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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
- V.-'-V' ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNA& ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, SEPTEMBER 18, 1901 (SEAT NTBI)SIASM i' FEARFUL DANGERS - ' BAILEY GATZERT a tjt'a oa esnao a esss. ruin tm wtu i ni-ii i X ; OF ALPINE TRIPS ATTENTION ? ' W fiW? OVER HIGH SCHOOL OAS BIG CARGO Our Store Is Full of Comfort tor the Sickroom and Al?9 to Health v Mion TBSIMBt nr pa- lUaMfSbT lOa BmrjTM rwo srtrsTsmn Vwjts ev WMMM.9 TO CTtT if- ' i 3 t - V :yi - ' . f J' 'I: I- a. ) i',- 1 v y ' - f ' : y ' ) : ;'' y r-'yi it In favor of the propoeed awm hish school for Km! Portland- Is growln rapidly. Resident Of the Mt Id are demanding Uut Cho building ahail be erected the oomlng mr snd Urn lumbm of - Um eltleena f th Ml Bid arc expressing hearty approval f tba aroJeet. At the . bum meeting held Friday plant la' Kut Portland to dlscuaa brldase oVer Sullivan' a gulch t the cntli ..--& Orud and Union ivtnu crossings, n- ' thuelasm over the propoeed high school - "V broke forth spontaneously. Whitney I BolM proposed a, resolution expressing approval for the project. Resident frei All parts of Bast Portland war proiant ad th resoluUo did not meet with (M v isseBttug rot, A prominent citisew of th east side 4a discussing to proponed school laat evening stated that a la of tha opinion ihet a new falsa school h badly seeded. 91 eaidi "Wi bay good lot adjoining tha Central school which la suite centrally ,- located and It la the ooaeanana of opln iftou of those with whom I bar talked . regarding tha , matter, that tha high school ahould ba looatad bar. I be , Ueve tha building should ba aroated thlo ' eotalna; rar. In ordar to acoomnodat ' tha laraa anunbar of atadaata who daalro . blh aohoal adueatloa, but who will . ba unahU ta anUr tha old arhool oh a eount of Ita arowdad eondlUon, 1 beltTa a two-atorr brick bnUdtac : hould be araotad, ajuadranarular la ehape, la tha aantar of which abould ba eourt. Thla eourt ahould ba oorored with a. chuai roof and aaod a aa aa awmblr hail. Tha recitation rooma aboula ba looatad around thla aquara, Manr at tha aoheala f the aaat are built aa thla plan. 1 am not la favor of auoh a lofty bulldlna; aa tha old hlh . aehoal building' for the roaaem that It la very toconvenlant.' "Of eeuree I aaa a favor of a Paw . . hlch achool In Beat Portland.- -aald. oVhttmy ti Botaa. "An the people on the eaat aide are of tha aaaM oplaioa aa asraelf. - Thla waa Baaalfaat laat ' ta-ht by the hearty aaaaaer la which the ' teaolatlom expreealne; approval -for the -projeet were adopted at the roaaa aaeU . ln- bald for the parpoaa of dlacuaalna; the bridge queatlon. "W have eae-half of the aobool pepn tatloe oa the aaat aide and for thla ran -eon we are entitled tea new blab aehooL If one la to be buUb The popolaUoa oa the aaat aide of the rtvar la alao Inereaa - tnaT wy rapidly and a new aobool oa - tha Mock adjoin la the Central araab aaar aeboal woutd be a free ooovani ' ano t the atudenta wha realda there. 'The preaant hlb achool building hi . Inadequate ta oar for the puplla who , , are aaaklnaj a hlait eohool education. I , believe It will ba much more eeonomleal to ereot and aaalntaln a new uetttute . than to anlaote th old building. v "The new building ahould ba two Btertea high aw that Um atudenta wlU . not have to elUab ao many atalra. Bow- , ' ever, the plana for the propod build- , . tag Uea entirely la tha hanaa of board of dlreotora. Judge C B. Belllngar of the U. glatrtct eourt etated that hi Tlew t the ; facta that a large peroentaga of the achool population la on the aaat aid . and that tha eld building la evr- , crowded It la hie opinion that a now high achool ahould be built .on the eaat . aide. He atated that the -movement ; meata with hie epproval. There la talk among tha resides, ta of t the eaat aide about holding a maaa meet tng ta dlaouaa the matter In th near future when th attuatloa will, be thor - eughly eonaldered and . commit tea ap pointed to oonfer with the board of dl- leetara regarding the propoeed building. .. tmtr aakad th girt who was saw to -the game. ' "Oh, to guard th diamond, I anp piaa," aaawered the cigarette holder who " waa acting aa her escort. ( ajsBBBBaaiHBBBaBCBfapBSeBDSBBmm Vision Corrected Sdentifically By our G 1 a . Wt ctA improvt your tight so that , Jt will become the greatest ource of contentment rJfe Lenses - : Are ground on the premises, ineurmf accuracy to the . most complicated examina- . tion. ' v fe Frames Are of the latest models and patented from the best ideas as to ease and comfort V i ' 1 OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS y filled with the greatest pro-, - t itciency. -c4- c. 7'-' ; Feldenheimer Corner Third and Waebiota Iti Jewalaia ailvaiaiiailia A- -. r. A 'i . . I ' 1 I I I AQUIUiB PB CIUBFON ON MONT BLANO, THB) DEATH WALL OP THIS ALP . (Cearrlckt, Beaiet Hews Barries, by Xessai . Wlr ts tns JaraaL Oeaeva. aWnt 17. Tbre members of the DUblerete section of tha Alpln dub have Just aocompllshad a remarkable climbing feat. Ouldeleas and wltnout being roped, they set out at flv a. nv from the hut situated at the foot of tha Chatbarg, at a height of 1,171 matrea. to climb tha Bletschora, S.flit metres. ona of. th moat difficult climbs in th Alps. , - , The Alptntata reached th summit at $n mlnutea peat nine a. vl, and deduct Ing forty mlnutea for rat on the Fruh stuckplats, they took only three' hours thlrtv mlnutaa .la .mmcmaA 1.1SS bmItM. Instead of the seaal five hours and ftt; teen mlnutea. M. Beaujard, off Parte, waa raosnUy plaated hla 'plolet" on the virgin peak umm mm ENGINEER IN FIRE xw AOomaaT oar tajtk An xa m mt m T PI re te the boiler rooma of th tank steamer George Loo mis yaeterday after noon Is supposed to have been caused by the explosion of ona of th vessel's oil buraars and will probably result In th death f Jamee Whalen, third assistant engineer. Whalen Ilea unconscious at St. Vincent's hospital and small bops Is entertain, of hla recovery. TbeOeorga Loomla waa lying at the Standard Oil oompeny'a dock at Ports mouth yesterday arternooa unloading olL Tha vessel is on of the Standard Oil eoupanys tank steamer. Whalen was on duty In th bellsr rooms. On of the ell burners Is supposed t have ex ploded and Whalen was wrapped in flames. Columns of firs and dense cloud of smoke shot up on the decks and the erew Immediately . began te ftght th Are. Whalen was found horribly; burned and unoonaclous. He waa removed quickly to a email boat and two aaUora started with him towards tha eltp. A short distance from the vessel they met the gasoline launch "Firefly." They hailed the boat and th unoonaclous man waa taken aboard. It started for th elty but It was suddenly discovered that Its supply of gasoline was exhausted and the vesael lay Mly la the stream. The launch ', "Active" was ' hailed while passing and took Whalen te tba city. An hour was lost by this delay. On reaching the dock Whalen was moved at oncer te SL Vincent's hospital. Whalen la S years eld.. Ha has a family living it IN C etreet, Taeosaa, Wash. When th Are on board th vessel was discovered an alarm was sent to the Braboat, George H. Will Urns. Th boat' made the trip of five miles In 24 mtn utea from the time the alarm was sounded. The hoee ort board the Loomla waa burned and oa the arrival of the ore boat th flam threatened to spread over the vessel. Captain Dolaoa of the fl reboot used hla eoet to smother' the Ore la a bucket of oil and ethr firemen used similar means to extlngulah the small fires that were beglnnlag te ap pear is various places. Th flr waa aoon ander control and only inning loaa was sustain! The flreboet made good bu th elatms' that have bee made for It In quickness. Before It had gone thrse-fonrths of a mils there was lot pounds of etaam la th eoel boiler and la th other holler there la always s brewurs of , til pounds. - A -j "'' i- ' FXBASSD WITH NinifV. ' ' ' Howard Somers, a- prominent mer chant of St Paul, has been In Mint elty for t several daya oa business matters. IT will leave for hie home city tonight While In this elty Mr. Somers has bees the gueet of Sheriff Word. He vb preeaed himself as greatly pleased With Portland and believes it nas gooe commercial future. He ears that the lftel aa-poeltlon to being well sdvrtlad throughout th east and middle west by th railroad companies and that Uie at tendance from thoe seeUons ' win doubtless be Urge t'' PC1 of th Aiguille da la Republiquai after three daye devoted to futll attempts, la continuing hla remarkable aacenta of the moat difficult peaks In the Mont Blaao range. aVcoompasled thla time by his friend, M. Call let and the guldea, Joseph Bavanel and Benolt Simon. If. Besujard climbed the Deat'oa Oeant for the first time thla aeaeon. Among hla other climbs are tha Gre pon. both the Atgutllaa Pros by the route Olraud, and three times Mont Blanc, being caught In a vtolant snow atorm the laat time and obliged to pas nearly two hours on an exposed ridge. The member of the party lay flat u the tee. exMoUaa every pAoment to be whirled sway to destruction by the force -af the wind. whlchs bowaven abataaV and the deaent to Chmweatx was made without any further laetdaat HAZAMAS, VISIT COUNCIL CREST Out at Council Crest met sight A hun dred afasamas gased down upon the city. But not a light was seen nor any algn of ,th jgreat Portland that lay beneath. Smoke oompletaly obeeured tha view. Th mounuin climbers loft the elty St tttt o'clock yesterday . , afternoon, armed with alpenstocks end Japanese lanterns.' The Council Crest la the highest peak near the elty ao tnat point was made tnelr destination. Alter reaching the place they found that Cot L. L. Hawkins had made ample pro vision for a bonfire and had plenty of water on hand for coffee. t Many baskata were taken on the trip Vhlch were opened when the summit waa reached and a repast prepared. A huge bonfire was etarted and after lunch was served speeches were mad. The Japanese lanterns had bees lighted and hung around the camp. Am on a: thoe who spoke was Will O. Steel who told of the pro pacts of next year for lolnlng with the Sierra club of California and climbing Mount Ranler. Judge North mp gave a graphle account of th recent trip to Bbsata. wnlia Oeorae H. Hlraea gave an Interest ln historical sketch of Council Croat cover ing a period of the laat st or yen re. Mlaa McBride gave an aoeount of her ascent of Mount Lyle end there were several, othera who gava Interesting Ulka. The speaking waa Interspersed with Pongs. - At s:S9 the bugle sounded and the Meaamas began the return trip Indian file back te the city. Eaoh carried fata 1 1 anted Japanese lantern and walked oteer Into the city. The older ones who became ' tired boarded a Portland Heights 'ear and rode a portion of the distance. Th majority. however. marched down tha oar tracks and many a wondertna glanoe was oast la tha direction of the ourtous Hie of men and women bearing Japanese lanterns as they aaa rc bed through the streets, v t HOLY ROLLER IS TAKEN TO SALEM Edmund CreffleM, the high Holy Roller sentenced to serve two years In th penitentiary by Circuit Judge Sears, was taken to Salem yesterday afternoon by Sneclel Deputy Sheriff Clyde Hvans. He waa handcuffed' by the deputy. When Creffleld left the )ell the other prison era hooted and hissed his. a. shouted -Glory be te Jesusl" "Trom the Chicago Record-Herald. The new king proudly wears his crows. The new horse, Just brought to town. BtOtraTTAZg CtlkllM VAJCa BOM wajuc ajtd mass amT mastt ajrmaomaa atAira amotm ABDP VamaaaASOSI BAOX TS Showa off with all bis might ' - The trade mark's ever on the nee , m this eld. old world's affaJra; It always Is the new rich wb i , , A urns Um proudest sirs. . . A Loaded with freisht and aaawangaas Tba Dalles boats arrtved yeaterday st th aeual ttnTe. Th BaUey Oatsert broagbt IM tons of freight th btggeet cargo that shs ever carried. It oonalat- ed of III tons of .wheat which were taken n at Lyle, aad a mlaoellaaeoua aasorbnent at other products, i Th heavy burden Bank that ataamer down in th water te her guards. But for 11 that she -mad a faat paasase. reaching Portland at 4 o'clock. Th largest cargo that the Oatsert ever car ried on ear prevlouo trip was IM toss. There Is some talk of uslng'the steamer altogether la th grain carrying trade until nil the erop up the Columbia baa beaa moved. In the event that thla nlaa la carried out th other steamera of th line will handle the other freight that la offered for shipment to Portland. . The Spencer alao had oa a full earg of general freight but carried no wheat The Regulator line off steamers gets sll of that Us of business, for th reasos that 'the company operating them ewns toe Columbia Rlvar Northern railway ar which practically all the grain grown la Klickitat oounty, the great wheat halt off Weotern Weahlngtos, ta shipped. It la traaafsrrad at Lfl to th steamera. While going ta Tba Dalles Friday all th boats bad more or lees trouble oa account of th heavy fog. They got out of their ours several times and almost went aground. Tha Oatsert tied up at Ltnntoa and remained there for an hour watting for tha fog to lift It is re ported that The Dalles City went onto a sandbar and bad to be pulled off by another vessel. Tba Spencer waa con siderably delayed and bumped oa th bottom several times. WhUe thy bad narrow escapes from being disabled, all of the boats sneaaged t get through to their destination without meeting with any serious accident One or two eel lialeaa war barely averted. . . Not sstlsflad with th bids submitted by th various contractors for raising the steamer City of Topeka, which sank in the harbor at Beattla a few days ago. th nnderwrltera have decided to- under take th Job them 1 vs. This lnformaUoB waa reoelved yester day afternoon by Captain Crow in a letter sent him by the f underwriting firm. The ststement la mad that the lowest bid received from the contractor for raising th vessel waa Sl,f7B. As this bum la considered rather exorbitant th explanation Is mads that tha work will ba let by the day under tha super vision of ths Insufanoe people. Several daya ago ths member off the firm wrote Captain Crowe asking him If be could send them a number off pro fesalonsl divers from Portland. Yes terday he got word from them again stating that they had procured all th divers they needed at Ban rranclace ; The steamer Aberdeen ta expected to arrive in port this morning with a toad of tan bark from Shelter Cove. Cat - Oa th return trip eh .will take out wheat la her hold and a deckload of lumber. The grain wlU he supplied by Kerr, Olf ford A Co. . Pickers ar arriving br the hundreds on every steamer oomlng down from tha hopflelds. Th Oregona brought Set of them laat ventng, and oould not soeont modato all thoe who wished to make the trip, - - The steamer Republic has been placed upon the Llnnton and St Johns run. At present shs is making but two trips a day. but later It la the intention (or her to mak doable that number. ft 'hi understood that Cap. H. X. Por ter has been 'appointed stevedore fore man at the Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion oompeny'a docks and that be will enter upon hi new duties when the steamer Slider arrives from San Pran dsoo. Until a few months ago Captain porter was In oommand of th oriental liner Indrawadl, plying between New Tdrk and the far east At on time he was first officer on ths Indravelll, run-nine- ant of Portland for Ohlna and Japan. Recently he ba been In charge of ' the pumping station at Peldmont The captain Is wan and favorably know la Portland. ' Ths British bark Ruth well, laden with 3,000 tons of eoel from Newcastle, Aus tralia, arrived st the mouth of the Co lumbia river yeaterday. The eoel la for the Holm Coal Ie company of Portland, and will be received at the new coal bunkers that the Brm Just completing on Front street just below the Alblna ferry.- - , , . -t LONG BRANCH UP IN , ARMS AGAINST NEGRO (Baeelal Pbpetcfc ep Leeeei Wire te The Jeeraal) Long Branch, N. J., Sept 17. -Feeling te running high among the a elect ef one of Long Branch's moot exclusive streets. The agitation Is caused by the fact that a negro boarding-house la to be estab lished la tha Nob HUL seoUom off tfaM thoroughfare. JSnterptielng rest- eatate dealers are baking advantage of ia fact that col ored families with money want to-rent houses In this vicinity, and are renting thenv not withstand tng the kick thaf, la belns mad by ths dwelUrs. Lsng Branch Is up ta arm and th Slogan UJ "I can't stomach coon," FALLS DEAD WHEN HIS HORSE LOSES 1 (Spwtel iMssatei by Leaasd Win to Tee Jeerasl) New Tork. Sept. IT. The defest ef a L. Richard's three year-old eolt Oetrloh. by a noe tn handicap at Brighton Beach today coat the life off Qua Man nan, Richard's trainer. . If an nan had a large financial as well aa sentimental Interest k ths outcome of- the rsoe. He did net ess ths race, but remained In the barn. When the etableboy brought Ostrich beck, Hannan In a trembling voice asked what the out come of the race was "Beaten by a noee,' said ths stable boy. Hannan dl not gay A word, but Just raced at the boy. ' Then be suddenly threw up hie hands and fell la heap en th floor dead off heart disease, . - Pka Them eery as. . ' Have your work done by ., . , one who Is eapable of doing Ezclastvc Opticians.; ITS reeurth St) T. Mt O sV, PORTLAND MAN 1 TO I'lJiE.SBIT B. Andrew Hartman af this' city, th well tkaowa prompter of mining prep ertles located In the Nicola valley, B. C, baa won his ault brought against hla In Spokane, Wash., laat week by Oeorg Beaver, who alleged In his com plaint that ha owned a half Interact hi th propertlee being promoted by Hart man, which, are valued at tT.lOe.toe. Beaver claimed that he dleoovered th depoalta of coal m th N loo la valley and took Hartman aa his partnes with ths understanding that the hitter ahould sc our capital with which to develop the propertlee. Corporations wers formed. In none of which Beaver waa amsatloned as a. stockholder,- -, . Beaver brougbt suit to - occur a re straining order to prevent Hartman from selling any of the shares of stock. A temporary restraining order was granted and recently the matter vuu before the superior court at Spokane, whep the temporary restraining order was dissolved and the suit dismissed. Mr. Hartman atated yeaterday that Beaver had never .aided him in the least la the acquisition of the properties and that he cannot sse what Bearer's object was In bringing a suit when there was no foundatloa for hla allegationa, - "I waa la Grand porks, B. C. In IMS with Beaver," aaid Mr. Hartman. "At that time he told me In an off-hand way that ther war coal depoalta m Nooola valley. Mill creek and around Cold Water river, but 'he described no special point where these deposits were located. He su seated that It might be a good plan to go there and develop them, and we planned to go. "My son Thorweid had been with Beaver In that section and he alss bad seen the cropptngs of coal. When the time appointed for Beaver and myself to go to the Nicola valley came, he never appeared and X went and oontd aeverar properties. How be can no claim to hold a half Interest la the mines simply because be told me In an off-hand way that the cropping were there, lam at a loaa to understand.' Th capitalisation of th eompentee Involved In the suit are: Nicola Coal Mines, Ltd., l,S09.ftOo; Western Coal Iron company. l.Ta.00; Nicola Coal a Coke company. ll.OM.eOO; Nicola Valley Coal cb Iron oompanp, l,to,Ba. , MANY MEN INVOLVED (Continued from Pag One.) With th patents la their hands It waa then a simple matter for ths conspirators ta fllspflsa of the land. . , , Among the fictitious ntrymen named la th applications concocted by- McKtn ley and hla confederates were Robert Simpson, Robert O. Tupman. ftamuel L. Carson. Frank H. Hern, William H. Watkins aad James B. Warwick.' None of these persona, ft M said, had sny actual existence, and of soars their sig natures and acknowledgment wers pure fabrications. -, - - The defendants la these esses are sB out en balL Puter and Bmma Wstsos are aald to be ta Bt Louie. McKlnley and Marie War bave been traveling about the comtry, though sot in com pany. It,, la reported that McKlnley, Puter and Bmma Watson have been operating ia Arkansas achool lande, on lines similar to those which they followed la thla etate, Tby have alao found field for theft- activities In. Louisiana snd Mississippi. A prominent timber man of Milwaukee. WI,. who was Involved In their transactions In Oregon, Is reputed to be interested In these later operationa. He 'baa already attracted the attention of the government officials wb ar in vestigating timber frauds. . -... ... If the government ahould sweeeed tn getting convictions bi these caaea, H Is expected that tbey will lead ts Sls cleeures whicb may establish ths guilt ef other and mor Important criminals whose idenUty has thus far been only suspected. Htonry Maldrum, ewvnror -general of Oregon, will also be placed on trial thla fall, to answer the charge of making fraudulent Surveys of public tends. The surveys which form 1 the basis ef the charge were made during Bmgar Hr- QregonOpticalCo! H' i .- t y ... ' ' i ' " . .' a, Ajramaw bbtbiajk, btb bt BJUTlgJl OOaVVMOBa JBAJT TO BBS tbstt mat lumromimm or imrrjrs btoobv sBcumaei bast tzotobt A SPOKABB, ' - ' ' ' .y-r- -. Prof..RingIer's School of Physical Culture 309 Pliyilcal Department Btaglsr. Direetes. ' Arthat B, WUsoa, Aaalstaaa. Health gymnastira gracs movements, curative and correct I ve.eaerolees. for men, women and children i fat people reduced, short people made tailor. eiaae Work, pee partes. a leadS 3 e Private wnm, ii vMeei recital. imDersonatlnne. dramatic and vlted. Admrtelo Ire. Get iiokstf This Bedaldd Tabla can ba used '" by ths . invalid and convalescent. It's at ones a dining table,, a read- - ing or writing desk. Takes position or elevation, , " ?y. We Have the Most Coihplete Line ofy " . Crutches la the Northwest ' : f And if you ara ia temporary need we will rent them at a- nominal ratt'per'.tnontik t'f ;'i--'y - "yy''-y:l INVALID . . Adjustab le,' f : From $20 Up When wanted lor a short time karer - ' .' " - tTbls Is the 'Reform Spirit Gas Stove Burns wood alcohol; boils pint water In ten minutes; .usee no wkk; will last a lifetime. " . r . ' Price 69 Cents r r i n i j - 4 Is a cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases and Disorders of the Kidneys or Liver. ' Costs you THREE CE.NTS for a tfedicated Electric Vapor or Sulphur ; Bath in . your own room at home. Thousands have been benefited by their use. .1 ' Four Styles $3S0 $5.00 In pur Truss and Bandage Department We employ skilled men and women, who give their entire time end attention to this very Important branch" of our business. ; ?; 4 y j -4 . ' Popular . Price Druggists ; v & uhatnlamilin eff the "nnlted States tend offlos aad are said to have yielded to . tnoss cngagea w ms oon splrsair upwards of MO.000. ' ' """' " - . ; ' BBB BABOX SB BtBAbiT OP OXTr . There Is a be ranch wttb mors than a million . bees la th heart of one of the densest regldencs districts In San Pran claoe. It Is owned by Philip Prior, prin cipal of publlo school, and la fn ths little back yard of hla home. Pbr it years he has kept hla bees there, has harvested about s third of ton of honey eech aeaeon, and has -been st no expense for food for his Interesting and Indue trtoua pets Although It Is a dlstancs of NOW OPEN fOW TOU fcSAOtjrN ALDER STREET-TTlNBAR SIXTH DRAMATIC AUT r DPARTMXNT Busy Phalpa ef Okieages Btreetoe Elocution. Reading snd Dramatic Art; Begular diploma graduate ooarss of fered. - -. , .........T5y stnMBi aa. atehihitlMfi nf aiasBi work, ladiee short sketch work. Mlaa Ruby Phelps. . ft the scbook Bwss 1Mb d teg Oatalogne, any 7 CHAIRS Easy - Running, . - s. we wifl rent, at a moderate . "... -l : ' .' ' V y . You need one. . . -I - e Is tour Circulation Poor?! Our - V -' .-..'"- - AII Good v - $8.00,312.00 . .... vT -y' . two and one-half miles from th Palor bee ranch to Golden Oate park, th Prior beee make the trip there, collect loads of honey snd get back te the hive In "two minutes, making a bullet-like flight st th surprising rate of JM mllea an hour, Mr. Prior has denmnatrated this b having af observer watching certain bee favored places in the park and exactly timing the arrival' ther of bees he pur posely sprinkled with flour aa they Is sued from a hire. He has also kept tjms oa th abeeno of the whjtened bees, -. . , new ' e-m . There is such ft lMn s a child not, studying enough, and again there la such a .thing as a child studying too much; and the latter is th fworser.' and Drastic At Dcuidng DtpeuHmetit Pref, IB, wL Bingley pad Saturdar afternoon 'and Wednesday evening classes or prlvats lesson for edulta and yeang people, beginners and advaooed, Tha lata-dances will be taught. Application new reoelved. -5 a-OS If TBSBOBB nhvaloal culture el dramatia Reception to Inatrueters. Public as Clarke