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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
'. v TKS CrOtf CAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER M, 1901 CRT VOTIORB,. ropoard bbthanor Ma-cnro tba. curt to foetlaw n, iobum rajx. was ooMMinr. - v ' As aa-dtnaae to Portland and Btv ftiu Railroad IW .. t wears Bad aaslgns, the right to f "tract, ei lre, own, . eH.l, nulnUln, run p ? and VM railroads . and pole and TKkMil '. ad underground onduita and wires eatri a and aonductor la lb Cltr of Portland, Oi 'gun. Tb City f Portland doe rdtoi fellow: Section l. That that be aug hereby to grautrd. nb)Ht to tt tar an. restrictions and KcvUlons lu I la Or, peutalned. to Port- ad and it. J' " 1 Company, a cor vtatioi trlf Wrantaird and aiioting hader and br Tt;ta of twi law f the slat of Oregon, having It K'&dpai n" and pto.ce (1jBm at 4a Civ of Por "4, liTUt Cone 7 afrits b, to mil i . aid lis sair'4 hud 4. jna, the frauealae, rt-it and p 'toga f I f down, to-toy. suaudr 4. K-enatn i, aUhu . purchase, eulre, toaa, i a, maintain, a tip, bar, MI, own, ha, f, run and opart ie 11dm af rt'h-oed hr-d M r n of railroad, altbr slnato track or fcAlt track, wit power at an tint to cf-"g ft m on a the other, with cavaleat aw am, si track. tOrDouta, turn-Ublta, rToee-over. surra and MB&eetlaSB and to twa And Off rat can tnM. to ntt thro h, along, opoa ud Mrnaa ' in ftoUowiiax ftnaaad trraU and talfhinm In tbe Ctt el Portland, U tk Cunnt M Vnltnowa, laj tb tata of Ornma, to-wTt Vpoa VtiM bcxtla Tard troK Bndtrfltt Mreat to HpOc trt tad pon Uodc trt Iron Willi bMlttard to frlanton straat and np Ft In- ton itml nan bodt atrtat ta tk north - tarn kauuAary ot aid Qtj f PortUkdihU afivoa Portland twle vnrd, Hujrland arnan. jm atkar -tkrouitn block BumbMd (ll t Good Harnlu nddl tlom to Salt rnrtland. rattan atnnnn, Brrant traat, Dnrr arfena, I. nub red font (4) at vast block Firat BlfC atrat. M-' trie addltkn to AlUnw bit atmtt, Bnffato ttrnat, tk W tnrnk Block nnnbarnd Ubt (8), nl n (ft) a ten (10) U aald Flrat Btoetrle addition, MLbUrnt trt, lottoa itmt, Plpoln atrt, Daiawar nTcnn, Euaaatt atraat, b dwta atrant, Pnrrn- . aut atraat, Tnrrr atrt, llomoa atrt, Penin sular a retina. Rmarald Mmnt and wllltt annla- '.' vnrd, npon a linn to an) Mtocud bj It rua- , 'klnt tn a ortkwnntorir AlrMthm fro tha lutamnetloa or a lln vblB H a nortkarlf kro ' toLdatian of tbat part nf liarrland are mi a aoutb nf tba north Un of Nortk JUblna nrltk Port J tond kMlavard, to a nolnt in WilUn boaWrard t aaar HaallM afWti and to enannet to thor at atroet tataraavtloM, and at an other Cucaa upon lu own ncnta of war or proper 1 7 r eootanlent Mroan, wn tenon, tamoots, aid .v. inm ana oonnrrtjona, aojr or au 01 tn ui of railroad la thla aoctlon nwmtlonad, a nn i eonTeniantlr onorat tka Mm aa on astir ratem oi rallmad and ran can froa ahr Uno oc track to an Mnar Ban ot Unci; and ifwcrt tor that at otrna Intoraoetlona, and 1 a or otbor ptoeoa ia Ito own nromrtr or rtab . 0 war. br cokTnnlnt Mmt nwltokML aid i tracka. turnouta and ootaoctkna, tba Hna of 3; raibad la tbn aoetloa nwntamC and any , otbor Ho or tin at railroad or railway tta aald V117 rmN. awn operaia oara ironi 00 a i .fo no atbrr; aM a eona tract, rOHmmtract maintain, nan ad nerat contealaat atda- 'traoka, awHcna. awona and tarnonto froaj tta Una of railroad btaUUInnd nndor antnortcr w mm oranan, and npoe li pro part and to and upon Ito othar rirbla of war and to and Into Ito nbopt, bnraa, atoreboa, ipottr : I, depota, a tat tow, mrds, tarnUnnhi and tar ; BUnal buttniTig-a nod tormlnal gronndn, Soe, t Said Pnrtlnnd and Clohna ftntlrond vrinpanr ana m nnunui and aaalcnn mar on- , ai ai-n propni onra or or and a pun un rail road nMntlonod la nkttton on (11 of ti lt ordl " aanco, br nxana of ororbaad or nndwrroand 1 aloctrlral power, atarag battartoa, eoapranaad nir, cnonm or outor aiecnanieai powor. xrpt . ' lnr onlr nan a nnoatn natd ntonaa -' - and Baar at any tlma ebnnf tb awtlv powor and avid of operating nil r anr Of Mid earn, and nub ancoaaarr and onrnfoiit cbamon la ' traeaa, nachlnwrr and applinoa; and for tba puinons 01 operating tta rallranan and for abn- 'Tloa- pwr aim thtetneai earronBj for In awn no, aald Portland and St. Join Railroad Contnanr, lu Nacanors and aaalrna, star put Bp. tract, maintain and on polo and ovarnaad Wires and lay down, 000 tract, maintain and who undmroawd Blot and condnltn and SAdor- - iroaaa wiroa, oaMnctora and eabina. In, npoa, r and a bora and to and nndrt any and all ac ib atrocta and Mfhwara BMBtkwad to : . Won on u tbl ordtnano. 8. ft. Tb traefta of tb rallmataa . tmctod Bsawr aatkerltr f tkta ordlnane shall -.. b laid as nearly a may b prartleabla la tb erntrn of tb atraeta and da ah wltk tb Brade tl.rtof atvon by tba City RniriBror, bo aa to .Icterfnra aa Httn aa practlcnbto wltk all other Subllo mm of tb OtreotB. la the ooaatroction . t tb ralbroada antborlaad br thla ordlnane . inanairiai nsed and Urn workmanablp thereon ; attau b of rood nod sabatnntUl quality of ; .. their claaa and kind, and tba ralla to bj osod Bhall ba atl ralbv Wa I ah Ice not loan than BO pound to tb yard. All construction and re foMtracttoa of th Haas of rallrund antkav toM by tbto ardfnanc sbaltlM npoa plana ap IwriW tba Malnrlv naaaHatod antkorltM am uiror rorttaaa for nek pvrpoa. 1 Tba vara aaod by natd Portland and pt Jobaa' Railroad Company apoa tb lln of i rrllroad eonatroctad nnder antborlt of tbla or ,J dlcnnc aball ba of pprred com traction tor ; safety and oonrreBlanco and every aurb ear Bhall . r oqoippea wiu a Hunter drop guard reader. ...a or noma, other approved form of fender, apoa 1 tb front tbaraof tor the protection and aafety of tb pa bite. Cara aha 11 be rua anon thn rail. ' foada com tmctod and maintained a rider anfhor- nf or tnis oMinnnc arery day from f o'clock a. m. w 11 o'clock p. as., not laaa fraawentlr wo mlnoten apart; provided, tbat on 8nn r cars sfaaU not b roanlrad to start before . If past ae ren o'clock a. m. . Any TtoUtJon - for mora than ft boom of thla prorlaloB for the rannmr or rnrs Bxcepi nil ononad by rbita, ' ru, accident, tb aat af 6d. Injaaetloa ' '.' r Jndidnl Interferon, or br defect! or 00 . Btrocted brtdara atrwt or h lab way a. aball rnbject said Portland and 8t Johna Railroad :, Company, lta ntaaata aad aattfae. bbob oa ' TlctMB tbrf in tb mnnlclp) conrt, to k Bn ; f not to xcd twenty-flTO dollars (ftti) for -HMch and a rerr off ana, and If continued anon 1 Bar Un of rain-nod tor store than pi da daringf .; anr av namcnnTt oaya. tna umnrll mar by Vt ordlnane declare forfeited the fraoohla to opar " ? aid railroads no not opar- ftod, bat tbe rirbt of aald fallroad company, . Ha sncceaaora and aaslgna. to atalataln and Prte their other railroad aball sot be af : fected or Impaired or forfeited. The m-orta- lona of thla eectloo laqtilrlnr tb operation of Sritt.TO -aHS awaaicttoBB. or to trek tot aopaV baraa. tor' bcaaes, reBoattorl, depots, autlona, yards or terminal rTowada. r to track ward for terminal ' - 'V .ur porUoa of any Of tb railroad of said railroad , Banr, tto Bnt iaanra me aaairna, wnlrk . ft r may aarnaaantly dtaooo. una in operattow of. No rloiatle f tba aner acbedul prorlaloB or fa I hi r to operate vmrw nam uj arriana, ram, Bcciaenn. caBnal tie, the art ot Sod. injaaetton r todlctal Inter- . recenee, mm ae recti re or btrwrted brtdre, treeto or blrtwaya. Bhall render any potthm of . said rallroada or tba trsncble tb era for nbjeet : wm rCTTwnre, ne earn snail a run along any ' Street of the City af Portland smea tb rallroada ecnatrected under autberlty of thta ardlaaace 1, Jt great rat ef apeed then K mile per 4 hour and no car ehall be allowed to atop or rBMin rou npon any in re reaction or etreeta; t and any conductor, motoraan. grlpmaa or other 1 employe of aald railroad company, lta aaeceeaure a.- aaalfn. la charge at any web ear which , mF. ram , at a greater rato of p ereed thaa S miVn per hoar etong . . Bay Street Of the dtp of PortUnd, r be ateppwd P allowed to remain attll - apoa anr treet ntaraectton la said cltr, shall ew oermea miiiy or a mieaemeenor aad upon "' convlrtloB thereof before tbe municipal court of in uiiy or roruana Shan be punlahcd by One 4 of not ton than f4 nor nor tbaa for each .., and every effeiwe. All earn need npon tbe Unen : af railroad maintained under authority of this ordinance for tba carrying and iranaportatloa ef . nails. eiBree matter and frebjbt, ehall be ef ..: neat and erode red dertrn and conamictlnB. Tb tbe evaat that aald railroad Company. Ito pae o"ia or aastrni, aball daring the life it thU . fraaeblee abaadoa any atraat ar aortton ef a treet ." ver whtcb the right le by this ordinance . grantea to onatrt. maintain and. ooevat ralK : road, tbea and la that cnee eatd railroad com- r paiiy, It rncevaaora end aaslgna, aball, forth- --- with apoa Bach abandonment, remove lta track and other property from auck street ar portion of street a aeenaVinea, and en the removal thereof rsstere. repair at recoeatrurt tbat por tloa nf tbe treet which by the terma of tbl franchise aald nltreed company ta required to ' keep to renalr, ae that It shall ba placed tn - atcb condition SB mar be required by tbe Ooon dl. A failure oa the part of aald railroad M comnaar. It aecceaaora and eaaJraa, to c'tnply, 1 within t rea aona hie time, with anr t tb pro I! vlalonr r coadlttoa af thla frandbl aball i Bathoriaa tb City of Portland to declare by t appropriate proredlng aa Immediate forfeiture f such fraVhlae, aad, npon such forfeiture being mane, the road or track upon th street ar atreata forfeited, oeatr acted amtor aatkor Itr of this ordinance, ehall llkawla be for 1 felted, and, tf said railroad ontpanv. Its ane , era Bora and aaslgna, shall falL naglect or refnes ' after to dars' not Ire glvsa by tb Ooonetl to , repair. Improve ar maintain, aa rrqnlred by thla ordinance, the porttona wMk by this ordinance are required to be repaired. Improved or nrnln- tolaed by aald railroad Company. It aaeceeenr Caaelgna, of tb a treat aver which the right by tbla or itt nance rrantad to eonntrnct. kialiv i tali and operate railroad, then Mid cftr may ' at lu option do sneb wort and the coat of the ' aaae a acartalned and declared hf tb Otma- Sl. shall be entered I th Docket f City ma and wforeed to Itts manner and erlth tike .:. ffrt aa genera t tax apon real or peraonat t praerty of said railroad coin pa ay, lta solo an ra ' ar aaslgna. after dellnonency. if any afreet . ar portion thereof ehall ba abandoned, aa atoce ' aelo, th portion nf the franchise granted by thla Milt nance which revere each abandoned nl atreet e perUoa of Street ebatl thereaffvr he Itnlt and Void and shall bo forfeited without :' aa farther actV on tbe part of the cltr. ftec. 1. For tb warpna of toying dawn, to petrtnr sad reconstr acting tb railroad track a snthnrleed ty thla franchise, aald Portland and Ha, Jnhnw Railroad Ornnpenr, tto fncewainrS and amlrna, shall not nbatrnct any atreet for a ( reefer eon t lane a distance than tba length af Blocks at an am tin ar fee k longer qttt voncro. period thaa twa- montha at anr tlaaa, coptlna; tbat la.akstM of bad weaUar, eertka. rlou. accidents, t. i'aaltlen. or datanit of carrUra, mate' n. a or ft uac!or. or In junction or Jud: a totafferaava, Iba fraaerlr eoiiatltuted auibt tie of U tT BMT HUwl such Um at their ClacretMI. bee. fl. Nothing la thla ordlnane or gar right. prlrUer or francbla granted br tbto or dinance aball be eonetrned to prvnt tbe mnnlc- lnal authorities of the Cltr of Portlnnd from acwartud, grading, perlng, planking, macadam lalng, Improrlua, altar lug or repairing anr of tb streele oier wblcfc the railroad thrlnd b? this ordtaance are constructed or operated: bat alt such work shall ha doae so a to cane as llttl ebatrnctlon or blnd'aae I oaalbl to tbe paeaage of oara and the operation af said railroad, and tb owner at Bald rall rorda aball hare tb ariTilag of raUIng or bMMb Ujj trarka kfold a ntaab aa noaaUiU obstructloa to tb eratWB of ear dirlne the nroarraas f tb Street aawarlng. gi tiling, pang, pUnklur, icadalllag, lav PQTla, alt-rlng or repnlrinj. ee. V. BaM PnrUanil anaf (M. bas Hafl raad Conpanr. Ito Bttcceasors aad aaalru. owner or owners, of tbe railroad tracks coDatructed or aalntlueit ntutae anlhurlt' of thla ordinance. aball ail In nr and ta fba Mtabllsaed ST ad and plank, aar. re para, racoaatruct or otUac- wue. improve or repair, rrom una as inn. waeaeTer directed br tbe) Council gad necessary to put tb asm Into aa good evadlUon of n re meet and renalr aa tbe adjacent nortloa of such street or street, and to such naanner as the municipal authorities may eirort, anr HnrHnn nr (he atHet ar trU aloflat And Over which tbe said railroad ar conatracted afidef authority f tbl ordinance, tbe whole width of said railroads between tbe ralla and between tb track, .and for a width of ane foot oa the outaide of tbe entersaoet ralku Whenever dur- Ina or railroad or after the conatractloat of any Una or d aktborisod br tbla ordlnhna It ta neceaarr IB conatntt any kflda or HavatM roadway la any street occantad If aaM Un of rnUroad, and sneb bridge r elevated roadway will be osed and occnnled br aald 11b of rail-1 road, said PortUnd It. Johns Railroad Compear. Ito succeaaore and aaatane. If tbe line ot railroad scroea each bridge ar eievatea roao way be a donbla-uack line, shall pay ona fourth at tbe coat ef the couatructloa et.ancb bridee oe elevated pnadwne. . eicentlnar th auprratrnctnra thereof tb akparstrtictur being underetood to ba tompased of tba trtngvf, deh- od to be aamMSed od the aLrlnevr. ak - lug or oerlag. If any. and aarface paring or I MT iBm UP the railroad track a and rall iTTrTf & Bn. af imlCaid anTaW rJJeIl tTl. far nlanklag) bridge ar elevated n roadway aball be single track, then aald railroad compear lta successor and assign, shall par one-eighth of the cost ef the eo na traction or such bridge r ala rated readwar, excepting tba superstruceure tnereoi. end asM railroad company, Its aaecesaon ar aa algna. ahall also par the Wbol eet of on strnctlng tbat parttna at aald aunw true tare of nch bridge or alevatad roadway a 1 Included righto granted by tbla ordinance aald railroad mpany, it aaeceeaora ana aaaigna, anaii. ir it line of railroad ever fh toidg or elev ted roadway be a dnbl track line, pay ehe-foertB ihihi u.i ,.UAin. m. iiimnUn t,L.rnf j AMjitkli Af til nut nf maintain. ing and repairing auck bridge or elevates roaa war. exceDtlnar aneh a BDeretrur ta r thereof. If the Un of railroad ever tbe asms be slngto track, aad shall also pay tba whole cnit of rpa ring, replanting, reerlrtng and aulatfctnlng tbe asm portion of sack saperstrneture ot such I ridge or elevated roadway for which they are required to pay Aha whole coat eg eetiatruelloB. aa above provided. And tb 01 ty of PortUnd shall, doting the aztotenee af tb right granted ny this ordinance, see that sues briage or e lo re ted readwar to kept and maintained la eel ta ble repair end condition for the operation over the aame of the railroads .of tb said railroad cemaanr. Ira BorCeaaor and aeelma. and abonld aid aty f Portland, peraart ap aaek bridge or elevated roadway to becoete bo eld, worn or oat af repair that to to aasaltabla ar ana fa for tb operation ef Bald railroads thereover, then and In tbat can said railroad company, lta succeaaora and aaslgna, shall . bare the option (bat sbaU not be oMtoated eo todoWen at) Sara'' notice to writing to tbe City of Portland, to reconstruct, repair and put sack bridge or ele vated roadway tat suitable rendition fef tb operation, oi eatd raiiroeon taereever ana a uee I of the snm bf tea ma and vehlclea, and tf the 1 Ra ot railroad over sock bridge or elevated reaoway shall be a donbto track, Urefnrtha or we tost ana erttenee ec so recoDstructinr. tanaJrlna- aad Duttlna Into aood ooadltlon soon bt Idee or elevated roadway, axcevtlue Bald eu- peratructore thereof a above dekned,. or If skid railroad be a Single track tto. aeveeetghtn of the tost and kipeaee ot o reconstruetlng, repairing and eatUng late good ondlttoa aetd bridge or elevated roadway, excepting the saner sit act are thereof, a above defined, and all of the coat not required to be borne by aald ra li re a company, it eoceeaeor an ensigns, aa 1 atove provided', of reconstruct! n ttlng, repairing and hit M Dm tree-tar piHiaa wto gnoa Mnntioa shall p bourn and paid by tb City of Port- Und; AM aald fhllroad ecmpany. tta weeessora and assign, tosr dednct tbe aaam from any money tnea an r tBerartr te peeoaa aw from It or them to th City of PortUad. If at anr time aav All la mada ne bride aa-l kvatad roadway benstracted by th City ef ) Port Und. la any Of th street where railroad tracks at being maintained and need under authority of thU ordlnanoa, and any railroad conpanr, railway aampaay or other compauy or Deraoa to. addition ta aald PortUnd and . John Railroad Company. It sncoaoeor and aa stgs, has the right to coaatmct, nalntala and eperato nmllroad trks ar railway track or run car over eucb tlL bridge or elevated roadway Streak toss ted thereon, thee and to tbat aa porttOB of tb coat ef such fill, brldg r elevated roadway required by this ordlnane to be born or Bald br said Portland aad Rt. Johns Railroad Compear, H auceeaaor and ae-U-na Shall be eon a fly divided, borne and paid. snare ana enare anxs, oetweea ana ny an or tb railroad en bum a I on, railway companies ar raoas man naving tne right cnaatract. nuia la and aparato railroad ar railway track or run cara aver such flit, bridge or elevated roadway. It la hereby deeUred tbat la tba ease of any tn being nd tb portloa of aald woak which m bt tbla utdinane reoulred ha ha born aad petd br paid Portland aad St Jahna RaUlroad Comnaar. tto sacceaeora and aaslgna , ar br tt and tba aamoantee. aa tbe baee may be, aball be each portloa or section of Bid All aa ta tocladed between vertical Hna or puna alt na ted 3 feet apart and parallel with the canter tin of tb trt, tf the line af ratlroad ovar aaah AU to a atoai aabto . track ( ar aaeh 111 I Uee. or If tb Una of railroad U B' mngv trkca ltna. then ouch nortloa nr sect ton r MU BU M IS Included between vet Heal tines or nUaea siraated Sit feat enact ana psrsimi wiu ta eetirar una or tne street It M xprBBlr andersteed that If Said Port nd and It. John Railroad Compear, lta aue 'wore ar awla?t. ewner nr awncv. aw the railroadi coaatrnctad nndar tbto orftlnana. tbalL ner wruraa aouee iron on naatcinai antaon- n to 4. fall, neglect or refus far 10 usvu t Broceed to nlank. aa. reoava. reeiva Btroet or otheemHe lanneava ne hm( a aula tala la good condition, aa reoulred br xbta sec-1 tioa, tba wbol or any portloa of tb atreet or 1 sir atone and over which Bald ra Iroad i an ae ikea voaaHrwvt anal naaeated. tne vaoar wtata or suia railroad betweea ralu. be tween the tracks and for a width at mm font on tb outside nf BaH re lta, then and to that tvnt th Cltr of Pertlaad mar, sad tt la btrebr Bvtnorie-a to aiaaa snca navemeni. renavement. reionstrnerjoa, repair or other toanrovenewt. ea arorasaia. ana u east snd si pen thereof sr-eii aecoma sua na a char- anal Han uimw aid railroad and tb railroad franchise, to b wtrorced br suit ar tctloa aa to Council may sleet. Tnls Bed I on ehall not aimlr to an nart or portion of the railroad af aald Portland and t. John Railroad Comnaar.' Its aat Bl liana. eoMfrurle una amaM. in rm rights of war beUnrtng to ft ar them, the titU cr owasrahlp to which wm derived from sonrce other thea ordinance or the City of nnuag, nor sasu me nroviBicn ar mm aae. tloa aoplr to say lln of railroad, or portion thereof, which aald PortUnd Bad It. John Rati. roan company. Its. arcenraor or tseigns, may cease to. eperato agd abandon after the time when between the ran ar the track and on not """""o u w .m mm ua th space between tV two track from rail to J?!??0" Lf "iW1' .br rait snail not ba mora than els feet la width. cn junipeaaation, rate and far aa It pr ITi JrJfr..hT. "iitaLi" J may dcatta. and tatd railroad cotnbanV. tm enlrf rs I Iroad compaay. Its sneesssora or aaaigna, ever bp th city (here aball ba xetedd there shall bee remoted Its track therefrom a a 1 1 from any vara a tloa f frsacato or right of ertored the atreet and nwntnt tat emal mm ditto con form Ing to tbe adjoining porttona ef tbe i Ireet. 'fie Urine down anaf met loa or rauroaoa, pniee. wire, a nder ground nndult Ml cable constructed under eethorlty of thta orainenre si an oe the Dronerrr ef Portland. said Portland lta aacreseor and aaaigna, ahall natatala, a herein ror reqalred. It portloa. b rein b for pert fled, ef the atreet ovee aad nnaa whleh n 1 1 read tracks ar 000a tmctod and operated ander authority of this ordinance. required by lb Jpriirerlr eonatltated antborltr ad the ijivt or roruana. ana ror raiiare so to go apoa anr part of aald ratlroad excentlaar urhee or narructet apoa U gropertr or other rights nf Way. th right be re by mated to construct, malntan and ooerate auch nart af aald ral Iroad upen which aurb failure fc nado msy if- roriaitea Bp appropnata aetiea aa thn r vi uv 1 iij a 1 rortiann. aVe. A It shall he ajnUwfnl rat up Parana r Ffuan to Obetraet the Urlng down, eanetrnet- e. malnteoaaoe or opera tloa ef tb rail roads. mien, wired, anderviound ceaaluim. eahbai conanctora nuntionefl la tbto ardlaanc. snd ay prana ar peraona who shall violet th pronawBS er trrs eecrioa ahall b deemed tniiitv ef mTa4rnnnr. and avt.n thereof before the nnnlelnal amet nt w rttm of Portland, ahall he nunlsbed br B tn of not iaa than five r.lUrs (B) nor mere than twenty- t evuHi V nv seca ana every errena. ec. a. Aar CVmdnctoe. nantneson a nthee nnlor or pon ta railroad eenetructed ander iuthnelty ef this mdlnapce b said Port land aad M. John Ralh-oad Onmnsar, lta er easssea aad aaetoea, or any nger tbereo. er eny person on or about tb nam a fa tar neionging mere to or Being operate uereua. Who Shall br radecent. ewBrobaaaaa. aefaa OTienaive, sntistve. or eaacen u ognvg. or etherwiae laault. abase, mi It rest anr ntaoaneee on oaiu ear, er any iwwmfinf, met or so a a, a man er employe ef aald railroad mmnanr. encreaanra nr aBslan. thareoa (W anexit the save. be deemed guilty of a ntodeaaeawer. and urn convlrtlon thereof before the mantel pa I ouva ec the aty of PortUad aball he ua Isba4 br a ana af aot toaathaa An dotUrs CTTT hTOTICW, (m Bar nor thaa tweaty-dve dollars M) Bee. 10. kald Torn d and t. okn Rati reed OoetDany, Its ancvOaeora sod . tulgaa. . in orneioeraiiun r taa ' rraacJiiae, rtgata ana nrlTllear rraBted br tbl ordinance, and. aa etiupaaesttoa tberafor, to addition to doing to ireet ana nriig won required br thla erdl- nance, ana nerfomiUai tb other axreamantn on Its part In tbl ordlnane contained, shall par to tb Cltr of PerUand. eemmeocluf with Un lTtb rear af ta aalaunov and lu at their etymt or- ra urn tar iraackiaa and brin lefe by thla ordinance grantd. tbe folhiwUig named annual peyment of money, to-wit: For each ef tbe Clareuth, twelfth, thirteenth, fonr tefBtb and dttacntb reare tkaraul the eon of 3ro kandred eVllare (fJOO); fur each of tan 1 teen to. eevdotewatk, clabteeath, nineteenth and twentieth yeara thereof, the shn of three hundred dollar tsaOOl: and for each af the twanty-Orst, twenty -aecoad, twenty 'third, twenty - rouriB ant .twenty -nun year thereof, taa sum of five hundred dollarn (liOO). and no other eompenaatloa end no license, tar or charge Unun the bualeBea. iMaiiilliii a rranch Iaa at said Portland and St. Johns Ralfroid Cooipeiiy. 11a Bacceeaore or asaigaa, r aaa raiment, street work, brldga'werk or burden shall, during the etlateae of tb HgbU (rented by tttU erdl naacd, ba ItnBueed apoa, exacted from ar re- Slred at aald FortUud akd St. Johna Railroad mpaay, its nceeaaoe ar aaatrna, ether than the above aweclBed navmeat of meaev aad tbe treet work and bridge work and other thing required of ft by thla ordinance; bat thn pro- a Ion aball aat oBonpt tbe property of the aald Iroad oempaay, tta Mcoesaui 6 SMlgna, front lawful takethtn. Bach ef tb aannalparnsnte of money roqulred by tbl aactioa aball be nude by said ral raiiroea company, lta auccessors aw to U Treeaurer of tb City of Port aufM. lend. OB or before tbe list day of Deeemhee of the rear far which thn asm la fue mtA ulil .gTaaearar aball Issue bis receipt therefor, which shall b fill aeouitUDo to (aid railroad compeer, it saMeasori and aaslgna, for sock payant. uttottld aald railroad company, lta anrcaaeora or aaslgna, fell ar aealcct for 10 d ye after tb saw become due and parable, and after written notice from tb City ot Port- wna to pay tb earn, to oar anr of aald annaal payments ef compear lien provided for to this icttoo. tba City ef Portland .aball nave the right to collect each overdue pays en ta urn hi a ramus a eornnanv. lta auv 1 Y" vf eaangoa, av ea 1 or acuoa, ana snau tb Bar meat of the aease. flee. 11. flhid Portland and at Vnhaa warlj Med Company, lta auccaaeor and asalgas, may Charge and Uct from acb neeeenger travel- uig apoa m ral iroaaa, for each trip traveled by such naaasnger la en geaeral direction upon th rallroada mnetrncted under sntborltr 1 uib avuinaBca witnin ta ubum as U City or PortUnd, a fax of five aau and aa aaore; 00 nnd lu collect they BUO ceseorS aad aaslfna, buy charge and daUoct auck reasonable compensation as It or they halt daeira far carrying g transportlna mail matter, ex pre matt and freight, and for in as at awu ear, express ears aad freight 1 rsrifi I .Bed. laV' BUM napttnad aaat ah Xiaha hba Cwnpasy. tta ncceoeors and aealgns, shall jdov mence nt eonatruetioa ox the railroads an tborlaad by section one (1) of this ordinance ho ba eonatrncted with la ats moatbe from and after tb final aaaroval ef this ordl aa no, dad Bhall rnmpMM the ooma traction rhereof and 00m- ounce tbe operation of cara thereon within two years thereafter FsIIore of said PortUnd and It. John Railroad Company, Its socceaeere had aaaigna, to constract any. part of said railroad withta th tUn la thla aectloa limited therefor, shall render tbe rlabU hereby granted to eon- atrnrt, mslstaln sad operate rsiiroada apoa aU port lone ot streets upon which railroad shall dm save peen oawtrataa withta ike Una amited by thla aectlon, sabjeet to forfeiture r appropriate anion of the Ooencil, but aball Kt rvnorr subject to torfeltnre or forfeit, af !t or impair the right af aald railroad com pony, Ito euoceaaora or aaaigna, to maintain and operate lta railroad Which shall ha v. been constructed prtor to tb expiration af tbe tin limited In tbto Sectloa for tb eonstructtoa of kid railroads. Should tb construction of tbe railroad entharlred ta be earistrncted bp thla oraiaaaca na aeiarea or not, strwea. aeci. deato. casaaltlee. dcfanlta or deUya of contrac tor, aaatrrlaliaea or carrier, or br Ua act of lend, or br rnlnnorlna ar tadtrtal iDtaefee. enca, then and to any such oess the ties for the eeoa tract ion thereof shall ba extended be yond the period above limited la tbto aectloa for a period equal to the sum of tb period of all delays so canoed; and should say Midge or ale- ritea reaoway over wnteh ear or eatd rallroada ar be oaetructed b or become ent of repair Of fa condltloa unfit for the running of ear over tba mew then and la anr seek ease the tlma for the construction of taa'' Una of railroad Which Will rua over each bridge or elevated roadway shall be extended beyond the tea nnuvu niu d exianaen neyona cue d United to thai aovtlea, tor a period af equal to tb Ume which shall sUpa ba il the aperovel ef thte ordl n nice and tbe sacae limit time 1 wen m pprwri ex we ormnaneu lano ia P,l.tlnf fSl "'iS m " tween the arasrevel I .""" tw "'"I ana w 1 , , s . aw. Id. AQ ftonta, traagblsW and prlvt- granie rronrriT apon saig Port- csBBor or aaaigna, aw tarn or oi nance, aaau 00 B- tlnue, exlct and remain la force anttl tbe expiration f tweet -fir your frees and after in approval ot thU ordlnane by tb Mayor, sec. W. The Portland and It Johna Red road Cornea, lis aucees and aaaigna, bare arier . upon tn sale. tuarr upon tn sale, traaafar. morixaea. ar tea being made ef the line or line of raliread or of the fraaaha. rhrht aad brtrltoe hereby granted Bhall wlthiaBlxty day thereafter lie with tbe Aadltot of tb Cltr of PortUad opt vf the deed, serve meat, tnoftgajre. toaae ether writ tea Instrument evidencing tueh sate vanttar or na, cerunea ana sworn correct by th great ta per a if aa viduaL ar br tne . nroaldent ar aacretarr. corporatlen; bud ever ssla, trauafer, anort gag r lea f sack fraaohls. whether velua Ury ar laroiaatary, aaau be aaaoa void aad of Serrect uaiea tin grantee ana 11 with aiity ra after tb mm ah all bar bsea made, file each exUftod Copy a reunited by thta aecttoa. ne. in. Bala rnrtland ana Bt. John Mall road Oompany ahalL wlUla thirty igo) aaya after tb approval of UU ordlnaae, Bu to tb or no or tk Aueator ec ta vtv or rartund lta written aceeLtance or thin oralnAaee and tb Vaachl, rlgbto and privileges br this or dinance granted to had couferred apoa It, ito !ra rtricioa) na aasigna, saBject w taa tarn. oa and tmvtoton to tbto ardinano aontalnad. railara C said PortUnd and St. Jchns Ralh-oad Co mpaay to accept this ordl aaac within thirty day from and after the fuel aaaroval thereof ahall be deemed and bekl to Im a reJectleB of said PortUnd and ft. Johna Railroad Company of this ordinance, and upon toe apirUoo of tb rim allowed for tbe ac ceptance ot tbto ndloane, tbe a as aat bar ing be accept, tat roinan aaau heoonn and ba Whullr vetd. laaaaraUra and nf no xrect, ec. w. Thai apea tb mtrattoa or the period far which tbl franchise W grant tk City af Portia ad rtabt at 1 election and axon th payment therefor f feht value tea tharaof. Be bo made and d termlaed a bervioafter provided, to aorebaaa a aa entirety and take over to lta if, all of that portloa of the pUnt sad property af aald Portlsud and Bt. Jobaa Railroad Company, It auceeaaor and aaslgna, which may ba situated inev ad ueaor Ues. atreta. arena 1 Place of, the Cltr of PortUnd. antnerate ia aseuoa on 111 at this ardl asnc. Provided, however, that be rare th city aball have authority ea purebaa or take Over eucb punt and proper IT the auUon whether or not tbe cltr aball acquit r take nch PUnt and proper tr shall first be bud- itted to th voters of tb city Bt to regular election for city officer next preceding tbe miration or tn aertod for which thla fran thla to graated, aad tb afflrmatrr vetaa ef at toast two-thirds af tbe electee rating at sock election shall ba neceeaary to autSasis tbe acaaUltMa of aach alant and aroaaitr br tk eitr. la dstetmlntng tk valaaUoo of aald pUat and property to be purcnaeed and Uken war derived from th Cltr of PortUnd n main. tola and operate eucb pUat and property, but there eaali ha toclndd to aaeh vahtatlon the vain ef all railroad tracks, poles, overhead aaanrground eondnin, wires, aabtes and wire. eondBctora, pavtng. hrldgaa, fllU and autcrUI and property which said railroad company, lu sueuessor snd aaalga, aaay ban put into, apoa, over or under th trasu, and public place f th nt. Tb prloa or vaUatlo ta b paid of tbe Cltr f Portland far said ptoat aad property shall be fixed and datermlned br three arbltostora, on appointed bp tb Qoaacti of tae eity, newer appeutea ar eatd railroad com pony, it aoBeissure ar aeelgna, aad the Ulrd aaotatod by tbe tw as choeea, and th decUtoa li writing af aald three arbitrator er a naJorltr 0 tbeaa,. nada la dupUoat and signed br tbeaa, ea delivered to tbe Mayor of th tr ana ud tar to aald railroad company, IU Buceaaaora r assign, aball be final and handing noon tb Part lee, and aald Brio and rain tioa shall be paid to aald PortUad and It, John Raliread Compaay, lta eat ci mora or ae Btgn. tofore raid railroad awnpaay. It eae- r ar asaigaa, ahall b deprived of the noes seel yap aald ptoat and property, and apon the pay a city n said railroad eomnaay, He and a eat roe. af each avian aad seceeeeora valaatloa aa determined a aforesaid, said pUnt snd eonortr a valued, nnrchaaed and no Id for. aball baoema tb Brnoartv of the rarv J PortUad by vlrta hereof and payauut there for, aa afore id, aad without the eveentto af any toatrunaent af aaaveyeneB, Should said Riband eewpanr, Its auccaeanra r aaaigna. nog rt for a reaaeaahto tlass after ft be been de. termlaed tbat the olty Is sstborlsed to and wilt parch and tak ever said pUnt aad prop' try, and after kottoe to that effect from tba eity, to aelert aa arbitrator, or ta saee the two arbitrator choeea br tk Council of the eitr and aald railroad ooaipany. It saeeeasera or SBsIgmt, reapectlvrlr. neglect for a reason able lime after their appointment, to select a third avMtrator. the and la lther of ld case tbe Tndgea of fn httpren Court f the Met of reregno akall appoint IKree arMtratora to determine the Brie" or valuation ta be paid for said nlai of told tors lant and property, aad tb deeutoa arUtratota, r a BwJorlt f 0JTT ROT 10 U. ' -" tsye. ev- -T- ee. tbeaa. so cmoeea br tb e f tb kuprem Oourt, rAade la writing IB to plicate and de livered to the partlan ae afcreadld, abaU be final and MadUg ufroa tb pariie. If the cltr Bhall lat sot to acquire eucb ptoat and Etoperty, at ahall net porch the same, and he eitr shall elect to graat a aew or addV tknal franc blve ta Ilei of or anr exUnalou of tba expiring or expired nraactuae granted y tble ordluenca, and sirpltcatl'itt be mane by Tald PortUnd aad flt. John Railroad Company. 1 acveeeor or aaslgna, for such new or ad dlttoaal or extended franchlae, tha and la that ea, aald Portland and at. Johna Railroad Company, its ucca or and aaaigna,' ahall hare tbe first and preferential right to Uk and re ceive nob new. additional or extended fran chlae, and M said PortUnd aedM. Johns Railroad Compshiy, lta aucreaaora or aaslgua, doe not take each new, additional or X tended fren eklaa, Init tk aame Is, after lta election ant to tote the aame, granted by the cltr to any other aorporatloa, association or Individual, the and ta that caae aald ether oorporetloe, as sociation or Individual, taking such aew, ad ditional t ktnd4 fraii on Ue, aball to addl tkaa IR b the aompeaaatlon to be paid to the city for sack bow.' additional or extended franchlae, pay to said PortUnd and R. Johns Railroad Company, laa uceaeora or assign, or to the Cltr of PortUnd la trust for said Portland and U. John Railroad Compear. It and inlna, at or before tbe time anch bcw. addition si ar extended franchlae take effect, and before aald PortUnd and St. John Railroad Company, tto succaaora or as sign, ahall ba deprived of the right to po eea. maiatata. operate aad enJoy aald plant and arouertr. to fair and asultnhM valnatloa of aald plant end property of said PortUnd and ahd aaslgna, which tk city bp tbto section reaaarvr ldv niui av pvraMB vkj vvn. tb vatoatloa thereof and the price to be paid thtrefor to ald PortUnd and It. John Railroad Ooaipany, lta eaoeeasor or asaigaa. to be fUed and detasmtaad ta th same manner a la thta section above provided for fixing end determin ing the price and valnatloa of said plant and Boperty In caae tb itr BbAll purohaao and ke ovef the mate. nee. IT. Th Portland and at. Johna Railroad Oomranr. It aucceaaora and aaaigna, "whenever a wherever lctrl eurrente ar ne ployed, la or shoot tb uee ef tn franc hUe br tbU ordl na no (ranted, or tba ground ooa aected therewith, ahall provide and pat to as anch means sad appliance aa win control and effectually eontatk sack carreata tn tbebr proper cbannela a lta or their own wire, tracks and other SI met or a, w H tn prevent Injury to tbe property, pipe aad other struc ture belonging to tb Cltr of Portland or to any other pereoa. ftm or oorporatton within eatd city, and aball repair aad renew aald rin and applUaee and from time to time age aad Improve the saaw aa auay be aoces aarr to aceotnpUab said purposes, all at in nr their haree and exoenee. and at ffta tbalr rtaa, salavtlng aad adopting such mean and appliance a snail pre rant injury 10 in properly, pipe or otbor 6 tract ore belonging to the City ef PortUnd ar to any fcaoW. firm a enttonrattnaL tec. IK. Tb awHatotod total east of tb work nrovlded tn be constructed under thta rdlaaaai ia Blrhtv Thoaeand DolUrs and the Carly sbbm of money to b eepeuded thereon ring constroctloo, Porty Tbouaaod Dollara. Tn roretroing propoeeu oroinanoa ia pr tlebad bp dlreettoa of th Council and In pur Boenc. ef the prevUlone of sectloa 91 af tba T Wn, i ' Auditor of the Cltr of Porthrad. ' Nrtland. Oregon, Sept. . 10. f ROPOUS AaWaWXfXXT FOR MPROTR. HRVT 0V , RAflX TKimTT-JOrRTR inRantS ' - ' - V Notice M hereby given that tb Council at fbo City ef Portland propoees to the fcltowlna; aeaerlbed pro party and .owner oa owner as being speciaAir ana peaunerir oene- Sted IB tbe amount aat opposite tne name and eecriptlooa thereof for. the Improvement af Rest Thirty-fourth street, from the Vouth Ito of Hawthorne avtnue to tbe north Un oFUvtafoB SUMt to provided br erdlBaao No, 1S.410. , . Any objections to tb apportteament of east for aald Wiravsmsat naat be as do In writ ing t tbeCooncll and filed wltb th Auditor within U day from the data f th first pub llcatasn at tola notice, and- aald objections will be beard a od deter mUed bp tb Oounctl before tbe passage ef tbe ordlBiac ass ml eg th cost f aald Inprovestent. OtTTH inNNVoIDiBLOCat 1, Jot J. O. W. Taylor, lot A O, W. Taylor, fliao; lot 1 TO. W. Tavler. lot d. -fl. W. Taylorr g86.7; tot 6, CVW. Taylor. P.a: tot , aw. Tajur, .i:iot t. W. Taylor, J12BJIT; kit k, O, W. Taylor, d.flg. BLOCK I. lot t, 0. W. Taylor. .2T tot O. W. Taylor, 158.;lot t, W. Tavlar. glld.ld: lot a. O. W. Taylor. lis. do; lot a, O w. Tsyior, atis.o; , . W. Taylor. Ug.3Si lofT, O. W. Taylor. 1TAT4: tot AO. . Taylor. 10g.l. BLOCK lot l. o. w. Taranr. aiBo.aa; wt x, u; v. yior, lor, HTA4T. Tract of land lytof b m weal II t Kaat Tham-teurU bteee Una 100 feet vraat- thereof and Derail! and therewith bad between two Use reepecUvely MOT feet Snd MfLHT foH sootb of Snd K sitol wltb th south tin toephena B treat, ra C. Darr. IHX7A. Trsat of land ly ing between west line ef Bast Thirty -fourth Btroet aad a line 100, feet wast thereof end parallel therewith aid between two llnee reapcttvetr IM IT feet and PJM.IT feet south , ana parallel with tb aoath lln of uphena 'atraat. unknown owner. 1 ii.x Tract of hnd lying betweea west tta of laat Tblrty-fMtrtb street and a .Un 100 feat west thereof and parallel toeraarlth aad betweea two Una respectively 134.87 feet and Mo. 87 feet eouth and para He wltb ta Ito of Steahena atreet. Joseph Newell, 3ee.lA Tract f tond lying be tween wast tin ot Raat Thlrty.fonrtb atreet and a tin l0 fact west thereof sad parallel therewtih aad betweea two lines reapectUely MAT fart aad1 M.gT feat otb and parallel - wltk the aoath 11 ns of Itephens street, Joseph W. HoweU. MU Ba. Treet f land lying between weat tin af Raat Thirty-fourth atreet aad a Una 100 feet west thereof and to rallf therewith sad betweea two lines - respMttrolr M.gT feet and S94.AT fact amith and parallel with th eeuth line of Itophen BtreetDenlsl W, Beynoida, l&M.aX Tract of land lying between west Una ot Bast Thlrty-nmrth Street and k lln 100 feet west thereof aad parallel there wltk and betweea two Unas respectively 6M.S tort and 7b.gT feet aoath and parallel Wltb the eouth line f Stephen street, J. T. Bod well. iw.n. Tract of land lyiag Betweea weat ha of stoat Tnlrty-fwurth trvt and B Una 100 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith and between twa line respectively TOft.ST feet and l.old.iT feet South and parallel wltb tb aoutb Una af Itepkaas street. J. H. Deaaing. Tl.tX TracA f land lying between weat lta of Bast Thirty-fear th treet and a lla 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between a Ra 1,014 eT teat aoath of and parallel with tb aoath Bn of Itephea atreet and betweea tbe north ne of DlvUlaa atreet, Peter Tan Boosmls sen. 91.TO6.4B. Tract of land tying between Rast lta of Ban Thirty -foarto street srxf k line 10 tot Mat thereof and nerallel tbarewtto and betweea the aoutb tin of Hawthorn arcane and 1 tin lw feet eoeth Dereot ana per a 11 el there with, avaai b. (eat pi4.0. Tract of bind lytag betvreen tost Rbs of hmnt Thlrtr-foartb street end a line 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith and between two Uses rsspectlvely log feet and 1, Ilk. Ad feet south af and Mr at let with the aoath lln ef Hawthorne ivegne, John Hahoon. IS, SIMM. A tract t nnd lrlng betweea atet line of Kaat Thlrtr fourth atreet and a Una 10o feet raat thereof and parallel therewith and betweea a line 11TS.M feat soath ef aad parallel Wltb tbe south lln f Hawthorn svrnn' and tbe north ton at Noel A, Park Tto agtaadnd. 17. HU. PARK TTaTW arttaaxtod BIX A. tot la. Csrrla M. Weat. l)OI M - lot 11. Daselav at. Weat, fififi 30. VLOcW lK V.F A, Carrie M. Weet,; mt jm rnrrto M. West, lfiRHSi tot 11. Carrto M. West, IM.04 tot auamw m. weat, xoa.wti. U. Ourto H. West. K Dtrrte M. Wst l.t tot fat, 1bVMi tot 10, Can lO, tarn M. weaa.gXua.Btl. BLOCK 11, gZll.01: lot Is. tt ii. cam m. raufei hf. Waaa. iiM.ipj. IT A TTO RD fTprtlt ADDmOrT BLOCK 1.; tot a. inne- W t fdu Of tot 1. m. J. .CowUebaw. $0.00: woat never let a. t. j. Arnutreag, f7ki tot t, . J. Armstrong, tjei u: tot 4. T. J.Arot brona. glOAM. "BLOCK T tot I. Vrl. Arntrtrcmg. tlT4.IT; Ml T.i. ArttBtnag, 1144.1): wvat I feet of lot 14, f. I. AriS etrong. T.10! wast feet of lot I. T. J. Armstrong. ffcMitot I, T. J. Artostrnng, ISfSuV '- " 5 . " Wl am,lrf. f AMoitor of th Cltr f Portland, . Purtland, Ongoa, leptember tt. 1004. ? ' noafMuu tor mm work. sWaUd propoaaU WIU be received St the A at th Auditor of the cltr of Portland ontll Prldaf, September WL 1HD4. fit 1:00 a'stock p. m. for tbe Inpraeeajsnt .of Rast Alder atreet from th east line Of Bast Thlrto- elgttb Itreet to tb wet lln Of Bart Thirty. ninth street, ta ia aaannar sniTisei sry oral aaae No. 14.101, eabieet to tb prwrleio of the charter a a runnaa or ta City ot Prwttoad and to ntlmaU f tba city Bngt- WiAtmmfm bd ttrlrtir to acvoManrw rtrb printed bUafca, which Wilt to furnished on pt Ilea tioa at tba ecnoe at tb Aaditor f the Cltr af PortUnd. And Mid Improve neat mnet be eomplstert nn or before 0 day from the date ef the atgatog at the oaauraet br tb 0Mpenpl!aaH' at Udfe WtU bo on!derl -laaa accompanied by 4 certified cheek .par able & tb df af tb Mayor of the City if PortUad. eerttned br a responsible bank far aa a moan t equal to M) per eaat at tha.aa- rTnetrJntVwit aap ad gB Mdi M bebr rsrvd .A tot l. 4. ieaer, giTO.Bl ; at 1 J, Lt, llM.lll'eraet i feet of lot 14, I J, Onwll bnw, P0.O; west 9 fast ef tot I. I. Loner. fe" Slrtr'iSW MAMS: laui a .... . . . v . u t mm. p. Dwruit, Andltor f the 7-tlp f pertuaaa u arttond, Orageav atoatenbar 17, 100a, ' ' - .. . rv. 4 - - ' -- - CITY sTOT lOlaV ' rlelOlAM m Rtm weat, to astod asaaoanav will b received at th ef. fice of the Auditor f tb Cltr t PortUnd Until gradav. Bent-aahar fig. ISO. Bt :W o'clock p. SB., fee the ImpcaveaMnt of Monroe atraat from tb Weat ' line ft Ustoa aveno to tb eaat Un ef dantenbeln arena In tb m sa ner provtded tr ordlnane Ho. 14.1S0, snhject Stbs provtoton ef the charter and onJioances the Cltr af Peetlaod aad U SBtinuto f the City Kngioawr.. oa HU, . Rlda nut ha mrtetlr tn aasaHils wltb printed bUnk. wbtoh will, be tnrnlshed a application at tb offlrc Of tb Arltn of th Cltr f Port laaa. Aad said Improvement must be completed on br be for a 00 days from tb aat of tbe signing ff tb nirt br the narttea tharetn. No propose to or Mds will be eon 1 dare I aeoempauUd by cer lined check ps to tba orner nt the lla ror ef 1 the Oil a eenainerea aa- yabU ty of Portland, eerttned by b reeponaibto bank for amount equal 4 10 sat eant oc uaa ag- aWaUtaia aNunuL the right to reJvot ana aaaA all btda i C tw ftiecutiea anmrd. ' 1 THO. C DITLllf. - . '. Aaffltnr f the City f PertUa sWttoad, Sregua, leptenber IT. 1004, ' propoaali torn trRxrr irosJB. saled tnoposau wUI b received ttk of- of th Auditor af tk Cltr J1"" until Prldey. top tern bar fig, 1P04, at 1:00 o'clock P. Bu, far tbe Improvasaent ef Premoot atreet Iron th west Una of Rast Eighth street to tbe east line of Ilnloa s venue la tha aaaa aer provided bp eraUiaaee No. 14 TOO, sub tocf to tha prorUloue of th charter and ordinance of tba Cltr f Portland oat. tba Stlmat of tb fflty Itnglnaar, oa tt. . Bide amet be strict 1 In aeeerdanc VMk printed hlaska. Which wtU be furalabsd oa appll cation at th eface of b Auditor of the Cltr of PortUnd. And said lmproveseent avast be Completed oa P before M day toon th date af tb algalng of tba, en tract bp tb finellu' ne hi da avrri tot aiitirsd aaa- le accompanied br a mtlfted check aar bl te the order of th afsyor ef the Cltr af Portland, Certified by reaponhlble bank for aa amount equal aa u far cant 4 tba ag UhMTt gap and an Md It aajcear reearrsa. . Bf ared of tb atncnttv Roard, thus, . u. w MTfjIW. Andfror of th Olty f Portlaafli Orsgoa. auptembar IT. 1004. Perttood, iioniaummmnii. tWaVed propeeaU srtU be received at tb of. re of tba Auditor of the City of Porttond aatll Prtday. leptemeer tt. WH at tK o'clock p. n, for too Improvement of Hwt Washington Btroet from tk eaat Una of Beat Tbvrty -eighth atreet to th West tin of Bast Thirty ninth tree! In a manner provided bp ordinance No, 1,90B. subject to to nravletoaa ef tb eh artar aad ordinance of the Cltr of Port Und andthe eeUmata it tn dtp Bftgimian oa die. Bids saeat b rhrlrttr to accar dance wttb printed bUnka, Which wtU be furnished nb application at the a face of tb Auditor af the City of Portland, And sold tmprnv ment must be completed oa at before 00 day from the date of the signing f lb eontraet by the parties th arete. I . . No propoaaU or bids wilt h toradaarod antosa aeeonpanlad by k eerttned check paysbU to toe order of the bfayor of the City of Porti toad, eertlbed by a responsible bank for amount aauaj to 10 per at of to aggregate nronoaal. The right to rt aap aad all Mdi IS v reaerved. , r - tto &to9M ' Ad1tor of tbe City ot Portland. - PortUnd, Oregon, tepnnhar IT. U04. WXPLZTIOaT AbTD AOOBPTAJICB OP XX- rioninn or imi iniiii' Norle to herehv Ma tbat WlUUm C HJ- Itott, Olty fcnftneer. bad fltod la tb efnee of tb aadsrslgaed aettea tbat Oeotg Baser, oontractor far tb Improvement of RoaeeU street andor tha provulon of ordlnane No. 18.PT7. has completed said street from the Weak tin at Oantenbeln aau la Mock kg. Alblna, to th can tar line f Bortbwlck street. Bald acceptance win ne coaMOerea or pw ccentBBc win be Rxecuttve Board at 4 o'clock oa tne nun any Bd Bay ot fl0tnbr. 1004. and obimlona to th ac- ceptan of said street, ar any part thereof, cay b filed la the ofnoe of tba undersigned at aar time prW thircto . - ran bjxbcittv boarti. , - , y thou, o, pETLiit , Audttor of tbe City ef PortUnd. PortH-t Oregon. BepteBibac; JT. 10O4, ooMPLrnoif and aoobptabor or xtt- nomam Or RvnTknmg tTRXXT. Notice to hereby given that Wllltan C K Rot, Cltr Ktiglneer, ba fited ta tb effic of tn undra1gned nottoe that Iter land Company, oontractor for th Improvement of Reventeenth atro, .auadar the nrovUlana of ardlaanc No. lfi.flli. baa eomoleted aald street from tb aoutb Una af bfaraball street' to th center lln of Jforthruk street and from th canter tin of Oulmby street to the asntor Una f Balalgh Raid aoreptaa wM ba canal dreed by the Sxecutlvb Board at 4 o'clock oa the Sid day of ieptaMber. 1004, and objection to the af cvptance -of said atreet. or any part thereof, may be filed tn the office of tb aatoreHaaad at aar tlnnjrHor thereto THR Rxto'imra boarti. . . Br THOg. a DRVMBV !. Aadltor oj th aty ef rorUiniaV Portland. Oregon, September IT, J004. OOMPIJCTIOaT aVWD AOOXPTAJICB OT Xat- pRornnbrt or watts oUtb xooo BTBRSTeV ----- ' . Nwtic to BrbT give that wntiato n aa. ttott, ntr Sagtoear. be filed la tn efnee ef the anderslgned notlc tbat Smyth A Howard Company, contractor fof the Improvement f ffatet and Hood street, ander tbe prevision ef ntdl nance No. IAT7T. ha completed Bald street from tbe center Itn ot Market atreet to th earner tin of Montgomery street. Bald oceptanc will be considered by tb Executive Board at 4 'clock on the find day or aeptemoer. ioa, ami objeettone a ta bar. 1004. and objection n the Bo ot aald Btroet. or aar part thereof, tod lib- tb pfflet fth andnrslgnaa aptanee or mar bo filea as an tlam erlAr thereto. tfHB BXBCtTTTR BOARD. v ' m 4 f TUOR. C. DRTUtf . Aadttor oi tb City ot porttona, PVrfltnd, Oregon, nVptenbor IT. 1004. OOMPLKTIOB AND ACORPTABCX OT A oxAnr or urwnfl nr RAkaxTor atb mri Airs orxxs kbsxtr. Notlc I hereby give that WllHan C. RUtott, City Knglaoer. baa filed ta tbe office ef tb undersigned, nottes that Rtoer A RlnoT. cantrsetort for tha cons tract loo of a cbala of ewrrs to Hamilton avenue and ether etreeta, ander tb aravUiosa of erdtoanc No. la.eejt, have aanpletad Bald chain of eewera tol Hamilton area aad ether street to tba WlUanctto river. Raid MptsaB0 wtU be oatdred bp tb RxeniHve Board at 4 o'clock tm the tad day of aepten'jcr. 1004, and abjection te the ac ceptance of sold sewer, or any part thereof, nay b filed In tb of Ac at ta aaderslgnad at any tUue prior thereto. , , , TUB BXK (TTT BOARD. t,v Br THOI. C DEVLIlt. AnAltot of th City at For PWrtUtid, Oregoa, Reptember IT, 1004 OOstrLBTIOof AsTTJ aooxptavos or 0r7ZR XAT OOOX ATIMTTB AMD VKIOR ATtjnTB. Notto to hereby give that Wllllan C. BlUott, Cltr Bnglaeer. ba filed to the office of the undersigned, notice that J. R. Rlenmona. eon tractor for tne eonati urtloa of a ewr la Conk even end Union avenaa. ander tha pre vie lea af ardl na nee Ho, 14.044, baa computed bald sewer from tb eoeth lln of Kllokltst street to a point In Cook avenue; thence west CVw. avenue to a eaaaotttoa with tb awa-er Oantenbeln Venae. Raid acceptance will ft eon I dars d by the Rxecuttve Board at 4 a'ctoek oa the nod day of September, ivo, ana Abjection to the ac ceptance of said sewvr, r aar part thereof, may be filed In tbe ofne f tb aaaanlgaaa at any urn prior inereto. , riiR BxcrcTfTS Board. -. Rr TIIOB. fl. pBVIJir. Audi tor ef tbe Olty of PortlaaC Perfland. Oregon, laptamnot IT, 1104. 00MPLRTI0M ARB AOCXPTARCB Or XX- PROTRMUTT OT XABT miJTl IT. Notlao to haeebr given that Wllllan A lllntt. ntr Kueineer. baa filed In th office of tba aaderstgned. Both that Smyth A Howard Co., contractor for tbe improvement of Bast Twelfth atreet, ander the provisions of ordl- aaac No, lB.nTa, he ompletd said atreet. from the South Roe of Powell Street to tne center line ef Col treei. Bald ccptanc will .ae cooeioered hp ta Kverattva Board Bl d 0 Clock on tha ZM dav of leptenber. 1004. and objections to tba -re eta nee nf ld street, or ear sort rhereof nay b died la tbe office ef tba uasreigacd at any prior inereto. , , . TUB BSI I TIVS awTARn, 1 . r THOI. c. pBrt.m. ' A editor ef frre City of Port load, wttona, Oregoa, Beptamber If, IPO. OOMPtlTIO.1 AND AOCBPTAWOr 0T Hf. PROTA-XKITT OP geOHTHWlOR gTBRXT. Notto la bevehy fire tbat WllHan ft' lltntt. Cltr Rnrlneer. baa filed to the avTW of tba anderelgned. notice that Miller A Raaer, eoetracears for tb rtnnravenrnt of Bortbwlch street, ander tbe nrovUloas ef ordlnaiMie No, 12. OKA nave Comnteted aald atreet. fron the ytb Un of Rneeell Btrevt M tb doatoff Ran eVnvrood etreet. Raid Brevet nre will be oacaaioerea b tha laocutlve Board at d o'clock on tb tt day af Beptenrer, 1004, and objection to th - erpteac ef Mid atreet. of any part thereof. ur b nt4 in the orara t th aaoataigaeaj aA sag tuee prloc thereto. TUB BXKCi TlTal BOARO. , Br TTI0S. C. nRVT.T. Auditor f tb city f Poruaad. Pnttoad. Oregoa. Boptnabsg IV, 1004, '.-..iV L,. 'A,'' - ' ' norOantlt AAnTBBSBXNT TOR IjtTnvTt RR r or RAAT BHTReTTBBRTBi BTRBXT. Notlc la hereby given that th Otundl f the ntr f Portland propooo to searae tbe fclkrblag keacribed property and owner ar w oarB a being eperUllT and pe allarly bene fited In the asnonnta sot opposite tbe Barnes snd descriptions thereof for the Improvement ef Eaat Seventeenth street from the south Use of Belmont atreet to tb north Hn of East Tarlo gueot, a prevlded by ar diss art M. Any obtsettow to tie BpOortTrmrnaut af st for eat Imprevemeut muet be amade 1 writing to tbe Council auA filed wttb toe Andluar within U daya fron tba dat ef the first publication ef this amice, and as Id objections will be beard and determined by the Onunrll before tbe pas sage ef tbe srttean BMnalng tb oust ef aald Ininreveeneat, fiCTUIaV-Lot I. U TO; tot 1 U.1k. A toset of Und lying betweea tbe seat Una of last Baventeenth street and a Una 100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith and between two Unas reapectlvely feet and feat eouth -of and per 1 11 with aoath Una ftRiauat ehreet. Boaeey J. Aalto, act of Uod lying between tbe east line ef Raat Seventeenth atreet and a lino 100 feet east thereef and parallel therewith end be - tween tw line respectively lSo.B feet and ISO. I toet eouth af and parallel With south Bn ef Beltaoat atreet, Oracle H. lanhotf. , glAd.OO. A tract of land lying between tbe eaat lln ef Beat Seventeenth atreet and line 100 feet cast thereof and parallel therewith and between a line 1M-S feet eouth of end KralUI with south Ha ef Belanoot street and b aortb lln ot block t, Deneke, and Its eatenetoa eeaterly ta lu present eouree. ao known owner. 410.0. Tract ff Und lying between two Ones reapectlvely SP.M feet and 100 feet eaat of and parallel With the eaat Rne of Kasl Seventeenth atreet aad between a Un 1R0.S feel south of and parallel wltb tbe eouth line of Betfaont etreet and tbe forth Hue ad Raat tuyasr atraat, Atasp ral- tew. fin.PA. DAN KKH LOOT t, lot X. E. T. fVrataen. .121.00: tot t, O P. reTon, lS0.aar tot A J. P. Deneke, lS0.Sn; tot 4. J. P. Dsncke. . ffa.oft: lot 57 J. P. Danek. M M, Tract of land lying between eaat lln Raat Seventeenth Mreet and lln m.39 feet eaat thereof and p ral art therewith and betweea tb Berth Baa of Beet Taylor street and a Una feet Bnrth thereof and parallel therewith. J. Rob- Staoa, e 40. Tract of Und lying between weat Un of Beat Seventeenth atreet. a Uno SO feat wt thereef and parsUel there with and betweea tbe Booth lln of Belmont Mreet and a line 100 feet eouth thereof and Bs ral lei thai with. Ha wt borne RetaW-, g240. Tract of Und lying between two Una re SpeoHvelr 00 feet and 100 feet weat of snd Crallel With tbs weat lthb of Bust bnt nth street and south line of Belmont atreet and a line 100 feet south tbereot and parallel therewith. Amoa N. King. 419. SO. Tract of ' land lying between tbe weat Mae of Bert R re a toon U street aad lino 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and totwven two Unea roepectlvely IK) feet and 10824 feet smith of snd aarnI with the aoath Une of Belmont atreet. LTP. Hoaford. 181 - Tract ot land tying be twee the went lla at Bast Beventeeath atreet and d Un 10O feet weet thereof and Krai lei therewith and betweea s Una le 2 .1 tt eonth of and Barallel with tha onth tin ef Belmont street end betweea tb north llu .f kLb rka. a n a. an vjl n iv b aixtcn I. lot 1, l. r. Da ark net tv- k. a v w r..w. eioa aa. i. I P. ltonefea. itt.n: lot 4. J P. foauek .00: let ft J. FT Deneke. fitl.Bl. Tract of tnd lying betweea the' west lln of Raat reuteoutn atreet and fin 100 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith and between the north Una of East Taylor street and a Un SST feet north thereof and parallel therewith, feha aUbcrtae, i.T4. total. fiA- ( ' y v' TOOfl. fl. bBTLTrT, ! ' Aidttor f th city ef PcwtUaA. 1 PnrtUnd. Oregon, September IP. 1004, OOMPXBT10W AaTD AOCXPTARCB 0? JM i rROTAJCBXT or Btartov STRZXT. Notlc? to hereby glvan that WllUan 'C BllUtt. atv Knglneer, ba filed to the office St th anderalgned, notice that Dleblach A opting , CoHtractj far tha Impreveaient af Stanton atreet. nndor the pcovtolon of ordiaaac No. 1S.61B. have computed aald Street, from th west Hn of I'nlon avenue to tba caater Rea ot Rodner gvenne. Bold acceptance wlU be ooeaidered by the Bxecntive Board at d o'clock on tk Bad day of September. 1004, and objections to the ac ceptance of ntd street, or any part thereof. Buy h filed th tbe oft at tb Matagaad at aap Ua trtor thereto. . " - v Ihr BxerrTivr wArt. . f t' . By THOS. 0. DEVLIN, ABflttap f the Cltr of Port lent . Pnvtland. nreton. Sentemher IT. IO04. lr3 Qmtf Double-Track Missouri River The Chrtsro-PortlAiKl S pedal, th rrtogt luranoug tniA in the world. Dnwp-roora iloeoing ara, dioinir car. bufm amokiag And librarr cat itarter ana battik iaws ulsa uiroo dajrs Fortlattd M Qiicago , . Two ThroughTrains 1 Cb toua ir operatad dallf via tb TtnaK. R. Nav. Co.. UP. R. R. Bad bkaao ft North-Waatora Cbksg om Portland ana poiato la Oragoa and aatera waahingtoa. Dally excursion la Poilmtn towtfat alecpiagcarsfron PortUnd through. ao nicago witDoat change. ksUTCMlR. A. . BABKBa, ' Sir Market toreat. . tea Third Street, an rnAMciaco, Cai. t roaTuum. Oaa. Tto Ban QM IB VBlr M. V 3Trariorit1ritorttgI . TraklrtdB Dttlly . , PAST TIME TO BrtrtAft. fTf. fAITV DTT-UTtt MINN BAPOf jI 8, CHICAfW AND 1 ALL POINTS CAST. Daytlvtit trlf) trtrrvuRh th Caseada and Rocky tnnuntaina. For full partic ulara, rata fotdarg, to., onll on m ad- BT. snmsORT, Olty Maka aW. law tMn Otoaau, IrtiaaA. . , Astoria & Columbia ; t River Railroad Co. tfNfON DRPOT. Arttve. fi- a. sv DaUy. , Pnr Maypue, Rarnler. Dalty. 1 natBkaai. wetiHt, Clifton. Aatovla. War-I U;ja. ren too. Tlavel. rm- Btoiid, Port Steven. O-arhart Park. Seaalde. AstorUv and Baaabars. al DaUy. r - iipfrt dUy. Into . ah J. C. MA TO. O. P. and P. A.. AstnrU. Or. C A. r"-'T, Crmunrctol Adsat, Ret aVbtor C t ...j aMala Owfik , Chicago V 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Tnrengl Pattnaa gtndr4 and towtot atoee tag car daily to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane; tonriat, aleeptug cara daily to Kit oaa City; torougH Palliuaa toorUt aloeplikg ansa (person. ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair anr (seat freeT to th Beat dally. TJNI0B PBPOT. , Leave. Arvlvua. ... CHICA (JO- PO n TLAK 0 .. MPBCIAL. OtBn BBlB.nv ' For tbe Eat vto Baal Dell. Daily. . t. tug taa, IPOTAKB PLTP.R. - '- ,. ' ' " ". ' ' Per Eastern Waabing- ' . ton. WalU WalU, Lew- d:Ua.B. ID toon. Utoa, ' Cww d'klene Dully, Dally. , snd Great Northern pOtoM.. : - . . . . 'Uvf . ' ' ATLANTIC ' EXPBRM. a'-'J'-, e.,a TTTfjMr -Anna Km?&r- POR SAN PRAMOJBCOi ZtJ .lea. I. I. 4tmhto -IMM ' Sept. a, 18, IB. ,. . ' POR ASTORIA and war petntav cooaecttng Wtth atrar. for Itwaco and North Beach, str. Has- 8:00 p. m. DeUy. ex. nit n day Hatnrdar 10:00 o to. About ' ' 0 wn to. eLlsmduy. saio, aah-et. dock. JTMahilTIUnt Rout. POR DATTnN. City and Yamhill Hirer T:00a.aa. Cell. ex. Bandar at!? Osiir. Cant, str. Ruth ai odwe. Aah-Bt. dock. (Wat parnUttlng.l a. . atoahn Rivet Rani. POR LBWTRTON, Ida.. I 40a.n. and way poiato from nilT Biparla Waah., strara. J? ,La , Ipofcaa and LewtaU.n.1 About . ":"0 p a. Dally. xTTridhy. T1CKBT OTPICR. Third an! VaAktogtoBh . , phone Mala I1A . 7 Tato V WWLANlr ASUTIC i f STEAMSHIP COMPANY rp Tokobetaa and Bottg Rong. ralRnf t Kobe, Nagasaki and ShanghaL taking freight T via coanectlng vtaaaaers for ManiU. Port Artbnr- and TUdivovstok. rhr 21? .4 f"n ntfaranttoBaili aa or nd. t an eaAeiaU er agaata f the 0. A. N. 60. LAO I vit ; SOUTH Leave, CltlON DBPOT. OVERLAND RXPBBBS tralas. tor Balcea, Koeo hnvw. A ah land. Barra BtfiBaV an. tmenta. Oarden. Ian fran- hantoBhi ciBco, aiocxinn, uo aim relea. El Pbbo, New Or-I lean and the KaC r 1 necta at Woodrmra t (dally xcapt hupday -I BOTntas.wiu train ror , bl nut An eei. aiiTiriia Browaavtiu, larlar-l Ali Vallli,. a M v 1 INatraa. Albany pBBngr eoa dm-B. n. I necta at wuehurn with nttWaJB. Mt. Angel and Sllvar - I ton tocaL T:R) a. n. foorvoIU Bavror..... II 1:80 f, aa U!30 P-Bv I Sheridan paaeenger a: a. n Dally, tt Daily, except Snnday. lrtUaAwage aVnVurban larvto and Taahnffi BtrUloa. . , Depot Pool of Jefferaea Street. Leave Portland dally for Orwego T:30 S. gk.f 1150. t:fc. I , fi:M. S 9A. 10:10 S. to. Dally excent Sunday , fi:to . :, 10:28 a. ( ,4-O0k 11: no p. aa. Bandnp ealy. p:00 a n. ttetarntng fren ftow. arriv Portlaafi dally firtt a. n.; i:on, :, e:, :i,, :, tt.; 1M, fi:00, 4:. 11:10 n. wl Datir I except Hunanyl :2a, 1 H. 20:, li:o m. Except Atonday, IXJti aa, ouitnar anij, u bb. . Leave from same depot for Pattamand tntr- nedlate point dally (except Sunday) 4: Ito pk n. Arrive rortiana w.wo n, n. The Independence-Monnioutb ' Mo tne operate dally to Monmouth ana AUlIa, Ltna con- - necttng with Southern Pacioc OompSB's track at Dallas and Independence. Plrst-class tare from PortUnd to Barren rato nd San Prancleco $3tk bertha M; aOsd cUb fare til. bocoimI -class berth I3.B0. . Ticket to Eeatern pot"! and ITauBa knap Japan, China, Ifonoluia and Australia. Cltr Ticket Office corner Third and WaatV Slagton streets. Pboan Maia T1J. w, STiNopjR, . ... tr. B. rnitAN, tp Ticket Agent. Oen. Kan. AgOAAt time card Strains- PORneANDi VKION DEPOT. Pintvt Sound United. Departo. Arriv tor Taeoma. Beat tie Otrnpla, SoatB Bend Ma. n. and Uray's , Barber polat. North Coast Limited, for Taeoma. Seattle, Bntte, St. Paul. Mto neaaells. Chicago, New 1:Mb,ba. fWAB, Tork. Boeton and pntSWI Raat and Hon thee at. 1 Twfn-Ctty Bxprcas, fbrj -raroma. neenie, nnn- kane. Helena, Bt. Paul. hllnneanolla Chlcaeo. llidfa. TOf. fifia NfttfvJ'ork. Boston aniU all point Kasl Boutbeast. Puevt Bound Kana City -At. Louto Special, for Taeoma, S-attle. Spoksne, Butte, Billings, Itenrer, Omaha, Ksnsis Cltr. St. Louis sod all Stt. Ok points Bast and Boath-I east, ATI train nallr rtretit on South heaaeh. A. h. rtlAttLTHJf. ancb. AMfarant teaneral Paaeenger Are. t htorrtoaa at., ear. Third. fortUaO. On asALTIMORJ, 4V OHIO H. R. '