . , ' Chinook salmon and aalmoa trout are soaxoe to the Y equina river. t , , Ths grain crop to portions of Wallowa county la larger thaa ever before. A farmer XI miles from Fossil baa LfiOe sweet potato plants doing well. , Plekpooketa found many assy marks at the stats fair and are sow flush with funds. , (. - . Pour new enginse of the largest type used on tho O. R. d M, have arrived st La Oreads . -.,(-' . During August I. lit. CTt feet of lum ber aad lit. too bath were shipped from Coos county.' .' . People all over Oregon are falling ta line and getting ready for the Forward, March order. - , - - - v . - A Oood Roads, General improvement and Advertising ohib Is to ba organised ' at Palls city, ,. ' , , The city marshal of Pilot Keek,' as sisted by three other etout mea, killed a . ratuesnake la that town. " McMlnnvtlls ht figuring oa getting Water from Baker oreek at aa ewvatlea of 0 feet above the town, . . OraadfatherA Clark of Pern Itldge, Linn county, Is 94 years old, but Is well end hearty and frequently rides to Sale oa Seragbaosi , .. . . . - , An unusual number of farm fires have occurred thte summer, burning grain, hope, eta They saey. result la greater ears another season. The Dayton evaporator people are buiidlag another largo addition to thslr plant In order to have room for their large generators of Vinegar. Aa Ontario young woman went out to milk the oows snd fell from a manger, y breaking' her arm la two places. Girts . 'S' who don't llks to milk will easily per- ' osive the moral of this Incident. At a fruit farm near Irving to tens of Italian prunes and S.O0S bushols of apples will be raised. The French prunes will be allowed to drop for hogs- - to eat. as there le no market for thenw t George Chandler, ex-otate senator, ex- A member of the board of agriculture, and one of tho wealthiest stock raisers of eastern Oregon, was robbed of $11 at tho Baker City depot Just before leaving ' A for the stats fair. David MeCulIy of Salem celebrated ' . his foth birthday last week, spending v part of the day at the fair grounds ex- ' ' amlnlng the exhibits with ss anion ap- . parent interest as he did 40 years ago. He has lived there continuously since lT jh4 bids faur to live several vet.. - : ' v ... . Prod Whaa of Bakes City was out in tho country shooting st any lnnoeent bird thst He could see, and that had' ao good a right to live as he has, snd one of the bullets from bis mischievous gun struck a farmer who was mowing, pene trating his lung, where It will remain. though he may recover. , arnaeiday. & OHtoas, amttos af AMOrtem, It to quite natural that Mr. George Horses Larimer should be the- editor of tho Saturday livening Poet, the paper founded by Benjamla Franklin, for be is ths Poor Richard of these dayfl of shrewdness and slang. Old- Ben him self never dealt out richer chunks of worldly wledom than are dealt out by Mr. Lerlmsr to hie first book, "Tho Letters from a Be if-Made Merchant to Hla Son, and again In hie second soak, "Old Gorgoa Graham,' whtoh will bo' published by Messrs. rjoubleday. Page A Co. some tune next week. Mr. Lo rimer wrote tho letters because he wanted something of that sort for his paper, He virtually wrote them to fill space, snd with no thought that they would attract more than ordinary attention. No one wee more surprised at their suocees thaa he was. The book has been translated Into a half dosen languages, among them Japanese. "Old Gorgon Graham" Is every bit as clover and amusing aa ths first book. What Ita Japanese orltle said of the letters to true of thle bookIt should be la the hands ef every maa who haa to make hla way In the world. I have eboees some crumbs off wisdom from "Old Gorgon Graham' that are worthy of being pieced aide by aids with Poor Richard: It's been- my oxportonoo that when ea office begins to look like a family tree, you'll find worms tucked away snug aad cheerful ta awst of the ap ples.- "When a maa makes s specialty or knowing how some other fellow ought , to spend hla money, be usually thinks la millions and works for hundred.' "When an ess gets the run of the pas tor ha finds thistles." . , Ne man's a failum until he's dead or lease his courage, and that's the same thing." . . "I'm hopeful, but I'm a good deal like the eld deacon bach is Missouri who thought that games of- chance Were elnfui, and so only bet oa sure things- and I'm not betting." Tvs usually found that these quick. glad borrowers are slcwi sad payers. And when a fellow tolls you that It hurts him to have to borrow, you can bet that the thought of having to pay is going to tie him as Into a bow knot , of pain." Trouble postponed always has to be met with ecorued Interest.' t "Don't hurt any one tf you can beta ILxbut If you must, a clean, oulok wound heals soonest. " It's bettor to see If bores than to miss one buyer. A house never, sets eo big that It can afford to sniff st a let pound sausage crdsr, or to feel that any customer Is ss email that It can afford not to bother with him. You've got to open a good many oysters to find e-pearl.' "Ton can buy a lot of boms hsnnlneas With a mighty small salary, but fash ionable happiaeea always coots just a littis mors than you're making. 'It's always been toy opinion that everybody spoke American while the tower of Babel was building, and that the Lord let the good pooou keen rleht on epesklng ft. So when you've got any thing to say to me, I want you to say -It In language that will grade regular ea the Chicago board ef trade," -Iff isn't what a man's got In the bank, but whett he's got la hit head. 1hfit Bwkea him a great aicrahaat.' , j 4', . ' 'J i1