The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 21, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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The Woffflcbug, wise m f th rtr. andbrtaks to wmr all oca,
dm for hi comrades from 0 H hu M answer an each wk. Hla
answer a not printed. The mdr la left t dleoovcr It. The ptotnres an
descriptive ststter Btki this comparatively to th tsUn mind. Both
th picture and th tory ar guides t the solution ef tha problem, and
... Houtfinfl Mf hut correct ana war. Tha susale reonlres enlr
There's No
f ordinary a 111 and knowledge of facta included la history, Wegrephy, bot
any and natnral tat atorr. or an acquaintance with place, buildings or m
M(M about wnieh inxormauo aa easu? ywyHimm w - a s
contest, but a trial of akUL - . ,
To sUmnlate Interest ta tha Ttalt a the people freea tha Lend at
Oa. Tha Journal wtU gtv St. ta sash each month to those of Its
read who aand la eorraat or nearly oorraet tp to tha ajwflona
out to tha Wagglebug by hi esmpsalona, , .'., , ,....
Sept. 2i. --'A Paa tail Coupoa Only. ' 1? fle lft
Tm tha WOOOLBBUO sTOItOSU V ;:- ,:':'': N ' -;.'' ;
' Tha anoarar to tha sjaUoa asked of tha Wogglabng hi tha ataga
ate Secttoa of tha paoar of SUND-aT, SEPTEMBER IV la . ..
' - v i;.' . .
fc p (.
"'? ?
; ... CtMot oo4 Jtombr...f..w-r.'..v.wi'
v To Wciiy'".""'"
' Stoat ...Wi-"f
WTUL OUT TUB ABOVI QOUPOI. Ala tha oouooa to ha fooad aaob
day 1b Tha JootmI until Saturday Baptombar-It. Tfala gtvao you aovon
ehaaoaa to ooawar tha quaaUon auccaatad la Sunday's paa. Baah Suaday
froah ojuoattoa la aafcad. ThU ouaatloa la to ba aoswarad on tha oou
Mfi nrlBtad on that day and on oaeh of tha at woafc dnya following; oa
foapt that In tha wook tMatnnlna- aaptanbar t only tha ooupona op to and
Including Septanbar M wtu ho oountad In that woak'a ana warm, flAVD
TOUR COUPONS, and on tha loot day of tha month aand than all to THS
WOOaLXBUa BOITOR. Tha Journal. Portland. Thta will and tha aon
teat for Oaptambor, and tha prtaaa wUt ba namrdad vary oarty tm tha month
of Ootobar.
L For tha araataat numbar of adrroat anawara,,,..lo.t
I. For tha naxt Inrgaat munbor of oorraet anawara, SLM..'.,..... k.M
1. For tha third larooat numbar of oorraot anawara. II.M. ,'.. 1.1
C For tha fourth tarvaat anmbar of oorraet anawara, ll.M I.M
i. For tha ton noxt-larost nam bora of oorraot anawara. 91. to aaoh. . ll.Ot'
t. For th ton naxt largaat numbara of oorraot anawara, fl.M aaeh. . lt.M
L For tha aiaraa naxt larvaot auntbara of oorraot worn, . aaoh
Tha larajot aumbar of oorraot anawara wtna.
' Ail ooupona for any ona month will ba aonaaouttaoly ntunbarad, and
mast ba piaoad In oa aoralono and arroncad la ordar of -tholr pubbea-.
Only ona oottpoa of th aaraa data oaa ba piaoad la lb aaana anyalop
of anawara for tha month.
If moro than 'ona tndlrldval ah on Id hav orory ooapon ' eorrostly
wrkod and proparly ajvancod, tha flrat ptiaa would ba dlvldad batwooa
tha wtnaara. - Othar prlaaa will ba similarly dMdad In oao any avmbar of
aontoatanta haro tha aaana numbar of anawara that r aoually oarroeV
but not aboolutaly .
Cvataatants aaad not wrtta tha onm ana war ba alt coupon laanad.
for any oaa waafc. A dlfltarant aaswar.oaa ba wrlttaa for aaob day; bat
If yon ara aura you ara rlsht, you will, of OMiraa. wrtta th aam anawar
on all ooupona loouad for any ona Sunday. t. Btanabar. th laraaat mua
bar of oorraet anawar wins,
- All ooupona for any on laoatk moot ba plaead ta tha aama aavalop
and ba ta tha offlea of Tha Journal by MiM a. m. of th Id day of
tha foUowtaa month. , . i . ,'', it
",. : . ....... .
-; la eonnoctkm with tha looal ugw
tJoa of an Inalda Inn to ba butlt Inalda
tha around of tfa.LawM and Clark fair.
Portland paaaansar aont of tha Don
Wr A Rto Oranda point with prlda to
tha fact that tholr lataat folder frontline
tha only authentic aooount of tha Oresjon
man who a topped at tha Inalda Inn at
tha St Itoala expoetttoa, aa told ortain
aliy by tha Baltimore American, to In
quire about rmtee and look about tnalde
tha inn. Tha Incident 1 related a Col
lowa: "BsBua ma. air, la thl th Inalda
InaT And Is the proprietor o( tha In-
id inn mr
"ea." replied the dork, "Oil la the
Inalda Inn. and you will find tha pro
prietor of tha Inoldo Ina outalda by tha
wia'a aide. Ha haa kept the Inalda Inn
for aevera! weeka. Once an an eoaan
trtp ba couldn't keep hla mama In, but
that la Inalda Information and he dont
want It known outalda.' -'
"All right," anld the tnoulror. -If this
th Inalda Inn w want to aa It
Inalda as wall a its oatslda bofora.w
look Inafde any of tha outalda Inns. If
we ilk the Inetde Xon'a Inalda and out
alda better than wa Ilk tha outalda
Inn' outetde and Inalda, wa amy brtns
our thins from outalda tnatde and Mop
Inalda th Inside Ina. Becauee
won't hare to so from th Inalda out
alda or eoaio back from tha outalda
Inside, but oaa remain J nettle or outalda
tha Inetde Inn, It bains tha only bin
Inalda the sTounda. Tha othar ona as
on tha outside and furnish no more
oomforta Inalda or outalda than d
tha Inalda .nn with exhibits elos out
old the tnald. while those who stop
at tha outalda Inn have to an Inalda to
set In, and outside to sx to their Inn ao
you aaa -
But the slerk had fainted and fmltea
Inalda .the Inalda Inn' a desk, and bell
boy war burrrlns with water for hla
outride and brandy for his tnatde. In
their excitement they sot that which
was meant for hla Inside outside, and
that which was for hla outalda Inetde.
Beada, wampum and other Indian
TaUea era betas; tmaarthed at Oak Point
m reat quantlUaa, I. A. Snsllsh o
'th Shaver tranaportatloa Una, who
was at that pmoe the nrat of the weak,
amy that aire. Duane, a resident there.
. has saeurad wtfhin the last few day a
v atrlna of beads meaaurln' to feat In
leaejth and other trtnkata On of tha
i artleles prosurad la a water asata, sup
posad to ba of araat valut. On ona aide
of the atone Is written th word HKn
land. and oa th ther a data too In
distinct to decipher. The eupposltlon
la that tt was brousht to th country by
to uudeon Bay company.
Mr. Bnviiah brourht horn With him
a number of the beada and relics which
h dux from tha river bank. Ho says
that terse cjuantltlee of them e
be uncovered with little exertion. Tbeae
who have been on tha 'sronnds ara of
tha opinion that tha plae Is th sit of
aa old Indian burylns; ground.
la a letter Tooolred yesterday from
Pawwon by a former rawlilent there, Ja
tvNmfm Fss4 wftst
and OLfCOXOlfB km does far a
i ilia rued loeraaUat la mm waaa.
Ln (h (MM HU Tf'. Tout rir, (itta.
jtaacn mvwtim, jr.. n nmm mm. r.
peas weal bettMS af HrArosot-s and
r ata on rerrtpl at jjjt. lo par
. a, T neMprepcratioMarc hana
i , werfalyrtide, aaad ey lead
mm Beypqaoa. 3a Af rmggvU,
sjms r una X.. W-erTfc.
4Maaatf.mvtlB4Bmmp4 aeaV P JeeBvmpaaaf eRBsst J"Baef wmammReV
oontalned th Information that I
Burpee, charted with enbeasllnx funds
from th dominion government while
employed as postmaster at Grand Forks,
or Bonanss, has been freed by a Jury.
The axtresmto amount of na aUesed
When th discovery wa made last fan
that rematered mall had bean atolen
from the off lot for montha. auepiclon
fall en Burpee. Ha was arested In Sep-
lemtwr. and taklns; a sniaH boat at alrht
rowed dowa the river, sludlns; the patrol
at Portymlla, markinc tha boundary, and
ranched Kesla, in Amsrlcaa teritory. -
Prom Rati, Burpee want la a small
boat, almeet t th mouth of th river
and took a steamer to St. Michael, from
which point be proceeded to Seattle, la
the meantime Detective "Billy" Welch
took the tr.H. Welch w In th dominion
secret service, and wa formerly a mem
ber of th Portland detective depart
ment Welch followad Burp alt ammd th
country and finally aucoeeded ta looat
tn him in a small Mlaelaslnpt town.
Hla prloonor realeted extradition and
aom time was lost In Bcar)n paper.
Ha was flnaHy when to Daweon, whence
oomes the new that be has been freed.
iVom the Cbleaso Hew.
They were watchlns the bathers at a
fashtonabl aaaalde resort.
TMa would have bean a snap for th
prod leal eon," Re remaraad, -
"What' a th anawerr eke He '
ftted amlras la aisht," ls
Plans ara belns laid to open th usual
tralnlna department la tha city oohoola
la two woafcn Profeeeor Standlay vwho
I bean elected principal ef th de
partment has ordered tha tool and
maMrtai. and as eoon as thy have ar
rived tha workshop will be fitted upt
Instead of ualnc tha basements of tha
school bull dins a workshops, th tem
porary school build Loss at th
school turned over to this da
nartmant. On will "be placed aa th
around of th Harrison, Couoh, Ste
phana, Holladay and Thompson school
which wUl be th manual trainina- sen
tar. Tha nortabl bulldlnx ar 0 by
4S feet and wlu mak exoeUeot work
ahopa. -' ......
Pupils In tha mannal tminlns; chool
will be limited t boy who have ad
vanced as far aa th ' fifth or sixth
srades. Olrls wUl not ba admitted this,
year but it 1 quit probable that within
another year any alrl who desires wUl
be permitted to take up th work.
Bach center will have a oertatn num
ber of schools from which to draw Ita
pupil. Th boy will ba divided Into
olassas of 14 oaoh and aaob elans wUl
be slven a period of ntruUoa of lk
hours every week. A
AU the work mad by th pupU will
ba hi Individual property. Toola and
material will ba furnlatted by th school
and all that th pupil haa to provide
for himself 1 a uniform apron, the
pattern of which will be aubenitted so
the nupUs by the principal.
On aooount of th fact that th work
Lla not ou to beam lower than tha fifth
fimde, pectal work in condenser! form
to embrace the preliminary worm wUl
be atven. This will consist Of an aoou-
racy drill In card work.
After the nrellmlnary work tha pupil
will be instructed to handle the elm-
pier toola la wood. From that they will
be drilled n th elements af oaxpeater-
Ins and oablnst making. - While the
spirit of manual traininx will be ob-
aarved. It m th IntenUoa of th prin
cipal to make th oourae aa praotloai a
possible, a-lvlnx the boy ideas that
oucht to be of much uaa to them around
their homes. This kaowled; will "em
body xlaalnx and tha us of aoldortnc
Irons and abeara. thus flvtax: then aaJ
Idea of th elements of tin work.
omh wui a
of Pajdng More Than
Whan the work has been fairly wan
astabUahad an "Arts and Craft dub"
will be eraanlsad at aaoh osnter from
th most skillful . boy, who will make
oo nun anal projects for exhibition at th
Lewis and Clark -fair.- Tha principal
will mix special effort to make a fin
showing. "
. One fearur of th work whioh will
be very Interesting: to the stodents W1U
ba a aeries of atereopUcoa lectures. 'In
apeaxins; of th work yaaterday Pro
feeeor Standley said: . .
"la th rood old day whom hand
work was ksng. most man ware more or
lass Skilled In th us Of common to!.
Th sons helped tholr father buUd. or
repair th house, furniture, wasona and
Implamanta, whit th alrla Assisted In
the epinnlnc dylns. waavins and other
domestlo handwork.
"In th march of pro cries, work was
produced o rapidly and cheaply by ma
chinery that th old 'hand tools' were
laid aside and th boy delved mora
deeply Int book laarntnx.
"Manual traininx, as an edaoatlonal
factor, develop th Intelligent alas of
the mind a nothing else oaa. A boy
seldom learn to think or under tend
as b mlcfat It Is only whoa b sets
Involved ha sports Ilk ba ball or boat
Ins; or. la machinery ilk th lath and
aw or ta laboratory oompiloation that
he learns to think and act Ilk a man.
Honesty and oouraxe ara directly de
veloped and tb ethical traininx; th
pupil receives Is no small part of tha
good which 1' derived from the work.
Th work with tool creates a lov and
respect for akUled labor and th prin
ciples and prooeeeea acquired assist
sraatly in tha aeleotion of a trad or
prof eMlon."
Professor Stsndley aaa not asleoted
bts asslstanu ln th work. There will
be five teacbera. on for each .osntar.
Ha ha had eeveral applicants
oonaideraUoa, -
When you can obtain a FIRST-CLASS one for
the above price. , -
That's exactly what the MOYER is giving
you this season A, v
First-class Suit
- - : Hand-made button holes, hand-padded col- h yCX 1 1
lar, sewn with silk; single and double-breasted
coatsFabrics are cheviots, worsteds and cas .
simerea FITV and MAKE equal to those of
'1 Come Jn; and niake us prove it . ,
Samples are on exhibition in our window.
Third and Oak Streets
big pais mm
f UwH AJT. O&SJtet axKm-
At a meetlna; of prominent Vopttllata
last week at Salem, after a discussion of
eome hnurth. it wa decided to put
preeidentlal atectora aa the ballot la
Orecon, and to that nd a petition ha
been fUed with the secretary of etate.
The eommanloatl to th latter toad
as folio wa:
"To th Bon. p. X. Dunbar, secretary
of state, Salem, Or.: Dear Sir The un-
dereirned. le sally aaaUflad elector of
the stat of Oregon, hereby certify that
we nominate a our candidate for the
office of preeidentlal electore to ba voted
for on November I. laot, F. IL Fhelpe,
Vale, Maluheur oounty; Dr. J. u HU1,
Albany, Linn county: 1 H, XcMahoo,
Salem. Marion oounty; d. F. Sohmidt-
leln. Wood rill. Jackson oounty. to be
dertmated oa the official ballot a Po
ala'a party for Watson and Tlbbm.
Son of those . la attendance at th
meeting desired a resular convention to
make th nominations, but It wa urged
that time was too abort, and the simpler
method of obtaining signatures to the
petition wa adopted. It must b filed
M day before lection, - -
a. P.. Nelson of thl etty haa been
elected chairman of th stats executive
committee, and ba declare that a vtgor-
ouo campaign will be conducted. If poe-
albl. Tom Watson, th Populist candi
date for president, will be brought to
Oregon for aevereJ speech..
Loading hi shotgun with a llghf
charge ef fine Mrdehot, A. a Bigger, th
oounty carpenter, ha mad preparations
to glv th lads who have beea ateaJIng
hla gran a a warm reception. 'On
youthful thief ' was detected pilfering
th tusdous fruit at an early hour Mon
day morning, but mad hi eecape befor
th gun could be properly loaded.
Th oouBtr carpenter live at ITS Bast
Ninth stmt Ha has an arbor so
heavily covered with grape that tt Is
th envy of all who see It. Lately many
tempting cluster have bean mlseing.
Mondar morning Bigger and his won,
bearing a noise, allpped to a window and
say they aw a boy who Uvea not far
from their bom engaged In the theft
of grapes. Th boy can away with hi
poo beta Ailed.
Peacock flour alway give aatfara-
Many proposition have been laid be
fore JJewIa and Clark fair director, but
th auggeetlen that th exhibition place
"windjammer" la th harbor near th
grounds to give th uninitiated aa Idea
of Ufa on 4b high sees is tb keteet
novel idea. Captain Furnaanx. master
ef tb British ship Dumfrteohire. de
clares that suoh aa Institution would
be a great attraction for 'land lubbers"
If properly bandied by th fair or by a
private corporation, it would be a oob
oeeeion worth having;, la hla opinion,
"1 haw thought the matter over,"
th captain, "and I am oonndent
there would be big money mad
from th ndertaklns If a company
would o barter a nailing Teasel and take
her down t a point opposite th fair
grounds they eould anally make her a
leading attraction. Properly manned
with trained lamsn aa exhibition of
unfurling the aails eould be given each
day, which In itself would be of more
than ordinary interest. I bey could
show tb vial tors Just how a a hip I
managed at sea. Thar I not on man
la a thousand who haa ever een a vee
ael nsder full said, and they would Hock
there just to see how th work i don.
Upon entering tb Columbia river th
alls are all ranovea, and. very few la
Portland even, hav ever had th op
portunity of seeing a ship fully rigged
and la snap ta tak every advantage
of tha first braes that atlra,
"In addition to tola th company
chartering th vassal for th occasion
could decorate th ship p In aa at
tractive manner and have othar diver
sion en board which would prove great
drawing sard. A band eould be i
ployad t provide must, and th decks
could b atUsBSd as dancing platform.
In a Try short time th main deck
oould be fitted vp for a like purpose"
Th skipper contends that there are
hundreds of ways by which the vessel
oould be converted Into a great dividend
producer. Box hav been ordered out
of saloon, but h explains that there
la nothing In th law against ships be
ing fitted up with them. Any at
tainment beat on shore oould be oon-
Sunted on tha Shin, ho declares.
"freights asa, now low," pursued the
captain, "and I hav no doubt that th
owner of some big aalllng veest
would entertain a proposition Of thl
kind at a vary reasonable rata. When
the fair hi ooncluded h would be her
at Just ths proper season of, th , year
ta carry a grain oargo to xjurope.
"Portland ta aa Ideal- plae for car
rying out this project, and I do not be
lieve It eould be don at any other
point where a world fair haa ever been
held. By collecting a small fa from ail
those wh went aboard th company
chartering th ship- could aoramulats a
lot of money. Thousand of th peo
ple coming her next year will be people
who never saw a ship outside of a pto
rur book, and t all this class th pro
ject would appeal strongly.' . , ,
Fpr forty year Dr. Fowler Cxtraot
of Wfid Strawberry has been curing
summer complaint, a t senary, diarr
hoea, bloody nux. pain in tb stomach,
ad It has never failed t da verrthlns
Flan ar under way at Bt Martbi1
Springs, near th Btouth of wind river.
sight miles abovo th loekx, ts give
Portland one of th best health resorts
ta th country. A 1,M hotel totals
th beginning; f flsvelnpiiianls there,
which wlU, M l thoasht. load t th
building of a modern Spa, rrrallns; tb
Hot Springs of rksoaas.
Th movamaat for the Ssvefa
of the springs was started two year
ago, by th Portland Chamber of Com
merce, xt has long- been known
th St. Martin's spring nis ei
tlv propertle of peoullay vaisa, ,
that to spread thair fame tt would be
only neoeaaary to provide aoonueoda.
ttons for th publlo and advertlee tb
plaoa. fop a loeg time tb owners of
tb ground, th elder St. Mastin and
hla wife, would not consent to Mo anything-
with the property. Now their
on, Amo SL Mart la, ha ourod their
authority and haa leased a port lea of
th property, Containing springs, to
Samuel McCartney, who will launch th
flrat $10,00 hotel cnterprle.
- Th water of St Martm' SDrtnsa ara
of eeveral kinds, both hot and cold.
They ar said to b euratlv for rheu
matism. Mood dleeases and other cem-
r m M ST 9 jB pW W fc W . ' . s-'1
at Jlgi'-V M. IV-Uaf
'- k i
ft. S. WatsV Laasae aa Mrs,
"i.,,r f."
.. . f. ,. , AIX TXZS
x ' Otneirt ttxffltos;
Deat smM famt
W mBtSFrp WT
iimiiiim wmM sot fun tha footttefct
waafc ft ths bsst msd Mrongsst pisy y;
u Tksst efta exes at hewe w KarmVa, m and Wuariastaa. frsm ''
ptalnt. Th water oontala It aUncrals,
aeoording bt th anal raw.
Similar springs, known to
saarkabte propertlea for th oar of
blood dlaeaaea, xlst ta Jaoksoa county
near the California lis, but ara so re
mote and almost Inaccessible that nly
a few people avail thamsalv of th
otire. ' v
BTsk Att g TSS , m
tha Philadelphia BnDatln. '
"Doc he advertlee all th comforts
of ho maT Inquired Mr. Tlredoat.
. "NW't replied Mrs. Ttrcdout, nh aoV
vertieemeot simply says, Wo mother-In
law,' oroaa eooka, or crvins; babtas.' "
"We'll go,- asserted Mr. Tired at, tsv
phaflcaUy.' "','-
Hr;;- ii r;.'-,
-n: t a
,;''.'. i' ..u.- . "v ' " I''-'-'
i i ... t ; v i,v., .
I 1 1 ,. , T -J .
Another Sterling Closset tt Devers Product ' v
Harinf purchased a'lsrg lot of Golden West
Baking Powder we again offer our Vant ad."
patrons anothsr treat. To every person who
brings a paid ad for next Sunday's Journal we
will give absolutely free a can of this fine wall
known , , v. f-L" V- '
Jest a Word Aboirt this Premisni
Golden West 3akirig Powder Is composed
td tha ary finest materials obtainable and
is guaranteed M ABSOLUTELY PURS.
Closset ft Devers guarantee this powder to
ghra entire satisfaction and authorise .the
refunding; of money should any fault ba
found. It is sold by all leading grocers
throughout tha city.
Kemembcr Hie E-llcg PowJcr'ls gfven only to
tKou who brtcg in a "Want Ad' for 1
' A
tta Mi at guaranteed byr grooar,
alalm4 foe it,