The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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C v SILVER ; -
BELOW h a list of naD
things for table serving.
Yon might possibly need
something. Tbej are all of
sterling1 silver, heavy in
weight, of the latest and best
designs and at prices, that
are worthy of your attention:.
Salt and Peppers. .SMS to
Table Bella ..SI-SI to
Tm Btraraers . . . , . .S1.8S to gS.OS
T Btralaare ... .SMS to
Napkin Rtage ..
Bon Bon DUkN
Cork Screwe ...
.SLaS to SS4S
.SeAt to SAOS
to ST A
Puanel SS.TS to SABS
Lgg Cups, bsadsd adge
Mustard Poto .BAAS to
Jam Pats ant apoono ...
to StASt
rax a us rams xw sovrmamv mm-
wosuE xv saiaaaB oaaoaswe
of tm ax vans wssiaiaa
Aooordtng ta J. Yersteeg, who ku jast
returned from a four months' anting la
Josephine oounty, the "pelter" la carry-
mm fail to
'mm the iAf
Mo aa oottxxrna oasaas ret
An a
Br order of the lioanM committee at
tfaa city council. J. A. Morteneon and
D. HL fiudd . who conduct employment
Ing deetructlon to tha daar of soetbera ageaoieo' will have their licenses, re-
Ore-on. Mr. Vereteeg waa la tha moua- voted, Thla order waa mads yesterday
Ulna St miles waat of Oailoa and heard on tha grounds that tbeaa men have, been
many reporto f the alaughter that- pro- J falling to comply with Ua city
feealoaai pelt kunuri were gulKy of. nances regulating - the
Old huntera and trappers who bad lived agencies. They are accused
la the region for decades aald the deer nen late the country after Jobs wbloh
LCCAl fir.! till
Ml or sending
were fewer thaa ever before, and minora,
i who depended on the sane they oould hill
while on . prospecting trips, aald that
aklnned oaronss ware all that thay
oould find.
"la oomlng back wa net aa old friend
who had been la the htUa and who knew
thoroughly tha situation,'
toac "H told ua that
hare act beea forthcoming and tba men
have had to return to the city. The em
ployment agencies have failed to refund
thorn their expenses. It la claimed, aa la
required la such cases.
Tba propoaed sign ordinance licensing
all signs from M to 110 par quarter, ao-
aald Mr. Vara-1 cording to their ama, waa raoommaaded
bad counted I to the eery council for passage.
17a carcaaaaa of daar that bad beanf The same action waa takea la regard
killed for their pelts, and wa beard from to tha proposed ordinance regulating the
other sources of packs of kins going out amount oi hire for automobiles. IX this
with 1 in a pack. Tba law provtdee
that only five buck deer may be killed
by a hunter la a season but thla law
la Joked down la aouthera Oregon. The
worst feature of tha matter la that the i
game warden doss not not' Ha mads a
flying trip up to the bills before we left.
but be get tired before he got within
10 miles of where be bad been Informed
the slaughter was taking place and
turned back. The country la being ,
flooded with hunters and pronpsctora
sine the Brlgga find and the destruction mlttoet Louis Trammer to Hoary Lang,
ordinance passes the' council tha far
to be charged by cnauBeurs will be the
asms aa. charged by hack drivers.
it was announced that the sum or
MM70.U had beea eollootod already
thla quarter by tha 1 loans oolleotor's
ofBoe and there is still more license fees
to com la. Thla la tha largest anlleo
tloa for one auartar that has been suds
for many aWatha, .
The tollowtng Uqvor I leans aa were
transferred by the liquor Uoenae oom-
fa the opinion of Phil 'Abraham, treaa-
of tha snugway, Alaska, pemo-
, oratlo olvh, Parker and Davis will carry
Alaska la the prealdeatlal ballot two
to ewe over Booaevolt and Fairbanks.
Ho so aseerto an a latter raowved by
Sheriff Word.
Mr. Abraham asks the sheriff to hand
.the oommunleatlon to the proper parson,
with the Idea in vhw of having banners,
floats, buttons, lltsraturs and other cam
paign material sent to Bkagway for die
semination la different channels. He
aaya that the enthusiasm among Demo
crats at Skagway runs high, and that
reports from the Inside show the aams
to be true all along the Una. -
Sheriff Word has written, aa encour
aging reply to Mr. Abraham and prom
ised him that bis request shall be at
tended to immediately. H will hand tha
letter to the chairman of the stats
Demoeratt eentral committee. ;
of all kinds of gams Is going aa at
fearful rata. ' Pheasants are being killed
as reoktoaoly ha though no game law
was 'Id exlatensar-and If the region aver
heard of a dosed season, it has for
got tea the sound of the phrass.'
Ilk Washing-ton street; Lang worth A
Potto to Hlbberd Potts. Third
street; Hooper Hanloa to W. M. Hal-
ley, an Irving street; l Trammer as
Co to W. M. White. f Fourth street;
W. Strahlman to Wolfs Settle, ltd
Water street; Malloy McDonald to J.
a Lord, II North Fourth street.
license waa granted D. M. Taylor to con
duct a . salooa at Third and Flanders
The Colored Cooks, Walters and- Por
ters' association who have a club, asked
permlaaion of the committee to have
Yew botUe goods" In their club rooms.
, (By A. B, Wsnabar.)
Tha weather during tha last
dry and amoky. with warm daya and
generally eool nights; fogs occurred la
the western section on several mornings.
ordH there waa quite a deposit of moisture
from them, which was of alight bonom
to gardens and pasturesr
Thrasblna continuea ta-aoattored por
tions of ths Columbia and the Grand
Roods, valleys. Hop picking was rapid
ly pushed to completion, and only a fw
yards remain to be finished up. - Tha
yield continues below average, but he
quality la very good., Sarly planted po
tatoes art being dug; the yield la very
disappointing. Lata potatoes oontlnao
to do poorly oa account of lack of rain.
The third crop of alfalfa Is about reedy
for harvesting, and soma catting has
bean dona la portions of eastern 'Ore
gon. .
But little plowing or seeding wag ao-
compllshed, aa ths soil Is too dry for
working. In tha Willamette valley a
few fields have been disked'' la on
ground plowed but spring.
Cora Is ripening nicely: tha ears ars
largo and well filled, and oa ths whom
ths crop promisee wall, pastures are
vary dry and stock Is losing flesh.
Prune drying - is progressing rapMiy
In south era Oregon. In fbe Willamette
valley ths fruit Is rather alow la rt sen-
ins-, and nlcklnc and drying will not bo
general much before next week; the crop
la very light. Late apples, while rather
email, promise abundant yields; the.
early varieties continue to drop snore
Tha H.aae-contract for water pipe
for tha city malna will not go to a Chi
cago arm, as at flrat contemplated, but
will be retained in thla city. At ths
meeting of the arty water board held yes
terday aftornooa the action taken at a
former meeting, letting the contract to
(no uaated states Cast Iron Pipe a
vwiadry company, was rescinded i
the oontraot tot to the Oregon Iron
Steal company of thla city.
Whoa the bids came la last week the
ChfeasTO drm aarraed furnish ttu m.
quired pipe for the sum of MMM, while'
tne old oi the Oregon Iron Stool com
pany waa Si.7l7.b0, lust 117.10 greaur
thaa the former hid. The members of
the board were loath to award the secy
tract to on. outside foundry when there
waa such a small diaerenos III tha Ag
. Warrants aava been Issued for the
arrest of Christian Wolslff er, a butcher j They stats that no one but members are
of ftp Fourth street; H. B, Nelson.
butcher of 1X Crosby street; Doctors
W. B. Hamilton and B. C
J7U Russell street, ani
Roberta of 111 Mohawk building-. They
are charged with failing to take out
the necessary city lleenaaa.
License Collectors M. A. MrBechem
and Joe Hutchinson state that th
five men are behind one or mors quar
ters with their linens as and that thay
refuse to renew them.
Other oomplalnte will be Issued for
different sserehants and professional
men who are la arrears with their ll
eenaaa and who refuse to par tha fas
to ths City. .
Paaooch flow la the bast faaoy
ta the market. At leading grocers.
allowed In the dub reoma Tba matter
waa referred to ths lioeose collectors
Roeaman, of for-their approval;
Dr. W.
r! 3 VSs
,t . -. - i . . i- -
Tha colon let rates from eastern points
td Oregon end Washington that went
into effect September It will continue
one month, and during this time It m
expected that a largo Increase will -be
made to the permanent population of the
Paelflo northwest.. The first of tha
Immigrants are now arriving, and scat
tering Into the various rural sections of
the state. Tha Oregon Railroad Nav
I gatlon oompany has received notice of
special tourist carload of people that
loft Chicago Saturday for Oregon points.
It Is estimated by railway man that
a travel Into thla state during the
month wlU equal that of a similar period
last year, when about S.MO people were
brought Into the Pacific north weeV-and
ost of whom settled here, er are now
preparing to come and remain perma
nently, ft frequently occurs that the
A I buui who comes and visits Oregon this
0 X -
T roar cannot come at once to reside bore.
I but he goes back to his middle west
T I horns and tokos a year to dispose of hl
property, and the following year's col
onist excursion brings him here, to be
come a permanent resident. The tickets
f have destinations ranging all tha wsy
X from Spokane; Seattle and. Portland to
Loo Angel ee, put
that Oregon will not
proportion- of the
i Ta Portland Public School Pupils
ta ;;- I ooartei
X VMltad
Money DhrMed into
i Seven rVires ,
$10 to First Nwetmt CaeMsr of Qaestkm Atke4
$5 to Seoonsl Nerst CuetwofQaection Asked
$2 sUchtoth Nit TW9 Nsarett -
The Question :
.. A Tortland flna that has been eatabtlshsd fof eight years la this -cfty.
tort has never advertised, located between Ankeny and Madison r
and river front and Btghth street, carrying a SS&.eot stock, has do- '
elded to inaugurate a great out prlos aala adverttatng big, on or about ,
Octotwr i. Ths queatlon 'a, Who Ig It? Ouass as many times aa
you oas get a ooupon, Otily open to pupils of Portland public
sshools. Contest closed and decided October 1, and announced aa soon
as possible thereafter, and will be decided by the advertising maa- Y
agers of ths evening; papers. Ns one connected with sny newspaper
m eugiois to enter mis oonteat, it oasts you aothlag ta
Use ths attached coupon and mall or take
evsaglng to Ad.
to The Joarnal, ad- 9
'.':,;' J) Mttaits, IWlaall SS ISOa,
Name of firm.)
WVO Bt OATB...............7......................;..'..;
, , . . . ,. . , .. v (Strsst number.)
VUBBUU IB A........
j. i, ; ' - i. ' Klnd of buslaosa.)
. f tiwur nam ..
- t
S 'AVTBsTB ...4Mt
' Street "anniber )"
.4au'ir ' W ....
- - i tSoaooU
"(Ttsje roost ved.)
A. M. Cleland, who Is making his Srat
visit to Portland since his aooeesion to
tha position of, gonsrsl passenger agent
of the Northern Kacino railway xorm-
erly held by Charles S. Fes, will de
part tomorrow for Paget sound,, visit
ing Seattle. Taooma and Spokane a few
and then returning to his head
quarters at St. PaaL Mr. Cleland has
the Lewis sad Clark exposition
grounds and conferred with fair officials.
favorably Impressed with ths
progress sosdo by ths builders. Hs Is
highly plsased with ths fair site, and
commends the landscaping and plans
for Improvement, and tha suggestion for
aa inside Inn. .
Hs says the Lewto and Clark fan
la aow being thoroughly advertised In
the oast, and expeeta a very large bust-
over tha Northers psolno next
year. Tne road will meet all require
ments of travel by prompt increase of
equipment, end speclaJ trains If asoi
aery. Conditions will govern the notion
of the road In this respect. Ths North
ern Pacific has Just put oa a number of
new tourist sleeping oars that have
oompartmento, and are ths largest tour
ist cars run on any road la ths ooun
try. This oompany waa a pioneer la
tha tourist ear ssrvlee, and Is keeping
well at the front la this lino of acoom-
modatlon to the public The first of the
big ears on the St. Paul-Portland run
arrived aero yesterday.
A week baa passed since Municipal
i Judge Ho aus eaused the Issuance of a
nch warrant for Ouy Kelly, who w
released by Chief of Polios Hunt when
brought In by Special Polieemaa Lillla.
Kelly was sentorfoed to serve a term of
days la tha city Jail on a ehargs of
vagrancy to which hs pleaded guilty.
Ha "escaped" after throe days' time, and
several months later waa rearrested by
When Lllils took htm before Chief
Hunt ths Utter refused to book him.
saying that his term of servlos waa over
and that It would bo Illegal to hold htm.
Therefore Kelly was released by ths
chief and Is now enjoying his liberty.
When Judge Hogus became cognisant
of the facts In the case hs immediately
Instructed Clerk Fred Olson to Issue a
bench warrant and ordered that It be
placed In ths hands of LUIts to serve.
Notwithstanding this order the warrant
never reached LIHis, bat has been hekl
I at polios beadquartora stnoe It was Is
sued, and no attempt whatever has bean
made to arrest Kelly.
Judge Hogus remarked at tha time the
warrant -waa Issued that perhaps If It
was given to Chief Hunt to serve, Kelly
would not be troubled about It, and for
that roc ana desired Little to handle It.
Bar City; Tillamook oounty, Capt. J.
3. Dawsoa Dry week so far aa rata Is
osaoemed, but plenty f wst fog at
night which kept vegetables and low
ground pastures growing; prune' pick
ing and potato digging progressing
nicely; strop good; buckwheat ripening;
milk supply still falling.
Corbln, Curry oounty, W. T, Whits
Weather dry, with some fog along the
coast at ' night; apple crop gooo.
though not quite ripe yet T
' Wlllsmeoto Tallay. -
Montavllla. Multnomah oounty, A. D.
Sullivan Weather dry, with cool morn
ing; atmosphere very smoky t harvest
completed; prune picking la progress
crop very light, and la some pieces al
most a total failure; pasturage la the
open places all dried up. although there
is still soma browsing la the wooda
Tualltla, Washington eounHr. George
Oai breath Dry and smoky, with heavy
dew at night; Into potatoes continue to
dry Up; hop. harvest will he finished
early next weak; light frost tha Xlrst
of ths weak.
SUvertott, Marlon oounty, J. F. Davie
Cool, but -very smoky; hop harvest
practically completed; yield .a little
light, but quality unsurpassed; soma
fall seeding being done; rain badly
needed for potatoes and pastures; corn
doing well; prune harvest la progress;
osop rather below average, . ,-.
Philomath, Benton oounty, W. H.
Bole Weather oeot and smoky; hop
plotting in yards hare osatpletod thla
week; yield short; prune drying begins
next week; fair erop on high lands, but
oa low lands a failure; potatoes light;
corn ripening; fair orop, oaasldertag ths
ht4 - Eimira, Lena oounty) J. A. Fountain
Weather continues dry and smoky;
nights cool and foggy; gardens poor;
fruit ripening fast; thrashing com
pleted; crops below average.
Riddle, Douglas oounty, George W.
Riddle Dry, cool and very smoky; rata
needed; prune drying In progress; erop
light; range dried up; potatoes below
average. "' r '
Kerbv. Josephine oounty B. F. Melss-
ner Dry. with heavy fog and smoke;
Irrigated crops In fine ooodltion; stock
getting thin; some dry plowing and
seeding doaet winter apples a good
orop; grapes rips and tat ths market,
Ootomsen aUve TaDey.
Weston, Umatilla oounty, M. ' M.
Baker Weather continues hot and dry:
wheat nearly all hauled to warehouse:
plums and prunes ripening but crop will
be leaa than usual; applse sea roe, and
potatoes will probably be a Uxht yield.
SImnasbo, Wasco oounty, J. O. Ashen-
hurst Weather oool and dry: thrash
ing la progress.
Superintendent Patelto 'of the local
foundry appeared before the board at
that meeting sad mads tba statement
that as the city had to pay B0 cento a
ton for the Inspection of the pips In
Chicago the real cost of ths pipe would
amount to a touch larger sum than that
named la ths . contract. Oa the other
hand, be stated that hut oompany would
stand for the expense of tea ling the
pipe la -thla city.
Tha mam hers of the board werawJa-
ollned to let tha oontraot to hint, 'but la
justice to the other Ann, whose bid waa
ths lower of the two.' their representa
tive waa called In. and hs staled that
his oompany would stand ths expenee
of testing ths pips In Chicago. N Wtb
thla understanding ths secretary was in
structed ta aotify the -Chicago Arm that
tba oootraot would be awarded to them.
Stnoe then the members of ths board
have been thinking very seriously of
the matter. Mayor Williams expressed
himself as desiring to retain the oon
traot la thla oHy, for the reason that It
would anoourags home Industry and give
employment to a large number of ma-
ohanios. Dr. Rafferty and Dr. Josspal
were of the' same opinion. '
Mayor Will lams called the board, to
gether yeatarday and placed tba matter
before them. He stated that aa vet no
oontraot had boon, entered Into by the
board, for the reason that every contract
had to be signed by him before It be
came binding, and ho had not approved
of the action of the board la awarding
the contract to the Chicago Arm. He
atated that the difference between the
contracts was only 7.60, and as this
sum waa as trifling It should not stand
la the way of awarding the contract to
tha local Arm.
Dr. Joseph! argued that the local pips
would bo cheaper In the long run, for
the reason that the city would have to
Incur expense in handling the pipe and
In tasting It, If token from the Chicago
Arm, whereas this expense would be en
tirely eliminated If the contract ta 1st
to the local Arm. Taking all things Into
consideration, ha was of the opinion that
the pipe from the Portland foundry
POOrA asap e4lep. 'VBwftlTaBVT- amttjV -4mVsd e0-
board had no rtsrht ta go outside of
specification!' and dicker with any Arm.
and that such proceedings might pat the
city Into trouble.
A. I Lewis waa or tne opinio urn
the contract with the Chicago nrm
should etaad, for they had agresa w
nth the nine to the city and pay -for
coat of all inspection for the eum named
In their eontract. - .- ...
uivaf wuitema at last allayed all
doubt regarding legal com plications by
stating that there would be no grouna
for legal action .on the part of the Chi
cago oompany If the oontraot. was
awarded to the Portland foundry, zor
tba board has the power to reject any
or all bids If they so deafre.
... A Mntinn ef nr. Raffertv the former
aotioo of the board was' rescinded and
ths oontraot let to the Oregon Iran
Steal oompany of thla dty. '
' i i
, - I.. . . Je.. i :'
7 EVERY i;-:
r. -
.i- 8fise of the wont YoaH find that they look right,
V, feel right and wear tight, and the price is $5.00.
i We are also showing aline at $3.50 in all the popu
lar shapes made especially for us by this same maker
Buffum & Pendleton"
V C " V OoAtera V Hattera Futriuahars ':
811 MORRISOtf STREET, Opposite Postoffice
. " ; . - .
Baker Olty. Baker oouaty. W. C Mo-
Guineas There baa been no rain since
August tt; previous to that data no
rain had fallen, except a trace, since
August t; but AST of aa Inch has fsllen
In six weeks; this Is unusual for this
vicinity; stock ranges, even la Irrigated
territory, are suffering for want of
water and besoming very dry;-plenty
of fruit la the markets.
Owyhee, Malheur oounty, J. M. Har-
ris As we still have plenty of water la
the Owyhee ditob, crops are not suffer
ing from motioned dry weather; third
crop of alfalfa Is now being out and Is
flnsf grata orop good; prunes are fairly
good and ars - being gathered
snipped; apples wormy.
Spccld losUCar. 7
Monday. October I. the O. R. A M. win
run a epoclal tourist ear, Portland to
St. Lou la particulars of CL W. Stmger.
city ticket agent. Third and Washington
streets, . .
Allen d Lewis' Best Brand.
Hs seeks out the melody and sings H.
Crisp, clear, delicate utterance la his
performance, in dasn, spirit, brilliancy,
power be Is master of the keyboard. He
produces such great results only throuerh
the medium of a perfect plana. ...
Such aa one
ia we
Tt Is hie eholoe of instruments be uses
H - exclusively and endorses no ether
make of piano. We have the exclusive
sal of Stein way pianos th this terri
tory, and are showing them In both up
rights and grands. In various styles and
wooda. We also have II other makes of
pianos, ,, . . , ;. , . r
(Jearaal ayetlal aarvte.) k
Rome. Sept. The Italian Inde
pendence day, the anniversary ox tne
entry of the Italian troops Into Rome
on September 10, irre, waa oeicrsi.ei
today throughout the peninsula. The
day waa more generally observed la the
capital than ever before, business being
entirely suspended while the populace
gavs Itself up to tha enjoyment of the
puMle fetes.
The latent journal Junior, Banted from
4H Hail street oa a mlmsograph. for IS
cents a aaonth er S eanto per copy, baa
made Its appears woe. It to edited by
school boys, the etort-ooostetlng r of C.
Nioholaoa, editor; W. Ceo, dreulatloq
manager; J. Jsrvto, business manager,
and F Smith, aabaorlpkloa manager.
Tba Journal Junior appeared yester
day, aad excited the wonder of all be
holdera. While the Soys have a prtatr
tng preaa, aa advertising and no sub
scription list to speak of at the present
time, they Issue A four-page paper that
pee sages certain success la tha oontom
porary field. It to worth anybody's
while ta road It, even -though the young
men keep track of only cur rent events
affecting Juvenile history- .
. One editorial now, for example, reads i
Tf the polloe are going to make the boys
stop riding their wagons on ths sidewalk
they will have to got soma bumpsro."
Another paragraph: ' "The pubne
schools of Portland opened mat week.
and ths email bey Is aow wearing a seri
ous expression oa hie face. The ques
tion with htm Is whether his new teach-
or Is roaUy as cranky aa aha looks."
la the social column subscribers are
informed that "A number of Junius Jar-
vis' friends gathered at his home last'
Friday and tendered him A surprise
party fa honor of bis llth birthday.
were played, tuaok waa
Tba burning bows of the local corumn
aeamo to be that Terd Smith has
bought aa Interest ta thla paper,? aad
"Wayne Cos baa taken M. w. Bboxrer'a
place. " :-,
' , The editor ta ehiet. In serroua strain,
declares: "Oreed fat human -nature man
tfesto Itself to many ways. For in
stance, a landlord, wklle It la ta his In
tercet to have the population of tha dty
in which hs baa his property Increase,
will 'In many oaas's refuse to rent his '
heuss to families who have children, or
many of thorn, yet they must have a
place to live or go ersewnera, Of oourse,
tenants are often to blame, aa they do
not take proper oars of tha houses which
they occupy, but some people can and do
remember the little ones. The Touth'a
Companion dasarlbaa the six-story house
built to aocommodatovikWldran, .where
playroom aad back yards ars provided.
The last page of the Journal Junior la
devoted to new jokes. One of thess Is:
Moher-w-Johnny, I don't want you to
play with that boy any more. Johnny-
Can I fight him If X waat tor
And another: ' . 'Have you aeon through
the BL Lawrence rapids r "No, but I
married my third wife last weak.'
The Journal Junior aaya It has some
to stay throughout the school year, and
perhaps longer. Friends of the enter
prising young men hope tt will grow un- :
til a Unotrps aad press, are among Its .
v;; World's fair Excortloos.
On October S, 4 and S the f tan Pa
ct flo will agala plaoe on aala enesml .
round-trip tickets to St. Louis sad east
era points at very low rates. Tickets e-
good for stopovers, with final Mmlt'of
9 days. This wUl be the met opportu
nity to secure world's fair tickets at re
duced ratee. -
Sleeplng-ear rissriaUons ghould bo'
made well In advance.
For full particulars call on or address '
F. R Johnson. F. and P. A- lei Third
street, Portland. Or.
If you dorj't Imow it the other fellow wffi. If left to us your
Kppeanne in dress will be teyond Kproach. -..Vw ;
and the great attraction is the mammbth sale of BUSINESS
rciKrcc? ri ri-riirc iii ict nr niuT
ii i - "
B6ysf Norfolk an
Ctvi Brown Suits
Is a sight that wiQ make any mother proud to
think she has a boy to have the privilege of
wearing such beautiful clothes Prices
$3.o6 to $6eOO
Reliable SUtetnenta
From a Reliable
r Store 1 V" t
AUea Lewis Beat Bra4.