The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 18, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    t::2 oesocm euxdaY journal, Portland, Sunday morning, September is, 1004.
today- iiiiimm.
felMMa.' "V4m Tn
tuiulrv "Unet Tum't Cabin'
tdrwe ,....--aieetra-k-'
feu .J"i!"."!"X"I!!"!!!!eaeuie
Sake ..,,,.,..,......,. ''raaara
tr TuU-Till
Lrl Veudevlll
f '
,.' Paalal rfood, on of th proprietors of
tlM Lyrto theatre, received a dtapeteh
from hla former home at Belt, Mont
atatlag that hta father had died euddeo
ly there. Mr. flood left Friday night
nd th funeral will not be M4 until
his arrival. J. Flood. Um deceased, was
.14 yaars of ag at th Urn of bis death.
Th aawa came aa a auddan shock to his
on ban. who had but a fsw woska b
ifora received word that his fat bar was
In tba bast of health and had baan work
in on tha ranch. Tba dispatch did not
' a tats tha eauee af death. Othar child
ran of tha daoaaaad ara Joseph Flood,
f living near Oraat rails. Mont., a eon In
i Now Tork aad Mrs. Do? of Oraat
tVjraUe. . - ,, r
' Remember thta, that 'when, trow tek
,'tha Ballsy Oatsart (or tba Columbia
rlvar trip to Tba Dallas and way points
you rids on tba Most handsome, tha
stauaohest, moat eomortabls and safest
staatsar plylna bstwssm Portland and
. Tha Dalles. Tha BaUsy Oatsart la tba
old reliable" and pan always ba oauntad.
' oa for a aafs and1 fast trip. Tha Oats
art laavas Aldar strast vwharf ovary
Monday, Wadnsaday aad- Friday, at f
.a. m,. wblla tha steamer Regulator,
' anothtr swift boat, laaTsa tha asms
wharf at tba aams hour om altarnatlng
day a, Pbon Mala U4. , ; . ,
' Hodera Carpet Cleanln a The Stand-
ard Car pat damning' company- baa lta
plant now 1n full operation at Bast
' Third and Pacific streets. Thsy oall
for and taks up your carps ta. clean thor
oughly with tba aid of ataam and med
rn maeblnary, ralay and rsflt If ne
- eesary. Ths work ta performed prompt
ly, scientifically and at a vary alight
. ax panes whan tha excellence of tba eerv-
lea randsrad to takon Into consideration
Celt, writ or phono East ltd.
.- Tha City 4V Suburban Strast Railway
oompany resumed lta aarvtoa across ths
Moiison strast brllga at 1 o'clock yaa
tarda y afternoon and th mm numbar
, of oars are. In uaa now aa were smploysd
t before tha shut down two weeks eso.
Tha ofdoiala of tha oompany ara not able
ta stats whether traffic across tbs bridge
. will bs again out off before tbs structure
- la eompiatsd but say that for ssrsrsi
weeks nolnterruptloa will occur. -.
On account of tha abeene of Dr. W,
. - A. dimming In tha east, tha choir at
- Taylor atroat First M. MX church did sot
bagln Its work oa tba first Sunday of
thla month aa was Intended. They win
do their Initial work thia morning. Tha
, ehotr consists of Mis Helen Baratow,
soprano; Miss ahaogen- Harding, eon
, tralto; Mr Roaa Fargo, tenor, and- Dr.
,. Vr. W. A. Camming, baaa and ldrr
i Tba marlag of Albert Kalling and
- Mlsa Kathrya Stephenson waa solemn-
lied last evening at I o clock, at tha
- Msnoa of the bride's sister. Miss Emma
- Stephenson, I Kast twelfth atrast The
room la a popular travaltvg pasaancar
agent for tba Canadian Paolflo railway.
with headquarters In Portland. Mr. and
Mra. Kslllng will be at home at 14
Twaiftb atroat after Movssaber I.
roll's tan
- r '.- i i in . j i
nron ivna ookvast, car
mmow , a bat ' wnmm tea
, xmadub rum fraws ajto a-rAJtrsa
'.' f ' . " '
Mtaa aMtth Angus, wtio waa playing
'Mm Tudway la "lxrd and l4r Alcy"
at ths Calumbta the forepart of tha
wsaav was taken llkoa -Thursday and
1 apbfi the adrloe of her physio las want to
r " a baspltai for two weeks. Her part
waa asaumsd try Mtss Bsrhyts oa one
- day's aotloo aad aha baa ailed It Tory
, aocoptabiy. .-.
': Oregon City Boat ." ' " V" ''".-'
" - , , Take tba rlvar trip and asa tha . , , . f
Claokamaa rapids at low water. .
V Xt'a worth aeslng. Boat leaves
Taylor street 1:1. U: a. m., fx m
. -:. laavaa Orsgoa City 1:M, ;, t a. m.
' Bound trip St cents.
I:.. .'. Bsporta last night from tha bedside
of Henry Wslnhard Indlcats no ahaaga
la hla oondltlon. Dr. A. a. Klohol stated
that tha patient waa reettng- com para -
v lively easy, and ao Irs read lata tura for
-- tha worse to smpoctad. ,v
' A tolagram ' was raoslvad hit last
Wight that Jul Walters and hla Blde
Tracked" oompany had secured a special
- ' train and - would reach Portland today
In time for the marines at Cordray's
r tbmmtn. , : ;- v , . -
Far taw Beat paytfur sad beat asV
vortlard mereantlla business In Portland,
In center of retail district; fit,. Ap
ply MoOarcF A Btsaardann, Atty, W
, Otagoalaa. ....
School . books
ehanged. ' Jonaa
der st rest. .
nought, bom and aa
Book Stoa, ti Al-
Florsnca Long has rsopened haf ma
gical studio at room Tourny boiidV
If you want a ftm-emaw hard wheal
floar. try Psaeoek. - Year grooav aatla It.
Lsarntnc of the death of WHltaa
Brady whan ba bad been tn London but
a day and a half, W. D. Wheelwright,
president of tba. Paalflo Export Lumbar
oompany, took tha first steamer for
boms and arrived yesterday, after aa aa-
usually fast trip of 14 days aoroaa ths
Atlantic and ths oontlnent. Mr. Brady
was gsnsrsl manager of' the oompany.
and Mr. Wheelwright ooneludad that hta
prssance waa needed at Portland to look
af tar . ths interests of tha aoaoera.
Tha death waa th meahs af poatpoa
tg IndsnnHsly the trip which the pres
ident of tba lumbar oompans contem
plated taking. From London he Intended
to go to Calcutta and other parte of tha
orient to inquire Into the possibilities
of building up a mora extensive trade
la that quarter of tba world. Ha
psctsd to go ta Manila and spend a
era! weeks. Th oompany ha filled a
number of Mar government . orders for
ths PhUlpplnea, and It la thought t ba
quit probable that -many mora heavy
shipment will be mad tber from ths
Pacific ooaat with la the next two or
three years, aa tha government Is etlll
engaged la th teak f making aatenalv
Improvements oa the Islands la aha
building Una.
There to nothing to say about my
trip." said Mr. Wheelwright yesterday
evening. T waa so unexpectedly In
terrupted that I did not have much time
to learn anything of Interest while goae.
Immediately upon receipt of th new,
which waa eabled ate, I secured naassg
for New York oa the ateamehtp Colum
bia of th Anehor line, aalllng on Sep
tember S- after 1 had been la London
but a day and a half. 1 waa fortunate
to got paaaaga ao quickly, aa the bertha
on all th other steamers scheduled to
sail wars engaged tn advano up to tha
middle of October. '
The reason for ft la tha large num
ber of people who arb oomtng to Ahe
fit. Louie fair. Many of jthe American
tourists ara also returning at role sea
son of tha year, and consequently ths
paaeenger accommodations of ths
steamers' ar taxed to sbrr fall anao
Mr. Wheelwright eaya that h hi an
decided as to whether or not ba will
make hla far eastern -trip eoou. Should
he deeld to do ao h states that ha
will take a Pacific coast liner, and not
Include any European country . in hta
1 t
Ths Ions dry tpell U about over and when tha rain begins X
Z it's going tolaat. We hava just received a swell Una of FINS t
i UMBRELLAS, which wars made up to our order with extra t
i good covers for wear and the new effects in handles. We
X have them as low as $1.25, and from that up. . Don1 buy one X
T until you see what we have, as they are the nobbiest in the city. T
Does the Smoke Hurt Your Eyes ? I
-'.- f ; ' r i . '
Better come in and let us test them for you. No charge X
$ for examination, and if you don't need glasses we tell you so.
If your eyes require lenses our prices are moderate. That's X
X our way of doing biisinegs, and that's why we are fitting ao 1
T many people. Every customer who gets glasses from us is a T
standing adveniaement. They all send their friends. We X
ht rs. Oaorge H. Oeorae. wlfs at
prominent Astoria has Ins mas, to at
the Portland.
Judg WJIilam M. Morrow of San
Franc uno i to among ta Portland's
T. . B. Kay. representative sleet ad
eandldat for .apeaksr of th nous, la
In from Banar City, a sweat at tha Im-
N. at. West, tha well known haraemaa.
Ig la ha dty front La Orand.
Among; tba gueata at ta
AMornnyo W. N. Barrett and ft, . B-
Tongns of Hlllsboro. -
H. Saaaiia, the Walla Walla hmraaniaa.
la at th Parklna. -
- H. K. Aakeny, the oapltaltst and
mining maa of atugen, to at th Im
perial for a brief stay.
W. X PaUeraon. th Baker City fur-
altur maa, la raiatrd at th Im
- Hr. and - Mm- Oaorg P. Hensfer C
New York ar at th Portland. Mr.
Hen gar has larg mlatnc laureate on
th coast
I H. Perrtn. th Baglnaw; Mlela,
lumber man.' la m the dty oa husl
Heir B Rnteh-8yd of Hamsurg.
Oermaay. accompanied by hta wife, rea
letered yesterday at th Imperial. Thsy
ar making' a tour f th world.
W. Orad. prealdsnt of th Its-
twnal bank of Baker City, and formerly
repreeentatlva, to among th Imperial's
D. w. wakeneid or th arm or wak-
fleld Prie left for a visit to hta old
horn la Mow Hampshire last Monday
He oame to this ooaat ft years ago and
this ta hta first visit home.
-" A
Ralph W. Bmsr of Caaby to r th
Ity attending Hot mas Business solleg.
Col fax. Wash Sept. IT. The uenn
raaldant of th Pal ones evuntry tittle
reallass th amount of money expended
each year for fanning fmplamnta, ma
chinery, buggies ana wagona." aald a
prominent meronaat today, la Colfax.
alone l.0 was spent with th four
Implement dealers laat year, aa avras
of ft,M for each arm.". . ,
;: Special SL iMlt Cat.
Monday, Octobw 1. the O. R. K. Win
ran special courts. ar Portland t
at. Louis. Particulars of CL W. atlagar.
city ttekat ami, Third aad Wasalagtoa
Manr aaw hswasa, or addlttaaa ortnv
arovsmsnta t houaaa, ar la rhlaaoaJ
at Wood bum. '
I n " ii ii u i;
- )
" 1 ...... ' .. r
ft '' '
Not pkasant bMppttii n $pfiBed to fee
otxlinary walks of life but a mott heatthjr
conditioQ fcc .' .V' A''"1" : ''
Bolt Heads end Tress Rods
Our 2-fcich "AJAX Bolt fteadlng and
Forging: Machine" with its Pud OQ Furn
ace k the most modern and powerful tool
in Oregon and is now ready for business.
Contractors Will Also Be Interested ,
, to know thai w carrx stock a aarga
v The Celebrated St. Louis ;
MalloaWc Iron Vashcrs
.' :-T . ,. : ii . ' -.- I
-:v, , "''( 'f. . . w ,
Miss Blaaeh It nh a sen. who has font
hesa appointed to the chair of oratory
la McMlnnvtlle college, Area graduated
la UM from th Western Academy of
Arts. She Is a reader of local reputa
tion and has appeared often In publlo.
Her work aa reader la tha oonosrt given
last spring hr th Jewish Gowned of
Woman uudei ths direction of Mra. Rosa
Blofh-Bauer, will he remembered favor
ablyi ' Last winter ah conducted a pri
vate claee la Fossil. Or., and oa bar -return
la tn spring took graduate work
la tha academy. '
munmiastaDD MAO-
avmm sswis suss) JMua mamm
Charged with murder ta th drst da-
grae, Sv ItaJlana ara toehsd wlthla th
dty Jail. IaformatMB waa died against
them lata yeatarday auernoon ay Dep
uty District Attorney Adam, oa om
piarat of Detective Loa Hart man. Th
prisoners ara John Valantenettl, Tony
De lura, Louis Ls Porta. Tony Da Ton!
and Jo Maganello. That Que J. Brewer,
proprietor of th City View sal eon, was
killed a th result of a plot -entered
into hy them ta th theory of th polios,
robbery being the motive. Valantenettl,
year' old, to believed by th polio
to ha th maa who trad th fatal show.
Breuer, who waa ehoc down while
prsparlng I sloe hla saloon last Thurs
day attdnlght. will be hurled thta after
noon at : o'clock la Lone Fir osms-
tery, th funeral asrvloos taking pine
at th rhwr chapeL 'Tha Rev. Mr.
Breek, reetor of St. Matthews eburck.
will onVdata, Th Maaona, of which or
der th murdered maa was a member.
will have hara ....
Strsaaaaa eaTorta f attornsys ta lib
erate th prtaoner by mesas of habeas
corpus proceeding la th etrouK oourt
yestsrday failsd, th piisonsrs war or-
derad held, hat th lawyer ancceeded
gaining an aodteaoa with their dl-
enta at tha atty lalL ssaah to th hag
rla f Chief of Polio Hunt. How
ever, th tw most hwnertsaa prtaaaira.
Caleatsnettr and De lura, awr tBsr
atatsmrata aadaw aath hefer th ro-
her's fury yeatarday ana. aa already
evMtaha ft Tha jsaraal, mod different
etorto. . I
Meawr ta th atatovT af th tty was
that awch mighty sCort md for the ,
Breoer would have a large sum of sash
that Bight. Wltnsssss bars already Seen
soured who will a wear that they heard
oommand grrsa to Breoer to throw up
hta hand, and ahortly afterward thy
heard the shot Sred. Thla togetbr
with th svldene prevtomaly farnlabed,
make a strong oaa against tha arlaoa
sra, th nolle any.
On piece of work yet before th de
tectives ta to aseure posaiaaloa of th
revolver from which th shots
1 iil3QftS a g
Mf you own a NEW RIVAt KArC
.jrouH sava money on tha purchaaa pries of a
rang, you'll sava fuel, and youll sara worry.
The New
Xa tbs most modern on tba market! ft more
reliable store quite impossible to make, t
reliability conduces good buraor. . - . - ; .
THE NEW RIVAL la coiistnictad of
planished steel and is free from danger of
rust.. . Another feature is the coal-pocket on
the side, which enables coal to be pound on
the fire without removing tha lids. .
As a cooker THE NEW RIVAL, is
$27.50 Sd
An Inspection will tell you tha NEW,
RIVAL is THS one you want, . -
Henty Jennkig CS Sons
An .www wtsww inu mr
tnm- rtrraei oa txb xjliw
(Spastel Dleaawh ts The JesraaL)
Wsshtuena, Wash., Sept. 11, A ehoms
of, II voices, under th direction of
J. A Oraham of Spokane, ta holdlag reg
ular rehearsals for sn early presentation
of th oantata "Under ths Palms."
There will he Insists the choruses, eoloa,
duels, ouarteta and double suarteta. The
entertainment - will he given la th
United Preebytsruut ohuroh Friday
.. Miss L RHMeL
Will ha ready to reoetvs her patrons,
at her eorest parlor oa SFtorentk strast,
near AMers Wad nee day, Septambar SI.
Ladtew SHverftald'a ad
will Interest you. Rsad it.
I - haewey '
rataa of artaonera as la
Aa previously awMteaea, th chief re
fused ft permit attorneys to a than
clients at tha ctty Jail yesterday mom
taa; ami thsy sued oat write of habeas
corpus Immediately. Argument waa set
for Monday merntnav but a thta did
not suit tha attorneys, thy secured aa
athav writ and had th matter oeUlen
mt yestsrday art eras sn. wiattlns aa
aadteao with th Sv prissatrn.
At th eltv tall D Iur is lokd kt
sU hy htessalf, whS ths thr fmsr
ta one oalL Thar haltev ta Ital
h4 planned a robbery off th salaon
When in
Doubt -About.
Glasses .
Go and See
Repalra to th Cllatoa Kelly and
Portamputh school building ar about
completed aad th building will ha
ready for occupancy tomorrow morning.
The pupil of tneso tw districts will
aeirmbls at t 'lock at tha morning t
aa assigned ta their el sea..
Although - Supsrvtalaa; Arohltost
Tnomaa Jonaa pronrlsed t have th At-
klnsoa school - randy for occupancy hy
tomorrow. City Superintendent ' of
Sehoola . RIglsr atated today . that the
building waa In so oondltlon to receive
th pdplla, and in "all probability It
would he s no tber week before . 14 i
ready for occupancy.
It ta also impossible to- oetnrpy ths
room of th Ladd sohool tomorrow.
While th work la many of tha rooms
la completed, th paint ta not dry and
tha teachers will not ba allowed to
move into th building untu there ta
no danger of th pupil becoming 111
from th odor of paint. la all prob
ability It will be a week befor svery-
thlng will bs la eondttioa there. Mai
While tha classes will contino to o
cupy th portable noma ,
Anaihor Wassrs Wsaay.
Sunsrlnlsndant Rlgler stated that ha
had hoped that a portion of the rooms
would be ready for occupancy so that
tha porta blee could he turned over to
th pupils of tha Atkinson ecbool. hut
under th present conditions thta ta
Impossible, and all the pupil off th
Atkinson school, other than th seventh,
eighth and ninth gradea, will be without
aohool for another week.
la all tba schools wbleh opened hfoa-
day th work of th term ta well i
der way. Additional pupils ar enter
ing every day. It ta expected that to
morrow a largo number wilt enter for
th Sret Hum thla year, aa famlliee who
have been la th hop nelde and at ths
ooaat ara returning t th atty (or th
rollowtng- ta ths number of ahtldraa
enrolled la each asbool to data: Chap
man, 4SB; Couch. 4; Harrison, 751;
Palling, Mf-; South Portland, Sit; Ful
ton, it: Fulton Park. 7ft; Alnswerth.
1M; Mara. nam. 1; High school, ftftft;
Wood lawn, Sift: Peninsula, II; Ochiey
Oreea, left; Highland, Sit; Thompson.
Ml: Albtna Central, 171; WUHama'
a venae, 7; Bolladay, TM; Fern wood.
Ik; North Central, 41; Central. Mt;
Brooklyn. t7f; Seilwood. t4; Midway,
si; Sunnyalds, 44 1; Bast Twenty- ighth.
9t; Total, Ms. . ..
atxd -sraxxdnw simian wiu
Jrov my owa oo vssotmmtT
At th gearral assembly of ' tha
teachers la ths high school building yea
tarday meraing the rgsnlaattoa off tha
teacher for ths present term waa ef
fected. Th teachers were divided Into
group according ta their gradea. Meet
ing will ba bald monthly and diseusv
tone will ba held en.oertaln subjsots.
Th subject for th teaohr during ths
Bret term will be "Languag."
Mrs. gL X. Sloan of the LaoM ecbool
will have charge of th teachers sf ths
first and second gtsdea. Principal Con
or sff th Chapman will " eondost th
msettnga off tha taneher f th third.
fourth and fifth gradea Principal
Burahaai of th Coach school will pra-
std over th meettnga of the sixth and
seventh grade teachers. Principal Grout
of ths Ladd school will have charge of
th ateetiaga of th teacher of , the
eighth and nlath grades.
Tha arlnctpala' meeting wfil b ow
ducted by Suparlntendent Rtgtar and
thsy will dtacas th usjee, "Th Place
of Industrial Work tn Education." Mr.
Blgler atated that h thought thla a
very ewportuaa tlm for taking up thla
subject aa asanas! trsiRin I to b la-
traduced hit th eehooie thta term aad
th prinetpata destr to gala sM th In
formation acanthi aa thla aobtoot.
In all probability tha night ecboole
wiu not pea untu some tlm St Kevean-
bsr. Theaa achoola will begin later than
usual thla yeer for th reuse that tbs
president Ml election taken place th
drst week of Moveanbsr and Su parts tenoV
snt Kigler aaya that tt to not good poltoy
to opaa the hight SchooU safer thla
event ta over' for th reason that
pomtcs wm tatorfsr considerably with
th attendance, Th main night school
may ba transferred from th blah
school to fa Atkinson school thta year,
where Sv or aid teachers will ha m
piorod. Night aehoois will alee be ha.d
t th Williams avanwe and lbs Centra
sehoola with tw toachara la eaoa.
Btrtf and dissension at prasent mark
th meetings of ths Federated BuUdlng
association, th organisation farmed to
secure funds to erect a fraternal tsmpls
at the Lewis and Clark fair. To board,
cone let! ng of flv members, stand a
unit In requesting ths resignation of
J. W. Thompson, secretary. Mr. Thomp
son refuses to realgn and th tw force
ara stand In Arm and awaiting develop-
in en ta. Members of th board any that
they can not sonaclcntlously ask for
donations while Mr, Thompson hi secre
tary. Mr. Thorn peon aaya that he will
not ha forced out by any sombi nation.
"At lta last .meeting four sf the Ave
members of tn board rot ad requesting
th reslgnatJon of Mr. Thompaon." aald
Paul Pferdnr,'-a member of the board
last alght. "Mr. Morshsnd did not vou
either way hut latrodacad th rcaolu
tloa. "While th position requires that th
secretary be a maa of Influence, wealth
and standing to inapt r eonndence, Mrw.
Thompson ta persona noa grata to even
hi own order, th Wood maa of th
Wrtd and not a oent will thy con
trlbuto whll b Is in charge of th
funda It ta either a Thompaoa or no
building and the board prefers the build
ing. Should ha not resign th hoard
wIU. At present my rsslguatlon and
that off th president ara pending tot
thla aaua alone.
Mr. Thompaoa stais that be Is r
sponslbls - for securing that major por
tion of fh donations received. Th
mamberwof th hoard deny thta and aay
that th work of President J. MX Wsrleln
directly the anas of seeurtng
ILWd from tha Maaona, tto from th
Degree of Honor, and a large contribu
tion from the Workmen. Other sub-
sorlptlous. It ta aald, have been returned
because of th clash between th eecre n
tary and mem beta off th board. At tha
present Urns no effort la being amd
to secure donation and win not b un
til th hoard ta reorganised. Members off
ths board favor th selection of a prom
inent eltlsan and a fraternal am who
shall hold tha title of secretary and th
employment of a capable assistant who
shall ha paid . good salary and attend"
to the details of th work. The mem
bars of th board ar also unanimous kt
the statement that tha present secretary
will Mtiln hla nlana aalv until the Mt
msstlng of the body.
Ths Portland hotel opened Its re
modeled buffet parlor down stairs mat
evvniua at w o cwoa wnn annania s
Hungarian Court ore beat ta attendance.
While the eplendtd dsn orations excited
much oommeat. It ta unqueetlonable that
th orcheetra was tbs real attraction.
Manas re Bowers la fortunate In having
secured this sxoeltont musical erganiaa
Uoa to play at th hotel from f to. 1
each evening, a wall aa during th
Th cafe waa beautifully decorated
teat evening with American Bean ties and
other flower, and many women took
occasion to visit the scene of splendor.
It waa largely oa account of Ins female
gnssta that Manager Bower remodeled
the two rooms, shutting off the barroom
Th sister and mem sirs f
Heart parish will open a church fair
Septenlber 14 In th ball at 144 Sixth
street. Th fair ta glraa under th
management of Mr. Shsrrett, Mr. Mo-
TImuIjI imI W. Wamuth. The hmmmU
will b ueed to swell ths fund for th
construction sff a new senoot butMinav t
William Mac Master and family r-
tarned from a six months' visit t their
old hem la Scotland Satarday nornin
W. C MORBia, Caihlaf
. IHM?bU0, 0CwW '
Corner Sixth 4m4 Mortho
I; - .?
Prosperous DaJS
ATPHESE re piosperrjuav
I toy Aad NOWk tbe
' fitting time for the wage
earner to lay aside a fund against
a tfane of need We tomcat
that be come to thk bank and
open a aavinga account. A
dollar ia amnicient to start