The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Today's Gossip of Sports
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Portland ft. Tncoma I. "
Beaob. mA ItMlMBj Mb
steefVs two bad Ikmn yesterday af
ternoon eraoilcallr aav Portland the
game. Tb day was a trla chilly to
Un shady apota far th national .
. pet the good alsed arowd enjoyed the
oentceL Beach waa aa th 'WIT lor
he local and got touched up rather
lively, fas Saldlng saving lb big
' twlrUr a ewveral ecoaalona, - Keats,
wall patching good bell, waa away C
la throwing ta base and hie had toss
to Bhaehan la the third Inning was
raapanalbla for three of Portlands run,
la tba veatk in nine ha threw badly
. t eeoond ta catch Horde, aftar a
doable play waa la atafe!, and both aaaa
war aaf and aoorad a ai inula latar.
.Thielmaa aaooaadad Spencer at second
and played a star game. , Back had els
ehancaa at third and acquitted hlaaeelf
hi hJa customary strl. Dreonen aad
" aaaaoay did tba baat hltUoc tor tba
' lacala.
Tba Ticra mada a daaparata aOort to
rally la tha laat biBlns but ahanr aald
i tec oat thaai off ta a Jiffy. Taooom and
Portlaad aaoh aeorad a raa,
Tacoaaa waa- anabla to aagotlata la
tbalr drat taalna- but tha Browalaa sot
aftar Bobby Kaafa bi.janiaat. Klrby
f Dranoaa atartad . Kaafa'a troablaa by
aaeurtnc a paaa. Bpaaoar boat ant an
Infleld pake Dronnaa playad too far off
, tha aaoond Back and waa oaucht by a
J aaJeai throw from Graham. Thaa hlta
by Hurtay and BMk oouplad with Nor
daau'a naldar'i oboloa can tba looaia a
fc jRart of two. - -
- Thraa aiora war mif op ta tha third
n wha alaslaa by .Dranoaa and Bpanoar,
Kaafa'a wild throw and Clyne'a scratch
-.- hit allowad Draaaaa, apaftoar aaA Hur
-t lay t ooora. . ,
' Mordoaa'a two oaokor, Agma'a orror
and a doubla ataal cava Portland an
othar la tba afth.
Tha Tlaara got lata aetloa In tha aoo
aath and tba faithful a fright. Mc-
ZAughlla lad off with a otalgia to kaft
, but waa forood at aaoond by Orabaax
Xoaeh'a orror, alagtaa by Doyla and
haahaa and Nordyka'a doubla aoarad
throa nma. Wtth two aam oa baaaa aad
. .on out, Skal Roach uaad hla aoodla and
walkad tba mighty Bagan, suing tha
aaeka. Ulka Lynch waa unabla to got
tha ball past Boaoh aad tha daagar waa
Tha Browna fttaebed mattara by aoor
' "fcg two mora ta tholr half. A paaa to
Vordaaa. Kaafa'a aaoond arror, Woad'a
out aad BtaaUnaa'a alngla rang tha boll
: Ftco. . , .v ,
Taooma -atartad a garrison In tha
ninth but tha hand leap waa too Koeb,
and tha boat Ahoy oould do waa to aoora
twlca on hlta by haanta. Nordyk and
, Bngaa, aaalatad ay a ooupl of oala,
Tba aoora;
prannao, o. f. ....... . T I t
pencar, lb. ......... S 1 I f t 9
TbUtman. 3b. I i
HurlT. lb. i
Ifadaau, L t 4
Back. lk ............
Clynaa. r. f. 4
Wmki, a a. S i
ItMlmu, o) v.. i t
Roach, p; 4
Total , . ..........14
I 17 It I
' .; . . TAOOMA. '
'. 1 V . AB. B. B. FO. A. B
VVTi T. X. ft
haehatt, fb. ......... I
Nordyka. lb.
Hagao. a a
Lynch, o. t
Casey, th. .
McLaughlin, L
Oraham, a,
Aoua, p.
Totala A . . .41 It 14 11
1 H m"-mt m
rwiiano. . ...... .i I i
i . I
. Hlta . 1
fcrnad runa.Taooma. L fltolaa baaaa
Nadaa I, Clrns. McLaughlin. Baaea
oa balla p Roach ; off Kasfa. 4.
B truck out By Iloach, lj by Keef, 4.
Bacrtflca hit Thldman. Two bate hlta
--Nadaau. Drannaa.Nordyka. Left oa
twM Portland, I; Ticomt, 1J. Ult b
Rttchais-Weed. Tine of game Two
our and 1 minute. Umpire Tom
Baa Praoelaea, Bapc 19. The mornlnv
, game waa a tie, but la the afternoon the
.aka oould do nothing with Doc Newton
, and tba Angola won a ahvt-out. Bdoh
Praneka waa severely Injured by baJna
- hit by a pitched ball. Booraa:
First gam w
S Lot An
ngeiaa ... . I a 1 1 i a a t a
... Oaklan
id . . . ....141 40 a it
Bat 1 rlea 3ra aaA Buin Ahium
ad Byrne.
Haeond gam ' . R. mm
; Loe Angalaa ....tSVttttarl t J
-Oakland. . . , . . 5 0 5 0 K
Battortea Mewton and aptea; Jonaa
bad Bymaa' - ir jrf
' loa mt of Ftra fa Vrloaa,
waattla, Waah, Bapt. It Baa Fran
ofoeo mada tt tour out of flra froaa Wi-
, ana'a ma by taking yMrdayg gama,
,H BeatUa'o orrorn ware goatly.
Beattla . . ......ttttl 401 g-J W
Ban Fran ......OOtltttl 14 f
Battaiiaa wllhelm and Blankanahlp:
t- yhetm end Lahy.
earth. rl tb eutM
e rmr WH tn IgD
Maay aava alm
ajnte ea the
eorae hi tha
1 rtta.
h SLnoO t,nl tm P B""-'
a . teat, ree.. far IF tN'i
, c ar eettie;
r -a eaar
ay Praag Baa.
nm . rw mou fbotb
,. . eon&r ' Am. ntiu mroomai
- rs nowni st? mam
' 1 tTBB XV FATOS o wm.Mii,
!. r'1-' v" ' i i i ' i'
1 3 a t 0
1 1
li lt
f 1
-iE mi P. Si s
i ' .( . mm m at m ,t ml am
last wlmimiMiamJaifiMl 1
ia to as tbu
vast Bovnara o
Tba oriap air of aamrnn liaa brought
tha wary plgakia maa ta th gridiron,
and on many naJda ail over th country.
mat waak. thousand f fOotbaU
war praparlng for thla eeeeona atrug-
gla. Tha great eoUog gama waa nevr
ee popular aa It m at the present Urn.
and from present Indloatlona, thla year
lit be tha banner ana la football air
alee, wherever th faaclnatlng gam la
played. At th eastern college prelim
inary praottoa has baan atartod for
soma time, and at many of tba big In
stitution actual work baa beaa th or
der of too day for noma urn, i
Here la Portland Interest waa nvr
so koen aa It la thle year. While tba
aehoola and aoadamJaa In thla elty I
not formally opened tha season, yt
ooachea and managora are busy looking
over tha oandldata and arranging suit
able aohadulea, Th Ulll Military olva
will soon be out for Ita first work, and
Judglag from th prowess of tha maa
who will return thla year, toe Hill ag
gregation ahould put up a stiff article
of ball. Tho . Portland academy,
uaaaL will bamrv huaky bunco, and will
again oompete for hooora. Tho High
aohool aapaota to put a strong . elfven
on tba gridiron, and rumor baa tt that
th oaaebaa aapeet tt to bo th star
school team af thla elty. Tha Blahup
BcoU hoya wUl not bo la th Umallght
tbla year op. acooun of tha ochool be
ing closed. Biaaeket tnatUuto wUl be
Columbia antvaralty will hava one of
tha trongaat teams in the history of tha
institution and will bo capable of giving
1 the local team hard ooateeta.
Tha Multnomah dub's eleven prom
ises to 4m a atar collection of players.
Land with a few mora weeks' practice.
ahould put up a great gama. Under tha
coaching of Oeorga Mo M Ulan and Cap
tain Dowllng th man are dlaplaylng
good 'form, and are anxloua for a line
up. Tho elans la will ha given tho ma
early thla week and later on aorlmmagea
will be bold with th aaopnd team. Tom
Roaa, Xlrklay and Beeley are la tha
gama now and with on of tho big oan
tera in th line, praeent a formidable ap
nea ranoe. Dava Jordan had Dowllng
are la Una fettl for trouble, and are
vary anxious for- aa opportunity to put
few opponent ta tha bad. Hoi maa
la showing up vary wall at Quarter, hla
mlng being? faat aad accurate. Be
hind tho line there 1 a dearth of per
former. Dolph la at hta old Job aa
oat of th halves, aad while Cook la not
la condition yet. ha la showing up well
Dolph may do th punting thla season.
It I practically settled that Bam Btow.
a former atar on tho University of Cal
ifornia toam, will soon oln tha Multno
mah squad. Btow la a guard, but may
play on of tba tacklaa. He w a pow
erful player and baa tha distinction af
being on of th beet pick off man on
tha Paclfto ooaat Should Btow play la
tba line, an of th present heavy line
men will bo takes In th beekfleld for
backing purposes, and to back nn the
una on defense Thar la a small army
of maa tooting for position oa the
eleven, and as aeertt alone will eount
ta ' tho eelecUea ad th varattyv every
candidate stands a show for a position.
Tha only new play triad thla season so
far la called tba "Woggle spurt," and It
la a difficult play to fathom, Multno
mah will use it for tba Oret time In
the gnmo with tha Astoria team, It waa
designed to bos tha entire aid of the
Una In an Instant, with a qulok shift of
men, while tha maa with tha balT aklpa
through at a oertala point aad prannes
down tha Add. -
v- ('earns! special srvtee.f
Maw Tork, Sept. It. Kid McPaddan.
Kid Broad, Tom Sharkey, Dave Sullivan
and several other knights of tha wallop
were discussing Bob Fltaalmmona' new
play, -A jright for Lore." last night,
whan th question of Robert's eternal
youthfulaeao came up,
"Bay, but Fits la aa old gumbo, re
marked Broad. Why, he uaad to boa
tn tho Olympian game oh, any about
T7t years B. C"
"Ah. gwaar aotclalmsd McPadden.
"What do you know about th Olympian
"Pirn told ma.- said Broad, with noma
how of heat, "that tha Olympls festival
which waa bald oa tha bank of tho Al
phelua. In Paloponnaaaua, near th old
oracular temple of tha Olympian Zenua,
not only grow up anlnterruptedly from
tha time h first began to knock 'em ut
to tha maximum of Pan-HelleuM lmpor
tanoa, but va preserved lu crowds of
visitors and Ita oekabtity for many cert
turlaa after th axUaction of Oreek frea
dorn, and only received Ita final abolition
after mora than 1.14 years from tha de
cree of th Christian Emperor Theodo
lua, tn 14 A, A, when Flu aalled for
Baa Francisco. -
Bob also told mo of th attempt mada
by Phatdon, despot of Argoa, to reetore
to tha Piaantana or to acquire himself
tba administration of thla festival, h
event which nrava the iiimrt.. t
tba festival la Pelononnasu avaw m
arty aa 744 R O, whan tha Spartans,
Meaaanlana. Areadlaaa, Trlpbyllana, Pl
sauaa, Klelans Bayl (turning to tba
bartender) what did th lt-inih rtt forr
Haw York
........ to
Lhlcngo . . . 4 .74
Cleveland , 6t
r,tr.olt. t
bi uomw . . ......
' l m v
So.1T:'.,:::::::::::-'"T T t
aTAVNaTAm Uatn.
Won. LoaL
Ww Tork .
.. .WW SD
Chicago . , ,.7 .
Plttaburg . . .,, ' II . "!
Cincinnati M...7I v
St Loula 44 T A
Hroomyn , , .......
Boston . . 4f
Phlladalphla .
Chios go .
unrmnmi , i la i
ti-rie jarltTrs and KMnai Walker
aad Btraab XmpiraZimmar:
At wmeaga, '
Uatvaralty of Oregon, Bogeeta, Bapt
lli Wtth tha tneamlng af tha mndenta,
bath new and old. thing at th atate
aalvarmty ar taking on th earn look
that marked th saeoemful year that
waa oloaad Uat Juna. Proapaeto now
am that there will be a larger registra
tion thla year than lash as thor hi
larga freshman elaaa entering. Work
la th university BommaBO tomai
when all student ar aapootod to moot
their professors and com mono recita
tion, .
Member of th faonlty who hava boon
absent daMnff tho vacation have all ra-
tamad with th except Ion of Mia flthv
aon, aa instruotor la tha oollog of
muafca, wh la studying tn the eaat, aad
wh will ratum abon( October 1 Pro
faaoor P. O, O. Schmidt hag reoenUy ra
tureed from an extended trip to Qer-
many, hla Mrtnplaoa and return with a
In football matter thor la much oow
earn among tha students who are man
aging that part of tho student enter
prise, aa a number of th old man who
playad aa tho team are not expected
back. Bom hava boon lost by gradu
atlon also. Tho- who have been lost
by these mean are! McKlnney and
Dtoh" Thayer, taeklea; Goodrich, half
back; Meldrum, end. and PrissalL ruard.
Tha laat named man will enter Stanford
and should make good on that team. Old
plaver who have returned and who will
form tha groundwork of tha now team
Earl, taoklet Latourette. quarter
back! Chandler, ends Held, eenter; Cap
tion Joe Tempieton, fullback, aad Kar
ron, guard. All these are tried men and
will do muob to steady tha new one who
will don eulta.
Of tha freshmen than ar eandldata
for tha team without number, and a big
squad wUl turn out for direction under
Coach THck" flmllh. Smith will arrive
September II and will at one i
charge of th men. - Practice haa al
ready oommanced and by tha time the
ooach arrive formation play will be
commenced. Butts will be distributed
tomorrow and the entire aqoad will
practice under the direction of Captain
Tempieton until Smith arrive. At thla
early date tt la useless to predict th
kind of a team that Oregon will turn out.
but tha spirit Is excellent and all tha
men ar looking1 forward to tho aeaeon.
which is a hard on, but which contains
California trip. Manager Oraham
schedule haa not beaa entirely made oat
but .th following gamee are assured:
October I, U. Q. ve. Alumni at Bu
gene: October II, V. O. vs. V. O.' Medio
at Bugene: October tt, v. o. vs. Univer
sity of California, at Sag Francisco; Oc
tober It. O. ft tn. Stanford, at Palo
Alto; November1 I, U. O. v. TTntverelty
of Waahlngtoa, at Bugen; November It,
not definite a yet; November It. TJ. O.
vs. O. A. C. at Corvallla; Thanksgiving
day, U. O. va M. A A. O. at Portland.
' XJeeraal ayeatml Barvk,
Mow Tork. Sept. It. Tb Natlooal
league magnates ar oonsldering aavaral
bnoeball lanovatloao with a view of
placing tha aame on a par with horaa-
raclog and the theatres. Th unpreoa
dentea uooasfl attending tha present
aeaeon haa ehowa that baseball, espe
cially th winning kind, la practically aa
great a drawing card na racing. All
through the present seaaoa the leading
clubs have played almost to capacity.
Tba Idea looking toward tha future
elevation of .the gam to a point where
It will attract tba beat class of
amuaemnt-sekera Include the aboli
tion of tb Sunday games and great Im
proves) ante m the acoommodatlona for
tb apaotator. Thla would mean ln
ereaaed expansee and a eeoaequent la
crosse in tba prices of admlaslon. With
erowd of from t,M ta 44.004 per
sona watching- game even under tho
present uncomfortable oondltlona, the
mag-nate belle v Utat a considerable
portion of tho number would prefer to
pay mor money to bo able to alt m
comfort rather tban endure th hard
board chahre at present la Use.
As regard Sunday ball, axportane It
beginning to ahow that It Is a loalng
venture; vea In th woat, where Im
mense crowd turn out for such game.
Tha profit la baseball cornea from tha
highr-pr1eed portion of tha etande, and
tha big Sunday erowd aa a rule,
occupy tha I cent aaata An Increase
la tb tariff would also keep out of tha
etand a oertala undeelrable portion of
th fan whoa language and general
behavior 1 annoying to those who de
sire to witness baseball without being
compelled to listen to uncalled-for oom
menta Looking further ahead, th achame to
ol odea tha urroundlnga and approaches
to the ball park. They argue that If
th ran track people can provide for
their patrona at eel grands tanda, land
scape gardening and other beautiful and
attract! v feat urea, tha baseball maa
agera and owners ahould follow eulL
Sunday baseball amy be eliminated ht
tho annual meeting thla winter. The
Sunday gamee played In Brooklyn thla
season showed that In th east at least
there jma little desire for th amuse
ment, while In tha west the game ar
mad attractive by features that would
not be countenanced la well -conducted
ball parka. . . - :
pAOxrzo vastovabj UAtrtrs, '
Flrat bi ' R H. H.
Boise 44114 I I 14 II I
Batte . . ......4044ttl I II 1
Batterle Thoina and Hanson;
Dowiing ana nponcer.
' K tl 1
Boise . .
Butte , .
I I I I I I II It 1
.....f 1 I t 0 I 1 4 I
McFarUn and Hanson, and
and Xeiiackey; Haoa and
PL Pi. at
Spokan . . ,,..4 f I 11 11 1
Salt Lake .V. . . 1 1 4 1 1 1 I 1 f
Batterle Howtett and .Stanley;
Thomae and Hauaea. .
Second gams R R K
Spokane '. 1 1 f f t 1 14 4
Salt Take A... tt 4 11444 4 t 1
Batter taa Hogg aad Stanley; T osier
sod Hauaea.
Jeerael fpeetal srvtee.i '
New Haven, Conn., Sept. II ThJ
Tale football squad today started on
their preliminary practice season of
eight day, at th end of which the KMa
will lino up for their nret gam, which
will be with Weeleren,
As a result of tha echolarsMp oondl
tlona the Tale eleven has loot several
of Ita beet men, but th new material
promisee well and Coach Rafferty confi
dently bopee to have a winning team
by the i time the big game on the ata-
eon'e Boheaule as raaojatd.:
Whatt Fight thro such
Tom Sharkey, Bob Fltaalmmona and Jim
Oorbett all la on night T No maa la hla
right gnig would attorn p
thing." , '
Tho apeahor waa John L. SulUvaa,
ohamplOB heavyweight puglllat of tho
worlA Continuing, he aald: -Jaffrtee
certainly l not eerloue la making such
aa offer; booauss there ar aa many
ohanoa agalnat aim la ucj a battle.
For tnsianoc, auppoaa her ahould, toko
Sharker flrat, Corbet! asoond aad Fit
third. Sharkey, although ha la almost
aa muoh of a haa been a myeelf, la at til
a tough propoeUloa for nay on to
tackle, Suppose Sharkey should mat 10
or II rounds, aa ha la capable of doing.
Jaffrlee would not be very fresh for km
battle with th el u aire Corbet t. Further
more, auppoaa Jeff ware to break th
bone of one of' hla hand on the flrat
man tackled. He would bo terribly han
dicapped In hla flghta with the neat two.
Neither Oorbett nor Fits can be Ignored,
for whiw Cor belt aan't hit hard enough
to hurt any one (John evidently forget
the punishment raoelved by bimeelf at
th hands of thla aame Corbett II year
ago), hla footwork and sparring ability
are aecond to mm la tha world. Fits
is atlU my favorite of all the flghtera.
and it ta my con fid eat opinion that- ha
can whip any one In tha world outside
of Jeffries. The public makes a mis
take la calling Bob aa old man. He baa
a lot la him yet, a be will ahow at hi
eerlleet opportunity.''
In response ta a aoaetloa as to th
reason for tha lack of popularity of
modern fighters, aa compared with bim
eelf In the old day of prosperity and
th more recent day of adversity. Bui
llvan replied tersely. "They're too close.'
John ought to know. Over-genaroolty
was and la hi besetting sin, the old
gladiator having but a few shekels to
show for th many thousands which ha
won tat the prise ring.
In Sullivan's opinion the amateur of
the oountry, particularly Sam Berger of
San Francisco and William Rotenbaoh of
New Tork, ar almost tb equal of tho
profoeaional tat their respective omaaea.
John la' tha authority for th statement
that there la a movement on foot on tho
coast to Induce Rotenbaoh to enter tho
professional ranks tn th middleweight
elaaa. If thla effort 1 auoeoaaful be
will be mate had to moot Kid McCoy, a
th sports oa tb Pacific ooaat hava
fallen In lov wtth tha New Torkare
style and think that bo would give the
foxy Kid tb battle of hla ring career.
Talfe list of Injured of conditioned
player continue to grow wtth the ap
proach of th sea aan. Ralph P. Kinney
and Jam Ow-ley ar th two latest
who ar reported out of tho gam thla
year. Kinney baa been served with
notice from tb faculty that be haa sev
eral eoodltlone to remove before he can
play football. H waa on of the star
taeklea for th past two year, but ha
i to have been tried at guard thla
year. " Ha waa a tutor alt cummer and
ho ha returned to New Haven to over-
oem the obetaolea.
Jimmy Owsley, who wa Tale beet
defenstv player mat year, la at New
Haven, but not to got Into shape for
football. HI strength behind tb line
la the Harvard and Princeton gamaa waa
so pronounced that tt will be difficult to
find a halfback to fill hla shoes. He
Buffered aa Injury to hla head mat year.
It la feared that If ha la playad on the
earn b may receive a gtmuar Injury
that would prove fatal. ,
Bom of th Portland batsmen proba
bly would be surprised to learn that
whoa tb pitcher throw a ball toward
them It la entirely parmlaalbto to roach
out and hit It.
gpenoer received a terrtft whack on
hta left hand while at the bat yesterday.
splitting on of hi finger and nutting
him out of th gam.
Thteiman showed hi value again by
going la at aaoond and playing; a atar
Morley ha signed a new pitcher- by
the nam of Waterbury. Thla man
ought to be able to watch tho baaea
Buck Francs of Oakland was nit oa
the head by a pitched ball yesterday
and Ilea at the Central Bmerrancy hos
pital Buffering from emission of tha
Today gam with Taooma end at:
ball her for a week. Beginning to
morrow the Browna will visit Parka
Wiiadn end hla gang for a U ayV an-
gngenwat. , - m - . -
MU fratrBsTBT,
Jew. sal ftpetiat gerrtea.
St. Loula, Sept It. The
golf competition for the Olympto cham
pionship opened today on the course of
the Otea Hobo Country dub and will
continue through the entire week. The
participation of H. Chandler Egan, who
recently won tb national championship
at Beltuarol, haa attracted added atten
tion to th tournament. Other entries
Include many Of tba moat prominent
player of both the eaat and west, ',.
4OTMt 4prfmJ 'SUfJvwWtf
Lew tat on. Idaho, Sept lfcTh Lew
mtan Athletlo association will put a
football team tn tha field thla season.
The aaeoelatton now number 4 mem
bers. Including much. Ana r material.
Practice will be begun neat week and
It la .proposed to take on gama a
early aa possible. The club rooms, al
though now comfortably nttedVwlll have
numerous addition this winter, Inolvd
ing a shower bath,, reading room and
: SpccUl St Lalf
Monday. October I, the a R. tt. wUl
run a special tourist ear, Portland ta
St. Loula Particulars of C W. Sttnver.
city ticket agent Third and. WaahinaaSB
Peacock flour always gives mtlsfxo
tlosff and i gaarantaed by your apa
b;:i imjAfXE
CflUMBSBt btT, .Balfftam' CMBS.
rtPpmlal mstatm h The earaal
Seattle, Sept It. Seattle maaufho
turera are about to organise 'aa insur
ance company of their own. The Manu
facturers' association baa taken the mat
ter up and on a report from a sub
committee which has been Investigating
for ths neat three months the compear
will be organised without delay.
Th causa for thla action 1 tha
oeealve rate aharged by eastern asm
paniea. Wtthla the past two year th
Sra protect loa of tha elty haa beaa In
creased over 44 per cent and yet the
application of manufacturer for relief
from high rates baa gone unheeded.
Th aub-ootamlttoe during It investt-
gntloa discovered that I per cent of in
surable carried by manufacturer 1
attic la placed through general
agencies la Saa Francisco and that th
com paniea only saa In tain eub-egenclee
la dmousstag 4h matter th manu
facturers plainly state they will no
longer pay trtbuto to Saa Fransiaoa of
any other city, but will tax oar of
their own Insurance at a lower rata, th
nam as la dona la many of the larger
eltlea af tha eaat
Bver si no th development of the
wast many of th larger eltlea have
been k prey for th Insure noa oompanlea.
Statlatloa ahow that, compared -with
population, m aeveral Instanoes the bus!
aaaa of aaetem oompanlea in western
cities I lot per eont greater thaa ta
eastern eltlea;
wui ma Mi mag
A meeting t th association will be
bald soon, whan It hi expected th sub
committee, continued ta la duty, will
report on plan. Correepondene has
been established with eaatom eltlea.
wher Baanufaoturar carry their own
insurance aad tb beet plan submitted
wlU a the na adopted hare, v ,
flu slil IHsaatca to n ImaU.)
SaatUe, Wash-. - Sept Is. Senator
Oeorg Turner, Democratic eandldata
for governor: Stephen Judsonr Demo-.
e ratio candidate for lieutenant-governor;
and such other eandldateo as may elect
to accompany the party will spend tho
week In Stevens and Ferry counties.
Senator Turner will Jeav Spokane to
day and wul speak at Newport thla
Thla will bo th only trip Mr. Turner
and Mr. Judaon will make through these
counties daring th campaign. Later
they will go la to southeastern Wash
ington and afterward cross th moun
tain and apeak for two week oa tha
west old. ' ....
(SsetUI Dweaoe The liereiL)
Seattle. Wash.. Sept it. Thr Paclfto
Coast company haa race! red orders from
'.- w
TKe Hit
85-87. irrs srm
i i-'.r. r. , ..j . ,
v ( ) CIothincrTime
V:-'. l;
...V ., I I r, .
.5? :
J '.. ,t . r v J' :
, .(t i.. .M.i a i i hi
11 ' ' f -i S . , - ( -. ,
. : - Mill
if "" . :3
Write aw sOatsmtiaa isniMu ear mawwaarlaa aseaU aad
TL 00TT. S. at
th Whit Paaa and Yukon railroad not
to accept any more freight shipments
to Skagway for potato In tha interior
beyond White Horse, a through ship
mnte have beta dosed.
While M will be com time before
navigation closes oa th river, tha com
paay haa a larga amount of freight oa
hand at White Home and thla wlU prob
ably tax the capacity of ell the rivet
boat tin the eeeaoa m at aa ana,
- ' fSMMl Mt le Vhs TaMl 1 : '
' Seattle, Sept, it. August and tept
t ember thle year break all records In the
history of the local health department tn
death of children under "1 year of age.
Laat month there were 44, and for the
first II day of tb present month then
were 14. The elty physician charges the
record to the summer month and to
mothers feeding .their be bee on ooWeaad
prepared milk and Infant foods Instead
of th natural mother's milk.
ATvery year tha records show thor 1
an Increase In th Infant death reto dur
ing the- summer months, but never be
fore has- tt beaa so notloeabla. There
hav been no epidemics of any kind, and
no other cause saa bp assigned than
those given out
Ueernal aaerisl giiofc)
London, Sept lt.-vrho suitaa of
Lahore la ..constantly seen driving In
hi automobile hero, but although th
mac h In Is glorlned wtth gorgeoua
crests and eoatl-of-arma, the owner him
self la always tha canter of general at
tract torn The reason Is that the sultan
possesses a unique set of teeth, all hta
own. .all tho front "Vnc being set with
dUmonde'enclrcied by gold. The effect
at eloa Quarter, when hi high nee
am ilea ax pa naively, ta astonishing.
' lapMlal Dtaeatea ta The TswBsl )
settle. Wash, Sept It. But 74 feet
of the big Great Northern tunnel un
derneath) Seattle remaina to be exca
vated. - Xarg cretrs sur 4ernar worked
at both end and ft la expected that th
AU ol ths fBshionabps colors
man styles that (o to mas up a GREAT STOCK .
t CLOTHES FOR FALL lW4-rs ready. No mat . : ' 1
- ter what garraent you want ImiwsvSI1 H'a toads and :
whatever die shade. If it Is
dressers of the east ou11 find
1 - ', ALWAYS LOWER than asked at uptown stores.
ffXVBMY MAT iealTIIOi.,r -
TLii Hwido S3:
- ci tccx r::.ra cr drrx cf arrscS
. HUT & BOOR, a. B.
Northwest Gun and
Bicycle Co.
Great Clearance Sale
Victor Basobsll Ooods, Etc -:
We dee Ire to clear the floor of even
wheel In the house, and to accomplish
that result will offer suoB bargain aej
tsrm aa . tlt .
Must Clean the House t
Without delay. Tha Admiral ha 'no au'
parlor In the TJnlted State It 1 a
Taultleaa bioyol, and to move It ejnlckly
wa oaer .
Racers at $25.00
laoad Wheeb at $19.00
Wa earn a com nl eta Una of Parkerl
Remlnston. ' Smith's. Ithaca, La Fervo
ajidr Worcester Shotgun a, Winchester
and Martin Repeating Shotguns and a
full Una of the best known and popular
makea of Rifles. We also have a very
complete assart stent of cutlery. Ashing
tackle and sportlna goods of every char
acter, at very low prices,' , .
light o day will b eeea throusii ths
sreat bore within two month. . It la
expected tthe whole will be ready to tant
overMo- thevratfroem Mora. kWLAlwt. o
the-yaare. ' 4
.'-.-. ft . -
an4 all rtf rtia : A '
and weares sJl of ths
L - '
worn by the particular
It here at a PRICE -
ii, - - '-v s
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'a . '
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t ' I i, t
'up - .'
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