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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1904)
V . If THB OREGON DA1XY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER M. 1804. I " ' i Entered a H woutotnem at PerttoaA Or.. Sor traiwtwrtsttee 6wt ik Mill m iwi Um Batter, v Portal tor stogto eeeees: For M A ft w lt- r Pper. 1 cent: II M N sages, asstsi St 14 MCNi t seats, - . v r' nLXFsoins. Bi-sase Office Mala Ids. eVUterlsl fawn Mate SOA fobbtsb wnniiw BmsnorrATfra. ,flMlrt MtiDli Special Advertising MJT ISO Naesae streoLiew York ttuu Bull- faldt lllWgn, Ikmi by Oa-vie. jy natty yovmai, with isa, i ... .tr 2 The Dally Journal, 1 rear AOS The naily lovntL wit Sunday, 4 tsseths. 8 78 Tbe Dally Journal. 8 month Hully JotmL with Sonder, I -etkS. j.JS The Dally Journal. 3 months... The Dallv Journal, vita Sunday, 1 month.. ,08 the Daily, fm week. toltversA Snadey e Daily, sat ma MnMi ew-atoy Had . .........a, S0 tM Try !L The itofty Jtoeraal. with Bandar. 1 yaw.. The IHUy JoureaL I rear .......... 8.0" The Dally Journal with Amdtr, B snontk. AT The Deity Joernal, months...........-,, fjB The Dally Journal wit Sunday, S Math. Tha Dally Journal t moat ha ." The Dalle ImfiiiI erit Knees, i useuth.. The Daflv Je-raal. 1 month. The tnfldsy Journal. 1 year. ,.., ths Sesday Journal wo-tba ... S.08 Th nsaai. Weekly Jenr-eL ane wi-wwit manual, m v is pas-", - a mi, niamtMo, in hh sw porw yaar , ...... Xto Vaakly wttl. . n Wfctr lonnwL 100 olaaaaa af raaaV uw --- hn Bark at ' rrporM, 1 yew L2? fMrtea, ctpMi.arMi, and am an amowmai an 'r. ft, Bat m, PoHH. Or. m , ' aaaaLiraaaa Vtia Jaavaud wha aaay kaa- twa for tha Hnaar ea kan tha JP?P florwaftV4 ta trm n 4dJaa wltbot - axtra Hiaraw. aaiaiut Bar tha Mat amaa ayoai tfcalf ratarm. - wkbu m irniu mat n worm. . Ta Iwm am to Batttafl M Ma l tt tM ((wine .tlaeaai atdI mitt CHICAGO-KaWlaaMawa awaaMaV. DaaV bora atraat. WNTBK, OOt). ITair SmK fUHnwarr Snpaar. II tavntaatb atiaatl J. itMntk aa Oartla atraats. r A XxA 7lTY Vaa Mojr Nrwi aaaaaCT. t(W AMOHLSS B. r. Oardncr, , p1nf trwtt Ottaav 4 BaiaM, SOS Ml VN AroEJaV--af. V XrrasaaCk. M Thlrd aTTW TOBlT OTTT rawtaaM tMa OMAHA M Hlir MA nwa ataa4: atacaatt fltanaaarr eampanj. 1S0 Faraani atraat. ' SALT LAKH afr Kmjtm kotal aawa atantt arrow BTM. , aa Wfit WfflM imn. oootak n rnn mi4ih awai aia imrt ateaat. aUlf WMAKCt WCOW. I. A Ml og. Palaca hot! am atand: OoldaBaltb Broa . ISO Snttar atraat! rrM W. Plrrt. JtlOB Mirk at atr-rt. vnriira nu an inkn w. Onhaai A 0. CAOnUA, WAKH Oaatral Kawa aocapaav. IIM Pap araaa. m atvonos uw tomo&bow. Br . T. WIlHW, at attlaarooam, ffzta u4 'Anaanr atraata. at 10 a. av. aaat f graaartaa. J. T. WUaon, aetkH-r. , Br Oao. Bakar A Co.. Part kod A Mar atraata, at i p. m., aala of bnaaabola farolaJjla. Gat, Bakrr A Oa.. aacnoaacra. . WBATKKB mrawr. Waataar eanalOona aaA raBtral loracaat fat : Oracea, Waaalnftoa and IdaJw flaowcra ob ttuiie la tba allUatpnl vaUar. taa lawar laka Krtoa, tba aalrtdle A.tlantle and tba Naw Kag n atataa Hbowara hava also tMBrrad alonf tto iratf eaaat. ta Texaa aad aartnaca Mew ' kfrxlco Wklla b rain fcaa OMnrrad ta tka ud-th rvlb atataa la tba taat H boara. tba weatkar k) baeomlns aaaatUad and etoadr eandl tlooa art prevalent tbla awrnlnc otbJT tba Gnata porttoa of Oriana, WaafalnftOB and bo. aad tha truncations ara that a ekama to ratar ootxUttooa wlU oeror la tka waatara portion af tbla dtatrlct tonlKbt. altrBfllna; Co astern OragMu aaatra Waaalosna aad atrtav ra Idabe bj TburUT ' . It la warm rfcU moffltBr T T)rvll, Waah- iaftaa. pcrllooa af Montana and raUW. ana tVcldcillr cooler In tha northern atataa aaat of - tha Mlaataaipp! rlnr. Light fraau ara report ad In northern itllnola and alaac tba lawar lakra, wt-Ila la appar Mlcfclfaa, northern IflnnaaoU and tba Dakota tha frmberataraa ara danfrr- - nlr near tka fraaalng kaint and UlUaf froata , 4 tconrrad. - ' i Obaerratkaa eaanad at a. nt-: . . - -TMJ.- .-.j ,f . . : Max. - Mia. . Prac. f AtaWta, fla M 70 Siiker Otty, Or. Tt : 40 U mar. H. D. Bt .' 2 -&4, Idaho ta u A Charleston. S. 0..... M ..' T ; OblMfa. IQ., M 48 , Cincinnati Onto 79 AS Denrer, Oal.., M 44 Freaoo, Cal.,.....,... 14 . '' H Btlrna, Uo&t 04 ' M Jirksunrine. Fla. ......... Bt " 74 - KalUpalL Moat . M 0 t A - .4 S ! 9 0 J& .10 .01 Kanaaa Utt, Ha... 6 afl Ltwlatoa. I .. 48 U Loa An-aata. CsJ.......M ko r. e r, M T Kew Orlaana, la.......M. Kaw York. N. I Tl U L If. I. ..H...a. Kurfatk, Ta...: . M a North Bead. Waab H. B0 i .-: 44 Ohaha. Nab 64 48 rtlUdelahU. t........ Tt 80 rLcenli. Aria a , '- Pocatelk. IdaAw. TO - 48 Portland. Or TO S Boawbnrr. Or....... TO ., 44 Sacraments). Oli M 81 M At. Laakt, Mo T8 60 WK Laka, rtak..... M . - na EHeaa. Cal 74 00 St. Paul. Mlro 6S 40 Spokane, Waak 71 ft u M Tarosaa. Waak 08 40 Walla Walla. Weak M 48 'ashiaabm, D. C TA M 0 T. inncaiaora, Htv SO ' 44 - 8 Xaaav Arta 80 ... Oemaauifai am Oracon Ottr ar ttat, aaar UIwDodj sBodara. arlmtlflp. aaanpleta. raaian Adalta, IWi ctllrtrrn, t8B. V&itoea f a. si, t I p. m. Portia nA OraaaaUaa aaaaaUttM. ParUaad. Or. Tha aVtwar Bohnaa nndarfiMaW eAOraanr, fcaerai dlrertora and aaihalBiira. tkO TAlri atraau. paona ftOT. , t. V. PlalsT k Soa. taaaral atoartori aad Snhatawa, hara ta their new eatab 'hsaeut. anrner Third aad kUdlaoa atraata. AVrth paoaaa Ma, C r'- tVUsv-BrrsM Oo.. racer dtractnta sad ea , aaJnwra. 871 B nasi a Udy snat Pkoaa Bast 1088 BTiBBItSB UCKirnBS. , " ' . rraAerMr S Brewa, tB; Aaatt Brrant. 14 (fatbAr reaaearlnak BenjamU P. Hlrach, Jr. (father watlBtliapl Saoala May Lawrr, 18. 7 Biftamhw 18, m Mr. sad Urt. . fl. Brow ef S72H Eaa Oa atreet; a datittter. Sentember ), V. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Aiav - " Strong of 1447 OnaanU alrret: aoa ; jt September IB. to Mr and htm, Thomas Pitch ; t ef f7 Eaat Twamty-trth atreet: a dnasbter. - nVptetnber 18. to Mr. and Mr. WUllaai f. Shl-lda of SOT Mill street; s sea. ; fc'pUber 19, te Mr. snd Mrs, Ma $. , Sharker of 411 Til la snook arenas: a eon. ttn'teniher IS, tt Mr. and Mrs. looa A- Oaha a mi ssesw imi; a eaurnter, BptnbtT SO. U Mr. tod htm, fl. ft. Hem Sf 21 H KM) Merrleoa Street: a danshter. Septnmher 10. to Mr. snd Mrs, Mlrnael tier - par of "1H Eet Ollaaa atreet: a eon. Septaaiiw IN. to Mr. Sad Mrs. A. St Clatr Bey ef IJ8 Kverrtt atreet; a dataghter. CDBTASIOVS IHBBAsXS, September It. Beftert DHsrefl, 8t TeesUrlk aad Carter atraata; dlphiherta. ... w. ' ' -' aXJira? ''t'V,"' Ssmktr tt. Blale PesrlBg. aged ts, at St Intent's bosrltal; raoee. aeptlraoiia. Banal St Ioe fir resaetery. t Seiitesabar 18. Trmsias Wafnea, ageg e pesrs, i at Oo"d Samaritan h-sspltn!; cans, tatetsm ef ahull Ruflal at I Fir esmeterr i Sevb'mtwr Is. Oeorga rarrelas. aed St fean. at ttood AaaaarlLan hoapital: raos. tpvaotd I trfr Biirlal at Ijese rtr cemeterr Sentntnher IK Mrs. Lory Tnr.i. aged 41 I penra, at Biirhhart hkn-k; rawae. a rata aep&rttla, I Serial at M.-uot lIrr eemeterr. Member in. Martin Sblnlske. aged i yeara. at St Tlvrent a healtal; aa, parfnra. I rlvna ef baweas. BartaJ at bent Pto eeasa- ' linisskaf 1A Kaekst Bsn, agsl S) peafS, nWL OK? HSHT EOT fI.E CUAL1TV ARV hot nam w blbjbt wumii vom numft OOB raxcoM vzu sou. 1 (Saeehil TJaafMtek a Tka faaraal I 8alm, Or- Sept. 11. "Tha erot Of prunaa tna autrvota of Ubartr. Bun- nyalda and RoadaU will mot xcad a ftO par cant yteW," amid a realdant or thkt dtatrict yaatartlar In oon vernation with a JonrnaU raportar. -"lmt tha quaJltjr will ba wall up ta amda. In fact, I do not think w avar had battar prunaa J oat what they will brln Is not knowB aa rat. and- thare ara a food many doubt! ts Thomaaaa when on peak of a trood valuation bains aet on tha prunaa by tha purchaser. Still on that haa atudled tha atattattas of tba pruna aituatlon will no doubt b- llava thara ara trood raaaona for bl iav tug that tha crop will brlnr rood prioaa On a man had a talecraph from a CMcajro daaler faw day aso aaklns an to auantltv. nualltw airut nrlnat. sum he la not tha first aaatarnar to tntaraat hlnaalf dlractly with th srowara of tba luacloua frulta, and to try to sat la aatiy and on tha roand floor la tha market. "Thara te a battar erop' of pctltta than of auvar and Italian bat tha lattar ara Sua an to alaa and color, and also ara vary aw aet. In point of fact,' I have navar aean tha prunaa so sweat aa they ara this year. This ts tha quality that makes them felfhlr merchantable.' J. S. PowsU of Hayssvllle ahowad s limb af sllyar prunaa ywatarday morn Ins k naif foot In length, on, which war 13, well-developed all re r prunaa. 11 of fina quality. This, bowavsr, is a rata tald, - ' , r, ' fcni XUrWtms Ooakraat. . ' At tha maetlnf f tha elty eounell last nlsht tha matter of tha street llfhtlac ooatrmot'waa attll farther hunr up by tbe committee aaklns for further time for tha consideration of tbe propo sition of th Cltlaenn Usht S Traction oompaay. ' Tha , oompaay aaks 16. a Usht, proTtdlnr the alty will tnoraaae the number f llajhta to fa. or will not extend the lig-htlnf district. The com mlttes was granted mara time as prayed for. , - JvpUes fas T ih Is W. D. DaVarney made formal appli cation for a telephone franchise for thla elty to tha city council last nlsht against the Pacific States' Telephone company, and the matter which oamt up on an ordinance last nlsht was re ferred to a special committee, consist Ins of tha mayor. Frank Hushes and Alonso Geeuer. all members of the oounclL Mr. DeVarney was reprasanted by Hon. J. H. MoNary and T. P. Fanlon, his attorneys, - ,, . . Bmrtu SsmUky maaota. City Recorder Jndaa has subnntted hla report of tha business transacted in fats office during the month of Augusti which report was adopted and referred to- (he committee on ways and meana. This report shows that tha total -feea dolleeted la hla department aurtng the month past -amounted to lib, and tha toal daya nerved under commitment 12 tt- ' In the justice court the fees amounted to 11S.60. Tbe recapitulation of the miscellaneous report shows that there was a total of tU744S--aa hand A u rant 1: receipts for Jkurunt. 73i.07 cash to treasury. 91.1M; .sash on band September X. $I,7A. --4- ' AVoak QtsazTT'Una,' "- The work of taring the extesmlM of tha Cltlsans' Ltcht A Traction 00m- pany' "n to tba Bwald rock quarry will likely be commenced before vary maBT da vs. It la the intention 01 tne -oounty to endeavor to secure the con struction of the road leadta seat rrom the Insane aaylvm as early aa possible. Tha grade ts already made there and the mad Is only awaiting the crusnea roca. Tha llnaaolal report of City Treasurer Molr for the period beslnntns January IBM. and ending July 1, ll was submitted and referred to tha 00m nut- tee on ways and means. , . , , .-, ISA ffas.TMSA. aad Baker, arrested oa Saturday ntarht. aharaed with havtos picked the pockets of a companion, waa girta a preliminary examination before Justice of the Peace H. H. Hunter yesterday and bound over till tha neat term of court in the sum of oo. ifaaer in a 1100- at Hraeemle, Or.t maaa, palMcnary twaarrkaga. ' Sentaanber so. Oscar Seed, aged tl year, at prettyaian'B station; causa. Mssorrnagia ssje- para. Bnrtai at weoonnra. w. BXAX XSTATB TsXASsVEBB. S H. Meussderffer t Pred Merer. JSit sfwi ur m.h tat 1 11 1 1 1 . 1 1 llaai as Beat Third and Irving streete ....... ..... TSt Oeorae Woods te Joeenta Woods, lot 14, - . tlock K. Portsnsonth Mils eitended..,. , S n- arwta to Ahe aMenotetn. hit A blork A Mirer Oatea addition ........ aWOu Sheriff te Aloys HaroM. Mt , wees aa, UnltemltT Park. ate. (sea deed) T Thomas A. Brans and wife to Minnie v. mt aL. lata S and a hears. A Gieneoe Park tSO Title Gaarantee A Treat renpsar te K a. 1.1 faWlDlra. lot 8. bhck 21. iirat addition te Hodsdsy Park addition.... TOt W. B. BeaiirA to Orason Water Power A Railway company, 4.17 acres beginning ': at point S8 1-8 rode seat ef soatbwaat V comer of southeast U section SO. town ship 1 smith, range eaat ......... 1. af. Mlekoaj and wife te lake Nlrtmi. lot 1. block 8. ftetlwood Title Guarantee A Trust Company Is Jea- . ale M. Dotnoa, lot 18, weat 4 let la, block 84, ansnrsidt Third- addition. ... Oeerge Spring and Wife to Plarlnt 7. Hayes at al., I acres eonanmeinf at 3KS feet soath ef 14 section earner, between 18 and 31 Bemrtty Sarlnts S Tfnet company ta SM Olovsnm Dtmercit, east reet or eaac W feet let A block 7t. Caratkera Ad- - dittos te rvratliera addition B L. nU sad wife to A P. Cobnrn. east- U ink. 1 and S. AWek BH. Uawtborui.' Park.. ..... SheBJp V. A Oeraiaa and wife tn A. 8. Kllla. tat - L block 1, Winiama Aranae addition.. 1.S0O 0 W. UO and wife to B. U BmchwetL lot S. soath H lot M. klock 14, liaaaon s Seeend addltfca t.u. fit Alora Harold to Ja peaMp,. let a, block SB, ruHoe Park '. 10 Sheriff to Thomas flliinger. lota 1, It. ta- . eloatre. block 1. HarleH addition; let 12. Moaat Tabof. 1 acts tt C. Hansen aad wife to Albert TuuStf ' srraaa. lot 8. block 101. Be II wood MM L. M. La cer and wife to Bmass 1. Craatee. Mt 15 block 2S. Alblna 8,808 O O. Benaon and wife te T. A Reynolds. . Mta it ana in, dkm. a. roriaraouta . Villa extended: lots 8. 1A, lacloslTe, ' hlorh t. Portamnath Villa Aenas No. 1. ft.Sm title Oa a ran tee A Traat company to C W. Ehret. lota 18 aad 14. block II, fterU IrTlnstos , AM P. W. BbefSiM) and wife to Clsrs A Joaea, lot 19. Mock t, HlgMand Park.. PrledVrlka M. Btoldt te George P. Bar rows, lot 4. Mock B Cent ml AIMna.. SOO too 10 Slrlff to WllUm Sartcfc. eaadry arts la BelU Vlata .L Si.erlff to Nathaniel 0. Pals, lot A block 1, Hnmt Bee X. Heal tn Jaaes V. Oarapbetl. watt asditil yta 1 tas a Stoaa too. Btepaeea MOD flH pear fcsaaraare and abstracts ts real state from tba Tltla Oaarantee A Treat etav tnay. Chamber af Oaataaree beuding. - . ', Vjt v'.-" BVILnDIS PBAMZTt. ' . , September , Pmnrls Bart IVstorr dwalttag east i isflt' " 0roT Reptemb; tl. Mrs. A. R Smith, Cottars en -ta!$r Msss t-SyWri B' etsTsoa, rwpalra to r-.V!"'":1. an son t weal corner ef 1 areaui; east, fiae. , nsmraXT mo mvaz os eaats a u ySOTMSIOst. 303U Wauhinftoa StfwsL . Sir Francis Drake .1- J- "TMIATOtTB BT, $10.00 ComivIeU $1 Uf Readings for This Week Only WO OsTAMSJM VkTTJBSS BA1 AOTOBTl , , , . TOXJ OAST .: bcs ru nnSsL sUrWATS OOMUW VBTJ IT READINGS ARB NOT OORRBOT 1 ... wmnt amnt j. m- OW to OTsaOOKI AU TAOUILsI Tear aaat. vaew nreaant Are and roar ea nre mture ana ever t Dine can ne tola nr consul tlag SIR PRANCIS OR A KB. the world anlnenl tranoa clalraorant and spirit snadJnsa, who la tha area taat master of occult ectvnee and paychle force tka work! has evac known. OarefaUv. Aa sUaaat Propoaitlsm. . (Ton as he Pmll Jadge.) Bilissdlaaii tnsiraawnaa With bis aunerinr knowledsre of ocenH torcan. ensblas h1n to read human Ufa with aaerr- lng actarscy from Infnncy to old age. Hla power am wonderfal snd lndlapntsblei hla adrlca la rerlabla; hi Information 'clear, con cise and to tka point la Lore. Courtship. Mar riage, uivorce, Rales, will, rstents, journeys,' Pensions, Investments, Spaealatlnns, Property, tnauranoa. Mar t-axes, OU aad kUslsg CieJuns. . iiea ansa, etc ate. WHAaat Asktmar a'aassstkam. eflthocrt any preTtooa knowledge, and bavteg ao astaral BMena ef kaowlns wet roa are. wheaos or for what roe came, ba . telle year name, age, occupation, where yoa lire. Ha tella yoa ef friends and enemies, who la true snd who Is tales; tolls yon wham asd when yon wiu starry, giving naaaea, oatea, nets, snd locations, taking a fee la advance, gad accepting aon uuee tatutsctua at giraa. ' Aaooot rerfetk. - I wfll ferfeH 8888 where I fall to tssch yea now resonate anyone yaa desire, how ta nuke poor enemies roar frlands. oaaaa speedy m arris ae with the ens of roar e ho lea. airs T yoa good rack and make yoa sheeaaafel 1 m . your assineae, remora .srU innnsacaa, re- I lnfh ?0!tf ? .yoa tacky numbers, OKI aetata tost time nss puccd beyond the lawyer 1 unrnwaaess, aad poaturaiy aomststa your boslnaai. fi.oo , xvow nm. 910 91M On XrOUtABL 14B ' sTaNHS-tdt A to t S. m. Oaup and samday SIR FRANCIS DRAKE StS WsaTaUBsreaa Street, rtftfe aant Washiagtaa Breeta. type. At present ha has not gtvea bafJ. The city marshal reported yesterday I that ha Had MnnnliMtaal that nawt n hie office, which , showed Aa had collected I S267 as fees for dogs snd for license. I Hi also reported bavins kuled IS dogs : l , . ! Asf 7fl nntl IIAMAI.KX I nUIA sSaaVaVVV yftlllrtUUJ 1 FOR BEING PINCHED A3U (nWUl raspatck ts The v Spokane, Sept 1L Twenty thousand dollars Is th price asked by J. B. Roche and Ida Roche, hla wife, tor being pinched not by tha polios, but by : eomtnoa folding bed. Suit baa bean started In tba superior court against Herbert Dart and wife to recover that amount for Injuries sustained while oc cupying rooms la their lodging house. The complaint alleges that the bed was old and defective, and waa danger ous to sleep In, and ' that when tha plaintiffs were retiring one night taat Februarr the head of the bed fell over on the plaintiff a pinioning them be tween the head and fiame- Mrs. Roche waa seriously Injured, her spine being so affected that she has been unable to walk stnea, and will be aa Invalid ail bar lite. , 4- FIND A FORTUNE IN CHUNK OF AMBERGRIS ' (Speetol Dtosateb to Ta JosraaL) Seattle, Wash, Sept. 21. Ambergris valued at 904,000 waa found floating an tbe waters of Dixon's Entrance, Alaska, last week by three natives, and la now on exhibition at the store of tha Ton sea Trading company la Kltcblkan. News of the find waa brought to Seattle by Purser Morgan of tbe steamer Dolphin. The Indians wart fishing at tha time they came across the stuff, and think ing U was a Jelly fish, fastened a Una to It and towed it Into port Intending to Ball It as a curia ...... MAYOR TAKES CHARGE OF SEATTLE POLICE pselnl DUsatek t Tka VearaaL) SsattlA Wash., Sept SI. For the fhrst time In tba history of the city, Seattle's mayor is actively the chief of police. Chief of Police Detaney, who for two weeks past haa been 111, waa yesterday ordered out of tha city by the mayor for the benefit of hla health, and Mar or Bellinger assumed the reigns of govern ment at police headquarter a. His first official act was to discharge A. G. Lsna, formerly A detective who re signed some time ago and thea waa rein stated by Chief Delancjr to do apeolal secret WorA . BLAS A BWABUT BtTlVXj. (Spsctal btopatek te ths foarasi.) Sprague, Wash-, Sept, 21. Aa annua freak in the shape of a dwarf bull haa been discovered on a farm near hare and will be shipped to Seattle, where It will go to swell the stock of freaks In a menagerie.' The animal Is S yea re old and stands SSWj Inches high st ths shoulder and la 44 Inches from horns to taiL It weighs only 187 pounds, it Is perfectly formed with tha exception of a huga hump oa Its back resembling a buffalo's hump. - ... - ....ewb a...-' ' -' ,i, susp A or poatxaabtb oos vitrs. (Speelsl Dtoaateh to The ewarnsl.) Seattle, Wash., Sept. 31. After being out sis hours ths Jury la the esse of the state s gainst "Kiar Preston, charged with holding up the family of J. W. Ooddard tn their home here last March. was found guilty. Preston secured SS0 by his raid. There waa another man la the crime who is supposed to be jack McCarthy, who a short time ago was convicted In Portland of robbing Klua- BnAlia'S fur store. FARMS US AOmS All choice, leva! land: ISO , acre cultivated, b acrea or wnictt ' la beaverdam; bouae. barn, orchard: fronts on good road; 1 mile from good county seat town on railroad; aJectrio line will soon run through , the farm, Thla Is one of the beat farma In western Washington: will exchange for Portland property or soon acreasa near awtou. St AOsVSS All lays nice to cultivate, near Hlllaboro; Spod. level road all . way out; a -room houi iaa; some fruit; two springs: It , ruiTlvaWMhM anap at sifSavh , f IS ATOMS t aorea cultivated a-room house, barn: SO beaiin n ttu ouTi mT.VVWrianSniV.K ISA. AOSSS-NaariT - all river bottom . isvim, bw sierra ouiuthickj, aw scrs paature; 14 acrea brusb. and timber; ' running water; house, barn, orch- . ard: one of Iian oounty't best little :'. farms; on account of sickness must sell. Price. Including peraoosia. I Aomsl ThrHce land; 1.T0S atraw . bery plants, besides tree fruits and - other berries; nice new 7-room house; convenient to alacu-a- car Una. to t are Sl.eoo, US ACMSS Ail choice land; It acres cultivated, balance open pasture: . fine spring of water: land all fenced and eross-fenced ; new 7-room piaa tared houae, hot and cold water; near Vancouver, 1 mile to N. R R. R station. A bargain "ja,soS B Actus Nicely Improved: choloe . tree frulta vineyard, atrawberrlee. raspberries and blackberries; nice houae, well finished: barn; at Oak Orove, on Oragon City; car llaa I veasuo. lTOO-AOJIH stock farrn; ltd acres out p tlvated and meadow; tSO acrea In paature; 80 acres woooed; a 11 j fenced, well watered; houae, bams. ty, .Knnt ISA hHl Mt1 a Mne - MtaaSraTlTLE-. GUARANTEE & ( Including stock, .feed and. Imple ments, sasoo. k dfm-BB iHft acres cultfvatad: acres pasture; 148 acres tn heavy . yellow nr timoer. 10.ouo.9uv rest; land Is level, rolling and creek bot ' torn; good aoll, watered by atream or spring In every Held and pasture; new t-room house; water piped to house and barn rrom spring; not and no Id water in houae: 2 barn a. wagon shed, ehlcken-houae, hog- housea, smokehouse; lit head nne ; grade Shorthorn cattle. 400 chlck ena. 17 hogs, 1 fine span work matres. t fine span driving mares, wagon. ', buggy, farm Implements, fine out range for stock; fine neighborhood; - In Benton county. Tha new electric road will run within S miles of farm; stock and Implements will ba sold at marset vgiue win itav some trade. Price of farm, ,lnclud- ing nay in narna, sabmpb. ACBBS IPS acres tide land dyked; the very oest or grass iana; noun, barn, etc.: po better dairy farm; well located, near mouta oz uoiuia- ...- ' i ana A insiM If acres ealttvated; n - .o. .is-hed and la pasture: irra slsshsd snd In nest n re: SI acrea orchard, with dryer; good war tor power. grlstmlU In running - aer; s large narna. wiin aiuuu 1 o tons or nay rair nouse: wntex pipwu to souse ana uarn. e ounnw, v heaa or ontiie. j wagons, hi imn 1 or rarm toois. nogs, nam noes xjmw-1 to school: 1 Dlirn onniRSOB, -IS uuw mile to r, x daily only SAJ HENKLC OX BAKER SIT Andsgtsm sUSSe lrtlamd, OS. . n A TV IrirQ 1 H nfYlf S Va S"- A ,waas,w . - That attractive t - twees bouae, ; f- fAA Od ' t01 Hla I4.LXT UL. - Corner Caruthers. replete with improvemant, XT A VWJVT T v' . "V .:" fries a co, 8 ! $9500 '"J "Vy rTVa9V fIL.l,0IawA2D5n.i"I?d I HI vVa-hlna rtl O UAsMAaw KJ2S.!!5S iaW52 2 nouses feiH ELL- ,D Washington I $1950 Lot taito, near ltth ana stsnnsu I very cnoice; terma C. H. KORKT.L, 161 Washington St. Mineral Springs ToWbornhMoyConcera- f came to tba tba above aprtoga ea AartJ t to take treat a vsrv savers ayes, was almost blind after treating with the beat specialists that could aa gouno, ana sunsnng xor nine years, g 1 5 W Ji -U3l. iPA rs nere at tba FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINGS. I can- not praise them too highly. I Bops that I others that are affllo a trial Itospesfully. vr. 1 anuoiee wiu give lawsB I VAJBOBR. Boota 1st. Or sot Biaat. ptjstjBBst.: cured' of llMumatlam. If yaa are ales writs to us; we wiu grve you tne snd siddrsas of soma taw eurea tC 8 almllar eompUlnA ntCit, CAM. sss fob noma or BTomAoa svara oat"" HENRY VYEINH ARD Ptwprtetas ss tank ,t City Brewery lnMgasdj bamI BKoat Oompleta Bottled Beer a SpecJaJty ' tTBI-BFMOBB srs. TA ' , rXIRlXANTA ORBOOJA - ' Oil atKS liMtlHau ItllT WFTsstOVT OTaVsBg SwM Hv a" Drvsmrfayea. vfcauvtaa-ev EssaSt Is tMyswi ' taaa. sa AMes way I.., 4 t . BBS htss Ssnd hg Bnitoss ef BHStsrs fsr shekr et-it': m w la T -uaiug for r ti a It sooUiee tls as, L I V gUaJ, B Tt ah pain, esme Vf d s-st II ta ksat bm j nt Ha.k, TwttsTT-pi 's cfnrrs a BarrrrA. TUSCAN If r P nn mmr lots; at PO! H tl ST. JOHNS Oil UlS high ffrOUncL OTSTaOOadllK .h- ... u.ll ..3 town snd rivsiwhssJthy ana fiw location i hydrmnt water, fins fi . -I- J ' i i avtwui. luna 1 lain nr ur 11 mi ii minuW Walk t0 Dry dock, Mill and Factories $5.00 Down $5.00 a Month " TITLE PERFECT, TRUST CO. ! 6 and 7 Oiambe of ComniercA. j ostoe at aasA an as I Sahaa. ta SAaaga of B, O. Aogaara. f nACC C aUI A CKUbS & SHAW - m -i, , 1 , -awm WISBISwtv WTmmmW, , ; - Treading real estate dealera. Clackamas County Farm, rrult and nop Lands aon dvd anotr Its seraa level: beat of smti Pa amttn 1 or fruit, on Clackamas river; O. w. p. ok ny. runs mrougn taiyi; t.ooe to It. 000 1 cords wood, enough to pay for land ixwios over; n snap xor a anaxtDV man: I Hk stao nv-n imn P-'f , SIS acres, ft open land, onoe cut Off; all j level and best of soUil.000.0tt feet yel- , ww u umoer. , eo4 PFD AfPTT V; 1 -r ww acres. 48- tn cultivation: to saras seeaea to clover; fins spring; good terms; I per pant IntareaA 834 PER ACRE. Tl acres level: dl famed! ss in Mittwaw won; running water; apples, pears. ? runes and cherries: dwelling, barn, out- uildlngs; near school, store and post- ofTlcs; stock and farming Implemantaao with sala unpiemenia go a-a w m... - a mvm . ep Aa riK AfJKJk. its acres. 11 in. emtlvaftmt s bmm nearly ready to plow: llvlna water: Ana sou apt appiaa ana oiatr tree xruit. . $10 PER ACRE , tt scras, II In cultivation; 4t acres flr timner, valuable; one mile to sawmill; nouse, bub; nenr BCnoot SOU V. X f 50 PER ACRE. Terms St acres. I In culttvatlaa. on Cisclmnans river. 114 miles from Clackamas ats.- lnn mi A t t mIIu Tt """i crM slashed and cut Into cord wop1: .food onion and. strawberry soil; "WUT: JllT- SPOat rAB. AUKIL. ' V- lf to cultivation; 7 slashed, b";Tr.i? g-r-o--. tc: S-room houae: Ana water- nil under fanra' S1A anllaua tn aiMvnM 1 city; lot yard to school; a Ana liUl noma $370O Cotlage Is lot soxltt, near tid and Ollaaa: very I I deeirable and cheap. I rr h HiiRKi.i. fni ssraaoiinaena. me $1750,60x90 g: f- lays a few feet el6w grade, but la a decided bargain at 11.750. Eaay terma. C. H. KOREL.U hi Washington Bt, t ... X St ' Johns Park TIba nw cottages near Woolen If 11 la One with t lets .........St,0SO One with I S-S lot .....Sl.oool xnree wiin 1 run 10c eaon ,g soq The Woolen. IttUs will be 1b Operation soon and 60 to 100 new bouses will ba needed in St. Johns. . m . . ! CHIPMAN & KINQ SA aTasnssV BT, a Balartok, Owner, TAB Hnhrt 19 nn A For e b o I o I quarter djock I U1IIT $ IsVaVVV jgg: sxtra nns location. C R KORBLJU HI Washington Si FttrSalm mt Wodmmr ' ?erms to suit, Choloe lets Is aurelwood, SS per month, eke ML Scott oar. First sad Al der. CBOXGB W. ntlOWM tst FatLtos Bids. Fhese Msto S1SA $35,000 Quarter business center: easy terma. 1 100X1 to on OU street. near C. H. KOHKt.U Itl Washington St $3750, Sixth St gc on Sixth, near Lincoln st; part cash. ' . C. H. KORRL.L, 151 Washington Bt REAL ESTATE Wanted, two or three fruit aad chicken farma close In, from I to. 10 asre. Price must be reasonable. For sale, cheap, two valuable timber homestead rallnoulshmsnts: will cruise 4,000,00 feet each; so navlgtble stream. Maxwell & Burs BIS Al Buds. BerkMyaA, On. $H53Ccrnerf 10 X 100. M. 2 a and ork at a. C U. KOB- XLL, Sll Waahlngtoa SA 09TI M OTI OSS. PB0POSBO ASSsMSVXaT POS DfPSOTsV koonr or spsois mm. : notice la heresy gitea that tha Cevnetl ef tka City oC IVxtUad prupoeaa to saaeas tha follow- Ktg avarrtben proper 17 nod owner ar owmra aa a, Bpeuuy and pecnllarly benaatod la tha BBaMinta fat opoalte . the aa&aea and daaniptlona thereof for the Inprerement rf Siwtiag nueat, fruin the want Una of Lounedale awaai lt Ua waat lias ef Twenty-nuM atraat. an provided bj ardlnanee Ne. 18 Aa. sny aoiacttrne ta tbe apWHtlonniaat ef east tw tald ltuproTantent ajuat 0a aufla la writing t the CwukfU anA UA stlrk tha, wltbla IS eja froag tba data of the Prat 1M blieathw of thla aotlce and asid eb)actlona will be heard and determined by the Council pafore tka passage of the drdtaaaee uriialag .p I OklOVER'S ADDITIUM ta re Dent. to tba Olty tf Part land mi. nt t-u-u m-: l. , VWSL.fn Ua I. Puller. OAMT KB A AOUITldB te the City at Portland -BUX:X 88, lot 4, P. B. Beech, SW0.S1: A P. A Beach. ie.40: lot A Hrku 2U&2?ai t41-! HisB O. Aanwdell. t2m.BA BLOCK 88. lot 4, Mary Bridget. 8210.80: lot a Man neiitH aru ar- uJi r Nossl Bnnh. S37.B8; hcvlnalng ensiariy rrom aoatawest earner or Block B8:. thence aaaterl on lanrth Una of Fif'Tt B.trt a feat tt eon th east eorner af i e. inanea anrtlterlv t iwrikH.1 lot 8. the MO amrMweatte la atralarht to -kegtanlng. Mary Bridgea, fSO.tti begin Sing at southwest corner ef lot A thence rVfLSL ' tfcence to a stmtght line to northeast corner ef let A thence westerly to aerthwaat earner sf lot A theoce aoulherly StSB at Aimwerta nttivaai aMnA, OAHJKR'l ApDtTTOK to tha Olty ef Portland tot 1 Una B, Northroa. ir"e.75; tot'A Leva JL Morthrun 870. TO. BLOCat SB, lot 4. . TTTT. "mT. tie. hairs at, H B; tot A rieaanu fhu. as..... .. ... lemoaa uaessr Batata, heirs of. 8.U. Ij 7Mi5- . BXOCkf 81, lot A Losing Adams.; tot A" Lorlng K7 AeeJoaT BLOCK 82. 1 soU U block 8S. School IHstrlet not K. AM UK) v EK fl Annmnwev n. nu unaixjtTK e. lot A Portland Treat Ooni- KT"' " "reron, atlBll; fct I, PortUnd Trmft Oompaiiy of Oregon. U0 M; lot A lot A J- Q. Woodworth. sUKt.ML arKTi.1 lOl. 1st A Jaentt rhiuhiiH tna air. i. t cm aaaiacnner,; lot a, Tnoraaa Trustee, II40.44; Mt A Thomss af'rT- tr?' l10" ' BLOC 10A lot A 3 rtemlns. SIM. 48; Mt T, S. D. nsmlng, 112.86; tot A B. H. Mleoll. 818AM; totl, l. H. Klcoll, 81842. BLOCK UH Mt I Aslfoar-ntIirle Intreetnent Oompany, 180 S2; t T. BalfoarJntsrlt Inraatraent Oompsny, f'J-?S; lot A A. A and Mary Nlcnote, aWft.M: lot A A S Uuh. V,vl in, Tt. esat SO feat of Nineteenth street west ef sod Wol,,'B A PaclOc Mutusl Life laanr- fc7Nu t Jslslng lot A Cttr of Portland, 80.77; east I I feet of north TO feet ef Nineteenth atreet east of and adjoining let A City of Portland, gft.S0: west ST feet of aorta TO feet of Nine teenth street eaat af and adlolnlns ha A B1U L. Woodward. 850 61. BI,(CK 104, sot A JBlla L. Woodward. BlW.Mj lot A POHTLAVD HKIGHTt) Lot 1. Cmssws Soreasee SS18 0B; hrtU. George rWanaon. 1 121. 48; lot rortiana auuiwar oompasj nasi Of way. IAST.8A Total, 87 WlO. - THOA O. DBTLIlf, - .. . Andtter ef ths Olty of PorUaaA PwtlenA OregoB, September It; ISO. woaiD asBTMMAirp mi rsrrariva. MUTT OP SJUTSm STABXT. Wotfee hi heraS ri ew. k. - A- Pi' PnossB to aaeeas tbe fellow- aiTb.'K0rt? snd owner or ewnets th anvwntta set eppoalte the nsmrn and dt- wmpaoim tasreer for the lmproreasent of cum rw hiibl mm rata eeiiiaa una nr ihim. Hal Street to the east line of Mlsalselppi ave ass aa peavJded by ordinance No. 1AT2T. Any objections to tbe apportionment ef east far said ImproTeanent amat be made Is writine ts the Conndl snd tied nrlth thai liutiin 5S.,B-'LiS- trl A-t pob- .,,,JL50.i', ctJonr U1 U determined br tbe Cbundl before L-?"" M",rt, l. t Improve meat. CBNTRAL ALBINA BLOCK 1A tot A B. tad t?"- ens-ie: iot t, h. and M. Lawnoa. tMBT; lot 10. Bogane J. Parrsll. 828.&S; m w. enns, s. rarreu. SOB.14. BUOCK IT, tot A School District Bo. 1. IRS w t District 1. 8 2i; jot 10. Scbool natrtot Ne. L tas.libtot A School District No. 1. 8M.1A BLOCK 18 ht 8. TheresU sterner, 8A1.5T: let 7. John t. Welch. S24.58; an " saerios BL 'TaotnpaoB. aig.gjt ut A Merton B. Tbomnaoe AA.ST - BTT'TN OMAR B I.OCK 1A tot tt. Carrie A ndrsmu 887.48: tot 1A Carrie A Onnder m 821. 88: tot 14. James JR. Moeaay. SASf; bui id. 1 a unnuL CBNTRAL A LB I Tt A SLOCK St. tot I. . C. Oera. Set. an- let A J. c dan sik as w tn Josephine Blersdorf, 828.84; let 18, Joaepklne LawrcDce. 800.17: tot A W r.BS: tot 1A J. A Scott, 827.02; tot 1A A Scott, SB8.8A BUCK 18. lot L P. 3. Mosen. AU.84: tot A Benaa Oelsner, 2B.n : tot 18, Ambrose B. Oanteabela. $23-88; tot 1A Ambrose K. Oonteabeln. SBA4A . MnLTltOM A R BLOCK S4. tot 1. Ohrtettna a err. wt.ts: lot a cniiatina Kerr, 823.58; tot A Alto Mary Golden. 88.88: tot A M. B. swuway uaanpaoy. Beta is. Total. 83. 1 38. 1 A THUS V- UlVUfl. f ' AwdttnV ef tbe Cttw af PnrllasaS - Pertaand. Oregoa Septeaaber IS, 1S84. OOmplbttob' ajts aooxptabcb or xb- PBOTKMBVt OP BAST tW AS TT- BISKTK w Motion to fcasekv sties that Wtin fl Ullott. Cttr Enaineer. has filed In tbe am. of the sndersiimed, notice that Gteblech A jopna. emi tractors mt tne imnrorement of Bast TwentV-atarhth aim I niiW tha imrtaWH i ordinance Mo. lASSA bsvt enmpleted said street, frem tk cants 11a ef Bast Ankeny atreet to the ass tor Use ef Bast BrarettJ I street. Said sof.ptanea wul be enawldsred bv the Bnecntlve Board at 4 o'clock on tha 2Sd da of September. 1904. aad objectless to the sc- erptanos of tald sweat, or say part thereof. may be aies ib tk ofte -st the BBdsratoned say tun wier thereto Br Asnttfl af tBe Pltw nf PnetlaaS. Ptrrtosd. Oregoa, toptrmber IT. ISO. OUttPJLBTlOB ABB AOOXTTAWXJM OF IB PAOTBOKKBT OF OXIFTOB STBKXT. rtotto I iMSwkT alvea tkat William fl BTltott. Olty Bnarlnser, ba filed hi tha office ef toe undersigned, aotlce that Pacts Coast Construct loo Co.. contractor for the tmnfnva- ment of Clifton Street, under tb Provtatona of ordinance Wo. 18.728. has oompleted said street from the east line or Twenty aecood street to as center ass nr Bwvenisenia etreet. Bald acceptance will be conaldeved by the BvecnHvw ffkian aelnek ens . of September. 1804, and objections to tbe ac- cepunc or saw atreet. or any part thereof. may m pieg in the oraee ef the soderslgsed a; say ttia tor thereto. Bxaci'TTTB BOARD, :. By THOS. 0. DBVLIBV ' And tne of tba nty of portUsA Portmnd. Oreton. September IT. 1004. CREE LAND IN OREGON I la the rich grais, fViat sad stsck scdoa is nsowen. i ii tsnn 11 of cms of hand tt ecraal cast f svaratton. Deed oVett from stast e Oresea; WRITK TO-DAY. BOOKLET sad MAP FARE. Deschutes Irrigadaa sad Power Cssb- sts.tsavi i-isMcb Init $18,000 Snap Improved business lot AA w IAA nrt 4 th st. two blocks from' Morrison', good rent pro- aucsr ana s spienaia pur. C. H. KOBBLL, Iftl Washington Bt Good Investment Comer lot on Nihth snd Da via, with three Bice buildings, yielding good ln come on , $9500 --rvr- ' '.'"' ' stVsBsBlaB) A BliTwaTB, ' SBiy, Third Skiaet, Oorasw Oak. ' NewWarehouseSites With R. R. switching faclMttta, on solid ground, no piling aeceasary; low insur anos rat and very central location; near Hawthorne and Cfrand avea.; is now of fered for leas for long term of years; In lots or blocks at very moderate rental. For particulars see C H KORKU 361 Washington St Factory Site ? 100s ISO ft on railroad witch. Lower T a mine, fries . . t erms; a bargain. . C. II. X.0RLU HI Washington St, ' tUTf VOTIOXA PIAPOSBB JtBlSSMBBt FOB OaTUTsV . Mm OF PXBST srTBJtBT, ., f Xetlca la kereby siren tkat tk OooacU of the pty of Portland pru peace to asiesa the follow lag deaerlbed property and owner or owners V . as kelug apeeUIlr and peculiarly besetted Is the anuienta net opposite the Mines and on- - scripuoas tnareof for the unurovauieut of Pleat atreet. from 100 feet south of ths south tine ovi1 (rover atraat to tha north Use of Gala street : aa prortdd by orUlna noa Mo. 1S.T0A Any objections to the apportionment af coat " i, rot as Id ImproTenient must be made Is writing ' to tbe Coundl and died with the Auditor , wltbla IS days from the data of tba first pub- V Ucatlon of this notice, and said objections will - ' ba heard and determined far tbe Council before tfce Basaase of the ojdlaaast assnaslag Ik 4 coat Of said tmproroment. ' CARtmilEitS' AiiDITlOM to the City ef Port- tans aa iaui out by the. Booth Portland aeal , BsUt AaaoeUtlon BIS K 111 tot A North-. , K ara Counties Inrastment Trust. Llmlt.-d.. 85.41; lot 4, Vera Haajtea, SA8T. BLOCK 128. tot 1. Pred SpsgeleTu.T ; norm 88 feat of tot A Jobs Molr. S3 48; eoutfc 14 feat of tot A JohaiMutr. 80.80; north S tot of lot A John Mulr, 88144; south 8 fact ot lot Ryan. 1180.41; all ef south of let S sxcept -Oregon ft California Ratlroa A Company's right . ' 1 f war. Oeorga S. Waldeu, 860 ST; all of north U of lot S esoept Oregon A CallfttmU 'J SUIlMtd Coaspssy's rlsht of way. Polly M. A Pnrd. SSASS: aU nf lot 8 ezoeut Orheoa a Csllfornla Ralb-ead Company's right of war. Phillip Lawton. 8111.80; all of lot d tcopt , Oregua ft Csllfornla Railroad Company'! right u . of way. Phillip Lawtoa. 1107.00. BLOCK 148, , 3 all of esat tt of lot 1 except Oragea A Call , fornla Railroad Compnay's right of war, . Abrabsm IMlley, 845. o5; all of weat H of kit . 1 h. a. ci(n-.i u . t , nenr 'a rleht nt a frrae flnliuin. SST 4At ('.' all of north H of lot t eireot Oregoa A Ca-U fornla Railroad Ccmpany's . right of way, Harvty A Green, flT.tfi; all of south u of tot S escept Oregon A Oallfornl Railroad ' OnTDpany'i right of way, Lawrence Strand, 120. 44; all of lot S except Oregon ft California -Hal Ire ad Com pa ivy 'a right of way, Lawrence ' Strand, SM.05: all of tot 4 except Or egos ft ellforala Railroad Company's right of way. wrence Strand, 8101.7A BLOCK 148, kit LJohn P. Capias, il3S 3; lot S, William EL ylor, tUSYTO: tot S. William B. Saylor. 1 ' 874.08: tot A LU Mills. jlSO SA BLOC 111. tot i J. W. Sweek Batata, Helm of. 83 41; west 48 feet tot 0, Bermaa B. Stein. forth, 82.08; eaat 05 feet lot 8, P. L. Wrlsht. . ' 81. fia, BLOCK ISA tot A Ponrth Preabrterlaa Chnrub, 83.87; tot T, Poor Lb Preabrtarlaa ' Church, J 41; sontb H lot A Barak dihn. . 22.41; north tt lot A M. J. Mom. 882.43; St A Varcoe Roedy, 88ft. 41. BLOCK ISA tot S, A. P. Strsus, 9l.Sft.E7; ' tot T, A P. Btraa. tllASO; lots, Ida B. fior, 0117 34: ' tot S, Anns C. Baroft. tl3B.PT. BLOCK. , 147. west W let 0, Alliance Trust Company of Panose. Scotland, 9147 07; west tt lot f. Alliance Traat Company of Daadee, Scotland, -$141.81; seat tt tot A Adam Catlla. eaat tt tot T, Adam Csttin, 93S .84; tot A H. J. Thompson BeUte, Hejr of. tleAOO; tot K H. 1. TbomneoB Batata. Helm of, 81. 10. BLACK W, all ef tot B eaat of Oregoa A California Railroad Oomnany's right of way. Josephine dT Orerend, WS 77; all of tot f eaat of Oregoa ft California Railroad Com . ' peny's right of way, Joaepklne O. Orerend, J4 .81 j all of tot T weat of Orefoa A Call fornla Ballrd Company 'a right of way. John A- Wild. 848.41; all at lot 8 west of ; Oregoa A Osllfnrnls Railroad Ooeauaay'S , Wht ef way. Adeline Wild. S10B.0B- all of .: t eaft ef Oregoa .A Call for 11 la Railroad V Company's risbt of way, Walter Blett. 03.14; all of tot S west of Oreroe ft Cab tornla Rallroed Company " right of way, J. linger, 91 2B T4. Right of way throng blocks 181. 148 and 180, (tomtherV addltlna : to the City Of Portland as laid oat by tbe Sowtb Portland Beat Batata Aaeortatton. Ore son ft California atoUrosd Oos-paay. 841AA4. ' .ws'w" whoa 0. osrvxric. "X ' " Andltor ef tbe City ef PortbiaA Portlsnd. Oregon. September 1A ISOA riPOSXD AAAUSsTTST FOB IMPBOTK. MXVT Of FIRST APs-VB. Botioa M hereby given tkat the CVnmelt of tk City of Portland ptopnae to assess tbe following described property and owner sr.. owners as being specially and peculiarly hene sted la Ike amounts set opposite the names and deecrtptlens thereof tor the Improvement of Pint avenue from the north Hue of Locust street to the northerly Use of Ask Street a provided by ordinance No. 18.87A Any objections to the apportion meet ef coat tor said IsBproTement most be made ta writ ing to the Council spd Sled with the Andltor within 18 day from tk date of tbe Bret pub lication ef this notice, and tsld objections will be heard and determined by the Council before the asseaire of the ordinaso saearing tk coat of said improvement. V CITY VI BW PARK ADDITtOlf to Bast Port land BLOCK A Mt A Benjamin P. Speaks, 873.94; tot 10. J. T. Brown. 871.41; to III ' Portland CrssMHoa Association, 801.40; M . 12. Portland Cremation Association, fllASl. ILOCK A lot A. L. Xukn. 1 1(1.941 lot 10. . Kabn. 9B2.ST,; lot 11,1. Knhn. VS4.tT; tot 11 L. Kuhn. S11B.T7. BLOCKl.Tot-S. ' rmnk aad Msgdalena K leaner, 841.48; I04K, Prank sad Ms ad a less Kleaner. 938.20. A tract of land Jylar hetweea tbe west line of PI ret sreSTje and a line 100 feet West thereof aad parallel therewith and between u the north line of Ash street extended Westerly In Its present Oourse and the north Ua of '. Locust street extended westerly la Its Breaent mora. Portland (Vait. 1 a 11 ! ttoa 84OT.0A Totai frM1 0O. THOB. C DBTXinT, Andlfn aw tha P1r nf PnrtlanAL , rwinns, wrea-os. September 1A ISOA TOlTBTnAAATXR'S BOTICB. Motte Is taarebv srlren that am the lath daw Of Bepftnbe. loot, I took ay and em poo oded t tha Oty Prond. st No. 341 SUteeath street, IS the City ef Pertlaad, Oreges, tba following described animals; One norrel horse, white strip awp Barak sad and ebot aU amend. Lsrse White sow with red heart eaafe aeul ears, speckled ek el dee, white faoe snd drooped borne; snd aniens tha owner, at ether person or person baring SB Interest therein, aha II claim poeaessloa ef tk ame.x and pay all eaat and charges of the keeping- and advertta lng them, together with tbe sound fees oa Id animals, ss Brovlded Kv ordinance :.. B.83B. a ameaded, of said City of Portland, I will on the 2M day of September. 1804. st ST Era?:. '".J- !5f. ilT. described ant mala at ntibne Vnetlnn ta iKa bigbest bidder, to pay tk costs snd cb4rg- fortoklBg at. keaelsg asd advertising sack V. lf.lBdBn! OOstPLBTlOW ABB AOCXPTABCT OP IM- . PsvAsTXhTT OF TAKHILL tTBJCST. Notice to kereby given that William C. Bl bott. City SMwrlBoer, kas Bled la the f8ee of the udersumed notice that Warrsa Oonstrne ttoa Oompaay, cos tractor for the Improveatent ef Tamhlll street under the srovbitone of ord. nance No. 14.00T, kas completed said street from ths senter Use of Ponrteeotk street to tka eaat line of 81 1 teenth etreet. Said acceptance will be eossteaett br Baecattve Board t 4 o'clock on tne S8d dap of September. 1004. and object lose ta the sc- eextsjies or said street, ar asr sart -hereof. may be Bled la the offles of ike uaseralsned at ear time trior thereto. .TUB KXXrrTTVB BOARDi 4 By THOA 0. DBVLTN. AnsHtnr oi the Cirv af PMl.aA Portlesd, teegoa, September IT, ISOA OOMPLBTTOB ABB AOOKPTAJfCK OF XBV PKOVlUBrXVT OF buTBXBS STBJEBT. Bsttoe Is kereby gtvea tkat William C. 11 Uott, City Bngloser. has tied 1b tbe ofte of the anderslgned notice tkat Padfla Cos at Con struction Company, contractor for the lnrprove- snt or spring aweet. Bnoer tn provisiooa of idlnsnc no. iB.noo, sas oomnleted aaid em-ut frcm the weet Hne of LownedaM atraat a tka weat line of Twenty-trSt atreet. Said acceptance will he Qoalderd by tk Executive Board St 4 o'ctock on tbe kM o.w ef senteanber, 1004, sad objection to the ac ceptance or ssi- street, or any part thereof, mar be Sled ta the office af the ail-rai.-.i at any Mme prior thereto. , ma bxsk'ittivb boa an, - , By THOS. O. DBVT,I(f. ' Aadlsar of tbe dtp et PorUand, Port bud, Oregoa. September IT. 1004. - COMPXBTIOB ABB AOOsPTAKOB OF DA FBOTaasBBTl Off wOLOSMITK BTBXBT. Not lea to ksrekr aires rhet William "O Blllott. City Bnslneer. has filed la ths offiea of tbe ntutorslgncd, aotlce that J. A O'NeiL contractor roe ins improvemeBi ox uoionmita street, ander tfce provisions of ordinance No. 1S.72A haa camoleted said atreet from tbe wnae llnfc of AIMna avensa to tk etnter Use ef Daisy afreet Said acceotasc wUl h MnsJOatad bT the saentlvs Board at 4 o'clock on the 38d da ef SptembeT, 1904, nd objectloss to tbe so. eeptanco of atd street, or any pgrt thereof. may ne Bleu In no otnee St is ssaaaii lanad at any time arlor thereto. 111 BiKll TIB BOARD. BvTHOS. CL navi.tM - aomrar or me oty or Portlasd, Portland. Oregoa, September IT, 1S04. OOMtLBTIOW AND AOOZPTAVCS OF rB- yROVXJfXBT OF BAJK IZRKKT. . Bntlea is berehr rives that Win una n Blllott. City Rna-lneer. kas filed ta the office of tbe snd-raisoed, aotlce that fralney a Keating, oantractom for tbe lmnrsvemnt of Mala atreet, ander the provlalnna of ordi nance 1x0. le i, oare compietxi aaia street, front tbe weat Bne of Prost alraaS ta tka. aaaeae Ua cf Second atreet. Bald acceptanc will be cosslderwd ky tk Bsecnrln Board at 4 o'clock on the fcu aa of Septber, 1004. and objections to tbe ao eevianre ossiO atreet. or any pert thereof, mar be Bled In tne ofSre eg the n-aW.i-.J at sap tka prior thtreto. t - 1MB BXE I'TIVB BOARD. By THOS. a PKVLIN. Aadltbr 0f the CHy of PnrtlesA, ':t - "a- eH-vw as. lea,