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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
P., i. . . . 4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING; SEPTEMBER , 1901 euro rciiAL , , . ' 'v' WedneeOay a4 -fc' " :'.i;.Tftanqr . Next , V ittnhir 21 and 22 ;' . V .1' PD RTIAND'S FQ.REM OST 5TO R ip 1 1 . M.m. "iiiii m j- v e r- v a. w a J k - a m eaw a . PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP " s . j .. - , . GRAND FORMAL Wednesday oni TlmrwUy Next. V 1 September 21 end 22 t EVER HAD THAT UNCERTAIN FEELING AFTER MAKING A PURCHA8E? ' ITS NEVER KNOWN TO BUYERS HERE. THERE'S A SATISFACTION WHEN YOU KNOW FOR A FACT YOU'RE GET TING THE BEST. QUALITY, PRICE AND METHODS MAKE OUR BUSINESS LIVELY. SATISFIED BUYERS TELL OTHERS THAT KEEPS UP THE PERPETUAL MOTION OF THE BIG STORE. EVERY DEPARTMENT CONSPICUOUS WITH, COMPLETENESS. ; YOU'LL FIND THE-ALWAYS-IN-DBMAND", KINDS ALONGSIDE OF OUR NEWEST IDEAS BOTH IN ABUNDANCE. VAMV VV UAA WUUV - K A - V V . W : VV, UVAA A V m W . 11 K U1AU , UWAA V TUESDAY BARGAIN DAY! 4." 'v- f t " " . - . .v M ' " i ti.- If wmSra vr cone to the stock tzcnAnn an(T watched the entice of the "Bull" etui "Beera" vou'va sated that when the fellow In the "Pit" arrlmuf R1l. thm hmV-n n Ttv- m.h. i. w. eems to have ordered "eell" lor tomorrow Tueedey end we're goinr to lead the van ae usual We're going to get the lion's share of the telling, tool ANNOUNCEMENT' EXTRAORDINARY I EVERY 8PECIAL VALUE ADVERTISED FOR TODAY MONDAY GOES ON TOMORROW TUESDAY (The Suit Sale alone excepted) AND SCORES OF NEW ADDITIONAL BARGAINS, TOO t TUESDAY WILL BE A RECORD BKJAjU I A .V-KJUT AUi-ic tAKWlVAL UK oARuAiNSI Kead tbe Hat, hundred are not printed for lack of apace on this page. THE MOST STUPENDOUS" AGGREGATION OF WONDERFUL VALUES IN STYLISH, SEASONABLE OOODSIEVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY "BY ANY STORE AT THE START OF 'THfi SEASON! r ' i i TIMELY, MATCHLESS BARGAINS, . AND HOSTS OF THEM 1 TUESDAY SPECIALS i t -l: .. .i .f .f- -f .,5 f"V; women's r iPHbsieiIsfesi 1 ::':'V rasr floor wom'b aaae tnos etme aaje, .' Woman's Fin KatMrftl-Wod UnKm mattm, fine rlMeft, lialf open fromt end opa eoroea tlw Imt" e poUaiy ;vfln mnnt Reuler prtee IS.H, extre pealwl tor , TttMder, M Bull. V. ! -mARODB I WmMD't rtne RiblMe Whit end Keteral Wool Vata end - (Hm4 Pmi -' Pute, 1om Hmvi Voate end riieufc bend jPrnato, & yry fAnBDivfliO ana oft eiodle eraleM Mnottu. . RmUf lilt: :VV'; ' WOOPS Sea pe SOU BSm. ' Womea'e Fine Klbbad Bisck Cwhnwre Hose, erejr kMli end toeii rfv1r ; iOo qwUtj. -f Spla, r peir.. r......M . ?. cmuimNevmnYiiBiH - Chlldiwe Cmn Tiatd Couoe Vast and Pant eood faU ud - wieteV wclvht, elleitUr Amo . , j Slavs It to 14; raaular lie. Spaclel. .1.9 Blaae M end St ;rular 1 04, Bpcclal ...!.,;!.. .....2S . Bli la. tt end tit remler tta. Bpeetat ..r.. 2 ft New Novelty Shirtvfiist Silks baearmxc 59c a a auvoatuaf ma miftAT-tn tabw (bt mni r'f For Achwld5c "1 C Thoeeende Wt yerde w KW Cotoret TeHMee, ell ftjew, brieUt Aatums SOIul Juat rolvd from tbalr makore, Contreet thorn wlta Uw - "loft -o tots' of : paat aaione offoied alaawbera la eoupatltlon. Bvarv eolor and abed tnada to b found in tbe lot- . Aleo our antlr Una (. Chaneaabta Olaea Taf . lata, too raeuler I1.M end IKo yard trradadi tpeetal Tnaadajr .... BLACK DRESS GOODS 4U the 0waU Black Draae VmbrhM for Teaaftaf prion redleaU rbdaoad. . nawoat waayaa in uio diffarant-iota -- - - Our raenlar ft SO fahrlrs lem TTiahmlditrtil Povlln de CMa. Bit end Wool ... Crapona, Chiffon VoIIoa, Crape da Parle, Poplin de Cbene, Turkish Mohairs end Broadcloths; apselal for Kondar enlr. yard f Our rsgvlar fabrtoa Bilk end Wool Certtae, Craps da Paris, Chiffon and poplin da Chens, Bmbroldared Vollse end PopUe de Chans, Turkish Mohairs, Broadcloths, ste.r apsefsl Monday only, yen! .fta.BS Our Mamlar 11.71 Whipcords. Armuras, Oranlte Clothe; Bethv Craola, Bacltvh t MOnalr, Rainproof Clothe, Twins end rraaoh TaUae, Orapo da Paris end Pop ' lie da ChsBej spaelal tor Monday only, yard .. T.. .'...fl,4T A CHEAT SALE OF DRESS COQDS ' Resnlar 1.M eVadse of Mixed Twasds hi now asannlsh SulUne and Coyert Clothe, In all colore, alt now, no old trash or Junk, eueh ae would-be com petitors offer; special Tuesday at,, the yard ........TS Rscular tl-tB varoaa of above foods at, the yerd, Tosedey only ........ .04d Rseuler tl.t veleee hi above; spwisi Tuesday only at, the yard. ... ..fl.lBi 5s The Homely Needs of Homemakers v ARE BCST mxxD HERB .---n v Toaaorrow "offers exoaptlonal opportunity to stock up the closets with sturdy, insapenslee supplies. Hotsl end restaurant Tuesday only ws offer ths ollowins: - . . . ' , Tuesday only should ned thin, ... "' -y : tt IntfteS ' ' ' tSe BUaOIEt BaUMTUe? tee, ' aaseehefl Bhestlnf for beds, eood. heavy, etanderd eualHy, wldet- value 'lto,. Beeolel for Tueeoay eniy, yerd Monday's Matchless Millinery Specials lii Continue in Force Tuesday-Salons. 2d FloorI. x; Newtajri SmsrtffMTsdsOrwd CrttioAt at Special Opening-Sale Price Tuesday Over CM sew eutuaan style in the ehaoehw ; above we present ftve Msec selected from ths nost popular hate salted te every an from miss to dowafsr. In e ranee of eelorlnee end. somblnatlona ee wide la to include every whim of Mad ems Fashion. Think of It! Mf end nore distinct styles to choose from, Wc submit brief description of the five produced ebove. A fuM line of the higher clees tailored hats, embractna; tbe Qsm "O. W WL." Connelly sue Ben- del tailored hats end turbana, ere here In alntoet llmlUess verlsty. . . f . - - x Cut No. I ahowa a BUk Velvet Turban with chenille braid trteunine, dees fltUne beck. Terr trie sod Mail epecial Teeeder - ....................Sa.WS Out Mo. mustratee a Bcveieh Felt Tureen wtth frsted ede, two euills et top, all oolors, special Tuesday... Cut No. f Is e leproduetlon from a Jaunty French Bailor, with stitched brim, velvet trtmmlnes. with qullle end orna- menti extre specie!, Tuesday only, et.. ....... ......k., Cut Me, 4 wee drnwa from hand-made FeK Turben model, trimmed with twtet o silk velvet end Slit omsment: epeolel Tuesday at ......... , ........ .flS Cut Me, le after a modal of a taree, very eweU Freneh, BeUor, w"h velvet, edee, bead trimmed with a ktrae hackle feather brsesti speclsl, Tuesday eoly, ei. eiM49 n sUAom Bnavnr ire. - Btenderd Bleached Sbeetine. full width, linen finish, round thread the kind that wears kmst- 71 inches wide; value lie, . Special for Tuesday, $ perc ...... ..lire ue cmw wanmm arvBuar, a. Twe eaeee of Ftne Muslin, It Inches wide, cambric Snteh; fast the stuff for under carmen ta; value lfo, Bpeom for one uey, yard .. r. wd TOW1LS - ' -- foirni ue. Hcneyeomh Towele hemmed sum Ivxlt, heavy, end ebeorbent, need also for weehetend. Special, .each i. .............. .....lOv W! nOMWm VOWSU Mm ' ..-4.-- ' Fringed Crochet Cottee Towels, mode of finest eottea yarn, erne ttadd, Bpe- , del, each v.........,. ,. .M....&0d bus ooftomas ass bfsum ei-fs. ' have Just received e delayed shipment of oolored "ed Sjprsede' which we will now sell at reduced urloes. These Bp reeds ooets hi all colors end . . ere aioeiy nerM Actuel value tS.l; special, each . ...kW i.b..,r .ai.TS v - - else ftinrex- omtpms see, v- , Actual value II. Mi speclsl, each Idnee fjench Clothe with fancy drawn work eies list InehoO" e decided bar mln valus !. Special price, cash ............... .....9S4 COnSZTS -jRoyd Vcrccsrs " -',.'"1 " ' 1 ...y df 1 fA WSTBAD OT ' Me room herd for llnee fhet are broken. Be veil X 4 , ... . ... . . . . u A. ' t Bwke B Quick rtddBBoe umorrcw ue way) - , v j . -' , v " ,'-.'4 Three seet-eslUne neMbers m the let, all eew, streltht ' , tmu, Mm gored end medium w bust, full ever ,hipa, meee 11 to f. Waok while bnly, reaular end II Tl values; Tuesday only, enotee far $t.Se . CreitSmWof :: Household Needs TAFI PASS ep BKMT FOB. V We list- e few mentions to show the trend of valuet eathsred here this week for autumn buyerst By far the most extensive line of Blenhete ever shown in Portlsnd White Blankets Prices pair, B-l.SO, ae.oo, .ts, $ eio.oo, to Plain Gray Blenhete Prtwed like this: Pair , ....BB.T to ae.0O Ketural Gray Blankets pi .....s.Te to Vkmna Bcw a Blankets pair ....e.oe Bnarlet Blenkete aif to acre un wmAxws. Brussels .effect Lace ' Curtains, i yards lone. SO Inches wide, good -value et reenter price, 11.71 1 specie! for today, pair -Bl.e6 soeoi wTOBnavpvsj tai Only one Curtain of e kind, t yerde to H yards In lentth, ere all rlctft for smell curtains or for single wtnoewa These eamplee ere of Curtains rans hiC In value from ll.M te fl per pairs, special for today, each, BBe ssei. aoes TSe. et, m et Je. ooo& iXnspest eer line 1 of Comforters, hlch are all that omld ha daalvae both for warmth and beauty. -ZXrwnallne Comfortere. covered with very pretty sllkoUne, extra large else. Ujrht, fluffy end warm at, each. . ee.Te,, to Baal Do we Comforters, eeteeei eov sred, at, each BB.Sw to Se.BO Berne ee above, silk eovsred on ens red, at, eaehw.aiv.eo to aiS.SO All silk eovered eomfortera oseh 1SU eSS ' bus evuesi ooysjes, Ceaeh Covers ta beautiful Oriental of fset, value M; Speclel far today. tmUsstUie BJU1M MM I. M7 U r Mehair TrlntmfnC Braids, la black, whits end colors, inch ta t Inches wide, wears well and m ell rlcbt for trim mine ehUdrees eeheol --nlar To htalai' epeokU, per .....So) erA 10c, braMl special, par u r HHe - hraia; spuds I. per 4 r ,le breidl epsciel, per f toe v dr. tee hraMt eperial, per d I...,. 4 IBs) BJcputar SSo braid', spertsi, per ytrd t .t 1T BJaAT BATfJrae irmu ay AJtova tmm rmo noos - HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES ' Special valuee that should mtereet Romepltters' end Hotel Manacers alike. Restaurant Man should have a look thro. ,. But partial announcements of these sales can be made through the newspapers. Many of our best valuee frequently ere not advertised. Link it ed quantities, for example. To ed- vertlse them would brine responses from our Mall Order patrons, whose srdere would reach ue after the counter demand bed depleted tbe sup ply. Placards throughout the Opart si en ta call the attention of visitors to these "Bot-edvertmsd' lots. BBP. . , P&OOBW , . This Immense department le fall to overflowing with new fell eoods-- Chlne, Cut Olese, Vases, Ornaments, Ait Pottery. Many new lines of Tmese and Ornaments in rich decora tions. Italian Vases with . raised flowers la natural oolora . A choice line of Iridescent Veeee with wide tops ' JPrloee. each, frcav..,..,.........BBw " $T0 OM Dutch Flruree, etneie and ta pairs Prteee, each, from. .flSd ee.eO ... .; jt t-. White Italian Buete-Baach. . Marble PI cures end ea.ra to aiss I Grand Formal I Autumn i Opening Vr--:.-.MV Wednesday I Thursday , .- .... .- r'1 .' t ' ' ' t .... ' ' I Sept 2 1 and 22 ! How much are yon aeyns ;r.- -ft- - for. taaae ' Kmck Botlona, Leather Oecds, Jewelry, Bta tlonery. Toilet Articles, Bcwlnc-Boem Needs, etc. Bun through this list IdMie ArHeUe ef :y, arrery-Oay Peefslsess. :; - r BOe BTJ oowBe SBe -Bbstl Bide Combe, finest euaKty, emooth finish, value 0ei epecial, pair BBA SO BAU-AJTB-BOCain PABTBnmS Se. Balf-sndSockt Oarment Fadtenere, black and white, small and large alses, value So; special, doe...... .34 BOB BOX BUimOS BOe. Fancy Bilk Garter SlasUe, ruffled edee, solid colorej value 100 yard; special, yard SO 100 BWe)USK PTJTB 6o. Best Bngllsh Pins, Mt la paper, value 10c; special, paper 6e) nBDu 8. ailver-Platcd Thimbles, all elaee, value Soj speolai, each ......a tonn pure sV Btnell-Btse Cube Toilet Pine, white head 100 pine la oube; special, each . ., S4 dso wmxrrjre papbb as. Finest Quality Hlcb-Orade Writing Paper, white, cream, aaure end bHo tropaval. 4 Ac bos; special, pox, SSo) tdOB-BTKIB IOLT FAFBS T. Finest Qualltr Heavy Leee-Bdce Shelf Paper, la whits, pink and blue, 10 yards la piece; speolai, piece ......To) LAsrav see oabb oabbb ib4- Ladies' Card Cases, bleok, brows and tea leather, val. 26c; epecial, ea. lSd see XABom rraon as. Torrey Swing Raeor Streps, value tie; special, each ..8Se) ISO WBOSK smOOMS io. Whisk Brooms, with black Japanned handles, value 16c; special, each lOd) toe to see bats Bausame 65. Bath Brushes, with lone etralght or curved detachable handles, value Ite to tie; epeolal, each eSd Hair Brushes, with extra quality brie tlee, backa warranted not to warp or split, value toe; speclel, each. .SB BVBS MABB BrXsAOM BO. Finest Quality Heavy Bevel-Olase Hand Mirrors, square or oval shapes, hard rubber backs, In black or mot tled, value ll.oo; special, each. .Od ea vonn rars a soui 6. Toilet Pins la dosen rolls, value 4c toll; special ....a SUU FOB 6 Te voxBBV para a bobbb as. Beet Orsde Toilet Pine, in l-os, rolls, value 7c roll; special. .0 BOUI SB wVBVOnflB m BBTB SB. Turquoise Pta Bete, I pine to set; spe clel, est ................ ...... see An see Bmooemae it. Peaeook-Eye Brooch and Bar Pine, value lis end I to; epeolal. each IT ass ajtb see saroa Bomara as. Bterllnc Silver Handle Shoe Horns, vel. Wc to too eaebi speclel. ea, 36 ovrr um su. Fine Rolled Ootd'Cuff Uake, value tte pair; special, pair ....88 aBCTBsTA BOM Sl.BB. . Smyrna Ruga, all wool, double-faced. filne0 bom ends, sum sexti mcneet good vslss at M-lit epecial for Tuee. ear, each .!......p..9l.1t Tuesday in the Menfolk'sShop TSe VBBBBWmAB FOB SDH Julius of Men's Jersey Bibbed Under shirts and Drawers, In blue snd" white stripe; extra pood value even .. at 71c. pa sale Tuesday at. garment .............SB .Bnars ate babf mobb, a fob see. Men's Fins Half Hose, extra One finish, , with fancy allk eloeklnc en aides; a , regular 16c seller; Tuesday sale price, i 1 pairs for ....... SB A line of Msn'e White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, made of fine mercerise oicta wowa retains its meter after waahlncthe best tOe area. Special xor xueeoay, jianosercnieia lor.. ..,.-... .........aBd - mmrnm au fasa bbibib see. ' 1 MK'MI vj ef A line ox Men s yuu anirte in stiff and ssmi-stiff bosoms, m plain or pleated style he esleereted O riff on brand one' of the beet makes in ths land. Regular 91.1 value Special bs OF BSAUTlPUli - L HavQand China svoex BTjrwn sbppi JIB FXBOBB. . Havlland China Dinner Seta priced from eia.aa to sars.oo We are closing out twe lines of Open Stock Decorated Dinner Bets at half former prions Decoration epraya of brown and green i It-pieo Dinner Bets, value; -special, et 100-pleoe Dinner Beta, value 111.10; SDeclai. set ............. ... SB.eO - cm potcBS nr tmts aov a First selections the best. Come early "First come first served." . OF 1 100 -piece Decorated Havlland China Dinner Beta, value 117.10; spe cial, set S1S.TB 100-pleoe Auetrlea Decorated . Chine , Dinner Bate, value CI0.I0; spe cial, set ' A wonderful bargain, ' the beat m town et ths price- For Tuesday we announce a special sale of new Flannelettes that will create some lively buylne et Flannel Counters. 10,000 yards of 14-inch Flannelettes In Persiea effects, tripes and dots very targe va riety to select from. The beet lie valuee are yours Tuesday only at, yard .'. . . . a OOA OaildrenB feat Oete Oeatib embroidered at cape and bottom: recular 1 price from - 11.60 to tS.00; special at... ...ft elk aTlghacowas, of plain ptnk or blue domet flannel, round yoke. - trimmed with three row of white flnlehlnc braid, or square yoke end collar, trimmed with plain whits ' band hv front, yoke, collar and eleevse, edged wtth fancy braid; ' recular prices C1.I0 and fl.: spe oial for Tuesday at......... Sl.lB , . Fttot Fleeov This make of handkerchiefs Is trn ported direct by this bouse In Im mense quantities and cannot be : bought stsewhere hi ths city; a fine -- new lot Just in which will be sold - at specialty low prices; tt and Inch heme: the kind that wear beet; special prices, each. 10, 1SH, lOff avei ana iof , SO VVBSBAT FOB) Bte 0VBXXOB Cuehlen Tope of ecru linen, nrt denims and tlcklnce stamped and tinted In conventions! floral and Berlin eroee-stitch designs, also Including- Birthday Cuahloas. All have plain : backs to match. Recular price to tftc; special at S The Great Removal Shoe Sale ; !V '" -. , '' . "' . ' '. :r ;. V, " - BaTMtmWSBM BOBdHTWB 1ST AwWVnTJf POOTWBAJI FOCI AU m . .,', FABTOT BBS 9WM SPBSTB BMOsV ' " . - Vary swan new Usee m an the popular leathers, equal te any It Bhoes ever i odd ta Portlsnd. a grand special vahae, every pair made for our own high ' etaes trade and popularly priced at : .......... .S3.B OP BPBOIAB TAX. .SV ! f Four Specials in Ladies Shoes 1 wombb's sms sTcaaarv ssmas, ' . Women's Chose for street and general wear la patsat kid 0V plala vtel Blsoher or Beih . Baa matt or brhrht kid uppers, black or brown stttched, ::. medium round or foot shaped lasts; mfttary, Cubea or Ioubi heals a splen did oboe and well worth the reeumr prion, ft. 00; speokU. palr......SS.Sa 'A j ''' i wosrasrs acee bmoboj, $a.SS. 0;' A Jot of Ladlea Fine Shoes ha patent kid, box calf ee viel kid. heat eeallty of leather, good shoes for ceneral wear, recular 14.00 valnei epeolal. pair ..... These Bheee era made of beat Quality matertele threuahoet. cava fleslMe octee, medium round toee, military heels gad come la eta ehetos saw styles, : reenter price, test; special, pair. ....(....BSSS . woaiBsrs smse ssnsa, et.ra. . - These Chocs ere of vie! kid feheteeet select upper stock) have -ewteet ttpe, military heele and round 0eea a cued seUer at tt.00; speclsl price, Plr. . . . ............... .....-..etTa ' '"' BflP FABS) sSPPBB. ,". C Patent colt's, bom call, valour self or elm Ud. solid eeahle 0" Little Osate. erase It to H..... Tev-x .a ....... B J . . ., .