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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
T 1 C " OG" "JXDAY JOURNAL, FCTTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER IS, 190. f t '5 f2' y " C-w -o ' e"4 Wtared at Sn inM(Ui af tar (MtuorMt&i tare 0 MM, Of,, nieee BUI tar. Postage for etagle eeoteet VM(tl MP, 1 seat; 1 te M KM I ssetal M to M mm, I watt. . Baiuyd Ibum Rata too. , . rbimr Avrnnmi wmm'iATtTM. Vreelaad-Beaganus Special idmtluiD Ague. .;; WO Baeaas etreetMW Zecki Xrtaeual SU. CaUeagS, : mnmnawm um. T an W (Watte. 11 TW Baftr yoarwa, with fender, I fW.. !$ TW TIM Mil Mnul, wltb gt!nda, 1 tM Dafl a it a M... BatHaW tathtdod .777.,.......,, Jjy7. P-T Weak, ftVwNfc Iwlll S J '' oha'V'masi "" "all? MmiL wttb Ml W Daily TW Bait iaL X 'carnal, l year ... 2 uaiir ft uroal, wttn MsaeyY f Mm '9 pally Jc?aaL I nontW..., I." Da I If JoiniL wit anno, I naatW, I f Dallj looroaJ, 9 ntoathe t.B v ., iw w jowml win ntinaar, TW Dally Journal I njontW. ..' Dally Jovrual, wit tuneaT The ball ! B iMathl LM Tha ball JearaaL wttb leaser. I saWm. -fl? TW Pall Ion mat. 1 Month JW Saaday Joara'alTyear...,, TW lewder Jesraat. f arottt Bto een4-Wefcly ymwi TW geJSl-Weallr Joomai. te 11 MM. wlw. uWvauaTcKa awrwt it- part. 1 rw .......v.,m M TW Weekly JenraJlTlOo' eolnsus St i . tat eaeo tame, UMimM. fn , ' Betas, aiprvas ordara, end wnail uaooati M M.tau. i'E3TUrt foi, . Mtarrlbtff ' Tb Jtmd wha aur aTwITt taw (nt tk taamr can ara AnraraHliUi as Muh a lab m dtw. pajBwnt tat tba MM t apoo ttrtr rttM, wnu txa iovmvA may n rocro. TW JbotmI mm W tcwM Mta attW M ? toiil, fnTtio--?liaPr ' CHICAGO PaUffloaNr Win itrMt. f DCNVRjfrCOLa aTaadrfp Bask tuWtf conpan. til WnatMntb Itiwt A NBAS 'JfTTTan oy l(W(HVltt. 91 ANliCUtft-n. IV Oardaw. tf aniinram ai Hprl 1n itraati OlMt laM. JDi Watk . Bpclnc itmt. J. BUraaMga, a Tura. Ktw YORK OITT ImtiM'fcMM iMiriWH VMS MM MB OMAHA Mlll.rt Wtal itwt itaa ItjIMta AI T LA Kl arr krnraa Wtal wa fU: wrow Braa.. WmI t at. aonia, av mmcLniH. tuu at a iMut atiaaL L'n riVriarrtl. Ardlnar. Fataaa Wtrt aawa ataad: Oo1dnlrk Bmt.. tM Wtaar tK: VHl W. pitta, loot, MartH ttraat Dnviiia van fnk ar Amihi at (a. : VAOOMA, WAAB-4aMtMt Ma iraMW. UM IB Fnuui worm i, Mir tattd ta attend tk fantral c , ' tW late Auruat Koch, whl IU W bald dt h nnty-a Chirl. at 10: k todaj. laV . tf-rmnt Irc Fir erntry. , Thqndamtonaa eacarrad tab aftaraooa ta V Wrtbrra Narada and northara Dtak, tta amoaat of rala ta fata laataneaa Win too anall to Maaura, A tUttat traM at rala aa aocorrad at Ran friwU. Btairnara tt tW Bock , HoaaUlB and tW PaaUta aaaat aUtaa tear 1 anlkM tnnllnoaa. .f It la. cooler tbt araaloc ta tW WflUMattav .,' allT. h leMttd eoantr. ana m aaatani ora 1 fell, torn Waablnjttoa and northora Id bo. - Tha IndlratbaW ara to? aontlaand fair waatbar ; iuthla diatrl loadM Vrtta Jmt iUUa dtfap a Temperaiar. ... fthamratitma rtoaad at a. BL r ' t Hazlatuai teatprratarw. BT. Wlataaial taat ' nratara. 81 Blrar iradtnr at 11 a. aL. B.S Trt j rbabg la M bauni. 0.0 laat. Total ar . etj.ltaUpo, 0.00 Inra. Tnal prlaltat1m (rota - Vptnilr 1, 1B04, to data, tn. Normal ra- Hpltad.-a fmaa WptaraWr L 1004. ta data. 0.W tnr-h. rVfliHariry. 0.T0 lor. Mai aaaahtea, . B oo. roaalWa an oak in. l&MV Baraaaitat (ra- ffWM ID M MM), s Craaatartaa on Oracoa CIU aat Itaa. aaar f II wood; aiodara, aHantlfle, aampUta. Ckara-aa A-lolto, : bIldrcB, 38. Vliitora tta. Tir Portland GmkUa laaocJadrau TirkA Jlfsrtort u3ajHWIiBara. lSfiB4 atraol. WM K7. i. F. flatay Son. taaaral aVratara aad ataWIaiara, baa ramoraj ta tala now aatab firhiit, eoraar Third ' aad Madlaoa atraaia. Bttl pMaN m t, . afenar-BrraM Co.. taaaral dhartata and aav holBMM. ttt Boawtl. Ur aaat PWm Baat lom - Oat roa Inawaaea and abatfaeBt ta rati tatat froBi tW Tltta Onaraataa A Traat aoai- ranr. rbamlwr of Commre WUdlag. COKONER FINLEY OAS BUSY WEEK ; tlAUT VQVaffaVM ,,. lODn or mzBi mm a txo- -' 11MB MUWi UlUUVa A AO a onnu . buth ' obi On nvrftr. on mieMd on damth fey dro amine, anothor oauad by a mart belna; hurlad from th Southarn Pmolfto track bjr a paaanvar trdtn, and ail 11 nothar bamrt failure ta tha raoord f tha put waek in tha eoronar'a offlo. it tfaa en at tha noat atranuona part oda tha off lea 4orrm baa hAd for many jnontba, aa thra at taa caaaa ooourraU In a tnl -day, '1 Tha first oaa that oaTlad but Corotiat in n lay ira tha drownlnc af Dvtd BL Xtoontav a amall boy, In tha river of f Bt. Jolina Tuaedar. H and a ootapauilon rwra ta a row boat, aad war thrown In to tha ' water by tha eapalalnt of the Craft by -ware from the ataaunar Boo Woo. Hia oompankm raaohed shore, but Jpennla amnh. j. S a The murder of Ou $. Brwamr, Thdra Sav alht, followed. .Thla InTotrad apeolal lnraatlsatloaN by tha) ooroiaer, endln In the loosest of reaterday. An inquest of thla "attire entail eTtaA 4al of wort. 1 A Tha aoeidamtal death" of Auust Koeh on Frtday was tha nentoasa for Coro ner Finer- Mr. Koeh we atruek by a paatnc train on ' the Bouthera Faclflo rnaw) and Instantly klUad, This rqalred an Inquest,- Karly on rhe same day Charles Loom la waa fonnddead on a steamer, and an inquest was bald in ithat. ease. J" Tha last oaa Waa that of BeV. Hai-ey ft. Mill, what while temporarily Insane, 'jumped Into the river near to steel .bridgav Friday alfht. ' ' Th Byar flour mill at Pendletaa t dtapoains of about a,St sacks a day. The warahdu oon tains S0,M boahaU f wheat. ' t P. A. ttanforth of Xa Grant O., etrf 'fered for sis month with a frightful ,runntn an re on his lee; bat write ithat Buekiln's Aralc Balv wholly cur ad it to. flv dare. For uloara, wound. pti, It the bt ! tn th. world. Cur Buaranteed. Only lie. Bold by . Had Cross FtMrmAcy, oorner Bixth and Oak. on th way to tha pentose , . , BLUE LTO r,lEIES ; GIVE UP-FREE GOLD Oregon- Operators in Foreign Capaal Is Interested-rLcay B07, Treasure and Uncle , , ...-u : ... -a. " ' .'-LtJCKT OT M New Loaehlav Plant for Itaductlon of Bftlow Lowr Th Bin river mlnlnn dtatrlet has been atyted th Fr Gold DUtrict," and acattv- "The Home for Otason Opera tors." ' v - - Both tin ar unestlre, for both outlloa th aTenaral oondiciona. While a depth of too foot has been attained ta on prominent property, oxidation oontlnuae -below all worktns through aa at th aurfaoa. Bar for a very Light peroeatag of sulphide and galn In th Lucky Boy mlnv base vaitMaj ar exceedingly rare. Th Blue river diet Mot atemg to ay had an especial, attraction for Oregon me a. ' Farm era or th Willamette nave located a large number of claims- there. don their aaaeaament work and . soma ar reaping th reward of dlecreet min ing. Comparatively Little foreign oapltat haa been Invested there aa yet. After vis I Un all th dtatrleta of th state, th verdict 1 readily rendered that Blue river ha th largest areas of consistently free-milling or In Oregon. Low value there mean good profits. Svary natural facility favors, deep adlta are possible, the superb UaoKensle with illimitable power la bat six miles dis tant. Wood leU for fuel And mining In abundance and th district IT hut 60 mile from the railway, which 1 net re garded a very serious haul when th free character of th or 1 oonetdered. All slopes of th district average degreee from th horlaontal, and those with half pitch, ar frequently en countered. ; Bucfa faculties, combined with tM magnitude of ta bodies in tha mlnea opened, promise th stats's record for average low aost of operat- loB ' r, . ' QsKs lln Ot SeB BjVaag MtneraJosists Indulge In minor dia ouasloa regarding th ocenrrene of val ue In the more prominent assures of th district Aa a rule It la conowled that 4h district waa primarily sul phide, but th open character of th Assure, subeaquant grinding . ' af th quart and generous water courses formed have oxidised everything la a remarkable dagr, down to below Per manent water level: An this lvl 1 4t to l&o feet below th deepest work In th 'Vat dvolopd mine th point giv little opacern ts th practical miner. . He believe fbrtua lie W- twean water -eve, nd the cropping of the large vein.. Andes I te. very eld and smtinmi largely metamorphosed, 1 th universal country rock of the district Dike aya teras at varlanoe with the general strike of th vein .system ar not apparent in work don on oropptnga, Basaltic m- trualoa ar to b sa in limited atae nsar the summit Of th main dtvlse, but they 11 ' with tha vein adjacent Porphyry intrusion org found- la - th Lucky jaoy vain, usually an th hanging wall. - Th strlks of all tha larger vetn la. remarkably uniform, being north $t to to west Ob th Treasure property th main vein ha been defined for 1.000 feet, maintaining . marked strength in that dlatance. The dip 1 uniform to th southwest at angle of from TS to 90 degree from th horlaontal, aav In th Lucky Boy, where surface work Showed th dtp t be to th southeast and deeper development has th flsavr straightening up almost to th vertical. This divergence l attributed to heavy surface movement of the. formation there, and th Lucky Boy to expected to bo orthodox la dip at slightly greater depth. . . - . , .- ; The district I about ai mil tn diameter, with work fringing a far wider son that 1 not so far advanced in development. Pros pectin toward the Bunt lam, about 4 mile distant, indi cate that th twe districts will some day bp eonneeted with fairly con sec a- tlw-work. end to th north of Blue river there are mineral locations with reason able equno until near th Bohemia. Blue river proper, however, la not to exceed six squat r mllee In arear, thla district covering th highly oxidised mines characteristic of th camp. , First in importance la tit dlatrfot Is th Lucky Boy mine, owned by tha' Lucky Boy Gold Mining company, a Portland corporatton. of which L. Bim- nermai a principal stockholder, and general manager. W. Bertram Hancock is manager at the property and N. C Frank, ia mill superintendent The mine haa been worked for several years, hav ing produced prior to completion of th ac-stamP mill thla spring between 1180,- 000 and 110. MO. according W urrent Region and Very little Sam Properties. - BTAMF MIU - ' ' . ' V . Concentrmtea f Batnc Added tamdlatlf Vaaaar Boom. .u, report. First a ftve-etamp-mlll was oreatsd, then 10 stamps added-1 this plant With this milt a large quantity of hlgh-grada or. wag handled with such guacsaa that th management last win ter put up th largest modem plant 1b th stat. Three distinct Vein ar defined on th Lucky Boy group, known as the Lucky Boy, Daiaey Creak and Blanket vein, Th Lucky Boy- and- Daiaey Creek con verge, or may possibly be th same fis sure with horse prominent In that por tion where' development haa been prose cuted. The Blanket ltaa almost flat, and U tot te IM feet from th main fissures where work la being don. By open cut and a tunnel of SOt feet, sight to it ft of milling rook la being secured from th Blanket wherever it ha been tapped. Flv tunnels hav been driven en the uoky Boy and Daiaey Crock, and a sixth, in the nature or a crosscut irom the mill la vel. la being driven. No. L where there waa n great crop ping. I no open out alno th quarry ing method of breaking or began. Hare th miner are breaking down a breast about 11 feet high and It to 40 fset wide, running th ntlr maa through th mill. Th wall ar beautiful in this great out No. t has bean driven la S00 feet, at a depth af go feet beneath No. 1. Mo. I la a blind lvL No. 4 is in 440 feet and 1 TO- feet deeper than No. t. No. has bea driven lit feet on th vain, and la ?f feet deeper than No. 4. No. t la te be the main working adit th portal being on the mill level, where tramming of about 100 feet 1 necessary. This will be a orosscut for too feet, about t fast having been driven, - Fawfeet ItUUag FWni. : Connecting No. tunnel with th mill is an aerial tram on a double eabte, about L100 feet In length and with a drop af 400 feat Th buckets hav a capacity of 010 pounds, and ar operated by grav ity. It la provided with automatic load ing and discharging devices, A. MeCnl lough gyratory of too. tons capacity la ueed for O breaker. Th mill bin bold 00 ton. Hanging Challeng feeder supply th eight five-stamp battertee. Th stamp weigh ItO pound and ar given a aix-incb stroke and a drop about lot times per minute. Narrow mortars. with slx-lnoh diecaarge. avnd la-meeb screens are used. Blot screen war Irted for o period, but Later th needl pattern waa adopted. B. M. Hoffman, formerly mill superintendent, said he waa able tg hold to a stamp duty of four tone. Amalgamation la on th ohuek block and an apron attached to th mortar immediately below th dis charge. From SO to 40 per osnt of value are said to a saved lnsld and n th apron, and la th old mill Mr. Hoffman said be aaved high aa ft per rent Inside th mortar. Plates, Tt feet long, ar used for amaJgamatioQ, with on step. Stamp do not hav to be ban- up for cleaning or dressing th plat, aa th pulp may be diverted while thla work 1 in progress, concentration la on two batterle of table, four of the bumping pattern receiving th pulp first tor ooerae saving, and our belt machines taking six feet of the heavier middling and tailings tor secondary concentration. The DcKeysar leaching process) is being triad tor reduotlou of ooncratratea, v ' Btoatrle FwS Vsed. An excellent water power and electric transmission plant baa been erected by the company on the Haclunat river. seven mile from th mine, a double. hortsontal Victor turbine ha been In stalled her. Of It hone power, which run a three-phase revolving field Wast Inghouse generator. A Lombard gover nor la used an th turbine, reducing th variation to a maximum of tw per oent. No. t bard-drawn copper wire ar used foa transmitting the power and th loaa doe not exceed II per cent Th canal, diverting water for th plant, Is on mil long, and give a head of II feet Th flum ta eight feet by flv fast la th clear, and will furnish water for COO hora power ustder th present head. Af ter tUi diversion hi mad from the llackenals, th river at It lowest stage doe not perceptibly show the loss, as it has a volume her capable of generating 10,000 to 11,000 bora power with a fall Of to rest. . H. McAllister haa charg Of th power plant of th eowrpany. A compressor will probably never be needed at th Lucky Boy, th vein baa a width of 40 to M ft and work after completion of th oarer roasout SA 74UEL ROS ENBLA TT & CC v.;--r'i ' . J' h 1 m ) 1 This - v . , X .:-:. r:.. Morrison r 1 Vi MiijMmlr net lot wmfort tn 'lniawlag I. ti-L Jf''A' -' your M clothaa art) right, md .; j I JWf f' V L wwi awe V . J. v. . 1 1 I If 'i ..4 '4 - 'i -not know tf you did. But . a- , .1 can do Burj ox cioxneo Va ka .1oa-a aetMaa. I f.VlulZ 'l-'J V M , t Ins (anhlnn nlarM vflil mlo-ht h A'-'af . 1 If you toint to us, well fit . - V' - n ManTsrfwrOrl V ' . hum! every time you gee ; ryou're Hght t the ana aureei way ui, pm Viiitc - i V." "';.V. f'i:.'.. i" . n $10.00; to;: will be largely between walls, where band drill ar aa affective aa machine. Tha eomoenv will be able to furnish power for th entire dlatrict by enlarging th plant and. haa offered energy at tiwo par house power per year. The 40-atamp mlU doea not require to sxeced 100 or 10 horse power, thug there; la a surplus of ISO to Ml hor power at th present time, TRIO OF BAD JAPS B IS TO BE DEPORTED :1 (Opeetal Maaatat ta Tha faursal) ' ' BeatO. Wash., Seb IT. After- chase aarWndlng over a year, lmmigr. Uon I as pee tor Oeffeney will arrlva her tomorrow with Mr. and Mrs. Itawjl Mar and auto MasuyamB arroatod hi Fresno, Cat., last Bafeurday on a awvornmont warrant charging tho man with Wing a procure and tho- woman With ritrtng tho ountry for Immoral purposaav Th man' brother aaaapad. - Tho three under arrest arrrred here on th RloJun Mara In November, 10. Itsujl and Mara war married and Bao married Iteuji'e brother. After the wed ding they war released and disappeared. Th official learned th mem war en gaged In bringing women Into th coun try, and nalng marriage aa a cloak for slavery. .Two week ago Oeffeney lo cated tho quartette at Fresno and left here at one to make th arrest They will be deported. It la know that It suit has had at least a dosen women brought to thla country, always anax ly ing them to secure their entry, CLUNG TO HIM AS IF HE WERE RUSSIAN SPY (Bpeclal Dtaeateh a TW XeenaL) : ' Seattle, Waslu, Bopt 17. A. Adams, alias A. B. Bvana, said to bo connected wits a nnminent famllv W Victoria, and whom th polio say ta a clever forger, was caught ia tn eorriaor or tn BaUey building last sight by four angry .i.n. mia tU aaom. aavs Adam a. robbed him of a check AO wao taking to th hank to cash. As the Jap entered tho bank ho claims iii.mi um naamtad ta him that he wa oonneoted with th institution and would get the naeewy. He did get tho check cashed, but disappeared. The victim wt hia frtanda all afternoon and even ing watched tha streets and oaught Ad ams as he was entering th Bauey suiis lng. Whan Detsetlv Byrne arrived the brown mn were banging onto Ad am aa If ha was a Russian, spy, aad thov ware ia active ssrvico, , ROW OVER 15 CENTS CAUSES A SHOOTING . y: y.r, iJr-:;i , ' (psetal Dtapateh to TW foareaL) ' ButU, Moat, Bept 17. Robert Wil liams, a bar boy. was shot and seriously wounded by Jerry Thompson, a negro, last night as result of a row over fif teen cents ehang which th bar boy claimed was due from Thompson. Th ouarrel occurred In th Copper King saloon, a resort in th tenderloin, and Williams, seeing inai we negro waa becoming excited told him to lot the matter drop. Thompson thsa left th saloon, vow ing vengeance. He returned later and secreting himself behind a door opened fir oa William aa th latter passed. Thompson wa captured after a ehaae of about eighteen miles. He confessed his guilt ' William will recover. , VaaAsTi OFFMB BPIItBDFuV " tapsaisl twaeapteb la TW Journal.) anokan. Wash.. Bept IT. D. C Corbln, th richest man In Bpokane, I bavlner olana drawn tor an elegant tut- story office building on th corner of Steven and Riverside. It will be the largest In the city, and tt la ostlmatad to cost about 9100.000. It will be an Im posing structure of bream colored Bo kan brick and terra eotta. The ground floor will b sueceaaion of plat glass, with only sufficient iron .to anake R ear a. The flrgt floor will b used a a store, and on sank of th other flv floor ther Will b It offlo rooms. you ,. 1 lyOro,AV, L. '-V;.- S -cur Sultl that eaVleet f ; . f'Xm mn, - ' ... fUMES EAT IIP : MIGHTY FORESTS rab fob rero TaTOTrBAXfOB OF BOIAARg) WOZvTm ? OP rmOFBBTT grORg UP ZBT sBCOsTB ; sTOgg BARVaTBOVB RXARR MOW Th most dangeroud dreg last Bight In th vicinity of Portland ware g tow alias- northwest of Holbrook, and soar Clatskanlo There ar other bad Area, on near Bratonbasb. It mil from De troit and another that J threatening th Rim Hoover wood camp aad tlm bar, near Holbroek. Mr. Hoover, who returned to th timber last night said that to situation there was very bad. He fears that he will log a large quan tity of eordwood, and other property, including dams aad flumes. C F. Davis, who has been fighting flrsa continuous! y at his wood camp near Holbrook, has succumbed to ex haustion and Is confined to his bom In Bast Portland. HI father, a. M. Da vis, returned to the timber last night to direct th firefighter tn their efforts to aav th remaining wood and prop erty there. - It will bo two weeks to morrow night alncs th fir started In thla camp, alno which tlm it has raged continuously. The Are around Hol brook started a month ago. In Deer Greek canyon, and prjd np th valley and over th mountains on both aids of th canyon. In various direction th Ores have burned for miles tn streaks, wherever th underbrush and dead tim ber offered food for tha names to run. . A fir that atarted a week ago la th Bd Whit Umber near Holbrook has been very deetruotlve and so fie roe that it haa been useless to try to check it . Last night th Aama had burned Into the Patterson Park Umber tract whsra ther are springs and a number of butldlnga. It Is thought the owner can aav th buUdlngs, aa ther la plenty of water at band. . Th fire ta th white timber has apread to th Ccrneilu Paso road, and Bupsrvlsor Miller yesterday organised a largo fore of man and fought the dames. Tby hav succeeded In cutting away th falling tree and keeping th road open. During th past week the forest Ires in Columbia county hav don more damage to green timber than ha any for mer year in the past 10,-and unless there 1 rain soon th leases will run Into th millions' of dollars. The fire do not appear to bo confined to any particular part f tha county, but seem to be gea ral. Th sky la tiled with smoke, and tt has bean nocosoary to use fog signals to navlgats the Columbia river. Th smoko la Irritating and people ar ex- perianclng trouble with their eyes. ... Bunker Hill mountain I nearly all burned ever, Where ther wo no green timber tha area hav swept through fields Of grain or over meadows, slash ing burn Ilk an' eastern prairie fir. But when th fir strikes th green tim ber 1 Is chocked and tn a short time burn out vales there are high wrads, Th fire at Bretonbuah Hot Springs Is 10 mile from Detroit and la now burning Into th Casead forsst reserve, and destroying green timber. 8. O. Bar trum, forest supervisor for the general land office at Rnosburg. state that op to this Una th da mag from forsst Are In southern Oregon has been vary slight He aaya the amoka, which la the heaviest seen tn years In southern Ore gon, eome from Ire In the coast rang. Th Area tn th mountain hav driven many deer out and numbers of ahem ere being killed la th north part of Jack aoa county, . . - . Th fires back of Cmtskanl are un ehcked and much anxiety is felt by timber men and owner Of th Tlohwor mills and other sawmills In that local ity.' -An anfavorable wind would result in heavy damn te the Benson Logging company' timber there. Fir 1 raging at th head of Lake Washington, within eight mil of th city of Seattle. Fire wardens and force of . ft men are fighting It . Ther ar auuiy populated i -'k U ilk. laTa2-J:'-.V ' H, 7' . : I 111 H II MIIILIb V .A irJ L v- i-i fit m iSA', &-: :--vi, Pl WW. .JS$ HI NNI i : 7 , v m m t ''i '- :','.& f f'if J -'-"-NLaa 4 ::V;VI."J,if- lla . .,:r ' A ;v- ,;oorvicwBinB ioduml v " i j. ,4 ,juia n au m aod voatB - - 1 - - . ' ;" , i X:A J; v in P i W Coovrlaht 104. Hart. , Bohoff aor Marx, OREGON CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC CHOOL or BTVSIO, laahtdlag locottoe, lananase aad aoadamlo oaoroae. TW eepartnwats are under eelect kutructora, wbo Wa devoted taebr Uvea ta tWIr particular Work aad are not oahr graduates, Wt TEACHER! ta even eenee of tW word. Open tW year 'loand, Btadloa ant offtea. Wasbiagte aad levant. Boarding dapartmenta Collree and Twelfth, fey prae- t-ttoe and "catalogs address lm R. XuBlV URT-EDWAEOI, Portland, Or. . RAW aVBuTARVlaCBafw '-. M-: University of Oregon nineteenth anneal seaetos Wains WetesaWr 10, 1904. . Wrtaree seUMsed 1 PerUaad at tW avenln. in Addraaa C U. ,Gintfrto, LU Dean. TM Qbaniber of Cotpcmrer BnHdlng. Portland. Tfr ALLEN PREPAR ATORY. SCHOOL y . Will Open Sepiemher 19th ' ' For Catalogue, gpply 139 afarth St htfiMOl rufie taf UNaBhto tB ss3Tc::a mz? fifMwnJtafeeuKaror ovorVirwV' svnady tor dlarnun. TwxjiTT.rrvB crvn a bottxr. additions along th lake between Seattle and Ronton, and wind would place them at the mercy of th flame. It was reported yesterday that 700 aorta of Um ber had bean burned over. " BtTMAWAT PWOTBS FATA. ' (Special ZHaaatch ta TW Jam cat) " 1 Asetln, Wash., Bept IT. T. K. Cara way, well known her was probably fa tally Injured la a runaway yesterday. He was thrown out of tho wagon, both arms broken, one eye put out aad his head and shoulder Injured. - (svaetal Dteeatee to TW Jeovsal.) v ' Ponuroy. Waslu. Bept 17 A thief entered th tailor shop of A, C. Hobh last night and took a ault of clothe valued at tl. H n tared by th back door and left by tho front leaving no clue. DO YOU WANT TO BE A DERMATOLOGIST? tag Srt SB SaRWetMy TJL?lalJ'm' The Famous DR. NELDEN'S SYSTEM ' til n ha peitron ' ". ; BV th anlr Nclden graduate on the North Pacific coast Nelden patients come to him from all parta of civili sation, and hi system Is as perfect here tn Portland as In th home ofDo to Now Tork. . i - ... :-' - ' ' ' . Your Complexion Might ss well be bemtrttful as other wise, WO I Biak It so. wise. Wo have the preparation to THE WOODBI'Rr I- BTITUTB 1 faithfully duplicated her. Beauty is Women's . Power Our patroas hav that fcrc. They know It. we know It Tho ubUu knows U, too,. M&irns Aza I .. .. i Here's the For FH wear, befop tho -V. cold weather reelly gets in its work, bo garment wiH give you to much real, comfortable "-.'r Bon- wlu .compare) in quauty etyie and ftt wrttt i , v our ."Hart, 8chf ner; V YouTl buy one if yoa'worAry here and look at h; youH ... be glad you did, too. . We can , , t tit any kind of a niaiw-long, -Vv; aioft,'. Btollt, . or ' alinvTafa aB the game to u; weVe got tha coat that will fit ' .vf -6 - WoVo Ovrt ivthraT arocvl tHnM how you vrncm jov ouvne ; Topcoats & Overcoats $15.00 to $30.00 1 , Yi Iv-L Ce oAo'- . - 60 Different ClafBa ' ' V-;- 9mchm FeulTerm Opeiu Monday, ' September 26 , - ' (V- f4-'". Fw - sMMMl-i : ! . Mo. ' Algebra R.00 Architectural Drawing...,., ; R.OO Arithmetic ,Mt.,i,,,,.i,n;: l.BO Bookkeepink B.OO Carpentry S.OO Chemistry .....,,-' 5.00 Civil BervioaClabosg $4mo, Commercial Law l,HO Biectrlcity S.OO Elocution , ... - ftOO Engineering MavthemaUos S.OO English Orammar .,.. 1.60 Free Hand lrawlng .......... 5.00 Oeography l.KO Oeometry .a S.OO Oermaa v..'.- ..... A S.OO interior Decoration . S.OO Machine Design ............. S.OO Mandolin, Guitar .,.,,..'..,. ' S.OO Manual Training ............. S.OO Sechanioal Drawing S.OO ittera Mtking S.OO Penmanship 1.60 Physics S.OO Plumbing S.OO Public Speaking S.OO Reading and Spelling S.OO S.OO S.OO S.OO 10.00 ts.oo , S.OO S.OO l.SO 4.00 Rhetoric ...,...... Blgn Writing Shorthand. .i Spanish ...... Steam Englnertng ...... ...m. Telegraphy Trigonometry ) Typewriting Vocal Musi Wood Carving Cor. Foixrtli aad Yunlslll Street VABAFB gA T" Orte 1 1 Swl, A.. R . AssoslsOlna ktWaWauhta grew , us ef oraaaBRum, bTbrary, ; miTnmtm a Ponry oaxa os mwn pom nam nawrn . TRAVBTO OATAXaOOITR. r