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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
THB 6RE00M SUNDAY JOURNAL, 4 PORTLAMt), SUNDAY aVtOYXINO, 8EPTESE7m 18, r i If! . 3TC V..1L il. n::urvUTis:.i CIVEH IXLL TELtL CURED KAISER TO TEST GEN.- EM IS tf GERMAN CROWN PRINCE JUST 4 . 4 TBanTXftATXOB? OP OP nocoBAJbrrr Bmpoma HMESS SYSTEM EN GAG ED MAYr VIS IT, EN G LAN D KM DESCENT n OAiaromBZA. .(AI5ER TO TEST WIRELESS rnpi ni -v . r r n h i u n in - i - -'.f ! ..-,;wu'va OP ISHIBIP ou .' VMMT VATS Y BUUOI OP llll -v y ' a m BO bwabwj far UN to Buto or temiserm flwuj CHWlHII, MM Mews rloe, B? -r- Wire 'fte tamt) ,t BwHl ((Mrmtar), Sept, la the Intention of th kaiser, who by th way, '.. -wra greatly tatrted la th maneuvers at Utnuiu, to make the widest poe .4bl w of wireleas telegraphy during; th nuauvr Mar Wlimtr Bar, wher .uadro will attempt to la 04 troop without Bna) discovered h tb owtoo-lag- army. 1 - Tb kaiaar haa bean kept thro);hly S formed at tha uao made of' thla new rm of telegraphy by both tha Russian and Japanese and' tha tall spires of tha historic shureh ta tha old town of Wta uur have boat equipped with wireless Instruments, which hnve a radio of Marly 100 mile. A hla majesty wishes It demonstrated that tt , la ImpoMibl 'for a enemy to effect a land ins -Taotlead oa th shore of tha Baitle, It to set to flay tha squadron will bo 4 feated. , . Csewa Tula oa Angry. Thar to probably in. all tha realm of -ta kaiser bo madder young1 man than th Crowa Prine Wilhelm, who baa now been aefcadulod for n aarly man-lag by bio father, whop ordara ha, la thla oa, tier not diaobey, WhUa th offlctal Onrmaa aroa and jaoat f th oooaorratlv papara for 'mora than thrta weaka hay told their raadata that th affair ta a love match par and olmpl, fallow ofAeara and frtando of tha young; prine ar telllns bow ho 1 TB now raokiny hla brains for a plan to cvada a man-lat to a "prlnoea wbom k cocaldera hi aMntal laforior. ... . Crow prtno Wilhatm. who ha not tervottao hla lor for th beautiful Aaarfaiaa Olaaor, Mlaa Oeraldln Farrar, 1 do by ) mean hai hla fathar'a opinion raaardtnaT women. H doea not want a model wtf a oh la viewed fan Oarmaay. but the oomradhtf of a bTlaht. Intellectual girl who. has ben u tilde fit what th Oermana oalt tha "womaa'a aaher,' la ma ay ways b Teaamblea hla unci. Prtno Henry, and Ilk him. b thinks that American Blrls ar far superior to thoo of Germany; and his bride la a typical German sirl. : awt tmpered, modat and ratlrlac but wltbovt any -Individuality. , - When th plan of engaging' him to th Prtnoasa Cecil 1 of Hecklenbara Sohwerlo wa first mentioned to hire by tha kalaer ha to gald to have mad a trr1bl aoan In the Imperial palao and '-' to have threatened to give up his right and prtvllac as suocmsor to th throne, a avrai Austrian archduke have dona, but the cool will of hla imperial fathar 'waa strong; enough to aubdu Man, at least temporarily, though none of bis friends will be surprised If he should balk and refuse to marry th prlnoess whaa th time set for his mar--daga drawa-Asac If -he doea they say, . It wilt probably be due in or to the - 4nfluae of hi mother, whom h lovee dearly, than to th command of hla tern fathar, but Just new thorp at do taUlac what ha may do. , , at Oa 1 ma B traveler In Palestine claim th honor of ha vine; been th flrat to ,rea th waters f th Dead sea fh a motor boat. The paaaag from th , river Jordan t th take," he says, "was marked by th most profound desolation. Th smiling; banks of th river were auc eeedert by a great stretch -of wild aad arM nountalB. black and array, and nearly all covered by a heavy crust of alt Although travelers bar alleged that birds eannot eKlaUa round th Iaad aa. 1 saw a a rest number of awallowa ctrelrng around above our neada Just at th moment when my aaatatant.' la order to break the alienee, waa amusing; hlm- etf by producing deafening shrieks on aor whistle. "When w arrived at Jerto we war told that under 'no elrcumatance would we be allowed to desecrate th water by , eroeslng th lake agala.'V "" - ENTIRE HAREM m is iu fOtmmpp warn ajt bbtibb aToray gn or bos murn Sfaayrtokt, Bastet BewS Berries, fe ; .mss ts the XoaraalJ . i Catra, Sept. 17. eheUxb, All Joussff, editor and owner of the principal native paper, Bl Moved, haa begun suit before th British courts against tha chief of ' th Kgrptrtn poiic and the abeikb B Baddat for having- looked at th un- veiled faoe of Inmatea of hla harem. Some time ago All Jouaeff abducted the n' daughter of Bl Saddat and took ,her to - hla harem, aad th ea raced father, who ; bad opposed their marriage. Baked for ' a detachment of armed polio to balp : htm to get hi daughter back. At th head of th police he broke Into " th harem and mad all the women r ': mv their vatl until be found hi daa enter whom b oarrled amok to. hi . Ikeena. -.-. - . . All Jouwwff doea not deny Sadder riant to take back bis daughtor if he oouM recoornlae her. but be want dant - a pea because be will hav to gnt a new aet of wives, as th others ar aM die ' booored. their faoe having; been aea aa vet led by Strang men. -' PrtHR the 'Cnlcao Hews. S ' rtlm tAst slarht s you stood In lb BMejghV I anuida't- hslp tiut think bow much t would lib t klaa you. HerWell, aa th post snyk th tbmight af ystrdy to tag action, of S 11 1 sp t Jo. DISHONORED DUCHEM CBCILm OP MJBCKLBNBtTRO CHWBR1N, WHO HAS JUST BBCOMB KNGAGKD TO CROWN PRINCB -,. WIUHRTl.M, SON OP THB KAISER. . (Cepyrigfet, Beerst Ifewe Berries, by Uaoad . . WW a ta earaal.l . 7 '' Maacheater, Sept. 17. Th Guardian haara that Crowa Prtno Frederick William of Germany, befor his mar rlage to tha Ducheae Coella, wlU visit Bngland aa th gwst of Kins Edward. Tha prince to expected toward taa and of October. It to understood th prine will b amply provided for after hi marrlaca. Th kaiser will allow him to0.00 marks NOW STUDY LIVES - S OF THE FEASANTS &AJTT BVDfcBT VOVB Of A Hons OAB 'SjOB tmmi OP KOaTOOSm SUa1SaBT DATXT BOWfi Stoma B1PPX0US - Br Ba4r Kanrr (Casnlght. Ueurrt !ews Servlm, by Lssssi Wire b Te Joarsal.) London. Sept, 17. Th new ' uttl daughter af th Bart and Count of Dudley 1 th only child, save on, Who baa ever bee born during th Lord Lieutenancy of any Viceroy in Ireland. Lady Dudley to deservedly popular, for sh to th only woman who baa occu pied .that great position, who has ever really endeavored to se for haralf th oondltloa of th people. Lord and Lady Dudley oonoelved the happy idea of touring; In a motor oar throug-b th poorest districts In Ireland and going lb and out of th cabins them selves. Thus they war abl to under stand bow th Irish paaaant really llv. Indeed, many a time they have sat down tq aome slmpt meal and talked to th peasants with an understand I ng and a power of sympathy which la very rare tn those who enjoy so much of this world's wealth, and wh ar separated from tha Bufferings and tha sorrow which to th let of thousand. Lady Dudley I on of th most beau tiful woman In English society, who ha made the love of her huahand and her children th first consideration of her life, and about whom th idle or ma lido tongue haa never, bad an evil ward to aay. . .. . . t . . . s &anog Woarker Ire. . : Th lot of th London worker, the eubsMrravd tenth aa they hav been called, crowa no .esator, Luxury tar creases, the aeceeelty ef ape no I ng money annear to oecom more urgent In th lwaithtof slassa. hat tho "sob af Us a year and tha ralahtas; win vot 400, 000 additional. Th crowa prtno. th ldet of Dra per William's children, and tha wild eat, was born May , 1181. Re has fig ured la heart romanoa before. At on time It waa reported thai It waa with dlmoulty restrained from pro poalng- to Mlaa Gladys Deacon, th beau tiful American belreaa, and another time waa said to have been ordered by his Imperial fathar to marry Princess Thyra of Denmark, but emphatically declined. shirt la brine sung although it may be Inarticulate, by hundreda who wrk to w - Mtlno and In Borrow for a bar living. Th depression of trade, alien labor and tha appalling pries paid to workers In th aaut Bad, nr telling mor harder thaa vr. - .., Money paid 'to Shoemakers 1 now 11 pence halfpenny per pair of shoes, while those who make and finish trouser re ceive a penny, halfpenny pr pair, and hav to provide their own needles and thread out of thla money. Mot long- ago six pane and 10 psno ueed to To paid for tha asm work. An inquiry Into tho lot of tho laundry workera also reveal a miserable Mate of thing. Th medical offlo ef health for Battereea, In hi annual report, eaya: "Th condition ar most unsatlafao- tory. Young laundry hands may be often Occupied at work as long; aa 00 hour a week, and hav no Javal pro tection. Ten per cent of th glria ar attacked by phthisis, from II to years of ag. and tha money earned In thla oa sanation to a etarvatloa wag." , ..iani !! IBn QUEEN OF SPAIN TO 1 CARE FOR TRIPLETS (Ceeyrigftt,' Hearst Mews tawvtes, to lasssd Wire to The fewaaiy - Madrid. Sept it. King- Alphvngeg mother, Quean Maria Christina, hag un dertake to prov Id for th mainten ance of girl trlpleta, th or .dren of a poor worklngman In tbta etty. Th ooae attracted eonalderable attention, aa the father, Manuel Ortes, had formerly served with great distinction tn Cuba and fought at San Juan during- th Spanish-A marleaa war. 1 Being out of work and almost desti tute, h applied for asslstano to the priest of his church. Two day later he reeived a telegram from th com mander of th guard of th royal pal ao at SL Sebastian Informing htm that tho queen mother had decided to take th children under her ear. Unci Tern Piatt of Nw York to rather old and weak, but h oa aa kails null effectively yet. , 1 Last January th crown prtnoa paid assiduous attention to another American gtrl, Mlaa Geraldlne Farrar. a beautiful singer at th Royal opera-hous. , la March tha crowa prlnoa waa re ported bo b engaged to Prlaosoa Alex andra of Brunswick. ....... . Tha Prlnoess Cecilia haa also been reported aa engaged. Th young: maa who waa crown prtnoa of Russia befor th birth of 4h caara baby boy. It waa rumored In 2800, waa angasd to wad her. ... BRITISH ARMY IS j SADLY DEFICIENT SJoB BTOT PIT POB TlOB '04BT VOT smow obba rmooi BaUCAJT BDUOATZOBB. pry ytortr, ' ' (0pyrlgbb Ueant News aervke, br , Wire ts The JearaaL) Londsn, Sept 11. Tha military au thorltlsa are considerably worried at th marked deficiency In th number of aol dlr In th army fit for servlo, which haa bee dlscloeed by th recent maneu ver. ' Many officer hav reported that not one-half of their mn ar oarvlo abla. In making; up th for for th ma neuvers it was found neoesaary to with draw eevaral batUUona owing; to th mallnssa of th number able to stand tha strain of even mimic warfar. Th rank of all regiments are fllled with immature recruits nd th physical standard to stated to be th lowest vr recorded, nly about one-fifth ef th men oomlng up to th standard which obtains la continental arm lea. . Referring to military matter It to notable that nearly five hundred Chine nt th noblest families In tb celestial empire are at prevent studying th sci ence of war to military Institution In Germany. t - They ar making" axoellent progr and show marked ability. In their de sire to look a nearly as possible Ilk German officers, whoa atlff - military bearing they fjnttato In th moat oomlcal manner, they hav, evea saorlnced thlr precious pig-tat la. Five hundred mor aelons of Illus trious celestial famllleg ar to ha eent to Toklo to otudy strategy and tootle there. On wonders how many yea re will pa befor the thousand young Chin officers will have trained an army to put against their old Unto uachara. V AM9 WCBa O ffalO&f Imawlaatob b ft? at Oaa af M af Vaala to WltB By Vaal TllUaaa. (OsprrlgM, Beam Mewa Swrloa, ay Wire s n JenaL - -v PaHa, ftapC IT, la Oanaral Kuroai th nemeals who now take revenge on Rosa la for tha wrong of Polaadt It really seems so. aa baa bee proven be yond a doubt that th famous Japanese awneral Is of Pollah descent.. The proof 00 me from hi own nephew. M. Pollah off, a resident of Boaton-On-Don. . - la a signed letter to the Huaalaa pa pa Prlaaovoky Krai, h any: yhB some time a-o a Japan stu- dant. Toaake Oauna. made tha statement that General Kuroki oqmea from a Polish family, ho found no Mllef 1 am. however, in a position t prov ta truth of this ramarkabl atatetnent. "After th Pollah Insurrection of 1IM tha awa-nate Kurovskl' waa forced to fie from Rues la with -his - younger brother. On hla flight he fell in with a tribe of Don Coaaaok and. attracted by th freedom of their xtstano,' he ee eratly left hio brother and followed hla new frlenda to Novotoherkaak. "Upon finding out hla Identity, bow- ever, th Cossacks war s cased and told their Htma of th preeeno among; them of th young; Karovlakt. "Th Hetman Imrnedlatelv raoRM it dlrotly to Csar Nicholas I, who, how var, simply ordered th Pol to change hla nam to Pollakoff and to take per manent residence at Rostow, and not only pardoned him but gave him con siderable real estate in that city, whleh to new owned by myself and my brother. The other Kurovlskl fled to Japan, aad hla brother, who had bean pardoned, kept op a regular orrpotulsao with him. ' , ' "Whn Pollakoff died ha left two ton. Michael (myself) and Benedict, and we have continued this oorreapondenoe, and 1 hav la mypoasaalon several letter from General Kuroki, who baa also of ten ant II HI Japan keepsake to gay daachtora." . Btoooaog Taaamk mlaa. ' : At thla rlt)cal time, when Russia to training; herself to th utmoat to beat th enormous expeneea af th war tha discovery of fabulously rich radium mine ta Siberia come Ilk a Godsend, second la Importance only to th birth of the Csarevltch. 1 ' Th radium waa found by it number of aetonUstg who last year were eent out by th govarnment to explore the district of Nercblnk, on th other aid of XAke Baikal. Th mine ar located near th A vlllag of TJrowskaya and ar valued at many hundred of million of ruble, and aa they ar looated oa land belonging to th government, they may bring in nougb to pay th whol cost of th war. Th polio f Part are looking; for a oroeress known only by th nam of Dva. who disappeared with Jewelry be longing; to a widow. Mm. Sevailea. and valued at tOO.OOa. . . Mma. Sevalles was anxious to.gpjTy again. . out aio not wish to 'do so uatu sh had received word from her 1st hua hand that be did not object Mme. v. who was known a a ptrltuallt under took to communicate with tha spirit of M. Sevalte for M0 franca. Three time ah brought a message from him saving that be waa hi purgatory and rather too busy to answer questions. To indue him to do so, Bva totd Mm. Sevailea to drape hla picture tn black and burn inoena befor It all night and to be sure to place behind the picture ail hla personal jewelry, and Mm. Bva would then undoubtedly receive a n sag from blm during- the night. in the morning- the widow round a written messsa containing1 tn word "My hearty congratulation to my sue oossor If b atltl want to marry a woman who haa given such unmistakable evidence of being a fool. Th JweXry and aaa Bva had disap peared. - - UNLOAD PAUPERS T ON MULTNOMAH " TTul th practlc of Ttding pan per who are In Ul health into thla county from other parts of tb atate Is discon tinued. It I probable that suit will be Instituted by th county oOurt It 1 aid that th law has frequently been violated tn thl connection recently. In several Instance County Health Officer Bvana, acting under direction of the board of county commissioner, ha hv lurnea men tm ut piaoe rrm Wbicb they wr aent John Ravelin wa g-1vn a ticket to Astoria, Friday by Mr. Bvana Ha to said to hav been sent here, by the Clatsop county author! t lea. They were notified that th practice must cease. Ravelin la said to hav been a resident of Clatsop county for ava year. Th official of Grant Pas ar alleged to have placed William Btven son on th train and given him II, after paying hi far. In order to tank htm a burden on thla oounty. Th man wa o sick when h arrived that he wa ent to th hoepltal in a hack. Tho JoMphln Manty authorities hav nt a bill for th expense incurred by th oounty during- the tlm he wag at th hospital, and rn formed that In future mor draetto action will - ha taken. Stovemo la unable to travel yet, and 1 being; given raedical treatment by County Physician Geary. . . Archbishop will . be given recertion (Sseafal t)ttek by faaiad Prim to Tb Jeer sal) Waahlnpton, D. C Sept. 17 Arrang- mnt era making for th reception and entertainment here- on Friday naxt of th Archbtahop of Canterbury. It to expected that there will be a rptia at - the Cooorea gallry and n at th Whtt Rouaa, Th distinguish p relet to hi dHlver an addrea at th church of St Albans on Sunday next at th propobed oath- aral slto boat Uto mtj . . , (Bpsetal UeHtch by Leased Wtee te To Jeamal) Pacific Grove, OaJ.. Bept. 17. Having demanded aa lnvtlgatlon of hi, chargea of Immorality. .which hav been coupled with - hi name for th past three years, the Rev. F. A. Morrow will b given a fun trtal by the fiftyHaeeond seeeitm of th annual California Metho- dlat eonferenoe, now In asloa bar. euon was. th decision reached by a pacau eommitie inia arts moon, aner an all' aftmon seasioa, at wbJoh II witnesses wer aanrlnd aa to th ao- tlOna of Rev. Mr Morrow ooverlng a period of.etgbt years whll b wa sta tioned at different time at Oak Park. Jackson and Fa rating-ton. . The meeting vii i wuuuiuee, cne announoemeni that th Rev. John D. Hammond will b wen proviaea tor ana- tn new . oeveinc- mnts ta th Larkln eaao war feature of th ooafereaoe today. Whn th mtntotera went Into ' utlv session, the committee oa oonfer- ence relation, composed of th Rev. B R. Willis, th Rev. W. Dennett, the Rev. M. H. Alexander, taa Rev. Oeorge Clif ford, th Rev. William Angwln and th Rev. A. J. Gustafsan, recommended In their report that th oonferenc ask th Rev. Mr. Morrow to withdraw from th ministry. Th Rev. Mr. WIHIs, ehatrman of th committee, had hardly flnlahed apeaklng when th Rev. Mr. Morrow claimed th floor, and without faltering and tn a vole that eould be heard by all. declared hla tnnooeno In the following; worda: "The eharg made against m are abolutIy untru. and I demand an la veattgatloa. I hav received threatening letters. I hav been threatened with h ooar of tar and feather and I hav been persecuted from many a Idea. In th name of God I appeal to my brethren that you treat me aa a brother, aa 1 am anliuioeut man. - -, . - Bishop- Appoints nnimlstss, : ' ' Th bishop then appointed th follow ing committee to Invea'jgate th report a to whether or not th chargto agalnat th Rev. Mr. Morrow were of such natur gs ta call for a trial: Th Rev. W. S. TJrmy, th Rev. Thomaa Fllban, th Rev. W. W. Case, th Rev. W, T. Main, th Rev. Ell Modish, th Rev. J. P. Jenne, th Rev. George W. Whtt. the Rev. G. W. Bemtty. th Rev. p. D. Boawant tha Rev. J. B. Chynowtlt th Rev. T. A. Atklnaon, th Rev. T. A. Towner, th Rev. A. J.'Haison, th Rv. A. C Welch, and th Rv. Johd St vena SHERIFF WORD i MAKES A RAID (Coatlnued from Psg On.) proprietor, bond, 120 ach; Clarano Blasler, manager -f th gam, bond, 1200; B. B. Taylor, A. Hutohlndba, XI Daughtery, M. Darland, W, Paulson, X Hammond, C Clair, T. Cook, J. Berta, John : Da via, John Jsokeoc., M. I Mather, O. Tale and Chart O Long, players, bond, each. , Th raid waa expected at noth Blaa ler" and Brlckson' tabllshmnU. Euyen Btaxier waa placed under arrest first, and than Jack McDonald, C Nor cross and B. W. Jamu, cashiers at th three table. Eugene Blasler was noti fied that hi brother waa also to be con aid arad under arrest The player ar reated are: . F. Davis, Char lee Johnaon, John Doe, J, Russell. Jim Wilson. J. H. Hudson, M. B. Klngsley, Jullua Bleut Qua Waaper, Claud SUvsns.. B. C Churoh and W. C Dodge. Henry Geron want on th bond of rH the plessd wnrtai" arreet at Ola" I lrA Th gamee were resumed aa aooa a th ahexlff and hi dputif had toft th place. Thl wa tru also? of th Mase and Erlckson's, whsr tb othr arrests wars made. Jam St Marl, dsaJsr at on of th tables, wag th flrat man arrested at Erlcksoa's. Brlckaon, th proprietor, wa next found and notified that he wa under arreet Peter, St Marl said to h Interested In th Mtabllshment and Henry Griffin, th manager, war th next of whom official oogniaaoee waaitakaa, f Th player who wer arrested and for whom bond had to be furnished war Thomas Da via, Sam Brown, Oeorge Rohlf, Harvey Nance, Lewie Clifton. Peter Carr and Charley Lawrence. Clif ton wore th uniform of a United State oldlr. , Considerable difficulty wag found tn e-curing- bonds at Erlckon'i place. Henry Gerson eould not be located by telephone. LION CLOTHING COMPANY 'AT lf ;:'. ?'6ur own rS:f v;' ALL SHAPES f Bvnsry block In SofTand Stiff Hats is nprascnted In these $2.33 1 - bits, and each bat l gaarmteed satisfectorr by The Uoo Ofawa - A ma. Us ft mm h mnrt liuar4afiafl Brcaret1 la M wavrantv. j t We are v , Portland Agents for I YOUNG'S NEWYCXX $3.00 HATS WWWW a tm villi V.Ba. BB B. 9, foxtob, ArtrhayArB. ' B0 UKDtiJM, B0 BjnyS, ASB BO i, PXVSZTS SSOO STLL TO PAT. . Read What 1 hi Grateful ; Patient Has to Say ; A. Raraana f S1 Trtmomt street Mleal the skill of Dr. H77. Pulton, tbe celebrated womio who cares sag baa cared ma aiau cltuwafl af PortUnd and th state by her efficient druleaa treatmeat. gpeaking of tale WA&dvrful payalHas. Mr. Hpmaon, wbeja Jjtha aawluy of Platataam. aUyer "I was mi be aly afftteted that mr tares Kntaa I eould net aad did tot Be dum la I er alt down te mj meals. At night I Woai lean erer mr be, aneenn apoa tbe floor. as, get w&at rest i could in mat attitade. I took mr meal altiier auadlog er la taa aame anetnre. I tried turd tea al aoctora wii&oat rpiiei an eau nred e Biteut medicines, itill 1 wif growtiut won, ne day a lady nelghbar tolitme aseut Dr. rnltoa, aad 1 read the eetlBMolal of Jah Jbftnyoe af Claek-naa couaty la Tha neraaL n which he related the eircumataaeea of his auilctiea aad asw Dr.. rsltea eared "i tssrespfei eoertade to glv nW re- Bswaed Nturopth a trial mreelf. asd waa eonpleui carsg Jy 11 treatmenbl at aa eapenae or tio. Bar raarrea at ats trtawnt for io, aad I took 19, paid her saa, aad am aa well as I ever was Is my life. I have not bed aa ache aar nrlnn of pais since. By her method ef treatment l aaa a arog ar ether bilk te pay. so that mr total eaeenee. aa fat aa a eue waa Ooneeriked. amounted te 10, The seat moanted te notblog compared with what I paid before, far no relief at alL "I gladly mbeertbe my same te mfe wetimonlal. boplDg that by It aom ethaf rheumatic amy read lta wards sad a te De. Paltoa asd to eared. . e- aw w A- HitllUll." m. Ham IS ma of ahent S. ais owl boom. aarNMinaoa 4 k ii to Wpper acre as Vibtn. ox noe muts an berrlS, la cae raniaraLar or nut timu. be fa we1 ftaed." bnt aad he eontlnaiwl the eld ebenlete metbuda of treatment ha doabtleaa would bate waited hla nbetanoa aa drun that poeld mth ba eared him. Dr. Paltoa bee mad aom remarkable of rheumatism tha seat year. Sbe slae cured me ay eaeea ef appendlcttla Snd there la sot a caae ef female troabl it abe MtiDot aseedUj seal without either gnu or knife. Her work Is VCMXrtVm thM fa IB , UaOdbPsrk mm mW Offlaa bims, t m u. -i ts v Pfaeas Mala Sheriff Word refud to accept Orlffla as sol boadaman. Tha problem wag finally aolved by Bugwne Blaster oalUng up br toiephon and volunteering; to' g on th bond with Griffin. ; , - - fiasj at lrttsr. ' ' Frbd Pritaa plac wa visited, hut no games were found tn operation. Frit haa been renovating and altering hla ee- . establishment and game of all kind, aa weU a performances in hi concert hall. hav beam atopped until Ji la ready forv openlna axatn. j . . u eslslillslnwsiil iwlruwlml lnly hy colored . men. at Seventh and Park atreete, and another near th Union depot, wer vtalted, but no Inoftmlnatlof vldeno waa discovered. Bach of tha proprtoton arrested as serted that It could not be proved th poker fiDiH were played for money at hi plac and announced hi Intention of continuing; th play. They were all told by th sheriff that when th nut raid to mad proprietor and player wlh b taken to Jail and held over night - "I ahall oontlnu the raid - right 1 alongr.'' said ths sheriff. "Gambling- must oeaa in thl city, whll I am sheriff. That to all there I to It And 1 want to any that deaplto mr failure to our warrant for saloopreen wh hav hid slot machine In their plac, I ahall ' make It unprofitable for them to run. I am satisfied there to soma way It can b managed, and I slrrm find that way When I do tha- lawbreaker muat look out for -breaker ahead.' and SHADES fir :'' ;. we sen l STETSON i HATS i in all 6hapea : . ; at $4.00! tt tareated Jinms am Uittod to saH as DILILlfUlTOII fit. t i 1