The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 18, 1904, Page 19, Image 19

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' "7. ""t-
. 7.y:
- Prota the New Tor Hmld.
Although the aiMbtri actually en-
la th battle of the Tala May 1
an the Rum lan aide really- imoviUd to
i only to.too oembatanta all tow. H to
' - probable that other reaimcate of coa
aaeka in th vicinity would have swelled
' th flghtlna fore to J ,00. Thlo w
' tho number civan by Oeneral Kurokl ta
- 7r- Ul first report.
l, When Gotland Kurokl, after a difficult
and fatiguln? oiaroh from Chenampho
-. and Seoul, reached tba Tala rlvor aad
t began lo fool for hta enemy at various
polate of-paaaag ba appear ta have
"' threatened the Ruoatana ovar wide
' front. Tha earlier Ruaalaa r porta men
tlon tha appearance of tha enemy a lone
dtataaoe up tha river, walla tha Japaa
V have distracted attention ay threat
anlns descent at vartoua part of tha
- Hta flghttna foroo eoaatoted af three
'drrlelona, with artUlarr. or aasM ,00
fighting: nn an ls,eQt oooltee la tha
transport oorpa, ; v;, -.' -
Hiiillrt Haaaaa.
- Tba ra porta - concern! a Japan
novainta war forwaattod to Oanarai
KuropaUta. Ha aaclded tba poaltloa
bad baan bald knf anourb to 1ay tba
MMmjr ao4 that, in rtaw of tha aaaa with
which aithar flank aould ba tamad and
f aupartor nantbara of tba an a my, ae
- ebatlnnta stand In aueh n aapoaad po
' altloo waa. an aajaatlflabU rlik. Ha
aaay. bowavar, hava axpaetad that .
. atrona and eonfldabt foroa oT 10,600
r Ruaalana would ba abla to look aftar
ttaalf nd to fall back flahtloc If an
bbla ta raalat a paaaatra of tha rlrar.
U ilni ma hive vaakoaad .that hla.
' -J UautanaaU oould ooeapy auecoaalva pa
alttoaa until tba lfauan-Llna vaa
raachad. wbara It baenaaa abaolutaly Oao
. v aaaary to arraat tha anamy or neoapt
ha loaa of Iba wbota poatuon In tba 14ao
. irauar '
" . , Oanarai Kaah tall oaky vaanm to, Hava
. , takan a aorraet vtaw of Iho attoatlon.
tun ii m otiocbb cna nia piw mwm
-' f lRhUna; and amva biai dlraot ordar to
x'hoM bla grottnd. w ..-x-f-'-
Mia i Ian yaiana a tba Talm ' '
V Tba prlBM raaponalbUlty for thlo dla
' aatar la tna Ruaalaa anna naaaaaarU
"' . fall to Oanarai KurooatMa, bat It muat
ba admitted that hla ablaf oabordlnata
an tba Tala oarradl blm axoaaalvaly 1U.
. Oonaral taaaulltob knaw that bla flank
"araa rornad on tba aranlna at April ao.
v Ha alao knaw that a atroac foroa, waa
- apprttaebtnt' tha banks ot tba At. that
v tha atraam waa fordabla and that tba
- Yallara a baM hla aoalttan thara would
- . jaaaardtaa tba whola Una of batUa and
,- ' ' rrom tho Chicago Inter Oeeaa,
' " 1 Tha extracts from two letters from
' . , Count Lao Tolstoy wore written ta Paul
y ' Carua, the well-known socioiogtet, la ro-
. ply to kKtara writ tea ta tha great Koa-
4 alan. .
t. . Christiana bavo Ion ago given up
' tha faith of the church which during ao
' many eanturlee they had oaallfled aa
iu Christian, ao that at p recant any eerl
K oua inveatlaatlon aa ta tho foundatloa of
, -r this religion will undoubtedly bring
about Its utter eollapaa, Juat aa a rot
. . ' ten tree that has tha appearaaea of a
living one, if you but merely touch It,
;, " will fa U to the ground.
Even a unlvercal ooanoll. If tha
' ctiurchea had it convened, would be aa
v trtoky and domtnoerlna aa all co-celled
.... 'ooumenlcal eounclla of former tlmeo
f 'hav been. But what may bo called the
' ecumenical council of enlightened mod-
' em Europe hna aotually been la exist
1 arte for a lone time. It m workla In-
eeaoantly, aad wltk vaoulta whleh ara
. constantly in evtdence. Thlo ooonotl
eonslsts of all man who. In tha name
' af Ood and the truth, examine the so
', sailed sacred Bcrlpturaa and el ft out all
' .that la reasonable and good. diotArdln
that which ta untrue In ChfiatWn doc
; trioe founded by a few men who oall
them salves pa store and abepberda. tha
7 ' game aa Cbriet by whleh name ho for
bade them to bo aalleo-aa taua tna
membere of this council endeavor to
render olaar tho true meaning of Chrla
tlenity. And tbla ooanoll oomprlooa an
evarincreaaiaa aumbor of people, al
though aomo of them often remain In
Ignorance aa to the eniatoaoe a tha
atherf. j ' ' '
Por tho peace or a man iiw ywo, wn
. not only doubt tho truth of tha doo
, trine aa It has boon taught htm. but who
also underetenda that It la aot artai-
nelly Christian, but Hebrew in my
mind H lo aot oven Hebrew, but purely
pagan there ara but two waya of at
. lancing tha vole of Mo oonaoleooe;
either to lean only a poo tradition, to ho
Veome assured that th truth la only to
- that Wherein tho majority of men be
v Have, to bo bent on eubmlttinf to the
bypnotlo ohurch mfluonco whleh unbal
S anrae the people's Judgment and aot to
i ratify with hla reason tha doctrines that
i the chore aa ara affirming, or, waving
y recognlaed that oar reason la fciva ua
. not to throw aa Into eonfueioa. but to
; ahow ua tho truth, you should yield
, youreelf up to being Instructed by rea-
son. aot for tha aake af gratlfymg am-
bitlo or Idle onrloatty. but for th ral.
, Tatloa of your aoul and for the fulfllt
( meat of th will ea that Ood who gave
a our raaaoa.
1 believe la Ood. tho Father who gent
4 ane Into tho world with tho purpooo that
I may execute nie wim. anw pans i an
wnQld mil up bla eoraa diaaatrooaly,
DaaplU all tbla ha did notbina; and laft
bin aubordlnataa to f1(ht analdad for
aavaral hours with in alaoat tnalanifl
eaat foroa, conaistloT of two battarlaa,
aoma naachlna anna and ala battallono
aaainat aa ovarwhalmlnc faros of art 11
lary and twalra battailooa, haekad up or
iwo nun oiraniH, v. . ;
. SaaUa-af Tlasbaw.' v .
Tha' laoond - Japan aaa army, andar
Oanarai Oku, laadad at Pltaawo' May a.
During tba aubaaquant Ofwratlona up to
Hay rft Oku s array drova away tha
Russian detaokananta and aaourad control
of tha railway to Port -Arthur. , On tha
lth. bavin assembled at laaat two dl
vlaktaa la front of tha aoaaay, tha Jap-
anaaa ooaoaaandar attackad tha Russian
troops, oeoupylnc tha hlarh roua4 aaat
of Klnehow. and drova thaaa front tha
ftold. , Thaaa affatra wora tha ralouo
to tba Port Artbor drama. ,.
Tha Japan aaa hava paralstantly
through tha oaaapaicn ahown a p&arksd
dlalnoUnation to undartaka landtnca of
troopa whloh wora llkaly to ba oppoaad.
Tha loaa of Klaobow vaffaotad la no
way tba accurltr of tha Ruaalaa position
and advaooad but lltU tha oauaa of tba
Japs n aaa. for aU that tha batUa af Kin-
ohoa- ranka M a proud ono amoas tba
list of Japaatasa vlaUiiaa. With alnoat
varvthtDB- In Ra favor a atrona. fraah
and, eonf Mont Ruaalaa army, solidly 'la
tranehad bahlnd almost Inacoaaalbla
fortlftoatkma, and wall support ad by
aruuary, tha. position was fairly awapt
by tha ntlkado'a fo roaa.
In thta anaaaamant, aa tha Talu, tna
ala tar aarvloaa fit artlllary and Infantry
warn aaoat happily olsadod by tha Jap
anaaa. Fron that tlma on tha- tn vaa l-
aiant of Port Arthur waa aaly a oaatlon
of days. ; Tba navy waa aquaUs wall ant
nloyad and tha raault waa Uia bat Ulna
an of tbo Ruaala flaoi and tba Ruaalaa
nmni'-v I' '
Tha vailaya of tha Llao and Taltt aVa
aaparatad by a formldabla rlda of
mountaiaa. whlek In aaaaaura axtanda
almost In an unlatarruptad Una aw tna
ooaat to Wadivoatok, Thaaa moantalna,
whoa ranaoa ara knovm by various eon
fuatfta; namaa, oovor ataarly aU of tha
tarritory in whleh tha tmportant and aa
tiva opsrationo of tha two axnUaa hava
boon oarrlad sat.
It lav to put it mtidlr, dlfOflOlt tar
rltory far military aaanoaavraa, Tba
roada la tha low lytnc dtatrtcta ara in
variably bad. In wot woatbar thay ara
a Uttlo bottor than mud dltchaa. Bvan
Jm tha aaauntain dlatrlola tha boat oata,
traaka ara n6t good. Thaaa natural on-
V; ;:l:7 fc 4 PX- I
U Vd;f
i fnv?7 i-
la tbla, and knowing thai Ood la lev, I
that 1 came from Him. and that I will
return to Him. i need hava aa tear la I
oc la death. . A
2 C
F 'MTlirt,aM-BKlrrnr
ataelaa hava aarvad to kaan tha
gotlo Japanaaa farvaatly angagad, tn ad
ditions to ahalr aawraaalva oparatlona.
Tha IJao plain, to which tha, "rT
has now practtoally movad. m a rich
district aari culturally. Tha charaotar
tstle oron of tho oountry la a form of
tall grain, thara eallod mala, but whleh
la this oountry Ig battsr known aa aor
ghura. A aumbar of tba rooont angaga--monta
hava baaa markad by Infantry
oparatlona andar eovar of thaaa flolda
Aftar onoeoaaion of oporationa on
Iho Mth and Mm t7tb of Juno, tha Jap
anaaa auocaadad taT Tasifl n g aontrot- of
tha mountain eraat batwoan tha vallsy
of tho Llao dnd tha Talu. During: thaaa
oporatloaa tha paasaa of Fan-Shul, Mo
uan and Ta faU Into tha hands of tha
Jaoanaaav"v Xha- -faaaotta -Hotla
whleh waa aeaaldorad to ba almoat 1
v;..ii-7 .! ,
J -i ik' V
-J ' '
And I need aa ather doctHnea. 1 have
no niaoe to put them ami I eaanot help
earing so I look upon ail doetrineo edd-
ed to una laita aa inauita i uoa aaa aa
i rmaaasMMMMMSMaaiiMr in
pracnahla, waa oarrlad by tba Japan aaa
aftar a abi hours' fignt and a loaa of
only a hundred man." That the Ruaalan,
general gwkharoff waa less eoqaatnted
with tho typography of tho oountry than
bla adversary la pravad by tba faet that
hero again tba Ruaslana allowed their
flank to bo turned by tha Japanaaa and
thta waa done la the moot simple man
ner. The Japanaaa foHnd and oeoupled
a mountain track of whleh tha Riiaalana
did aot know.
The Japanaaa en tared Delay on May
It. During? the night af May It the
otty had bean evacuated by tho Rua
alana. In tha Interim Deiny waa given
over to disorder, piling and tha toreb.
The fate af tha town, however, had loaa
In madia ta tatoreet to tha Japanaaa than
tha oendltloa of Tallen-Waa bay. whloh
thay wanted to a til tea aa aeon aav poa
alble foo-a now and advanoed baaa. Tha
oooupatloa of Danly aervod tho only
a stgn of eaatraat toward Him.. 1 '
uppaoa that I, a poor outoaot and
good far aathwlh bo received by a good
master who premised to feea and sup
pert sc ht only 1 would aot disturb tha
roaulaUoaa af his houae. dbauld I then
undertake to aaak my uuatenaaoe other-
wise than by aaeoutlna my maator'a
wUir Would It aot bo olaar that tha
man who did ao la ao unbeliever who
seek a way af living without fulfil ting
hla mae tar's wlUT That lo tha way X
think and feel now. -
I believe In Ood, by whoec will I am
living and shall dla, and X propose to do
tho wlU of Him who oant ma aooerdla
to tho demand of tho eraat teacher of
Ufa. Christ. X know that Ood lo love.
and for this raaaoa 1 believe that I can
receive nothing but good from Him.
either la thlo rife or la tho hereafter.
Therefore I endeavor to do His will,
whloh eon lata in that, that we moot
love ono another, .and that wo do unto
others aa wo would like ether to do
unto aai not from fear, but because tho
better I fulfill Hla will tha bottor It will
be for my aoul.
To execute Hta WW aa much ao pos
sible 1 muat bear la mind aot to grow
remiaa X abould alwaya remember
Him, pray ta Him every hour, and aloo
rem la ba connection with tho bottor
people of tho world, with thooe wh are
holy, with both those who ara living
at ill. but especially with thaaa who have
passed away, and thta you do by read
lac their writing,
aovAJ to
From tha Indianapolis New. '
A aa old colored preacher Wha had
boon' conducting a revival meetlmr waa
reaching, tha and of hla aerlea. ba ap
peared before tho ooaaregatloa an night
aad spoke thua: -
"Rrethren and outran, X com hero
ria aH wholly anprepared wltb my text,
bab boon praaehln' all sote of things.
and aa ahow tho brethren and aletren
that 1 have aot said all that X know X
will oak that aomo mombah af tbla oon
gretioa aumoat a aubjeet, and X will
Lareaoh about It to you."
For eeverai miaaxea tnoro waa ear em
barraeatng alienee, wall the minister
oeowlod over the top oT hla aiaasee,
wolttna far aomo oaa ta propose a top.
No oaa eeemad anxloua t take advaa
tago af the opportunity, until finally a
little follow la the back part at tba
church yelled out, "Pillar There waa
a snicker aa tna raaokor. slaaiad km
voice aad anldt
"Pllla I bab boon requested by aoaaa
ekembah of dla aonareamUoo to dteoourea
befo you aU oa pIHn' Now. brethren
and etstrea, I am not famllmh wtd tho
way of modlcina, for I am a preacher
ma a: but. aa I aald I would talk oa any
aubjoot that waa proposed. Om will
bo my teat Now, to begin WHh. there
ara outatne pUla, calomel pllla, big pin
and Httla pill and a thousand kind of
other pllla what tha doctor do proocrlbe
Whan the flaab am etck. But I prepooo
to talk to you about da bind af medleme
what do aoul ansa when it aaa Ink
" v n i Tirai
t pyrpoaa ooaaary, which waa a landing
point for naavy ordnanoa,
- :-. Raastaa OaAy Avsaak. "
Undof praaaara Cram St., fataraburc,
Kuropatkln ordarad Oanarai takalbarw
ta advaaaa and raltova Part Arthua. Oku
promptly turn ad aortb with two divi
sions took a division from Osaoral Nod
au'a army and mat tba Ruaalana-at To
Mssu, or Wafancow. Of this battla
Oanarai sltakalbarc naivaly raportod that
whan about to turn tha ana air's right
ba found bla own right la dan gar.
fltaJtalborgr appoara to hava oonoon
tratad hla foroao too much, whlofc laft
klm aa aaay pray to tha daadly -Jap-aaooo
artlllary. Tha Japan aaa marehad
on a wlda front la throa eolumna. drova
In both tha Russian flanka and gat a
reaimant in tholr raar. Tha Ruaslana
fought wall, aa usual, but wara hardly
abh to raaob tha waiting" trains whloh
oarrlad tham out of dangor. Tna Jap-
Bp aXm Waueeeg Wleean.)
(Oapyrlght, UOe. ay W. A. Uaant.)
Tha world baa mado each strides la
the last lo yaara toward a aano and re
spectful Idea of divine power that It
aeeme Strang to beer the old. Ignorant
conception of Ood eerlouely discussed.
A young; woman recently expreeeed to
mo bar dlasatlefaotloa wtth"Ood'a"
treatment of woman. She really 'believed
that woman waa ouroed with Kva'e fall
and that tha pain of child-bearing waa
tho raault of that mythological woman's
hit of tho mythological apple. Here m
har oemplelnt. after bemoaning; "Bva
fall" and "Qoora eurasTi
"It baa been aaffJ that it we wore
wloer we would arumble leaa and per
ha pa that ta right In my oaae. If I know
more, I would find that Whatover'lo w
right.' but, up to tho light I now hare on
thta queetlon. I certainly am not satis
fied, aad X don't aaa how aay woman
oould be, knowing; that Ood planted tba
maternal Instinct and love la her. and
then mado It so hard to hring; child ran
Into the world. Perhaps no one else
feels aa X do about this; but, hard aa X
try, I oaa't look at K aa aomo persona
do-that wa are Jqst oreatoree of fate,
and that Ood doeefl't oaro enough for
women to moke their burden ra thla re
spect easier. I know my mother wha
she waa living would never bavo bean
willing to aoo ono of her children ouffer
something that aha aould atop rf oho
wished, and Ood la apposed to bo more
laving toward Hla children than aay
earthly parent.
Lenar before woman ears to earth I
ether female creature lived aad bora L
J. 9, Asm aTexa to
Piotd aa
Prom th New Tork 'America a. -Th
report from) Chicago that Mar
shall Plel. the aaorenant f that arty,
pays taxea oa a greater amount of
property than any other man la tho
United State tho total being put at
S40.o.ft00, called attention to tho fact
that la John Jacob Aster New Tork City
haa a alose second, the sitter being
assessed for property worth WMW.toO,
While Mr. Pleld paya taxea on 140,-
m.aoe worth of Ctalcaaw property, thla
repreaeata only a fraction of hla wealth.
Realdea Aetna; Interested la anmeroua
aorporatlona and busts antsrpriaea,
hna larsja real eataU houiaga out
side of Chi oaa and la a largo atock and
bead bolder, especially la tba Pullman
Palace Car company. It fa eat 1 ma tad
that Mr. Pleld la worth between gata.-
ae.eo and aM.oee.aao.
Jobs Jacob Aetor lo ta only one Of
New T orb's rich man whoa real ae
tata kaldiaaw are eoaeperahle with the
1 1 ! '
' - ebo Uo. -
18, 1901
anaaa followed very olowly, aa naval
One oT tho weak potato In a Japanaaa
campaign taotr tallura to follow
awlftly and attempt to break an a da-
faatad army. Tha Ruaalan retired on
Kalpln. whleh waa abandoned after
brief engage meat, and tho Rues la no took
up a poeltkm at- Taablohaia, a town at
tba Junction of tba branch Una Uniting
to Tinkow and Nluchwaiig. . .
Oanarai Stakolborg retired further up
the line with hla beaten army, and Oan
oral Zarubalaff took oommand of what
baa bom practically tba Ruaalaa rear
duard from achlkaJo to Mukden. Oku
moved acalnat Taohlkalo from tho front
and weet, while part -of Nodsu'a foroao
threatened a flank movement on- tba
east. Tba Ruse lane made a rather poor,
dafetraa, burned tho town and fail back
to HaJcbona. Tba Japanaaa, aav a oon
aequenoe of thlo movement, obtained
posaasalon- of the fine port Of Tinkow
and the elty of Nloobwans. -i .
In tho battla af Taohlkalo tho Jan
anoee mado thg first af their night at
tack, it waa Tory aanweaafai. alvtnc
them possession af tha first line af Ru
alon tronobea.
Tba neat engagement waa at Val
ohang. on July SI and AUaTuat 1. Tha
battle began la tha maun tains between.
Oeneral Mlatohonko'a foroao and a Jap
anooo army of l.oOff men with 41 una
The battlefield waa a narrow valley,
with hlarh moantalna en eaah aide. The
oanter of tho valley waa occupied by
Oeneral Mlatohoako with artillery, aad
ono regimen! an hla right flaak and ono
on Mm loft " Jha J eg s a is higaa tho
nght at 6awak,
They mcJf tiQaUlssron tha moantalna
at aaUr da fne valley and placed their
battarTTfc M poaitloa, WHan tha Japan
aaa ahollinT boaane unbearable Oeneral
MUteJMnko.ehuand hla poaltlon, flgbt
Ina bravoluntll 4 o'clock In tho nftor-
noon of July It. Thay beaaa a flankina;
movamant by tha Japanaaa, which final
ly drove tha Ruaslana out of Haiohenv.
Tha aaaa of aimouoheag had been taken
on July SI, aad on August 1 Oeneral
Kurokl'a army captured Ten gee naee,
both to tha eastward of Hateheng; Thle
forced tho ovaouatloa af tha latter place
on August I and epsned tba way to
Llao Tana:
In tho meantime Xnrohi had boon
oteadiry advanolasT through tha noua
tajnoua oountry between Fengvwana
Chena aad Uao Tana, fighting princi
pally awtpoat onowamnanta Tba Jap
anaaa had occupied tho celebrated Mo
tion pase without troubld; eJaborata rbK
tlfloatlona ooaatrueted by tba Rueaiane
as God Made It
their youna. wtth Httlo trouble, aad
waxed stronger for tha expciienoeo of
Primitive and aavag woman waa the
same In thla reepoot aa bar lower typo
of predecessor. - aha waa given natural
impulses toward mating and saothernood,
and aha-waa aot tremaaoled by Ideas
of ooeleap and fashion; oho bore her
children with Uttlo pela and without tha
aid of doc torn and trained aureee, and
went about har bualneos la aa aatoniah
Ingly abort period afterward. Then
came civilisation and Indoor Ufa, heavy,
tight do thing, faiae education regarding
the natural Impulses of woman, and
rich, Indigestible food, aad Indoleac and
luxury (or th awful ordoala of extreme
poverty la tho midst of wealth), and
woman began to think of ehUd-beertng
aa a punishamnt instead of a culmina
tion. Bhe hogma to suffer with ail aorto
of ailments and weafcaeasea which Ood
aever created and which were a part
of tho schema of tho an! verse.
Mean while. Hla animal kingdom goes
oa aa of old, eav where man takes aa
animal from I la natural environment
and gives it ooadlUong similar to those
of civilisation,
' Overfed and hoanobred dog and onto
auffvr with many of the weakneeeee of
human beings, and anlmala confined la
aoo (thooe modern Inquisitions for anl
mala) are prone ta human ailment Rut
amonar th wild anlmala and tba aavaa
pracee of people there m little suffering
when offaprlna ara brought Into tho
Those wh hav eootmwal or exeoostvo
of Mr. Pleld, being- about tS.oM.t00
less la value than tha Chioagoan'a. Wil
liam Waldorf Act or Uvea In London, but
bo pays taxea on $t7.loo,aot of real
eotate in thla city. Andrew Carnegie
heads tha parson! property list here
being aaeceaed for tB.Ma.0va.
John D. Rockefeller ht eaasaaed for
only tt.e0a.Me. while RueecU dag paya
taxea on tl.M0.OM.
Pittsburg haa h reabfant H. C. Prick,
of ooka and Iron fame, wha own nearly
IIO.OM.OOO. worth of taxed real estate,
all ta tho elty. Wealthy Rooten'o lara
sst Individual taxpayer la J. Montgom
ery beare. whoee contribution ta lb
elty m Ml. til yearly.
, Philadelphia largaet record against
aa Individual taxpayer ie tSt.OOO.Mt
worth af real aetata, tba sossomant af
William Weight man, who died several
day ago. tin Bat 1 1 mere Prande White's
oombined real aetata and pereonai prop
any 1 !e,M0.0OO.
Next to Mr. Pleld. fa Chicago tho
late Ievi & Loiter paid taxea oa th
y. t amount of real eotate. Mr. Lei
- nvoperty amounted at
. - ta ft"
bavina boon abandoned for aeaa(mya
larloitB raaaoa. Oeaoral Kenof decided
to try and retake the pea. Ho attacked
ta tha early morning ta a donee foe; and
reached tha key ta tba position, a tem
ple bold by a Japanese battalion. They
; mad a. dsaparata dafana and held the
poaitloa until ralnfaroomenta yaaehid
them. . Tho Ruaalana aot astray In tha
foa and never wara able ta bring- their
troopa Into notion. Genera) Keller waa
killed shortly afterward la aa artOlary
du. , ; .- .-. r.- ,'
. Idaa aa,
Oa Aocuet S Field Marsbnt Oyaaaa,
who bad tahia enunaad of tha entire
Japanese fnreea la Manchuria, moved
agalnat Lao Tan. , Tha Ruaalaa linen
extended In a wide earn lei rda from An
ahaaahaa to tha Taltao rlvor. Oanarai
Oku commanded tha Japan est left, Oaav
era! Nodau th oanter, aad Oeneral Ha
rold th right. The aegagatnant opened
with a daahinr attack by Kurokl and
Nodau, tha Important poaitloa U Lean
dlanalan being oarrlad by the Japanese
la a deeper to night attack whloh drova
a wedge Into RHtropatkinaJlnaa - - -
Oku then moved aaalnot Anahaaahan,
and after two da ye4 fighting tho Ruo-i
elans fall back to their aecond poaltlon
still enolrellng Uao Taac at a dlatanaa
of acme eight ' milee from tho elty.
After pushing hack tha forces apposed
to hlea. Kurokl threw almoat hla entire
foroo serosa tho Taltao river and aucV
danly appaared near Tontal, 12 milee
above Llao Tan, threatening KbropeA
kln'a rear aad endangering tho ralhroad.
He almoot armlhllated Oeneral Oo
loffa oorpe, whiok oppeeed klm aaaa
Tental, and Whan Ktakelberej ceeae V
OrtofTa reaouo ha waa driven baofc and
for a tlate out off. fveea the aaala amy, .
Xuaaaatkla fceunodlatetr beaaa ta wttb
draw from I-aio Tana and aoaoentrat
at Tentai, Tba opemtlaa teak three oa
four day All tbla time bla beroJo rear
guard wlthataod tha desperate assault
of Oku and Nodau, and It waa aot aatll
Bap tam bar e that the Jamacee antaaad
Uao Tan,
Mr, Vyilmet Laerla, whoa splendid dla. '
pdtoh ta the Herald baa been the only .
one ta roach aa American pa aaa, eeye
that the Japaneee eaptnred aalthoo
atorea nor auaa at lAaa Tana, Thua,
while Kurapathln wag ou (maneuvered by
Kurokl, tho splendid flghttna capacity "
of bla man enabled blm ta bald Kurokl
at bay at Tental and Oku at Llao Tana
uatn nwntrmy Rad nafatT traa.tad ta-
ward Mukden,
ancl as' it id
phyalcal aarfarhur need not blame Ood.
but a faiee Idea of what elvUlsatloa do
maada. Thara la ao raaaoa why civilise-,
rlon and vobuot health amy set be aa
joyed at tba aaama una It all depends
upon how anteh character aad individu
ality and good sanaa we an soma. - The
young girl who baa tha will power and
wisdom ta avoM tight or heavy gao .
mania, and to sleep wltb open windows
or out of doore, to alt, ataad aad walk
la a manner to food bar lunge wltb good
blood, and ta live oa plain, wboleaomo
food, ought to find motherhood a natural
and simple experlesee, a did aai early
If, however, she baa grown mto wo
manhood e years'' regarding maternity aa .
woman's erooa, instead of woman's
orowa, bar mind will counteract tho .
good offseta of her phyalcal achieve-'
menta. and aha will axportonaa all tha i
dlsastera aba anticipate.
onto time la the far future the WorM
wUl take the matter of natural and
healthful motherhood tn hand, and all
tho oeueeo which lead to the present dta
astrouo conditions will bo eliminated I
from aoetety, whll humanity will coo- -tlnue
to enjoy the comforts and tho re-1
fin amenta of education and progress. '
Rut let ao aot blame Ood or poor old
mythological "Eve" for our own folllea -aad
mledeeda. And let all troubled and
anxloua young women remember that i
thara la ao pain aa eulekly forgotten aa '
tha peine which accompany a bamaa -belaa
into earth life. The Joy and arid
of maternity ara - lasting) tho
Otto- Tounc probably to Aext ta Mr.
Pleld ,aa a heavy tax payer. Hla real
aetata holdings ta tha county amount ta
lls.0M.0M, and hla personal property
asssssmeat la 3M,tM. In the last year
Mr. Toung has bouht t,000,Ma worth
of real aetata
The value of property of tho largest
taxpayer la the United aHataa ta:
Marshall Pleld. Chicago a40.00e.aa
John Jacob Astor. New Tork
WUllam Welghtanuk PhUa.
William Waldorf Astor. New
U. R. Letter estate, CUeatfa.
r. in
Utto innnc LrvMRv
10. It A, A"
If. 17. gTlcS. rllUDUn
Walter Cheesman, Denver...
J. Montaomsry Sear. Rctoa
prom the Chicago Newa
tobb "I know how Ik
osuld be a- -a to rwreal."
pfin " - " -
kiuhtv a ' -and
toil U . "