i ; 10 tHB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 'PORTt,AND,:TUft8DAY-' teVENINO, SEPTMBKR 0, 1904. WITH THE MEN OF SPORTS OVERALL nOWS DOWJN BROWNIES DEATHS IN FIELD OP ATHLETICS FOOTBALL, BASEBALL, BOXINa . . X A. HOILAN E1G OVERALL WAS THE WHOLE SHOW "V.. -' miun juiiiM ww mw - mb ovv nrau sHWOTS v jjra am - cor xmm rmmm twiw MOAxa worn vai Trnmau. 4: Portland, 1. - Overall ad Graham; lberg ud Steel- man. OvrH was Uw whole performance. side- anew nd everything el at the bH park yeeterday afternoon, and put I HI I quiets on in orewnw ah from Ovle'a great work, th moat prom inent feature was the combination of error eight In allthat tb locals ii, iim and tha fan wended their weary way noma glad that hT tne laat mm of IIM WOO. Taeoata took tb load In tha third, whan Nnrdvke. bnn and Lynch , hit safeiy.two runs eroaalng tha plate. Tb Ural wor helplee before the curve tit the Tiger atr. and went out m easy ..him In all but the sevenm wwni. when Becfc'e double waa converted htlo . r.i whoa Civ see and Weed bit saretj In all but three Innings Overall dis posed of tb DDrn n . Iherg bitchad a rood amine, bat bis Support wea so re that he wea dtacuated and felt like throwlaa e ball over the grand stand. Back played hi ue- tooiary brilliant nam Tb story beat told lb the score: ? m . PORTLAND j A&RHPOA-a rtMM.an a i 0 a e Thlelman, lb. ..,.,. 4 i Hurley, tb. v 4 J Nadeau, L. t ........ Beck, lb. J 2 f dynes, r. f. , Weed. s. a, ...a...... J J J 0t eel man, . j lberg. p. ...... wt a - AaliiiPO.it Tteirla. .. 8 V i f ' ' a (Jearaal atrial terrteM Seattle, Sept M. Th tall meeting at the Meadow opened jraaterday after aooa and the eard waa devoted exclu sively to manors, aa the barn horses had not arrived from Salem la tin to participate. The day's soma; waa rood, most of the favorite winning,.' Sum mary; - ., . Slav furlonge Landseer won; time Ml. Five and half furlon Toms Pepper won; lime 1:9.. Six furl on a Hlppooax woa; tl W:la. Save furionaw Pfays won; time My furionaw '-Bmnmer ' wen; -time MileToe Btewardeaa woa; ' time 11 I i Total, 17 14 Norolyk. lb, I ? ! Eaaan. S... f ! Lynch, e. fc... I II J J Casey, . f MrLeuvhllit,l wv 4 4 If! Graham, 0. .... 4 f 1 1 J Overall, p. .F...;.. 4 J Totaia ......... ...a7 " RUNS AND HITS BY XNNINOS. Portland ..-.;..,-! f 1 f-J Htta ...... tdlI I SU IIM ART, Karnad nn PortUod. 1: Taeoma, . Stolen baaca Nadeau. Clynes, LyncB Bases on balla ua uverau. i vn a.,b t hv inarar. dt utoi Harnflc hit Kaaan. Two-base hlu eck. Kesan. . Double play Ciraluuu H r.u lrt nn taee rnrtiaoa. . Tscotna. I. Time of gam-Two boura. Umpire ToinBrewn i hip n 7! i si i AarelM ...... Tarnata tVlttlc md r ra actor . .,. iWtlaad . I Oak la ml T' .. It tl tl MS: 04--I 14 as xs ,ai4 .9on .481 23 ,431 3tl 42S Uat isia;asiiri9in(is4; Seattle. With., Sept. 29. Seattle won oat tn the ninth Inntns on a base on ball off Corbett and 'Murphy's hit. It hard-(ouch t rams, marked by ivy batting oa each aide. Score: R. it Keattl . . .....4ntt4tl ! II 2 San Fran ..t t S t 1 1 fr I 3 Batterie c Hall and Wliaoa; ar n. Corbett and. Leahy. , , f .' :4 ! i Won.- New York tl Boat on . .......... ...ft I Philadelphia .74 Chicago . . i Cleveland Tetroit . . . l Loots . . ashlngtes) Lost. '74 10 ' . PC. .CIS .05 .481 .444 .414 .421 .4:1 .lit At St. &m first St. Lou la Cleveland Batter! hard and Bern la Second game ' ' WL SL Bt St Louie , . ......,i.-......l 4 t Cleveland . . 7 I Beturla Pelty and Kane; Jos and Ostdlek. . R. H.B, .16 1 4 10 t tHudhoC and Sugden; Bern- ":rt,-. .... .. , . 1L H.K. PhnadelDhla .". .. ...-..w... . .4.' 0 Boaton . 1 1 I Batteriee Plank and noonani Tanae- kUl and Crtgr. ( . .. .. At Chleac. TiatmTt .0 1 Batteries White and Sullivan: Kltson and urui. Waahlngtoa New Tor . AO WaahAagtea. I 7 A H K. t 1 A a w i ora v Batteries Townsend and Clark: Powell and McOuire. STAnOSJAJ LSA4MTB. Won, Loot ,.P.C. New York ,..... , tb .714 Chicago .......... 74 41 . Plttatturg ( i a r v-a. r. . a - 1 riaelnnaU . .74 . 44 5 St Louis.. 44 47 AH Brooklyn .. H r II .141 Boston . . ............. 4 44 ' .til Philadelphia It. .244 R. flX. Boston . ....Awi.Mri .1 11 1 Philadelphia -4 t 1 Batter lea Flttlnger and Need ham; Suth"ff and Dooltt. , umpires , Moran nod Oarpsntnr. ' - . . . v , . . , RACING RESUMES AT SEATTLE MEADOWS ' At g. St. Loala Sept; Results: Six furlongs, ' purae 1'onj. Row rive furlongs, par Mabh Slmnaa on; time 1:04. Six furlongs, pure Major Carpenter won: time 1:11.. Five furlong. - pur Borah won time 1:41, MUe ana sixteenth Pourqaol Pa won; time 1:47 .t Six furlongs, selling Alia won; Urn 1:21. e"" i - At g aval as 4 York. Sept. I. Oraveeend re- The Royal daw team of the elty foand the Highland team eaey Suttday and won awl by .the srwr of 4 to 1. The Itaanp: Royal CTub. Position. Highland. T. Landewl:fc,,.lb Johnson ,4, V allac!...., .If . . . A Duncan T Helper .sa Walker New salts: About six - furlongs Lsdy Amell won: time l:4t 4-4, The Hitchcock steetleohss, about two and a naif miles Royelle won; time 4:44 4-4. - - - - The drst special, mil and n quarter Beldame won; time 1:04. Five and a half furlongs Thlrty-thirtl won; um 1:07 14. On and a sixteenth mil Gray Prjar um !:-. ... , Chicago, Sept , M. 'Hawthorn ya- sults: Six " furtcge Pickaway woa; time 1:17. . - Fir furlongs Th Novlca won; time Fall hand leap, eeren runongt Clgar- Ha-htar won: Uma lilO One and a .sixteenth mils' (Mono wan; time 11 1-4. Six furlonga Slaa Lee won: time 1:04 4-4., . . DAHO 'VARSITY WILL V BE FAST ELEVEN (Jearaal Special arrtet.) Moecow. Idaho, Sept te.J. W. 9al Io wa y. manager of the University of Idaho athletic and foot ha II team, ha arrived and gives the following statement eon eernlng the team and the eaaon they expect to have: 'The team will be practically the earn With a few change. The lineup will In clude Snow, center; Thomas, right guard. Larson, left guard; Hodgera and C. Smith, tackles (fney were by -far the best In the northwest last yaer. We have no ends. Middletoa will play quar terback. Tilly fullback, and John Miller right halfback, and Fugle may be on the line. - "Among th new material. Ayere, n man of 214 pounds. Is trying for . the line. ' Adameoa, whose weight 1 170, trying for tackle. He I an old foot ball player. Kayo, another of near the aame weight and a player or experience. I trying, (or end. Kerns of the second team of last year may make a back field position. Meyes, a graduate of Knox college. 1 trying for end. He Is a good player, alae , .eprlnter, and hold close to th world record on the quarter. "A to the game arranged for 1 can hardly any that sny have been -definitely decided upon. Tb University of Wash. Insum at Seattle. Boseman ana Butt may. however, be practically called ar- ranged, and Whitman oolleg at Walla Walla, the Waahlngtoa Agricultural col lars at Pullman, Oregon Agricultural collars and (he Lewlaten normal school will no doubt all be played, slthough ar rangements have not yet been perfected. We are going to have Seattle come her and run an excursion from Spokane, bellev that the outlook for football. taking It all In all, I better than ever before." . YALE FOOTBALL HERO ' GETS SIX MONTHS f Jearaal gaertal BarvW.I Reading. Pa., Sept 10. From n foot ball hero to a sentence of els month In th Berks Jail end his "wife under a cloud, such is th story of th downfsll of Henry 8. Batchelder, who played left guard on the Yale eleven la Bit's cham pionship game last year. In oonrt he was called for trial on th eharg of keeping a 'gambling hows. Batchelder ha bee proprietor here f the cigar store for tb past few months, it m alleged that he allowed card playing for money and cigar In the rear room. His parents came hers from Now Haven, Conn and made every effort to aettle the ca, but without suceeas. Batcbel- def pleaded guilty, expecting to get Off 1th fin. To th. surprls of every body tn court he wa sentenced to six months' Imprisonment and fined 4 100. while he stood before the bar the rand Jury returned true bill against his wife en th charge of embesaling 41.400 by meaha of a duplicate bank book from Berg Broa.. tn who at or she was employed before her marriage. As Msy Cassldy. aha met Batchelder at the Tale-Princeton gam. Batchelder gave wp his law studies, followed her to Reading, married bee. and ah was rrete4 week later en eomptalnt of Berg Bro. - . f A J CEATIl RECQ IS H BASEBALL UN USUA& OMBMB OP SOOTP ' BaUrXJU BATSOMAA SPSATAMS VAYOaUTBS WX SATI ' OBOROS M'MILLAN. Multnomah's Famous Football Player, Who WU1 Coach th Club's Eleven This Season. Photograph by Ma- Alpln. , EUGENE SQUAD HOLDS ITS FIRST PRACTICE Th unusual numbsr of death bn th baseball field this year ha la thla re- apeet eatabllahed a record for the sea son of 1404 that baa never been equaled. Mn men have been killed while at th national sport, and th moat remark able part of all Is that two of them were killed by lightning on day apart Sunatrok and lightning viotlma have heretofore been a rarity no th ball held, but this year seems to be aa ex ception. Two players were struck while playing la th south not long ago, but worst not seriously Injured. Thla makes four lightning viotlma altogether, the other two being In the east, and both died Instantly. Two accidents of the-vear occurred In Pennsylvania, one at Indiana and the other at Cherry Hlllf In the first Orove Thomas, a Cincinnati boy. wa hit by ball during play and Instantly killed. Hiram Williams met a similar death In the other. Tb saddeat feature of both accident waa that tb young wive of the playera were witness ss to tbslr kusbaod' torrlbl death. The men who met natural deaths In baseball this year number 11. Probdbly the moat noted of all waa Jama Chip) MeQerr, who died In nn lnaan aaylum at Worcester. Sua, on .June 4. Ha waa an old-time National league player. roraii DELAY psuiioBs roa svajts KjIYAJTS indl NOT nlASY MU SUSgltJABaTw A SBOTTBJVD, (gpaelal Dtowateh The learaaL) Unlv ratty of Oregon, Bugeoa, Sept 1 SO. last evening, after aupper In the dormitory President D. L. Campbell ad dressed the men of the dormitory In con nection with th forming of a dormitory etub, There are about 44 tnen in the I and waa known throucnout tha United dormltorr and tt has been found nee- tea. On of th best known player aery to form an ssottton for the pur pose of providing funds for the expenses, In keeping up the furnlahing of the read ing room and recaption room. Marlon MoClaln waa elected preatdent of th executive committee end that rest of the members of th board, four In number. ulll be elected thla week. Th work of the board wlH be tn keeping up th lit erature for the reading room and tn keeping order among th occupants of tb dormitory, aa th , aophompr claaa haa already commenced haxlng tb fresh. men In a mild way. Football practice was held yesterday afternoon under th direction of Captain Templeton and about 44 men turned out tn suits. ' Practice consisted la punting and catching punt and falling on the bell. The entire squad wa given a abort run around the field to develop the wind. Hammond and Mclntyre, Aah- land freshmen, ar big fellow and are picked for the team. Hathaway of Port- that pass ad to tb great beyond Ben Shorty! Fuller, formerly abort- stop for th New York, There wor two eulcldee recorded. Hugh Hlggen. a well known amateur player of Lou lav 11 la killed himself on March 14. Dan Ma li aney took hi own llf at Springfield, Mass, an January 4 k. In th turf world the. most prominent men to leave this earth were William C Whitney, who died In New York City of the alteot of an operation on Jan uary 24, and J. Malcolm Forbea. th noted breeder of trotting horse, who died on hla aetata at Milton, Mans- on February 14. Other of not were Sen ator J. S. OBrlea of Stillwater, Mln C 4L J offer, th Louisville h ores man. who waa In partnership with Johnny Fay, and David Nagla, an Old-Urn Cal lfornla horseman. In tb harass world death et aimed Qeorg Fuller, known far and wide a iwlnaman; Sam Moreland of Covlng- Und, Harrla from Baker City, are alao I n. and Uncle Billy Hughe f Sedalla, two likely candidates, from tn noy ' . . 4 claaa. Hugg. center oa last year el JrTZ T.1 ! eleven. ks returned, but has not aa yet wma J.w . J1' a a..ui. k .i i Franc on February 1. Hamilton WW B j area , gr wuiuna Ba-aa.sw i -ma . ! , !.. mmw k.a MLin. nit la lonblna- WS OOm IU Ull eDVDtry ana, UUWUfa diwck IB caivr, was vua uuaa wubim- ered the nest In America, Tha death of Caeaar Young In New York City took from th ranks of the American bookmaker one of the nest' In th buslnean, HI death Is still freeh In tha mind of th general pnblto, ha having been found dead tn n eaurrtage. kted beside Nan Patterson, an aotreea. on Saturday. June . The moat eonspfenon ngnra to o taken from th boxing- world by death wa Jamea B. Kennedy, th New York promoter of athletic sports. H died on an elevated train In Brooklyn on April 2. Tommy Warren wa th only boxer of prominence to die sines th first of tha year. There have beam thr deattia in th prla ring, but none of the vio tlma wars known outsld their home city. and. like ail case ox tnm. aina. their death war due to lack of training and not from punlahmeixt dealt out by their opponents, , The total number of "death tn tn porting world up to Uat week waa 40. Tiai oeii Hear. . ffeu ... nfir . , ..- ley ... vaJlae wal Club inland . . if-"'.: .c. . ..i......t. Vtella . . fb. . Hume i i of .Van Ordon rf . . , Dorner ..lb.,,.,,. Mcllolland i.p.. Katterman 4 114 4 4 0 . 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 . ; JOS WAaaOOT XW TBISOO. - (Jearaal apodal ervlea. Ban Pranrteoo, Sept. 24. Jo Wa1ctt and his manager. Billy Pierce, arrived from the aat Saturday night It will not tak the welterweight champion long to put himself In ehap for Oane. Inaaaauoh a he ha been fighting right along. It was only week ago that Dave Holly gave htm a tough argument at Philadelphia. Jack f oh neon will act a hla eparrlng partner. If hla man win Pierce Is eon temple ting making an Australian 4oun. for a chance to make good on this year's team. .Chandler, '-varsity right and, who was one of th and a picked for the All Northwest 4at year, haa not snowed up for practice yet, as ha Is amie under th weather, but he- will be out next week. Br the time that Dtok Smith ar rive t coach the team -there win be over 2 candidate from which an ex ceedingly strong; team can be selected. DRILLING CONTEST FOR $1000 A SIDE ' , -, . , , . . . . , (Jearaal Seaelel fcerleM Bumpier, Or.. Bept 2. Not little xoltewjent Is being raised In Sumpter at th present time on account of a drill ing contest scheduled to tak plaoe In Bourn ' thla week. D. A. McLeod of this city and William Maddern of Baker City are- the oonteatant. Bourn of fer a purs of 41.000 to th winner, and tha match will be held there. A aid bet of 41.000 haa also been arranged. To date there have been objections tn th contract or agreement entered Into between th tw seen. Th .first ob jection waa raised by the McLeod people because of th omission of th word not" In a -very Important part - Of the agreement. Th eecond agreement a signed haa been objected to by McLeod' a backer on account of It atatlng that th drilling must be through a etone and exactly la a perpendicular direction. Thla, th MoLsod men claim their cham pion had never done, and It would be n harden ip for aim to attempt to do hi drilling in a way moat unuaual to him. The aame parties claim that Mad dern, on the other band. I familiar with th straight down method of drilling. and oould saally win by thla advan tage. , McLeod haa shown hla prowess In matches of thla kind by winning th match at Sumpter on laat Fourth of July, and also carrying off first prls in the recent drilling match held et Bourne on Labor day. On the other hand, Maddern 1 an unknown quatlty, and no one In this vicinity knows ex actly what he can do. However, he ha all kinds of bacttrs in Baker city, and la undoubtedly a good man. Great In ter eat ha been aroused her la the coming event : . n . ( ROSE DENIES THAT - HE WANTS TO FIGHT y;:.: r,:,.. rv (Jearaal npeetal Sarrlea.) ' Cti1cs.ro.' Sept. 14. Ralph Row, th youns giant ahot putter of tb Untver- Bttv of Mlchlran, who a abort time ago aaid he would Ilk a ohanoe to meet jer frlee, now nay that be never had any intention of entering the prise ring. Th CTiloaaro man who Wiet Roes when her In training said he waa always talking- about Jeff and considered him easv. and filled every on who would listen to him with storte of how he rould defeat th champion. - , NOVEL IDEA Of V THEATRICAL MAN obtso jambs m. tnn A stranger approached James R, Keene last Sunday. "I ass that yod won very heavily yaa- terdar on Afrikander, Mr. iKeene. The ftnanoler waa a trifle atartlad. "My dear air, I did not bet on Afri kander yesterday. If ypu represent one1 of the papers, will you kindly say soT 1 am not a reporter. I am a Plnker- Wllfred Rorer, directing th seoond annual tour of Frank Bacon. 1n "Th HlUs of California," haa bit upon one of th moot novel advertising chases ever undertaken bp a theatrical man ager. He la at present negotiating with Secretary L It MoMahtU of the cham ber of commerce of San Joe, cel., to distribute 40,000 one-fourth pound boxes of California dried raisins 'and Santa Clara valley prune to th natrons of his theatre. The matter has received favorable consideration from th Ban Jos cham ber of commerce and they ar proper- Inr th frail In order to hare it ready by the tlmo the theatre company reach ee the big eatttern el t lee which will be in about a menfh. At each if th matinee performancea In Chicago, St Uraia, New York, itil la- tor, agent," replied the mn. ',i0Roa' I detphlnarid Boato- instead of giving who haa noaaeaalon of your clubhoua badge haa won heavily the bora I named." ... Mr. Keena brla-htened.".: - "I understand It now." said ha "Yes terday 1 lost my bad outaide the n- eloeure. The Plnkerton man smiled like flher- lock Holme, only more Ilk bum than th gifted Doyle can write. "We have the man, Mr, Keen Your hadr end hi winnings will b. turned over to yon." AT away a photograph of an aotor, each person attending the theatre will be presented with a sample box of dried fruit wrth th compliment a of th Ban Jos chamber tjf oommarc. In ah box of prunes will be a book contain ing 100 recelpta for making delicious dish of tha fruit MAT OOITSOUDATB (TSOT.T.SMwB. - ' The Highland team Ohallenge th Wlckhama nine t a game next Sunday on he Hift-hland's grounds; A newer by calling up Main 44 or through th (Jearaal gperlal Oerrlot.) Aberdeen. Sept. 10. Jo Oataakl, th farmer ballplayer, and who Is now atyled as th cham plan wreatler of Oraya Har bor, has been matched for a bout with D. A. McMillan, tha all-style wreatler of Milwaukee, to be pulled off St this plea on September IK Dancing School. 7" Professor Eaton will -open elaaa Mon day, October 1, and continue Monday and Thursday even Inge for tx monlhe. Oentlemen 411. lad lea 1ft, Arlon of all th independent telephone panlea operating In Pennsylvania began a tw dayr conference Iq this eity to day. That no plan looking ts a eon soltdatlon of theee companies under the charter of a holding corporation have been formulated. It la thought that suck a move may be In contemplation. Spedil St loafs Car. f ,: Monday, October I. th 6. It. N. win run special tourist oar, Portland to St. Louie, particulars of C. W. gtlawef city ticket agent Third and Waahlngt No petition from th agj aide for bridges across Sullivan's 'gulch max. be ax pec tad at the council meeting tomor row. Members of the special commit tee appointed to aecure algnature to the petltloa have not been able to get the matter fixed up so that It can be laid before th council yet ' Three of the men have been too. tfuay, and think It will be neooeeary to employ some one to elreulat the petition a. No fund for tble work was provided by th mass meeting, bono th committee, in natu ral deference to their private Interests, have postponed securing signatures un til they oould find the time or arrange ment had been mad to have th paper circulated by men paid to do It There la nothing yet defined relative to tb dlatrlct on which an aaamtnt a hail be made. Prom Councilman Bhar key statement at th meeting, th prob able boundary will be somewher near Hancock street on th north and Bast Seventeenth street and William avenue oa th east and west, with East Anhany again th south Una, If th bridges nan be erected for 410.- 000. 11,400 would be available for adver tising and englneeriag. At th usual rate In preceding preltmlnarle to Im provement, thl fund would cover about 4,144 lota, and be a tax of between 44 and ST to the lot Should th ooet ex ceed 124,404 for th tw brtdg, there would b a eorrespondlng Increaas In the als of the area, a th policy of the council announced in to make as large an area as the advertising fund will, per mit W want bridges, wooden bridges, or elevated roadway. If you please so to style them, and want them ha mediately. said Joseph Buehtel this morning. "The petition will be sufficiently signed whan It Is presented. Arrangements will mad lmmedately to have the petitions circulated, as th committee has already been discussing the matter and baa plans practically complete. But we do not think It I possible to get It befoc Jb council tomorrow. - Th bualneae coenmunHy affected Is expectant and urge action nt th earll est possible moment The bridre. they claim, should be corn men eed In tun to get them weH toward completion before bad winter weather prevails. After th petition Is signed th council trill have to proceed first by resolution, publica tion of notice, , Including th ai are, and after tins tor remonstrance has passed, by ordinance and letting- osav tracts for tb wont A Jl. A a. o s V 44 M 14 OaawV,,' grand mmm of the New Ycul.V ezi ChL'i-en's I ;j Departeent Ail T3'WEEK''V; mm nun. The Hi Store to the Middle of the Block 69-71-73 TKJ2D St" Betaad Pine mi i ii a ii ii a aaw a FREE SOUVENIRS TO ALL LADY VISITORS i 1 , 1 ' ' 1 FBET FOOT BALLS tor tb Boys : . With Each Suit. 3 Grand Special Opening Sale $5,000 Worth of YouaS Men's. Bovs O- and Children s Salts, Overcoats, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings t'-z:-.- n 1I anaaaannan--nBa Wholesale iPrias Tfe Wak: t $1.35 for Children $2.00 Kneo Pants isuIU 2 0 1 $2.35 for Children's $3.00 Knee pants Suits $3.85 for Children's $5.00 Knee Pants Suits $4.85 lor Children's $6.50 Knee Pants Suits e , " ;' ' - " 'V. tmy twrtrnt b raki to wnwiitr4 WHI . ..1.,., CMct wc1i for Hit CcnBtel Nes WM HAS NARROW ESCAPE FKOrJ CEATB to mmt- ovw car kotom tm m : 04 THE CHICAGO Nrtlsrfs Crtaicst Nct'i mi sojt Toto-Toe Ottmtm 'ir Fir oknoe near . causing th death of Miss Mlnnl Beldleman nn ploy of th Portland Saddle Tree com pany w hue live at Lake street and Bt Helens road near 'th .City Crematory this morning; All her property was de stroyed and tn nn effort to save son of her belongings she was badly acorched. Mis Setdlemaa wan alone In the house when aha waa awakened by th crackling of the flames and she had barely time to cap neror ine entire house waa enveloped.. iBh got out of the burning building In her nightgown. Beside th home of Miss Beldleman, a barn In th rear of her bone was also burned and two valuable horeea. A milch cow, an sap re oa wagon and a quantity of feed went up In smoke, - Th Sr was dlaoovered by employe of th or amatory, near by, and a tele phone call sent by them to th flr headquarter nailed out Ho and Kn- glne No, 4. Owing to th fast that there wa no hydrant ribarer than 1.44 feet hoss bad to be laid all that dis tance and aa a result tb Bremen had hard light Th Br burned Aeroely, and beoaus off th low pressure on th water, the men aould not oonejuer the mas and the last' vtlg of Me buildings was wiped out. It was nt than ' three hours from th time th firemen reached th soene until they left Bo rapidly Bid th flr burn that before any of th firemen or those from th crematory oould reach the oene, th horses and oow In th barn and th wagon i and feed wore consumed. The names had eaten so far Into th house that to sav any of th household goods an ImposslbOIty. Therefor, all they could do was to ass th building burn to th ground. Miss Seldltmenn was asleep In th house when th tlames oaught and wakened lust In time to So from th burning building and sav her llf.. She seised her sewing machine as a he rushed out and It was the only pieoe of furniture that was saved from th devouring names. Overcome by the strht of her belongings burn tag, ah Droit down and cried. Th names lighted up th entlr nelghtlbrhood, and aroused sleeping families for Mocks around. Boon khnl people took ear of Miss Seldlstnan. She was too 111 to go to business today. The police and flr ofnelala 'are en gaged In an effort to esoertala th cause or th nr. inoendtariam being inougni possible. Th barn was leased toy J. mem. who owned th horses and sow, as well as the express wagon and other article of value in the building. There was no Insurano on any of Uuv property,, and the total loss la about 41. to. . . Don't Forget Us- and need in ear of ah expert laundry to put T laundry does work that ao other laundry eaa X a, maohlnery and expert help to do ii. M X When your linens are soiled -them In rood abao. Thla : do. aa w hare th applies osa. v.' I Troy! Laundry 4 Compariy tvAtrmrirsrYf.- wa avrmBav, a BUy MM 004000000040000 000 00 004)0000 OOQd) 4 00w 0 0 00w0000000f JgyPWal Bafovh rati ralnssst hi yon want aoms c swr ' 4 I House arid : Floor Paints T To oover a lot of stains and dirt eaatly. We can aid row with very Httl T T exertion In renovating room from a wry bad oondltlon to look Uk pm 9 w Af w - - :V. . . ' - .-r... . Fisher, Jhorsen & Co. jar iaxbtb.- i 4 M 00 GALLOWAY IS NOW GRAND JURY BAILIFF IHERE IS A GOOD DEAL OF MONKEY ABOUT A MAN ' Who will he foolish nugh to as pent paint There Is a guarantee on svery package of OLOBK V BATHER-J ROOF PAINT that mean a that this U th BEST PAINT MAtB , . - tfearaal spewal servlee ' Harrtsburg, Pa., Sent 10-WHh View IO lOTIBlOI an "W rh HKrarlaa at tha MiirthnuM Th. Mill .tnal help and protection. representaUvea IM. Wf. eianati k- Ciiit Judaaa Robert Galloway hi now bailiff of th county grand tury and ex -officio law POimAND; PAINT AND WALL PAPpR ,CO. V I 5 SECOND STRBBT to thla effect, signed by Circuit Judi Oeorge, Bears, Prsser and Cl eland, waa entered, of record yeeterday, though tb date ahows It wa made September 11. In the aame document it is stated that the old court bailiffs will retain their posltlona until tb further order of court They are as follows: Judge' Praser'B department . Captain W, S. Powell; Judge Bears' dsffartment, B. B. HHh Judge Clelead's department A. Waldman: Juds 0org's department J. P. Bckler. In oourt teohnolocy th sallllf nr termed antral eurlarura. All tb bailiffs have grown gray-headed fn the service. TRFTTH- CUTLERY EVEFY.ELACE VARRAhJTED year. Captain Powell is more than' .74 years of age, and yet Is tutting a wis Northwest Gun and! Bicycle Co. - Wgg, asanahTOaV , .' . Great Clearance Sale OP ADMIRAL BICYCLES 1 v Vktor Baswbsll Ooexls, Bte. W desire to clear th Soar nt every wheel In the house, and to aooompllsa -that result will offer such Bargains ana terms a Must Clean the House t Without delay, Th Admiral aa n aw- Jerlor In the United States. It Is a aultlesa bleyola, and tomov tt. jslokir we otter , -Racers at $25.00 7 Road nTieeb at $39.00 Ws carry a complete Una nf Taritav. Remington, Smltfa'a, Ithaca. L Perv a Worcester nnotguns. wmcnester i Marltn. Reoeatlna; Hhouruns and a full line of the best known and popular kea of Rifle. We also hnv a vary- complete eseartanent or cutlery, fianing taenia an sporting gonna Of acter, at very mw prices. every bar- G3 JO STREET Aian a Lew la Beat Sraad, Journal, .. u r . fl Second and Oak. 'Phone Weal 744. etreeta. Waldman has head his position lor 14 dom tooth. p ; ji.