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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
t a a v THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL "PORTIsAftD, MONDAY EVENINO, SEPTEMBER II, MOC it NEWS OF THE MINES STILL THE QUESTION IS: "WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY?" When You See It in Our Ad X MM M Me 6 -; v; it's so bs Wogglebug, wtee mm of the nerty. ndrtkw to answer aU quee tJane for his eoamdN from Oe. He hM ta umr oa each week. Hla answer la sot printed. The iwdir la lft to discover It. Ths pictures and dninrlirtlTi matter auk this comparatively aaar to the active mind. Both the pictures and tha story ara guldee ta the aolutloa ef tha probUm, and the euestloa admits of but aoa oorraot answer. The puasle requlree only ordinary eklll and knowledge of (acta Included ta history, Wogrephy, not any and natural history, or an acquaintance with plaosa, building or eat Mnu about which biformaUos la easily obtainable. It la not gn seeing eoataat. but a trial of akUL . .. j i . - Ta ethnuhwe mterest ta tha "rlalt of tha people frees tha Land ef Oa. Tha Journal will gve . no aaah aaoh month ta thoaa of Ita raadara whe aond ta aorraet or nearly oorraot aaewere to tba questions put ta tha Wofgltbag ay bia at Sept 1. P-thla Coupon Only. ,( N0.'16 To tba WOOOLJDBUa XDITOIU ' ".-".: -. - mm BTJNDAT JOURNAI PORTLAND. OIUDOON. .' Tha answer ta tha queetloe asked of tha Wogglebug ta tha efagn ata Bastion of Cba panar 1 SUNDAY. aWPTBMBJUt It. la , s 'j' - 1 , t . . , 1 , . . . frw a IfanM.. .. .,. a Street and Ifumber... ...... ...,.'. ............... Tewa er Ctty.... .. Mat a employ of ha wa9aaft as maw, am af as aavteyea famtty hi a. 1 1 i FILL OCT THB ABOVB COUPON. Alaa tba ooupoa to ha found aaoh day ta Tha Journal until Saturday. Boptambar It. Thla firm you aavaa ebanooa to anavar tha quaotlon aucwaatad In Sunday's paa. Baoh Sunday a fraah quaation la aakad. Thla quaatlon la to ho anawarad on tha oou poa printed an that day and on aaeh of tna aU waafc days following; ax oopt that In tba waak hainnlna Soptamhar U only tha ooupona up to and Including Soptamhar 19 will ha oountod la that araak'a answara. 8AVB TOUR COUPONS, and on tha la at day of tha month sond thorn all to THE WOOOLJEBUO EDITOR, Tha Journal. Portland. Tbia wlU and tha eon teat for Soptaaabar, and tba prime will he awarded vary early ta the month f October. :--:-", FIFTT DOLLARS IK CASH PRIZES WILL BE OTOBN AS FOLLOWS: L For tha ftraataat number of eorraet anawara, I1S.00 ...$10.00 S. For tba next largaat number of oorraot anowora, f.ot 1.00 S. For the third largaat number of oorraot aaawora, fS.10..... l.M 4. For tha fourth largest number af eorraet anawera. ...-.... 1.00 a. For tha tan next largeet nam bore of eorreet anawera, tl-00 aaoh.. 11.00 d. For the ton next largest numbora of eorreet anawera, 11.00 aaoh. 10.0 I. Far tha eleven next largest numbers of eorreet anawera, loo. each t0.00 - RULES OF THE CONTEST. The largeet Bombay of eorreet anawera wwav All ooupona for any one month will be ooneeeutlroly atimberod. and'- nnwt heplaoed ta end envelope and arranged ta order of than? publloa tlen, - Only oe ooupoa of tha aasaa dan aaa ha lsead ta tha aama aoTalope of answrra for tha month. - If mora than ona-lndlrldual should have every ooupoa ' eorreetiy marked and properly arranged, the Ant prise would he divided hntwaan the wlnnera Other prtaea will be similarly dtvlded la eaee any number of oonteetanta have the aama numbav of anawera that are equally oorreot, but not abeolutely ae. Contestants need-net write tha aama answer on aU eoupona tamed for any one week. A different anawar ean be written for each day; but If you ara euro you are right, you will, of eouree. write the aama anawar on all eoupona leaued for any ana Sunday. Remember, the lagaat n am ber of eorreet anawera wlna, - AO eoupona for any ens Snout nraet be pleoed la the aama envelope X and be In the effloa of Tha Journal by 10:00 a. ta. of the M day of I.........................................I ANOTHER a - MINE PROODCIKG bus ft a - smiFPmm to , VAZBB7 nos B9 BVaJOrOOK- CCIEF IM'S TALK C5ELt:;0"RDAST" htnr of tatoo bbi.ibt obmwd o xrmasQtrAmrmms bt obas ajto B)OTOBtBE4UaTa BIB V1U MBV g yej gjTB BB. '. ' ' There was an unusual playlet put on at the polios station yeeterday afternoon at i o'clock when the gathering of the aeoond relief of patrolman, under eom aaand of Captain BaUey. took place. The men rallied at headquarters by order of Chief Bunt, whose purpose was a m ro tary to them until he began a lecture. After Captain Ballsy celled the men a "attention Chief Hunt stepped up and-aarveyed them from head to foot. Ho than began to accuse tbem of un seemly ..conduct; said they looked as though thay had been Bleeping ta hay atacka; that they were untidy ta dress, and that he beard from reliable souroea that thay spent their time while off duty In rlotuous living and eonduot of the meat frivolous kind. - policemen live at a rooming oa First etreet. The chief char acter laed that place as disreputable, de- - elertag that he bad ordered both of- - Basra to move out of It and secure lodg ings elsewhere. The chief aald that be had had good afftoers watching them, whose-reports ta blmibsvught the biuah of shame to hie cheeks. Conduct sueh as no oAosr should even be suspected of, ha declared, had bees reported to him. Tba ebief suld he had power to "flre" aaeh and every one who disobeyed his am ds tea and that ha would "show" them. If they dared to give him occasion. The chief told the men that any one of them caught talking to a reporter, for any reason whatever, would be Hred" 00 the spot. Ho then dismiss sd the watch. The ehtefa eettos) IB calling the see end relief before him on the Sabbath for euch a lecture was resented by the men. ' They are on duty from midnight to 1:41 a m, and frequently do extra duty. They rebel at being eeiled out for what they term deetre of the ehtef to roast and humUlaia them to gratify his spite." BRIDGE CO'I'IITTEE IS WORKING HARD BorovwX 8Z4AT0Bsa to suogu BB efOS WOOSBsl EtQKU Olll BIT&- fciTAjTB muum MMMrnvrmu nr a nur bats, warn r wxu ma V Clff OOUMOBhr Special SL Iwlt Car. Monday. October t, the O.RAN, wfll run a apaelal aoarhrt oar, Portland ta St. Loula Partleulara of C W. Stinger, eltr ticket sgoat. Third and Washington JUST OUT! Fountain Pen m mm aamNaaahahi J. & IVWiG . T eould,aot vary wan serve upon the eommlttae appointed to solicit names for a wooden structure over Bulltvaa guleH," aald W. P. Oids, one of the men eaoeea far thla duty. T was so heartUy hi favor of a mare permanent bridge that It would be difficult to eoilclt names for tba d temporary devtee favored by the mass meeting held on tba east aids. regretted exceedingly the atop taken. but aa there la euch urgent need for some hind of a bridge, I will not do anything to obstruct early reeulta. We must have one or mors bridges there. and that aa soon as possible. Besides not favoring wooden strueturee. I am exceedingly busy Just now, both of my partners being nbeent. and for this rea son I sould not serve on tha aamalt tea. . Chairman H. H. Newhall, of tha mass meeting, said tha eotnmlUee eras pro ceeding with Ita work. The time when It would be. able to finish eould not he forecasted now, but the work presuma bly will he closed wlthm a few dare. aa the commit tea appreciates the neces sity of haste. When the petition for two wooden bridges baa been elgned by bslf the people Interested. It to to he when direct to the council. Chairman Newhall contemplates, and that body will ha asked to take Immediate action. No reports have yet been made aa to success la eeeuiing signatures ta the district to b approached aa tha eub- TREE IS GONE, HE & . CANNOT SEE JOKE 1. P. CBrtea, general superintendent of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company; is angry, and thoaa Who at tempted to play a Joke on the railroad official era keeping their Identity a aeoret aa sealoualy aa the Japanese gen era! la guarding his plans. He baa good reason to be angry. Until recently Mr. CBrtan resided at lit Seventeenth street. North, He moved to Twentieth and Everett streets end when he moved he transplanted a chest nut tree, of which he wes very proud. The tree had grown and thrived In Its eld heme end Its owner was . desirous that It ahouM do the aama In Its new. 80 It wag transplanted and was growing uleely. , s A few days age Mr. O'Brien was called eut of the city. In hie abeenee some of hla friends who thought they were play ing a Joke dug ap the tree and planted It la the yard af a neighbor two blocks away. On hla return Mr. O'Brien went at once to see how the tree wns doing In Its new residence and dlanovarsd that It was gone. A brief Investigation dls doeed Its location, but untiring efforts have not revealed the Identity of those who perpetrated tha alleged Joke, ll 1 sail htsseteh a Tba JsaraaL) Bumpter, Or.. Sept. 10. A mine Of this region that recently entered the producer Uat for tha first time la tha Highland, In Roek Creek district, whloh 1 now making regular shipments of high grade ore to the Bumpter emelter. Tha early product from the Hlgiileni l as been exeeptlunelly rich. It having bees mined from what la known as he Ban nock burn tnaia drift. Thla drift Is now more than SeO feet long, and In tha froa. at the rime f tha last reprca. the stowing of cre'waa the heat yet exposed aa this level, frequently hold ing mora than tha width of the drift In high grade rook. The mejwgemeot re sorts that tha ce being opened in a dt.tper adit, termed the Highland eroas out. la also of a vtijr good grade, and Bttnteea shipping roek la due eurs or ovvaiopment. Tnts level la neany zuu feet deeper than the Bannock bum drift, and tha c rose cut la to be extended until tba Baaaoekburm la opened at that depth. The development of the Highland m under N. J. Bo reason Co Otto Her-! locker being manager at tna mine, tm foree during the summer months haa m the largeet aver employed there. and the results of thla work augur furs ther Increases. - Ore la hauled down Roek creek to Haines, thence shipped on the O. R. N. te Baker City, and thenoe to Bumpter over the Bumpter Valley. A. much higher grade than average rook would be required to stand thla expense, but the shipments as far made by the Highland .have all patted a fasadsome profit. IMPERIAL MINE IS: SHIPPING STEADILY (Spsasl Oboe tee at Tm Vearaat.) . Bumpter, Or.. Sept 10. Steady pro duction by the imperial mine. Cable Cove,, la being maintained by tha new management, McHwsn, Arthur di lie Bwen, with promise of an early Increase of the tonnage. Since tha Imperial in stalled the email Brevity stamp battery. and concentrator the management haa been able to output three to five tens of ore dally, all being, of a high grade. The work aa far ta milling haa been confined to ore dumps, which In earlier oars received aa' -waste, rock that now pays handsome profit ta ship ment to tha smelter at Bumpter. Ds velopment haa been taken - up on the main ore body, but until the dumps are worked over no etoplng will be neeea eary. The mine has shipped 1100 ore In the pest leaving and 160. grades la plaoa, . , ,, ., , ' The Sylvanlte Gold Mining company, a local corporation, la to be given legal existence in Washington this week. The incorporators of tha company are H. L. Plttock. Frank J. Conroy, J. T. Walla, Thurston Daniels, 3. R. NeUL & G. Ely and A. I Morris. Capitalisation a for $100,000. Another group to be worked la la Josephine county. The work hr to bs oommenced aa noon as organisation has been .completed. Mr. Jdorrie will have charge as manager. , , " Henry Johnson of tha Bohemia district was ohosea at the last meeting of the local branch of the State Miners' easo clatioa to aid In gathering ores for the Lewis and Clark exposition. D. H. Way ant, ehosan by the state eommleston to prosecute this work, met with the Bo hemia association at Ita last meeting, and was assured that he could get a car or .more of specimens, AU the prop erties of the district will be fully rep resented ta the exhibit. LOW MADE ME IS HD AT A PROFIT Bhtg-hTMB SnXTOATBS MART OWE. BM OF FRUSJBOIB XB mABTBmsT OUdOB BBBTUMBI BtBTnOF BEWJTB AJTB j BXXFKXBTV OF VBfJRCa) VeMaPUCfS .-- :"; ' " (apeelsl Dhvetek a The JeeraaLr ' Bumpter, Or - Bept 10. After a eoa tlnuoua run of II days everything at tha Oregon Smelting Refining oe pany'a plant la going oa very smoothly. Ths matte la of aa emoellent grade. Shlpmente af ore and concentrates are 00m log in a eteady stream, and tha ore bins are .being rapidly refilled. The -oompany recently establlehed're- eelvlng stations at Baker City and Tip, ton, where email oonslgnmenta wlU be' held awaiting carload shipments. Those Interested in the mines of the surround ing district see that the smelter com pany la here for business, and the miners are beginning to take renewed Interest In their properties. Mines that have been neglected for several years past on ao- oount of the ore being of too low grade for distant shipments, ara now being made to produce .again, for a profit may be had on even a low grade proposition. Aa a consequence nearly all tha mu ta thla vicinity are among tba Hat of active ahlppara to the emelter. , , SUMMIT PROPERTY SHORT OF WATER it y , Superintendent Da via of the Virginia mine, ta eastern Oregon, haa been com pelled to close the lv-etamp mill for a short time, owing to shortage of water. The mill made a 'very good run from tha time of. Ita completion .early last spring until fall weather ahut off water for tha batter! ea. The 10 stamps were put In to replace a Parker rotary mlU, which had been unsooosssfnUy triad by the management for a year. Water oa the crest of tha Greenhorn divide la a serious problem la both winter and summer. When ths surf aoa Is flooded the formation la sueh that the work, only a short distance down, la affected by seepage very materially. After surface water baa disappeared lets In, the spring, no development prosecuted on the cunimtt hf thla dTVtda has yet gone deep enough to secure a bountiful supply for milling. The L X. U, which la below the 100 level, has been able to overcome ita Individual difficulty la thla respect, and haa resumed with the mllL Aa the L X. L.. Virginia, New York, Humboldt Black Hawk. Golden Gate and Don Juan properties are all near tha top of tha divide, no doubt' ta felt that tha operators will soon get together In an effort to provide abundant surface water for general milling pur- tea, rather than depend upon that pumped from shafts. MINING CONGRESS ; BRINGS BUSINESS Aa a result af tha meeting hare of tha Amertoaa Mining congress, a Portland firm haa been given the privilege of preparing; plana and specifications for a gold dredger to be erected In North Caro lina. I. B. Hammond states that among the delegates In thla elty during Au gust waa tha owner of a North Caro tins; placer tract, who had avellea him aelf of the opportunity to vlett the coast that ha might get a better Idea of the type of dredgers operated In tha north west and In California. Thorough Inspec tion waa made of the Portland-built hoax and when the North Carolina -man de parted he anld that tha order might he expected ta a short time. Partleulara of tha dredger ara not pubtlohed yet FmOBVORB. Uearaal Beecta! Bsrrtes.1 Oregon City, Sept 10. Local eapltal leta who own the Summit mine near Huntington are greatly pleased with ths result of development under P. O. Welle during tha lest few months. Mr. Wells returned from eastern Oregon thla week bringing specimens of bis ore, ta which assays run big The Summit mine Is lo cated on ths lias between Malheur and Baker eountlee, about U ml lea from Huntington. j- ' CURIOUS BLAZE CAUSES COMMENT A treat crowd of eurioua persona at tracted by the unusual apectaole of burning electric light pole gathered oa Washington atreet between Fourth and Fifth about o'clock last night When discovered the fire was scarcely mora than a mere spark In the decayed por tion of the Immense pole on a Una with tha concrete sidewalk. It spread rapid- end aooa the entire base of the pole wrapped In little flames which were fad by ooaing ream from the pithy wood. Aa the crowd gathered there were many oonjecturea aa to how the fire caught Some ond thought It was caused from aa electric wire, another waa of tha opinion thai bora had set the rot- tha wood on fire, and still another thought a lighted cigar stunfp had fallen la the decayed wood and caused It to ig nite. While they talked of Ha origin, no at tempt waa made to extinguish ths blase. Finally somebody roraerked: "Why don't you put out tha Ore. it will aoon burn the pole dowir" One man started to turn In aa alarm. but was called back. Another ran to the Portland restaurant, where a bucket of water waa secured, with which the blase Unguis bed. . Lewie Walker, for aavepsi years mine superintendent of - eastern Oregon, has departed for Tonopab, Nevada where be will makf hla future home. Mr. Walker has had charge of the California, Cracker -Oregon, Midway ' and Badger nmiMirtlM. twenanttwelv. hla last work Pbelng In the new Tenderfoot district, of Wallowa county. KB plans after reach ing Tonopah were not divulged to friends before departing. BODwaTV sTaUhnu OBA v (Joarnsl apeelal Sarrtes.) Bumpter. Or, Sept 10. The Or egon Smelting A Refining oom pany recently purchased the oon cen trales at tha Magnolia mine, consisting of ISO tons, and. la having them freighted by seems to tha plant for treatment These eoneentratee have been at the Magnolia mill for some time. F. D. Miller, manager f the emelter company, negotiated tne traae. People up tha Willamette valley are liable to find a railroad through their back, or front yards when they wake up. almost any morning now. CASTOR I A lor Xaltatd had CbiUrta, ' fit 1M Yw Kan Atop E.t Will buy a corking good suit at our ?torc The BEST you have ever seen. , Hand-made button holes, hand-padded col lar, sewn with silk. Single and double-breasted coats. jl aa j? xy ivu ai wHwyiyio, : , . . 3 . FIT arid MAKE equal to H: those, of most stores at FIFix&; TEEN DOLLARS. ' Come in and make us prove it Samples are on exhibition in our window. ; -rv -:t: V--:v' ';:V :A ft ' n.'. 'r' "'y. . - -v'sti ''s : ' -mi"-' Va . -v-i- y' AND OAKSTl&E THIRD AND OAK STREETS V ;x SEPTIC TANK IS ; GENUINE SUCCESS After a tapes of tares wesfca, tha bow eeptle tank installed at tha poor Urm by the county board of health, noting under Instruction of tha eounty ooaamla- ekmera. Juts proved ,aa Bnauallfisd guo- Tho water laaulag from the tank la oderleeet and. unsanitary eondltlone will as longer prevail .at tha poor farm sad hospital. It requires about two weeks for the bacteria whose -germicide! tendencies make sueh tanks a ssooiss to multiply la sufficient number. Boase aay that If a lantern Is lowered Into ana of the tanks at regular Intervals tha bacteria will de- it. - sewf Mmim MS Germtn Publishing Co. PRINTERS tot xt. ty Cvtrytimlng Bjasesj Lam amessi Cures all Kidney and Bladder Dime Guaranteed For Sale hv WOODARI CLARKE, ft CO. ' and LAUB-DAVIS : DRUQ, Ca TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known the world over, are tha only dentists in Portland having tna lata bo tanical luscovekt to appir to tna s mi for EXTRACTING, fftXtKO and and guaranteed for TBN TBAAB. ROWNINO TKBTH wiTHOUT PAIN, wsaatlBallea . BUver rilUngg wwa iun TnU Bet Teeth that M from. . old Orowns ... IN- RICCB AND BU Bridge Work GOOD WORK DONB BT BPCCIALI8TB OUR StTOCRftS Is duo to our Pi LOW In each department. NO STUDENTS In the office. All work done PAINLESSLY by BPBCTALI8TB of long years' expe rience, aire us a call, and yon will find we da just as ws advertise. , Boston Dental Parlors CUTLERY RETIRING E -1; R 1 I N O s A E A FTER 81 YEARS OF SUCCBS8PUL BUSINES8 IN PORTLAND, The fall and. winter stock, onlerBd befort w decided to retir from busi ness in Portland, . daily arriving and tMver befor has this or any other tort h. this chy been able to duplicate our prices that we are inaking on - ' ' ' . . 5 - V i . . . y . . . suits, .overcoats and -Raincoats : The style and Quality Is the Terjr latest and the best. . No merchant tailor can duplicate the quality, the style or gWe you a better fit than the gar ni entr we are showing for this season. This sale offers an opportunity that is seldom given one at this aaeoa of the year, and should be appreciated and accepted. Remember, there k nothing fakey about this sale, as it ia gen uine Closing Out Sale, aa we intend concentrating our ferces in San Francisco f THE RED FRONT 1 - CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS Phone Black 201 1 iJ, ; , : 269-71 Morrisoa St. :rr