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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
. t - -t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19 1901 v f - A.. 'I: i ft s-1 "1. .if TODAY'S MARKETS! tllWl CUTTER LARGE SUPPLY xkvmC tn. sm smanM itm neu abb fboobb nts- FOTJ&TBJT BBntABB BXOBXDI ABV nut Street. Seat. IB. The arinctoal fen- tarns ,ef the. Pert land wbotoeata markets today ere: Plasty ef ortiaery batter. . .Poultry In excellent demsad. ' Bggs bold M former prior. , Watermelons drug a the market. Coooord cram. In Isrger supply. : Offerings of potatoes are BW, , ...f : Paaey tmI continue wanted. ,. ' Hop market 'a waiting ana. K Portland wheat walta for Case. V ; Doing ta oae aaarnet. AHoeexh there to stW a general scarcity ef tha better grades of creamery bettor, the eoppUee.of ordinary creamery are oaita Kberal end far this cUaa af goods tha narket to far Below tb beat grad than to usually tha ease. At thle Uaaa ordinary creamery but tar caa be purchased aa low aa t3Vc, walls tha fancy stacks, are firm at tTc. If anything tha atork ef ordinary creamery are a trifle to eKgs. u.j '"" eaad, ChiMl Sa tvaxer. The bettor sTadee af feral cheese ara a mm firmer ' on secouat of tb emaller supply. A , abort tune ago tha Woodland Cheese oompeay, tl.'t which waa on of tba targeet makera of cheese v ;' en tba euaat, derided to suit tha buelnesa and V ; Mid tha errata to Portland craanterr. Thta took rery large amonot af eheeee af good ' trad off tola market aid a ewaogtswatas ef 't Ojaoutloma to thai reeutt. ' , " Sn aaUbjf a fnaw rtoa, " ' "i ,, Tba an taarkat roatlaoae , to rata at tba ( tfuraa of tba prwrlooa waak, tha boat atorka brine QWotrd aolta flrnj at Vc, wbtla aaatara '; i of good quality ara arlUag readily at le andav ' . that Ifan. Ttwra to qnlta a aappjy a aaaura "'' tin her aow" that will pot com ap to tba : arratcb and tba market tor thta claaa to atTeral fenra lewrr. Today' o account of tha. noa . . arrival of leanl atorka a few oeeee vara with-'"i-:." .ef froai cold atoraipB, . . i - .-'eUr - to BsaaUaa Paaaaad, ' Vi- ''J lb poultry tha otftlook ror gaod aaarkat Ifcta with prlraa rlfbt vp to the top to yrry rv- '.-T- Mmuraarlna'. Tha larer daatara ara bow lmoat raM of atoekff and ara Saavrly adeklna; ap vrrythlnt that cotoaa. Thka imloraMttoa abnuld -, .not ba take by the ahlppar aa a tip to bold . - tholr atoeka for hlkbrr taluoe, beanaa It to tba .shipper who ahlpa at all tlaya wh mm ret hat kaa ?-'C tha (wda tkat recti Tea- tha htfh raroaa aa n. well aa tha ha mm. Tha aterrhaat who oolj - ' ohtpa wbea ha think tha anarkat to rather 1 - Uh ta froeralty tba aata who aearly always -r " geta bta ronda Into atarkat -whaat prtaaa are jt aranptaf,. tor there era a great amaay famara wba ahrp oh thla thaory. and genarally apeakln ? they all, Make up their aainda to ablp at the pama-tlajM gad thla caheea tbavrcrtpbi to be; eitra beary and the aiarket to aeek tower, -larrl far prtoaa. Joat how tharw ta a rery ood . deosaad far mrythlng to the poaitry naa, m food tot hlckeoa fliMl tha beat H ad tha A uaetoat qwottkw. . .. ' WatiMlaad Brwj tag Xarhat. .. : ' . AHBoacb tba reealpta to wateratetoBi ara how large, tba Market to dragged with Jttorke and there to hardly any all at all. A few ' ' . atrawberrtoa are bring raceiTad true. Urattt HU1 and ara alrked aw am atrlraL Thara Is - rer rood auanlr of . Coooord crapa haw mm , tha narket and the S-poand baskeU are ae HI ne at .POfrlftr. pMehas are wat rtadlaaT very lieary drnand. Tha receipt a per rail today eoa ' Slated of ooe ear of river potatoaa troaa tea V; kanctBw. a ear ef sweet potatoes- frrm hler 'WiW a ear of eolow from Walta Valm. -V'"' fci. 1 Offtotocg af etateea Ira aw. iX'- r The afferlnga f lorat potatoes at Uirh and Vailrrnlan ronHooe ebe na ax thot crlactoaa aeHersr There to- ai.aMsht to- crease- tn the receipts ef salons and prteee are 1 v' hot ao high. Che entoa market, howevex, la ta axceltont tendltton. ' ' I, , , (teas aelMay AJawr tba aXsset, Tndav ta a Jewish bo Mar and all ef the t' 'lewlaa catomtoalon howeea are dtoeed. They srtU 1, ba onen aa "oaoal tomorrow mornlna. " ' .1 ; Altbonirb there to mora tocal rshbsxw la tba -V market, the suppUes are still a stall and pncea are being held very firm at tha Bsnt market S- ' - IMngs to Oeffaa Marhad, t :. - The sfflrisl figures af the New Torn coffee . nehafurc bow that the enreipta ef cotfee at Bto. which to th ateaeure Blent of all em Ian. -t ' arc net se larse as they have been. For tha week ending September 10 the arrive hi von t ' elated nf liniooo ban na against 1x8. two bags v daring the aame period year ago and 110,000 base dnrlnc the same period in ivirx,, tb i Tlalbls ef all gradee of coffee ta the' World V". for the, same -periods Bbew a large tocreaae for thla erase. The total Vreree of the vletble " - , eopolr an September 1. loa. were 18.18 900 aa agalnat 13.t2.M on Beptember IS. 1M4. , . f There- la still ranch bdlllab Ulh en eof fe. but "--: 'the official gnrea which ara now ruling em 'the Bew York escbena are practically U per , .bandred tsnnda bigher now than they were a . 'year ago. Thla fact eonpled with tba report ef the increase ta the vteible supply sees not v 'mk BWKb Ilka any grass tloaal ad ranee. ft. ..: Fattlasd Wheat Awaita hioace, -' ., Boatneea In the wheat eMrket to practically St g standstill to thla territory, the aluatp In the - Cbtcaga market daring the pest week making : the prleaa bare too high to admit af haying for . '- eastern aceoant. The termers will net aril anrirr present flawree. aa the mdrket to tost v ' waiting ana to ess what Chlrago to going to dew v- Taney Teal to Pamand. - ; ' There waa quite a good demand far fancy 'veal today, but tha receipts, aa ta usual on - - Monday, wars very light. Tba fanrteat etocka are aetitag at TOTHc Tba hog market ss far aw the dreeeed predaet Is concerned, to very smtet and dull wltk pricea sncuaned. ; Today's wbokteaks naotaUone, as reftoea, art ! m ' Srata, flear and feed. ' - " t WHB AT Bx port Dries Naw and Olsr-Ctab, TOc: blueetem. MtJWc; valley. B4Clfc. R A It L K T Fees, axcuai roinsa, gas.uui arvw tejt, in. oo. ftATB n gzz.uo. ATB Prodncera" pries Ms. whtt. BtT.OO 2T.50; jrray. $30.00030.50. rLOI'H Kb aatern Oregon: Patents. B4.SB9 . stratg mights. 3.rx rn, IS " MflJJITUKK Wfa.l.oo; vallay, xfl.wsjg; gra Ba Hnat.i.Tn: iua. pn.soaysjii. i KB Bran. I19.M per torn told- gaB.ue; aborts, sboatry. ttf.ooj chop. HAT fdwters nrice TtnMtby. WUIahMtta is 'alley, fancy. 14.00O18-00! ordinary, 1IOO J lk.OO; eaitera Oregon. B1.00 10.00; lulled, " . tld.0flOlX.00i ttovar. sn.oo011.OOi frnlB, fll.OO 'Ww'lS'Hm - -' HOPB-lOOa, nominal, 0c gay shotca. SO He far prima: 1904. MttftHe. WOOLSouilnaL Valley, coarse to svam. lTfTtftc; 0n, lc; aaatera Oragoa, UOlss. : MOHAIR New. SOc. fillEKPSKIXB Bbeirtng, tn30ei ShaH wtrnt. Br-Canc; medium wool, hosjotiei mag weal, BOcWsl.AO each. - , - tallow Prima, Bar lb. ACBaf Bs, t and trsaae, ttl2t. . THITTm ABK Bs par tb, buying prlos. ' f-' HIlICgDry bides. No. V7 10 Iba and an. HUHlOe par to; dry kip. Ko. Ll to 13 lbs. - IShc: dry cut. no. i. ansae n ids. idh! ST 7 ssnen bulls and alias. l-A leas than dry flint; salted hides, atesr. ached. 00 lbs pr over, Ttjflc; 50 to 00 Iba, Tc; andar 00 lbs and rcwa, hotc: ssaga ana onus, eon no, ec; xip, IB ta M h, THc: aound, 10 to 14 lbe,iSej itf. sound, andar It lbs, Bwc; green fan . '" , salted, le per lb leea: mils. Is per lb leas; f ! boree hides. Salted, sacb, Bj.exaji.TB; dry, sach. . V'.r il.OOdJl.AO; eolaV hides, racb. 9r!Wci goat skins, sommoa. each. 104J1ML Angora, with wool on. etch, JBcfitl 00. ., " , Bettor, Bars and Vaaltrff. -. ' ' BtTTTKB FAT Bwret, Bto; sour. , " BtTTRB City creamery, beat, ITe: Bee. - " 'ond grada. 3Bc; eatalde toner. Be erdlaary, ' r'''Sp3a: eastern. 23 He; alors, WOldc. ,, ntfloa-No. X fresh Or!'. Mfltsei. nn ' aasdlrd, 34c: eeatern. f4c; bakers. B3c. CMKKXK new rail ersaaw twin, Mfjiisi J Vmiug America. 12t1tHe. l-OULTRT Chlcbena. m mixed. UflltW : .. kens. UHe per lb; roosters, old. old, IHQN per m; rs. ItWc per lh. , a)i Ito per to; vottne. lie aer Ihi hmilem. frrera. 19Ue nef lb: dacka. aid. I young. lie per lb: geess. par tarkers, Its to lb: ayaaarn, we per in. A Frs Ito and Tegetahiea, ! POTATDFA Oregon, gl.SDQl.aO per ewtj fcnrers prices. l.2HfV3: Callfarala, tl-SBO l.lfo; aweeta, 1 f per cwt. , oniom xisji.n( tanisraiPt r"n1wil Rl'TaW-Apolea, fancy Aregoa, I.0 per bos; ' cheap grides, BotB r hot; vringaa. MedltefitaneSa aw rets gl. 000 3 M per , v-lenrlaa. Wnoon.TB par box: ba- Banaa. 5t per lb; lemons, chains, eB.Th0B.OO .a hex; rantr. M-WrtSJ per hex; llmaa, -v -- " hlesleaa, Be par 1M?i ptoMpplaa, t.!ir- phuu 04l00c per bos; pearbea. ordinary, So-atoe par bus; Caary. SO Q 70c per hoi; peara, SOQSfte par box : crapea. H.wOl.lB par box : Ora- von. TTWAtll.iO; CvnetvM. 2B per - bsaket; hlaekharrlaa. tl 8S per erata; waiarmeloaa, Ore gon. gl.UO: 'raataluupaa, gl.0Otfl.3U oar crate: eaaaoaa. pi .do per ooai aoei lb; nabsgfitoa. a-r ; .Mkleberrtes. tOe per craatMHrrtoa, g.ou VViKTALI Tprtilpi. pt par aarty car ta, i.3D tar sack; beeta, fl.SB at sack; egoa radtohea. Uo per doa; cabbage, Qrvgoa, rota Oreroa Xc dm lh: Lettoca. bead. Ue per doer green peppara, 0ff t0e per box; eatery per hot: celery. The per ojoa; to- aiatoea, Oregon, MUOUe per box; parantoa. TheSg 1 K; graen peaa, Sc per In; ateea anlotw. U per don; local araes corn. !.'" 1.2n per aadl pie plant, XQ2e par lb; string beana, ac; ucambera, BOe par aackl botbonat. lle par doa; eaaliflewer. TCQaOe per doa: on i tat beans, gepuoipklaa. lfca par wi horaaradlah. DIMMED rBrrrfJApptoak raporatod, rtjst par lb; aprteota. teiSe par to; aacka. Ha per )b toea; peeabee, S&Ot per lb; peara per lb; prance, Italian. SH$Ua nor Ibi French, tMt per lb; flga, Ciufocnta blaeh. S31H per lb; California whitea. par lb; plums. pSttei per lb; dntea. geMea. par lb; rda, 1.U par 18-lb box. RAikiNfreWded. fancy lib eartona, no parkagal to caea, dHOTUc sag; seeded, IS-ea carton, Q6ci looae Mahca&L SO-lb boxes. t'i6Hc par lb; tendon layera, il.W ctaatera. l.tKi lia, Sto; Ha. Wt sdvaiws arar poaad eartnns. . , nog 1 -to oartooa. etetos braaaL toei 10 l ib eartooa. fancy brand, 1100; 10 1-lb brlcka, ftvarowa. The; 10 l ib bricks, l-crowa, gfic; 90 bricks, par box, ftoo; K brlcka, SS to eaaa, M.OO; t-row laera par tft-'b box. TOe; looae, SO-Q boias. par lb; BHct t aliTBi ur eal. ftVcrown, lo-lb aartona, per do a, gz.w; B-crown,' 10-lb cartons, per box, ll.TB; s-arown, to-lb cartons, par box, fl.To. , v SMsartee, Vats, Its. ! ' iUOAE tack baU Cube, td.aoj powdered. golden Son ad1 Ut dara; maple, Utjllqe CorriB Oraen Uoeba. sltJXe; Java, ftiney. IBa33c; Jem. good. sjc: iara. eroinary iar'J(V- Pnata Blea fanrr. lBOZOc: OOBta Blft, good. UOlSc; Coats Klca. ordinary. UOU gar lb; pecbege-offee. 1TtbU.7B. TKAft 0hng. dlffsrrnt grades. X&stOnst " powder, tHH330l36c: Bngllab break fa it, dif ferent fradea, TZHOOBc: splderleg-, utcotored Japan. PDOttM; gTa japan tree ecareji,. w vX T T I na Ba lea. St. ., Be, 10a, El. Bo; table, dairy. BOa, fO. 00 C 11.50; loos. IS: bnoorted LleerDOoL BOa. ilB.B0Ol-60: 10Qi, llB.0Uailft.00j 22s. tl4.00eiB.flO:extra Dae, noia, X. M. BS. Ufa, fs.w; Nil, aau jaw, S.M); aacki. BOa, Be. ali toaree nejx iivbdo, , wr wn, tS.Sit)a.B0; sVa per ton, 5. 07.00; Urerpool lump rock, sio (koaia..-) per mmi au-w roes. aaKACrSTB; ltma. iftTSBlg.211. (Above nrieaa apply to salag ef lass thsa ear lota. Car hat at avaaUl prleaa gabiaot GRAIN fiAtlh-Calratts. f&TBf) 00 per 100. BICE Imperial Japan. Mo. 1, Bet Ho, i. 4c, New Orleans head. dCTec; adjack. ific; Creole. 414HWe. ' aUNR-alT white. tOSi: large wbtto. Uc; ptok. 4c; baron, Ike; Umaa, dst afailcan reds, 0C. ' NtJT8.Peaats?1-H: rambos, par Jb; raw, tOlOa per lb; roaated. cosoanuta, KO 00c per do ! walnata, I4h;01B4c per to; pine nnta. loflime pec lb; hickory nuts, 10e per lb; chestnuts, eastern. IBOlOe per lb: Braatl mts. Wc per lb; Alberta, 16f)le per lb; fancy paeans, MOlSe per lb; almonds. lagJlBe par lb. Meato. Viah and fiTtolaas. rgaara MSUTfr-Insoected Beef, gtoera, to per lb; cows, Sttac per w; BQiwo. art ata nar lb: latnba. dressed. Btxftc DOT lb. VRKHH WKATSV-tVont street Beef, steers. dHyBc her lb; pork, block. J': : era. Tc Dee- lb) holla. Ifee pe lb lb; pack- i. Bwtt in. " - . m. - -- KM' ' TH' Tcl. extra, ime pmt lb; ordinarj. toersc to; poor, Bte; lambs, OB He per to. - . HAM A, BACON, BTC. Portland paekr taeal) nama. 1 to 14 lbs, 14c par lb; 14 to If lbs, 14c per B; Ulfto SO lbs, 14s per to; aottogs, SHc per Iht break fast bacon, 141 par lb; plcnles,-llc per to; ragalar abort ctoara, aa smoked. lOe per lb; smoked. l!c per lb: rlaer harhi. nawmoked. 10a Dec lb: amehed. lie per to; Vnlen but la. 10 to it Bte. anamosed, is per in; amoaeo, sc per id; near nemea. an amekasl llMc per lb; ttnokad. Izttc per lh; aeitsrn bams. J4H sW lb; axwtfctaat bases. lSe per- lb. - - iX-AL LA Bt Kettle leaf. 10s.- 10Ac par lh.; Bs, 10He per irn 00 -lh. ttaa. o per lb: steam- tendeiad. Ia. -0e war lb: aa, Vs par U: BOa. lUr nar to; eemaosnd tierces. Bto Bor. Inu. - CaMXKD SALMON Oetumtiu river tails,; g ib tolls, 1. 00; fancy J-lh lata, ft M; .Vr-lh fancy flats, 91.20: fancy 1-lb ovah), fa-78: AUaka ufla. pink, UstOOs; red, W.60j nomlasl S. ..II M Ml FI8H Rock' SodL Be par At Sounders, St per lb; bailout, as per in; crane, gi.xn per aoa; atrtped baaa, 10iit per lb; eatAsb. Ta per lh- salmon, chlnooh. Sa par tb; ateslhssda, per to: bexring, Se par fb; selaa, Oe per lb; ahrimps, 10c per lb; shad, dressed. H per lb; pereh, so per lb; sbsd ros. 13 He per lb; roe hat. Oe per lb; black sod. 0c per lh; silver smelt. Be per lb; lobsters, 12t?r; freak mackerel,. Sc; crawflih, SOc per doa: houodere. Be par lb. 0T8TKKS Bboat water bay. per gal, gx.SJ psr ssck. a? TO net; Olympu, par each, go 30. CLAMS Hard enru, .per ton, XXtfo; clams. $1.T8 per-bea, N Pstots. Osal OOa. Bto. ROPrnV-Pmrs MagUa. Ua; standard. i$tl Blul lAUe. rot. orL Pearl e Aatral Caaas. SI Ha f gal. per gal; water whits. Iron bbla 10c par gn wooden per gsi: seaaiigBt, iiimms. He per gsl. Iron bhls lie per gal. UNBGRD OIL Pare raw. In bbls fin. OIL Pare raw. In bbls fine Oar gal. csaex 01c -per gsl; genatne krttm boiled, caeca 0e per gsl. bbls 90e per gsl., bbls QOc par gal; ground cake. car iota n.mj par Ma. Mas tna ears eae.w tnn. aAii)LJrfB A8-deg. esses hbla 20c per gal: stove, at ! PfF fhl. B4HS aff iron toll we per gat. BKNf.I?B eog, aaasss IS far gal bbla l6Hs Per PAIKT OIL Raw. bbto ShC PS gsl. BSC perjfal: boiled, easea e per ral. TCBPBNTIKhV la eases 80c per gal. weoden Bbls. Blc per gaL Iroa bbto The per gsl. 10-11 eaee tota-SSe per xaL WHlTB LBAfr-Ttm tots TM Bat to, SOO-to tots TKa per lb, torn tobj Se per lb. WIBB A1LS--Preeeiri baaa stdS. . .. . . . Batna Lamhec Brlasa. 1 , . ... Com. Seles Clear Per Per Per ' . ". M Ft. M Ft. MIL Bcngh, dtmeaelons regnUr Blaes txt to ISxlS, X2 ft.. M S1A00 BSS.00 Bough, dlmenslens re Altar alaes to 12x12. S-40 ft . .. S.BV 1T.0 BLOB Eongh. dlmenslona rexnlar a I tee to 12x12. 4MB ft... 11.S0 1B.O0 BAN mnugh, dlmenalons regular bIbcb to 12x12. 80-00 Tt.., IS. B0 ntvSS SB.0S Por each additional S Inches ta width add...., , tM EOS B.00 ror odd and fractlosat i, . elaea sewed ami not toss . than , A 100 - A00 For saw log vsrtlcsl grata . to 4x11 add "... AO B.SS 400 Gammon reagh bos ros, rem- 1st sites to 11 to. wide ; - ' to M ft, toe., assorted tonglbs t.0 U.OB " Spfled laogtAS af bosrAs 1.00 par M feet additional. Bard to eomwK af lumber mat thaa t tnahss to tbtcknesa. COTTON CLOSED 7 ' TO 8 POINTS HIGHER '(Ptrnlshed to Overherk, Starr Cnehe Co.) Newjrerk. Sept. Cotton futaree today ctoaed f to SplBta felgher. T. A. Mclntyra A Co. any: Tha gevsrnment aotton crop report tomorrow may give trade a somewhat better toaim eeeardlnar the nmameeta ! tha mm i ni use wider sue tns (tons than occurred today. We don't expect to see any big. IW!ng to pricea either way, however, until next month's regu tor monthly pnvernment crop report to pub llabed. The Indications are, however, that the market will continue to be a good one to trade la for thoee who ara willing ts pnreue scaln Ing opera I toes la the meantime fhr ntoderaie Smllto. Wa would rather favor purchases on tba 'cab Spots, from thla level aatll thta report acpesrs. bat only. with a view af nailing eat prowling- w 11 r mrnn xoony a snuiai sottnn market t Ooen, nish. Low. Ctona. . 10,47 Qtt ". tOBIM 10.661 ST lA.0sit00 lOOOttOS ' 10 02U04 10.41A4S 1O.440 I0.OjT Jairuarr... 10.43 10.49 10.16 Wei to. Jo. St ip so 10. M February . , 10.4KR March...,, loan April... . lo.anR May , HVMB aVntemhvr. in. 4ft B lo'is 10.44 0,'tnber hP .10 lit, 41 November.. Ki.A- 10.44 Daesmhac., 10. BS 10.48 liversool. Sept. IB. Cotton fataras stosed I to S potato towet thaa Batarday. t ,; ; V Cotton BjaH Vsatnar. ' V' Naw tWtoana, Sept. !. Cotton weatbep r. aprt.Now Orleans, part rlotty and bat; H ton Bongs, RneeAale. Monroe. Tlckahnrg, Oreenfflllc. RlirvvOeporU ctoat and botl , N atones, alrar and warm. avswfawaal SnjocB Oannaj Qogms. AlUn And lalB' Btoat Bixuid. S.U; fruit grannlated. ; dry ftMWWJ. .IB: beet araaalated. MOO; axba C fdlB; C, Ifi.Co; bbla, loc; M bhla, tee; boxes, raaca on anek baata. leas She awt far gash. lb. VOLUME OF BUSINESS IN STOCKS SMALLER rsratobei by rWbect. Itarr Cooks Co.) New York. gent. U. logaa Brvaa ear: Tba stock market la qulatar and aaaier. There la toes for sale and toe votanM of bariaees to email. There to scattered UouldaHon on Stop orders. There B no great aalilng preaaara but tha acttoa ef the market st the seoment Is a llttla bit atow. We are at ill of tha view that the aelli as ef lata ban bass better thaa the bwytog and that geed many atoehs hare named into weak hands. Thhi mar brine about some further reaction. -We sea no cbamre le tha a oder If log conditions af What they promise for the future and If there aboald be scattered Ikjaldatlon to canes any material reeeaejaa ws would buy etocka. , Ttoday'a atnclal stock market: '; r' ' v eivcniirTioiL Anscmda Mlalag C.... Amal. Copper Oe. ...... Atchtoon, com. ....... da arefwred TiiaT; Am. Car A FeenA., eoax. da preferred. Am. uga, asm..,...,. Am. Bmelt.. com.....u ds preferred... i Baltimore A Ohto, eom. Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt. Canadian PaclOc. cam. . -Chi. A Alton, com...... Chi. A at WeaL. cent,. I'M., MIL m wt. rill... Cbi. A North., com CM. Terminal Br..,,.. Cbcaapeake A Obto.,..t. Colo fuel A Iron. asm. . 54 Colo. Booth., com. .... . . da Bd preferred..,,... da 1st preferred...... Delaware A Hudson..,. D, O., eom do preferred.....,.. f. do Bd preferred . . ; . do lac preferred. .... nitnols Central Loulsvllto A NaahrlUe.. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated. Mexican Central JLy Minn.. St. P. A Bta. M. . Mnaouri PaeMc. ....... M., K. A T.. cent do aref acred.. New Tork Central Norfolk A Western, eom. do aref erred. North American...,...,. N. T.. Oat. A est.,..,.. Pennsylvania By..i,t.. P. 0., Ltd Co Pressed Steal Car, eom. . Peclflc Mall Steam 0e.. Beading, com do jU preferred..,..., do let preferred.'.... Ben. iron ASteel, earn.. do preferred . ,,. Bock inland, eoas do preferred., Southern By., eom...... do preferred...... v.. . Soafbern Padne.,.,.... St. L. B. r., U pt4. . da tot preferred St. L. A 8V W seta.,.. do preferred... Texas A Psclac. ..r.... Tens. Coal A Iron T.. St, lT W., earn. . dO OrrfftfTVsf ..aaB.a BSV 1MK ;iio2w 3 g5 fCaioa faeifle. aato TJ. B. Leather, eem,.,i.' 'da preferred U. n. nuroer. do ore f erred V. S 8teel Co, com...... do aretosowtw-'. Wheel, A L. I., com..,.. do let preferred..... Wisconsin Central, eom. do preferred. ... ..,. W cat era Union Ms..,. Wsbaab. eom... do preferred. ...v.. Am. Ice, pfd..,. n Totsl Bates for da jr. B4S.100 ahares Money, l per eat. Advenrhra Albma 11 Arcadian S .. ArnoW BS . Atlantic 12 BlngbasB S Calumet ....v......i ..BlO Centennial ...,......,,,.,..., 17 Conner Ranee i BTU Daly West IS Oaceots Ttt old Domudon ,.,( MAswk , 40 Michigan .4....,..;.......,, SU Maw Mining 4H 111 Royal ,. I'nlted States ........I ,... 1S parrat ., .;....:....; Ui Onlncy Shannon ... Tri-Mountsta Victoria ... TV Winona T..., ...... S . S4 Wolverlno SS SB Palnc. Wrbbsr A Co. say; Itottossa wad still the ruling feature th the Boston market today. Maes showed Strength for tha Srst' time fur a tons time, selling up to 4 and elos Ing 414 hid. Amalgamated Copper waa well bonght snd held strong all day. Any strength ta Amalgamated Copper, preferred, will cans a strosg toarkat ta Michigan eeppaaa. s AjrBXtCAB BTOOXS XM tOlTDOS. lymdoa, Sept. IS. S p. m.-snconas aaV vanced ; Atchison sdvsnced H. preferreel nni changed: Bsltlmors A Ohto declined 4; Cc nsdlan Pacta advanced k; Cbeaapeaka Ohto declined ; Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul declined ; Denver A Bto Orands deellned H; Erie eiM-hinged, grata advaaced ; Illinois Ontrsl declined ; Loularllle A NsshvtlU un changed; Msxtoan Central advaneed Mts aonrl Ksness A Texss declined Wi New Tork Central declined OnUrto A Western ad- vanced : Norfolk A Western declined to; Pennsytvanls declined ; Biding declined Q, ftrata nnrhanfed; Southern Pacific advanced V; Southern Railway advances; 94, prcfrrrad seV vanced ; I'nited BUtes Steel declined . Cf erred deellned ; Unton Paclfte sdvannaS preferred aa changed; rest exchanged. I" T" OinOAwO LOCAL STOCKB. -FT 7' t i - CsAosbo, atoxdv IS. Lass! gtlsmil CLOS1N0. Bid. Aafc. 48 National Srtacutt .... ......... M National Bisenlt, preferred Union Bog I'nioa Box. ara far red ... :::::::;lfl?t lij ' IS American Can , 4A American Can.' Preferred . voi & 100 101 100 ST 01 H National Carbon BS National Carbon, preferred ......100 T Swift A Co IPSM Chicago City Rittway ..ISO North Side Railway 04 , St nth Bids Railway SB -- SABT jrmAJrCMOB LOCAL STOCBB. i San Pranctoea, BasH. 10. Leenl etscma, 1B:B - f Bid. Aak. Crmrra Coats Witar 22H Spring Valley Water St flan rranclBco Oaa A Bhutrto ...... 2 Ulant Powder 2I Honokea Sugar ., Rllanesa Snsar . Hutchfneon Suaar 10 4H .......... ViT Makswell Kngar ., L Onnmea Suxar .'...........t trU ' SO Paaubaa Ruarar U iu Alaska PacherS' Association ltl 1st . BAst ITtAJf CISCO jtiaTrjre. Sas rranrtosA. Sept. IS, .-attain M(attoa: flHln. MA Moatana .ii ru McNamdra i Midway i ' aa Belmont i .... .&y Tonopen, neve as .,..'.....,...,,..,.... .OB TonoiMh. twld Maantafn iS vwm avinm ...... ttt a, ... ,JS an'. OsW'Ftoii'Iil!",,"!!' $t UT.V ...,. i j am no Tn nopal North 1 . BAsTS CLBABaee. team Is today as .....$l,ors).r4flS ..... 100,nS,4i fellow: Clearings Balancea : .'. JfSW TOBK mnauMt. y. ' Near TorB, Sept, 10. Dow, lane A Co. aoas tBsry: The banks toef ta the sab-treasury en Friday 4S.caV. rWroa says an Incresae to Amatsamatcd MrMend this year to Improbable. Ilenerally better fsellnsr anmx traffic nfficiala -wr western roans, increaee in tie Semana for Anthracite tor he. Tweiva taduatriala reeled 1.16 par cent; SO active rails darreaaeB fil per cent. Carper tloa beSjds la tonsfe hst- tar aemswa. ; , BOerOB OOrPBB mBJOtT,-- . V- - Beam Sept. 1A Ooppss anwtnttona: . . CLOsUNO. Stocks , of. Ordinary Grsde Creamery Butter Sufficient for AU Demand Poultry of AD Kindt Sought Egg Market Holds Good Ton KE AD A HAIF LOST BY SEPTEMBER ABTD BTBTWA OFnOBTB TWO THB WHBAT MARKBT. !-''- Open Todr Ctosa Sat. Loss Tixlar New Sea4....l.uT Sept... .11. T 1.004, I1.0T NS.01 Sept.. .v.. l.OSU 1.00 4 1.10 .OlS wberw... l.oett l-ortt i.o -.oiij . l.u i.oolj- 141 .01 to via Bept. Decern her May (Fiwnlsoed by Over heck. Starr A Cooke Os. Chicago, Bept. 10. Logaa A Bryan say: Wheat waa an active- and very Irregular market. It showed considerable' atreagth early, but en the large primary receipts and the poos casta markets If tnrned week. Tba Closing was heavy, although It reacted some from the cover ing by local aborta. The operative conditions ara wholly domestic. Tha sjoventent la the nrsfawest protniees to be free and to atlU free to the southwest markets. Tba demand to dependent entirely an the demand from millers and the relative ftonr and wheat prleaa are aof wnoiiy aatwraewry. 11 wur continue to oe a scalping axarket and there to enough bulllab sentiment to brine about rill lea from the sharp breaks. It Will take a pretty good milling demand with the free, ayvsnsnt to bring about Wliarn puveaaaa. - eaaa' Bepert; Mad Bs BfTsst. In corn, the erent of the day waa Jones" an ti mats of 1,000.000,000 boa be la for the crop. Thla brought a brat aa Improvement of le a bushel. The trade, however, was not dleposed apparently to accept the estimate and the market turned weak and mora than loot tha advance. Cash prleaa wars fairly steady. The weather of the-corn belt is fairly fa ear able, hat lower temperatures ara predicted In the northwest. There were good many favsrsbls reporta from private aoaroee. The prevailing Bent I meat Is bearish. Our Mr. Winters, Bayat "Oood people are taking tba abort aide bf tba May option and for the present It looks Una aato on the bard epote." T Other into WasAsna Onto. Tns weakness to wheat and corn affected 4Sts. hat M to the asms dull market with a heavy tons and steadily seenaMlatlng etocka. - SnuU Baaatata ete Ptwrtotona. tn- provlstons the arnnxl receipts of hogs was tha principal Incentive. ' This csassd quite a little covering by local aborts and Increased outslds bnylng to some extent. This little ahow of activity la encoursglng after so long g asaaon uf dull markets a ad decllotas prices. Today's official matkets: ' .. :A. WHBAT. '" '!,!'- 1 High. Low, 1.014 1 1.08 1.11 1.0S 110U 1.07 . 1.11 ' 1.08 CORN. - NewtWt-S Old Sept. 1.0R December May.... l.OSI Ml 1 Sept..... Dee May...,. Sept.,,. Dec. i! slap 5 OATS. Ml 'fit B2A Itf -BOBAV 99t... 10.00 Oct...... 10.SB . Ian 12. ft - May..... WptiM SdL- ttM Oct..;. .2 iw ; W 90 IX. OS ion U.T1 Toi T.1T An,.... T.1S May ,-,, i.. Bept... Oct T 20 fan. . . . B,n& Mar...!.-..,.. Chlcafo, Sept. , M Cask whsef quotottona era as sc msw( a.aa siaesai market: Be. P red. aw .1.11 No. S red, new , LOT 1:8 1.11 l.OS ; LIS vr,.. No. 1 hard winter .... No. S hard winter .... .....1.0S l.OS No. 1 northern spring No. I northern eprlog Lit No. I spring l.OS TBJstABT, BJUPMABTS AJTD CLXABABCES. CnhMgw, Ssnt. m-MauT nwatpta: , ; r - 7 ear Ago ' - i i Bueh. Buab. Wheat ,...A ...l.Rftfi nrm 1 na Ann Corn TBS.000 nb.IWO Shlpmewts -wnrat Wheat BB8.000 f BTB.OOO Corn .1,199.000. IMS. 000 Clearances ware: Wheat and ftonr, 68.000 bvsbetst corn. uVfidl buebsls; - aata. . 11,000 bushels. .. . 1 . f TOTAL BRAIB TOIBLB. Chicago, Awat.' 2S. WerM's srata vtothle aasply; . V" Today Tear Age Decreaee Buah. Bush. Bush. Wheat ...... .14.010.000 16.027.ono 11. i 7.000 afrvmaa R. MO AfaA -V EnrV JUVl a 4w nnA Osto .......16.181.10 aV37.'ouo HtU.0U9 ? CKIOABO BRACT CAB LOTS.: Chtcsno, Bapt, IsWOrsta rW tots: Cara. Ora da. Rot Wheat TB 1 r Corn , ,......70 4 BW Oata ,.. BO ITO Wheat ears today: Ttotuth. SflB. Tear ago: Mlausspolta, 41; fritoth, Met; Chicago, IBS. BRACT tM WmMMKOnU. 'Chtohato. Sept. xA Atooka sf erata la rea utor wsraksnsaat . . , . wno,. - ioeraaag Wheat Com ....... Onto ...t..,.AfHS.000 2AT.0A9 ISS4.000 230.OO0 44,000 SVT.OOO ' ' ' abtericab; bract visms. ; . ' ' fticsan, , Beat. , IB. American grata' visible sjophiy: x ., ,, -.".' DM. Baehl Wheat MB. 000 Corn '. Mj.ono Oata .B,X47,OQO ' WOSXS't BBACT BBiJMXNfS. " - - Catoxgo, Bept. IS. World! grain ah laments? Last Week Prer. Weeh Laat Tear T . Buab. - Bosh. Bnah. Wheat 1.02.000 tO.4H2.0OB 10.0M.OOO Corn ...f..... S.410.00 4.100,000 B. 244, 000 MOwsufcaa erata strntoil. " ' IMIrwaakee. Sept. IB Ctosa; Wbn eember, S1.0TT4; Ma. II.OSw. Corn Septmbar, aO.c; Ptcambsr, Wheat Da ne, I,. tfiniillg Arata Marnet. ' NlawMPoita. sept. MX Ctoss: , Wnsat. tto. sember. W.OO aahed. :.BJnlaa stonta Btojfsph,--'--''' - Italntb, Bspt, lS-Ctosa Wnsat, Piajtobsf, SLOT sT" , , , . ' Uverpoej. Sept. Ht Clonal Wheat. DiesiS bar, TB Bftd. M4 tower. ' Oerp Be umber, to Bd. t tower. ' Xaaaaa Olty erata BUrhet. Kansas nty,. Sept. M. Clossi , Wbea, Ba etonbar. ?7e. . - t. " "" : ,. ' St. Lento Bra Is Btsrimt, St. touts. Sept. lACtoeei Wheat, Da- r, gi.ittto. ! I I I I P I I I VAsTAVm.. (eosjrnal Special Servtos.) Cairo, 111., Btopt. IS. A nearr who on naa ban last nlg-ht for snadirs.1 nttsn tlon, rtnvins ben nhot In tha bond, re ports that a oru gnmo balow here yas tarda afternoon ended In fmn fight, whtorglB all Ban Wirt ghatt, n4 tha negro gaaerta. that flv of than wars killed. So far th story ts without ooo- flrststifta. , ; j.-; .' ' ; lmpoaalbl to fore sea an sokhmL Knt Imnnaalbla ta bo Dreonrad for It. Dr. Thomas' KclnctrLe ott. AlonAfoh War BAln. V . i Close. 14 Sl.(14 2 1 10Sa fO.TB M 10. TB -12.7B . ..... , ..... U.90 ; LARD. - AOS T.01 - -: t.oi T.ii , TOO A Too in ?:S ATO . . AOS 05 : abb wneaeo fusa: Wstaat. "-r CP EC? TGE LOrtEST ir YEARS TXTOJ pB toKKOOBoe aTBBCTIaB, JTOBV SMTBsT -TB B BB fBYeM BAJKABB lit XOWA. . ITurnmhsd bv Ovsrbeck. Starr A Cooks Co.) Chicago, Bept. IB. Crop Expert Jones, editor ex the Cominerrlal Weat of Mlnneapolla. reporU: ''The corn crop sf tbs United States will be cloee to l.OOO.UUf.OOO bosbels. :es tbs amalUet crap, with one exception, for severel years. " esrefnl psrsinsl Inspection ta tha big con nredncins atatea anowa the cros to ha ImDerfrct over tbs eutern area. In asme of tba states the crop to poor, notably ta MlasoarL sad only fair to most sf the others. , . Lame Skirtisi to Ttald. Thets will be a ahrinhage tn tha ytohf one to imperfect filling, to tack of fertlllsstios. which is wholly deceptive ta simply looking over g ft Id, and to considerable damage by worms. The seven at a tea of tbs MlaalsalDot- valley and iba -soutbw-et am setlmated -to produce BM.000.UOO buabele toes than laat year. - The atatea of Kinase and Mleeouri have tOT.000 bushels toea tfaan last year. Nebraeks Is tha onto lmnortsnt state tbst sxeeeds the pro dnrfloi of laat year, the lncresss being about 28.0O0.0O0 busbebi. lows runs well p to taat yeer. but It art!! be about 1S.OOO,UUO bnshsto andar without imnnsr treat asmage. .. . . Preet Damage ta lawn. . ' "A larga acreage In the northern esnnttes of Iowa have suffered Bartons dsmsgs from frost slresdy. Tie Ida ta northern counties will be spotted. The best ytolda will be lu US ess torn and snath west ern eounttos. 'Missouri will rales lass tBaa 00.000,000 bush ab of corn na tbs basts of tbla fntlmate. There to a larga abandoned acreage asntb of tba Missouri river and conatdsrsble north of It. . Bsatfc sf Btosv la Light, - MTtoMs are Bant south of tbs river and when applied to the acreage the average to cat abarply. Kaneaa haa a very llgbt crop toea than 10 bushels aver axe tn tba dlatrict aontb of Imports to tha ntato Una snd from the Missouri line to Wichita, There to consider! bta good ' corn In north counttae, bat the yield la other places cannot run above 11.000. 000 bush els, with a larger proportion thaa easel oa marbnubs. - ...... WEAKNESS IN EAST . LOWERS 'FRISCO PRICE j'-'' . ' ' ' ' .-.i 'i .' ' (rurnlahed by Overbech. Itarr Cooks Co.) - Ban rrandaca, Sept. IB. B. F. Button A Co. ear: Weasness In eastern wheat msrketa reftoctod Itself In this market thla morning. However, there were few offerings snd tbs mar ket will rallr shsrpl ao any strength ta the eait. Wa tblak wbest S norchaaa an this break aa well aa barley. J , , Today a affktal U:B0 a. h toarket:, i Open. ; CVee. Wheat, - Decmher l.Slj ,lf Barley, Pecenwor. . . . 1.10 DEMAND CONTINUES FOR ALL LIVESTOCK Pnrtlsnd TJnton Btockiarda. Sept. IB. There continues very good demand fur everything; 1a Hveetoek and all arrivals ore picked an st one. The receipts today constated of 100 nog, SO csttle and SM abeep. Official ruling pricea today t - - . Cattle Best eastern -Oregon steers,, gf.TSSj 8.00; beet valley eteers; $2.75: xoedlunt ateera, S2.B0; cows, 2.00: bulla.fl.7B; stage, 3.00. Hoge Beat heavy, t6.7Rfl.OO; block, 6.50 R5.7S: China fata. BOJ0.2ft stoeksrs and rders, xa.fl6dJ4.20. Sheep Bent grain -fed wetbera Snd- tomba, 2.2oia.76; mixed sheep, XXOOgMo. . - .. B04HI B eXBTS- BIOKXB. - '. ,' nana. 1A Uveetoch mcelntat ' Chicago :..,..w.-,.Mrjo'000 eO.noO Xanasa City.....-. ...... M ABOO ,4.000 Omaha 3.800 0,000 n.OOO Hogs 'opened at Be higher, with X.000 left ever. Mecetpts a year ago were .w, rricee: Mixed 8.00.10: good. 6,700 A 10; roua. 6.25B.48: light, Sh.TOBAU. , . Cattle 10c lower. , . v " . Sheep 14) to 15c towan , - . BBW TOBJE OOTTKB BLARXXT. ,1 New Tor. Sept. !- Coffee eprloaa today gr points tower W t potnto Blgnor. ' The otAdal nurkst; . 1 Bid. Aak September October , November SS A TO .... A 78 .... AW .... S. OS .... T uft 4 TO .r December January , February March ,. B.00 t.oo T.10 TIB T.20 April T.2B, May June 4. T.40 July ....a..... T.OO Aowast T.BS T .40 f.4B T.SB T.OO T. A. Melatrre A On. aay; The market started tamely, hut gathered strength under bite snd better rabies thaa had been expected from both Havre and Hamburg and bad crop accoBRta and Hght interior receipts, offsetting tba heavier errivata at Rto and Santos. The cables from Santos still refer to the unfavor able weather eoridltlons and poor flowering of the next crap, noma cables say too nowenng h) very bad. The genral situation ss regards the local market rsmalns eacbanged front our previeua aaviosn. - ' '-' m '. Bow Torn Oaeh Osffes. Bear York. Best. 10 Cash eoffe etos: Bid. Ash No. t Bto ou 0 Ho. 4 Santos.. S ' rerslgn Osffaa MaiBsta. New-Tork Sept. IB. Havre coffee decMued point, wnicn w rstaer poor; Hamnurg de- enned u point. Rio lecentts. 20.000 baas: mar- ket steady. nantea. inactive. J. J. HILL SEEKS TO AYOID flICH TAXES . (Scocls) Dtspstch to The Jonraal Bpoksns, BepL IB. James J. Hill, tha Orent Northern snngrtate, has si van to Millyard tha psrmlaalon to apply ta Spokane to Join thla olty, on tha condi tion that th city limit aa axtendod do not' tncluda tha Oront Northern propr arty. - Thara haa baton aorno doubt for A Ions; ttmo In tha mlnda of Hlllyard eltlnons aa to Mr. HlU'a attltuda regxnllna; Hill yard jolnlna; this aity. This fear has prnvantad balldlnn; and othar hnprorn msnts that would otharw-lno hnva bees madA, , PHYSICIAN ATTACKED ,1 BY UNKNOWN -PERSON (Spactal Dlspstew to Tba Jeurna! r ' ttoaabure. Or., Bapt IB. Dr. H. Ltttla osVOaklnnd, While attend Inc a pat lent at th hopyarda near that city Saturday rvwnlnv, waa aanaultad by an unknown person. preanimaMy a ' tramp, mm tha railroad runs near tha yards. Tha doctor, with STat praaonon of mind, pulled out hla band from a pocket aa If to shoot at the nama time thraatantne to fire. Tha would-be robber, thoroughly frightened, ran away, thouarh he had Llt tla at hla mercy, for In attacking- htm tha robber injured hut arm so that it waa uaaleaa. -i - . i BIBB OBXB BDCBOB 1 fJoaraal Snectal Service,) ' ' ' - Salem. Or., Sept, It. Prank tlevwy and John B. Oleay, who hava been ax nerttnv tha booka of sx-8hstiff B. B. Colbatb. hava oonoludnd their labors and) IImIIJbmw TOO LATB TO OLASStTT. LOrTTLady's sesmetod gold wat eh and breech; leave at hoi sfftos Columbia theatre and re ceive rewereV OVERBECK. STARR 4& COOKU C. . . , Msmborn Chlonc Board of Trnda. , BAIBT, BTCTlOBm, tXTTTOW, SeOBB ABTB BOaTshS, ' W i 1 . m Third Straot. MoKny ButMlit$. VkiySrOi.' 7 -'llMA avTmlOTLiT 90MMMamm BBBIBBmB . . CoatlBUOtia htarhets by prtvato Wire, ' Tllton. ban a are. ajtd Li nit 00 nmten rOSTxTTBXT BO BQVAK OB BASTS IB B28 tBonasioB. . v . . 3oa$4 Wastalnctoo StTBetv Sir Francis Drake ;; TMi TOvm wajkb." : $10.00 Complete Life Reexdingt for This Week Only SfO CAftTI VBXBSS BAnSy AOTOBT BOB CAB n Bscs jTjBdim. AXWATB OOBBDXT IF READINGS ARB NOT CORRECT BBBBI BBSBt - FBVBBI MOW TO OTBBKKHsCB AJUb TBOTJBUB Year past, youe prevent Bfe snd your sn ttrs futnrA and everUilna; can be told by consnlUng SIRFRAKCIS pRAKB. ttaa world eminent tranea clalrvoraat and Bplrit aupdlum. .who ta the greatest master of occult science ana psycnie ioros toe worni new Bead Oarwfully. Aa Btomaat BiuBusllliml (Tom he be Fan Judtre.) V ( atrerdlaary Rairvoysst pewer. ieooiblnd with hla supsrtor knowledge of occult forces, snablss blm to read human Ufa with unerr ing accuracy from Infancy to old age. Hla powers are wonderful and lndlaputablsi hla advice to reliable; bis Information dear, eon das sad to tbepelnt tn Love, Conrtahlp. Mar riage. Dtvorea, Bales. Wills, Patents, Journeys, Pen tone. In reef wants, SpecuUtlona, Property. Insurance, Mortgagea, Oil sad Mixing C talma. Diseases, ate, etc , . , , , '"- BTxtnamt Aakxas Ossrtlem. Without any prsvtoox knowledge, snd having no natural means of knowing whs yon are, whence or far what you came, he tells your name, aga, occupation, where you, Use. Bs telia yon of friends end enemies, Who to true and who to false; tolls you whom and when 7u will many, xlrlng namea, dates, facts, sad toeattona, taking no fee In advance, and accepting none unices satmtaetton to siren. Sooo oo Borf ecx 1 wfU fsrfMt e00 where 1 fall to tears yon how to fascinate anyone yon deelre now .ta make your enemies yonr friends, cause a speedy marriage with the one of yonr choice, give - yon good rack and make vow snccssafal In yonr business, remove evil influence!, re unite tha asperated, give yen lucky numbers, locate the earth's burled treasures, settle the old eat a tee that time has placed beyond tha lawyer Vhrewdnsss. and positively. coatBtott your bnilneas.ft. . B1.00 LOW BBS). r: SlMS L0O OBB XOLJABt. Si -00 Houra 10 a. m. to S a. sa. Dally aad Sanday SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BOSH Waahrnetem SUsat. BttUi nmsT ' WawttttiBtoa Sttxaoha. aa rant LAROCIIE (A vmous BUXIR.) . sU. rrvrng, lriJUMZA. 49aWlfALsTBOg9ID rDUGfSt A CBV. 3A S.WmsmBStH.T. ITBABOXA&e SBOVmiTT BATTBOB ft TBVBT OO, . BOB Btorriaos St., Pertlsnd, Or. Tea aan la a Oenaral Banking Bi liana , SATTJfOS DEPABTM TUT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Barings Dapaslto. Acta ss Trustee for Rotates. Draftd and letters ef credit aviltabis la all parto -of -tha world. O. r. ADAMS. 7. . v President L. A. LEWIS. ............ .Plrst Ties-Preside at A. U MILLS .Second Vtos-Prealdeat R. O. n'BITB..,.v, Secretary LABS) ft TXXTOW, BABKBRB, " (Kaubllahed In 1830.) ' ' Trsaaaotg a Oenaral Banking Buatoeaa. OoUaarUcna made st sll points an favorsbls terms. Letters of credit lasued svalUble to Europe and all points to tbs United Statea. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Bold an New Vork, Washington. Chicago. SC Louie, Denver, Omaha, San ftaaetac Sad Montana and British Columbia. Bicbangs sold on- London, Ttfto, Berlin, rrankfort. Hong KongwJhohama. Maalla and Honolulu. BXTBB BTA TBS BATXOBAX. SAJnTB, fts vniTTiitn nnrnoai. BOBTBWBST COB. THIRD UO OAS STB. Trnaaacu a tteaarai Banning arum ana. tin . frm itAi'vn Available to all dries of the I'nlted States gad snrops. uoug noag ana mswm. 00LLBOTIOBS SLABS OB f ATORABLB 1YBBS. Frealdent. 1. O. AINSWORTTI Vice PraelAi.t..I W. B AVER . n w BtritUKKH AMl.Unt Caah'lrt. A. M. WUIOUT rrmsT batxobaa basts: r of Vorttond. Or. Deeix-nsted Depoaitory snd Financial Agent af the Cnited States. AmUtant Caahtor W. U. AHimu Second AsatBtant Caahtor B. P. STEVRNS Letters af credit iia-d a villa Ma la Burope uri tka K(ni Htalea. mtmttt tt,h,n anil TeleeraDhla. Trensfevn en Id on New York. Boston, Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omsha, Pan rranriace ana ua principal points In the Ifortbweet. Slxht and time Mils drawn In Bursa to can on LoOOoS. t'irli. acriin. rranaron-oq-ine Main, Hons Kong. Kkbama. Cpenhaa-n, Chrktlanla, Stockhntm, St, Pstsraburg., Moa cew. Curlcn, Honolulu. j, . ColhH-tlouB mads en raveratiie wrrna. OBBOB to. BAB PSlKCIaOO BABX. LDPTB1). af Osnuneres BnlUtog, Third and Stork Btrsess, Read Offlee, SB Old Broad Street, Londoa. ' This bank tranMcta a general hsnhlug buet es. makes VisnB. dieeouma bllhi and tomes lettera of credit available for travelers and for the sursbaae of merchandise to any city of the world. Deate ha fore 1 an and domestic exchange. .later set paid on an ante Orpnaits. W. A. MAC Cab. Minagvr. aarf . VATTOBAL lAlE, 11 FOXTi-xnn. QXEOOII. . PBANR WATSON . . . Prwrtdeat B. U Dl RHAM.. .Vles-Preal'tent R. W. HOIT ..rnamer aCOROB W. HOTT..... ...... Amlarant Caibiat Traaas its a Sanatai Bashing Bustosas Its and letters ef eredlt laaitiHl avail to all parts of th wurld. Drafts Ilahto fMtorttons a apeclalty. OoM dost Onnswt. BFOBmiB BBOB. rn CWBJBTXi Offer t t a braetmeata -- Bun t ai '- m""r Stoias. Write sr mu. r . ' sBSH rand St., -Sc-d, 0"W, ': . $1 Quick: BstvIc WKrRRNnTS Ldd nnuunai Bajin. or Portland. , BOW BIBB. mOBbxjBjg QB). jlis.bnGed WATBAB AJTB aTTOOBI BBBOUUf, Bon 4 Brosuxd Bloesr. ' ;i OBAATBBB OB 04lamTBB4ra. 374 Washington Street, -. :-- '',1 y 451 : Oallon palA Fancy Tabia ByroBi '" ' f i.oo ;..v; ' ..Oallon cam Pure JaApVa Syrusw ; . Pound coos aujxBowdat1 Taav -f ":- L 50 -:: .A: 'f;;?: . Pound beat Cayloa Bland Tea : V ' ,. Pquztd freab roaat Coats Blea, OotTaab "i '30 V';.; Pound Hoffman Hon so Jars and MoeftA - , . r Coffee. - 20f -Facbaatb Posttun or Fig Frona CareaL 25t pkes. AlaJta-Vita or Ora Kt 35 4 bottle Snlder a Beat Catavn. -s nar J. -. . h ' If bar rood Laundry Soap. Dr. We Norton Davis. VPs treat eecceesfulty aQ private aerteaa sad atojoato dlassasa f aneev sloe htooa, eeaaaarh, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We en re SYPHYlLIS srltboat inaraary) to atop cured forever, in SO to BD days. We retoeva JTHICTLBX, wlthoat eg are Hon sr pata. la IS wi atoa drains, the reeult ef self- ahasa. Immediately. We can restore the aaxusl virus of any man sndef SO by mesas ef toasl toaat rat pecaaar ts evreerves. , We Cure Gonorrhoea tn a Week The aoetors ef tfaU thxtttnto are an ragntoB gradsstea. hive had many years expertaoce. hare been known ta Portland for IB years, have a rapntatlou to mftlntatn, and will nadsr taka aa sase aalass . aartaln cure ana na, af fected. ; v Wc faaraatoa to ears to every eaaa wa andar take or charge na fee. CHtosaltatlon free. Let, tore confidential. Inafractlvs BOOK FOB MSB mailed free ta plain wrapper. If yon cannot sail at office, write far wa ttoa blank. Borne treatasent auwesasfsL, , 01 as nsass B to B. end T to a. bondays. 10 to IB. tta toadtag aneelsnsto ta tac Beitonms, . Bxtohaabed USB. ... d(M Norton Davis &Ca Tab Sev Bfcreat, ST. m. Odav " ' FOBTXaABTTA, OBBOOsT. Mineral Springs OFBB BTBBT BAYS' LB To Whom it May CoiKen-- 1 earns to tba above eprlnsa mm Aartl to take treatment far my sywa. 1 had) a vary navera attack of oatarrh at tha eyea, was almost blind After trsatina; with the beat apeolallsta that could ba found, and suffarlns for nine yearn, S hava at laat found a cure bare at tha FAMOUS TUSCAN BPRINOS. f ema not pralao them too highly. I hope that others that are armcied anu aay a xnai. staapaouuiiy. W. 1 peouuny, Ckanuavmroias BUnaWrrlauWm) loon Bos. Ore goo. Bfr, L C Falmer. sf Fateat) Ob, waa eured of rhaumatlam. If yon era slosj write to ua: we will aire won th u the aataa eurwi sat B and Addreaa or a similar oomplatnt. TusVCeUi Mfaverd Spc-tTts Cor VtTBOABf, CAB. BBBTO SB0 FOB BOTTT.B OF SwOBamOSI eVBTD OATAXlH SAX. THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR De SINGLETON 7 The famotin doc tot Baa saved mastT Itvea from oparaUooAv Ho euraa all dle- woman, rheumatism, sac ralgia, kidney d la ease, atomaoa al eana. etc. by the aae of roots and herbs, eapaelalty prepared ftr each eaaa All dlaeasea auceeanfutly treat ed with powerful Cblaeee her be. i root and Burnn taat are antlraty aa knowa) u snedlcai aoMooe ta tkis easuai try. CONSULtATION FREfi out of the atty oaa ba wasl Write your nympUMaxa fnilB. at hom Addreaa P. Unjtctsi Chliioc Ndldat C4V 7 B. Foartto St, Be. Oeaak amd bsbbbs aide Straeta. Fortlnaa. Orccroa. CREELED LKcniccn I ta sht rkhaat ayeJa, nWfc and atock aasamt l tbsworW. Tasaissioetrmaa'tasdMectosi real el trricrtioa. Deed amtcc tnm A-sa at Oveaaa. WRITS TO-OAV. BOOK-Ur tod MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrikm sad Power Owe aaayioit-taMcsW d.r'wjeamc -il... MOHT' On P - TUB. ' FELLOVS TUSCAN ... ' ' J T ' ,i .- (' - V'