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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
r . w THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, 6EPTEMBBR 19, 1904. . I 1. T. . j ; The Journal Want Columns RATE! Ana wak f 7 Inner Hon. totwflV hm Sunday UliM . x&c ft III ()ne Month (including SsUkdaF teauea), 71o Una. cinasHtedr tlfvfrtiHBmi rnyablo d-in-: minimum c'nnro IS cHelp Wanted" and "PttumtlfVM Wanted" awl vert lee anenta art oobUahed m tin fre , dnf chare Advertisements must tw In by ti o'clock noon for the dallr 1- , sues, and 19 o'clock Saturday,, veninc far to arsmday kum Branch Offices i Asmmmim win t roc?tved at regular mala office rutec at th following places and aetit to Tha Journal In tlma for publication 1b tho next lasuet BV A. Preston, druggist, ltd and Thurmao. atroota. Nob Hill Phamnao, 55 QHan street, corner J!t. ' JL W. Allen, pharmacist, IStA nf Marshall itwti. ft. B. J ark a, confectionary, So Washing ton street corner IS thy B. r. Jons A f. drugglsta, Pront and Glbbs streets. Cttel Drue C First and OfRAt TtrtMo's Pharmacy. S6S BllasS. slppl ara, corner Shamr at. Michola a Thompson, Ill Raeeell street comer Albtn avenue. -Jancke Dni Co.. cor. Hawthorn and Grand avenues. JL -A. Dick, iobeccoe, M4 Crosby 'east and steel brills). B. F. Puton.o onfertloiwry, IT K Bumslde, or. Union are. Ingram dr Bush, tobnooonlla. US . , Oread sveavua, ' lUKlIUJ. t, C Worth. Bharaaaetet. 555 Bet- moot gtree. Broeltl !jm Pharmaoy. eor. Itllwaukl street. UMAX Nonas. la me Cerent Court ef the Mats nf Oregee. for the County of Mattnonaa. -. Mary H. P.. Brass, Plaintiff, P. B. PlflT Bobert FleU. ThetbSS 7, Oeudte; I. B. Goodie and fclaale Nrtdlgh, Defendants, to F. A Field, Robert Field and Thomas JL Goodie, oWiandanto la the abate entitled cause: la tbe name ef the Mats et Or, yen are ' hereby required to appear and answer the com putet Bled against 70s la the above entitled Court and salt within als werka from tha data ef the trat ptLbUcatlos ef thU aaiaiena. and If mm fall as to aawar or aaawsr aald rocDpUlDt. tba plilntirr berela will eppl to Tor yourt for toe rrlier prayva ror la me ebEEpfalat. to-1t: The plalaUff wltl take a decree amitnat 70a focvcloalos a eertals mort Hunted by defaadaota X. B. Otmdla and Tnoaaaa A. Ooedlo. oa lot tea (10) block .Six (6k ! ASttna Hawataad. ta tea ats .of Partlaad. la UaHaostah Casstr. State of Oreroa, to Miry U. r. Bvana, the plalatltf bcrrla.' -raeardfd oa pass ldT-S ta book 186, feecotd ef Martoas for aald county, and harrUaT and forecloalos; 70s of all rUbt. tttla and dtcraat, or Uea epos said pramlaas at any part thereof, except tha tututory rich' ef rdmptlos, aad for plaintiff' a oasts aad . dlatmeeinnta. ThU ta mesa hj sahHahad la ma Omra Ttatly JoutmI, esea a week far six eacereatTtj week", by order of Bos. Judge ef aald Cesrt. - ay erder auda, aad dated ea the Uth day s( Assset, 1M. j MtXLBB WLLBB, attoroaya trr Plata tiff. Phat awMlcatloa. Ancaat IS. In4. Laat publication. September Bl, ISO. PBOPMAIA rROPOSAUl win he reealved at tha efhee of - tbe Lewla aad Clark Onteaalal Kxpoaltkre - eonuvlaitna. raeai t, StearBa bnUdluc, Port and. Orrsee. aatll IS o'clock, boob, hap atabar . 104. far tbr comatractloa of 1. Marhlofry. slactrtdtf aad trassserh - tWs huthlloc. i Mining hasldhbj. 'v. , t , raatlTBl hall No. B ' Plans aad apcclfleatlosa caa he aaea stat , ebUlacd at tha offlra of the director of arcbl ' arrtnre, rooei 6, Slaama boildlnf, Portland.' , Oragoa. and caa ha aeas at tha afaO of Uht eaaimlaaloa at the fair ground. Blda ataat be aQbinlttrd oa foraw fSrssmed . h the comBilaaloa. and addreaard to BDMOND O. OILTNEB, Bcratary. BOTTOaV tVWT Udak af ttt atoaaMhlac aaw aad prae V Ural; Pyramid Pan. Thar aunafactaTa tbatr WB lab ; hatter thaa a . feaatala pen: ' avver break aor rrfaae to wrlta; If dipped : hato water, tea, softee, atllb or other Uqald, wul write with ares blach copylog Ink; wlH write from 00 to M word with a atnste dip; reuanbar tbla kt ae faka:" we arnaraatoa the, and refund BMsey H sot found ta ba aa rnpreaantad. No laaklns or anHing tha pocket-; erar l.flOO.OOO aold la '. Cblcatfa. Prtca 3D eeabi with roreralMe 1 bolder. AcmiU wasted. Kaufman Broa. h Co., rwau TS08 113 g Clark Bt., Cfalcage, IU. HOTIfl" hi harvsr fllrea to Alfred T batia (or KIddbbwb) fnwi Klickitat. Waab.. to par . hta board bin be fur (V-tutoar SO, IBM, etfier wha 1 win et areordtng te the law. Aaala , . Klafcawara, Bif Marthrnp aC BOTirBf hare rhta day said ost mi interaat . Is tbe ralon Land Oo. ta Hi. C. O. DeVere. who wtTI ba mptble for all Ulli agaiaat tbe tTntoa Iad Co, B. H. Ablgrea. trnrATion wabtxd maix WANTaTOPoMtlaa hp naa sad wife, wosms good roah aad hosaefceaper; aoaa aaady any klinl of work: er place for women be work and mas to beard and work a let where, ( all torn B, M BUm at., er phone Black MS. tOUTM MAX 3 holding good oat-uf-towa kb aa aaalatant boakkevper wants similar pnatttoa - here to be at borne; year' fSe eiperl core; iaa penatan: rapid at Igvraa; Al let' sreoeea. C-ll. care JosmaL BTBOXO JMSdc sal wasts to get efrlea lanl tor work to do erealaa or awyalnn, g to . 1 m woald aaatat aatser Ja altar. O SO. iaarual A Gon. ateadr eaaap cook wtabea serwant ItoaOoa. Inqaue Albert IU1W, tea Bnrn aldc sc. Portiaitd Or.. M. T. Lodging huvee. CJTB raaa with hnrae and baggy wonld Ilka pnattlpa dry aa lea mas; biral braae prcf-rred; . teferences fsntUhed. Addrtea Y-hi, Jawraat aTIhlTT-Cl.ASS Oersiaa eiarhlatat wants altoa- tl'is; sjany Tears' fxpertenca la Rurnpe. 14a Beat Twentieth at Pbooa Untoa BMU 'WATTHMAN want work; a 1 pert ateratne op erator; en glra ftwd reterenca; toadr, ra table aad eober. a lg, Jwrnat If BT ft A jUCA fc draagbtinan deatrea poaltfam. is, cam rfoaraai. WAWTkrwro keep aeaad art f bwika for re tell baalaeaa; wort at Boaaa ag Store. Ad . areas V tT, Joeraal. BITTATJOM Sg aaaayac and saatoltargia km a . Bine or A practical SeewJaat L II, Xooraat 1 CA BPtrtTF.R. gnad all areeud warkfaaa. wasta . V er day werfci rsasesabla. Fhos Scott . VAKTRTt By hoy af M, alac W week far j. board and attaod arboo. T. S3, jooruaL y FOB window chwataf ar Janitor work pbaae ' Kd 17. bTOVaaJ FOB BKaTT FtfBSlTUBI FOB SALB Mtomi cottage fnr rewU dstaltaae far sale etirap. wl ?t. nth at. (Araraat Mepatoh an The JnarnaL) Coleilla. Waas. Bept. It. Th 1-rMtv Old daughter nf B. K Cotirad. while rid ing to ertoool Friday oat horaohark. oallod to her eowniHanlon, "I can't Breathe!" nad fall from haw horse dead. Acute heart trouble was tM rai as. Rhe Bad SUf' .-4 t a H sine taBhacjr. . . .. aTBXF WABTTn MifB - IBBISATIOB D1TOH WOBS. WANTBl-oO tohorara, taaawtera, reckwaa. oagaa Bt tt day. board W 60 a-weak, ar your Self; three yeara' work aad a chance to secure a good pteea ef lead racy cbaap If desired; alugla or aaarrlad aaaa who waat S good eted yah; pay caab akantbly; la Snatseaatera Oregon wbere peopia caa wars rear aMwad. set Utertered with kg rate ar Davan. imaiiirr ajwiaiinaW. Cheep rail fare of e aad Stage Cms fT mat nay a mpmrti. Wanted, J teaaaa. aUata work. M-ll day. 8KB ADOIT Tins. HAW UN'S BMPLOVMENT OrFICB. m North Becaad at. ' Bast Bumalde st WAltTrrv Tor P. . Araty Abte:bedled an- narrled mea. between agaa er n ana an. elttaaaa of ratted Slates, ef goad character andtenpacate he bite, who caa apeak, read 1 and write Rngllsh. ror Information, apply to ftecrnltlng orflcer, Third sad Oak ate.. Portland, Or. , WANTED An aa-istaat hfwkkaeper .wbeia wiling to take a mall wage to oegai win, and work sp. Young sun arwferrrd. Ad drees la own bandwrltiag State age. ado ra tion and eaperlesce. Taltod Artlaass, S Ceauaerclal block. BABBKB trade taafht by. ear new aaetaod. which eaablea atadrat eears wagea walls learn lag. Call ar addreaa (rearataiogaa. ABKbTrAN BABBBB OOLLBQB 00, Ma. gg North Sixth st. SBTLI.FT) AND tJltSRltUB LABOB af SB . aVecrtpttoaa. sronpUf aepS4ao. ssss sg harga to einplojere. . ni HOM ' m Elf PtTaTatffW OPtTCB . 38 Hortb awaoBd street. LOOKING for workf Ma ay good poaltlosa 1 are oonolantly artvivtbted to journal -netp Wanted'' cclQiana. Tear ad. under fUtua rk.aa Wanted" jaar he toeerted free of charge. MEN ba Wars barber trade la edffht works 1 and ecure proniama psoitmuu. Bpurni ihu- Ernta rbla swnth. Catelogoa Balled free, oter ByatasB College, Sea rraneteeo. OaBf. WAXTKTBnr about IT or IS yeara elA with wheel, to help around furnHare atore. inouire today bet. a and li o'clock as Tueaaay a. sa. Beture OstSttlag Oa. W A VTI TV Bella ale hoy with wheel! start give reference. Jones, Book Store. l Aioer ai. WANTRD A pasta aad areas asaker st ead Washington St. CaU Tueeoay moraing. BTBLS WAJTrXO yntALB. Ml "LiT If l IH A r BUat'V-twui. wu , general glrta SIC, reiianie neip imrajam-a anu wanted. WW WaahlagteB at., room SO. Phone Cwy till. Minnr.E.AOEn lady waata light bnsaewerk and cooking Is astall rastliy; goes snog,- uau au NorU Seventeenth at. WANT girt for at ainaay TU Bt Ear hoard and go to acbonl. e TSI B. Wooduwn aasA north, soar Beach? OOOD glrlo are hard to find, bet to reach the raw, coHBlt Journal wane uoiaatnu. WANTED Irons Dnlea laaaahr. Ootamoia am. WANTED OM IW ast ni aOEtf WAPTXD hTALB 0B FBIUU. WANTED I-ady at geotteaaan. with reference, capable selling accident ana aeaiu insurance to nualneaa and nrufeaatonal men; one sc guelnted preferred. ThorstOnv SIS Chimhar of Comanerce blog. WANTED Oeod a par a tun oa ladlas skirts; also band sewers, skirt Mrg. Uspc, tarwa Ocupey. Third aad Stark ats. SHOES half -noted tor 50c at HoUahsash'a, Wsik Taylor bei-Thww and PUarta, - mrAKOBV WASHED TEHA1JL POSITION wanted by yeuag tody atsnogt apbeci accept BSaail saUry te begin, rnona aSBZ. WANTED Aa aapattosced woman wants work by day or half day.- Phone West loTd. WANTED Position ' h young lady gtanpg rapner. mona Been en. SAT WORK wanW TehMhsns Mala dSTS. gt can lwi htoatgomary. XMTLOTVZVT ABBV0XBB. BBLP ef an aaeirtpttoaa fur a tab id aawndlka. log flag ramps, factories, free to asapkoyers. asapkoyera. Moirtoaa. Alpine nTmpuysMUt Agency, ia rh-et st Pbons M Pboaw Mala 117. ALL kinds ef mab help fan lib 1 1 OB .Bert aoooa rrse as empieyar. w:lliams a botwb, Bf H Berth Second at Phone Bed ML AMEBIC A If Bmpleymaat Agency. Hera af all kinds furalebed on short notice; mall ordara prompUy attended to. SS lT Sd at Mam SUA M0T71TT HOOD BMPLOTMENT A OS NOT, fnr- alab free to yon RELIABLfl HELP. Mrsguff A CoUlne, XT0 Baroalde. Hood ltdT. BOTTX heip af all Uada rsratinad free to employers. Western ' Employment Bursas. S3 Third St. Pbooa Mais ISIS. FOB LADIES ONLT. PO!rTT.A "TO Women's Smptoynwnt' Cum a ay. Hd Atteky. ror. d and nWrtoon. Bad hOST. PIONEER BMPLOTMBNT CO. Labor em tree- tors; help free te employers. SJS htorrteaa. BBLP wanted and nappUod. mala at fasssla. B. ex DaiKk sosta waabington st. 3ay dm WORK nw men. nten for work. HANSEN'S 0PP1CB. SS North Seeond gg. WANTED Brery boass. flat er room to the dty to be ocenpted. A good, way to nod oceu panta la by adrarnalng In Jnurnal Want Colasme. They reach the kind of peep Is yos wast. 21 words for 15 costs. WANTED To hay heane state lac a two and WANTED Beery body'a wants advertised hi . Jonraal Want Cola man. Tbey relievo yon of ail unnecessary worry. Remember, tbe oost la bat Be a fine; T average words gaaka a Boa. Try them. . WANTED 1.000 awn to try tha beat coffee Is U city at the Monterey Be coffee house, M North Second at: please don't cease all at core. C M. Anderson, prop. WANTED To hire or bay, faithful, gentle ix.rae son a dm ror n racy jwrpoeee. Palace. Market. SbO Tamhlll at. Phone Mala 111. yoB Byjrr BoirtM. BorHES are acarre; st Moat, me kind yos want, hut yos caa ear a tot of car' fare and time, aa well aa nrach worry, by eon uhing Journal Want Cnlumna for what yos waat. Try them, SJ words for IS canto. KINTAL agemey af J. L. Wei la cstopsny. M Or and are., atakea a specUlty In renting houses on east aide hnd looking after prop erty; charges reasonable. Fhoua Bart tl. FOR rest or aale. Mil Wllllama gvasae, Acoem boune, aM mode -a sonTalencea. Apply John Bala. tt Stark et. Tut Mala The; POB BENT Hoasee. cottages and flats. aaa un-te-oata. rentes Tree of charge. 1- Ocvurts A Bona, First and Tamhlll sua. A ROOMED modem bnuee an Rkldmum st and Oatlnhela ere. fid. oo. Apply to Will iam Den holm, xh) railing Mdg. POB BBNT-d-roosi cetUge. I nuts. Cell AV7 Union a vs. 4l fntoa svs. Dnian riVR-tooM Hot BR. large yard and burn, a Mt Scott ear Una, Joe Smith. Trnoont HOCKR, gT North Twentieth at, far tent: goad location. Apply at SM Qltans nL te; Carsoa Helghta. 0. P. Warner. rrRNlRHRB bnuee for rent. SU Madison: gas. lota.' toWpnuae, yOR BENT" traom enttage. SB. at Punrm Pnrter. Call at TBO Pourth at FOB Bt3rr OPYlCm BOOhf. PINS efSee. cet. Third and Marrntou, til Allaky a-ynr epaae: nean nns enrneta ror anla. FOB BENT BTORBB. ltR RRJtT Small Stove. With Urine Sana' anltahla far dreuatnaklag; ing Xordl Seven. toentb at Inmilra WabeftelA WrUm A Co, PfNB etaes maai an Yamhill sc. gnf par mouth. Apply Ian, P. Rharkey. T01. CBSaa bsf Oammarce. Tilaabiai Mam ISnV Have you paid a visit to tHat Journal Branch Office ra-m- wour Home? '' Don't' Know ; . There's a complete list of offices It over. ' ' 1 v v B0OBB ABB BO ABA. nia r iunaf T. Aa entirety new family botrt. attrsctlrely located for perawnent and tranalaot ieeats. Market at., set. Third and Fourth. All out atda raona, vlth haadaoma sodrs furnUh Inn and all tm-to-data conranleucea; a In.' trio ilaht. sua. aanltary plumblnjr. porcelain baiba. heated tbrouKboat by ateam. Bxcellent onl - . fe will ha a bImidm ai Show rwas and quote sceadlngly law rates to aiac e saatiesaaa ana nmni, rauaa Mala U1. 4 Hirri.T fnralaaad ronana. airwle ag sa salts: alee nice alcove; gmd table beard. SOS Clay st. Pbooa uais SOW. OONDCTCTINB S rooming soeaaf Adrertlss the fart Is Jesrssi Waat Ooteaana, aad fill year OABn with roflana. well fur nl abed: coarealeucaai table hoarA SU Tblrteeeth at BOOM vacant at SOT Grant st on Saandayj With boarC for two. fig per mo. FITFTNISHRD rooma and hoard. Sol Boos. FOB BaOT-SnSCTXIABBOTTB. SBOOT1NU prrrllages on Sasvle's hUand ahr rant T. Plckaos, Banvta-a laune. POB, BXBT-aOUBttJTBrxTBw BOOhtB. Sl.TS PBB WEEK Urge, etoan. rurnUbad . hnnataoeplng room, wffb see of Uundry. hnth. nbona: a too cbeaa faraubed enttegea. i. Landlgas, iSd Saerman. Phone Clay BOA OOINO boaaekeeyJag? Raren't found a place help yon find a munbar of good rooma. quickly. , yi'RNtftHED suits honaekaaolng and elngla heuaekeenlng; also sing Is furnlahed rooms for gentaemes SS-SB pet weak on. 33 Iront SS SIXTH ST. Nicely fnrnlsbaa booaekeeplag apartmenta: light irom par ears on urm iw. O. Healy. Proprietor. taa m.-iY at aulto hodVeheeelaaT raanm. gsa . range; lower Soar; rent reasonable. Inquire 103 ronrtb sV POB RBNT Two large nnfurnlahed keeping rooms. CaU at SB0 Third st FITRNIRHBD part or sTJ of S-room Haaaaau, sear steel bridge. srs CLIPTON. BH Plrat st, a S2.3B par week and sp. FOB BBBT-AVBiBBAB BOOMA NICELT fsratahed rooma, with sad without i nonro. in au paru at aaw ciir. sawn wa adTurtlaed la Journal Want Colunvss. because nice people are looking for tbeav at worda for Is casts. . - SB1H ALDRB. uaar Third St, sow brick bntld tng; fnrnlablnga sew and good; traveling men specially Inrltod; Aw to AI s day, 3 to tAM a week. THE CBCIL, famished rooms sad board, perma nent or transient ; terms reaeuoabin. tl North Park at pbons Mam seA WILL have S steely furnished rooma for gentle men onlr on Portland Heights October L. Ad- i B IX care Journal. NICRXT .. furnished front room, m prtvate family: reasons ban, with taktpbsna. . II Chapman MB at " FOB RENT rurnlahed reoms Si par upward. Address H 15, care JoaraaL FUBNISHBD ROOMS With hath aad heard tf deeirud. S10 Salmon at MEWLT fnrnlahed quiet to; a ns tent Pourtb at. Pboaw Bed SSSA 1S4 POB BENT Nicely furnished front m.. Oarnthers st, cor. Second. FINB twnnTortabto fhrahmad St. aor ear Taylor. SOt Tenth ITRN18HBD rooms far rent, Sth) tJnftsi ava. Pbone Scott 80S. FOB til at--BP ifi BaTTATB. PROPERTY FOB SALB . 40 acrea of land near city. ' Lota In Sallwood on easy payinestB. Fire lots m Simons addition dty. tairoom hosss and tat n ea Use, B. 3dth at " Inquire af . LwnA I1t W m- JUST what pan bees been looking for Small e'ngl te fT5 tracte a4 te SB acres at fl5 te g7 par sera; ne with running watar: 10a ear fare, on W. P. car Una; also house and I acres. : new boune and SH acres. Sse water. 1.000; assy temm on au. tbxs Baa agent st Oate'a croming. BABOAINS af every deecrtptlon ere eosstsntly advartlaed In Journal Want Colomna, prop erty owners will so well to adTertbm what they wlah to sell In these cola mas. Sa S Una; t average words nuke Una. ' FOB SALB Blthsr ef nVose three newly fin. lahsd, modem bousaa. on aontbwest corner of Bast Mateenth and Stark ate., at reasonable figures. Per particulars apply to Parrlah, WatklBS A Co., BW Aldhr st POB SALB Good boaae aad 1 acre land, 1 htecka from car Una; 4-room honaa; all kinds fruit and barrles la abundance Mt Scott car, gat off Stuart a. Inoulra at Mrs. B. Brlnac. POB SAT.B 4 beautiful Iota: one a our sett nice buildings around: BVmlnst car aervloa. Price Snh.00 each. SS down. SS month. B A TbBrman, general detlvsry, city. 14 0005 hensea, fumttnra and gmuudi cost gs.aoe; lb misntor wain irom court nossei renta will pay for property In years, j, Landlgas. VW Sherman. YBRT sentral, lOOslOO Bast Eighth and Mor rison ats.. for tl.son; suitable for factory, warehouse at aora; apply swset, SSd Pesrth POB SALB Two B-roott cottages ; ba semest J yard; good condition; renting for 514 00 mo.: easy terms : 1.400 each. N. 4T, Journal. f-BOOM cottage, No. 84 Corbett St.. with Sse orchard; tot BOxlOO feet; rent SIS per aaoote. Inquire Frank Hacbeoey. SeO Corbett st FOB SALB SSno will bay s new house ana lot 60i29. on Willamette hoalsrarA , Inomtre 1100 Wllteaaette boalevard. Sl.oOhNBW 4-room bouse, let 50100. tor salt ar rent. US Carpaater st, R4reralde. - in anlre next door. MEW house, rts Urge raoma, all aaodem eon- lanaire u. au mroni, o74 Tie- torU at WB BT'ILD boueeu easy Saonlhly payments: tot fnrntohoi It leanlreA SIS Commercial bid. BOl'SB and two lots for mto; 4S5t one block from Arista poetofrioe, O. W. P. By. Boy FOR SALS. rbeap-A lota. lOOtlnt). Is North tr rtngton. Inoulra Sit Falling, Wtlllatoa am. BIOHT tot at Wonduwa, S btecka from car; cheap Sea Barber, cars of Allen B Lewie. SNAP 1.1 M, aew naedem ' AenomeA he us a, eSO Spencer. H block from Monte nils ear. NAP tn-mom hnoeo, tot BOilnA. Mt Scott line. ll.BM. ldBH Third, roam A. A Aeoom hooae fat Sato. . Coll T0S 'Wtltteme are. ; price 5MM, FOB SALB H0BSBS ABB OABBIABEA POB SALS One hay riding pony, weight n pounds, age ; perfectly gu I td and sheo lately gentV CsB st SU Wasbiagten. pbons Main MO. UTERTOTK hi always Aepnaed of very noldDy when adrartteed W Journal Want Cotsmna. Th rate toTsi warda for . IS cento. Try them. POB SALB Pair dark -brow a snatch harsea, S Kra old. dty to she. Addreaa q. A Hedge, varton. Or. TWO work boraee; also see-tal good Stella for rent. Travis Brea. 45 Sveratt. eomor Xwslrln, . I BUY, aaU. rent ar esehanga horses, wagons, poggleat rubber tire runabouts, harness, camp ing outfits; Hcrr la connection. Pbons Mais Ills. Bed Front Steblaa. Uth. Jaot adi WaauV tngton. v '"V where it. is? BUSIBMSS CHABCRB. " BOOM1NO aftflSS HBADQDABTBBA ' ' ' TAPT A oa. ' IBM Abtngtoa block- Phonn Main 5 BOO MB On fifth at i-goed lacsttoai now clearing about 5200 par month; S years laass; this a bargain. SAehU. M BOOMS Baa aaart nf WaablnatnO att brick bodlmng. steam heat running water la Banot of raoma; sow clear 1 114 over 104 ' par meats; mat tew; sees, go, aim. Bt BOOMS Brick building, boat part af Third at ; elegantly rurniaaao: Uta M taa most completely furutahed honaa la thai city; rent only SIX; lease; now elear- ervr guo par swnta. a,goB part u aniris. , U BOOMS The mast aleanntly furntebed hsent In tha dty; solid anahogany and oak furniture, Asmlnater carpeta: this at ,. suraly swell. Call far puuculsrs, IS BOOMS Oa Fifth at, ort diet a aaa from Mcrrtooe St.; steely fnrnlnbed; modern . every way: rest era: has get sean an ansrkbt beiara. S1.T0A, IS BOOMS On Seventh sti new. ahwaatt far- altars: ateam beat; 5 years lease; tbla at a little pa laps; srles right; never - auznras neuors. Bt BOOMS Fairly well furnish ad; rent ruoaoa- abie; leneo; tela moat be sold s eses; , , ea marnaan at gTBw, B BOOMS Tory finely fnratohiw. ctoan and to goon eoooitiee; au saoaecn; Mass; tow rasw. si.ewu. S BOCMS Oa Tenth st: nlea corner . gong yard; wuU fmalahiA . WB HAVB MANY MORS NOT IN THIS Mar, SUTB leaUp ANU TftffV, ..'',.V'n' COUMTatY HOTBL, ; : aABOOht HOTEL U good thrrelng town, to waaoiun-ioo; aeu ar trass furniture and futures tor dtp properly, Improved or. otherwise; only good hotel In lews; hats a snap for some enn, - ' '- BBBTAPBABTB. ;j '- 800 Brat -ctoan reataaranta far sate, sr win eicaange rcr rooming bonse for part all doing good grot-liable fcaalaaw 1 and aiou aacBitoa. OBOCBB Y. STOBB. f BIOS Uttle Invotoe about SM0; dotag uuan ouaineue, nsu to w per day; 5 rooms Included In bnlldrag; aodloss Uon and cheap rent; tease U desired. "above maab terms oa any of thb ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BTJYBBS PAOl-BCTkU) AS WALL AS ' TArr a co.. '. 1BVS Ahbagton Bbmh, .- SDSTNE8S CBANCB HEADQCA BTBBS. H1KIB RCll, BIT A TB rn " . awom w, tamour of S BOphTB BWant location, furnltnra sS food, , WIT' " IS BOOMB-towa town near Morrtooav Ayanr aaaaia aana, aowa, . u BOOMABent 560. clearing ever s: Taylor st. clone In; panose feA $100. S-BOOM cottage .Taylor at. Bear th; this to 10-BOOM. nnn nL ens ef the an hsaatlfel nonieu in PorttonA Bent 50. Pries T W.AJA m BOOMS hi heart of dty. brick baOdlue;. B BOOMS Waat Park, location the vary hest aw nw, . a-nce ponw. SS-B00M bouaekeeplng. Sth st. mn SUA , . gnrniUaTS jMl See... SUSA ., ISO-BOOM HOTBL ea one ef the mats atreets. goon ieas, aura rooms pay tbe rant For particulars call at tab ofhee. BOOMS New lbutlo1ng. aB now furntturs, hwg laass. Beat 1BV. . Prtos 2.500. OOOD LITER T BABN ' ' Boardtng wlU dear sjm par auonrh. Bent 53A For farther parteculnra eelL PI BAT-CLANS PBXICATESSBB. Mill lint Evurytbing Brat-clnw and etoaa. " Bk Price gl.aoo. . . t Wm maks harma en all the eheve, . , , , BAKEB BBAL BSTATB CO.,', , 1, Boom A Chambar ef Cnmmnrna. BUBZKA BBAL ESTATE BUSINBSS . CHANCE AOBN0Y. , v " SU Washington at fl.thft Bays s food honaa and 4 Into hi laurel- wood; terms may; way pap rust) uua at chotee property, fl.000 Buya a e-room bouse and futl tot la Lnureiwood; booae sew wits aboaeru un srovesaanta; terms ef sale to sntt buyer. 5AO0O Bern; a good henna n S seres or grouaa. ror run particulars, can sod nun taaa ettp property is Bood Blvnt toxma far sola In lets to Salt Invars. . . . f . . . ' BUM N EM CHANCES. . ' ITS Fer-esle. a No. 1 barber ehopt fesd paying nualneaa; cneep rent. , A sjmd paying restaurant toeatten nnegeanod; roesp rrni. who pnv di iw" . u of tbe e rents of Ufa to the tiro aaas up Is taa bestows; must ba aold at anon. Par as sntejpvMmi merchant s smet gf goods sveraging anoui se.uuu, in one or too m-at buelnees towns In the state, within 90 ml tea of Pgr (land; Is the beat corner In the town; will hell at Invoice price: tbe bniidlng for sals and other teal aetata paying good rent; tbla la surer nf remits man optimistic nun ton shDChs, Per particulars, see ns. Before pes stake any tovmbnest ar before you nart with TOUT worldly SOOdS B Will BO to your bUerest oonsoK sa. FOB SA LB Blacksmith shop, hotel end feed stable, in good location; Ooing gooa Dusmeaa: part down, balance en long time: Will take gome good boreee ta part payment Address 0. W. Deans, Jasper, Lane county, Oregon. POB SALS Stock ef as iwwars.-Stoves, Ouwura, a Willamette valley; stock will Invoice be tween S8.000 sad Se.AOO; reasons tor aalnaa, ether bnaisma. H. 15. JoaraaL HAVB a rood salecttoa ef rooming I on my not; alas several gone nunaing wis, can make ternta te suit. Boas I a WbltehlU, SO Washington bldg., STOW Waaoington st, .iy I'm. WANT to sen your boatoeeaV Want te tnveet In aotnetblng goodr no natter mveatmant tban adrertbdng for what yoa want Journal Want Cotoaus. 51 wee da fee li f cento. JTry It - GROCERY Lore rtoau are scarce; here la a gong one: central: wane, low rent; a goofl nustneaa; atrlctly first -class: about 54,000 reouirod; ns agents, n so, ears Journal. LEASE of SO unfurnished taa ana, sen teal, netting 0 pm montb, ixv cash; might trade for t N 50. ears Journal. WANTED Te sell oboe shop; good trad Keren teed: terms on inanity, w. u. rat tea. 15T, Josephs Or. BLBOANTLT furntobed to-raom tat eatraHy .toeated, for aale by ewaor; a snsp. Ad f nil . P 1A oaru Journal. . WANTED A man With 500 to bay a hart In terest la a good peylag dakry. Addreaa K IT. ante Journal. ifectlonerr. With are ereom and living rooms, S5S Plrat gt. South Purt- tosg. Beat ..,, ., . 4 : l . r.- 'V' ,r.'.'..'v on this page look. w' - ' CIOAB STAND POB SALB Cbeaa rent long leaae. Call, isveetlgate owners. 145 Sixth at TO LBARB-Aatory -brick bniidlng, 105 Pront sr. Portland Truat Co. of Oregua, ltsj xniro. FOB SAXB MIBOsXlJaBBOlTA POB SALB SS Stereos 10 ride, practically aaw; ahetsun. English make, a. shoots 44 amokeleea also double-barreled weighs 8 pounda shalla. sui tenia far lady et youth.. Address A te, journal. POB SALS' Any anaeant of ape re la Journal Waat Colamne for 5 cento e line; T average wnrdu make a Una: eeveral lasavttoas nf as odTerttoemant naoaUy make a nato. That's BO, too. DNDBRW0OD TTPEWBJTAB. vhdhls writing. Tabulator. Bull henrlns. Llsht Ageney SS Pront st. Phone Bed BILLIARD AND POOL testes 5w rend eg far sale on easy paymeata. TBS BBUhSWTCK-BALXB COLLBBDBB OAv. 4 Third St. Portias. FOR SALS st hnrguln Sllgbtto used No. A Standard Onderwoog type writer. B. O. Bar. lett, ho But nimon St POB SALB Parnt tare Ateam hones; everything new; , owner muat leave City;, Call St 54 Ievrebee st taaaonabto. FOB BHBLTINO. counters or efScs work call Melton, the snrpaeter, .a5 OUasa. 1TBT. POB SALB A small da try and route: a km Scotch collie pupa for aula. Phone Scott SSA POB SALB One fresh mite cow and ea!f.STe Dekum avsnaa, cor. Union avaana. Woedlnwn, TWO atogaat gsesrts. rsbher tleed, adJnateUs. for sale cheap. BSt Omnmaretel d7 FOB SALB Good nprlgbt BaSBS, S Snnp. UB A N. - i m 1 .Jiii. n.iH. J J samwBSattmuuMiag -'- -' IT1 :..N-" A SNAP. -V v' - . Owner suing to Issue and aril S( 10 under cvltlvatloa. Including T acres orch ard and I la timothy; T5 acres haael bruab. aeay to dear; S good springs, creek, bows and Lam, School and church oa tbe place; S miles southeast Irom Oregon City, Clackamas county; good plank rsnA Apply US fourth st, cigar sure. POB SALB PABMB Improved farms for sato m an parts ef Ore gno and Waablngtoa: pay menu made to suit purennaers. ror ruu purucnurs aa to varl ens provedlee apply to Wak. MacMaster. til Worcester bldg. FOR SALS SB-acre fruit aad dairy farm; good g room Bnuee: too trnit trees, sno nenrtng: Sno aanall trees: barn and outbulldlnga; IS miles to rurtians. an main roaa: pnae gz,0OQ, Addrses J. A Patten. Holbroak. Or. POB SALB 80 actus, joe valley toed near junction un, ur. ; price 2.oon. 10 tram owner, b. r. Myeea, jonjenou city, Or. OBBOON farnm heat tbem alt! And hr aanwee. ing tne no anear teas naaaamj yos'H Ond bobou line ma. WILX toll er es change far property in ar near f-nrtiana. su-acrs rancn nx uove. union do.. Oregos; all Imorovetl- and under euJttvn tVoa. Geo. A Smith. Cova, Ceegoa, LOST ABB IWrBB.' DOffT he s hwerl Be n wlneer. hp advertising in Journal wane toiuasna; tney pare tbe nearest way to aeeciaa. 51 words fee 15 eeate. POUND Lady 'a puma. Sstnrdhy, September lo.aa nirn aaa nisiaw sm. ranuirs nostt POUND Sam af money. Ineutre aextea at mttedral pkrtsh, S8 North Sixteenth at. FSASOVAX. J. J. H I B8HH EI MAR Pension attorney end con nee lor ar law, xss waantngton at.; nan stow obtained under all acta of cosgram for aoldlam of tba Civil war, Spanlah Amurtcan war, war In tha Phlllpplnea; pension for soldiers widows, axlasr chUdres gad dependent roteU MANLY vigor meter ail by Dr. Boberta Nervu Globules. One montb'fl treat man t. ga; saonths, SB; sent ' secaretv seaJed by smIL Agunts, woeonrc marge uo., rorunnu. or. "THB BOOK OF NATDBA" "Booh ef Life,'' "Mabel Orar." "Story of s Stere "Nans;" tateioguea rren. A Schauie, SB) Plrat at YOUB pr ascriptions are more accurately end Caaooaoiy BlWd St yaaeira Pharmacy, SZT errlaop st, hatweea Plrnt una Second ate. PERSONAL Your bunlnoaa or ptofeantonal sard In Journal Waat Columns will bring yon business; St words for 15 cents. Try tt ARTISTIC dressmaking; la t eel eastern style; work guaranteed. Mrs. William WslM, 585 Thermae st , MM A H. A Sly, derntateloalst,' scalp treatment ana napoo, electric massage, xii oooanougn. PALL mlttlaery opening tosaacrow, Tnnaday. naancoiing Bisters, ui urano arenu. POBBST BBSEBTB SCRIP FOB SALB As- prted,' unrestricted, read fur immediate me; Vnweat prices. B. pTa P. B. Ruy. SOS vnamnar or uam FOREST teat tie, approved, Saata Fa, en hand, reedy tot location; also soldiers' national bind warren la and Slons asrtp. - Magtunls A Son. SST Palling bldg. AAOWITLCTA Oooddeh A OeodrleA orchlteeto; Wm. 1 rich, consulting engineer. TS Sth. ASPMAXT PATINA THE Trinidad Asphalt Pa daw Oa, gf PorttonA ornce ao Worcester nil. ABOBJTEOTA Ooodrleh A Oooddeh. architects; Wm. ' deb, consulting engineer, TS Sixth. ATTORsTXTA PACIPIC Const Law) CeUacttoa Ageoey-x Portland office, top onambar et commerce. . SHEPHERD, ANDERSON Sj CELLARA Attorneys, 01l-a)-oai Marquam niag. BOAT BTZLBTVA. JOHN H YDS Bouts built to order and asm, yew. at 1 ibim ma want in. BAA IRC ABU uAHTEBTBeX OR BOON BOUND U'MREB CO., SSI at. Pbone Orant 11T1. 0AFBA, THE OFFICE, W WaaMngton at Pbane A Mais TT1. Pickett vigaenus. 0APB KBATA Jtt Si nth St A Am served at all hours. ta- it . i.'i.a.'.iL.j.Lj.iitma OXAXBTOTABT AND PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant galmast card reader; I give facta reliable and im portant on til affairs ef reel Ufa. Beading 50c. IBS Fourth st OABPET rnXABTBA Wo dean you carpeta on the Sasr without re- mo vim furniture irnan rwa, w raiaw aw Suet Phone Clay 551 far Area daaneantra- tton, OHia 0PODY , INY And ABB MAN1CVRIBA WM. D EVENT And BrtrLLB DRVBNT, the only adenUac rhlropodlats, parlors rooaa B Drew bldg., IS floeond at. Pbone Mala 180L This A the long-haired gentle nm a. He lg Che BaaA. yen ere teehlag toa. MOBTY TO LOAN. PABD H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AOAMT. Mossy to loan. No eommlaslon. I am la a poalilod to aaska ininx-diate .tea us an improvan real estate or tor nunaing purpauws; any amount; moderate Interests -We ap prove Wane from plana and advases BMoey ea building progresaeg, OpUoa la lepay. Basnt -afler one year. Pat AD U, AXRoNG, Plnanetal Agent 108 Saeond at, nest Stork. THB BTAA LOAN CO. Any sslartod employe, waga-aarser, aaa gut aa an note, without mortgage 1 Moii ID. an-aaonia. wawu. Repay to na fit 35 ar 53.SB 126.00 Repay mna.5erCar IT tt ETi.oo Repay to m I d.00 gr (loo er 1-00 epo no Repay ha s lit 35 er er 53 SB IS SALARY LOANS Yon aaa hanow sveney from 1 as on pew salary at tneenw tar ana to six months. In any amouat from SB te $100; Sweat rate of Inter art: no wait, SO do y; all nagotlattona ara atrlctly private sad confidential; payments suspended la caae 0 alcknesa. The Or as set Loan Co., ru Ore. tonton bldg. SALARY LOANS Any salaried person baring g steady pudttoa with responalble Rrm cos . aktalK imu. tk. ., nlan. wltk- oot publicity or dnhvy; all buelnees treated trtocly ninndenllaL NORTH W RAT LOAN CO.. 551 AUagton bldg, dty,, . ..LOANS ON 1HB EASY PAYMENT PLAN... te Salarted Peopte. BtricVty CouSdeatlaL , Office houra. f a. m. to S p. m. . EkiPLf) YUM' U)1N CO.. M. Room Ti. The Dekam hhlg. A W. ear. Third and Washington sts. MONBY TO LOAM on real, personal end eel- lateral security; apeclal srtentioa to cnaiiei mortgagee; notes bought C. W. Pallet 515 Commercial blk. Pbuee Mala 1AM . HIGHLY respect ante place wber. ladles and genta CUB Imrrow money en diamonds and Jewelry. Coll a tar al Loan Bask. Saw Wash ington st Tele pbane Bleak TL BEE The tann-Lawrence Oo.. real estate and Snanclal agents; money te loan an mortgage securities at tow rates la gams from 5AQ 510.000. ten First st M0RTGA0B LOANS SB Imprered sad farm am party at lowset current rates;. 001 wing loana, Inatelbxteot laaaa. Wm, MaaMnsur. 511 Worceeler bldg. MONBY loaned oa atanoa. furniture and ether caattm Becunties; au oeeaoeee smciiy pri vate. NORTH W AST LOAN C4X, SU Ahtag toa htdg.. dty. r MONBY TO LOAN In Urge er small im en good security; lowest re ten. WUUsi Beck. SOT Falling bldg. MONBY ADVANCED salarted peopia. tea aw tore. ate., without security; aeay pa 7 meets; larg- Bt hualneae In 4S priaclpal dtiea. Tebnas. 5 AblngtOB Sldg. CHATTEL loans la smounto innglng tremS5B to 56.000; rooming bouses a e pec laity, new Bra Loan A Truat Co.. 50 Abtegtoo bldg. MONBY to lean In sams ef 56.00 aad upon all kinds of securities; atrlctly eon novo oju. BO Oonmwrdnl blk. Phone Main IPOS. MONBY TO LOAN en laapreved or anlnmreved klan Ce-. BW) Alder et LOANS et towaat re tea on furniture. ptosos; say aacurity notes pnragaaeA office, dig McKay bldg. MONBY TO LOAN an Clacks anas county .lands. A p. and p. Bv auiey, sub uaanumt at worn- WB hate s party vriablng to. make private loans, sal Mohawk eiog. mOAAS ABB YOBAOOO. BBBERO-GUNST CIOAB OOV luaulhutora ef mil -otQABA Port m no. Oregon. CafAAOOAL. OCT hardwood chareesf made expressly tar charcoal aad-irons at the Amsrtena Steblaa, rroai ans jeiterssni nvnry anm auia-uy first -eta sa. 00 AL ANB WO0B, OBBAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hort ear. 11th; washed lamp soot lose coal, ao.iw per ten; nut. go. 00; agents for OnmberUnd a.J aw w. nutu Sa no. aAiuL nricaa; free deUtery; full weights) aaUefae- uou guaranuou. rnuaau WE8TERM PCRD FUBL CO., 154 North glllB St.. oeaiSVW an' apweaiia nm coat black smith easl, eharosal and Phone Main 11A ALAIN A FUEL CO., Railroad st aad Atblna are., aaer ferry sun ana siaas was a. nry and green, rnonu nan win. HOOVER A CONWAY, 515 Water St, the place for good 4-fort. Bve ar mawooe. rnona Main eMA PIONEER PTJEL CO., t amoved from foot Mor- rteon to toot Main st, .none matn ins. C A VELIN. Brat -clam -weed and coal; office SB AJblna are., near terry, ury eunwoon. OREGON PTTEL 00. : all kinds ef esal anS 544 Morrison, pnoue mam en. , OAOOatXAY ABB BLAASWABA Hegem gt OSt, low as emu, w, stars ei. OOBDKISanOB MnONANTA r- STERDINO A PABRBLL, pro Bum end wash mon BMrcnanta. lav srswa aaw a iiua, v. Hum U.Ib its jrn ii fa.j.,- "'TTarni'l1 ' 0ABPKBTXAS AND BVYLOSBA. A J. ADTHOBS sad H. A WOOD, carpenters anu vuiiuri,, niwuui v1 and etnee Sit urea baUlt Shop SuS Cnmmbls. Pbone Clay 1SB1. FANNING A ARMSTA0NO Oarpentere and bonders: repairing ana mooing; reesonaoie rates. Shop ear. Pesrth and Oc la main, pront 1S5A i ., ... O. W. GORDON, counters, ahold ng. hooaes bnUt and repelrvd, sua ronrta. fmy its. IF YOU what a entpeater call ahr Mel tee. BBS Ollean st rbone Mam ITST. oembbt oSbtaaotora HAWKINS A 00. Reside nee. SOS Fourth st, phone Front 1SB5; cement wort , of sO do ner 1 outran, aiao waaro vyanaufl iaan an teed. CHAR. B. CARTER A CO., (formerly Carter A Bill! cement cuuirscuwe. uie i.fiin, raw aw Bart 1T5. All work guaranteed. DOS ANB NORAS BOSrTTAX. DA A I. CARNEY, D. T. A, veterinary ear geos. removed to SB) Quean at, hat Fosrtb sad nrta sts. VBOOBATOBS. BENBY BERG ER 150 First St.; wallpaper. lugralne, tapestries, sppiique tnisii. later- lor oecoraiing. j 9IEINS ANB 0UKANTNA. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING Works; practical saner la rounecnon; reatner boaa and ptnmea cleaned and curled by sa en pert til Fourth. Phone CUy T04. v CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 1 par Biontb. vniQue xnimnng oei w sawing- toa st B. W. TTRNEB, prafesaloasl dyer and 4 BOB Jerfersoa at. rnona wain sois. LADIES' and children's arurmanto, sIBi skirto. walets aad wrappers made to order. . 155 Eleventh at Telephone Main 517. MBS. McKIBREN, srttetM iking, no 1 Mornaon rt. FBATBBNAL INSVBANOS. ORDER OP WASHINGTON Peremort fra tar sal eeeletr of northwest; proterta tbe .liv ing. J, L. Mitchell, upreme eeoretary, 415 and 515 Marquam bldg,, Portland, Or. Tele- phone Main uag. RXB0TAI0AL WOBXA. NORTHWEST EI.BCTBtCAL RNOINEBRING Company, AO Stark at.. Portland; O. K for ovary thing la the eteetrteal Use. Phuem Mais lAM. BOOKBA WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale IN P'eOSSp BrSlll' mirihuBBV Fourth fact arete ana MSI and Oak sts ALLBN a LEWIS, eemmtostoa and produce mar- chastg. Frost and Davla ats.. Fort land. Or, LaVNw A CO., First aad Aaasv amv FTJABTTTTRB PAiTTORtBA PVBNITIIRR Bwnufacluvlng and epedal 'orders. L. Ikuveosky's turn) lure factory, 8T0 Pront st OREGON Purnirura MaQufnrtudng Oompany - BOA- BOTKLA HOTEL PortlasA Anierloa ptos: 55. 56 per day. RBLVEDBRE; BnropeaB ptes; 4th and Aider rto. HATS OfJANXB. BA STERN Hat Mauufaaturton' enmoanv. 53S nrvi, near ciay; nam uyeo. cieeneo. nmevea. made over to la teat aUlsa our Seecialtyi Panama hats. XVMAB XAIB B0LLA J. J. BONO, maafr. hnman hair rofla. 455 A Sth. Pbone East tl. Store. 59 Morrison st ZAQN WOAXA PHOENIX IRON WORKS Sagtneers, mann factnrers of marina. nUnlnn. lnaetan and aaw- mill machinery; pfonipt .attention to repair work, rbone Bast . Ha wt borne are., A B Bd. ZBAUBANOB. ISAAC L. WHITA toe tananranos. 500 rjaRms bldg. JAA Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and 1a dlddnal accident surety bonds at all gJads, ' Pbons T, SOS McKay bldg. B. P. BART ETA COMPANY. Sra Inanri aaai ma KXtm ran 1, nr Sberleck bldg. Oregon Phoi 445 PIBR INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy Sherlock bldg. Phone Main IBM. ARTHUR WILSON, Sre bis toa BBS, bldg. Pboee htejs lftOA BUSSASA MRA 08R0CK. gradaatg at Vnlon MTTEIOAX. TIOLIN, BMndeUs. oomat, glarlnot and all string and wind Instruments. Prof, Edwin A Smith. Main 4T0A 5S4 Twelfth st PIANO, or ran. theory af meak Long, 'studle hi Tuewny bldg.; dials. Mala 11TA . itblp re MB. AND MRS. H. A WERBBR, snnJo, ssando. tin. guitar instruction. Mala SQ8B, 175 W. Park. T. S. LAWRON. 540 Park, cor. Main, plans ton. sons terms reaaoaable. Pbone Front m. hTVCtO TIB Sf, NBA PISHEB MT'SIC CO.. 100 Third at Vtetss taAV lug ma rb teas; repnlrtng. Bed Bag. rONNERBERO BADSMACHSB, nanltery pwmDeru, aa roarxn st potn paoya. - POX A Co.. msJtary plumhen, 551 Second bet Mala and Salmon. Oregon Phone Mala 5001, 0TTAALLA BOSS OP THB BO AD 0VBBAIA and atecbaa Ice' dothlng; union made. Neuatedtar Bret, ausefacturete, Portland, Or. -) T "" , fl.'i' 'i'i' ""te PATXBT ATTORNTTA B. 0. WBIOHT. patent bnalnem g aeintaltyt conanltetaon cvahfnga. Q4 Dekum bldg. rAHTDTt ANB PAPEA-BAST IRS. t. B. SLTTON, painter aad panothsngar, ISA Madison St. west end of bridge. PBBAS CXIPPDrOA MAKS MONBY! TJSB PBE88 CLTPPTNOult . Blng as Slick 11 and order a month's uerrtes , covering every town la sny ef all coast atatea: dallr aaeaasneer aerrice: advaawe porta en all contract work Portland office, 100 Second at JUlL-JLAw '' PUaTTN. ' THE OBBOON PLATING WORK A 4B1 Wssto lngton at. Pbons BSTA PNUabto, plaUag uRgpu BWt mapi lammj. FATBTA, OILS ANB SLAAA F. A BEACH CO. Plntisar Paint Co., set Hug the beet tblnga made In paints sad general building materia la: vrlndow-glam and gteilna a apactalty. 15B Plrat st Pbone hula 1534. F. F. FULLEST S CO. htoautoetarars Ptoneor LeeA, Phoenix Paint K opaline; -a guarantee glvee ith every gallen af paint mansfae- BABMU8SEN S CO. Jobbers, Palate, eU, gkua, aaah nnd doors. ISO First at PBIBTINA. .-7 Bl.HONO A CO . h or and Bte rk ate., print, lag. lithographing, blank hooks sad office suppllee; work dene on nana; asset coaaptoto priatlng efSce to the west Mala 104. ANDERSON A DfNIWAT COMPANY, pdatlnf, Uthomphlng. blank hooka. Phone Mats IT. Sng Alder st - BOOFTBS. ALL klnde ef roofs repaired and nalWteA JP BH Plrat Scott B4l BOPS, PORTLAND CORD AOS CO. Corner Feertoenth and Norotrnp au., PortUnA Ot- F. 0. STAMP WORKA Set Alder et, phone Main T10; lubber atamps. aesta, rtendls, basT gage, trade checks; send for catalogue. LARGBRT stock hi dtyt DtohoM work: lachonts opened; repairs tall work, steel celling, treuN pent and goods, meriting yoar patron age. jT" A Dnvto, Third st. BPBAYTNS ANB WB1TIW A5KTW. SPRAYING and wbltowashlng, treea, baas. sjwsto, barns, docks, etc., M. a. Morgan A Co. Call up Scott S54. we will call and give you figures cm year work. The largest (issollne spraying and whitewashing outfit n Multnomah eounAr. (TO MllwaukM at. Podia ad. ur. tTOAAOB ANB TAAJTaTTA. ance. Clay SSA A Co.. SSt A - anurioeB - 1 : S05 Shaver , ' SAyBS, pianos and furniture .saoved. packed ' ready for shipping and shipped: all work -guaranteed; large, 5-story, brick, Sreuronf H warehouse for storage. OrSce 185 Plrat at , C. M. OLSEN. Pbons Mats S4T. a O, PICK. efSee SS Pint st., between Stark s and Oak ate, ; pbone 6M; ptsnos and furnl tore moved and packed for shipping; com. gaodlous nregroet betek warehouse, Front and Clar sts. SK0W OASES AND V1ATUREA SHOWCASES of every deerrlpttoa; bank, bar Jnd store sxinres maee to oreer. The iambs lanufacturlng Co., Portland and Seattle. '! 4J.i. ,,1. I 1 1 , ! TTPIWAITBAK TOST TYPBW BITES HEADQTJABTERA ' sau ntars nrreex. We rest .repair sell, exchange typawrtterA I AU supplies for all mathlaia. 4 Btaaderd Btarbinee 53S and up to 1nS. - Da yon want a stenographer or typlatf We here Met of good aspucnnU. 1 Pbone Black bStIt t UNDERWOOD TISIRLB TYPRWRITBA aa aruB .v.ui. ttM iaa. TAANSPEB ANB KAuXINS, TAN BORN TRANSFER CO Bag Stars at. i-none, Mats IblR, ' Purntttire, piano moving, furniture packed tor shipping, er press sad baggsfo alaa stty sniTwin n,Tn riiu aiiaaiiaa. OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 154 North SUM. ' pbone Mala SB. Heavy hauling and Storage, PORT SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 500 bj ssh ingtun raw jaaia nun. TOWZL SVPf LT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, break, aoaa, el par mnuu. ijawrenoe Hma. Towel atonob , Co., Fourth and Conch. Pbone 43B. W T WALLFAFXB, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-1M ac. aeu zamsiu and Tarior. Pnrttenat - .,s ' : . V , 1 .."-A '. 5 ' . 1 4 ''V . .1 'f