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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
TMI jDRKuUN S'JNUAY JUUKNA1,- SUNDAY MOKNINQ, pPTHBKR IS, 1904. i FIRST FAIR COEI GOES mm TO: WHITE HOUSE .1 Miss Alice Roosevelt Is Asked to Wear Initial .-rv a Lewis and dark Dollar -PJaa for Sale of - f Coins Determined Upon. 1 . J " v To Miss AHee Boossvelt. daughter of Mm president, will be Mt tha first of the gold dollars that will be put In elr nutation Mr souvenirs of tho Lewie and Clark exposition. Sunk was tk decision reeohed yesterday brUMi round wo wD of Portland who somprlea the Lewis Ml Clark . souvenir oola oomnittae. m uuritrn gwnMni ov ins graiBinn ' ra ni HUH at miHm vmIimUt. Thaw !! .it few Uh 1ST W I . Mrs. a H. Lswls. Mrs. Uelea lde Corbett and Mra. Henry B Jones. Te aiicnaraaon, nunsgwr of uu uoauaareua . wlub, attended In behalf af .tha eorpore- i .. TJon ana toll of. the work that bad bean uniuil mi tta wiaia. llta . v young womea, howavee. will ba fcam "' jtered by iw sat of rules or instructions. '.y but tha maitar will fee eft In their own .. miscrsuon, -. . . r to order aa aloetloa of offloara waa held. nnr mi. pm waa wiuuwr wwviwa cjuuraiau ana miss siarvna naj oecratary. Tba plan of sending tha first ' .; Bared which will accompany tha oola .- bearing tha atnatura of tha man bars erf tha oommlttaa.' Mra. C. H, Law la. by avnsrsa ownaast, nannus IM lis VI fif ',. : A oopr of tha lot tar gad Its slgna tnrss wag telegraphed to vartoua Hwt papcra and-will likely ba great edver- .. llmnnl tu falp m Aia. I a. i paaad arc and for ail to aoo and waa ; hand lad with Interest When R bsoems r, known thai It waa to bo worn by Mlaa i- Booaavelt. This I tha only on of tha eolna that haa baas feleassd.. -It la slightly largsr than a standard gold dol- " lar and beam on Ita faoa pioturaa of Lewis and Clerk. The purchase prk of tht oola la SI. ona of which Is to go ta v tha government and the -other to tba Lewis and Clark fair. Bverr alxth dot- lar will ba davotad to tha- Saaaiawaa amoaomant fundi - - - f -u Tha tollowinp plan of dtotrtnatlon waa . adoDtadi Savan bomaa at wtdalv dlf- farent oolnu will ba aoad aa . danoM- : . torles for larpa numbara of tha cotna ' and from thoaa polnta aatmbara of tha oommlttaa will draw thorn la dlffaront amounts, - una nunaraa ooma wut oa placad at aaeh homo Monday. Tha fot , lowlrjp bomaa wtra ehoaaa; Mra, Henry ' M. Jooaa. North Savantoanth atraat; 7 Mrs. C. H. Lwla, NlnataanUi and Ollaan -V. atracta; MUm SMInbach. 141 Blavanth ptraat; Mra. F. a. Morrta, ltO Kinp traat Mlaa Jeaapat 111 Bast Twelfth atraati Mra. W. L lAdd. ltl dlsth a traat: Mips Bath MaxwaU, CTa riaadors otraat. and Mlaa Btott, 14 Jaffaraop traat. Savarai auppaatlona war offarad as to ways of weartnp tha aotmt as pins. oharnaa. link braoslats aad foba. A rui lutloa was adoptad that ara ry bu in Orapoa abonld waar ono oa kta wateh chain. Bach aw Mr of 4ha oommlttaa was rotuastad to mubo four mar youna? woanan who wUl-aaslat la tha work as bar halpars. Tha oommlttaa will moat ala aaxt Cacurdap mornlnp; at 10: at tha homo of Mrs, Boor? B Jonas, to raport prosraas and to moka furtbar plans. It ta suppastad that poung wo man In stbar Oropaa elUas ha aallstad In tha wark and. that It ho oxtanded Into Washington. , a room la batog flttsd tip la tha towor of -tha Chambar of Com- moroo as baadquaxtars for tha oommlt too, Tha following Is tha lattar that bap haon sant to Miss Booawvalt, wlU tht algnataras: PortUnd. Or., gapt. IT. IHt "Mlaa Alloa KoosovalV Whita . Uouss, washlngtoa, XX C "Dear Mlaa KoossvaKl ' Tha TrtUtad Ktatas govarnmont has ootnad two hua drod and fifty thousand gold doilara aoaraalra of tha Lawla and Clark .Oan toanlal exposition and Orlaatai fair, to bo givan la Portkmd, am 1 ta Ootobar la, 190a. ,-Thaaa ooiao wlQ satl for 'tl anon, M tha procoads from arary alxth sola will go towarda m. road which will ba used In oreotlng a monument to gaoajawea, the Indian woman who guided JJewta aad Clark and upon twa oooaalons saved the Uvea of thoao aaptorara and taalr ooav pany. ' e "Tha axaeutlva ommlttas of the Fore land Commerelal olub have tendered oa, as a oommlttaa - of so of Pertlaade young woman, tha first oola put m cir culation, and tale sotn we forward you and hope that yod will wear It. T rutting that wo may bar the pleas ure of mooting you personally during the time who tha people of all nations of tha world will bo our guests, wo are. etc" . Tba signers are: Clementina F. Lewie, Mrs, Henry K. Jonas, Martha Hoyt. Caxo lino W. FUndara, Franoe H. Lewis. Mar garet Morrleon. Both MaxwaU, Mar guerite Labba, Nan Robertson. Laura a Dunne. Gertrude M. telnbaeh. Lulie Mail. Dorothy Lafigfltt, Hilda Hextor. Agnes Helen Hill, Markm MaeBas, BtU Morris pad many others. r zi lvr if mmm M mm i i lr sr-J i m m a aMasi a; w a aa av r 1 T ! PGW TU Pi DRAW y i Fassaraars on tho-steamar Bailey Oat , aVrt from The XaUee yesterday were y provided With. -a. UlUo fond of sntar 'ojilnment tbat waa somewhat Out of tha ; aog and a oOyota. which occurred baok sh tha brush h short diatepae,from the t' ' The animals fought for nearly half aa lour and had not tha owner of the dog separated them- It to probable that It would hare bean a life end death tuesle. Aa It waa both animals wars wall cov ered with blood whoa the- eonteet was Interrupted. The ooyoto would snap and elsw and break sway before the - - bulldog oould securo one of those Ira "" 'koMa for-,whloh the 'bread' Is noseoV" . Just as the contest waa getting excit ing Mrs. Cuthblrth. tha dog's owner, took a band In the battle. She had been watting to take passes oa tha Outsort r- and was desirous of bringing the dog to Portland with her. She lives on a ranch not tar from Lyla and stsrteof to walk to tba landing whan tba ooyoto waa encountered la a clump of trees near tha river. Th boat had been taking on a cargo of wheav and was about toady to pull OUL Whoa the brutes got together the pas sengers - looked eagerly oa and had It not been for the warning notes of the whlstls many of them would have rushed to the soene. They describe tt as be ing one Of the prettiest contests they over witnessed. With terrible rushes the bulMog -would -attempt' to land oa his opponent, but tha latter proved too quick for him. jumping nimbly away before any great harm oould be dona. Watoh- tng-hla- ehanoa -ha would, make a savage snap la return and ho suooeedod in draw ing tha first blood. Fearing that tha boat would leave her, Mrs Cuthblrth procured a huge club with which aba managed to beat tha animals apart. -t REAL ESTATE HAS VERY BUSY WEEK OS atVaTtt Transfers. lT.tSI.U M.OOt.M ' i,f7i ie . Si.m.u M,e00.4 1MIS.TI ABOUT -: . . 'i; Formtts. Monday ........... l.sog . Tuesday .......... t.l4t . Wedpeaday ..., M Thursday et.TIO Friday ........... X1.4U . Baturday v...... Ism Totals for week. .$0,I4I ' Totals last weak. S7,7t u 0,17.tT f This has been vary satisfactory Week la tha real estate business. Tra fers bavs bean more numerous and de Spite the fart that thera waa aa extra mrsa number of; sales recorded this week with the nominal- dollar mark as tha prion, tha totala ahow a material lo eraee over that of the prerloua week. i There are a great msny mora tnaulrlas for property and dee lore ara beginning to brighten up after a long etago of In activity. . Thera Is a eonalderable num ber of Inquiries after property la the Oar northern part of taw any on the west eldo as well as along the peninsula an tba oast sMo. . . . - ? ! sag tha Bealto Balsa, -- Roap B. Daniels bss sold to Bather If- Chatton tha east half of lota I and t, block it. Hawthorne Park, for a eon slderatlon of HMH. r. . Tha Amerioaa Trust and tRvestment onj pany baa sold to John W. Capias tota J and 4. block ltd. Couch addition, for consideration of lll.eeo. ' Carrie W. Potter has disposed of the iorth half of lot a. block I0t to Philip Oevurta for a oonaMaratton of 4.e0, i J. A. Martin end wife eold to Etta X I I . DMtnrbancas of strikers ar net near fy as grave aa aa Individual disorder eg the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous Use Ion will ba followed by attar collapse, unless g reliable remedy Is Immediately employed. - Tbere'a nothing so efficient "to core disorders af the Hvef or kidneys aa Electrto Bit ters, It's d wonderful tonic, and eweo tlva nervine and Kb greatest all around madicfne for ran down srstasne. It die- weia nervooeneasae, ' rheunuitl naurslsla and easels malaria Only 40o end oatlafactton gusranteed bv H4 Cm pharmacy, oorner Sixth , i W the poeiottoa. Ism and Bailey l byl foot baainnlng at point In Ollaan street 1(0 feat weat of the west Una of Twenty-first street, for a ooDitderatlon of 14,000. J. W. Griffith and wifb sold to P. T. Hail lots C and T, block , lots It and U. blaok 1. rsodlawn, for te.M0. J. H- Peterson sold to Henry Melster lot and s. block M, Wataon'n addi tion, -for .! For the use eg the new Alblna ferry as a landing plaee tha- eMy of Portland haa purchased from Louis Mloolal a strip of land feat wide ba block p. Alb ins, for d consideration of 1 1.12 a. For finishing tha west side approach to the ferry the Portland tJnlon stock yards and John A. Martin snd wife have bom to the otty a panel sg land for a consideration of llills. - v After much litigation a. Morton Cohn, who some Usava purchased the prop erty upon which la located tha Fred T. Merrill oyotery on tht weat side of Sixth atreet between Stark and Washington streets, has decided to build and a per mit for ttm construction of a two-story nog bo Using waa issued from the of fice of the olty engineer yesterday. At first It was thought by Mr. Cohn that hewoald eroet a arx-otory structure on the property, but lately he haa changed his mind; The foundation of the new building will be strong onougb so that at any time la the future several mora stories can be added. The new building will eonviio.OOO. The contract for the work has been seeursd by George W. Gordon. The old structure is now be ing torn away and tha excavation for the new building will be begun aa soon as It la completed. Work will be rushed with all possible speed. Thla weak tha Pacific Const com pa ay sued a permit for the construc tion of modem ooal bunkers along Front ex rest net ween uuimby and Raleigh streets. The cost will ba about f 10.000. Tho contract for the work has seen- ae- oursd hp Robert Smith, . , la a very abort time the north half jf tho now Welnbard building an Fourth, Firth nnd Pino sttwata will ba Dieted. Tho contractors- sra work, fisieatng tho toner works. - I Stwke vf fait Bittlev ' The am oka that is seen eeentner oat af tha month and nostrils whan people who have oatarrh ara using tha vapo-medt-oator shown bow the battle goos on be tween tho germs of oatarrh and this new SMtbod og treatment. No catarrh germ ona Uve ta urn faoe of tha stnoks and sjedtoettau that la applied by tho vapa-medlcsaar. It eoata 1.C0, but It la ip In tlje end re M is Worth tlOV of other remedies, gold only by J. A. Clemeioon, druggist, corner gaosnd and YsaahUl ate., Portland, Or1. v SpecM St ItHlsCtr. J Monday. Ootobnr I? the o. ft a W. will ran apedal tourist ear, Portland to St Louts. Parttewlars af c. w. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington stroau. ... U i VV UOU ;. and jhua Mve time, labor, space . and nxney. Winter it emphatically the time , :. when the manibd advantages of the gas stove are most apparant vr vv K'" ' ..'.i y' Drudgery is done away , with and perfect cooking, olv;' J ; ; ;T ? . . tained only by use of the OAS RANGE. I-: ; ' . ; ' ; eie"eaiwawataaaawe I FUl I If you would have heat which is always ready at the striking of a match, and' i f ' ? f can be regulated to a nicety u, in sisort, you woraa nave tne ideal ; method or procuring a healthful brand of warmtn, you snouid eat With GAS S - '-' . - v . - - - v. ' 1 1 At - '' . :-.yy: i- y , ' -J,y '. ; y :' y- yyy:i,yyy U?-r;M ";vlx Yf'.'i :.y y PORTlllI) GCOlPlFTH ID ;vy.:---t ... -;.:- ,-.:.yyyy.r - ' : : . '- : "i --y -V ; ; V y POSTLANDERS TO ATTEND BIG FAIR : : -V Vf BBli OTTOST WOa BO TO Toayn Taxnu fob bxhtbxtxot BBsSsrBsVnTWBS XTXHBBAJIT OF :: " y, i-v- at Tba ortcnralone tbat sre being organ ised by Portland buslnsss men to the fairs at Walla Walla and North Tskl ma ere gathering strength and Interest, ana It la aow certain that a large num ber will go to both fairs. The North Taktana fair la regarded aa tho most Important at this time, as It will be held during the week of September It. and Portland day occurs oa Thursday. September 10. At the sumo of business yesterday fbrtylght firms had declared their In tention to send representatives to North Yakima. They are as follows! Clossot Devere. Luekel. King A Cake, Btudebafcer Bros. Co.. N. W.; Weber Bros., Portland General Electric Co Oanld Kilns Co.. Evening Telegram, Rtchet Bros.. Oregon Dally Journal, Chapman Lumber Co., Goodyear Rubber Co XX M. Dunne A Co., Wad hams Cov, M. D, Wisdom. Portlsnd Mattresn Upbolatery Co Beall Co Mara hail Walls Hardware Co Oeorgo Alnslls Co Standard Box Lumber Co North Pacific Planing Mill Co., Wa M. Ladd, Weterhouse A Lester, T B. Wiloox, Boneymaa Hardware Co.. J. CI Alns worth. John Clark Co., Mitchell, Lewis Btavor Co W. H. Mc Mob lee Co Brey man Leather Co Geo. Lawrence Co A P. Tlfft, Maim A Beach, Raamussan Co A. U Mills, J. Frank Watson, Advance Thrasher Co.. A. H. AvsrUl Machine ry Co.. John Welch. Tobey Bros., Blsslngor Co H. Motagsr, Kvordlng A Farrell. PactfVo Metal Works, Wallace A Cochran, Meter Frank Co.. Zan Broo Albers Bros BOH cov, JMJtour, Onthrto A CO. As definite arrangements must bo completed tutaieuiatelp, any other par tlea dealrlng to go are requested to tele phone their namee to the Portland Com mercial club as soon as possible. Assistant General Passenger Agent A. D. Charlton, of tha Northern Pacific railway, baa suggested the following Itinerary for the North Yakima trip: Leave Portland In special Pullman sleepers. Tuesday night, ntamber 27, at ii n. m. Arrhro Tacoma Wednesday morning, 1st a, m. (osrs to be eut out af train at Taooma, ssnurstonlots to got up whan they oa fit). 1 - . , Leave TaoomA till a. nt, Wednes day, gap t ember St. Arrive Seattle. Wednesday. SefKember It, lt;l noon. (Take lunch af Bsn- tLeavs Seattle, Wednesday, September "ArrlvsNorth Tsklma, Wednesday, napteanber IC 11:17 m. (Remain In alaepare North Tsklma until Thursday morning, the tha " ' Stay In North Yakima Thursday, the tfth. Portland amy at Takima fair. Stay m alaepara North Yakima Thursday sight. . Leave North Yakima Friday, Septem ber 10, : a. nv Arrive Portland, Friday, Saptamber M, 7:00 p. m. , , , Charwe for berth In oleaperg etrrerlng tkls trip will be aa followat Portland to Tneoma ana Baattloi 12. Seattlo te North Yaklme, remaining la sleepere a Ul Thursday morning. 3. North Yak "A Good Name- is Rather to be Chosen Than f - - 1 at ' ' n gj ee : WbSpb lirPnT Kll bn thinking mors of making an enduring reputation than tot of money. Evury "r miai- . business has its beat, ita second best and its inferior goods. Tha public cannot ba expert trl detecting the dUfemicV They arc compelled to rely upon the honor of the merchgrit. Hencf a good name in Juai neas it what we're tried for and got We are aatisfied that every stAternent we rnaJce can be fulfilled. :. - ; yy PUR MERCHANDISE Sa the beat only, bought in the most careful and parnatahing way. ' :tj . r ' THE PRICES we quote ara right, reasonable and do not re present exorbitant profits. ; Vr. j ' . - ' TERMS sre so easy that tha man with the moat tnodeat income or tba woman with the alendereat purse are able to fnaka 'their purchases here. ; . ,.y .. yy ': . -.-x , . . y: '.-y - :yr y .V .' Our Fall Stocks of MEN'S Suite and Overcoats Hats, Shoes and Underwear; UDIESf Cloaks and Suits. Petticoats, Corsets, Millinery, Skirts; v : ; A ' CHILDREN'S Dresses and Cloaks; ; A v Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Bedding, Draperies, Lamps, eta v v, . ... y ' ' v . i;H -yy.x , .yy - , -v - - y :-.y Are complete,, tha selections offered to you are good, and we most respectfully invite you to make your (mil purchasea at our store and enjoy tha privileges of a charge account that is so broad-minded in ita scope that it knows no distinction bttwssu rich or peer, as far as easy terms, cash prices, courteous treatment, are concerned. . - ; . - --r l v NEW TCRriS ON FURNITURCl -t. i "-.V Pay $10 down on $100 worth; Pay $5 down on $50 worth t Pay $1 down on $10 Worth : NO INTEREST :-::y -y :y yy - , OUTFITTING CO. The store where your credit Is jood. 390 Washlnfirton Street J ma to Portland, remaining In Thursday night, !.. Mr. Chaclton will go .personally with this excursion. Should It be dsslred bv a majority of the exenrstoalsts n stop osn bo made at Bllenabnrg by leaving North Tahlma In tha afternoon. The schedule suggssted by Mr. Charlton will give the business men of PortUnd a chance to sss the eoustry between North Yakima snd Portland In tha day time, and that feature la particularly attractive te goito a number of those who kave decided to make the trig. . QWAMVXOAYXOaTS rrom tha London Mown. gome smuslng replies were gtvsn by candllats for a vacant rat laving affleer snln at Cheney. Asked If ho waa star rUd. 'one replied: "No; but If that Is the only objection, 1 will evarcoase It In two months" Another aswtrnnt. gnosttoned as Ma physleal atrsngtb.and ask ad If ha eooid pet any of the membere at the board of guardians out of the room wit hoot as stetanee, ronttad. dlplomatleally: l wouldn't ttke to throw out a okallsnge of that sort.' "Bat." ho was asked, 'could yon maa ago n rough hinat kr . -Wall." ho raplled. amid mogbtsn "1 nava been S footballer tee II years." Iadlas Haad eloty ailvarfleM s ad. ' So- BURGOURGIRIS SECDRE A CHAPERON OV VOBVT "Wanted A nMddleged lady to chap, erone two young gtrla la aa opera enm pany. Apply at Marquam Brand thea tre, boa ogles, after IS a. m. tomorrow. This advonktament appeared In the Journal's Want column Thursday oven Ing. Promptly st 1 o'clock Friday morning there were lg mtddU-egsd women St the window, awaiting tha manager of "The Burgomaster." who In aertad the ad., and during tha aVy ) calla were recelvad by telaphon h I them concerning tha .situation, aomebndy has asked Doss It ( advertiser : A few. weeks ago.' when T maatar" Was playing tn CU two girls of a prominent f- . wore engaged by tba nmnagament for tha chorus. Their names were Bona and Katie Pond. Both were under age and tt waa after a struggle that thsy anally obtained consent of than- father to "Join out.' He attach ad tha provision that at all thnee thay ahould have a chaperon snd the managemant agreed to It. Inas much as both- were extra maly atever aaaosrs. bealdeo being slngera of abil ity. A few days ago the ehaperon wno began the tour with tho Pood etaters waa called book sast Menoe tho nd vertlssment for a new guardian pro torn. in Ow crowd of spot leasts gar tho phtca at tho hfafouam boa ouTmo about every style of woman waa rapreaeatad. Tha flret was a middle aged lady who was eepaclally solloltous aa to tha salary eonneoted with the place. Neat was a "grass wMsW who wanted to know gas character of the gtrla. their aga-awl their tnollnatlena. Tho third, a woman of M or thereabonta. Insisted upon see ing tho routs of the company to learn whether or. no It would take her to bar home. Das Moines. The woman w was finally enamaed: airs. Anna ts Union avenue oad only two : "Ara a--wri.o pad aa wH v a d 1j - a tns M "mtrf for" a fc hO""r" To a i mi r t"d OREGON SHCKTHOS WIN AT ST. LCl'IS barlag B. Ladd'a Okk Mm herd of shorthorns, now on snhlbltlea at the Bt, Louis exposition, bss wen honors for Oragon, Mr. Ladd has lust reoalvad a dMpatrh from ITraafc Brown, so sarin tandant of the herd, stating that awards have bean made to his emaui, la clnesao nssiad, as followm -. Bagton Bneign, aull S yaars eld sM ovsr. slith piacr; Capital, yearling b fosrth place: fsaptoa Breadhoasa. f " ling bull. Afth plsce; Oranga hit aow yeara old and ovar, drst pu Lady Dorsatala, sow I yaars eld and v dar a third placet Matcmssa Stta, I years eld and an r a, fmirth t Lady Portland, eow i r aid and 1 aecond place; -aa V-a, year aid aad r won . .