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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
THeV ORSOON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, ' SEPTEMBER 18, 190t flayer aC ftsvlvaCY : LCSS Cf VESSEL MC I DV OI1AVVK LilON CLOTHING CO. v . - irnplaptd putflttatrai to Mfirri mruX Boy ' 166 BniK THIRD ST. f ST1L lui: WmZA B: BVILDINQ o Ki ;c:aE-:uG say? ,1 ' Tha Wogglebug, wis man of the party, undertakes to iinwtr an n co tton for kU.oomrsde from Oa. Ha has to answer om each weak. Hla iDMrtr la not printed. The reader U left to dleoover it. The pictures and descriptive putter make this comparatively easy to tba active mind, Both the pictures and tba story are guides to tha solutloa of the problem, ana tha question admits of but ooa eorrest eaewer. The puaala requires only ordinary aklU and knowledge of faete Included In history, biography, bot any and natural hla lory, or aa aoqualnuinos with pleceo, buildings or am blams about wbloh information la anally sbteiaable. It la pot guessing contest, but a trial of skill. X -To stlmumt Interest In Jjhe vlait us. i -itw journal wui grve m seen ssoa moma is tnoss or iu roadora who tand la oorraot or naarly oorreet answers to tba question put to tba Wogglehuf by hla companions. . Sept 18. p thi coupon onir. ;' No 15 Te tho. wooounuo pmmt "; v.,.v:-V''-:.77. vV- i .. THB BUWDAT JOURNAL, FORXLAJfD, OMPOOK, ' ' ' The answer to tho question ashed of tho Woe-glebug' tn tho htaga Una Section of the paper of SUNDAY, SEPTaaVBSa II, a,. .... a. .1 e. . Ma ..,.,.....,.............. .,.. ; Vtroot and Numbor.:.... -Town or Cltr,.., ...... .t. But.... Va ompioro of Tha Tiiaiaal a aaiamiag of aa wiliri'a oavatb tj aft. brarod o amaav aha ooatoat. t , , . .... ' FXL.L OUT THB ABOVal COUPON. Alao tho oonpoa to bo fooad aaek day la Tho Journal antll Saturday, twptombor 14. Thla aivaa 70a ooVea ehancaa t ana war tha quaatlon aurvoatad In naxt" flunda.y'a para. Do too ammo aost Bundmjr, and tha naxt, and tho naxt, alao on oaoh woak-day, jintU tha and of tha month. hAVB TOUR COUPONS, and oa tho laat da of tho mouth aond tbom all to THB WOOOLBBURO IDITOR, Tho Jour, nai, Portland. Tola vUl and tho ooMtaot for aptambor, pad tha prtaoa wUl ko awardad vary oarly la tho month of October. , FIFTY DOLIiARB IN CASH PRUH WILL SB OIVBN AS rOLLOWt! tFor tha raatoot aumbor of oorraot anawara, 110.00. . $11.M ' For tba nast laivoot numbar of oorroot anawara, fi.00. ,t t.oa I. For tho third laraoot numbor of oorroot anawara, it. 10. ......... , t.10 a. For tho fourth larraot aumbor of oorroot anawara, II.0O. . , 1.00 For tha tan naxt larpoat numbara of oorroot anawara, tlM oaeh.. It. 00 For tho tan naxt larreat numbara of oorroot anawara. 11.00 oaoh. . 10.00 f. For tho olovaa aaxt Ura-oat numbara of oorroot aaa vara. 0o, oaeh' S.M y.ff-S i' BTJLBBOFTHB CONTBTr. i fU'r :? .. -Tho larraot aumbor of fcorrooV anawara wtna. Ail ooupona for any ona month win bo ooaaoeuttvol anmbarod. and muat bo plan dlh ana anvalopa aad airangod at ardor of tbolr puhUcav tloa.. - Only ona oonpoa of tha ammo data of anawara for tho month. - v It mora than ona lndtrldnaj ahoald haTo - avoir aoopoa eorroetlp markad and aroporly arraaoad. tho drat prlao would ho dlrldod hotwaoa I'tha wlnhara, Othor prlaoa will ha olmUarly dlvldod ta eaaa any aumbor of oontootaata hare tho aamo number of anawara yiat aro oqaally oorroot, -but not aboolutoly ae. f . - . . - Coatoetanta nood aotwrtto tha aamo ajunrer oa all ooupona loaned for any 000 weak. A different anewer eaa be written for each day but If you are aura you are riant, you will, of oourao, write -tho aama ana war on all ooupona laaued for any one Sunday. Remember, tho lexaoat auav bar of correct anewero wine. A II inunnM trtr inv am Ceontll nnM be nlanakaV ta Mm Mail anvatenh and bo la tba oflSoa of The Joaraal Z too foUowlBd smoath,' v COMMISSION AND 1 . . r. GRAIN FIRM FAILS A. B. OOSirSAaT OOMEPAaT ' nuionoo. iomib n yiu oi . AOOOtm OS gABTtlfT TO '. oauaATXOVs mBauirui FBOat faportal Dtoeateb apLamid Wlrai Pea saoreal) - Saa- Franeiecoy -apt, - h The drroln and eommlaaiotwflrm of A & Coatlama A Co., til Battery atrooL haa failed with liabilities of aiSv,7M.ts and aaaata of S4K,C0t.. InJudiclouO specula tloa and Inability to obtain money beoauae the banks bavo bean wary el nee tha Epplacor failure, toaetbor with aoeae direct looaeo from short wolaht purchasoa of Bpplnaer wheat, are tba atated oaueoa of tha firm a Inability to meat Ita obllamtlona. Aaaata mentioned m tha achedulo are: Real eatate, lt.000; promissory noto of J. J. Connor, $09; at 00k la trade, ti, I i t ; Noma stocks, 1 50.; houaohold good a, HJOO.Ol; debts duo on open ao ceunt. $7,; money depoolted In banka, I177.M; 6t aharee f California Standard Oil, fie; property ejauned aa axempt, laoo. . , Wlfo aad Path or CTiaaaaaa. -"'Tba aaoured claims amount to Itl.TM, and theae will take nearly all of tho aaaata, leartnS debta of H7.OSt.10 to be met by aaoete which flrure up to ait, POS.00, but on which lees tbaa fao value mar bo realised. -"ltr. -Cootlaaa'a wife-and father are rlalmanta for more then ffiO.000. There will bo no aopaQlaiir aarlouo lose to any of tba other creditors, and of - these lessee tho Flrat National bank heads tha list with 1M. Tho firm Of Covtlcaa A CO. 1 00m poafd of Aumiatua B. Coat Iran and Frederlck'O. Olbbons. It hafl held an ax cellent reputation, and, during- thirty OUR FALL STOCK Of wines of "far baekT vtotaga and liquors mellow with age ta better than over, becauae, forsooth, much of It'a a yrar older than last Fall and ao much S-lper." and grain, eareful hand ling and dlatllling, makes for the prime vniiition our vinous and spirituous liquors or. fair ooat FULL KEASUKE KC USE laa"rwt of tha - paoplo from tba Land of . .f .......... ..'..f.... ooa ha aland ta tha aamo onvlosa2 by AO: 00 a. m. of the Id day of ' 7 yaara of elstenoav haa don i great deal of business. - For some tlma past, how- over, it baa boon known- to be in a shaky financial oondltlon, and the bank' ruptey petition that waa filed lata yes terday not a surprise. Mr. Oostlaan traoes the causa of tha failure ta tho Bpptnaer operations, aad say a ha haa had to pay larse sums of money to make up for short axes la Bp plnaer wheat that ha bouaht hero and ahlpped -to foreign marketer- Another notable result of tha Bpplnswr disaster seams to be that tho banks are more eareful In their dealing with tha wheat speculators than formtrlr. Aooordlna to Mr. Costlgan'a state ment. Coot lama A Co. owed ttOo.000 to the First National bank Just before the Bpplnger wheat vaalahed' and left the banks -without the securities that they supposed wore On tho warehouses, but now tho Flrat National bank haa driven itho firm to Insolvency by Insisting -oa payment or the fix.aoo ciatm. The banka are suspletoua now," said Mr. Coetlcen. "and that hi a natural re sult at wo sippinger lauuro.- NORTH YAKIMA IS TO II AVE SUGAR FACTORY fgpertal Dateatm a Tea JeanuM SeatUe, Wash.. Sept. 17. Jacob Purth. preeldent of tho Puget Sound National bank; Lester Turner, president -of tho Flrat National bank; J. W, CI lee, presi dent' of the Washington Trust Co.; Maurice McMloken. vlce-preeldenrof the First National bank, and C J. Smith, a spplMllat. bare organised a ll.000.0O0 oorporatlon which will erect a large sugar beet auger factory at North Yaki ma. Wash. On of tha Urgent refineries ta tha weet will bo erected, and nest yaaro' crop of beets will be handled. Special Inducements will bo made to farmers ta grow beeta. Tho government, .after In vest 1 ration, haa declared tho aoll of that section partloalarly wall adapted to tho culture. ' . : , . 1 -1 larfu 1 1-,- H.I.M ftlf PB A Wa (spvrUI Dlapar te The Xoarael.f Che maws, , Or.. Sept 17. The prune drier at tho Indian school started thla morning. There aro no Italian prunes but a largo erop of Pat 1 tea. Tba drier will run about two weeks, during; which time about S-000 buehela wiU be dried. Only a portion of theae coma from tho government oremrd. The prunes of neighboring fanaora are being dried on akarea. ' The nabool oreherd will wlsl shout too bushels. (BTseM Ptassteh e The JesresL) Moooow. Idaho. Sept. IT. Fire broke out In the olectrla light plant here last night which for a time threatened tta deatructlon. Tho djunage, however, was small, owing to tha ottorta of asen la tba neighborhood.. ' " fail ail Mpata e .The Jearaai.) Cotfax. Wssh Sect. 17. Mra W. at. Raby, formerly of Colfax, was recently appointed a Jvatlos of the peace at Colo rado Springe, being tho first wnmaa fea hold tha oAoe at that atete. , (gpeelal Mssateh ta The JiweaU CoquUla, Or., Sept. . a. B. Suafcau, who waa oeavtoted by a jury lata last Monday night of aaaault aa hla 11-year- old daughter, waa today eentenood to ov sxaat wn mm. VAJB.Pom 1 (Spaeml Inapatefc by teeaed Wtoa4aha Jaeraal) San, Franoleco. Sept. 17. It ta an 111 wind, that blowa nobody pood. Tha baffllas breeaea that rant tho Britlah ahlp Drumburton on tho rooka at Point Sea Pedro oauaed the loaa. of a at out raeeel, oauaed her- maoter to looa bin llcenae for a period of three montba, but If tho atatemento of John Baxneeon. who flsurod prominently in tho traaaport acandal. . are ,to bo taken aa truth, tha ownera of the reeeoi did not auffer aa a result of the wreck. -On tho contrary. It la apparent from - atatemento made before tha Naval Board of Inquiry yea terday that there la eometlmea profit In loalna a vaaooL The board of Inquiry whtoh has bean eoavoned at the British eoneulate for the past two eon ol ad ad ta labor laat ovenlna-, and aa a result the oertlfl oata of Captain William Thomas, maa ter of the Britlah ship Drumburton, was suspended for. three months. It havlnc beoa deolded that he waa responsible for the loss of tha vessel. ; Incidentally Cap tain John Barneaon, port owner of tha vessel, gave testimony before the board that ahowad that tha lees of the ship waa more than made up by tha lnauranoa ha earned. t - Pured at Batadala ; y Ha atated, that tha hull of tha Drnm- burtoa waa valued at I40.0M, that aha waa looally tnaured to tho value of 000 and oarrled en msuranoa poller on her unearned frefeht of lt,O0. that m all, tha lnauranoa on tho voaeel exceeded her valho by 1 10. 000. Captain John Be moo on flarurod In the transport scan dals of three years-ao. at whlob time bo waa m&rlae superintendent. Slaoo leartBa tha tranoDort servloo bo haa been eiwaajed In. te ohlpplns; busineaa. He la the manaainc owner of the Drum- burton. Bis testimony woo taken yes terday moraine; by tho naval board, and part of It waa oonaldered of auoh Im portance that It was Incorporated tn tho find ins of tho oourt, Tha decision of tho oourt reads! ' 1 . "The oourt .further finds that the ball of tho Drumburton la insured locally to the value of Mi.fOO. with 113,000 on her unearned freiaht. that aha waa aban doned to tho underwriters Sentember th and-formally abandoned September th. subsequently she was sold to John Bara- oaon for 11.000 less expenses. Before tho naval board yeatordar Caa- tala Barneaon atated that bo waa au- atna; owner of tho Drumburton; that her huU waa valued at 140,000; that tba Western Commereial company, an. Amer- ttoan 00 rpo ration, owned SI oharea la the eblp and that ho pereo nelly owned 10 aha roe. The romalntne; hares, ho stated, ware owned by Brttlahera of Victoria. In finding Captain T nomas responsible for the loaa of tha Drumburton Septem ber id. tha board atated thlt be erred in, neglecting to anchor -to tha thick- fog that preraiied. The decision reads: "Tha wrongful not of default of the paid .William Thomas In anchoring 00a- tributed directly to tba looa of the ahlp " The deelaloa states that the course set by the captain at .noon on tho day tho Drumburtoa was lost - ahouM have brought him back ta tha Inrhtahip. . la stsad tha vessel passed south of the eouth bar buoy, and thla. t la asserted, abould have Indicated to tho oastaln that atroas; currents were setting him out of hla oourse. Then, it la argued, he should have 00 me ta anchor. Again, tho board flnda he erred when bo got sound ings a If fathoms instead of So. PATHETIC REQUEST V OF AGED PIONEER ISpirlal Masaarn t Tea iaereel.) v Clarkeston. Wash.. Seat. 17 Jesaa PL Cole, aa aged man and a pioneer of thla aertlon, whoee. uneontrolUbl anaotlto for llquori haa been a source of never ending trouble to htm. has at but ap plied ta tha onVraJa for shatter at the county farm during tha winter. Some time Ago Cole's wife and children all left him and when his wlfo naked for a divorce aad all of tb property, her re- oueet waa granted. Ho recently underwent trial for al leged assault with a deadly weapon on bio ooa-ln-law. whom he tried to ehoot. but hi this ease he was seeultteA if. tor a lffe of hard work he la now with out a place to key hla head and asks protection at tho hands of tha oounty. MASTER BAKERS SIGN v? A NEW AGREEMENT ' fSMulal I tea n Cat Tim ail I Spokane, Sept 17. The master sake re have signed tho now agreement aub- mlttsd by the Bakery and Confectionery Workers' union, and the aoala fixed will bo In effect until May 1 of next year. Tba aoala la practically tha aamo aa laat year, with tho exception that the baker wilt be granted every holiday. Tha master baker were at flrat unwill ing to oonoede thla point, but tho union worker have made arrangementa to get out the baking for oaoh holiday on tho preceding day, ao that no aerlooa trau Ma need be oauaed by the new arrange ment. The now agreement want Into ef fect yesterday. " ) STOCK SITUATION IN EASTERN OREGON (aMal CHssetea bj Tsa JearaaL) " Baker Cttr, Or., Beat IT. Agoat W. 9. Lawronoa of the O. R. K. Co., advisee that orders have Just aaea raeelvetf for the ahloraent of 10 oars of eottla to Walla Walla, ami It to Seattle, aad two cars of sheep to Chisago Thla marks the turn la tha oat tie market, aad It la beUovee by atoek men hero that srtoee will Improve, and aome of tho aurplus stock oan bo got on tho ran gee. ' Tho Indloatlono are now for a fait win ter, and with ordinary weather there will bo feed enough to earry the stock through without hardship, although moat of the ranchers will bo glad to sou some of their herds at raaaoaabla artoea oaa ge had. ivaAa woai a way (Ssertel rassetsh at Tsa laeraaL) Chemaka, Or. Sept. 17. Now that hop pfekiAg a over aad tho atata fair la a thing of tha past, work at the Indian school will settle down to regular rou tine. Too schoolroom work will bo aoea- maaoed- In earnest oa blonder. AU of tho taaohoro are aow aa tha grounda. For tho past two weeks a number of W ar offering a Black Thibet Suit lor young men which is cry stylith aad dressy. It Is mad in newest style, and we -aurantee the color and wear. Our price is flO ' We atao ; show a cornplete line of Fancy Mixture Suits at price ranging from V . $6 to h Suits Pressed Free : If you buy your clothing of press them free, of charge, t parents will appreciate our LAST DAY OF THE FAIR A SUCCESS (assrial IHapateft m The leamaL) . Betas, Or- Sept lT-Todajr oloaad tho moot suooessful atata fair la tha history of the organisation. Tha ttteadaaea waa heavy for a closing day. Continued good weather baa ; oontrlbuted tta ahara. to make tba fair a iroiai Bvory visitor expressed aatUfaetloa over-the seaeoa'a show. Tha axalblta ware plentiful and mrieL ....... Tha raeeg today ware the beat of the most. They broke the northwest roeora for seven -eights of a mil a, Nonle, going in 1:10. A aummary of areata la aa follows: Flrat raoe. Knral Spirit ataka, 1:11 pace, purse $1,000 Kelly Brlggo won; loroi, second; Eeaiock. third. Time, lat, :1SH. 1:04, 1:L t;10Hi saeond, :tm. 1:01. 1:40 U. Second raoe. free, all trot, puree MO Coronado won: Hack Hack, aeooaa; n. XX B.. third. Tlmov t:14M. Third raoe, running, sailing. Ilea, for aoa-wlmmrs at tho meattng; oustance five furlongs Urbano won ha .1:0144: Agnes Hack, saoond: Vaughn, third. Aurora loaa PoboU aad Zadaa alao ran. rourth raoe. six furlongs, tlM, bob placed second and third la thla meeting Scbamo won la 1:14; Albemarle, aeo ond; Myrtle H.. third. Oypsy Belle, Lady Myrtla. Cases do. Walklns Ovortoa also Fifth raoe. running, aeren furtongs Nonla won hi l:Hl Colonel Anderaoa. aeeond; Shark, third. St. FhlUlplna also ran. '' ' . ' . CHALCRAFT ARRIVES AT CHEMAWA SCHOOL nkectat mssateh ta Tho JaarasL) Chomawa, Or.. Sept 17 Supervisor Bdwln I Chaleraft. tha newly appointed superintendent of tha Cbemawa Indian school, arrived thla morning from the Bast. Ha waa accompanied by hla wife and two ohlldrea. Ha will aot assume ooatrol of the eohoot affairs untU Oo tober lat, at whtoh time the raalgnatloa of T. W. Potter, tha pros sot superin tendent, goes lata effect. Until than Cbaloraft wUl remain at the aohool In tha capacity of supervisor and wlU ar range for tha transfer of property. Ha haa at various tlmos held positions as superintendent at eeverel schools. Ho haa always atated thai Chomawa waa hla favorite aohool and as supervisor had dona much for It It la In ao way feared that tha aggroasiro policy of Su perintendent .Potter will not be oarrled out by the now appointee. Superintendent Potter ta at arasont at tha fair m St. Lou la. A telegram re eel red from him today atated that he would return to Chomawa either Tuesday or Wednesday. Ha will remain at the aohool untU after tho tranafsr haa boon made, after wbloh he will probe hi jr lo-' onto la staUineTham. - - GLIMPSE AT MONEY ' IS PADDY'S UNDOING . . . , f . (Bp ilil Mssateb at The JearaaL) - La Orsnds, On. Sept - It. A poeket- book oontalnlng a considerable aura af .money waa stolen from Charles, Cola In tha Palace saloon laat night by a man giving hla name as Paddy Noonal. When Cola wont ta pay for k few drinks he took ttO from hla aooXolbook and while waiting for the ehange laid that recep tacle on the aounter. When he received the change 11 ka found tha pocket book missing; alao aaa of tha man from tha group of three that had aaea, a leading ar him. Tba athar men Immediately stepped out, overtook tha mlaalng man and a few feet from htm found tha pocketboah, he having throwa it from aim. Ha waa brought before Justice Hough todsy and plaoed ander I 100 bonds to appear be fore the October term of elrouit eeurt 1 ... ,t l :- T'r'ajs; af arrrsj . JM snUTSV-dlOBlB obs voa iiTisaiSBTi9 os a amB. eonre sbt use,, uibbb aaoa ausairivn..-. .-t '. SUvarfMhra ad On page It will la- A Word to m, YOUNG MEN . ; about thdr : r CLOTHES "y and our ' v Suits $15 1 tt us we repair and and besides your' saving priceev , CRUTCHES KO BAR TO flIS JOMG (Sseelal IMasatch ta The ataraal. 'Spokane, waabu. Sept. IT. For week past the paoplo of thla city have been bulldoaed by a neatly dressed, good looking young man, with Big, Innocent area. He has bees raking la the shskels aa ha hobbled about the street aa erutohes. telling hla aaaefaetora that ha waa afflicted with- ooosumptloo and waa trying ta raise anaugk moaey ta gat modloal treatment. To substantiate hla elalma ha shows a letter algnad by a Dr. Alloa af Stan wood, Wash., which plaoa he aaya 18 hla home, statins; that be has already under gone five ope rations, and that It would bo a kindness to aid htm oa his way. After tha young man, who gave hla aama aa -Boa F. SmdlcoU, had been here p few days, word waa reoelvett at the police atatloa that tha poor orlpple had been bowling la tha Coeur d'Aleno al lays for soma nights, Aa offtoar waa sent to Investigate, and found tha young man making- a reoord as a howler, while hla arutchoa hung on tUb wall. JEndl oott waa taken to tho polios atatlon, where ha admitted having 111 la hla pocket Ha alao said ha waa living com fortably, aad had been oocupylag a room at oaa af tha hotels alaoa oomlng ta apokane Hla good clothes aad healthy appear ance testified to tba faot that ha waa well eared for. . THINKS EMPLOYMENT V A FIRST REQUISITE (Bfeetal Mapateh to As Tim ail ) . Baker City. Sept IT-Speaktnar of tha movement on foot throughout tho stats under tho direct loa of the Oregon Development league to Induce Immlgra tlaai and the I meatman I etf Mnltel a 'Baker City man just returned from tha World'a fair made tbeee suit-eat ions: at-strikes, me that the flrat thing wa aught to do here la Baker City looally and la Baker oounty la to get something for people to do when they oonoe here In other words, I would not Induoe gen eral Immigration antll wo bad aaoured capital to aid aa In developing aome of our rssoaroao aad establishing factories to ataka payrolls. Wa have plenty of leads that aught to be Irrigated, if aot by government by private enterprises, and when Irrigated these will provide homes for many mora farmers. "A largo amount of that work hi gofng on now by private enterprise and there win soon be room for diversified farm ers to take up their homes here. There ta nearly always an opportunity for minora to find employment, but aa a matter of fact our mineral reaouross are only In their infancy and the oapttallat nould oome before tha working man. 1 believe a good deal hi the art net pies of Deaa Hart of Denver, who worked oa theae linen for many yearn la hla ef forts to develop Colorado. "Provide employment for man ta your fwlda, mines, timber and faetorlea and provide new land at raaaoaabla rates for farms re and It will aot be difficult to get the people hare. Tha hard part m to get aomebody with euff iclent meana to help ua make aondltlona right for Im migration. The development lea rue la a grand, good movement and 1 hope that our local branch will do all that It poe albly aaa aloag theae lines.- ... , A BATBBPOBV. (ftaeeta! PanMtek a Tee Tiaaal ) Davenport. Waoh., Sept 17. Isaac Mfohaeis, a ptonosr of Liaooln- oounty and of tha weat. died at hla homo here Wednesday and tha funeral waa held yesterday. It waa ana af tha largsst aver held la thla county and waa in charge of tha Modern Woodmen and of the Grand Army. Hla death waa vary sudden, ha having; beea to town tha day before. He waa 1U only a few minutes. He la aurvrved by a widow aad aavaaal grown children. an frjpsxa kajtbs nr f""IJ AS A B See IB BT BAT ZV BFO- sra BBOompe bt aTxears ta oav mn on or . oxtt. : . , OUR 2-P1ECE 1 V SUIT !just the Suit for School Wear :. i PRICE 01NL.Y. m?T v. (ID I If you are aa ecoiiotnixing mother you will appreciate trading r here, becauae your dollars go so far. The Two-Piece 8uits . which we are offerinf; at fS.OO are la Norfolk and Double-; Breasted Styles, fat Blue and Fancy Cheviots, also Tweeds. They are for sises to 16 years. Buy your Boys1 Suits of us and youH save con siderable naoney.' .;, :k School Supplies Free We are presenting with purchase of Boys Clothing, Hata or Shoes choice of 8chool Sup plies, Knife, Ball, Marbles, Top, etc ; R0A9 f K0;i MIST . TO CLATSKANIE of euswis asm Bssoal DWsatea a Tsa JearsaL) Houltoa, Or., Sept 17. A new eurvey fg being made on tba county road from Clatakanls to Mist.' Whlla It will lengthen .tha distance a half a mile K will reduce the grade to leas tbaa 1 par oaat la the ateapeat plaoa -and tha aver age aoroaa tba mountains will only be About I per cant.. Thla will be a great Improvement ever the eld reed wbloh la la places almost U per sent grade. It la tha Intention of the oounty to make some permanent road, and before doing thia it la dee 1 red to place the roads on tha beat possible grade. About 0. 000 was apent oa roads la thla coun ty thla year. There will probably be laaa tbaa that amount apent next year, unless special precinct, levies are made. Tba county oourt at Ita rsosnt sees loo took tha initiative la tha matter af ob taining material for aa exhibit at tha Lewis and Clark fair. Tha court urged tho organisation of Lswls and Clark clubs In every precinct la the county, with a view to organizing a county club. whose preeldent should have charge af tha oounty exhibit The oourt alao protnlesd to bear part of tha expense af getting tba exhibit aad paring; soma ona to took after H.. The Columbia oounty hopplckers have ty all returned and by tba way there wera mora people of this county went thla year than in any former year. Moat of them report having dona well. oonelderlag the price for picking, which waa aot aa good aa waa ax pec ted. :- VUBsTS &XQtTOB fBseael MspMsh at The JeorseLt Colfax, Wash., Sept IT John Wal dos waa Brought down from Tskoa to day charged with eelltng liquor to tha Indiana. Ha waa fined fiat and eosta. Ha la aa old offender, having served IB months la tho penitentiary for burglary In Lincoln oounty. OOUITT . BBS 1 BBS TO FBiACB BnearwATS oa bxbt iibsibi s esiiis ibsbb , eMAjrrunosT OIiABa OafVBSL' ' Prices to Suit the Pocket SUITS THAT PLEASE THE PEOPLE 7 Wife nrou faiowdW, you told me to invest that money to that I'd have something for a rainy day. r- Huaband - Wife eA beret tha h vestment. Did you ever sea a loveUer RAINY DAY SUIT, m your life? It coat me only 'f 25.00, made especially to order by the new manufac taring cloak . They do the same good work for men. Dont you thu.' you had better place your order there for your new Pall Suit? ,2C3V.'.i ST. SZLLI IB a M . WI. :s (ID HOP YIELD CF POYAllliP VALLEY sialal Pkejatm to The JearaaL Puyallup, Wash., Sept 17. With very few exoeptiona there will ha few grow ers who will receive mora than twe thlrda of a erop of hope thla season. Fields upon which tt was estimated that' the yield would amount to about a full crop, lacking perhapa 100 pounds, will aot yield, more tbaa two-thirds af a crop. - , - I Tha hopa whtoh were supposed to ha fewer but af average alas and solid have proven ta be smaller and softer. Ona yard ta which pickers have hereto, fore averaged nearly two boxes a day, thia year 40 pickers barely got 71 boxes, making- aa average of ana aad quarter In the upper and af-tba Pnyallap val lay tha blsck spider 4s doing very de structive work, Tba rust la pretty bad In Boaee yards around here and through out tha valley. Said one prominent grower today, -tha ,lice are even worse man way nave aaea lor taa past two yeara. la tha Herman Klaber yards at thla plaoa, oontalnlng about 110 scree, tha picking will last a little mora tbaa two weeks wmereae before It has taken from four to alg weeks ta harvest tha aro. , Pickers are plentiful thla year, thoa Bands have beea turned away aad he many cases the growers have ao many that It la necessary ta pick but one-halt a day now and then In ardor to take care af tha extra amount picked during tha previous day. Tha hop market Is lively. IT to If oan to having been offered. LUpxm-kKaawiE-TuaW;oJ nam i a namnui tw umkjm roe niu. aMTaauuU w I .aaueiwarmn rmrr esnnvTT.- po pry a pjflfjj . :. - MYea,M v and suit bouse. N3-H I." I il MAJOBJTW OF aaTtM WTJbSr BB obztb A Two-raxmss emeav- BXdunc sfjuijus Ajra aura Ama teachers hero boon aa detail work ta tha hop yards. . - aa B ims vol kMna servo 10 year at too penitentiary. toraat tha ladlaa . Band lb i