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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
...::7,-: i V..'": J . .i , t .''I i THE 'OREGON DAILV " JOtfRNAUV PORTLAND,. WEDNESDAY EVFXNO. SEPTEE,S in KUROPATKJN WILL STAND AT MUKDEN Is Strongly Entrenched ; and lias m Immense Armj at His DisposalPort Arthur s Re ;? dudlofl Expected Withia a Fortnight 7 tteerssl aperta! ;TiU Sept. IL QMral Ksrosathtn It Is learned id preparing to nwk a de termined atom, as . Makwaa. Ma to ,.'f eliwngly MtnuM there uM M H Imrimi army at hi disposal. The battle 1H be ft torrido Ma. as both armies are bow In conditio to ro- " , . new th fighting. FisJd Marsh! Oyama, SV it H stated, will continue to press ' Kuropatkla until operations r atQpped . V r heavy fait Of snow. Hs wlU thss wrongly grd hri advanc poaltloa iM ii, remain until spring, when hs will tab ' . : up Um work irhtrt B left tt "7 Thsre ar but two amirs toft ope , - fee JCuropetkln, and either on will prove expnsrra Th Srst la to auka , a aland wher h to and glv battle. v which to certain to be mort expensive to '' hint than to tha Japaness fores. Tb ' othor to to aooept tha sltuatloa and eon ' tlnua hla retreat to Harbin, where ha will bo put at disadvantage during tha coming wtotor eaon, r ' 1 Nothing to given out Kara a to wtt ''T tha plana or reason for tha coming bat-. - ' ' tla at Mukden ere. Nor la thara Bar-! thing to lndleato that Xurokt to at- tempting to maks anothar Hanking mova and surround Kuropatfcttra army, sven -.' a bo triad to do -at XJa Tans. It to v presumed, howevsr, that auoh la bto ' . campaign. U to predicted baro that tha redoo . tlon of ftwt-Arthtir la aatlratr Brill have. . been affected before a fortnight passes. ""' There to no Croat amount of attention ' paid to into part of th campaign at tha praaant Urn, as It to ncmrded an nearly : ' a ConcoBo oonoluoion that Port Arthur wllf b takoa with ho fraat loaa oYlfo. Mo elosalr ara the Unaa already drawn around that BuaatoB poalttoa that miaht aa well be in Japan poaaeaaloa bo to be aituatad a tt now la. Parhana that porlton of th bow Which atiraeto th aloaaot at tent loo bef at thla time, Bald from tha operation et laukdeih la that partalatn to tin Baltic float. The ooniMlenoa of tha maaaaa la retained br Togo, howavar, and It to believed that Ruaaia will b able to brine n Aeot ajnunat bin that he onnnot deatrov aa oaallr aa ha did tha on which Bt th opening of th war threatened to turn too aoatoa agauiat Japan.. . litinHi umaeti ; it XBBoawtua na of mim kt reterabuTm Bvt- lhMJorai Kuropatkin. Under yoaterday's data ra porta that' , ftaakinv Bttompt br th Japaneee OB tha Huaalan left was ua- uooeaaful. Th altuatloa at alukdoa. h aara. to Bnohanaed. On afondar the onem waa otwenrad moving to- th oast . of Deling pa Later tha Jananaa twloa attacked with outflanking foroaa but war eheoked by oavalrg and machine guns. Th emperor todav appointed orano Dak Barglu illohalovltch to th newly created boat f lnapeotor-geooral of artlUarr. Th graod duke la an uncle of th jnparot and to govornof of SCUVENIR COINS PLACED 0)1 SALE WotrtAjrDi Off xb,t ajraroflgB) ov a mam mom or m- .. mam nm m uma tou t feurenlr Ur of the tla and ,knarfc fair wore gtoiad en oaJa toaar for fba flrat tkw. aad bofor noon II, iff f ronb of lb coin bad booa dtopooed of, and a long lino of peoeie ntood 1b ait 'Ing ouuido th oasIUef-a window at tha fair headquarter. j" Th yua. yationoi bank purohaead , gl.att worm: of -th- eoine and ft fww bonra later BauBred ktot worth mor. aa out of town ordam. ted alooded the. Baornlnc BwUL ; 4 ' ' '? At tha offlWof tb orporaUoa tt waa ntotot that, ah aviragj bur was Uklng elthr alk or twelve of the colna, - end that few purchaaaf wra made for ' loaa than 14. . . t . Rotxrt Ucd&rvin. 'of Portland, pus chaaed tha f)ra o4N at th cAShler window of the , oorporatlon and thla piece will probnblf m worth ft good premium hUer, . Freaidtnt JeffaraOB VeyorB f tha - ataU eommlealo baa from th flrat been an enthualastto belUver la UM abll- txy at the fair menagessent to aU at least lftO.VOt of th aoUTonlr dollars, and believe that by proper Btaaagamaat the ontlro ooinaaa eaa bo sold. If the sale - now ruling la maintained It Birana an addition o2 about 1U,M to th fair's Mr. at rra to la favor of n1lstlng th hlf departiaent store of the eountry . la th ola sailing effort and thlnka that ', should - each store take front l.fted to , S.OM of thto oolns and pl them on Bale at for three hour o some Friday aftoraoon. th fact being duly adVertissd, ho believe that th store , and th fair would be benefited. It would be a big advertisement la ry asctton of the oouatry. At-the neetlng of th oouvenlr eota . oontniltte reatordajr It was decided to , Bail th ootna at 13 each, and to donate on oota to eaoh peraon purchasing five. The oMnotlttee also ordered that a, ot , of thanks be tendered to Mr. Henry E. f Jones, Mrs. W. g. Ladd, Mrs. C H. Lwls. Utoa Hoyt and the women who . are co-operntlng with them to popolar . la tho buying of souvenir dollar. A . Tote of thanks was also tendered the following woman who have mads thalr fcoaaas depots for -th sals of the eotaa: lira. O. H Lw1a. Nineteenth and Gltean atrsu: stra. Henry H. Jon, 4t Horth even teen Ui street: Mrs. W. B, Ldd. Cith and Cdlomhla; Visa Morris, its Ing street; Mies gtelnbach. 141 Eleventh street: Mies Joeephl, lit Mast Twelfth Street: Mta Roth MaxwU. 471 Glanders street; Miss a tot l, S4I Jsffar 'goa street. , Millionaire sent to pauper hospital . (JeBtaal Haw York, Bept IL While his frtonds and ralativea hav saea ssarohing the city for blot, Joha X. OaderOonk, ft nephew of formdr Judge Onderdonk, whoss wealth to eatlmated at fl.ooe.ood, ha bean aa Inmate of th Metropolitan hospital oa BlackweU'a Island, where h was looked upon aa a densllet of the streets. Onderdonk was found by his relative after he had requested th bbb Dions to call his family Bhrslelaa. Onderdonk la a sufferer from noo- motof ataxia, which Induce vertigo and loss of memory. Saturday morning he stspped from a street cor, when ke waa attacked by hla ailment and sank gown upon doorstep. He waa found there by a poiioemaBt who took him to Prssbrtsrtoa hospital, wher hla was diagnosed as senility and waa there upon sent la tba&aupers' Aon eft BtoAkwsll'B Island. mold wmm - cffrasnira TEAR OUT. BOXES OR LOSE CITY LICENSE ATXOaT, nOelaV WmOU VA MfiB OOMZM. est mm unnifT wo mm a ftp u a a o VfbBjf?B ' -' (abnmal BaSeUI BeMeM WuHotton, a C, BeBC ti MtJoy- Oeneral Henry Q. Corbtn, adka (ant-general oomaaoctdiag tk deportment of the eat. to not In favor of permitting army offtoer to marr. In hla recommenda tion mat Issued at the war dawr4mnti uenrnt coram sayw - 1 deal re to fsiterats In affect what I have formertjr Bald oa this Bubject, hick aantimanj, hedtovsr, has hn AM-, reed, misquoted and mtoundsrstood. Marriage of army officer who - have made no provision for assuming the rO apooslbUltlss therefor to hnrtfuL both to th army and to th officer them selves. To this broad statement there are, of tours, xosptlona, s there em to all brood statements, but tho general foot remains that our army la evermar- rled. Th y ef a aubeitetn offleer U barely nougb for him to support prop erly blmsslf and th oxpenses of his Mulnmant and unlforas. If t this la added the Inevitable expense attached to a family. U to not only probable, but almaat eertalBv that When an omcer strikes his balanos at th and of a year he wUl be behind, If Mount inoomB Aooordia to Mayor WlUtoma the ordlnaaoo prohibiting boxes la saloons and restaurant where liquor to served will ba enforoed. - It takes offset Ooto- ber 1. : Ther has - been much discussion among saloon and restaurant men re garding this ordinance and many of them ara of th opinion that no effort will be mode to Consequently ths boxea hav not been removed la a stag ipstaaoB ' Mayor Willi gtatamnt docktoa ths matter. "I see tM ronsoa 4hy tft ardlnsnes should not ba en reread.- astd ha. 'The saloon men and rotauraM men who : v,.. - .-v serve liquor kt bosmb auty prepar thenv seivea to comply with tha rngulsMons passsd by th oouMlL "I feel that ws will meet with much difficulty la enforcing this ordinance, as. In many case, th proprietors of many of tho houses will hav t r construct thalr buildings whsa they tear ut their bonoa." . It was stated by a msmbar of the council that he thought every member Wilt support tb stojhd taken regarding th boxes at tha tims tho ordinance waa ased A member Of the license mlttee Btated that tft sas anyone per sisted In violating tho ord loans hi llosna. will bo revogso. LCCAL OFTOISTS ; Ml flGBI BAUD 0 Anosunm FOMdji ojvMonoM .rm mm o A- That th forces behlndf the loeal epttob law iBtoad to resist vigorously tho aa ult mada upon its oonstltationallty "That a ba oh el or eSosr m mora la 1 through tho eourta:' is shown- by a do able to Uio service than a married ameer I MUrrer to tho suit of Henry Welnkard. new. nor ao i wisn to o un- i J( does not follow. deretood as ao saying; but th married offlear is Isss valuable, if in marrying no hma Hat aaaralsed that orudenoo which Should govern alt transactions in lit- Furthsr oa la his roaort umwtm wor- bla says I a am flrmrf f tb gfmrtoB that no Adla ahauld bnUf th marriage rela tion without arat getting th authority m Ke m danartmsnt. and that as a nsooosary oonditloa thereto his lnoomo after marrtog U1 bo sntnolsat to sap- port himself and family, snd, abort ail. hi la ia live on aim nil hvhui oa noaer that a ia sre ma stat debt.' 'f SAYS SISTEHWAS KILLED BY DEVICHNE In tan thO tlroult court yesterday by Bronnugb 4b Bronattgb apoetol oounael employed to assist th dlaUtot attorney la th defense. It to allgd th th Aomurrw that th complaint does not stats faets sufficient to eonatltuto a onus of action against th ooanty. County Judge Webster, County Commissioners Barasa and Lla-htnwr, ar any -of th eUers mad 4o fendanta to the ault. Th Bam ground la taken as regarOd tack allegation "of the oomplalDt. Aa an independent and separate rea son for demurring. It to asserted that Mr. Wetnhard has ndt ths legal oapaolty to maintain such a anil. , Messrs. Bronaugu A Bronauga. It lb said, will resist the attempt to aeour temporary injunction oa th ground that It to unnecessary. Thstr stand will b that th oas should be fought out oa Its merits, and if decided adversely m in eouniy, mat a permanent in junction should Issue. A novel point to be taken, aa ree-mrda ths allegation of Mr. Welnhard that th law wlU Injur him. will be that the STRONG LANGUAGE USED Bl OFFICER TM'ra a lfef--row were runk. For making this remark to T. J. Smith In the municipal court thla morning, Po- Jloeman Richard Barter cam near being fined for contempt by Judg Hogus. As It was. h received a locturt from tha ourt that h to not likely to forgot. Smith was arrested by Barter oa aharga af being drunk. Ho pleaded not gulHy. Barter took Ah stand and gav hi sido of tho oa, after which Smith requeated the prlvUeg of asking ths of floor a question. Judg Hogit, as usual la such oases, granted It. -Wag 1 drunk r askod Smith af Sar tor. . Tm," Bald Bsrtor. ' Tou are mtotakoa, said frmtth. ' At thla stage Um Officer grsw am phatle. , "Buch laagvag aa that win aot ba tolerated to this court." said Judg Hoguo. turning to Barter. 'What do you mean by auoh tainr ' 1 hav boon greatly aggravated by those hotsl ruansra of whom Smith Is one." ropiiog Barter, apologetically. "This ia a courtroom, and yon will nav to- sura your temper hore," oon- elndod Judge Hogu. Smith, who to ft Yurmr top th Mar all lots' hotek wag dlamiawed, TAGS ARE READY FOR SPEEDY CHAUFFEURS RESUME OLYMPIAN GOLF TOURNAMENT r flesraal aerM Bervtm.) 1 f : St fcoula, ftept. 11- The Orrmpiah , r ' golf tfturnamnt was resumed tnday un dor gavorabls oondltlon. Bert Mo- k Kennlo of St, Louis beat B. Hunter of Chloago la th first round. Lambert of i St. Louis and Ralph McKlttrlck also of mt Leuto played a tie. . . r. C Newton of Seattle defeated f ltoa Lard of Washington. TX C, S us, ' ; and Bgan of Chloago beat H. V. Moore of ' i. Lake Oeneva on up. Lyon defeated Stlckney by a record Boor of 77 for f Oisn btohto links. , mmumvM n mm, iS MOBTi i .,. ... rajaraal apaslel ftmo,) ' ' London, Sept. Si. A body bellwod to 4m that of Ckarloa B. Kpahr of New York was jgashed ashore near Broad Stair a, Kent, today.. It has been fully Identified. V: FOR SALE Modern 10-Room vResidence? F. lit t4th atroet Bear Marshall; how and grooads to) good srdr rr prtoB and terms apply to J. IN. TBAL, Th rlty lleans oonoetorg art out after th looai chair euro today, for the antomobll toga which were ordered several wsefct ago bars arrtvod. Th ordlnaaoo oompelllng all wnera of au tomobile to piaeo toga oa the roar of their atachioos wUl b gtrtetly on forced. The ordinance provide that "evsry person or persona operating, running or driving a mobile or automobile or other machine or apparatus of similar char acter Shall attach to such machine or apparatua a numbered metal tag to be placed on tho roar of too machine, so that It may be eaelly ssan, which num ber shall not be less than 4 inches high, snd which shall b supplied by ths auditor of lb olty of Portland, and for which tha gum of at nt shall b paid.- Failure to comply with thla ordinaries will subject the chauffeur to arrest and a fins of not toot then 124. nor mor thaa ft, or to Imprisonment for H days. f All rigs used for carrying pasatngers for hire will bo numbered from 1 to lot, while all private vehicles will be numbered from 140 up. J. C Cook A Co. ware on hand aarly this morning and seonred th first two tags. FROM AMBUSH KILL , "BEFORE DAY"NEGROES Oeareal Bpeeta gervtoe.) Mason, Otu, Sept. Sl-A report rrom Tel Bottom states that a crowd f ne groes was ambushed several miles from that town and four wore shot and killed, and several severely wounded. Several of the negroes bed been tried and ao oulttsd oa a.eharge of betonglng to th "Be for -Day" club. Th sheriff has gone to th seen with a poos. Tho tnoutry eUrted Immediately after th eonfeeeloa of Cto and Raid, who were nursed at Stateaboro, has developed the fact that numerous branch of th so-called "Before Day olub exist In several adjoining states, and -BO effort is being mad by determined clt keens inJ various looai tt tea to thorousbly slams oat th orgaalaattoa . . Batata! BarvlM.1 IreanolaSB. ftant, lir DVld tinora of Brockton. Mass., has arrived her on tha trail of Henry vavignne, th heanand of hi dead Slstsr. wno now should ba in Portland. ' Moore oeoiaxea i aum sotai ox tne iinaaoiai injury a ha DeVlghn killed hit sister and aaya bb Burrerea is 41.40. wUl follow him to ths snd of tho earth. I Tho death of Mr. Welnhar WW not Lliv DoVlgha. or LUy Moore aa stis interrer matsruily tith tha salt waa then known died her of morphin brought by him. though It May eauas and atropblna poisoning last Apru. som aeisy. his utis la ths acuon iU DeVlghn eaid aha waa not bto wife, but ra all likelihood b transferred to th merely ft oompanlon. Ht was a atodioai sxecutor or admlBtotrator of his sstai. student at a Urns whsa an waa a nurse It waa largely through th help of her wages that ftt waa boas w a" leg. . At tha tims of hot floats theft waa So hint of foul play aa It seemed a ptain oas of suicide. IMYlghn graauauo at Hahnemann Medical Oolteg bat -faltod to pass his stats snminttoa ao could not praotios. Later he went to Portland, David Moore says. 1 am absolutely com BOGUS OFFICIAL IS -ACCUSED OF THEFT (senrasl Mil Berrlea.1 Fkrmtngtoa, Ma., Sept. Sl.-Leroy David Moore says, -I am aoeoiuteiy eei ay.nou of 0U B-me, who -l.TiTj tain that DTighn. W-trmrted my slstsr. to u fc nl i?tTS aiaait with her most omelly ana 1 1 mt ... i - .1V1 riT7 ennii " - . . lonarsea Wltn SteeJlne a norae and mmmwv STsncn earn bars bringing Q, A. Har low of Pittsfleid, whom hs had arras ud lor oountsrf siting. rrenoh was arrestsd whne trrlnar to oasn onooks aggrsgatlag 94tt, signed by Harlow. Ths stat polio say they don't know rrenoh as a ssoret aarvto OfflOSS. ras ray DDE THE ilflUUfU M MAdat llUfl Oat VAeUhPMAB JtBTT BV3 Tocriaajarti You Will Never Have Cold Feet You Use Our i Turkish Bath ' ' ' 'II I 1 II I J I CCIINTY UIJJI MtoOTBm , Cabnet M rmrwahet of the policy faeontif annonneod by County Judge Webeten of oonaucung a Uvely legal erusad to re cover moneys Which the oeuntv la !. legd to have lost through mistakes aad ! rrauoa under fermar ndminiatratian. Carey A Mays, special counsel for ths county, filed suit in the circuit court this morning to recover t&il.tO from the firm of rubor, Tho rasa Co, it l aueae that w. a,' atimaoa. a dputy in th county olrk office, . osptod 1160 IB payment of this amount. aua aa tax eg on personal property for1 the year ltT. aflsrward maklnsr fraud. I lent sntrtea la th commlsa toners'. Jour nal and ramifying other records In order to hide the Illegal work. Ths vldnoe soured Uirftugh thS labor of Oeorge Black, aa expert acooaatant. and uorg BarUatt, hla assistant, who e- pcrteg th county books for ft ptrtod oovsrihg sta ysarm Tha oomaiaiat allegea that ks ths th earth for my revenge and her avenging, Th polio atni thing u waa a of gutoido. PEACE IN NEW. YORK (Ooatinoed from Page On.) Fourth dtotrtet F. C, Steveoa, Bepub- Ucan. . f . atxrh mrtot--viana .vanoyxo, rkauMrai. ... ftaventh dlstrtctA. j. voiataaa, w nhiini! A- j. DrleoolL Democrat Blghth district 4. mm sen, wpbu- a; Martin Hughs, Democrat Ninth dtotrtot Halvor Wanuhllaan. In th Pourth and Ninth districts the Dsmoerata mads ao congressional nomi nations. ' '. wwMbULBO BNBtOtJMATS Olf. , ' ; Omiaialsa Btooto veuav ObtkasiB rjsatHInT to SniiBto. . sarasl gsirlil aerrtot. LIGHTNING KILLS SIX AND BURNS Oil TANK (Baaetel Dwoawk t Tss Joersal.i Houston. Tax.. Sept. II. Lightning struck a tank at tha Team ott red eery oa tho Texas coast today killing six workman snd grlna th tank. At on time-- looked aa tboujrh tho Samoa would spread to adjoining build ing of th rsflnsry, but Utoy war aub- dued. - ' rtenyer. Sept. 11. Th atato Dsmo- eratlo oooventioa mt at lb o'clock this mornlna. UP to noon th convention had don' nothing osocpft sleeting Sena tor Tllr aa chairman.. The ooavsa tloa Is at as bb they bavs no aadt- dato for governor. Charlea Huheav of Denver, -who was ft Ukaly candidate, withdrew this morning. Former Gover nor Adam, th second chole. atoo d ollned. Former Congreasmaa stairreu to now looking as to the piaot, - s , nn mMmmtmmmm$ t ' -i iJenrhsl goeelal Bernee.) Orator Bay. Sept. tl-Th prssldent visitors today were Frank w. Biggma, noubltcan candidate for governor of New York, and Jacob RII. who recently returned from a visit to Denmark. To morrow tho president and his family will take tho Sylph for Jersey, city whence they taks ft snootal train for washing- toa. AT fJenraal Beeetai BerVtee.) '. Bead tag. pa Spt tl. Th anrmal eonveatlon of th Pennaylvanla Stat League of Republlcaa clubs begaa in the Academy of Musle here todav and will continue through tomorrow. Severe! hundred delegatea, representing mors than Clubs, were in attendance, Th day's proceedings wort largely of a routine nature. Intsrest center chiefly in th mass meeting tonight, which will mark th formal opening of th national oamoalgn la this star.. Senator Fair banks, Senator Penrose and Oovornor Psnnypaokar art among tha scheduled speakers. ,s , ' OO&OBABOB tfearasl Beeetal Berrlee.) V ' Denver Colo.. Sept. II. Th Colorado Democratic oonvsntlon assembled In Den ver today. The eonventloB will nam candidate to make the gubernatorial race against Governor Pea body and candidates for tha other stats officers to bo filled at the November slsction, AOorrjwjrTAXtvr (MerrUI pLtch t The jMM-nel.) Bonners Ferry. Ida Sept. 11. K S. Jones, operator at th Oreat Northern depot hers, waa accidentally shot by a revolver being discharged m hi pocket yratorday, Th bullet entered hla aide snd lodged in hla abooidor. H waa tofcsA u SpgkaiM - I -T - WHITE SWAN ANSWERS BALLIET'S COMPLAINT (Bperlel Stnmteh to The eWael) i Pranclso. Sept 11. Ths Whits Swaa Mining company In an aos filed today to th complaint brouaht agaiBst It ay Ball is t. denies that Ball let own ll,4tt shares ia th company. Bailiet la also accused of not pnyisg fur the share h Mbaorlbed for in organ ising the company and In not paying a nve-eent assessment Mrtad, by in di rectors ia June. Suit waa brought by Balllet fa r to hav tola asseasmont daelareS In valid and to protsot hares aa alleges he own. BUSINESS BLOCK ' . TO BE ERECTED An addition to ths businssa property oa Finn street will boob bo mad by Mrs. Loeb, who will erect ft three-story brick structure at Fifth and Stark streets at a eoot of ItO.tO. Th resi de nos on tho lot will be moved at once and work oa ths building started, Th structure will bo usad for offloaa and stor rooms, - - CHILDREN EAT "RAT . BISCUIT;" ONE DIES IJeanud Sperlel Berrlea.) " ' ' Spokane, Wash.. Sept. IL . Beuben Leaser, sgsd ight, found a box of "rat biscuit," of which he at, and treated his brothers and sisters. Annie, aged four, Adolph, aged eleven. and Fred, aged six, are dangerously ill. The baby refused to oat th biscuit Reuben died th is morning, , MONTREAL SUFFERS ; $750,000 FIRE LOSS faWWaam't sW4Sj1 tTf Montreal, Sept fw The buildings of Ik CmimAm UanlaMH mmmh . Canadian bran oh- of tho London Thread Trust, and Chsput, FUs A Co., th larg est wholesala groesvy sad liquor house In Canada, wore destroyed by Art aarly woay, mobs fTivtt, ysar 1187 a tax of 1411.14 waa lsvled bi th aaseator on personal orooertv owned by tk Arm and that th proper entry was mado n tho assssaiatnt roll, Th tax roll waa placed la the hands of too sheriff, and th aassssmeat waa re turned aa unpaid and doilnanoni Id If 01 the tarea ware atlll daliaeniaai. In that year, it Is alleged, W. a Stlm- sob. a deputy In the ooanty clerk' s of- Oos, eo nap I red with other persons, whose namag art unkaawa, to cheat and de fraud the oouoty. He Is accused of rep resenting to th oompanr that ba oould oompromla the tax debt and Would do so, making a eancellaUon for flit. Thla amount. It la furthsr mhaleia waa paid by-ths Srm. and Btlsasoa boat the money Instead of turning it over to th oounty. Ha id accused of making a number of falsa n tries in tho reoorda la order to bid hi off sas, including in rouewiog a page i of the aomsmla- slonors journal No. tt. under date of May II. lftOO: "At tola tims It Is ordered by tho board that tb as sees meat tf Flshen. Thorsaa A Co, for 1T bo aaa- celed. No action had la fact been ia by. tho osuatr board. Other .en tries ara said to have been mad la th naordo, purporting to show that tho supposed .order of (h bsard was carrtod out. Suit la brought to roeovsf from Fisher, Thorsen Co. tha smount af its taxation on personal property for ,11(7, wun psnamss ana interest. , . WILL MAKE PLEA OF 1 -TEMPORARY INSANITY Caeeeial btmatm a bs JeeraeL) pokaa. Wash.. Sent. tL Tha trial of Mrs. Jsanetto Harris, oa a charge of strangling her grandohlld, to attracting mucn atienuoa and promisee to prove Interesting and rather sensational. It will b a hard-fought oaso. Temporary Insanity vrUl b the plea, of tho defense. A Jury waa S nelly secured this morning, after using th eatire penal of II mem. and summoning II more, When oourt adjourned yeeterdey deputies were sent out to summoa M mora to aaaaar this morning Two witness hart been wxamlned for th prosecution. Tne testimony was chiefly to Identlaoatlaa of the defend ant as tha woman who cams from North Taklms. Mr. Harris sits beside hi wife all durlna- th trlaL Th naush- tor, who ehUd was killed, alt gutotly Interested la th yrosssdlnga. Bh to a well-buUt. comely alrL iees then . M years of age, .i, ;.-.- BELL SAYS ROMAINE IS DESPERATE MAI (Je-ral -ecUl SerrleO TOBoha, Kan,, Sept, l.hrfff Bell of Cripple Creek, Cotow arrived her to day and bad a long talk with Bobert Romaina, the self-oonreescd dynamiter of tho depot at iBdependenos, CoIOm and latsr talked with Mrs. Romaln. Bell said Romaina U a deeper t char- aotar. If ha. found alhat ha had dona what ba had, hs said bo would taks htm back to Colorado for trial. He knew of no reason, for Romalns'a confession. , . 1. 0.0. F. MEET IN WASHINGTON IN 1905 ' ' ' ijerssl4Berial Serrlm.f e aa Frandsco, Sept. tL Washington waa selected for the next annual session of UM Odd Fellows, la September, It 04. Tho vote: Washington, It; Buffalo, ; Phiiadsipbla, II i Clsveland, 14, and Mow-; trsal, 11. J. C Heraland, second assistant chief of tht Minneapolis fir department, to th gusst of Chief Dave Campbell of the , local fir department today. This morn ing they visited th fl reboot Oeorge H. , Williams, and th boat waa taken on run to show ths visitor what th host can do. Mr. Hem I and sxprssssd himself i as greatly pleased and complimented th local chief oa having sack a flat fire , fighting vessel. (v. ' - Msve OAS in your rteta snd take s yspor bsth oocv. s wet Now is the tims to hsad off colds. rha mutism And sll thoss trtmblsi which com with tfat cbanginf wssther of tttt tnd . wintsr, fat People 3 Csfl ditposo of 10 Douruls months by asmf ftul bsth csbinst and sl t4ttsf for it tvtry dsy. y ' , f i. Blood f Diseases , ; Yisld at ones la this simple borne treatment wnkh -J Is In eirwrroist wsxh.;i;vv; tef : Us Sliow'Xciu niCSI FOR EVKRYONft. ALL M& OOO0. : S3.5P, $&M,"$8ti6 $12.50 Woodard, Clarke & Company . FOURTH AND WA3HIN6T0N 3TQECT3;t t - ': J " '' ' ' ; I f wa . v aanmr. -tf.j (- s-.gV "s mt - nave You I unibied Xo tha tsct that it pays to trad with' us, both for con yajuence and economy - .. -.' ,s.X ? ; Con ve hie nee i Beceuse you don't have to pay - -1 uali -. Ta Maia aMMailt ft , " when maldns; your purxliase, . ;t 4he balance on , . . , ' jy - .s ,f-- J- - ' - j- sasaawaaa Economy ; Because our prices oa tU ' - mondav Watches and Jewelry -I - are lower than any store la the ..' city, and we do not charge eap-, I tra for foode sold on credit. " ' fee? WewUy or ttoaTmryPsysiesU The Portland Loan Office ; DAN MAMX, IVoprietfJf 74 THIRD ST. f k .... . . ; "DIDNT HURT A BIT 13 WHAT TH BY SAY BY OUR METHOD .... ' We at to extraet Bmar eaa t m teeth at ese atttlac, poeltlvvlr ad abMlctely trltboat abT ar bad after efftete, Peepk) to daUMfe healtk BMtaed Of WlU, m yen. SdW S. . WISH seed hart a fear. extrt rewa aad On if slate work enables eMjrorth!r. Jfae beet mtbe sniL We ssvs re as fear, as ear statked ef traetlns n ssaldvali' MM aad akn ily pelnleM. nan fat rlMflHiaal B aaw akanak - We de srewa aad brldca werk wt SSt aaia aa to at ro beat hi tfie IT reari' eipertesea 'Ms M to st year m atoem m S3 o Tnam. , BROSs . w. a. DENTISTS t-III fAIUNd fiLIX. Open svenlnjrs till Ir ' anjadapa from I to 11 Corner THIRD AMD WASHINGTON STS. , . Toon. Mala tOSfc TO gaMB. - (tpecWl imaaba tt Tss Jeersel,) Wardner, Ida,, Sept. il.--& T. Mndt oott, the young faker who begged daring the day and bowled at night, ..was ssn tsnced to tho oounty. all for W day eat May. - wmmcwwBBmwmwmmmmammMm Phomm Mmlm Mt r j t rmw Mala Hit ' German Publishinff Co. - ,i;pRinTtERS;-:i:; f OS Idwesictf Jf. V Verrttung ' - CmtTilor 'Bv JOUJALVANTADS PAY LZST