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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
(1 Q OOD EVENING. . . ARE YOU GUESSING WHAT THE . i ; Woggle-Bug Said? j I - 'f '1 Tonight and Tuesday, falri wumir Tiwdiyj aorth to Mat winds. vol. n no. iea. RIGHT OF WAY . LAND FIGHTING RENEVED Russian Reconnolsance Is , Met by (he Japanese uutposts. REPORT HEAVY LOSSES Japiiete Evaaate VIHtfBrth Korokl ntf KoroDifmli Are ' log RelnfofccTlie fomer V. ;; Vl8 300,000 Met. S: if- 7' ' '.T (ItWHl tMUI BVTtM.1 t Petersburg. Bept It. Dispatches rrom ucncrai Kuropatkln today state that General' Babkekampff and General Sampqonoa ara conducting Important iweonitolsaneea which hava resulted la hoary fighting with man casualties. The mala reoonneisenoe was mada to ward tha enemy's front and right flank ad tbs Japanese wr diiron back. Xh Ruaalan loaaaa wara alta-bt. Uta aapanaaa, Kuropatkhs aara. ara eonora traUmr batwaa Tentata and Banaaipudal to tha aoutk of Mukdaai The ' Japanaaa d urine an anooantar4 Paturday avaouatad a vlllaa-a wiUck thar Wllt tt w4tl alight' 2r Tha eamr haa daldafl to form a aaoand . Kanelturtan army to oa mada up of V - oorpt now baiaa- aant to tha far, aaaL Ltoutaaant-aanaral CJaerltck Will' prob. . ably b In oommand. Kurapatklo will r ba chief of both analoa, but ,-acobaUy s. .without tha title of oommander-la-ohtef. . A report,, clreoiated hero, that Rear Admiral Prlnoe Ouktomeky had been . . eourt-martlaled, 1 amphatloally denied y meaahera of the aeneral ataS. There la no eecret mada here Jt the belief that ona of tha moat Important And eel1ra battlee of the year will oome within, a few daya and probably v - la the near neighborhood of Mukden. It -irr 4a -eoojeoture by -the - eorraapondeata U from what UtUe m firm out. that tha foroea , under Kuropatkla have been laraaly auamentod elnea the nchtlny at lilao Tanc and that, notwlthstandlnc tha continued levlee of freeh troopo whleh reports ahow to hava been- hur rled forward to Kurokt. the latter will 1 1 be mat by nearly an equal force. Kuropatkln will have tha adwntaaa jf poaltlon and tm auppoaed to hava been maklBa great headway ta preparln da-J xeneee ror a vuirner nua. The reports that Kurokt will acalB attempt to flank and prevent Kuropat kln fom keeping tha road to Mukden open, ara aoouten aa belnc hlatily Im probable. It w believed that tha Japan aaa ean hare no other Idea than that of eompelllna' him to retreat to a polat where he would be hampered through out tha winter by scarcity of supplies to feed an augmented army, thud leartna; fclra at the beslnntna- of next aprtna with practically the same foroe ho now haa and muoh farther away from the contested territory. Should Kuropatkln succeed In holdlnr hta aroOnd at Mukden he would defeat this object and would thereby be en abled to renew tha campaign m the sprtnc with htary and well equipped fdrca. The' Lena Incident haa bean taraelr dismissed here and there Is no 111 feel ing toward America for tha disarmament of tha warship. . -. tmrekl ew Kaa MO.OM and H Aa- ,;L . (fteraal apedel errtea.t Roma, Sept. I. A dlapatoh to tha : Trlbuna from Llao Tans states that a Japanaaa advance on Mukden la pro ceeding, and that afourth army from Kluchwana ia now on tha Ruaalan ex treme left : -v The correspondent adds that OeneVal Xurokl haa reoelred relnforoamants eon slstlnf of two new dlTlslons, maklns tha total Japanese force. M.ood man. VOal (Jeanwl aBselal terVlea. Bretnerton, Sept. 1. Tha orders ra eelTOd several daya ago, aa told In The Journal, to put the monitor Wyoming, now out of oommleslon, In seaworthy shape at the earliest moment, haa re sulted In a large additional force of man being put to work night and day. The Wyoming waa to have been eom nletely overhauled, but aa effort m now being' made to put bar to asa within 4S hours. Tha authorities refuee to ox- filaln tha significance, though It Is be loved tha haste la due to tha. Lena and Koran Incidents. A dttbsVilffanl nerbwCtel WVw8-f Mukden, Sept. 1. Saturday General Kuropatkln reviewed the Srst corps and two dl vis lens at tha second eorps. ftxosmsm uxmm a avmAVtra. . . (Seeetal Dwaatsh te As Jeers!.) ' Spragua Wash., Sept. !. -Mrs. O. J. Phlnney, aged II, a pioneer of this sec tion, died yesterday, leaving 4 children, 1 grandchildren and I great-graAdchU-Vwfc wmmmmm from tiirtniai, t J f OWNED This Is tha real William Waldorf Astor? th4 first photograph, of Are expat riated American taken alnoe his arrival in this country. The photograph snows Mr. Astor to ha considerably stouter than when be-left America. T ARMED-MEN HUNT GRAIN - . ; . . (Bseetel Mspateh Is the Jearaal) Baker City. Or.,- Sept If. After a desperate attempt to kill their eaptors, Aaron Barker and-WUI Irwin, at Pece bontas eaoaped from the police hero mat night. Tha 'two young men had been sought la the act of stealing grain from Wals. a farmer near WlngvUle, Tha police here were notified that they were enroots here with the grain In a wagon. Policeman Bdyd and Nlghtwatohman Lincoln while , watching for- the men saw them about IS o'clock last night as they approaohed tha railroad crossing. Boyd who waa on horseback placed the men under arrest. Lincoln took hie seat in the wagon and started to drive the men to the police station. Barker sud denly lumped to tha ground and began shooting at Boyd with a Winchester rifle. The latter waa unarmed aad Im mediately dismounted from his horse .'n ii .... ; - i ,n . ...i ... I, HER BRUISED HEART . HEALED BY J30.CC0 ' '"' (Jearsil Iberiar Barries'.) 1 ' Kansas City, Sept, II. Miss Xra No- land, a protty stenographer who on July 4t suit for lv,owa damages for PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, FOR THE BY THE 0. R. neaanmf ( .0. i i i THIEVES and placed tha animal between himself and tha escaping prisoner. x OMcer-IJneoln,-however, was. armed end sprang from- tha wagon sod began firing at tha fugitive. The two seen exchanged all the shots that - waa la their guns without effecting any dam age Irwjn In the meantime had headed the fig In the direction of Wlngvllo, and Barker Joined him and Mia two drove at breakneck speed In ths direction of Malnea. A posse waa Immediately rr ganlsed, but the men escaped .to tha mountains. This morning they are m the high hills northwest of Hal nee. The posse haa been increased and as tha men are armed It la expected that a desperato battle will ensue. Irwin Is . tha sop of a respectable farmer near Haines and is about It years of age, while Barker Is consid ered a bad sasjk He Is. about U years of age. - . s Broach of promise against Jamas A. O raves, a wealth mlneowner, announces that aha baa aompromlsad for US.M4. Miss Notand had letters whleh show beyond a doubt that aha was the prom ised bride of Q raves. While she sat pa tiently welting, ho secretly married an other woman.. He found Miss Noland a waitress, educated her and made her his stenographer, aourtsd, sad then deserted v ni l r TdfcLgi o w CELILO FLAMES IN Fire Aided by Explosives Causes a $2,000,000 : ' loss at Halifax. "ar1 BLAZE UNDER CONTROL After Belli. Subdne Fire Breaks Oat Afresh, and Sweeps way Sev- "eraL; Warebose---NolNKly" ja" " 4 (ured-Hiny Warrowly Escape "(Jearssl Sserial Serrtei.) Halifax, If. S., Sept. It. One of tha moat disastrous and hi aomo ways un avoldahla fires that baa ' over taken place bora, swept out mora than tl,vO,O0t worth of property in a cloud of amoke and firing ambers this morning- Twice was It believed that tha fire waa -under, control and once It seemed certain that tha flames had been brought to bait. This. However, proved without adequate reason, and tha tired firemen. who had already faced the danger of a dynamite explosion f or hours, found themselves at dawn today with a preater and apparently more hopeless battle than evei UilSlli sjmnj. Not UHIII 1U o'clock could further safety he assured. aX about 1 aolook this mornlna- the "hardware house of Black Brothers, known to ba filled with dynamite and explosives of all deasrlpthms, waa dis covered to be on fire and threatened to do . much damage. By order of the mayor, much of, tha explosive waa damped In the river, but not nntU a number of ' minor explosions had oc curred, scattering firebrands In all di rections, causing the fire department to exercise Its utmoet exertions to avoid a rapid spread of the flames to adjoining buildings and warehoueea.-. .- , , The flames, however, were confined to the wharves Of Black and Blckford. Their loss at this time was estimated at $100,000. Nobody was Injured, hut many bad narrow escapes, - Shortly after t o'clock, when- sJ was apparently eeeore, the flamea broke out afreek with renewed vigor, destroying several other ins now warehouses and adjoining buildings, at eras not until 10 o'clock that tha fire waa again under oontrot and It la still burning. Among the piinelpal losers are Black Brothers av Co- wholesale hardware; Thomas Forham A Co.. aallmakers, and Bryant A MoDonald, ton merchants. FOR COMPLICITY IN , l MURDER Or HUSBAND (Sseetal Dtoseteft te The JoamaL) Helena, Mont Sept. It. -Quito a satton haa been created her by the ar rest near Glasgow of Mrs. John Mott ner on the charge of complicity In the murder of her- nuoband. Mott ner waa shot by an employe named Dye, who asserted that the aot waa committed tn self-defense. He waa released, but later waa arrested and Jailed because new evidence was discovered. Ths ar rest of Mrs. Mott ner now follows and aha, too, is jalL Officials decline to disclose tho nature of the evtdenae against her except that she la said to hava mad Inquiries aa to whether she would Inherit her bus bend's estate If he was killed., Mottner was a promi nent sheepman. - - fc BRITAIN'S HOLD ON ' TIBET IS CONTESTED . (Jeans! Sserial Servtea.) Berlin, Sept. If. At the foreign office It Is stated that Information has been re ceived that Ruse lens will refuse to recognise th Anglo-Tibetan treaty re garding tha demolishing of Tibetan strongholds and the maintaining of Brit ish rights In Tibet. It is possible that this re fusel erfll give rise to a serious situation and that Britain may hava trouble In retaining tho foothold sh has gained in th "for bidden land." , mmim m- i .. i i m,d SOVOOUOT SVBBBV&fe, ' ' (laeelal Meeatr Tea Jsarsat) . Davenport. -Wash.. Sept. ' it. Brook Andersen, aged IT, a son of Deputy County Auditor J. W. Anderson, chinned himself W th high-school gymnasium eight times Saturday, walked to a table. sat down and fell off onto the floor dead. He was known to have heart trouble. H was great favorite. BABX.T nrjimsB, Seetal DisMtek at The JeeretM ftamsey, Ida., Sept. If. 41 O. Wear, a prominent rancher, was probe wy fa tally Injured by being hit with a beam while unloading hay Saturday Me baa aot regained oonsoleuaaeea, , , . DYNAMITE SEPTEMBER Iff, 1901 CANAL & N. HAS BEEN . " " " i -s, : it, 1 ?? ft- v . , , .. u .,tJ,,., - f't-' i '' Ki-tAi l WT4k - .J.,:4 W '4t:t'T A pf'fi '4 By next January 1 the United States Army will be equipped with a new maga slne rifle, the deadliest In tha bands of any soldiery In the world. Fully assem- bled, the rifle weighs a trifle more than eight pounds, whereas the present rifle weighs too. It baa an affective fighting range of 4,f II yard a. and at M feet has penetrated H foot of white pine. It Is equipped with a spring bayonet shaped like a ramrod. In testa It has been fired II times a minute with the magnsln and 31 times aa a single loader. It Is cov ered with wood on the under side to pre vent the heat of rapid dischargee from blistering the shooter s hands. A Callforolu Who Shelter. Mexlcai iefueee b Give, a Mai Whereby V He Flwds SI50.D0O. ' " ' '(Jearaal fascial terries.) ; Galveston. Tex Sept. If. A fortune of 4140.90 Is reported to have been found wber It waa burled near the old town of Segula at th tun of th Meat lean war. - Th money was secreted dur ing sn engagement. ' Men guarded by Mexican soldiers undertook to convey to Qeneral Oonsaleg at San Antonio this sum In gold, A company of Texas sol dier for days trailed tha Mexicans, and at last caught them near Ssguln. The Mexioans. seeing that they would ba overtaken, burled the money. . ' Th Moxtoana wer oaptured. and be cause they refused to surrender th se cret all xoept on wer put to oath. This ona escaped and went to California, where In his old sga he lived with a miner. Jack C. Davis, who afforded hhn every, comfort his humble abode Justi fied. Upon hia deathbed A oouple of weeks sgo the Mexican gave Davis a map which told th location of the money.- Davla Immediately Went to Seguln. where be found tha gold with little difficulty. He Is now returning to California. INHERITS A FORTUNE BUT COMMITS SUICIDE (JoarMl SpMttl Servtee.) New York, Sept, If. -Alt hough about to , legacy of 4100,000, worry trivial matter so preyed upon th mind of Mrs. Mary T. Thatener. the wife of George Thatcher, a minister, that sh forgot hsr Joy over her good fortune, sad committed suicide last night In her apartment by inhaling gas. It was while parking her furniture pre paratory to a trip abroad that sh waa seised by a fit of 4epondency, and en tered th bedroom and hilled herself. Mrs. Thatcher Inherited 4100,000 on the death of her uncle. Patrick Mealy of Steel ton. Pens., a few weeks sgo. , fefoqsYtMt llfphffJsHtll aVfTswW. Worcester, Maaa.. Sept if-- or Hoar Is comfortable this morning stiu shows no gain Is strsaatav but KINDNESS OVER THE (indemnation Decree Provides That State Shall Pay Ratfroad $22,837 ! 4 ' in Full : of. All . Damages. ' 1 4 V All That Remains Is to Obtain Deeds From Two Private Owners and Government Can r Then Be Placed m Possession v v - : t Bight of way for the Celllo canal over the lands owned by the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company at -The Dalles has Anally been secured by tha stats. The condemnation proceedings Insti tuted by the state canal board la the circuit oourt Of Wasco county have re sulted In a decree awarding to the state the land .which waa desired for the canal, conditioned upon the' payment to the railroad of the cost of moving its tracks, ths value of tha. land, and inci dental damages, amounting altogether to I11.U7. Ths decree was entered by consent of both parties to the suit, and there will be no appeal. i Deeds for the right of way over the land owned by Mlehell and by Schmidt fare already In escrow at The Dalles, so that all that no- remains la to secure conveyances from The Dallas racking company and from A. W. Seufert. An agreement has already bean reaohoi aa to tha price to bo paid to the packing company, so , that Seufert . la now the only property owner with whom the state must deal, . .. In the condemnation suit brought by the state against J. H, Taffe, the de fendant's motion for a new trial was overrated on September 10, .and Judg ment waa entered awarding the land to the state upoa payment to Taffe of 414,- 000. the value of Uw land, and coats amounting to tilt. It is said that Tuff will anneal . -. - Tha condemnation suit against th 4X.B A N. was concluded quickly, .On September S. - the auto of Oregon, 'by the governor, secretary of ' stats and atata treasurer, constituting the board of commissioners of osnals and locks, brought suit In the circuit oourt of Wasco county against the Oregon Rail road A Navigation company and ths New. Tork Security A Trust company to condemn a right of way for the oanal and locka to be built around The Dallas. It was stipulated that the oauae might be tried by th oourt with out the Intervention of a Jury and on Bept em her 4 It waa so tried. . The plaintiff appeared by A. M. Crawford, attorney-general, and Frank Menefee, GIRLS CUT FATHER'S HEAD I ! Ml (Jearaal Sseetsl ServWe.1 Marl In, Tes Sept.- If. Mystery sur rounding the murder sf C S. Stewart, a farmer, who lived eight miles south of hero, baa been cleared by th con fessions sf his two Intelligent and pretty daughters, aged 11 and 14 years. They have admitted that tbey committed the crime, t The body of Stewart was found Sat urday lying on a cot on the porch of his residence. His bead bad been sev ered with s sharp axe. At that time the girls claimed they beard no note and did not know who killed their father. . Their blood-stained clothing ONE-TIME HARYARD 4 MAN IS "HOBO KING" (Jearaal Cambridge. Ilau, Sept. It. Marcee lua F. Oraupner. once a Harvard stu dent, but' now th "king of hoboa," has returned to Cambridge from Bleb, A. T. Counting a trip to San Fran cisco, s prospecting Journey of 400 miles, and several side ventures. Graup nerB grand total in miles of "beating' his way around th world is close to 140.000. Hs has twice-be en la Alaska and once completed the circuit of the globs oa the little capital of 41, end times with out number ha stolen his way across the continent. Oraupner waa at an time th champion strong man of Har vard university. MRS. HARRIS TRIAL .BEGINS AT SPOKANE (Seeetsl TKeeate ts Vks Jeers L) Spokane, Wash., Sept. It. The trial for murder, of Mrs. Jsanetto Harris, the North Yakima woman who brought bar infant grandchild to this city and stran gled It, begins today. Mrs. Harrte haa been In th hospital for tha past two months, but Is new said t be practically well. Th defence la th trial Will be temporary tnaaalty. , Th child sh 1 alleged to have killed waa -that of her unmarried daughter. Sh brought It to' this city with the intention of placing It In a horn sere, but after spplylna to one or two, im being refused, in b me deeper and took It out li o t"ih In t southern part of t e a s5 around Its nee It j fe the blU. PRICE FIVE CENTS. j ; 44 lllK .... - . ::, - - district attorney, and tha defendant were represented by W. W. Cotton. Pursuant, to the Stlpulartom and th pleadings the oourt found that the O. B. ' A N. company was the owner of certain land tn Wasoo oounty and waa using; It. hi th operation of lta railroad: that It was necessary to condemn tha land for right of may purposes for a Oanal ' In order that It might be eouveyed to the United States to th end that tha . United States might construct, main tain and operate a canal for boate and! vessels plying on the Columbia rlveri , that th plaintiff and defendanta had I bean -unable to agree as- to the-compen sation; and that the value of the land sought .to ba appropriated la 4400, The court further found that th O, RAN. company would be obliged to change the location of certain portions of Its line.-of railroad opposite said piece of right of way and at other point between the Big Eddy and tho -head of the Celflo falls, would be com pelled to construct large embankments, and would be subjected to, additional ' and unusual expense In tha operation of the railroad, and that by reason of these facta the railroad would suffer dam agea In ths further sua' of fit. 137, making the aggregate amount of dam ages 424,447. ! Th osnrt as s conclusion of mw held that upon payment by the state Into th hands of tnw olorsv.' tho son -the ewmv of 424,147 for ths benefit of the Oregon Rail road A Navigation company, tha ' state will be entitled to the entry of a Judgment appropriating to Itself a right of way for th purpose of conveying tho came to the United States of America, to the end that th govern- . meat may construct thereon a canal extending- from the Big Body to the bead . of the Celllo falls. Tha money baa not yet been' paid tot' oourt, but will be, aa the .case waa an agreed on. Th right of way for which thMi'money h paid la expressly limited to the purpose of conveying tha land to th United State to construct ' a canal thereon, under this decree th right of way oould bs used for no other purpose. suspicion to be directed against them, with the result that under sharp ques tioning they, confessed They said their father was about to remarry, aad tbey objected A letter addrsad to him earns during his absence. It was from the ehtldrene prospective step-mother, and they de stroyed 1L Th father learned this, and when ho same horn Friday night told th girls that he waa going to kill them and that they must say their prayers. He did not carry out ths threat, and tha presumption la that ba told this to frighten them tnto subjection. When bo took a nap the two girls got an ax and chopped bis bead off. LIFE TERM CONVICT IS WORTH $250,000 (Jearaal Sseetsl Serrtoe.! -' . Denimnora N. Y Sept, la. Alphons J. Stophanl la civilly dead, but Oaaa clally very much alive. Ha haa been Informed that a appraisement of his mother's estate means an addition to his fortune of $100,000. making the mur derer convict the possessor of 4140,000. He la serving a life senteaoe for hilling Clinton a Reynolds. New Tork at torney, hi lit. Ha 1 adjudged by alienists to be a paranoias of a clearly established type. Stophanl bad by shrewdness. Inch and almost uncanny Intuition made a suc cess tn Wall street Invest meats, build ing up from a comfortable aucleue a beak account which overtopped meny manipulators. He made 4140,00 by hi operations. - IRWIN POISONED IN . HAY CHEWING PARTY 1 V (Jearaal tseetsl sertm.) Now Tork. Sept. 10. The Mar Irwht company, larludlng the star, Saturds y cam near to death through chewing hay. Th members of the eomt- wer rehearsing la a New fork th i on th stage of which the D Thompson company lee"- a 1' property bay for as la "i e . Stead' The actors p-"' eh t i