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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
v. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; "MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER ' IS, 1901 DISTRICT AITCMY WANTS TBE EVICEfiCE t wAMim nms rom mm uns Oifmn nr utvat UHl S B)tlS IB t AU mn vob nw arsxv mr satb mun. ... -n r y JT" f ' Whether r Mt Informations wOl be - 114 fa ilu district attorney's oAet ulwM ' the proprMtn of gambling -' houses whoa establishments wer raid ed and against Um poker players placed tinder arrest by SberlnT Word and aia "'s deputies Saturday Dignt, seems U biu unsettled sueatlos. The gueetlon f in formation and warrants lies la tba hands of Depot? Dlstrlot Attorney Adams. . Sheriff Word telephoned Mr. Adams thia morning aad raqueated him to some to tba courthouse ta order that eteps Blight be taken for tba presooutlon of the alleged lawbreakers, Mr. Adama aald he waa very buay but would attend to tha matter at hla earUeat convenience during tha day. Up to t o'clock take af teraooB be had eot and hta appear ance at tha eourthouse. "Will warrant be Issued r echoed the deputy district attorney In response ta a query. "That la something l oannot a newr bow. No evidence whatever haa yet been aubmltted to thla ottoa by Sheriff Word or hia deputies." The preperattoa of bonds tn the oa of proprletora and playera ' waa la progress thla Burning. - If they are found satisfactory they wfll be accepted . by Circuit Judge Bears, who named tha amounts to which the various persona arrested should be admitted to belL Sheriff Word notified all peraone ar rested to bo in oourt at i:lt o'clock to- . saorrow morning. If Mr. Adaaaa should decide that the ovldenoe la Insufficient - It la probable that, none of the persons notified to be In oourt will obey the asandat of the sheriff. "Hereafter," amid Sheriff Word 4 phatloally, "when X arrest players at ' ar -theses oslaMUhmoats they U1 tare to go be Jail for tba night" - P10KEERS T) HOLD ANNUAL SESSION Preparations are betas; made fop the annual meeting of the Oregon Historical society, which will take plana ta this city on the third Saturday In Decem ber. Tha committee of arrangements. - conetstlng of Secretary T. Ck Young and Assistant Secretary George H. Hlmee, nave formulated a vary Interesting pro-jrram. TL P. Bolae of Salem, a pioneer of ' the 'SO a, and one of the,, surviving- members or ine oonsuiuiwnai convention ox it. Will deliver the annual address. Judce Bolae Is one of the oldest practitioners la Oregon. He waa also an attorney In Mssarhiiaetta before nomine west. . For 4 years ha- ba been on the beneh In this state, - Ha waa formerly a resident of Port' land and waa a member of the first ' school board hi thla city, ' With him waa associated Alonso Leland a lAnthony I Davis. Tba subject of- tba address win be Tba Bench and Bar of Oregon Prior to IMS." a effort la being made by the oocnmlttee to have a large attend . anee of tha old members of the legal profession of Oregon on this occasion. Following the address some time will be given ta remlalaceocea of the early vregon courts. At thm meeting tha annual aleetton of officers will be held and a abort memorial seaelin la honor of deceased pioneers. WILL REOPEN CASE IF BOND IS GIVEN Judges wnilam B. Gilbert, Hrskta at Koes and W. W. Morrow of tha United States circuit oourt of appeals arrived In the city yesterday, and thla morning a decision waa banded down by them in tba ease of Martha H. Shields against the MongoUoa Exploration company. Thla case la contest over an Alaska mine and la peculiar from. tha fact that the plaintiff waa detained at Nome by snow drifts during tha time ths ease waa being heard In tha federal court at Seattle, and depended on ft Seattle at torney to represent her latereeta. He did not do ao, aha claims, and tha case . went by default to the defendants. When the anow molted and Martha Shields got In touch with civilisation again she found that Attorney J. 1C. Brown of Seattle had spent the tit aha forwarded to him to brief the case and bad made no showing She filed affida vits to enow that Brown had spent her 204 and petitioned that tha eaae be re Instated and the decision reverses. To day an order waa handed down stating that If the petitioner could protect the present Uaassa of tha mine to queatlon and furnish bond the oourt would be disposed ta rehear the ease. CLAIMS SHE WAS -; DRUGGED IN HALL Declaring aha had bean drugged and fobbed of her gold watch la the Oberon concert ball. Aggie Valentine called at the central nolloo station thir morning and told a pathetic story. ShoSrae still eased from the effects jrf the potion aha nays waa administered to her. A de scription of the alleged robber was given by the victim. .Detectives were sent out, to endeavor to effect his capture. "Tha man waa young and smooth shaven and Insisted on my drinking." bald the victim of tha robbery. , '1 took the glees, which ho aald was white wine, and quickly became uaconactoua. When I awakened I found myaelf In a st ran re room la tba Palm hotel on Third street. I waa alone and upon making an Investi gation found any watch was gone. I then reported to the police.- The woman hi a stranger tn tha city and to living at tha Winchester hotel. RED KEN HAVE BIG INITIATION CLASS By special dispensation the throe local lodges of the Improved Order of Red Men hav fined a fee of Initiation at M until November S, tba Intention being to greatly tncreaea the membership of the order before the Lewts and Clark espoel tloa. A rlaee numbering ISO candidates la ex per ted to be admitted ew joint In itiation early Mi November. - . To further thm work a committee con sist ins; of els, members of each of tha Portland tribes hao been created, and la known as the extension committee. It w meeting weekly st the Poet Sachem rafMue. Second and Morrison st reels, and t - tm ererr prnaoect of nnnreoertented e m imOfoae.Mg tb a see oo renin ( SKDLL FRANMD; (LAZIER MAY MAT MOV mBOOTSSV Clarence Olaaler. a waiter. -Ilea at -St. tnoent's hospital ta a serious condition as the result of a fall at tba Winter Garden, Third and Morrison streets. week ago. The base of tha akull waa fractured by tha fall and it la feared that be will got recover. Otoaler waa employed hi a First street restaurant and went Into the Winter Garden last Tuesday night after be was relieved from work. He la aald to have beeg la an intoxicated oondltloa and to have attempted to create a disturbance. Ho waa standing tn front of the bar when another ma a Who waa drinking brushed against him and ha fall to the floor. His bead struck tba eement floor and hla akull waa Injured. Ha waa removed to hla homo, 199 Fourth street, where ha remained for aeveral daya Last Friday hla condition waa considered eerlous enough to warrant hla removal to St Vincent's hospital, and there It a found that Ac suffered from hemorrhage of tha brain, resulting from tba fractured akulL - A report of the affair was made to Chief Hunt Wednesday by Seraeant Hogeboom. It gave the details of the affair which Chief Hunt haa kept strictly private olnoa that time. Ser geant Hogeboom refused to discuss too accident this morning. - "Olaaler was standing right In flront of tba bar when he fell." aald Assist ant Manager Jackson of tha Winter Garden.- "Ho fell as soon as tha man brushed against blm and his bead struck tba floor." Tha physician who la attending Ola- alar declared today that be may recover, Utougs tan odds are against bint. Mil M f08 FAIR IS CERTAIN It la practically nettled that a tempo rary notei ox lot and perhaps 1.009 rooms will bo built la the . Lewis and Clark grounds before tha opening of the fair, it la also practically aetUed that Mra. McRaaden. nunager and owner of the American tag at St. Lou la. will have thla ooncesalon. President H. W. Goods of tha -fair corporal ton slitsd thla morn-las: "Mra. McBaadanbaa applied for tha eonceaalon to bulla mm American inn at the grounds, and the directors of the corporation have1 notified her that her request would bo favorably ooneldered. She will arrive In tha city with her architect within a few daya and the matter will be definitely determined then. An tba form of tha contract haa been practically approved by the two contracting; parties, and aa we have oon- naeaoe in mra. MoHeadon and believe aha 'la tba boat person that could be placed In charm of such an onterpriee. there a little reason to believe that tha contract will not be soon signed." The corporation haa for months been considering the hotel problem. Sonne time ago It Invited Mrs. McReaden and tha manager of tha Inside inn at St Loula to make proposals for the ocnoee si on. The Invitation waa restricted to thee two aa tha oaee bavins tha ex perience as ossuary to make the under taking a auooesa. The manager of tha Inside tna waa recently c rippled In an accident and waa forced to give up tha Idea of coming to Portland. Tha proposed oon tract between Mrs. McReaden and the corporation will stipulate that not lees than too rooms are to be built, an4,l,ao if poeelble. It win provide tor a certain eonceaalon prion and for a portion of tha receipts of the hotel from all sources. This plan will bake the entire burden of earing for tha fair's guests off tha shoulders of tha management Should the present prospective nlan fall ta materialise, tha Ibslde Inn will be built by local capital. - Tha same ar rangement will be made aa at St. Loula, where the Inside Inn people add 10 cents day to the bills of their gueets who remain In the grounds during the night. and this admission fee la turned over to the fair management. WOULD PAY PRIGE 7 Fi'nIS WlV . WWI anw'r Sam bf Wf Who I I AfAAIih UTri a mun. tut 'What, do yon charge for dfrorcaa boref I want one, god I want It right away."' . Theaa words were uttered by Wine Lepetit, a pretty little who Blood tn front of tha filing window Is the circuit oourt and addressed H. C Smith, chief deputy clerk, meanwhile nervously Angering a . silver-netted purse. Mr. Smith was astonished; ao much no, in fact, that ha waa .at loaa for an answer, and after opening p.fc moutg, forgot ta shut H. "WclL well, what la your prtoeT I am willing to pay anything reasonable," continued Mrs. Lapetlu a note of Irrita tion In her voice. She began drumming on the counter with her fingers as a means of relieving tha nervous teneloa under which oho waa resting. ovv wbAam imT sm A mm- mi. vdver only by tba Interference -of other T CARPENTERS' UNION ; IN CONVENTION - IJenmal Sasrlsl aerrle.) Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. Iff. -Tha Unit ed Brotherhod of Carpenters and Joiners of America met here today In biennial convention. Between 109 and 499 dele gates filled the Weat Side Turner ball when the convention waa celled to order by President William Huber. la addi tion to the delegates from all porta of thla ooantry, those present Included dele gates from Canada, Porto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands. After the addresses of w el come and responses and tba ap pointment of the usual oommttteee. the convention adjourned until tomorrow. Tba body will be la cession two weeks, but after today ail ssaalona will be ex ecutive. Tba convention has aa unusaan amount of Important business ta trans act. First and foremost on tba agenda la tha proposition to amalgamate with the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, an English organisation with a membership of about ,M tn thla country. Another important matter bo fore the convention Is the question of permitting political discussions in the various locals ot-tho carpenters unlone throughout the country. Should the question be decided In the affirmative. the result would be that the brotherhood would have to sever Its relations with the American Federation of Labor, as the latter organisation permits no union affiliated with it to allow poHtloal dis cussions af any nature during tba anet- ings. Tba Ban Joed (Cal local union will propose an amendment providing that no shop or mill shall be entitled to tba label of tha brotherhood unless It baa an eight-hour work day and minimum pay equal to the minimum rata paid by union ehope In tha same locality. Another amendment to the constitution will bo aubmltted by the local union of Seattle. and provideo that all' strikes brought about by differences existing between trade unions shall not bo aanetloned by the executive board.- nor shall any re ceive financial aid from the general of fice. Tha report of Oeneral Secretary prank Duffy shows a total BMtnbershlp of ltl,- Sl. aa lnorease of about W.tet sines the last convention. Secretary Duffy will probably be re-elected without opposi tion. Among thoas mentioned bp the Socialists to oppose the re-election of President Huhar are John McLalm of Denver, Sidney J. Kent of Omaha sod Jobs W. Clayton of Newcastle. Pa. PRESIDENT OCKEt; CASE tNTGOn FOREST FIRES ARE ' 0W UDDER CONTROL Fire that bad ban smouldering ta a largo fallen tree rust above Rooky point. near Hoi brook, broke out last night and in spue of the coot gad foggy atmos pheric conditions tha names gained strong headway, drive by a west wind. and destroyed about 49 rods of tha Hoover log flume and IS rods af the Rocky point Logging oompany's flume. determined fight waa made by a larse force of an who were on guard for the Interests named and the Are was this morning placed under control. Today oondttlons are mora favorable about Holbrook than at any time In the last three veeka. The' fire in tha Bd White timber has burned over the old Btumpaga and reached green timber In the neighborhood of Pattersons nark. where the flames have subsided. The damp, cool atmosphere today has gone far to check the names In every dlreo- oo. Reports from the Hammond tim ber to the Nebalem valley In Clatsop and Tillamook counties indicate that flames there have made, no gains. With a continuation of eool weather It le thought they will aoon be completely under control, but dry weather and high Inds thtg week would result la great destruction of valuable timber. FAIR RATES ARE : CONSIDERED HIGH Tha Lewis and Clark faff eorpc ratios this morning received a letter from Di rector Adolph Wolfe who is now tour ing Germany and the continent Mr. Wolfs sends bis thanks for hla re election and states that ho will work among his fellow countrymen for the success of tha Itoi exposition. Mr. Wolfe writes that the European visitors at the St Loula fair were chiefly dis pleased because of the exorbitant fair rates and that be thought many would deterred from -visiting Portland for thla reason. He believed, however, that the Portland fair would get Its full share of continental patronage next year aa many Who bad heard of tba wonders of the country were desirous of and would fake advantage of tba rates Two million Americans suffer the tor turing pen jr of dysnepsls. No need to. urdock Blood IJlttara ouraa. t any drug store) -- - . NEW CLASSES START IN Y. M. C A. COURSE A 'now feature la being Introduced by tha Portland Young Men a Christian as sociation at Its building, corner of Yam hill and Fourth streets. Rooms are being fitted up for an educational department, to Include physics, chemistry and elec trical engineering. 'The laboratory wlB bo sufficiently complete to enable in structors to give elementary courses In all three of theaa studies. The claasea for physics and chemistry will be In charge of Franlf Harrtgan of the Port land High school. L B. Rhodes will In struct In electrical engineering. A room In the building that hag bean used aa a meeting room la being fitted up for a kitchen, ta be called the "Little Inn," where lunchea and eoft drinks are to bo served. It' la modeled after tba Inn in the assootatloa at Buffalo, N. T, where the feature baa proved very popu lar. Tba Portland Inn will bo colonial In etyle. - - ' EX-CONVICT IS IN - ' TROUBLE AGAIN Prod Leva waa arraigned hi the ntu nlcipal oourt this morning on a ehargu of larceny of I1M In gold ootif and ohecfc for an equal amount from the cash drawer of tha . Favorite saloon. Fourth and Couch at rests. The case will be beard in detabV tomorrow. Wit nesses who claim to have seen the pris oner at work will bo present. . - Love la an ex-convlct who served time In the Idaho penitentiary for larceny- The nolloo believe him to be guilty of other crimes, but have been unable to secure tha proper evidence. Deteettvea Kerrigan and Snow last night took him Into custody. TWO MEN ARRESTED '; FOR ROBBING STORE -. , - (SareUI Meofttcfc w Ths JoereaL) ' Canyon City, Or sept. 1. Theodore Manning and Dennla O'Bryan were ar- reeted yesterday for the robbery of the Monument Mercantile company's store at Monument Friday Might Entrance la effected through a rear window. The aafe waa opened and $11 cash and $J,0t In notes taken. The notes have been found They -HeppaW read. Tey wlU be brought to Canyon City today for a preliminary hearing. - ALL EXCEPT RUSSIA ACKNOWLEDGE PETER (learssl sperisl Serrto.f Bel trade. Servto, Sept. 11 With tha exception of Russia all tha powers have Instructed their ministers to attend the coronation of Ring Petec. ' Wednesday. The action of Russia bag caused a een aatlon. . ' . While tt wis generally wndei stood that the eaar had refused ta send a rep reoentatlvst It was thought that -tba minister at Belgrade would be In structed a auead tba. oorooaUon pare moo lea. , Whv. saadanm. wa can't aeti ou, divorce.- finally ejaculated Mr.r Smith. "You wlU have to aea s lawyer and have blm bring suit" This statement visibly perturbed Mrs. Lepetit. She petulantly, protested against tba delay Which would attend such procedure. - The legal provisions governing divorcee were explained to bar by Mr. Smith, whereupon she Bought Attorney John P. Logan and had a oom- nlalnt Iliad. ' In thla document the fair complainant - At tha opening of the aeoond wash alleges that Leo Lepetit has treated her work In the puWH schools there are cruelly since their msrrlags at Los Aa- till about 799 pupils waiting for lo- selea. CaL. November 14. !&. She structlon. Nearly 909 of this number avers that he has eureed her and re- J'ten4 the Atkinson school, which will aentiv knocked her down, nelna? ore-1 not be ready for occupancy before next vented from shooting her with a re-1 Monday, while others have not entered scnooi on account or ins uniimsnog con dition of the buildings. The Clinton Kelly and? Portsmouth schools opened this morning with large attendance. In both schools greater number of pupils assembled than on the opening day last year. . There were IM pupils at the Clinton Kelly, agalpst Ml on the opening day lest year, and at the Portsmouth there were Sit against HI for last year. The ! Atkinson school is the only one which oannot accommodate all or a por tion of the pupils at tba p recent time. President H. W. Goods of tha Lewis Until It la completed the BIT pupils who and Clark oorporattoa does not agree attend there will be without Instruction. with atatomenta mads by ntembers of I Although tha three higher grades are the fraternal building board. Several 1 supposed to most hi the portables at ths of the members of the board bare ataabd j Couch school, ths attendance has been that Secretary Thompson of the enao-1 so light that the principal baa not even elation waa pereenaily distasteful to I made a record or it Mr. Goods and that while ha waa tn I On account oY ths unfinished eondl office ths two bod lea would not be able tioo of the Brooklyn and Ladd schools ts avork tn harmony. Concerning this the classes are not very well organised, statement Mr. Goods aald today t aa many of the pupil have failed to ap- "I have never held or stated any per-1 pear. Both of these- buildings will be aonal dislike to Mr. Thompson and it ta I oomploted by ths and of the week. Immaterial to ma whether ha remaine J In all the schools a large Increase to secretary or not. The only thing on I attendance waa reported today. The la- whleh mem be re of tba board ecu Id bass I crease In tha achoola which opened tost their statements was a remark of mine I week la over 999 At the Ladd .school to the effect that tha fraternal building Tt new pupils entered this morning. The did not seem to be progressing very Increase In other schools w as follows: rapidly and that something was evi- Central, St: Woodlawn, St: Highland, Hi dently wrong. X did not place the blame ,W 11 llame-A venue, tt; Holladay. St; Bell- and X oould not have dona ao If I bad wood, 11; North Central. SS; Bunnyalda, wished, knowing practically nothing of 111; Harrison, ft; Failing,. t. the workings of the association. X be lieve that by this time the association should have a good list of subscrip tions and tba .corporation should be In formed when work will begin on -the structure, or at- least when - it will probably be ooanmonced. ' Tba corpora tion does not have any report 'on thia subject and oannot tall what the outlook la. We have donated - alt and our re sponsibility ends there until the fra ternal building baa boon completed. for ma having any preferencea, or distrusts, that la tlrely out of ths question, as I know nothing of ths situation. . THEY SILL CONSIDER I1ECL All AI10S PLANS T ALL JEWS FAST Tha Portland 'detention to tha On- pred el lotions, orltarlo Irrigation convention departed last night over the Oregon Railroad at Navi gation oompanya Has. There were half a dosan men. Including A. H. Devora, A. Ktng Wilson, Mai. J- O. Raatwlck, R M. B renal ek and others. Thia hi the annual convention af tne Oregoa I ne gation - aeeooisHoB gad Ontario people have made extensive preparations for tha entertainment of ' - the delegates. Speeches by Senator Mitchell;' Mr. Dev era and others prominent la the move- At ths three Jewish synagogues today f ment are on the program. A large list the congregations are observing tha Ma- of premiums bag been offered for the brew's holiest day. Yom Rtppur. - beat exhibits of Irrigation-grown frutjs The aervtoes began at It o'clock thla and products shown at tba (Convention, moraine at the Temple of Beth Israel Mr. levera baa received as Invitation and wlU continue throughout the day. to a convention to be, held at Spokane The nroaram Includes a memorial ad-1 October S, called for the purpose of ON HOLIEST DAY dress by Dr. Wise on 'watting One's House In Order." ' As early aa T o'clock this morrrtng the congregations of Abaval 8 hoi em and Talmud Torch began their servtca, and they wlU continue until sunset. All He brews are fasting during Tom Klppur. " The Jewteh-day of atonement Is sim ilar to the Christian's Raster, but hi observed with more elaborate oersmony. The eve of atonement, known a Mol Nldra, really begins ths celebration. It was kept In Beth Israel last evening by studying tha government reclamation act and laying plana for eo-operetton be- ween the states of Oregon, Idaho, Wash ington and Montana, to secure appro priations and active amis ta nee from the government in tha work of reclalm- th grid lands of theaa states. An executive, committee will be appointed to work directly with the government agents. Speeches will be heard from George If. MaxwetL aa Irrigation ex pert, and others. ',' Circulars have bean sent out bjl Mayor a congregation that completely filled the I L Gllkey of Grants Pass, President temple. The excellent muaie was a fea ture of the gathering. . Dr. Wise delivered aa address on "Why Not Give Up Judaism t" Ho expounded saaar stronar arguments whv the Jewish race should ding together, la faith and nmat league September nationality, and deplored the tendency of Hebrews to ask tba question, "Why Not Give Upr R. Thomas of tha board of trad there and H. R. Foster, vice-president of the Southern Oregon Mining association urgfng a large attendance at the Grants Pass meeting of the Oregon Davslop- GOES TO PAY BILLS; IS MISSING A WEEK The mysterious disappearance of R H. Wharton, - a gardener, who resided' at T4t Belmont, has bee reported to tha police. One week ago last Saturday he had to his possess loa about flit and started out with the Intention of pay ing 'soma bills. Hs baa not been heard of since and his friends fear some evil has overtaken him. At the time of his disappearance. Mra. Wharton was la tha hopflelds. She re turned bom last Saturday and first learned of bar huaband'a Strang sb- nce. L. Morrow, a aoa-ln-law of the missing man. Is making every effort to locate him. Mr. Morrow fears foul play. Wharton Is treasurer of the local lodge of Artisans, QUEER COMBINATION SETS OWSLEY FREE For ths first time la the history of the city Municipal Judge Hogue today dis missed case which waa started In Jus tice Raid's court, the reason being that neither Justice Reld nor Justice Soton Is In the city at present The ease was that of H. B. Owsley, charged with pass ing a worthless chock. Deputy Dis trict Attorney Adams asked for th die- Owsley waa arrested gt Colfax, Wash., and waa extradited by tha state at an expense of more than SIM. Oon elder- able time of detective waa also given In tracing th matter and bringing the case t ins point wnero tne arrest was njsda Because Owsley's attorneys threatening to bring habeas corpus pro ceedings, Mr. Adama told Judge Hogue, and beeauas of the unwillingness of the prosecuting witness to testify, he wanted the action dismissed. Then th matter of the absence of the Justice of the peaea cam a p. Justice Baton, for th east side, and Justice Reld,' for the weat aids districts, were both Ut of the city, and Clerk Fred Ol son was Instructed to prepare g special order, explaining th reason for Munici pal Judge Hogue'a action - v ., FAST DRIVER IS . LANDED IN JAIL Willi racing their horse back and forth on Sacramento street yesterday Afternoon John McGlnnl and a oom (Ssectal Mem s The JearaaM - panlon named mcCrosky were pieced un- Hoqulam. Waah., Sept. It Accused I der arrest by City Ltoeses collector H. of tnrwXnm the name f hla friend- Ous I A. MoBachera, - K IS MM teat tney Benson, H. Bennett, a young man, is worn inwiiomiw " i. h 4.U RMUMtt bmm is thai reckless In their driving. Several time employ of th Northwest Lumber oom- they cam near running dowa children n and sfb eivea a thne eheck be- I ana lawu. UNION PACIFIC HAS FATAL TRAIN WRECK (Seers! Special Bervtse.) " t v ' Kansas City, Sept. It. A Union Pa cific passenger tralg waa ditched near Junction Ctty, statu, this afternoon. .Telephone reports say IS ssesongon are dead. - The train waa presumably flyer No, 4, coming eeet in four a action and run ning an hour late. , AOOVBKS) OP POaMIRSITi longing to Benson by mlatab. The mount wes only tt.St, but It waa Ben nett'a undoing. Ha presented the time check, secured th regular eheek due Benson and- cashed It after forging Ben son's nam. Articles of incorporation of th Port land at Idaho Mining company were filed with County Clerk Fields this afternoon by A. R. Rockey, C. A. Alleky and C. L, Hathaway. Th capital stock ta 91,900, tot. Th purposes are to carry on a general mining business and to convert. smelt, treat and market mineral con taining precious metals, and to acquire lands. Th principal piece of business IU be Portland. Who Will Get It? IT MIGHT BE YOU - : ; The next special prize to be awarded for the nearv est correct estimate received before' October 1st will be $350 upright plmna'' -V-'fT : ,: , SEND IN YOUR ESTIMATE TODAY I . ' -;; HERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE fRCEESt ' 1 ' MMnv4 VYlsAf Tomrbrft- Csr (1904 MaMs).,t...Vgd- iOrSOO 24 Mm A aissfw ft MdewJhi irtara PUas v Vols) ftl200 94 rVtaeVA CSSIW wTomdl rHamw VBW4 ftl.OOQ '' .-' : :' ' . VsJthm ' 8 ConovfT Cabinet Grand Upright Pianos.. 7.;.. $400 10 Kingsbnry Upright Pianos ,600 SO AdoIIo Piano PlaYers.... .... .CK)0. ' 10 Chicago Cottars Organs 1,100 . 00 Gfnd Rapids, Sectionai Book Caacs ' ' SO Royal Sewing Machines....... W Ka laniazoo Stoves anM Ranges............... v SO Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos....... SO Solid Gold, Gold PUled, Enameled and Jeweled Mens and Womens Watch ea 100 Columbia Graphophones - 70 AJ-Vista Painorarnic Camerms "800 Pieces Heavy Quadrnpls PlaU Silverware.., 100 Gem Safety Razors..,........;..... 100 Moore's Non-Breakabls Fountain Pena..'... 1.000 Volumes Theodore Roosevelt....., . 1,000 Volumes odgsoas American Homes"... ... 1.000 Volumes "Steohen G. Foster's Song Album"., -1000 Song and Music Folios;...,.,,..,......... 1,000 1.S60 1,500 SrftOQ 5,000 1,500 t,00 ' S,500 1&0 , 860 850 1,500 1.000 . 500 v soo TotaK...;. CONDITIONS Of THIS GREAT CONTEST V IS of Pi esli sal of as Vatsst smMss, asm tn ataas atiaam ima bar TialtoA sefaeagysi of fM mm fgy HOW TO MAKE AN ESTIMATE ttviS cTonaTfiuai miASmirirwwn IW SMalt' Iinaisbejljo' CrmaAjSSf JSl AUmi . THt JOUaMAL SUBSCRIPTION SATE eaClsaf!:'ss::.-W smsWwesng. I fear. asa aWOftrANT STATISTICS tots nr oTaragt TmAaa. jsAormji varrs sw ABM. fas ' ATM. sea aa af SI ssr mat list ts t.,40t, hw. sf .? ear seat UM was lo.0M.ftW, um. et . aw mat u a was ua ei sar 41 wes 1 SSL bte. et 9.99 sr eat tm wes U.t K m f m 3 ear emt bMt ws lAsmas. bad M w amf bHerOjnta BtadB, sea 1B9S was. si SBBSlsnmi of Sm neiaef haibBTltDitas. M Dto Ua, aUwett. Sm fns .i"sri-a- IWf wes fi.llt.SLi ItOt WM., u T4.SM.M last was liiSiiisliSJ TSJanAsB SUBSCRIPTION BLANK V Oa fbi aa asS U la astefsllp " tmstaey- BnaaaA. eeJUvJ . Mr sell is sin of Total va s bi eaetea . Msv. CWK tar aw earn Y rrealseat arei 1 ,1 'I I I I I . - . " - f J . ' 1 1 J 1.1 I HANGS flIIISf If AT WATERVD.LE "" (tBMlel DUseM t Tm fesrsal.) Kngena, Or.. Sept. II. A. O. Post, re siding at watervllle. It mile oast of Eugene, committed suicide on Sunday about noon by banging himself m the barn of hla son. V. A Post, wltb whom bs was living. - The old man, who waa tt rear of age. waa missed from the boos about 11:10 o'clock la tha forenoon. A search waa made and hla llfelea body was found dangling at ths Sim of a rope with the other end tied around a rafter In toe barn. ' Tne Ban so of the rash act 1 not known. The man waa In good health for on of hit ag and th only reason that eon be ascribed Is that probably realising hi dependent condition he be came despondent and decided to nd bis existence. . ,. He cam to this eoentv7 three Tears ago from Ohio-and has sine been Uvlng with his son. He have no other near relatives In thla vtdnlty. -t WZbTS AT HLf, tfeereal Special Berrien) St. Lenta Sept It. In the golf towr- nament W. C Newton of Beet tie defeated M. Lane by a score of tt to ltt. Only, a few player bar equaled thia Ailea 4 Lewis' Seat Jbraad. ee .-Otter waa so regular officer near and Mr. atcBachern, who Is a special officer, was asked to arrest tha men. He did so and got into a bad mla-sp. The whole HeOlnnla family came after hi at, but the officer took his mas lo th polio station where a charge of fast driving waa booked against him. He was re- lessed on ball. MoCroskir wag allowed his liberty. - V ; (- INSANE LOVE CAUSES .v MURDER AND SUICEE Sperisl Wees tot m The Jters-' Vancouver, B. C Sept. It. an Italian, mot Daisy -Cappet, In B vacant lot on Jackson e morning and proposed marrlagx Tha girl declined, saying that too young, whereupon Nsocl p . revolver from hie porket and kua tue 0rl and then Shot himself. Both died slmost I na la ally. THbglrl had a baby Ineher arms whm an was ahot the bullet SoUg tbrouga be bv fant'fl sraf t - Ths entire aelmpa cannery Interests ha the Bluplaw river are now owned by a W. Hurd, th wealthy merchant and ship owner of Florence. He ha recently bought out the C Tlmmons oo in perry and the S. Blmora oompony and has con solidated under the firm nam of th O. W. Hurd Peeking companyt Mr. Hurd haa three steamers.- the 'L. Roeooe, th Mink sn4 th Marguerite, which give him ample transportation facilities for th output of his canneries. rabUe oaeols Open. . ' Tbe Butane public school besan then? fall, session thla morning. The attend ance a oonsMersbly fsrgsr than the first darn school Is st pear. This Is partly 4uala the feat that hop picking la ahout er and many children who wer em red In th hop field started Into nool the first day, whereaa lest year 'hool mmawtced during the middle of tp plckmg and a largo number of the nil wer kept away on that account. Tfe, new city superintendent. Mott H. Arnold, haa been busy at work for some thus getting ready fnf th opening of ths school, and baa everything planned so that the work . will ,be carried en smwethly-from the first. Two of th bsuoiogs, th Central and tba 0ary. hav been repaired and put In aa good oondltloa aa the two newer onea. High school and th Patterson building. Th Central building has been almost en tirely remodeled end baa been moved a hundred feet west of Its former loca tion, wblab was within ft feet f tb High-school building. m ' i 1 ' rnmv a wauowa. . 4sselsl Dtosstefe s The lew ail.) La Oranda, Or4 Sept It. The Pres bytery of eastern Oregon haa beea la session la Wallows, -Wallowa eouaty, since Thursday September la, and wUl continue until Sunday night. It 1 well attended by tbe ministers of tb ehurobe from Pendleton, Baker City, L Orande. Union, Sumpter and ether smaller communities and many mem bers of these churches were also to ab. OOXVAaTT - VSeeelsl Dbvsteh ts Tb esaraal,) - ' ' Orangovllla, Ide Sept. It. Orange rlll la to have aa organised water so ra pe nr. Tne plana of tb eompany bar not been made public, but It 1 under stood that It will be a gravity system, and the company baa purchased land and water Mghts. The work of Installing the ajlant will oommsnos thl fall. Th organiser of th company are Prank MrOran. B. Evans and A. W. Talking, ton. - ' J - (Beertal IHsysttb to Tee loeraal.) . lwiston, Ida., Sept It. The Indiana ere returning from th summer camas and will soon commence training their bora for th fall races at the Lwlstoa fair. They are also anxious to give an other wards nee at the fair, and will soon hold a council to determine the terms ta offer th fair aaaoolatlnn. - Th fair la reaarded as a treat occasion by the In diana, and Is an occasion for their fall celebration after th return of tb trlb from th su owner resorts. mas um omrjgsntD. fSeselel tnsestob te Tbe Joereel.) ' S prague. - Waah., Sept It. W. Ft Hobbs, a farmer, had hla -legs crushed by a freight train running over Mm her Saturday. , Amputation will be .IT. . Pgr forty year Dr. Powler'a.BTktract 1 Wild Strawberry has been curing immer rcmnlalnt. drsenterv. AUnS hoes, bloody flua, pain In the rtnmtnk end It has never failed to do varjtblna claimed Cor it . .