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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
..J , r V. THg OREGON f DAILY JOURNAIj. j PORTLAND. J0NdXy EVENING. SEPTEMBER 19, 1901 It T or uuumuuik umum ana ma Ik aUs matter. fat ttfMto vm far as t, is at IS- W MIMT, 1 MBtt 10 I SB POM BO Business Office--Main bos. , Editorial bMMUh ft . . 'Is streeVVew fathi IiiiwMli ; "-8, UUS8S8. . . f VMUKlfTJOV MA1 THW hp fhwrias. E"V.' rnai. v moata , HI K.1!7 ?"n),'lrt Bunds, t ISoatkS. Z5 MVoL With Sunday. BMnth.. "JV rt w. Bell iwiina ........... V'. s war. iatrVoVad. itaUw s ., "vm . ,M M.M IS!! V endy. t FM....if The Da , fournsf wi th Bnndey, t toeatha. ' PHj Journal MontbB...... ' 2? r'1? 'MrDsL wirtfanday, a tosatha, ' ftSE test l!5?iV..L-i'""K- i.N i.40 3 . I Journal, .south...,, ' J ZE I Tr f - lto ahtuday himL aseotto.. ,...... J. 00 The amt-Waakir n ml to Jsnrl-Weeaiv Journal, to is nm each teen. Ml buM BO a yssr , h Weekly JouraaL 100 nImh af rv' tn a-. -- a (an aeaana " report. 1 IMfi . , . l.M Be nil trance should to bmSs bv tram, postal tote, nimi order. 4 small imkIi Ut Bcaaatabi. i 1 8d M SriKB. aubwribtn i Tto eternal w stay for tto .hun aau wn tM mpm rM to thM to b Kddtw winoat wtrt etiirfl. Wjbm4 tor M M to to mm wpoa tbtf rvtnnu HH tn fOTUtU MAT J tarMl m to toM Auk at M BO IBB. " - kM alim CHj(6 Poatofttoi Bw M)iv, tt DM CNTIR. CO LO. VanoMftr Book ftoHpMry eontm. tlfl toratantk atraj J, Stock. KAH&AI (JTTT Va )Jr N lOS ANCBLBa B. 1 Oardi iiMBt aaa mraa inf pprtnf rrrvati OUrto A hiNNfAi-oua-iL a. bmMBfk. aa intiiBHocnaa pwa wmpaaf. j OWAHA Millard feto! nam ttosit ffMth BtatloMrT annMU, IMS hrenm atraat. UT.T LA KB CITY knro botal w at; Barrow Btm.. 48 Wact BaBo4 traat. Bontk. ST. LOUI PhfUp Rocdar, 1 ImmI atrMt. . aUIT rSAKCIHCO W. S. AMIbc. Falato total Dm mod: (toMamltk Broa-. SM Bntwr rrw; rv1 W Pitta innk ktartot atraat. BPOKANB. WwRH-fohB W. Ontoai A Ob, FA COMA, WA BH CafttfBl Si WW. ntl Pa(M avanBa. v - Avorsov sau yoiiosaow. . " M I. T. WltoHL OB BMBllBBB. MttowSTtoT- tor of WnMrTlUHt. it 10 T. m. tot of ron(Bta f MtortaB koma; mrM br Hawta Jrtlte ctra. J. T. WttaoB. aetloiiatr. Br Oae, Bakar Co., at etkni fwaoM, t 10 . m., BaU tefant knit teaiBkU. ala. Btkar- A Co., aurtloBaera. T N iruttnuroif. ; Waattor aoBtfttVM ajtd fanaral torwtot for Oraguo, Waahlnf Urn and Idabi Hhowars im thuBdarttarBM mrm caihtrallr rportM tkki mk-b JDf throBctaoat tba lower MkiUaippt nlWr. Jrtt rala baa a la ocvnrrad la tba Ukla yUt mui la tt BlddU AtUatlo a&4 tba Hw BBglaiMl BtatM. In tto Bookr mountain sb4 FactOc com at atata fair wetbw cobModm. It la atlU wnoky U tba Pacific norttiwaat aW-.lH CM la : tort or ac Bortnara cknrcrua. Tto taaiparatiiraa wrat .of tto BAckf ton talna ar awaarallr totow tto BornaL Moapt kM tto iaamadlata aoaat. Is tto MBttork atatea a4 atone tto Atlantic aaa board U Bllailitlr wenuar tkaa aual. Tto Indict tlooa ar tar contliiBad fair wwttor Jk tbla disUlct TBaaitir, with alow I r rtatnc tctnpeTBtora. tic at froata ara arobabta In pnaml placet bl oBtkWtoWtk (N MttoaM MM OtoarratieM e&aid al b. m.i' -, . TEMP. atbntaV 0..,. ........... 8S M Bakar CTty, Or.......... Tl v- tamarck, K. O ftu ... Bolaa, Idato 4 T8 SoatoN, Haas St Charleston, B. C.,1. SO Cbleaso. 111,;.,..; TO ' ClncHuaatl, OkW.. Z U Danrar. CkdB. M , ? 55 r 4" 48 84 ts a 80 T. BO ' M U K X Sureka, Cal..J,.., a. U raaao, Cal .. SO Oalreaton. TXM.... 64 04 at 80 SB 2 n 8 tflena. Hoot .. 74 -. arkftonTWe, fls. ......... Ti t 4.48 Ilapell. Moat...... t att-aa Qtr. Us.... ...... t0 v wlaton, )lane...,... BU Kit Rock. Ark St AwiIm, Cal... n BB lempbto, Tens 84 ipbto. T ew Orleans, I. t 88 cw York. it. T 80 - T4 -, 98 - 48 88 . 88 ' 80 -t i 43 . BB , ' BB ' 83 B8 ' BO M . SB . 48 . 40 , 41 BO ' 84 ' .' .-: , a v- a B f 0 T. a V ' 0 North Head. Wash 54 Omaha, Wefc.,, 8ft , Philadelphia. Pa K8 Fhoeals. Aria 04 Pocatella. Idato.... 80 Portland. Or 88 Bed Bluff, Cnl.i... 74 Boeebtrrg, Or.,..i TO Sacramento, Cal T4 St. Louie. Mo.r... 88 Bait Lake, Utah... 80 Baa Diego. Cal... ... J..,, 71 San Pranctaca, 0x1..,..., 88 Bt. Paul, Mlon.rt.. ..(.... 84 ' Bpokaa. Weak... ......... tl . Ficoma. Seaah... ........ SB Vlftorla, B. C .' t WtlU Wane Wah..a..e 78 Waablnaton. D. C . . . . . a . . . 84 : , sm .08 . T. wliinemucva, rler,..,,,.. 81 Vtiaa, Aria. M m ssi ass uozsszs. CnArlea Owe, SB (father eoneen tlac) ; Mar are c our ion, ia (Driiaoer ssns anting). . Martin Bernard Behrean. 28; Jlapeth AaM Eincan. su. Iwln M. Santos 88; Maud B. an Koy. IB. Charlea 0. John, S9 Til lie a Rn linger. . -r- Albert KelUng. St Catherine atoptooaws S 4 v' BIRTHS. Beptember B, to Mr. and MM. W. M. Oowkin, pi kto raat Kierenu street, a oaugnter. naptemoer is, to Mr. and Mr. Merman 6). Turtlnahl, at 70S Front atreet. aa daughter. Beptember 14, to Mr. and Mrs, William R1W, St Nlatk and Baft Ollsaa Streets, f ao. OOBTASIOtTB SaBKASKS. t ) 8trtotntor ft, fleora Ola, nf Park and Slanders streets, dlpbttorla. , . . DEATHS. ' Seatomtof IS. AArtaa HMIand. iged 4 years, M 7M Grand avenue: cause, gsstre InterlUs. NrUl At Lou Pit cetoetery. . Crentatorrnm a Oeegoei Clip oar Sne, neer V IsUwood; modern, sdentlflc. complete. Charges r-Adulta, S0; chlMraa. 828. V falters S a. ax. ' alaa1 Or CreaMtloa asaostatka. Tto Rdward flolman tTndertaktnf ooaipaap, Ft.mral director and tobiaftar, SSt Third , fcrtwt nsasa sof. . -.. 1. P. Pinter Bon. funeral Blreetor and Enhalmera, bar reiaoeed to tbolr ae ostab rbment, earner Third Sad Madtoon 1 Streets. uU nkoasa Ko. S, . artor4bTn Co., ftmeral Bbtor Mi sn s Ssimero, 178 RaseelL Lady east. Phooe Bearl 1088 BSAl BBTATa TBAJraTKSB. '-i itoriff to S B. Webb. et U tot 8, t I lock 110, C ru there addl tl..n: north H; ? tot B, btoeh St, Coneb sddltlnti Bt tharlff to Msry M. Mnrgan. south tot ..' A hWk 11 Moent Tabor tilU , . S Kkeedor Nleotal and wlf to Robert Irf, Inc. 1 acre tn section 29. tawnsMp I aanaa 1 aaat kranva aa M ill ,rt ' Irvlns's Sosp Work fSB D- B. William and wit to Catherine W, ; x Pornta, parcel of land beginning at pMut i.OM feet weet f corner of sections . . 80, II snd M, township 1 north. - range 1 ust .ja,.,..;.., i I thrU Stsmao to Csthetta W. Popnrs, Krcel Und beginning at potat 1,804 ' it weat sf corner of sections BB, 80 BlanS BS, towaahlp 1 north, rang 1 , eaaxaa "iioil ta' 'itkirrii''WrKyBt T Kcl latH todaaUc at pclnt l.iH t waat of eurBM of aactloaa Bl, 80. II , aji4 13, towaahip 1 aortb, rang 1 aaat. V. U. KotorU to Paul ToBmnklaB. kK A. kloch 1. Huatar'a adilltlpn -. UB Baa aVIUn to ttuaaa B. Jtaatol), Ma IS and 14. Slack 17S(B Pak ' SB) L, CnrtotaBMB aa4 wlfa to Joha Slbarg t at., MM H mttoaat H tt. r weat U aeeUoai 4, WwbbbTp 1 to IB. MBf 4 aaat, coatalnluf JO arrea S.6M J. L. ackarf to Ooear Cask, aoatk T feat KM H lota S and , Moak 131, Baat fftlaad , t,M AuBBata Arte Id and koatoBd to Harris . 8. A fa Id, Suatkani Sartlaod aottdiTlalaa : ' W 11, block- m . 1 W. 1. PMUleord and wtf to W1I1U r-, Muia, paat u I, dmcs , Janata Jobna addltUM to BL Jokua Storlff to Alara BarekL wuMbr Wta t Portlaad Storiff to 0. O. LtnrwalL lata 1 aad S, block i, Tatam addltlM .T....TT.. StorlH to D. Laakat. lot SB, kiaVk Bl. AUiloa Bberirf to D. taBkai, tot B. block B. Cook'a.addltloai k7u U awala. Moc f. aao vetral Albloa atorw to B. B. Robkt, rTOBtoa, lot B, block lb Llnmto farb lu.. BTBB Braa P. Tro. Uoa and toakand to BUaa , keth A, 'Ktnattih, lota 14 aahj IB. ' klofk 14. Traiaojit PtaaVT. ".tT . ' MOO I Ahble Boa and fcaaband to Theree Han. tot U. ktoek 14, bWuat Tator Vllto annex , WUUaai ItortiBM fnd wife to Jaiaea "t k lota f ana Bl fckwk I, 1QB BOO I ley McMillan aiow'to'tTi"dV toMeri! enueaat tfc tot .Ms, noatkweBl tot 4, aaat SB feet aearttoaat 14 toe t "t SB feat lota S and B. ktoek ereaw aiuar nun JOima noetar at ai., a acre n I aemaa "?wlt al., 1 acre ta Beetle U. townahln 1 aonrfc. ranee 1 aaat eawo awmaa e. iiewin anal WIB tn Jafea dl i HawltL north 100 feet Inta btodt 4 lobn Irrlnt'o Flrat addition... v. uoy naaeaeia ana Wife to Oak Ijibb. v h j. a. a i nee a. awsnar aa -. - fllUon to Albtoa an I iiie wnarBntae m Traat (mmh to aeatne Kmlg. SBilOO feet beginning BonthwtM let a ktoak t,lUrth rtoi- Holcoaeb. let BL block 18. ianeato Peek Shaw, tot B. block it, LlBeoto Park ""If , Wowb' anil 'kmtood to 'Soma mirb, eio lew or bb acre tottanlnf B3.8 feet north of auarter aectlo poet of eecUone I and if, towaahlp 1 nortk. W. J. PeddlcoVd' ini'wtfa'to' BA' Toiil'.' rer. toto U and 14. btock I Polit Marr C Bnraia aiui haUJ.'a!i " Va Will - I Beat-, tot B. block SMConeb addlttoa, MM A. L. Btomf and wife to Klla U. Cree. tofcr ' 6 and 8. block 2S. town of Palrrtev. ... 0B w. ana wire to nenool metrtec ?. L'fr,-ra -lom IS. townaklp 1 aouth, range 8 east I, A. Marauan. to Schoot'DtatrM'rfsl'dBl Mrcela ef Una' beginning 8 chains and 4 S80 wise eaai ana easins SBd 88 links aouth i eottwon nm aaettoaw 14, IS, St SBtoa S. IfetBfer and'huatond "to Waanak aa. neiuey, tot l, nioeg X. Mount Hood . addition to Or.aa'.aT noun . Sheriff to W M. Boblnsen, loto S 'and' dl block 14. Tolmaa'. toaet ?T..;T7 , Vrt" . B Btt. tot 1, iflck K aw; Zrl!umm mam property Stt and wife to Mar Ling, toto fc,1 'U1"-. Mock 8. Oreanwobd. I. B. Brldgas at al. to Osorga Laagford. toto f and 8. ktoak SB, Tlttott a addT f ana a, nioek 8S, Tlbbett s addl. to ' Peter ' Jinan! ' 'lot '' ktoek ' i! atoatfc Tilln extended, ateT (see Sheriff Fortstoontfc Shsrlff to Clara a. nwtiiLltall 'It Vi H block 18, Blverslda HomaBtesS ..... - 44 son a... ,, . m "I1 SHSfS'' Trmt tompan to Lnm la O Wright, parcel to ktoek S. Wortk lrrlnctoB .7....,,. SBB ST. B. Noble- tmatee: at ! ta rai V elite Oriff Uanaa T neMa'V 'tiW'Ii to tto OeuncU and Itod with tto Aadltor . rM I tfhkMS A mVuZi ?" wlthla IS Jays from the date of tto Brat pub wam toc HlghUaS ISO licatlon of this notice, and aald obtoctlons will Oct rove 1 thonraBa. eA at-u. . , aetata from tfc. n.V- i.Trr"Z"3L!T a. V n . 1. AI 7 ' " . . "as nv Bsntomtoi IT. Khm , n - - I float, 7B. awntfmhe tf a me aa --- . tng-o. 0teab'Vr.n'tot toUweeii menu and Btajttoa atreet; coat, 8100. - r?m. J" l msaxak. repair to anttngw " aaat Balroou between Bast Tweoty-eeaad J -Rwesai vost, fgo, REID FARM CRAPES ; : ATTRACT ATTENTION Jtraeg Rein ta to bo IaBslfl4 smonr aw ngnenuunsu ox maitnonms eounty who nav daznonatrntod that Its noil eonUlna tha laraetita mant!t to thk proauouon or tn flnt fruit tn the world. On lila term M MflWAukt, about alz sbUm from this city, ar et norsw of Concord mpejl whtoh haw t. cslvad apwcUl Attention from tho ststa Doara of BoTuenittirm, Thor ara 14 aoroa ta tho term, but only lrht ar dovotad to srap. tho rwrnatnoar bain planted m warroua frulta, Tho srapsm crow la laraa olus- tara ana ara firm and of axeBllant ftmror. All of tbla asxxaon'a crop haa beam dla poaad af to laoal ootnanlMlon msrarianta at a food nsura. For aararal days Mr. Rld baa been brlnBlna; ta BSB basketa te nuirkot arerr anornins. snd ttoainntna; tomorrow will haul 1,808 baskats U town dally. TTiro waafca asro mambars of tha atat ooara of horticulture) want to Mr. Raid's term and took number af photofrapha of hla Tlnarard and tha so do aooom panylnc tha pieklnv of tha rrapea for market. The picture will appear to tho next annnaa rwport of tha board. Strike situation in ITALY MORE SERIOUS fJonrnal flaorinl nWitoa.1 ' Roma, Sept IB. Tha strike situation Ib Italy ts STOwlna mora sarloua and in aavaral districts tha reserve) har boeu called upon t6 protct tha railway prop arty, ftovaral SBeuraton trains have bean diverted or dlayd owlna to tha apparent danajara thraatantrts. and bual naaa la pom portions of th eauntry la au a arwnuouii. At Genoa elaah has tekati ptsoa. whsraln one man was killed and bt " T 7 .. . j Vl . " 7 J: . . Ji: erai injurwa. no irwin no movea irom 1 Porto Novo In nearly two daya, and at I Milan tha railway officials wsra wnabl to mploy a man to taka tha raaular - praas out yesterdar. " fllTf VOTiOSS, OOatPirTTOB AJTD AOCKPTAJfOX OF Hf.'! FR0VZMBBT Of MAIN BTftXXT. Nrttlee ta hereby flees that Willi C. Elliott. Citr Ene-neer ha filed to tbe office t tto nderelgned, node that Pralaey m I Hall,. M.,.rnH Cm Ik. laaiMmul a I icnl OT Mala streat. under th peerlsionJ of erdlaanee No. 14,068, hare eomplfttad aaid Street, from I tha areet Mne of Veeavt aaeaeA an that oaata itoe 1 ef necneid atreet. naid accept a ore writ ne aonajairsg r Tne Bxecutlvs Board at d o'clock en tto 33d dor of September,' 1804. end ebjeettoa to tha ac ceptance or said sewer, er any parr thereof, amy to BhM I the offle i thafnunanbrBad at any time prwr tnereto. , TUB BAK( t'TITB BOARD, , . Br T1I0B. C. PETLIN. Asdttor oj the City sf pTtUnd, Portland. Oregoa. Beptember IT, 180. UOMPLSTtOsT AND AOCEPTANOB Ot IM- FROVElOtarr Of OXXFTON STSZXT. Hetto to beech alee that Willi ea n. I BtUott. Citr En near, kas filed In th office cf tto snArrslgard. notw that Psctns Coast Cotrn-ttnn Co., coatrnttnr for tha improva. I ramt of Clifton street, under the aeweialnus of I ordinance No. 18.72B, has ensspleted acid atreet 1 from tbe euet line or Tweaty eceia etreet to 1 J br ths j 13d day th aa-1 tae center nn oi aeenieeuiB sireei. Bald areentsnee wilt to ooaetderwd Bxecntlve Hoard at '4 o'clock on tto 13d af Heotemher. lWt. ana ehlectkaea to th ae- I ceptanc or said sewer, ar say part thereof, axe to Bld ta tto office si tea UBderalgoed of, iu Mm nrtor there to. TUB SXRcF'Tira BOARD. eitcwa n nwvt i ' "" Auditor of the dty af PortltaaV rortlan4L Orsgoa, toptssstor if, UQiTT CTTT B0T10SS. noroan AssBBsaan ros nusotAV sm or SFBisa) arsnr. K6Uca la bMvkr ft tot tto CnmII f tto Crtr c Poi tUud propoaoa to aaaraa tka foUow toff BrarHbad propart; aad bwda ar swatra aa toluc apMrlallr aad pavUlUrlj toawfltod la tto BBBbuuta art opoalu tto uri ajul drMrlptloBB tkareof for tto hupnpuuat of BfrtoJt atraat, froaa tto waat Hue of LoflnadaU atrect to the weat 11b at Tweatr-ArU atreat, aa provided br OMtttone So. 1S,U. Aaj obieeUooj to tto apportloaneot f eott tor aald luproMaaaBt amat to made la writing to tto Couaell and flld with tha Auditor within IS AVra froa tba data of the nnt P Miration of tbla Dotlea, and aald ekjactloaa Will to heard and ABtarmled b tha flnun.,11 ' SB b5tor Um paaaaiw of the orclnaBoa ajaaaaUg i ouai ei aaiu im uroTemaoi. a I UattlVBB H AIlUlllON ta 10. SO: lot B. Mar Brldeea. 1M1T' UA A . Aloawortk Nattoaal Bank. BTUi eelnntna' B0 feet aaaterly froa aoatbweat oerner f ma m: thane aaaterly on north Hue SwlBaT afreet 30 feet to aoutheaat earner a ' lot B. tha nee northerlr tn anrihMil mne f lot B. tbenea aouthweaterto la a tr algal Una W toUnnlag. Mary Brldaaa. tSO.ii; begta- at aoolbwaat oornec Df tot f. thence aaaieriy iu I net. neace in a atralgbt Una to BoriDeaax corner or a a, nance weetrrly to aortbweat earner e lot S, thence aentberiy to beclnanaT. AJaraorth ' Mattonal Baak. I S938.95. J I OAKTKU 8 Af)DIT10B to tha Pltr ad PnettaeA Rl.ornt a tat a n. r an.. BSn.BYl let k tearea t. ff WaXan tit if! lot . tanra H. Wtbrap, 838.78; lot 8, Uan n. rforthran. I2T0.70. BLornt ba. lat a ' Clenaona Caeaar Batata, helra of. B4tA7f; t.' KST" Satato. hatra of. BOB.tS. BLOCK B2. aouth H block 82, Bcbool Dktrlet wo. M, fTW-a-a.BlA?CK 81, tot 4 Lorlnf Ma an a, ixwiac n. AAkt, OftOVKB-l ADDrnOK to tto dtr f Port Ban of Oregoe, BUSH; Trnat Cow pa or of Oreaon. WT. Partlaad 8110.88: lot 8. rortlaad Trust Company of Orn lot 8. J. a. WonAworth n a. flSS.0B JIM. lota. Jacok rielackaar, W.1T tot cob Plelartner, B1S4.aS; tot B, Thomaa Warren, truatee. 8140.441 bit L TKnmaa wermn. truaiee, uw.i 8118.89; lot S. 8. and Mara 'Nichols. I eao.ii m a. , n. ana Marr Hu-hoia. balth n. ana nary ntcnoia, 888.71, aaat B0 gnat e NlaeteeBtk street weat of and adJolnlttA tot S. Paclftc Mntaal Life laaur ance Cotapany of California, 861.40; south 80 feet of NUMteentk atreet east f and ad Jotnlaa; tot 8. Oty of Portland. 80.77; east reer 01 norta tu reet ot nineteen to atreet Est of and adjototng let , City of PortUnd, .30; west IT feet of north To feet at Nine ;ntk street esat of and adjoining lot 8, Bile U Woodward, H U, BLOCK 104, tot 8. EUa L. Woodward. 81 18.09 1 tot B. PORTLAND HBIOHTS Let 1. :TI.AND H RID 1 1 Tit 7a 1 fliuiiiB I -!?rrw B88.71: lot4L tieorgal aaie.w; iot. Z, ueorn Soret 8, George ftoreoeoB, 890.T1: lot 4. George 8orenoo. 1Z3.8; 1018, Oeorgo Soreneon, l to. IS PortUnd Railway Conpaay right t a. IMT.4B, Total. 8T.8B8.i6. ' TBOB. 0. DBTUIf. , Auditor ef the CJtr of Portlaod. ' Portlakd, Otegoa. Bepteoiber IB. ISO. SKOPOSXS AAaSXKVT FOR XefVSOTB.1 MXaTT Off ITBSX STBXXT. Kottoa la haeatir that tha rVHnvtl ar tha i.-ity or rortiatui propoaas to aaaeas tto fulkw- ! ag or aennea property ana owner or sworn rs a neinf specially ana peculiarly neneflted la US amounts aet anooelta the namee end iu. acrlptiona thereof for tto lnurorement of Firat ntreei, from 1W feet south of tha south Ua Any Oblectlona to the annratlniiaiat aw for aald Impeovuent moat to toad 1b writing , ! ? haara and oeterailaoa tba Oonacll before ""f 'o orainano anssssinn ta 1 oust of eaia iniproesneut. GABUTHHKS" AUDITION to tto City of Port- Una se Mia out by the South Portland Real Xeute Association BLOCK 111, 1st 8. North- era Oonauss Investment Traat, limited,, 88.41; lot 4, Tern Hayne. 88.87. BLOCK 138. lot t Fred Spoxele. S.T; north BB feet of lot S, John Mulr. 81.4S; south 14 feet of tot X John Mnlr, 80.88; nortS dl feet of lot 8. John. Mulr, 8S7.44; aouth S fast ef lot 8, Mardaaa B. Boyd. 87.18; tot 4. MareSsaa 8. Boyd, 868.14. BLOCK 181, tot 1, P. ran, 1180.41; all of aouth U of tot 1 except Oregon California Railroad Com pa ay 'a right of war, George N. Walden. 160.17; all of north U of tot 1 except Oregon California Baltread Company's right of way, Polly ht Ffwrt, BB8.38; s 11 of lot 8 except Oregon A California Railroad Oompanr'a right or way. Oregon SCollfornta Railroad Company right Of way, Phillip Lawton. 8107.00. BLOCK 148, all of seat of tot 1 except Oregon A Call forala Railroad Company's right of way, Abraham DlUey, 88.08; all of weet of tot 1 except Ore go A CaUfomU Rallroad Oom paay'a right of war. Cyrus Culpan., 837.40; all of north H of lot 8 except Oregon ACaU- JBarrty 8. Green. 117.30; aU of aonth oi lot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Comnav'a right of way. Lawrence Strand. 820.44; aU of Vt S except Oregon A OsllfornU Ballrrad Companr's right of ways Lawrence Btrand.; all of tot 4 except Oregea A iwrenT sTa7r'BiLofK John P. OaMsn. liaa.SB: tot 1 Win lam S. ari. aoi i. iriai i. a-niine. r; : . r--. " m k!"-!!fBA ibt rranklla I ruilea AittflS W. Taylor. BlM.aB; lot t, ft'. warren, ruatoe. 8100.80, BLOCK 103, lot 8, B- fc- rieailu, 8le4.4li lot 7, S. D. rWminf , ilSTBS; tot B, B. If. KkolL 1188.01; lot t B. H. HIcolL 8188.41. BTbCK 108, kit 2. BalfeeaOiithrls Inreataent Oompany, 1180.08; tot 7, Balfour-Oiithrto InTastiaent ConiDaiiT. larkr. 1118.74: tot 8. William B. Baylor. I . -a .mproTwaaont moat oe maae ra wnt m.M: tot i i, U tin t'to W BLOCK laf the Council and Bled with tto Auditor S lot 1 VrBwVek AtstsTH e data of tto aret pub- 88.41: west 48 feet lot 8, Herman H, Stein- forth. AXW: eeet oft. feetlot 6. r. L. Vrlght. Ch Church, an a. ai-tane. e at if Stran. 111.80; tot i Ida B.' Oora, '8117.88; tot B. Anna c. Baron, gixs in. buk i 147. weat U tot 8, Alliance Trust Oompany Of Dundee. ScotUnd, 8167. 97: west H lot f, AlUsnc Trmat compaay f Dundee. Beotland, ; 8141.01; cast H lot 8. Adam Catlin. .0i; east H tot f, Xaam Catfln, UO.M; tot 8, tj. A. Thompeon xatate, neirs or, siou.mi: mt a. R. ' Jj. Thompson E.tata, Heir of, 1 1.10. BLOCK 180, all of tot 8 oast ef Oreaon A , I a 11 forma Miimna inmpinij najei ea way, -Joaepbln O. Orerend, aS.77; all of tot t esat ot vregen oauiornia xwiiroaa inn- Rny'a right of way. Joaepbln O. Orerend, 8I1 all of tot f west of Oreroa A CaU- fornla Sal Ires d Compaay'a right of way. John B. Wild. 848.41: all of lot 8 west of fn-aena A California Railroad ComDSnr' right af way, Adeline Wild, lOS.BB- all of lot S eaat of Oregon A California Ballroad Company's runt or way, waitnr . aieit. g2.14; all of tot 6 weet Of Oregon A Cnll fornli Railroad Oatopany- right of way. I, itiger, 1 t4. Right Of way tbrrxigh blocks 111. 148 and Iflo. Centthera' addition to tto crty of Portland as Uld out by the Snath Pnrtland Reel Estate AaeorlStton. Ore Xotal? 1U,lr04 tmUt- I TniiBi v. vejTKir., ' AudHn of the Citr of PiwtUadk Portland. Oregon, September IS. 1804. , l0VDaUSTXB B VOTC& . Notice ta gi.vwtt.t oa the 14 th toy of Beptember, 1. P V"P I " naL.? - "ill .".r"l I m tne vnj ei rwmw, vw we ma.waaa 1 7l!7l"Jil!: t. .m. atoem -- I One norrel tor. hod all arnund. Large white cow wttS . red tad, Beet and I Mrs. speckle en el flea, white race an aroeuea learns:and an leak tto owner, .or other .person or person ksTlnc aa interest tsercia, snail 1 .hi. la. I aaTl animate aa oreelded br ordinance e. &.B2B. as stacaded. of aald aty of I'ortlaBd, I tto hour of 10 a. an . at tha flu SVaaiul etf No. 361 fllxteeutk. In ssld city, sell the stove I ovocribea soiinaia at pnoisr aaciion as m nigneot oiooer, w pwx .-w nnpi hlehaat fet taking ap, keepiag and sdvwtlalag each , swiaani, . Dated Ska. 18th day af fUetoBtor. 1804, F. REED, Poundstootsr. oposalS fob rrxrxT work. alnrh street. In tto manner srotided by ardl nana No. 14.101, suhlect to th prorlslons f hs rbsrter and rd nsncea I of the utp ilT - " Rida most to atrieth Ik Bccoedane with nrfnted bUnha which will be farnUbed oa sppllcattsa at tto oface of tto Auditor ef tto aty f PortUnd. And said improestoeat must to completed oa ar before 80 dara from tbe dare of tits sign bag af the son treat bp tto partiaa thereto. Ne BTopnoaM or bids will to assailant aa Bss accompanied by a cer rifled check nay able to the orner ef ths Mayor of the City ot PortUnd. cert I ted to a reanowalhle hank lor Forth as anwust equal to 1 pet esat as tto aa- Fe'rigT'toetott sy aad aU btda tt brhy f!fBWITL wati-as riewf aar ludltae af Ate CltV at Port Una! sNittaaS, Orageay SapUmtor , If, lev. . ne. block im. tot , rourta rresoyterisn . rrr w urch. 8n.B7: let 7. Fourth Preebyterlan hSSLt, .'ljL PIPJ''- . . . rch, S8.4H south H tot B, Sarah Cobn. viJLrJ:AVl Vi wti " Bsst Port- Sea tod prepoeaU will to reeeieed at tba S .-(Trasld'r Z ailrtort tnereof Be of tto Auditor of tto City of PortUnd I?, K? "ed in iFr -tfi-? a? anaSar.aVi aatU Friday. September tt 1804, at 8 :00 o rlock ?l tny tlm? pr"or t hr?et7 Wsrilned n. m. for ths improrement of East Alder v " JilT ixu'rTTYB Brit an - Street fR. "-..- Uns f Thirty- Vj B Br THoSc. "SMN. ale'. ia atreet to tae weat nn or Raat jmrvr-1 cur stotxoxs. mombss isaaaaMisf fob dtpbots. MBBT OS SAAT TB1STT-J0DSTS STmssaf." '- . , . NotleB to karrbr aired that tto Connelt of tba I'lty of Portland propoaas to aaea tto roltowtnf dearrlbed property and Owner or owaara aa being apeelaliy and peculiar) .kena Bied w tto aaaounta aet eppoalto the naraea aad, deaeriptlona tkareaf -for the lamowinettl of Xaot Thlrtj-faHTtk afreet, ttoai tba auath line of nawtkerae aeeaoa to tto north Una of Dlrtalwn atree aa praeided hjr ardlaaaoa Taylor. 14 lot 4. P. W. Taylor, f. Terlor. 8114.4: lot 8. UUOJ tot . w. 1T0.T41 li tot 8. o7 W. T9ar. 1100.41. BlvrK tot 1. D. W. Vaelar. ilMa9t lat 9 ft. W Taylor, B17S4T. Tract of land lylaf , to- weei une er avail miriy-njorm street and a Mne 100 foot weat tbereof and parallel therewith had between twe Unas reanectlerlr S8.07 feet and 228 ST feet aouth of aud parallel witk tto south Une Stephens street. a,iien v. Jjsrr. aacd-Ti. Tract ot urtd ly ing between west line of Bast TblMy-fonrth atreet and a Hue lOO feet weat tharanf atul parallel .therewith and between two Hue reepctmr 880.87 fret and 384.87 feet aouth & Banllel with tto South Une of Stapbeaa otrset. nnfcnewa wuer, 118.48. Tract - Of Baat Tktrtr-foerth atraat and Una 100 aet weat thereof nnoS parallel tbirewlth and between twe Hnea reepecttrrly SM.87 feet and 888.87 feet south and par all I who ine aouin una oi ntepaeDe atreet. Joseph NewelL 1306.18. Tract ef land lylaf be tween west line ef Bast Tblrty-fourth street and a Una 100 feet west thereof and parallel tterewttk sad between twe llnea reanecllrrly B04.87 feet and 408.87 fret south and parallel ia apnta una at atepnens street, joaepn w. noweu. sail an. Tract of land Irtiig between weat Una of East Thirty-fourth street ua a Hoe 100 tost west ttoreof and parallel therewith and D) between two Hnai reapeetlrelr 488.8T feet and 884.87 feet south and parallel with tha south Une of Btepbena atreet. Daniel W. Reynolda, 8334.48. Tract vi ura lying Between west line or Esat Thirty-fourth Street and a lino 100 feet west thereof and nnrsllel therewith eeA hatwaaa two Unas reepecttyely 8S4.S7 feet and 708.87 ?fet south snd parallel with the south line af topkeoe Street J. T. Bod well. 8SB8.SI. raet of land lylag betweea weet llee of Bast Thlrty-foartk street and a Una 10M reef west thereof and parallel therewith sod between two tinea reapectleely TBd.87 nc ana j,uie.o, isoc soutn and parallel wltt ths south Ra f Stephen street" 1. feDeMa, mi.u Tract ox land lying woen wM Une ot Bast Thlrty-fonrtk sireei ana a una hio raet weat thereof and Mralto! tkeewwttk and between a Hoe 1.614 TT .V f? parallel with the aouth lln of Btepbena street and between tha north "."'T airee. bbo Between ua norta Jjlf mlFLSL JtJSVSt Baat LIB of Baat Thlrlr.roarea atraat ....I "no W0 feat ast thereof and parallel therewith and between the south Line of Hawthorn avonse and a line 18B feet south thereof and parallel therewith, Annie L. t. Stl4.0B. Tract of land lying between Raet Una ef Beat Thirty-fourth atreet and 8 line 108 feet east ttoreof and parallel therewith and between two liaea reapectleely ..'r-0 11T eoath t and srallal with the south line ef Hawthorne 6TDU. Joba Hobaoa, ix.Xi8.8B, A tract of ind Wnf between east line of Bsst Thirty fourth street and a line InO raat mmmt ikui fd-.'.' ul therewith and betweea a .Une 1.87S.o8a feet south of snd parallel with. the Sooth lln Of Hawthorna an.n. ..a - JgBSff-lt btock A,--PAfS.ViaT artnadadJ h.-VF Rstsded BLOCat A. tot 18. Csrrto M. Wait, 8168 t 1st 1L Carets hf! Waat. 8188.28. BLOPAT Il inF 18 fna Weat, 818126 M Wast, SSns.4B: tot IS Csrrto W W 7 BISSUM; tot 11, Csrrto M. Went, 1M.4; tot B STaA S.-V 88CH.80. Block 11. Ml IX, OBrla M. Weat, $818.08; tot 11 S?1 V.J ! lt 11, Carrie hi Jr1 fia l ht 10, Carrts M, West, 14.86 tTATroRD BTDKBT ADDlTIOrT BLOCK 1 1, K..A. ""Dr fi'uni tot x J. lBer.; Weat B feet of tot Id. f Cowllal "w, e.u weex reet or tot 8, 8, Lner, fj1: ot LeBer 148.81; lot 4. J. Lexer I 225- LW-1l t 1. Bi J. Tiowllahaw !i09J?!,krti- JJ ".1 iiJ; west 8 feet SU& l& f J- .Cowrfsbaw. 88 .60: west B feotNrf lot j. T- J Armstronff, S7.0B: lot S, T. J. Armatroot. ij-?; M i, T. I. Arnv Strong, Biob.86. BLOC1 Armstroaf, fiT4.oT lot X. X. J. SiBial a siee.xi; weet 8 : feet af let la r a ftJTlOX vtost B feat Of tot S. tT eVa5At THOS O. DCTLTlf, .. Auditor of the OI ty of PortUad, Psrttoaa, Onsoa, Beptember IS, 1804. nOTOm AaWESSMSBT FOB TkTFBOTX- etleTT or FIRST ATXeTtTB. rTotlce hereby gleen that tto Cornctl f the City af Portland pmpoae to assess tto toltonins Basertbed ronrtr aed rana ar STIST! b-ln specially and peculiarly bene- f? J??. ?0Bnt P?,to. the "amea JlW? fy...lh lP-ement -li",LaT'M JtS1"."?. """5 U"f ' Loe,"t rejections to tbe apportionment f eMt K" oh)ectton will f "rd determined by tto Council before Krtlsnd CMaxaUon Aeeorrattou. 8oi.4; lot IftsT"? .n,E association. BLOCK A lot 0. I..- V.h. ciiaaa, i. ia 1 Kuba. 8M.BT1 lot 11. L. Kiihn.; tot IS L. KnhB. 811B.TT. BLOCK 1, hi I Frank and MaxdaUaa K leaner, 841.46; tot SS Frank snd iTagdaUaa Kleener, 825 B. A tract of land tying between tto west Una of Plntt nvamm and a lln 100 feet west !hM"!w"J? pajalUl therewith and between the north Une of A ah street extended w eater ly U It preeent Sourse and tbe north line of mmw street exienoau westerly la It 55fn Cansnclng 441 feet west and SOB fset sooth of tbe YIew sddlHna. these north BBS feet, thence Li 1 snuta WO raet. tbe ace west IBB feet, thence north U degrees coat BB mine tee. thence north A iUi-ut aaat . a point north 87 degree 80 minutes esat of Beginning, raenee aouth ST degrees SO mlnaten "IFi; ..!? "vuand Cremation Aa WOaHWl fDVI.eW, 1HI1, Sl.Hl.SII. . TIKIS. C, DEVLIN, aw. . f s City of PortUad, PortUnd, Oregon. September IB, 1804. O0STPLBTIOW m: iOCfPflSOl Of . Botlce I hareto rlvwa that Wllllaea r ttotj. City Engineer, has BUd tn th office ef im anaeraisnea notice inst warren conatru- tlon ittmpany, contractor tor tbe improvement ! No" 14 ff h "s5S the eetater nie Vf Foor teenttT WrWt to Tto 01 xamniu street, unoer tha nroviswoa of ordl eaat Unof Sixteenth street. eja acAeptanc will be eouctdered to tto stoecuttve fioard at 4 acktekw tto fag day or neptemner. ios, ana sxijectloas to the se- iiajin tha ofkeT .r'aaaaJlTlZli oeptance ot eaia swr, ar say part tbereof, isi tlm Drier thereto BX Ecr'TtVB knisiv ' p. THOB C DRVIIN viegen, a-piamoer it. lew. OOBSTTON AJT0 AOCEPTAjrcX Of Bi - ' Nto la hereby flvea that WlliUm C. El- wni, Vl,'"- .V.. .S.11!, "?T, " " ia Bu-eciion inmianii wara,-nar iitt id imnrove- at ef Sprlua attest, under tto provUton of dlaanc No. 18.008. has eomoteted aald atreat frtm th west lln of Lowitadato street (to west Hn of Twasty-Brat street. i Bald sceeptance will be considered by the Kxecnrlv fvwrd at 4 e'elock on th had day Auditor Of the Cite ef Pn-tUaA. Pari la ad. Oregon. Beptember IT. IB04. 00MPLETION ABB AOCKPTAN0S OF XR- PSOTXlfKNT OF OOLDSMITB BTKBBt, Nettos Is toreby siren that WlllUm C. ".lllott. City fnglaesr, has filed la tto office of the nxderalgm-d, notice that Jf. fL Q'Nell. mntrsetor for th Improvement of Ooldamlth Street, under the provlalon of erdtnaoc No, 1H.T88. ha computed Bald street, from tto weet Hue of Alhtaa srenaa to tto aaatoc Una of Daiar strset. t Bald aecevtsnee WIS to rmwtdsfed -'dry tto txecutle BsH at 4 e'clcck on the Ed day af September. 18A4, 4d ehtoctioto' to tne ac eeptasc of asld sewer, ar any part thereof, amy to Bled la tto office d ths andsra Lined at any Urns trior thereto. , . TUB BXSt I'-nVB. BOARD, 1 ' , Sf THOB. C.. DEVLIN. 4 Audited of the city kt Portlaad, Swctttahi Oregon, feptesttof IT. 1804. Any objeettoM to tto apporttonaieat of celt far aaM un pro t meat moat to mada la writ lac to tto OdubcII and BleS with the Auditor wftblw 1ft Baye tram tto data of tto nret pub-Ih-aUon mt tbla Dot ice, and1 aald ebjertlona tt . iiini. mum. B. O. V OTff VOTIOXSi .- moposaxs ros btsszt wosx. : Sealed seepoaala will bW receleed at tto af- Bre of the Auditor" of the City of Portland until Friday, Bepn-niber ZU. 1804. st 8:00 e'ekx-h P, ax., for the Iniiirurement ef Monroe atrrct froag the West tine of L'ntoa nrenue to tto seat Mite of . Oantenbeln 'avrnne tu the aua ner provided Ly erdlaane No. U.UB. eubim 4 prurlaloits of the charter and ordinances of tto City ef Portland aa tto estimate af tto City Koa-iBW. on , Bide toueT to atrirtly la ataordanra with printed bleaks, which will to tare bed on application at tto ofSo of tto Auditor of the City of Her (land. And said Improvement mast be ompjeted on of before 80 days from ta at ef the stgntag Of tba sea tract hf ike parties thereto. X proposals or bids will be cenoidered nu Wea seoompaDled by a eerllAed check parable to the order1 of the Mar or of the City of PortUnd. certlSed by a reaponelble tonk for aa amount canal to 10 pot aaat af tto 88 grexata propossL u Tto right to retort aay aaS all Ut Is hereby reeerved. ' V order eX tba Kieeuttve Beard. ' TUOB. a DaJVLIM, ' ' T Aadltor Of the Ctty ef Portland. Fs-ttand, Oregon, Beptember 17, 1804. PROPOSALS FOR 8TRKST WOBJL Sealed oroDoeala will he eeeatved'et tto of- Bce of tto Auditor of the City of Portland atll Friday. September SB. 1804, at 8:00 o'clock fro m.. ror tn imnrovenaent of rreraoat street m tto West line of Bast Etobth street to tha esst Une of Union avenue In the Man ner provided by ordinance No, 14,100, ash fret to tto nrovlalons of the charter and ordinance of tto City af Pert laud and tto estimate t the City engineer, on Ble. Bids siast to strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on sppllcstlou at the ofne of tto Auditor ef the City of Portland.' And said Improvement tout be completed on or before 80 dsys from the data of the alfnlns f lh ton tract by tto periled thereto. No propose la or alas will to eoasl dared na isa accompanied by a certified cheek pay able to the order of tto Mayor of the City of Portland, eertlBed by reaponatele baak for an. niaoant sanai to IS per esat U IM If retook say sad all htda b screuy reserved. Sy and of the Btocatlv Board, thos. a Dinw.' "v Aidttat f tto City of Portland.; Forttaod, Or ago. September 17. 1004, proposals ros afmsxT work. Sealed propoaaU will to receleed at the of See of the Auditor of tto City ef PortUnd a am rriaay, septeraoer xs. 1004. at o'clock p. as, for the Improvement of Kast Waablagtnn street from tto asst 11ns of Baat Tblrtr-elxbtb street to tto west Ha of East Thirty-ninth street la to manner provided by oralaanoe No. IA.1UB. aubleet to tto tirovUtona of the charter and ordinance of tto City ef Port land aad tto eatlmata af tto Citr BBStoawr. en file. . Bid Bast to strletrV to hosnrdsne with printed blanks, which will . be fnrsiabed on application at the offte f tto Auditor ef tbe City of Portland. And aald fmprove snt mast to sompleted on or before 80 day ft em the data ef tha alenleai eJ the aaatteaet hy tto parties thereto. ; No propnaate ar bids win to nmaldered ntoss acoacnpanled by cortloed rtoek parable to tto order ef tto Mayer of tto City of Port Und. cert I Bed br a resBonslble tonk for aa amount equal to 10 per seat of tto Sggrefsls propoaal. The right to retort say sad an Mto la toreby reeerved. By order af tha Bxscuttee Board. THOS. C. DBTUN. Auditor of the City ef PortUnd. -PortlasaV Oregon, September IT, lBoi. OOMPLmOB AJTD A0CTPTAVCB OP- Df- PROTIkr-cVT OT BOBSIIX STREET. Noriee to herehe eleaa that STIIllaaa f. W. uw.,, viij wiiium, eae owe) in me oiuce of tto underalgned notice that George Bauer, contractor for tto improvement of Russell street an dey the prorUloos of ordlnone No. 13,077. to eompreted said street from the west Une of Oantenbeln avenus in block 88, Albtna, to thv eeuter Una of Borthwlefc street! Said acceptance will to considered by tto Executive Board at A o'eLoek an tha 8M Aa of Septemhdr, M04. and objections to the ac ceptance of aals cower, or say part tbereof, axay be died la tto of Bee ef the nanlersigsws at say tlms prW tb'reto. - TUB B EC T'TItb BOARD. Br THOS. 0. PEVI.IPJ. ol the City ef Portlaad, AaWHhne Parthsd, Ornmw. September IT. 1B04. OOMPLmON AND A0OTFTAK0B OF Hf. PROTEMZeTT Or SXTXVTXZNTK BTaVEET. Notice la hereto aire that WlltUan C. WJ. Hot, City Engineer, has Bled la the office ef the underalgned notice that iter Band Company, contractor tor tto lmproremeet of Seventeenth street, under tbe prorlalons Of ordinance No. 18.818. ha cow Dieted aald atreet from the eewth Une ef Marshall street to the renter lln ef aortnrus afreet and rrom the oentee line of uoimny street to tto center line of Ratotoh Street. Said aseestane will he aenaMarad he Mia xecutlv Board at 4 o'clock on tto SU day ot neptsmoer, lsvs, ana OOjectlons to th se- MdtlllM nf fl.M a 1 1 aa mwtm a Hi.u amy to filed In tto office of the aa4svaVsBd ut acv sun prior tnereto. THS BXECUTTVB BOARD. ( r- By THOS. C. DEVLIlf, Auditor of the City f Portlaad Portland. Oregon. Septentor IT. 1804. Completion astd aocxptajici or xx- PSOTTMXVT WAXES. ASTD STOOD BTRXZTS. Notice la hereby gteea that WlllUto 0. Bl- Itott, City Engineer, has Bled In tba office of th undersigned notice that Smyth A Howard Company, contractor for tto Improvement of Water and Hood it rests, under tbe prorlalons af oiainanc no. ib.ttt, baa completed said street from th center lln of Market street to tto water line of Montgomery e tract. T Said acceptance will to considered bf ths Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 234 day of Bcpteaher. 1804, and objections to tha ae eeptenc) of said sewer, or any part thereof, may to Bled In the office f tto uaderilgaed a: say Uaipr(cs thereto. , THS) BXECrTTVB BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. . a AJnU City f PortUad, Pietltad. Oregon, Baptamner IT. 1804. 7 OOMFLXTION AND AOCXPTANCB OF A chain or axwna nr xamixtob atsv inn anb othxb strjutb. Notte U hereby glren that WTTTIam ft SlUott, City BnAinoer, too filed la tka offtc Cf tbe endereUued. notice that Blaer A Riner. contrsctori for 1 th construction of a chain sf sewers la Hamilton annus and ether Streets, under the prorislon of ordinance No, 13,067, have completed ssld chats f sewers la Hamilton evens and ether trcto to th WllUnwtta river. "aid acceptance wtti to considered by the Bxectttlv Bosrd at d o'clock on tto SAd dey ot SepUaTjer. 1004, snd objections to tto ac ceptance of aald eewer, or any part thereof, may to Bled In ths offle ef tto sAderslgasd at say time prior thereto. TUB ENEl UTIYB B0ARIB By THOS. a DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland, FortUnd. Oirgon, September If, 1804.'. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF BEWKS ZM COOK AVXNTTB AMD SNI0B ATKMOR, Netto to hereto aireu that Wllliaaa fl Slltott, City Englaeer, hae filed Is the offle or tbe unneraigned. not Ice that J. B. Biemmona. contractor-for tto senatrsctloa ef a sewer la Cook arenas and Cnton avenue, under ths pre-vi-ton ef ordlnsnee No. 14.044, has computed said sewer from tto south line of Klickitat street to a point Is Cook nvsuus; then re weat in cook avenae to a msinsrtiiiB with tto sswer la usntenbein areooe. Bald acceptance will to eoeeadered by th Bxecutlre Board at 4 o'clock on tto 23VI day 01 nertemrer, lews, ana opjections w tne ac cept toe ef ssld sewer, or asr part tbereof, amy to Bled ta tto ofSe ef ths aadaralgn' SI saw tiaue prior inereto. Till BiCBcnPtVB BOARD." ? By THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Asdibw or th city t PortUad, Portlasd. Orsgoa, Saptember IT. 1804. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 1M- PSOVEMENT 0T KAST TWXLFTR St, Not tee 1 hereby aire that William f Elliott. Htr Kneloeer. baa filed Is th office of the andernlirned. notice that Smyth A Howard Co.. contractor for the impreTvment of Bast Twelfth street, under the prorlalona of ordi nance No. 18.978. kas completed aald atreet. from tto south tin of Powell Streat to the center uns or two a Treat. Said accejitanoe win to eeaslderod Try the Eaecuttve BiHird at 4 o'clock oa tto BSB dee t-t September, 1004. snd objections to the ac- peptan- or sai nawer, ar say pert thereof, mar to Bled In tto office mt tto nane-atoaed at aar tux prior thereto. . . TUB KABCI TTTB PJnABD. ' -' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of the City of PortUad, Portlaad. Orege. September IT, IB04. OOWPXSTtOW AVB AOCXTTANCt Of TJB- PBOTKXENT Of BOBTKWICX STBXST. Nettaa to torebr atvwa thst WlllUm fl Elliott. Citr Engineer, baa filed In the offte of the anderslgtied, notice that Miller A Baaer. tractor far th Improrement of Bnrthwlek ret. under the prorlakma of ordinance No. l.unS. have come feted aaM atreet. from rto earth line of RuaarU a treat to tto acuta Mne of Sellwond atreet. Said acceptance WIN he coalerd by th Eiectitlr Board at d o'clock mi the Md da of Beptemcer. IS04. and ehjeetiess to the si ceptsni of said newer, er ssv pert thereof, may to Bled In tto fSr af Ua andnrilgaed at any tlass prior thereto. . . Till KXBCCTIVTI BOARD. J 1 By THOS. C DKVLItf. AOdttrw ef the City mt PortUadV , Fvrttosd, Oregoa. September IT, 1S84. - T CITT xfOTXOXS. JSOPOSKB ' ASBISBMSBT FOR mPROTB- MBBT SV BAST SAVaOrTEKhTTK SSSSKT. Netlea to torebr glee a that tto Council ef the City ef Portlaad propoee t aences tto filViwla deecrlbed nropertr and owaer or ouner aa to lag spsctolly. and peculiarly bene fited In the amounts set eppuette tto names and desert ptl one thereof for the Improvement of Beat Mevntnth etrwf renar tha aooth Itne of Belmuat SUeet to ths north line of Baatj Tartor atreet, aa proTMed wy enUnaee xo, 1C.T04. Any ebjeetton to tto apemttonmcat af east for aald Improrement must be made In writing to the Council and Bled with tha Audltiir within U dare from the date of the Bret poblleatton of thU notice, and said bJo4pas will be heard and determined br the Council before tto ns sage of the ordiaeJM Aasasslns the cost of aald Improvement. DUT111B Let t. 884S.T8; tot 884.T8. A tract of laud lying between the cast Una of Eaat Seventeenth street snd s line UllQ feet esst thereof and parallel therewith and betweea two Une respectively OA. ft feet and Utt.8 feet south of and parallel with aouth lln Of Belmont street. Nsncer J. Itotta, 814SBB. Tract of Und lying between tto eaat tin af Baat Seventeenth atreet and a Hun ton feet eaat thereof and nerallel therewith and be twee two Hnee reapectlrely 115.11 feet and 1SSJ Bret aouth ef aud parallel witk south Hue of Selmont street. Oracle B. Imhoff, 184.58. A tract nf land Irlug between the east line of Bsst Berenteenth street snd s line 100 fret eaat thereof and parallel therewith and between a Itec 188. ft feet south, ef and Brallel with south line of Belmont atreet and a north Ho of block S, Danek. and its xtensioa easterly la Its present eonrse, nn Known owner, 818,88. Tract of land lying between two lines respectively "A M (pet au.1 ino feet esst of snd parallel with the cant Mne ef Baat Seventeenth street and between a Une 180.8 feet south of and parallel with the south Una of Belmont street and the north line f Baat Thylef street. Mary Fal low ws. Am (M. DA N KJt B LOCK tot SfeU 1r BBTtCaTaaaOBa sixi.oo; lot 11.06; lot 3, Q. F. Peterson. B130.M; lot a. j. rr-iianeue, aiao.Hs; lot 4. J. r. uaneke, 861401 lot S. i. F. Daneka. S46 P8. Tract oT land lying between eaat lln Eaat Seventeenth street and Una 80.30 feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith snd between the north line ef Eaat Taylor Street and a line 90.8 feet north thereof aad parallel therewith. J. Bob or t eon, n-M.-a. Tract 01 land, lying between the west line of Bast Seventeenth atreet. a Une B0 feet west thereof snd par tie there with and between tbe aouth lln of Belmont street and a lln loo feet souta thereof snd parallel therewith, Hawthorne Batata, 8244.66. Tract of Und lying between two lines re apectlrely 80 feet and 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe weat line of Eaat Beren teenth street sad south Une of Belmont street and a line 100 feet aouth thereof and parallel therewith, Amos N. King. B1V.B0. Tract of laud lyicg between tbe weat nn of Raat Rernteenth atreet and a line 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between two lines respectively 100 feet snd IBS 2-8 feet south ef and narsuw with the south Una of Belmont street. L. P. lloaford. 110168. Tract of Und lying Betweea tto west line of Raat rWenteenth street and a Due 100 feet weat tbereof and Parallel therewith and between a Line 188 2-8 reet aonth or and parallel with the south line of Belmont atreet and between tto north Sfto.OB; lot B. I. F. panekc. B48.B1. Tract of land lying- between tto west Hue of Bast BeTeflteenth street and a Une 100 feet weet thereof and parallel therewith and betweea tto horth Una af Raat T-.,l ihat .a . line Wt.T feet' north thereof aad parallel K " ""twav 848,1. Ttal, ft,- ' :'l THOS. 0. DEVLIN, v mmf ' tbe City of PortUad. frtlsndr Oregon, Beptember 18, 1804. .. FKOFOSKS ASSESSMENT FOB TMPBOTB. "INT OT SKATER STBXXT. Nctiee la herahe elm, eaa ih. nauii ae h. I"' x' prl"ao propoaa to ass tto follow Ing .deecrihed property and. owner or owners as totng spe-Utly and peculiarly benefited In the amounts net animal r tha aaaua Am. Kripuons thereof for tto improrement sf pnarer atreet, rrom the center Une of Conftner- aai atreet to the swat une of MtssUatppi are na S tirOVlded he en1nan Kn IS T . Any obiectloMi to the apportionment sf cost ror ssia imprornssent must to mode la wrtttnjt the Council and Bled with tto Auditor within 18 day from tto data of the flrat pub' licatlon of thla notice, and aald nhleetlnna will be beard and d-ter mined by th Council before tto Dsaoag of th nrllaaana aaaaaaina tha coat of aald Imnrovement. CENTRAL ALHIN ABLOCK IS lot B. H. ind si. laiwaon, 808.10: lot T, H. and M. Lswson. fjrj.BTl lot Id, Kugeoa I. FimU. R9.&8; tot S. Euacn J. P arret I, 808.14, BLOCK 17, tot 8, School Dlatrict No. 1. 858.02; lot T, School Dlatrict No. l, 828.11; tot lO. flcbnol Kismet ixo. t,; lot 9. flckool District a. 1, 8o.t.l6. BLOCK 18, tot 8. TbereaH ranosr, oi.s7; tot T. John p. Wslca, 8M.M; lot 10. Merton S. Thnmp-on, 818.41: tot 8, Marlon B. Thompeoo. Mft.nT. Ml'LTNOMAH DIMCK IT tot IS. Carrie U. Ounderaou. 87.48: lot 18, Carrie B. Uuuder son, 831.88; tot 14. lame B Moonsy, 86. Bt. lot 1, lAna Ortnto, (17.68. CENTRAL A LB I N A BLOC K St. tot 1. . XS. Oore, 848.88; lot S. J. C. (tore. 18.. tot IS Jneephine Hieradorf, 828.84; lot 10. Josepbln Blcradorf, 8BM Ml. , BLOCK 10, tot 1. O. W. Lawrence. S&tt.BTi tot S, O. W. Lawrence. 127.68; tot 1ft. . B. Bcott. 827.02; tot Id, J. B. Scott. U6.8S. BLOCK 10, lot 1, F. J. Moxen. M.M; lot 1 Herman OeUncr. 825.31: lot IS. Ajubrose B. QantenbHn. 833.881 tot IB. Amhrnae E. Oantenbeln, 803.43. Ml XTNOMAH BLOCK 4. tot J. Chrtotlna Kerr, SK7.78: tot. S. Chrlatina Kerr, B23.S3; tot 4, Alice Mary Golden. 8ft-W; lot S, M. B. Thompson. 831.84. night ef way Portland Railway Cansaay, Batll, Total. B3.185.1S. . . , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor f the City of rortlaad. Porthsd, Oregon, Septomber IS. 1801. : 00MFLBTI0N AVR AOOXFTAKOR OF IM-FROV-EMEBT OF BAST TWSBTT KISHTK BTBJKT, Notice to hereby gteea that WHHa ft BUtott, aty Engineer, to filed ta tbe oOfle Jf tto anderslgned, notice tbst Otobtoch A oplln, con tractors for the Improrement of Bast Twenty-eighth street, ander the provisions of ordinance No. har completed said street, from tto center lln af Euat Antony street to th center Ba ef Bast Bvcrctt street. Ssld sceeptaac will to considered by tto Bxcruttve Board st d O'clock on tbe 2Ad day of Bept ember. 10O4. and object lone to tbe ac ceptance of said sewer, ar any part thereof, suy to Bled In th of fic M (to asdsrsLised at say tiase prior thereto. 1TUB BXBCTTIVB BOARD. ' By THOS. O. DEVLIN, , Aadltor of tto City ef Portland, . FortUnd. Oregon, September IT. 1SQ4. COMPLETION AND AOCEPTAN0X OF t FROVEKENT OF STASTTOB BTREET. Not to to hereby gleea that WtUtom ft Billot t. City Bnxlne. has filed to the office of tto anderslgned, notice that Gleblach A Joplln, con tractors for tbe Improvement of Stanton street, under the nrvmelon of ordinance No. 18,61s, tore completed ssld street, from tto west nne of I'nloa sreao t tto asatsr lln of Rodney avonue. Ssld scceptanc wlU to ewwdd-red hy tto Bxecurlve Bosrd st 4 o'clock nn tto 2M day of Bepteaiber. 1804. and objecttoas ta the ac eentane of said eewer. or ear nart thereof. I may to Bled In the office of tto sndertlgned at buw hm ptkw idereco. TUB KXrttTTTVB BOARD. - Br THOB. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of the City of PortUnd, Portland. Oregon. September IT. IBM. Tklwt OHasa 123 ToM StfBSt fhaassn 2TranATit3ontlftdntawi e-a - 'I ralrxai OaDly aakV ' 5 FAST TIMB TO BPOKANR Vf1. aATJta DULTJTH. UIMNRAPOL1R, CHICAGO AK0 alu ponrr east. -ttoyllght trip throuajh -kna Caarads and Rooky Baoaatalna, Ww foil partto alara, tatat faudara, aBo. salt an, ar ad- bTuMS . moxaoit, ottp vursi m 188) Third Btis st. roraAeusd. Astoria & Columbia l River Railroad Co, CNIOM SAPOR Arrteea ruit. ' Oa taka ale. Wautpurt, Clirtea, Astoria. War rente. level. Nam i-BSfl. to Dally. aond. Foet Sfev-na, OeeriiBet Pa ex. Are alee. 11 :M A a. Astoria aad fB ta. awn dntlp. AeH Sanriaa, Ss m J. C. Y -- A.. A" . de, - ft A. BAIXROAB TlatXTABirA ffiKBL 0 Sr.ola!: axo union Pacihc 3 TRAINS to tbe CAST DAILY Through rNItnran afandard snd srtot siee kfg ear dafto to (hneto, Chtoasa. apokanet toarist ateev'-nv ear dally to Sanaa Cttrj through Pallman tnnrist sleeptns ears (pare, shy odncted weekly to CWfc-ewo, tirtltalad hair earn seats tree) to tto Bsst diDy. ONION DBPtPt. , -' Lesva. ArriT-a CBtCA OO. fOKTLAMD 8:18 a. Bb ! "' p.' a. SPECIAL. Dally. ttoUf., Per tto ft ,r. ;v ' .: s . f v . ' BPOKANR FLY SR.' 6:1ft n, as. 8:00 a. Ok For Raatern Wafclo Daily. Daily, tea, WalU Walla. Lew- , .'" tatoa, Ccear rAles and . Oreal Nerthsr - ?; twlnt. if. '' ATLANTIC BXPNBMSk 8:18 pw as. T)18a.8h Far tto Eaat rto Hat Daily. , Dally. OCEJat AND KTVRB BCHTDDXE. u KUR MAN PHANCinCO: Iprom ' taMB'Bk' ahT S. R. Oen. W. Elds ' Atnswsttk Beat; 8. IS. SB. . Dock. i .-.r. , a. s Commoni : mm . f . snt.fc 4B. SB.. .. .,,. 4 , t: i , Qeturnkto Eleor pr-totea. ' ' ' roR ASTORIA snd wsr8: P. to. lahva "' ' nolnla. . eoaaectlas with I Dally. , 3:00 p. ah. atmr. for llwer snd ex. aandny ex. Inadsf. North beach, ate. Aatordajr sato, Aah-eti dock. 1 10:00 p. m. ' ' ; TauhfTI Blear Sea. POM DA TTO N. Oreaos 7:00 a. m. .1:80 m. at. " City sod Tamulll Rivet Dally. Dally, polnta stru. Ruth aad except :. eteept Mde Ash-st. dock. (wbA Snwtap. IWater nermlltlng.1 anato River Kouto. FOR tEWIBTON. Ida.. VWaih I Abort . Points frecx Dally. :00 p. ba, 8-w tow- ex. rrldar. lagtoa, Sato Bhoa Mala 713. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY ; Par TotsftanM end fin Keew. eDln B Koto, Nagasaki and Bbanghal, taking freight U eonuectlna stsemsts Ba hlantla tart A.tVaa aad vudtvsatoh. . . . For rate asd faff thnarnuttoa esR er seV ntotals er asceta oj tbe O. R. A R, CW EAST1. SOUTH 'Leeees. ONION DEPOT. Arrives, OTBKLAXO EXPRKMS tralnav for Sal am. Rna. norg. Ashland. Sacrs meufo, Ogde,San Praa-r1a.-w. Bt3ct.j. Iw An. S'JBp.Bk HTiSB a. to. ' fele. El Pse. New Or leans and the Raaft. Morning train ' rK eta at Woodhurn S4B. Si. aniiy except Buudny with treto . for Mt IM S Angei, leer ten. Brownsville. Spring fleld. WesdUng aud: nstrea. AltoBf psmeseue. euy. nect at Weodbara with, loop.. Kt. AnsM ana BUree. 'tStSSt. to ton tocaL nt.a. Corvaliu m IHdOS to BhTtdan '8:88 a. m. . Daily. llDafly, eseeat Sssp. rrtiad-0wea BaV-rhen Sarctoa SM TamkOl . instaasa. ' nsaed Foot af Jsfferxsa BliL - faW Partheat atalle tar fha-raaa Via a aa a 1 f M. 1:08. I 2d. 8:80, 8 IS, .& 10 10 . to. Dally fesceBt Snudat). 6 Jul 8:88. C:89. 10 X2 a. m. d:0B. 1IJ0 p. m. Banday calx. :J0 BileaaAaa Seal niaiai aeataa SweiaaS Aatt :Sn . m.: 1:M. t:0B. 4,fB. 8:18. T:"B. B BS. 11:10 n, as, Dn1!e letrwrv SBiwtovl S:2C, T:m, :in. M:30. 11-48 a. m. Pxeeot Moadar. IS. -28 S A Sandnv nntv. IflrflO . a. Leave from eame eVnot fee TUTto aoS to teen Btrdlato points dallv (exc-nt Sunday) d.tS S 8b Arriv Pwrtlend 101 r. to, atBPt lfTTS,fvWBl a-nyu,TSJ PHS operate dallv to Meemonrh and Alrlto. so, necrins erlrk MfWn rerifl csmnaay's tracks at Dallaa end twdVeendewee. Flret-eiees fare fre. Pnrtlen k Satfsn-snfa end Ron Prn-eteee B2. herrk B8t nsssnd ttasa fare gin. e-cottd-w-s perth 32 .BO. Tickets fe E.ater nolete end eewan, Tiiwe, n"wniem inn .ww., dry Ticket rrffler e-e-e- Thtrd aad Waakiasp too -trtv roaa. Mala til immmaMtm s. City Ticket A teed. CVa. Pass. Assad. TIME CARD y TRAINS Dssam 8:80. to rnget Sound Limited. ta Yasanu RaaitU. BJ8 8. to. Airmail. Sooth Tiesd and Orsy's Mar sotota North Cneat Uarlfed, for. Tacome, Bee ttu. BufVe, St. Pul. Wis neanetta. Cktcaxo. New tMsJsk 8tSSS Bk tnek, Bnetn snd utt Eaat and othS. I win-City KzHewaa, fas Tacossa, Seattle, Spe- ', V.'' tait. Ileleea, Bt. Paol. U In era nolle. Chtreae HvaSS ts. T-SBBvSk, New fork. Boatmv sad an point Bast aJ Snutheaat. Pnget Snand Naeaat Clty-St. Louie SprelaL for TScome. s,,ttt. Bhokane. Rutte.Bllllnxa. Denver. Omahn. KaneeS Ciry St Louis and al pnlnta Baat asd atosU- MWt 8:80 A. . fits a. 8k Alt aJaFdhfpf Oft A. D. CHaHLTUN. SsstotaSt Beweral Psaseneer Age, lift Marrisoa U cat. Thar. PertUnd. Ue. LQIocMM.sMsau.-! ALTIMORE, f QUIP L R. jAJUr T-tAINA VTAWAaktlJW--- e 4 i