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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
THS OS30ON DAILY '.JOUKNAU PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' SEPTEMBER 81, 1904. GOEDEN N0HTHVEST WJ2 wm o n-ma HANY ATTRACMG Undeme&s V i i v A A C. Thousands of People From East and Kiddle West Coming Into Oregon and Washing-; 'ton to ItePermanenUy- . t- Twiiw or II oar dally. well 01M t wit mMmiiton la addition to the T regular trata servlo, art rollmg Into Portland thla week, tfbe colonist move ,', Mnt Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul and Missouri rivar points la at Its V height. And tha moat notable thine la that a vary large proportion of these v Paopla are amain to Oregon and Waah- ington to stay. Thla statement la backed : by A. M. Cleland. general passenger agent of tha Northern PaolAo railway, 1 j who baa been In Portland two days, hav i Ing eoma over that road lest week with tha tourists. i. "I mingled much with tha traveler. . to Set an Idaa of thatr vwiri and iateo t tions," ba says. "I ballava that par f orat of than aro coming to tha Pacific it northwest to stay. Many of than vera hara yaar ago and) bought land or de 'f elded apoa locetlona, and ara now i carrying out definitely laid plans. A laraa number have baan In oorre spondeno with Immigration bureau of V tha railways or with eommarclal otuba. t. or hava .friends out la thla oountry, and know Just what they ara going to do. ; They coma from lUInola, Iowa. Missouri. "V" Minnesota and Missouri rlvar points. y Whea thay got hara they Matter all ovar r. Oregon and Washington. Thay v hava V 10-day atop-ovar prlvllafO doming out; and a larg number of thaw act off a tha tratna at polnta la eastern Oregon and Washington and look ovar tha fluid and then oome on to Portland." Mr. Claland says tbla movement to tha Paclflo northwaat la far beyond tha ax peciatlons held by tha railways thla fall. Ma think tha heavy volume of travel will continue until tha and of tha ooloniat .rata period, October II. Tha number of oolonlata now arriving dally la between 4M and too. Should thla volume keep up two or ' three , week lonrer It will greatly Increase tha popu lation of Oregon with daalrablo eltlsena. "A large number who oome over tha Oregon Railroad A Navigation oo pany'a Una are stopping off at Baker City, Elfin. 1st Grande, Pendleton Tha Dallea and Intermediate points. - For thla reason not all of tha extra ears ar riving -n Portland ara fulL Tha eotea lsta art Intareetad la seeing irrigation and Ita results. Moat of thorn never aaw an Irrigated field, and they do not understand how tha great benefits of irrigation are accomplished. After farmer from the well-watered fields of Illinois and Zowa once see th benenta of Irrigation and tha vast bodlea of arid land that It win open to settlers, their prejudice against ovarnmeat -us of public money for theae anterprlae la tap variably removed.'- - BLACK CAT TEARS i - BLOTTER TO SHREDS black eat I respoaaible for the :? laylna; of blame on lnnooent parson for the tearing up of blottara on Municipal . Judge Hoguea desk at tha court room. For twa oonaaeutlva morntnga tha oourt f ha taken nts place on tha bench .and V seen before him a blotter torn to abrada, , At Crst tha dead was laid at tha door foece. W - - of aome -tmaty,1 and batlee-ad ta hava been a bit of spite work, Thla morning It developed that a largo black eat, tha property of Matron Simmon, had been at targe and entered the oonrA room. Daring It wandering tt ftuspefup on the aeeg, aad clawed tha blotter PLAYMATE'S AIR GUN " ALMOST BLINDS GIRL KUU AXlttlo Beatrto Palmar opened the i door of bar ham at Beat ThlrtUth and - Tamhlll atreeu last night to oall to a i playmate, and waa shot by a ball from . an air gun. Deputy District Attorney Haaey today issued a warrant for th I' arrest of Roy Sharon, aooueed of la ,,' Juiing bar - with tha air gun. Sharon will be arraated Saturday and broaght before. Municipal Judge Hague for - trial. , . ... . Th UtU gift' eyesight will not bo destroyed, M U aald. but today and all Uat night an sufTered great pain from tha tajary. Tha bullet at ruck la such a manner a ta pause temporary bllnaV Both ehlldren attend th Sunnyald aobooi aad tha osnclsJs did not want to tak th boy from hit etudlea for trial aad tor that reason the oaae ig aot- poaaa nun naiuraay. FRIEKNRfEQY .OF PENNILESS HAN ' . .. QTiOS POTarMTT STaUtlAmaT OOnV ' stmOaT SOP MM PASmi SJlaaPaV TUTIO AOgVAZsTTAsTOXa SVaV- scbzbs vo aTtraux. rvm. 1 ' Martin ShiaUtle waa barted by friend la Lrrna Fir oemetery yesterday after noon, Sbtnlatle waa kloked la tha chest . by a horse at the Parmera' atablea tt - day ago and lingered la great agony at St. Vincent a 'hospital until last Thursday, ,- ShlalatWri death revealed a aad con dition. His employer, W. J. Dillon. ' upon investigation, found that ha died ', penniless. Knowing that hi mother . resided at Wilbur, . Waen, Mr, Dillon , telegraphed bar, and received a massage : instructing him to have bar eon hurled ' by the county. - 1 Instead , of fulfilling the tostntotlone of the mother. Mr. Dillon atarted a sua erlptlOB and neoeeded la aecurtng awf Oclent funds to bury the body. Funeral set i lu at y aTlnlay'd unapei yeaiarnay axsernooa. t - "Hhlnlstls had been unfortunate Inan- taaiy aad waa wltaout funoa.-'r nig ma DUloa today. "But bo waa a flne fal low an! bad been so faithful wall ta my ampler that X aovld not see him laid In a auper'e grave. Ha waa well Uked about town, and whoa I mad the ap peal for him, I had no trouble In getting enough to Inter the) body properly. Th manner of his death was pa thetic. Ha was kloked by a vary gentle eolt, which ba frightened by entering ta stall wnus k For th fourth Urn la her history the steamer MaaooC has sprung a leak aad sank. Sh la now ranting upon tha bot tom of tha Columbia at th mouth of the Lewis river. She la only ta about alx feet of water at high tide, but It la of sufficient depth to eorer tha lower deck amidships with several inches of water. The paseeugers were all gotten to the shore la safety, and It Is aald that none of the freight will be damaged to. any extent. The accident occurred last sight at O'clock by the vessel going aground on a Laand bar. She struck with enough force to crush In a number of boards on the bottom .of the hull. Water began to oome In freely, and la a com pars lively abort time the steamer settled upon the bottom. A small boat was lowered aad tha naaeeagera sad craw reached shore Ithout any difficulty. Tbs erew came to Portland this morning; on th oteamei I raid of the Kellogg TrenaportaUoa oom pany'a Una. . The paaaangers con tinued their way to points on the Lewis liver to which they were bound at tha urn th mishap ooeurran. This afternoon th steamer O. W. Walker was aent down to the wreck to carry material and aa outfit for raising tha vessel. During abb tld It Is said that aha will ba well out of th water. and It Is believed that tt will be an catfy matter ta repair her sufficiently In her present postUoa t bring her to Portland under bar own steam. The full extent of the damage eannot be ascertained until a thorough erimtnatinrt of th hull has been made. At the point sh wont aground there I a considerable sand bar, and only yes terday the government steamer Lincoln was taken down there to out a boat ohannel through I. Th steamers have had mora or leas trouble at that point during tha past month, and It wag at tha request of th owner that the United States' engineer agreed to remove the obstruction. Jt la also believed that there are aevera snag la that vicinity. The Mascot belongs to Jaoob Una aad deep its her name sh baa bad mora than her share of misfortunes during the past six yea re. In that time ah has sunk four time, twtoe not far from the pot where she la now lying. Mo ! of Ufa resulted from any of tha acci dents. The last time that 111 luck over took her, sh was brought to the Port land shipyards and thoroughly repaired. Tea minutes after she was launched aha was on the bottom of the Willamette and flooded with water up to bar hurri cane deck. In som manner she sprang a leak while sliding off the ways, and despite ail effort saade to keep her afloat aha soon sank. Harry Reeves Is bar , captain, . oomxv wits OOA&, awthsh Vaasaasg 'ahatsmSsn' Bstag Palouee. Wash-, Sept. XL Mr. and Mrs. S. & Soot of thla city celebrated tha flrty-third ennlveraary of their marriage last Sunday. At th adranosd ago Of f aad T years, respectively, this bride and groom of tt years ara hale and hearts! sad "enjoy life to tab fullest ex tent. They are tha paras ta of eight children, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. S, B. Scott war the recipients of -many hearty congratulations oa their velebratloa day. , . tow Jft tn Ocklahama, fhg British hip Ituthwell 'la en route up tha liver. She -left Astasia, at T eloeJr thla- morn ing and Is expected to reach hare lata tonight, should no dl faculty be experi enced with tbs fog and- amoke. Th Ocklahama has been lying at th mouth of tha river for the past I we day to bring the veaaal up to Portland, but U was decided InadvlsabI to leave sooner on acooont of tha heavy fog and amoks combined. - The Ruthwal reached Astoria from Newcastle, N- S. W, with a cargo of ooal last Saturday'.- Tha fuel Is eon signed to the Holmes Coal at loo com pany, and will probatory ba discharged at tha nVw dock, which the Arm has practically completed. Just below the Alblna ferry on the west side of the river, Th vessel mad a good passage from th antipodes. . asms rosi wmaima BAvsm :), ' - Psrwrasaa'aaaar wtmHTT Owner ! I:: ilim ) H ;! 'I I :l i. .hV .';.- el "'" Every slse, styls snd quality It included In our great fall tack complete M possibly can be insde and rcprwsentinf the arestest value at avery price. . 3 ( Wc arc Special Agents lor the : ' Original ; Linen Mesh Underwear for Men Hen'a Camelshalr Wool. fuU finished, medium f weight, non-ehrinksble. Per gmxment $J.75 Men's 8aAitsry Worsted.,. flJKO Ribbed Form-Fittina ' ' Worsted , ........V.fl.OO .Vicuna Merino, per pnnent fl.OO A Heavy weight, fleeced lined, form- fitting, cotton, per garment. :50c ts ' ' than that prto will ba accepted. What makes it mors exasperating to th ex porters Is the fast that the vessel Is not controlled by the association or com bine. Th Pierre Lotl sailed for Port land from Honolulu on August SI. and is expected to arrive moot any day. Information . received locally states that tha steamer Jeaaie was chartered yesterday to carry a cargo of grata from Taeoma to San Francisco, it aald that aha has a carrying oapeclty of about 1.1M tons. . The latest estimates plao the amount of wheat which will be taken to California from Portland and Puget aeusd at about t,o,00t ouanwia. '. . f French shine are not In clined to accept lower freight rates than those whloh have been fixed by the com bine. Yesterday afternoon the owners of the French bark Pierre Lotl rejected an offer or JOB M for carrying a cargo of grata from Portland to the United Kingdom. Tha Union rates are 17 d. and It was ant hasted that nothing less Absolutely Perfect 1. 1 saw id WtthWi T nnal Inspectors Edwards and Fuller, who made an Investigation Into the eauae of the exploakn oa board th steamer Oea, Xjoomla. have suspended Martin Cradrtch, tha chief engineer, from duty for a nerlod of M days. Ttus action, it la explained, was not taken because they hald aim aooun table for the aoident. but oa account of the condition In which the engine room was kept, It Is said to hava bee badly Uttered witbr oil rags aad other wests -matter at tbs time of tha Insnaetors rislL No pause waa as- elaned for tha explosion, tu evioance taken betes- - lasuxncieat to throw any. light oa the subject. Those giving testi mony barer tha tnsoaotoro were W. Badger, master Of the Tsei; (jnier am- alneer Cradrtch. Chief state Bdward Kltta, and Paul Ttttmaa. the ftrasaaa. Tbara has bean a big drop ta vataa durlns the vast 24 hours. This mornin tse risks en tbs Arabia's out- ua earaw wars ouoted by M. C Har rison A Co. at per cent; yastorday the amotattons war per oent. AS no one hear taken out lnauraaoa at th osnrea It Is thought to ba probable that there will be even greater reductions uu. noes stats that many of the hlppers will net tabs steps to have their frelaht covered with a war risk until th glaamar got ready to part. oirt. c. O, Calkin, looal lighthouse hircnr has prepared th following Information for tbs beneflt of mariners-. UnMua River Bntranca. peg 44 Outer buoy. a saoond-class can. was BntaBkber IT and la now la el fsot of water, about mile SBB. of Its former poeltloa, ; Umpqua river Ufa aswine bay, MB. 14 N. Vmpqua river Mghthowsa, a K. . By order of tha lighthouse tears. are bow Only tares lumber carrtera art. tbs least aumber that VI' IN FIT, MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP That Is an abbrevUted description ol our Fall Suha. These garments are of tha latest patterns, m Oa kteat atyUa, by the very beat tailors. We hava not sacrificed fiV material nor wotrlmianshfp to the price; which Is tha' very lowest $ 10.00, $ 12.50 end $ 15.00, up to $30.00 8S DISPLAY IK CORNER WINDOW. Copyright 1 9 0 4" b J Hart Schaffner & Marx , Sam! Roc3 V . " I ''"'V "' 11 11 11 1 11 1 . :I ' '-y ; - - nbhttQCo la port, tha least aumaer saas uwaw nae for several weeas pes. . nnifHhiiL loadlnar at th Kastern m Western, and the Samps, at the Inmaa Foabjea mill, are aapected to oompiete tn.iv aarwoea thai week. The Creeoeut to being loaded at tha North PaelAa 1. .11 nrubabUlty ah addlUoa will ba en tha fleet before th end of the week. The a T. Aiaaander 1 out J days from San Pedro and th Taules II a.m mea tb sum Sort. The Virginia. the Beulab snd the Mabel Oale are alaa route up th eeast for roruano. TJnder tbs oovar of th 'darkness th hoatawala on board th German ship . took his departure Monday bsotw- tn for part anknowa without making uw affnrt ta OMieci a uiu wumm u money which ha had oommg to at kik as had earned oa the voyage Tba sailor an this htp have lodged n eoen plaint before German Consul Le aaa about th character of food they war provided with during ta voyage. They aloe stated that they were very badly baMi treated by th officer. , .Astoria. Sept tl Left up at I'M . sa, British bark Rathwelb Baa FYanelaea, Sept. II. ArrlTed at a aw steamers Aurella and Northland from Portland, and steamer Asm from Astoria. Arrived at t:lt a. sl, staamor Columbia from Portland. Astoria. Sept. IS. aaueoi k i a a, steamer Oeerge Loomis fur Saa rrsav dsco. . Asterm, Sap. ll-eaMiiioa or tna tt I l a. smooth; wtad south; weather etoudy and amoky. Toalgbt tb ataamer Oeorg W, Elder 1 m due to reach port from Saa Fraa- Sb w brtoaiag a full aura of general freight amettailag ta about II OCOLi-tKS WSJ SdeAVK, Oa tb return trip to th California me tropoll she will take out wheat and lumbar. Tb bark Is for tb leather tan nery at Pulton, and that which waa brought up by th Aberdeen th other -day from the same point has been loaded on a barge. It will ba towed to lta destination this afternoon. DEATH CLAIMS - MAN OF WEALTH (Continued from Pag One.) faced starvation, ' A relief commission was organised and can v eased tha busi ness man for financial assistance. One morning two of the oommlaslonars en ured tb Welnhard brewery and asked the proprietor If he would help ut Turning upoa them, Welnhard said, bt a gruff voice: -What do you oome around so early for? Do you aspect a man to bar any money at tote hoar hi the morning T Somewhat taken aback, tha solicitors were about to leave when tba .brewer oommanded them to wait. He then walked, to th cash drawar. draw tt out of th desk and dumped Its eon ten ta on- top of the table. - Shining gold nieces Drastically cuvered th surface; Take that," said tba brewer, "and SPHR BY NIGHT. . SOLDIER BY DAY op anrr as wa ABB BOST VTTAJr. oom back, after soma There wag soma t stag Uka Ittl the table. Pew of these snacdotes are known, tor Mr. Welnhard deplored pubtlolty, other than la a buslnaas way, and frequently he extended kindnesses of this charac ter after exacting the promise that no mention of his deed should Re was known an a maa of blah honor and Integrity Tn business Ufa, He would not let a claim stand against him for one minute longer than was abso lutely nac sees ry aad be catered only to those who treated htm accordingly. On one occasion be purchased a carload of barley hi California on the strength of sampl exhibited by a salesman. He re fully held onto the handful of grain and when, upoa the arrival of the shipment. It turned out to be slightly Inferior to tn sample, he promptly re fused to accept it or to have anything akore to do with the house that sent It. Investor,- Mr, Welnhard poe- rare Judgment. , He waa conser vative, without hesitating to adopt the latest Improvements In bis bostaeee, no matter at what oost. He located tea plants at Bugene and Roseburg to take tha plao of local brewerlea purchased by htm. H erected storage plants at Oregon city. Baker City and Aberdeen. In fast, there la aoaroely a town of note la Oregon and Washington hi which Mr. Wstnaard has sat mad taveetmanta. (Journal ! fervMw. San PTanclaeo; Sept. II. a. El dredge Palrchlld of tbla city leads a dual Ufa. By day be to a private in the United States hospital corps and by night be to a gentleman of means who acts, tha part. Fairfield, as a soldier to uniform. known only when tb sun shines, and Fairfield, boo vlvant, In full dress shines only In the glare of the are lights. A .0,ftM inheritance, ooupled with unbending military regulations. Is re sponsible for tbl strange double tstene. - Palrfteld Only recently Into a fortune, nd bound down by three year, a1 enlistment to tba army, ha found It impoealble to employ all his time In spending .money, a -oouionta .himself with spending - what moo ay ha saa la i half hie Urn, , . SWI nat 4n th HHml hnmlt.l at tha She- sldio the young man does duty during tha daytime. He goes about his duties cursing th fat that caused blm to en list In the army, but consoling himself la the thought that he has but 17 mora days to serve and oea then dost his soldier uniform forever. Tbs setting of th sua behind the Presidio hlUa to the signal for the sol dier to step from the ranks. Nightly a sputtering automobile awaits htm at tha entrance of the Presidio, and oar rlea klm Into the city where hot bird and cold bottle aupplant the plain fare of army life. More than three months ago Fair child Inherited a llv.Mt estate from Hartford. Costa, ' left by motber; He was then stationed at tba Presidio, with four months' service shead of him. month's furlough enabled blm to spend then h returned to duty, in IT days Fairfield, who Is only II years of age, will receive hie discharge. Ha then proposes to settle down la the city and go- into th real estate basi ls Portland his realty Interests are vary extensive. Aside from, tba brew ery, be owned the seven-story whoie sal building bounded by Pin and Oak and Fourth snd Fifth streets, which Is neartng completion: the five-story Orand Central hotel. Third and Flanders; the nve-etory Hohonstsufen building and a two-story building at Fourth and Madl- . The Armstrong farm of M la TsmhUl eouaty was alas A part sf his pruuetty. In lias, Mr. Welnhard married Lou lee Wagenblast of W art em burg, Germany She survives him. Their children art Annie C, wife of1 Superintendent Paul Weeetngsr of the brewery, and Louies H.. wife of Henry Wagner, a well-known attorney, hi re. Weaatngar has two ohlldrea, ana a girl of it, snd th eeoond boy of sixteen years. Mrs. Wagner le the mother of a boy aged tea. Jacob Welnhard. a nephew, residing at Dayton, Wash., Is tba only other relatlv ta tbla oountry. A Mr. Welnhard was a prow meat mem ber ef Willamette lodge. A. F. A A. M., and was conspicuous alas ta tbs cham ber of commerce, board of trade aad Manufacturers' assocMtton. meat as yt regarding the time of the funeral. The service will be pond acted at the family readdenco, however, prob- My on Friday afternoon, and wUl aot bo under the direction of the Mesons, aa was at first believed. Interment will take plaea saost likely, at Rivervlew cemetery. - W A MISCREANTS WRECK "DIAMOND SPECIAL" A meeting of tb newsboys wm ba held tonight at which arrangements will be made to attend the funeral of tbs lata Henry Welnhard In a body. Tba boys 111 be furnished with bands of crepe to be worn on their left arms. Tea prom bust as aa men will be Invited to accompany the boys at tb funeral eerv- tcao, Mr, Welnhard waa on of tb news boy beat friends, always Subscribing liberally to their various etrprles, , tTwvM Sam la aeeuaed of selling gntd bricks to th farmers In the recent Base bud mad tottery. Turn sheet's fair pier , ; Springfield. IU, Sept, IL By train wreckers throwing of a switch at Bar clay, 211 early this morning tbs Illinois Central Diamond special for St. Loula was hurled into tba top works of the Barclay Coal A Mining oompanys mine and Fireman Cos Cannon of Decatur was killed and Messenger Waiter Hays of Clinton badly injured. - Hone sf tbs pes angers was badly hurt, although all but tba rear aleepar left th rail. It at prasasmd th sn tlv for tbs train wrecking was rob bery, but that tb wreckers tiiiwaia frightened at thatr work and Sad, PEACEMAKER'S ROLE MAY COST HIS LIFE (rlil Ihsmam Tba Jew ml Helena, Meal. Sept. 11. Part Ware- ham essayed tba role of peacemaker be tween two aaea aamed Reed and Moors In a saloon brawl at Kendall Mat sight, with the result that be received a bul let tn hie left aide. Reed aad Moor quarreled and tb former secured a revolver aad was ad vancing upoa Moors wboa Warebam stepped between them with the above result. Tb tirmete of tb saloon set upoa Reed and beat htm nearly to death. Warebam and Reed may both die. IJsWwA abeatat Ssrvamt ' ' Washington, Sept. II. By a ahnuloa rendered by the acting secretary ef tb anterior yesterday the jttaie sf Oregon hi deprived of about T,e sore of mad. A motion for a review of tbs depart mental declaioa rendered May PS. hold ing that the swamp-Mad grant to tb stat of Oregon did aec include tend embraced within the hUematb reserve tloa, was denied by tbs acting eearetary. Th suprum court wlU probably be asked to determine) th ease. Demi ISMbl Servtea) St, Louta, -wiet 11. The judges ya tordsy pronounced Hampton Btastam, V- rwrty f C a Land of t erHial m the word n- prfs ta ti-a rm teoy to t PETER WEIGHTED DOWN (Continued from Pag On.) Moatenegro, who died la 111. He has two son and a daughter, Ooorgu, aged Aiexsader, aged 1. and Helen, agud if. King Peter to asseended from Kara Seorge, a peasant, who was tbs leader of tbs Ine ur section against Turkey la 1M4. He reigned aa Prince ef Servla from 1M4 to Hit. when he was sup planted by the Obrenovte during a ses ood hwurraetlon, . - . w - , ' Prbm th Waahtngtoej post. .. Chefoo Is now entirely eut of tb sf son, but th Cbefos war r epulis as Juat aa reliable aa ever. WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY -. BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond : the reach : of medicine. p medicine' can do mqre. B. Splegwl, 1204 ft. Vfrftnat aK BvsJMvUie, lad., writ; "Por I was troubtod with kidae- and bladder aflectjooa which caused me much paia aad worry. I last Saab aad was all rua down, aad a yaar in bad ta abandon work satin Iv. I had thras of tb trnat physicians who did saa as rood ad I was practical rr given ap to die. roery-g AKiDsy wasn was rarnmmaail d ad tbs irst bottle gave am neat rstsef. and artar tsxtog tha muoad botUs 1 wm aatiraiy garwd. tv tun. sn in iLst, a o AT3 KC i ta a Say er two tb ereamev Despatch v. f will anil from Saa Preacteee for Port land by way etf Sbetter Cove, CaX. i waars aaw ww