The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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V.. '5
Evidence Shows That Another , Man Not Under
Arrest Now Was in City View Saloon '
When Breaer Received Death Wound. 1
""' That ft atatb Italian u Implicated
n t to murder of Out tJ. Brsuor la.t
Thursday nig la the Cfy View salooa.
and that to either sred ths VS shots
or entered for tae purpose of carrying
nwwy the aontii believed M have been
ooveted by th members the plot, la
now tb theory of the po.'Joe. Testi
V wonr to this effect was avVen is th
jnunlctpal court this uornlnf. when th
' . can who broncht bofora Ju 1s Hocim
v, for preliminary bwrlna. 71m atata'a
tar wltaMM wart A, a twi 9ohu
Vhou and B. V. Co..
Lwla tba oriftinal fciformatlow
to th polio that iwaultot ta tha ar
ret of Ui flra Itallana by Dataetlva
Hart wan; aMrt tha nva , aooia nm
that Might; aaw an Italian run from th
mmtnnm and fclda tha rOVOlVaT' i tB
.n rtura to tha Dlaoa.
A aenaation waa apruna; by tba piscina;
of John Show, a kmahornaB, on
u. mwmm t 414 Eaat Sixth. Ha
mw Stor That Slfe th Best Good at the Lowett Prices."
New Fall Coats, Jackets and
Tourist ' Coats just ; received ;
, Placed on sale 9 a in. Tuesday.
Half Fitting
In bhie. black, light and dark
tans, castors, new shades in
brown andv the new mannish
effects 327 of these Jackets,
no fwo alike, to select from.
Prices Very low considering
style and quality.
r ; 27-inch
Tourist Coats
oose ,4uing,(. m ajj fitt new.
and standard colors, all-wool
Kersey and the new mannish
goods. .These coats -are pic
tures and must be seen to be
appreciated. Moderate prices,
ss always quoted hers sty Is
and quality the bett
Thretvqaarter length
Tourist :
, . - Ti-
A superb . collection In
black, castor, blue and
brown. A terrible slash
ing In prices in the cloak
room, second floor. Prices
for tomorrow on mannish
arments f5, $6,
7.50, 88.60, f 9.45,
10.50. Sl2. 45.
14.85. $15 and up
ward. An new and exclu
sive with this house, and
can be had no place else
in the city., ,
On Oar Second Floor
We are showing a line of
.7 ail the new
Coats, Jackets
Tourist Coats
? Suits
; Skirts and
Tuesday and-all week a
special effort will be made
to show these new styles
to those who wish to look
with no reference to buy
ing. - .
swor ha antarad tha salooa wbaro tha
traaady took lc that nlht st lt:S
o'alook. Ha saw mix Itailana tha rod
abovt a card tabla, waaro ono of tharn
ordarad boar or tba arowd. Brauar
brouarht It. raoalvad tha It aonta and
placad It la tba raciatar. Ha aold vlt
naaa siaaa ovar tha bar pafora ha ta
partad for homa, and tha six Italians
war tbara wim ha laft. Thar
ISAiehinc asd talking- and pratty drunk.
A aacond sanaatlon was eauaad by tha
taatlaaonr of B. V. Cos. a comMarelsl
travelar. who rooma st It3 Kaat Clay
atiW. la mob s pises ss to command b
vtaw of tba aoans of tba murdw.
"1 wss rasdins- a papar, whan I hoard
font ahota." aald Cos. "I raabad to
tha window, loofcsd dowa tbs straat Into
tha Cltr Vlow saloon. I oould
throush tha doors. Men wars, dodging
about Is tbara. How aunr I cssaol
U1L ' '
aaw four or flva man ooms out tha
front door. Thar war talking. Than
I saw s nan ooraa out frosi tba
of tha aalooa Into Clay atraat and ooms
toward Union svanua. whar tba othsrs
wars. Tha proprietor of tba City Vlaw
hotol cam out and aaM aosMtbtns t
i ha srouo. Thar said na haad, Tha
myatorhms ssaa than walkad p to tham
asld oonMthloaT and than a man walkad
rapidly south on Union stosus to whars
tha ravolvar was hlddan. Two othar
lUtlons eamo nn CUy atraat to Grand
aronua, atoppad- thora a ntooiant and ra-
tumod. Than tba asan asms tawK rroni
tha south and all antarad thb astoon.
tha wltnaas said s man najmsd Robaru
than want Into tbs saloon, , Brauar was
lying on. tba Moor daad and tha polloo:
srrlvad and took oharga.
Dataetlva Hsrtsssn. who osmad th
nrraat of tha flva Italians In Jslk wss
wltnaas. talltns of bis Part la tha
Ha Introduoad S M-osllbor ballat.
found ttnbaddad In tba wall, and which
la Important, as it show tba man who
rsdtbs shots nsad a slx-ohsmbarad
gun. and tbs on In srldsnea Is s na-
ohsmborad, St-osllbsr. Th onsngs was
msds. Hart man says, whlla tbs Italians
wars at largs.
Tha osss win ba soneludaS In tbs
manlolpai eoart Wsdnssdsr st 11
o'clock. Datsetlvss Day and Wafnsr,
who parmlttad tba Srs Itailana to lasra
tbs aoans of tba nturdar without av.n
Bco.rehlnaT tham or bKnging tham to tha
atstkm ss wltnaas aa. wars oallsd for.
Thar did not sttand tbs soronsra tn-
qusst or tbs haarlng this morning, and
tha district attornar wants to aak tham
a faw quswUons about tbslr part la tbis
from Portland tba atsamar want aground
! naar tha mouth of tba Wlllaoaatta. .Tba
ataamar was lnanchad -4ass tbaa ' two
monlba ago snd baton gs to J. DodwaU Si
Co. Sha m wndsr a yasra char tar t
Inmsn dt Posjaan of Portland to ssrry
lumbar IS San Franomos. -
or qsnsTsnToar
roa osuxjr oabm bit
J , r&MDVi7
--. iMtoMBT m mm mnarm tm.
" ' sssawamCgmasssjpsmaaWsnsB
1asrsd Sasetal tarvtea.)
rrlsdrleharuhs. Sapt. It.-Aftsr Ibv
gating throughout Saturday nlgbt on
tha vary rtrg of daath and with baraly
I anough Ufa laft to snow to thosa at bis
bodalds that ha had not dspartsd, Prlnea
Harbsrt Bismarck dlad asUrdsy fora-
: noon.
Tbs brines lasros an ottato nlul at
naarly ll.tM.Mt, and hs UUa of prlnea.
togsthar with this pro party, falls to his
son Otto, who m but oaTan rasrs of ago.
His daath Isaves s rsosne to ths Raich
a tag, whera ha bss stasdfsaUy bold hint
self as as ladapondant atnoa his rati ra
in ant. upon tha daath of hta fstbsr.
from ths graatar affairs of statar
Prlnea Harbart. tba aldaat son of tba
famous ohanoaUot, was barm tn 1141.
Itta was tralnad by his fsther for grsat
arsrajnn-wmi atssdllp: sdyanaad ar-
ing that parlod wban.'ths Stan of Iron"
was tbs atrongast fstftor In tba gorarn-
mant Hburaoord la tba army was of'
tbs highest and as seeretsry to ths m-
basay in London and mlnleter to tha
Hague ha sdded to the raspset siren
him. From HM to lfltt ha wag ths
i head of ths foreign office, which port
i folio ba resigned when bis father was
practically crowded from puNle life.
Whatever bops ho may hare had that
ths kaiser would reoaU him Co the fore
I was disappointed, and to ths very last
be m aald to hare fait that bo bad been
unjustly treated. .
Hia omreer waa naarly wrecked when
In bis youth bs sloped with Princess
OsroUtto Beuthea of - 81! eels. Hs later
abandoned her in a moot hesrtlssi man
ner, leaving her with neither funda nor
honor. Sha dlad ef a broken heart.
In a measure this gross stew from the
paths of rectitude was forgotten, or st
lesst wss no longer the subieot for goo
alp, after hla marriage with Countess
Hoyoss. which waa celebrated in June,
lflf. Three children Were worn of the
marriage. Despite hie somewhat
haughty and overbearing manner, prlnea
Herbert had many warm friends and
I adherents, who always hoped for his re-
; turn to a position of crest Jmportaaos.
(Sperial PlsMteb ta TV JaoruLY
Baker City. Or Sent It.Oeora 9.
Wright, one of the most prominent
ranchers of Powder valley, whose homa
farm Is but a short distance from Ba.
her City, yesterday received a. lattev
from Charles V. Galloway st St. Louis.
who Is one of ths officials of ths world's
fair from Oregon. Mr. Oallowav writes
especially for tbs purpose of receiving a
further exhibit of fruit from Oreann.
particularly from eastern Oregon. He
lys tnst Arkansas leads all exMblta
with tba largest applet having one that
weighs IS ounces.
Mr. Galloway ssk for an amtla rrnm
Oregon that will surpass this monster
from Arksnsse. Mr. Wrisht mm that
ha will pay IS for mJS apple rateed In
Oregon thstrwill weigh mors than 13
ounces, sad that he will see that the
I growet or orchsrdlat gets Credit st the
woria a fair tor the exhibit, snd ths srs-
, mium, soouia ns wm It. Oregon has al
ready mads ths finest exhibit of cber-
lies. plums snd prunes, snd will prob
bly secure tbs mods for those fruits.
xvymuro rjr woexaar box.
Salem. Or., "opt. It Herbert Gam
bol, ged 14 years, fell from a ladder
while at work is tha Kay woolen mllle
soon after 1 o'clock thla mornlns. lie
struck on his head snd shoulder, and
waa eeriouelr hurt Hs sms Axing the
irlng of a ahaftlng. snd H is net
1 known how the sccMent occurred. It la
poaalblo that a bolt knoefced ths ladder
' At a rats not mads puWle tha British
ship Carnarvon Bay wss chartered thla
morning by aha Portland Flouring mills
to carry a cargo of-wheat and Sour
to South A fries. It Is the Srst Urns
with to the past nine months that a ship
has been engaged to carry S cargo of
grain from Portland to the dark son
tlaeat. Ths news announcing tbs obsr-
ter wna cabled to Captain arlfflUt from
The veasel will begin loading for tha
outward trip fust ss soon ss her inward
oargo Is discharged; She Is now lying
at ths Greenwich dock, snd as H looked
as though she would have to remain
her some time before being chartered
there has bees no particular effort made
to get ths freight removed from her
hold. The work will now bs rushed.
Ths Carnarvon Bar Is a big carrier
and will take out In thcnelghborhood of
1,141 tons. Sblpper are speculating
upon the rats which aha received. The
association rates for . transporting
oargo from Portland to ths United King
dom srs 17s Id, but, the members of the
combine fixed no certain flgures for
South African business. Tbs owners era
therefore to a position to accept what
ever rats they like without violating
any agreement they have entered Into
with tbs other members of ths saseote-
Uon. :
Ordinarily ths freight tariff to South
Africa has been shout ths asms ss that
which Is charged for taking cargo to
European ports. But st ths pries that
wheat Is now selling locally It Is
claimed that ths exporters cannot af
ford to pay more than about too for a
ship and realise any profit on tbs trans-
So far there has been no disposition
shown by ths exporters to engage ves
ssls Is which to make grain shipments
to Europe, and the opinion seema gen
eral that there -will -not be. until the
Ch lease and Liverpool whest markets
get on a parity. There is more lois
tonnage In port, for so early In the
season, than has been the osse for many
years past and tbs Indications are that
It will bs greatly added to within, the
next few weeks. A small Beet now
due to nut In an appearance nt the
mouth of the river and with one or two
exceptions not any of them have been
fixed for an outward cargo, une
oeotlons noted were chartered several
months ago. when the situation 1
entirely different from that of ths pa-
Soms are making conjectures an to
what course the owners., of ths French ;
bark Brlseum will pursue on ths char-
tar question. She recently - arrived in
port with a general cargo, and -as yet
la not fixed for an outward voyage.
Rather than have her lis Idle In the!
harbor the belief Is Jteneral that ths
owners wlU accept a lower rata man
that wbloh the combine has placed in
fores In order that she may bs made to
earn- ths bounty that ths French gov
ernment allows.
With a oargo of Mw tons of tan bark
ths steamer Aberdeen of ths California
A Oregon Coast Steamship company's
nest arrived - In port last night from
Shelter Cove. CsL As ths harbor Is
vary shallow at that point grsat deal
of difficulty wss experienced In betting
the vessel, leaded. She oould only lie
In port during Hood tide and during ths
balanos of tha time she spent out at
a. When the tide began to recede the
ataamar would put out for deep' water
and aha wss forced to chase beak and
forth for almost three days before the
lest piece of taabsrk was thrown bar
6a the return trip tbs Stsamsr will
take out wheat tn her hold and a deck
load of lumber. The grain WlU bs sup
plied by Kerr. Olfford Co. She will
sail ss soon as aba can bs discharged
and fitted out .
! Our Vapor Bath Cabinet
Tomorrow tba eased salmon will all
bo discharged from tbs shin bargee nt.
which arrived a .few days ago from
Nusbasmk. Alaska. Tba septals reports
that, tba vassal will bs tied up for ths
winter at some point on Columbia
slough. Hs Intends to go up that way
tomorrow to look, n a location for
On account of tbs fog ths Harvest
Queen dropped tbs sritlsb ship Beaoon
Rock at Brook field yeaterday. This af
ternoon tba vessel will bs moved down
to Astoria by tbs Ocklahama, should
tbs fog not bs too thick.
While a new pips was being IsM at
tbs gas dock this morning the water
mala at tbs Alaska and A I na worth docks
wss badly damaged. Until the repairs
srs msds there will bs no olty water
down that way, and all are exercising
more than ordinary anutloo to prevent
the outbreak of a firs.
Tbs steamer Columbia, nailed last
night for Saa Franc leoo with a full
cargo of fsneral xesrcbandkeK
- WVWflUOKM 1st QOTiI I SlOsT. . .
While oomtng np ths river this morn
ing slowly working- bar way through
tbs heavy fog tbs steamer Larllne of
the Xmm Una of boats crashed Into a
log raft lust below tbs steal bridge, but
fortunately escaped without rsostvtng
sny damage. Ths raft was In tow of
the F. R. Jones, and It w said tbs
fog wss so thick at ths time that tt wss
Impossible to ses any dletsnos ahead.
Tbs Lurllns wss coming from Astoria
and bad on a big crowd of psaasngsra.
The force of the collision threw soms
of them out of their seats, and for a
time tt is said that many of tham wars
badly frightened. Ths logs were at ruck
a" sort sf a aide blow. Had ths steamer
gone straight against ths heavy timbers
It Is believed that abs would have been
badly damagsd, and possibly there
would have been a disaster la the bar-
boc . . . ...
1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1 i m i ... in m
For obesity, rheumstlsm, poor circulation, impure blood,
indigestion- and all derangements of the kidneys or liver.
.Takes but a moment to prepare a vapor Sulphur, Medicated.
- J '. ura;ian or auecuic uacn . . ,
1. 1
Costs You 3 Cents
We have teatirnonials by ths score from prominent people
. who have regained their health by using our BATH CAB-
INST. See our window demonstration each afternoon this
week.. Prices for all and aU good .
$3.50 $5.00 , $8.00 $12.00
Hers Are Soms Special Prices In Our.
Rubber Department
REX Family Bulb Syringes, two hard rubber pipes. u. .27f
BOSTON Water Bottles, 8-quart..... 69f
GOODYEAR Para Belle Water Bottlea, S-quart 73d
WOOLMET Flannel Covered Water Bottle. S-ouart 81.09
j RAPID FLOW Fountain Syringes, fully guaranteed,
o-uusun t ... ....;.. ...k. .iav
TYRIAN TEN Fountain Syringe, with globe whirl
ing spray attachment, best grade. . . ; . . .. . .91.59
REX Combination Fountain Syringe snd Hot Water
bottle, hard rubber pipes, S-quart. v. .98d t
TYRIAN Family Bulb Syringe. .;...,..79? X
uur ttUDoer uooos leasc itvery Article uuaranteea
Competent Saleswomen '
-"'.,f '.' .To wait upon thenv - . t:t ?
Direct phone to our Rubber Goods Dept. Exchange 11.
Astoris. Sept It. Condition of ths
bar at I a. av, smooth; wind, aorta,
light i weather, otear.
Astoria. Sept II. Balled at T
steamer Acme for Baa Franclsoo.
Ballad at 7:11 a. nu steamer Aurells.
for Bah Franclsoo.
Arrived dowa at 1 mat night and
sailed at midnight, steamer Redoado, for
San Franclsoo. - .
Baa Fraaelsoa, stoat 1T Arrived at
l:ls a, av, steamer George W. . Elder,
from Portland.
Bailed, schoonar Joseph Buss, for Co
lumbia river. , -
Astoria. Sept 1T.-Arrtved down at
Ballss Aatlstpated.
If an slgna do not fall, those wba art
keeping posted on waterfront events say
that there will bs a big rats War insu-
urmUd V.T "hortlr brth 5, 0- 1:41 p. pa., barksatlns Jamss Johnson,
panlea which are operating boats be-1 r y , , m , , . j
tween jrortiano ana i ns vaiies. in irncv. i QflJTf TH
semi-official reporta .
Tha autement was made by ths agent
of the opposition tins thla morning that
tha owners of ths ateamer Bailey Oat
sert accepted 12.49 for carrying seven
besd of horses snd three men to The
Dalles. Had ths regular rates
charged. It la aald that tbs fees would
have amounted to 111.50. Ths explana
tion Is further made that ths Hps near
will probably bs forced to adopt ths
same tactlca for self -protect loo. An in
timation IS mads that ths passer. ger
ratss to ths head of navigation on tha
SDenosr tomorrow are likely to be fie
eenta The regular fare la 1.M.
Should this rats be Introduced.- It Is
generally admitted that It would have
ths affect of precipitating s big rats war
that would oontlnus Indefinitely. Zt la
understood that the only way that a big
reduction In rates osn bo prevented will
bs for the managers of ths two lines to
get together at ones and patcb up their
differences. -
Last year when ths rats war was on
ths s tea me re were carrying passengers
at ths rats of SI cents. It continued un
til ths Bpencer wss taken out of eom-
m tea Ion to be lengthened out In order to
give bsr greater carrying capacity
When ahs was put back on ths run the
old tariff was sgsln pat In fores snd
msmtolnsd. so far aa tbs general public
has boon aware.
Wblls going dowa ths river yesterday
1 morning tbs steamer Harvest Queen col
lided with tbs draw of the Burnstds
bridge, but aside from the railing oa arts
slds of ths draw being bent snd twisted
there was no damage dona Ths mishap
is said to bo ettrlbutabls to the dense
foe. - -
;. . n .
ajors far Btajrr amaJiiiagB bis
xvajra aacnVTMS,
jtuswXAjra wtxm
s sst Peid for Zkms
sar aonexA,
(Jesraal sserial Ssrvkml
Rnystrone, Oa., Sept II. For the
1 shooting of C T. Daniel of Danlelsvllle
yesterday, Johnson Wars, a negro, wss
takes by a mob and lynched. After fa-
I tally wounding hta victim ths negro
fled to ths woods, but wss captured by
ths sheriff, who biter attempted to pro-
I tect hie prisoner, but waa overpowered.
Bight hour laws srs Ignored by those
tireless, little Werners-Dr. King's New
Life Pill. Millions are always at work.
i night and day. soring mdfgeetiim. bll
l toususss. oonstlpstlon, sick heads oho and
alt stomach, liver and bowel troubles.
Easy, pleasant, safe, sura,,: Only lea, at
Red Cross Pharmacy, corner Sixth Sad
i Oak, on tbs way to ias poslcflkta.
BxpoTvers At
Sasentasd by Besaare of AsaMa.
That part ef the stesmslilp Arabia's
oargo which wss consigned to Jape. nee
porta but which has been bald at Vladi
vostok for many weeks past will be .paid
for by the Russian government at its
market value. The shippers wltl also
receive full compensation from the asms
source for the losses they have sus
tained by reason of delsya experienced
by the capture of the vessel and tbslr
Inability to All their ordera
Thla Information .was received this
morning by U. O. Harrison Co., the
underwriting Arm, and the ehlppera In
turn havs been notified of the decision
reached by the St Petersburg govern
ment They srs now getting together
their claims, snd will send tham to av
Petersburg immediately. While they
were protected from ell possibility of
loss by ths underwriters, ths exporters
srs highly gratified that ths matter ter
minated in ths manner It baa Tbs ex
porter did not want to see the Insur
anos noonle get the worst of tbs deal.
One of ths shippers expressed It la this
Wlssi I
It wss altogether s matter of prin
ciple. No other nation In ths world
holds flour to be contraband of war, and
ths Russians should have been mad.
to psy for ths selsurs loikt before this
tlms. Ths delay they hsva put ua to
will undoubtedly ooet tham something."
"" ""JsOOB
, Vvssb'usMm a lstsa, fJ'
(Jeeraal leeetel Sentee.
Ban Franclsoo, Sept II. The ateamer
Northland, while bound from Portland
for San Francisco on her maiden trip
with a cargo of 00,o0 feet of lumber.
struck a rock last night at Pinos, sff
ths California eoest, which tore a big
hols In her hull through which the
water rapidly flowed. She was sighted
by a passing tugboat snd tt now betBg
brought to San Francisco. The lumber
oargo la all that prevented her from
sink log. Whits golnf down ths river
(Jeeraal teeeial service.)
Saa Francisco, Sept. II. The opening
day of the lltb annual session of ths
sovereign grand lodge, LO.O. F., was a
busy and enthusiastic one. At I o'clock
thla -morning the delegates assembled ta
Native Don's hall, where they were for
mally welcomed on behalf of ths city
of flsn Francisco and ths local branches
of the order. John B. Oosdwln, grand
airs, responded to the welcomes, after
which ths sovereign grand lodge repre
sentatives proceeded to -Native Sons'
hall, where ths first bsmnesa session
hsM. Orand Sirs Ooodwln made his
annual report to tbs soverelga grand
lodge. -4
in hla report Mr. Ooodwln called at
tention to tbs fact that tbs sovereign
grsnd lodgs met In Sen Franclsoo In
llll. - At that -tlms . ths subordinate
lodgs membership was tlMOt, At ths
beginning of the present year -It was
1.1S1.4I1, besides 4,ll woman who be
long to ths order's auxiliary, ths Degree
of Rebekaa, making a total of 1.4J,1I
members. Ths total revenue of the or
der la ths year llll was U.
Last year It reached ths sura sf $111,-
117,011.14. In lilt 'ths amount ex
pended for relief purposes was 1419,
411.14. while In 1101 It wss
Membership of ths primary branch sf
ths order on Jan vary 1 amounted to
1.151.411. Of these, 1IT.I4I also be
longed to the encampment branch of ths
order, 111.011 were members of the lie-
be kah lodges, and ll.itl wore uniforms
of the Patriarchs Militant With ths
combined membership In ths two
branches, that for the men and that for
the women, ths I. O. O. F. takes Its plscs
st ths bead of the fraternal orders of tbs
Ths report of Orand Seeretsry J, Fred
flrant of Baltimore was a very volumi
nous one. It wso a review nf ths duties
of sdJutant-genersl of the uniform ed
rank of the. order. Ths membership
statement for the lodges showed these
figures: Number of members January 1.
1101, 1,11,711: arrora in previous re
porta 711; Initiated, 111.111: admitted
by card. 19:174; reinstated. 11.111: lees
by srrora In previous reporta' 1.174:
withdrawn by card. 11,111; suspended.
41.1111 expelled, l,llTi deceased, ll.lll:
total losnss, 11.101; lenvtng 1,111,114
msmbera on January 1, 1104.
Reporting tbs condition of ths en
campment branch of the order, the
grand secretary repotted thg totsrmem
erhlo on January 1. 1104, to hw T,
140. Ths Rebokah lodges on th same
Free Delivery to AU Parts of ths City.
& Company
Canadian 'Money Taken at Full Value.
Ml I I e
data nam bared 1,411 and had a total
membership of 441,177.
The showing msds by ths Patriarchs
Militant, tbs uniform ed branch of ths
order, was given la tbs followlne fig
ures: Number of snntona, & -membership,
11.111; worth of rontons, !UC
140.44. Nsw Tork leads with 1,010 mem-
bera closely followed by Onlo with
enrolled. .
Ths day's general program Includes a
concert at Mechanics pavilion this af
ternoon and a- grand reception la ths
pavilion tonight Deputy Orand . Sirs
Robert Wright has not yet arrived, nn
has been ill. but It Is confidently be
lieved ho will bs able to ooms and will
oonsent to bio slsvaUoa to ths grand
Boston. Clnelnaatl and New Orleans
are entered la a race for tba aaxt gath-
srlae. . , .
Dent let the little ones suffer from
ecsama or other torturing skin diseases.
No need for It Doan'a Ointment cure.
Can't harm ths most delicate akin. .At
any drug store, 10 cents '
SCsptetal Msssteb Is Tss leerast) ' ' v 1
Spokane, Sept 11. Mra Aaron Kuan,
wife of ths vice-president of ths
Traders National bank. In this city; re
opened her school at Oadawa Jaa last
Baturday. The chfldren who attend this "
school srs for ths meet part from tha "
poorer section of the city and range
from I to 14 years of ago.
(Jeeraal gpeeM Serviea.)
Chicago. Sept 11. This la ths onlyj
city visited which msds no arrange
snents for ths reception and satertala
ment of the lntor-parllamentary union.
While hers they have been In ohsrgs of
government official a Tonight they wilt
leave for Detroit snd thence to Buffalo
Tuesday by boat
17 i"5
Time Pieces
A Watch
$1 a Week
The best $25 Watch,
.fully warranted, Is sold
on payment of $2.50
' down and $1 a weck
choice of the Elgin
Waltnam, Deuber
Hampden works. ' Solid
gold case or 20-year (warranted) filled case;
positively none better sold. Hundreds of styles '
'to select from. - 'V'" '
1. Gevurt2 Sons
' ' - ; cor. yam::;u and first sis.':'?
stwrtt Sells tt ht im ;. The UUt-tlt-Tuwt Stort
"i 9