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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY tfORX'INO, SEPTEMBER 1. IS "4. 7-7 Newport Belle VV f - - -; - yu william ) Xsspeteh to 1W liwul ) . Mt York. Rapt. IT. Society rwt sot divorce eeuaattoa of the year devel oped last week wbn the frlanda of Mra. William It Turn off Hew Tor and Mewport, daughter ef Oliver Harrlmaa and sister of Mrs, WUllam K. Vender but. Jr., discussed a import that aba would apply to the court tbla fall for a Segal separation from bar husband. The ebarao will Im desertion. It la aid, aad tarn will be ao oonteet by Mr. Travera, During the antlra season Maes Mr. ad Mrs. Travara laft tbetr Iowa houaa at Ha. M Waat Thlrtr-flftb street, sh ta to to Newport and be to go elsewhere, their frlanda have expected tbla ending ta a marriage that waa tha moat brilliant vent ta tba Newport-New York aortal at 11 yaara ago. For four yeare tbara ha been a gradual drifting; apart la tba Travara family, qjhlch bacatna particu larly noticeable thla aaaaon when tba eon of stammering "Blllr" Travara and bis wtff remained aaparatad throughout Um aprlng and nnmnr. . Mo outer fajatrjr difference In Nawport ta years baa aauaad auch a atlr aa baa baaa aat ap by tha rumor of Mra. Trav ara dataratlaatloa to fro herself from tba1 metrunoolal bonds. Botb Mr. aad Mra, Travara ara laadara In Nawport and New York eoclety. For manr yaara Mr. Travara aaa ben secretary of tha Naw port Casino, but for four raara ba haa pant, but lit tie time ta tba Nawport ooi oay. Two months ego ha dearly intimated to hla closest frlanda la Nawport that ba would probably ba aaaa thara but seldom hereafter, and an assistant sec retary waa alaotad to perform hla du ties. Thla waa a delicate method of permlttlag- bin to relex his connection with tba Casino without attracting a usual ettenuoa- Mra. Travara ta one ef tha moat popu lar waaaaa In tha Nawport aat. Ska la taadar among- those wba ara constant ly eriginatlna aaw Idaaa for tha dissipa tion of annul ta tha cummer colony of Maw York' a aortal Herbta. Bbe waa Mlaa 1.1 MM Harrlman. Like bar husband, she paaaaaaad a great fortune, apoa which aaa haa drawn liberally ta entortaiaiag ta Now York and Nawport. Tha marriage of Will utra K. Tiavata to Mtaa Harrlman waa loohad apoa If paara ao aa aa Idaal aonaaty matob. It united two graat fortunaa, twe houaaa hat had alwya baaa promtnant In annl atv, aad tww aharatlna; aaranaallttaa. WUtMwa B. Travara had labarltad aat Seeks Divorce r. nuTm. only, tha fortuna of hla father, but alao tha quaint and ready wit that bad made tha aider nan fanoua on two oonttnenta. Mr. Travara oared no thine for tha race track, with which tha elder Travara waa ao oloealy tdentlfiad for annr yaara, and waa rich enough to ba relieved of the neoeealtr ef attanains to tna bu1 waa affaire wbioh anaroaaad hla fatb ar'a time. He waa fond of athlette aporta, bow van and waa owe of the man to Intro due golf in thla oountry. He brought back a lova for tba game from Scotland, where ha apant kmucb of hla time, and waa Inatrumeatal in aatabliahlng the Nawport links. Ha waa alao one of the firat of Naw York aoolety folk to note thaoharra of Alkan a a fair end win ter Traort. and after apendlng two w In tern there eallad HoUla HunneweU to hla aid and built tba hotel which haa added to the plaaeure of, Alkan aa a re aort for Naw Yorkara. Mr. Travara la a etflaan of Newport, having- Inherited th magnlfloant eaUto of hla father there. Ha had alwaya un til recently bean a leader la tbe develop ment of Newport aa the rirheat aummer colony In tba world, and had alao con tributed targelr to local charlttee and enterprlaee, and ta every way proved that he wtahed to ba considered mora than a mare aummar realdent and aa on who had a hereditary Intereat te tha welfare af the place. , Two yaara ago Mra. Travara leaned tha Weaver oottaga on Berkeley avenue, and recently leaaed It for another year Laat year ahe built a Japanese teahouse on a bluff near Bailey's beach, where many quaint and plcturoeque functions ware arranged far tha pleasure of her frlanda. Mra. Travera haa always been one af the beet gowned of tbe smart aat In Newport, and affected combinations of Mack and white which were moat strik ing and affective. Hrr magnificent jewels formed ana of tha finest eollee tlona ta Newport. . In June last Mrs. Travara went abroad, accompanied only by her mala. Thla was omnmentod upon at the time, but It had become a part of the apparent friendly arrangement of the separation of the Travars family and did not Indi cate ta the frtends af Mra. Travera that a divorce would soon be sought. Mr. Travara baa spent tha summer In Maine. Mra, Travars wlW apply her 4 ta Newner at the toil term of eswt, SOCIETY (Continued from page Fifteen. Wuaat. vlollno; Mr, Walton, eoruet, and Mr. Moon, trombone, - Leon Mark Jonea has been ensaered aa tenor of- Calvary Presbyterian church choir. ,-. v v At tha Artisans' an tertaln merit airan at Concordia hall Friday evening, tha Mb. Miss Helen Luraa. soprano, -and Mrm Olga Bartech-dang. coatrsHo, were a decided success. Mum Lucaa aang Hawlay s "A Song- of Life." and re-' aoondad to on entbualasus eoeore with I Love Thee Btm. ''Avery. Mrs. Lang- gave "My Lova la Like a Red, Red Rose," Hastings, and In response to a hearty apptauaev sang- "An Jrlah Leva Rev, 'rattier Dominie, presldwnt of Mount Angel -eolleee, prdaldad at the oraan last Sunday at Bacred Heart ohureh and delighted tha audience y hla saaaterly work. , . 1 "it 1 ' f " 1 Ruthvn Turner, the new Vtotln In structor of the Western academy of music, will give a recital at the hail next Saturday evening, aeptember s. Mlaa i Patron la ' Connolly, eoatralto. and Mordauat A. Ooodnough, planlat. will assist, rouowin la tna program Oread Pantaale ,...,Turney Rut km Turner. rejaa, eoa .Variosionr .Beethovea Ituthya Turner. . . alm Aa tba Nlht",.,........Bohm "Rltoumalle" .' Chamlnada Miss Rironell UoahdUK Polonaise .w.... v Sptes Ruthyn Turner. .; "ting Me To Slaep", . . ,,; . ..Oreene "My Mamoiiaa ...Toatl Mlaa Fetroaeiia uonnoiiy. . -Dap for violin and piano. Sonata Ma t. allegr aasaL ma saolto moderate aaraaloaa. alleara vivace... Beethovea Ruthra Turnr and Mordaunt V Ooodnough. ' Aooompaaist Merdaunt A. Ooodaotish. Ckurck Notis i Fh TMin Wen's Bible Class and Bo- jtih nl wtrmt ConareKatlonai onuren afuIh4 with IS members laat weak. Brneet B. MacNaughtea waa etectea HHiidMi wri a. - Nelson, nee-nrest dent; Louie Bled, secretary; Jra Key nolda. treasurer. Reno Hutchinson u their Bible claaa teacher. , iim inBara'nlld of First Congrega tional church met Thursday aftsrnoon. tn n am tha winter worn. J ne nouss olrole of the guild will give a mutcle at tha home of Mrs. vioia ijoe, on Twelfth atreet, ta tbe near future. The annAowar alrole will conduct a jewel ry table at tba chnroh oaaaar in xwcemoer. Mlaa Barnnam'a and Mlaa wauons guilds wUl give a unique social ta tha form of a trip to is moused was. , - sk. tW am soclerv of the FT ret (WmhiiamI ehueah mat Wednesday afternoon and elected officers, aa fol lows: President, Mrs. L w. trnti; vice- presidents. Mrs. w. o. ivnapp, hi, a. HuuUrun Mra. W, 1. johnstoni treasurer. Mrs. M. C Oeorget recording secretary, Mra. H. . jacaaoa, oonw Miulina secretary. Mrs. ML D. Ilgleri flnanslal aeeretary, Mra.-r. aejgen. ..." m' .a, ; - Coming Events The Sacred Heart Sootal clab wttl give Its next whist and musloal social Wed- nasday evening, September SL w The law deoert merit af .the Western AaaaTwnur of Arts erlU opea to tbe pub lie tomorrow evening. Hon. C M. Idle man of thla olty and Bon. P. H. XTArcy of Salem wlU he tbe apeskars af the events The followlnf musical pro aram wiU be given: 'The Promises of Life." by Cowen. Mlaa Bertha Royal Ytoodnlarht. Beloved. Goodnight," by Oliver, Ronald Bradbury; "nVpexatlon," by Roma, Miss Raatha Fowler, with violin obligate by Ruthyn Turner. Mlaa Maa Ross, aooompanUt. .Tha puDiia is cordially Invited, a A new - club br the name ef "A-Votonte, Spanish for plaaeure seek ers, la added to .the Hat of this season's oluba, It hi eompoaed of to eoupiaa and there will be eight dances during- the year. Tba first will be given Tuesday evenlnc October 4. . WW The a B. X. 8. olua has reorganised thla year on a more exclusive plan and Its nartlea at Parson a baU wlU ne more private. Tbe club gives Its open ing; dance October it. y . Miss Jeffrey will give bar opening dancing party at Parson's hall tomor row evening. Claaa work will follow tha weak after. 1 'eraona Mra, Baima Dorrts-Thompson of Ku- Jane w the guest or oer sisters, Mrs. any Bronauah and Mra. Charles Ma orum. Prof. Laella Clay Carson has gone to Bugens to resume her work aa head of the Bngllah department at the Univer sity ef Oregon. Rev, Ray Palmer occupied the pulpit at the Baptist ohureh la Cucene last Sunday. Mrs. Julia Brodta of Parthutd baa gone to awgana, where aha will make her home. Mrs. A. H. Tanner, af Tit Johnson street, haa returned - from a, visit with her mother, Mra, Bllsabeth Rally of Ku- lna. ft. a. Durtheimer has joined hat wire and ehlld la Eugene, where ha aspects to reside la the future. Mra. D. L. Houston of Portland, grand worthy matron of tbe Order of Bastern Star, Is tbe guest of her slaters, Mrs. P. M Mathews of Roseau rg. Mrs. B. Alexander of Portland; who baa been visiting la Krie, ken., suffered light paralytlo stroke last week Though not serious, the ef facta will re main for some time, ana? she will start for hosaa aa soon as She Is able, though ahe had latsstded to epend tha winter In Kansas, Mrs. Daisy Abraham la the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Prater, ta Roeeburg. Dave Oraham. ma oarer of the Uni versity of Oregoa football team, went to Bugen Monday to resume big collate work Dick Hathaway,' tha popular high- school football-player, Is in Eugene to enter the Unlvaralty ef Oregon. Mra R H. Dearborn of Rucena Is vis iting friends la the city. Foster Gibson has returned ta Bugena to take aa Ms work ta the University of Oregwa. Mra Baaa and her daughter. Mtaa Ha set, have returned from Nawport. Mlaa RaMna Lon swell of Baa Fren- cteoo. who baa spent the summer visit ing Mr. and Mra. Percy A. Toang of Albany, passed a abort time to Portland the first of the weak, aa her way home. Mies Isabelle Aakarmaa and Mlaa Oraoa Sheiieb of Salem ara vlsrUna PorUand friends. Mlaa Ella Dobla want to Buawne Thursday to reamma bar nolhtge srork Roderick Pue ef NabrnakA and Robert Parker of Indiana were la theclty dur ing; us wees, sa route ta Vancouver to Jola the Nineteenth Infantry. Both ara Juaa graduates of Waat Point and vara, prominent In football and beeebaU- The Misses Alloa and Carolina, Benson, Alloc Brelbsrton and Mart Dald laft for the University of Oregon Wednesday. Ashel Bush of Sulsm- arrived Monday to attend HU1 Military academy. Walter U , Whlttlreey, asslaUnt la-stru'clor-ef aconomlua and soalology in tha rnlvaraHy of Oregon, left fur Bu Mra. George flwesy, knfir--ta the public of Portland aa Mlaa Virginia War del; haa left for the ouoat, where she wlU he Joined by her husband, .wba haa been working In Spokane. Horace Fenton, son of Attorney W1I I lam IX Fenton, went tovBagana Wednes day to resume bis collage work. Russsll McCully. Harry Maya -and Elmer Alkan of La Orando have arrived to enter Hill Military .unir. Mra Che Has Allaky and bar dauch tor, Mlap Irene, ara the guests 'of Mr. and Mra James Oodfrsy of Salem. . Mlad Hseel Prannan af Portland la visiting bar a aat. Mra. Abner Hamblln Of Roaaburg. i : ' r - Iaaaa Key. the post mast sr at Mount Tabor, and bis two daughters, left for St Louts Monday. . V Alexander Boott, a aromlncnt aieyJ chant of Grass VaJlay, has bought qi beautiful hocsc on Bast Aah and Twen tieth streets, . Mis family will arrive Mms Ruta Bhogren and Mica rMxen have arone ta St. Louis to visit the fair. Mr. AUie Roaslter. who hag been seri ously ill at the hospital for 1 wee was takes to the coast Tuesday ta tbe hope -of deriving some benefit Xrom Aha salt air. - - Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Warrens and their HdMc eoa. of Portland, spent tha first part of the week ea .their Hood River farm. - Mrs. W. W. Woodward and daughters Katheryn and Mary have returned from a visit with Mr- and Mrs. Jqhn Letond Hsftdsreon at White Salmon. ' Mlaa Myra Loveridge of Bugena ar rived la Portland Wednesday to attend St Helen's hall. . Mrs. Bogart a prominent society woman of Kuaene, ta the guest of Fort- land frtsnds. - . Mlaa Margaret , Mana Is spending- week's vacation wlth frlenda at As toria. ' " Miss DaOiy XJroolta, sister of Cafortao Count um, has arrived In Portland. - Mr. and Mra. R. W. Rothachlrd, who have been touring Washington on thalr honeymooa trip, paaaad through Port land during tha week on their rat ura to San Francisco. Mr, and Mra. Charles Gilbert announce the engagement of their daughter, Jen nie, to J. M. Severaky. At home Sun day afternoon, September IS, from I Bert WJUIamaon of Bugena Is one Of tha new . students -hi Hill MUltary academy. Mfas Lata Ooddard vlaltsd ta Albany during the week whence che went to Eugene to resume her work -In the Uni versity of Oregon. Miss Ernestine Failing; was tba kuest of Mlaa Bnnay Davis In. Salam during fair weex. - Mrs. D. A. Oabom and her daughter Sana of Cervallls are Portland visitors. Miss Virginia Cleaver, who will this year . assist la tha English literature department of the University of Oregon, and her slater Klara, a-studedt of the Eugene high school, left yfor Bugena Mra. L. JT. Parker of Portland was Miss Blsr's guest ta Salem during; tha weak. Harry Baffety and Harler Olafko were among tha u. o. students leavlns; dur- lns tha week. Raw -A. A. Morrison of Trinity Bp la copal church left Tuesday morning for Boston where he goes to attend the general oonventkm of the ohureh. BROWN'S BAND WILL U WIND UP SEASON Beglaalnc at tM this arterneao. the public- may hear tha final band ooneert of the summer season by Brown's band at tha City park. An excellent program haa been arranged. The public hi grate ful for the series ef fine concerts, which ware made possible by appropriations from the park board, the street railway com pan las and others, amounting to about M,09v. Bare la. the program for tooayi- - - .-- March 'Leal oa of Honor.. ..Bugllonc Walts "Jolly Fellows' ToUatedt Overture "Bohemian Olrl".. , .Balfe intaroiesso "Cuptdetta" .Tobanl Medley of popular songs ..CHars INTERMISSION. Idyl Tansy" . .Bnrlehs Scenes from "La VestaleM.,.Meroadante Patrol of the Phantoms. Chambers Oeras from 'Maid Marian.,. .PeKoven March'ConeUlator'. ..u..Sooatoa IoxolnsT , A KNABE TRIIIPB. , v ' It 4a yet te be decided who la the most to be oongratulatsd. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bausr, the Allan OUbert-Ram-aker Co.. or WlllUm Xnabe at Co., of Baltlmora, from the fact that Mrs. Bauer has just pleoed In her home, through the medium of the Allan Ollbert- R maker Co a superb Una be style "Mlnon" baby grand piano. Mrs. Bauer's artlstlo attributes bfng so well known, her lengthy Urrectlgatlon of the piano question haa baaa the causa of much Intereat among muatotana, aa wall as sleepleee nights for many prominent manufacturers whe took up tha matter personally with her. But the Knabs haa won the day, and Mra. Bather wlU continue to delight bey home and pupils hand In hand with the most beau tlful quality of tone the piano world has yet produced. OBB OCP BXVOqVUFB From the Youth's Companion. This story of Lincoln seems to be a new one. It waa related st an old set tlers meeting st Mount Pleasant, la.. by the late Senator James Harlan of Iowa, who served as secretary of the Interior under Mr. Lincoln, and whose daughter Mary ta the wife of Robert Lincoln, ex-secretary of war, and now leading lawyer and capitalist of Chi cago. Soma politicians had called on Presi dent Lincoln to urge the appointment of some of their friends to positions lb a certain department. By way of refusal the president told the following atory: "Gentlemen, the conditions In that de partment put me la mind ef the time that a young friend and aryself tried to court the twe daughters of a peppery widow living near our homes. The eld lady kept a lot of bounds. - We had not bean In the house tone before one ef the bounds came late the mom and lay down by the Are, In a little while another one came to the door. He didn't get In, for tbe old way gave him a hick saying; - vjet out af herei There's tea away dogs ta hare newt ' Wi concluded to court scene other IrtsV A Chicago wontaa bought another woman's husband for lice and now has sued his former possessor for damages for misrepresenting hlnv Caae dtemleced on the legal maxim, 'Varcat emptor." Pliaa SetUaa Afbsy , QsaefaA ; laytoweTstlsa. - ; - ; Ids, Wortman C3. Kic j Auttann a -v v r, . . S x v' "V- . K .r - "', . I . V ' - ' ' , . ( M , , e . 7 J . ' q 1 v 1: "r ". -1 . -t, . i '- ;.T - -' , M "': ''v''! Above we reproduos a llxneea photo by Moore of a model possd especially for "the Sunday Journal at tha Oread Ions of Dress -at Portland's Style Stoic" Oldc. Wertman dt Kia. Thla stocniOoant eostusBe and outfit form a leading; feature among- the thousands to be shown at the formal autumn, open ings; of thla foremost among Portland stores, on Wednesday and Thursday of tbts weak when the authoritative atyle osaeoa will really start. Portland womea ' '"- " SBJTFxWBUrT. ' Taylor Struct Pr. P. Burawtte Short, pastor; classes : & m. preaching 19:10 g, nv, "Chrlatlsn Duty and Dca- tlnyr T:I0 p. so.. "Soul Teamlna; Satis- fled Bd worth Leakue araisa aervws Trinity Bast Tenth and Grant, Rev, Harold Obergv pastor. Rev. Ob w. Kanady will preaoh at 11 a. ba. Tha pastor wUl preaoh at T:S- m.; Sunday school io a. sm.j Bp worth jcacra fiso a m. Central Ruaaen aad Kartry streets. Albino. 10:le a, as. Rev. W. T. xUrr will preach. BveainsT cervloeo 7:1ft. SunnysldeBBct Thirty-fifth -and Tambiu street. Rev. W. H. Belllck. 11 ax, adciwUndlnr tha Scriptures; a. am. "A Touth'g T em tat loos;1 Miss Ada Stanley will lead Hp worth League at : P. Bk Ia tha World Orowlng Betterr .. . . Centenary Ray. W. B. Hoiimganeaa. pastor, !:! a. sa., ritualistic serv ice, bapttam and reception of nvambera; f:4l p. m.. sermon by Rev. J. W. Miller, one of the pioneers ox oregoa Meth odism especially to young- peopla Sunday school, ll:lf a, m.; Junior League, 4 p. m.; opentng service of the aoa Bpworth League, IJQ p. sa.; class meetings at 9 M a. m. and 11:11 as. Chapal of the Tinaflguratloo Sixth jBtreet. near Oak. - Rev. W. R. PoweH. Chaplain; aervloa, acrxeoa 11 a. aa.: Bua dsy school. s. m. St. Johns Memorial aVUwood. Rev. W. R. Powell ta ohaiwe, Sunday school. 11 a. ax; evening service sermon, ' '. St pavid a Bavat Twelfth and Bel mont atresia, Rev. Oca B. Van Waters, D. D.. rector. Holy communion, a. m.; Sunday school, :4 a m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. aui evening prayer and sermon, 7:1 p. m. Trinity Chapel Nineteenth street near Washington. Rev. Dr. A. A, Morrison, rector. Holy eommuplon, I a. m. ; serv ice aad sermon, 11 a. m.f service. 7:1 m. Purina: tbe abeenflo of Dr. Mor rison, the Rev, U. D. Chambers wlU be la onarge 1 - i ' ? St. Matthew's First and Cam thara streets, ReV. W. A. M. Brook, la charge. Service and sermon, UtM A. bli Sunday school, 1:41 i. n. Oood Shsphsrd" ancwover' nat Sell wood. Rev John Daw sent rector. Holy communion, a. nvj prayer and literary. 11 a. m.; prayer and aermon, J;lf a. m.i Sunday school, la a. as. Church of Our Saviour Woodstock Prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock.. Sunday aehooL 1p.m. - , . ' First Twelfth and Alder streets. Rev, aMgar P. Hill. D. D.. pastor; lt:l. "Jeeus areater Thaa Jonas f ;W p. av, service. Calvary Blevcnth and Clay streets. Rev. W, S. Gilbert, pastor. Services 10:10 a. m., "la the World's Thought Moving Oodwardr T4t p. ax, "Haa Ood Mada Revelation of Himself to Manr . First -Cumberland, Twelfth and Bast Taylor streets, Rev. B. Nelson Alias, pastor. Sarvleao 10:19 a. at., "The Great Commandment.; Sunday school It m. - Junior Bndeavor :se p, m. Sen ior Bndeavor : p. av raacblnf 1:it ' 1 OOMamMATtOsTAB, ' Bunnyalde Bast Taylor aad Bast Thirty-fourth at recta, Bev. J. J. Stouh, paster. Services 11 a. av, "Bnltsted for life;" 9:10 p. nv. Bome Oood-for-Noth-inge.' Sunday school 10 a. av, S. C Pier, auperlntewdent. 1 Toons; People's society 0:10 p. av. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 1:10 o'clock. First Park and Madlcoa streets. Rev. K. L. Bouse, rx IX, pastor. IS: 10 a. av, "What One of the World's Ores teat Men Thought of Chrtet lenity;" 7 44 p. m., "A Sure Way for Suooesa. Sunday school 11:14 p. av, Rev. K. A, Start, superintendent , T. P. S C l:U p, m. PllSiiat Chapel StooadT sfreet, near I At. the churches : j lt.H rom this trosbbaO. : folk await thiss openings here aa Chl oagw'a weeaaa wait . that of Marshall Field. Tha costume above Is a magnuV ceat repMioa of the soart eostusne of the time of Louie XVL of pompadour crepe material with tHmmtasjo ef real renal e saaoe laoe,' a superb evening cos turn a. valued at H. The hat, stole aad muff are valued, at 1190, making tha superb outfit approxissato the DsTuree named ahuia MM.oo. . The set te of Marfhmn feathers prtne paliy, tasported from Paris. . The targe Lincoln. Rev. ft A. Start, pastor, Sua day school 0:10 a. m- W. IX Soott, supeiimcndeBt. Mississippi Avenue Oorner Mtosla- vlppl avenue and Fresnant street. Rev. C M. Smyth e, pastor. 11 a. av, SaHwh aecs: 7i44 p. nv, -Bearing Oood Fruit. Sunday achoet It -a hv , Chtistiaa Bn deavor Tan. Hassaio - Street Bast Seventh aad Hsssslo Streets, tn HoUaday's addition. Rev, Charles T. Chase, pastor. 10:00 a. av, "ReeJtaatlea af Ood:" 7:41 p. "A Question of Values. Sunday school IS nv Christian Bmtaavwr 4:41 P. Oeatral-Baat Thirtieth aad Salmon etrests. Rer. J, T, Thomsley. 1040 Ik sk, 3eginnin of Jaruaalemr 7:41 p. av, Soui Winners:" Sunday sohoel 11 avi Junior Laaaua Bndeavor, p. Senior Bndeavor. 0:4a a. nv First Park and Columbia st recta. B. B. Muokley, pastor: 10:10 a. nv. Tfas Beatitudes a MovtaOT Picture of the Soul's Proareca TowarS Ood." T:4i P as., Aatlphonal awrvloe with short ad dress on 'Tha Philosophy of Praise. Bible aehool at II JO p. nvj O. B. at ;et p. av The Peophrs Chrlatlaa TJasBSj 101 Second street, "Unity aalL P. Coulter, minister, ll a sk The rela tion of Sin and Death to the Spiritual Llfef lt:ll p. av. aehool of reltgtoa, The Reproof ef Israel;' ftet a. 'nv, ta- stru mental ooncarv V , I mmanuet Corner Second aad Meade streets. Rev. Meade M. Bledsoe, paator. Servlcea 10:10 a, m., T:4 p. pv Bong services WlU be led by Charles H. Hart, staking-, evangellat; BIMc school 11:00 av; Young People's Society. 0:41 a. av The White Temple Twelfth and Tar tar streets. Rev. J. Whttoomb Broughar, D. D paator. Xne Aooord" prayer meat Inc. 10:11 a. m.; "Aa Up-to-Date Bible School,' le t a. m.; Bible aehool rally, 11:10 p. m. B. P. U. aervloc, 0:10 p. avi "Popular Spores.' 7:4 p. av Second "Bast Seventh Ana Ankeny etreets, pastor. Rev, Stanton C Laphera. 10:10 a, nv, "The Doubting Dlsoiple; and the Prist af the NaUs; 144 ' Why J Am Not aa Acmoatlei or In the Be ginning Gkd;' . Bible aehool at noon; Youag People's union at Otto p. m.; mtd- week prayer eervlee Thursday, evening; Bseond Church ef Christ, SoretrtlB Auditorium building, Third between Taylor and Salmon streets. 11 a. nv and t p. nv, aubject, "Reality" Sunday school, 11 s nv; Wednesday meeting, I p nv First Chare or Christ, nisnu oottlsh Bits cathedral, Morrison and lxJwnsdsle atreato. Servlcea, 11 a. nv and I p. a sermon an Reamy;n Sun day school, close of morning service; Wednesday meeting, a p. av Norwagiaa 41 North Fourteenth street Rev. J. M. Xervlr, pastor. U a. m. and I p nv Sunday school at t:4 a. av ' St. James Bngllah West Park and Jefferson streets, J. A. Leas paator. Services at 11 a. m.t Sunday aehool 10 a xvi In the evening the ehureh will be occupied by the members of the panlah Lutheran charch, Sf-'B, OSUSdB ML 'B. Church South 171 Second street, Percstars hall. Sunday school 10 a. av; preaching, it a. av, and 0 p. av. by Blahop H. C. Morrison af New Orleans; Bpworth League 1 p. aa. First Bach Coach and Bast Blghth, '. F. Small, pastor, 11 a, nv, Ray. O. J. Nelson of Illinois will preaah; 1SUS B. av, Sunday acboot. i , VsTTTn BTAMBBBIOAJL United Bvange4loeJ-T-Pais7o and Xerby street a. Rev. J. Bovrcreox. paator 11 a. nv From Buffering; to 01ory"j aa serv- .. , Opening Feature , ptotare aat ta of' whirlpool plash with reai Valenciennes laoe, merlbeu and osUioh feather trimming. The Stole and muff are covered in ssaribaa fiath ara edged with plaited asoussetalacs and rows of reai Talenoiennea laoe. Thla beautiful trousseau may be viewed In one ef tha Olds. Wortmaa A Kins; wla dowa -oa oorner of fifth and Washing ton streets and la worth gorns; to view. The opening displays la the windows surpass anything- aver before attempted te the city. ' - y ' ' ' ' ta the evening 6a aooaant af tha ehuroh-openlns; earvios at St. Johns. Flnri Prof. U M. Matagar of Dalhia will ooospy the pulpit at 11 d. av: there will be ao services tn the evenln, v Ftret Oermaaxr-Tsnth aad Ctay streets. Thee. Schauer. pas toe. 0:00 a. av, Sun day aehool; 10:41 a. av and 0 a. av, aer mon; I:00 p. av, Y. P. A. First Bngllah Hhuit Sixth and Mcswet sxreeta. Rev. O. W. Plumer, pastor. d ll . a. av,' Tha Healing StraamJ 0 a.' nv, "Nona Bat Jesus"! 10 a. nv, Sunday aehool; p. av. Junior alllaaoei 1 av ark . YeuaeT People's aUlanca. . i r . - BBBOBMABMOTOB, . - Piagliaalve Spiritualist Hsll Ml. Allsky building. Third aad Morrison, 7:40 p. av, "Where ta the Kingdom ef H saves and Caa We Locate Itr by Rev. Mrs. O. Cornelius. Berea Mission Second and Jsfxaraoa . streeto. Bey. t. H. Allan, paalfw a. av, fuaeral af Mrs. Louisa A. Allen, wife af tha paator; tha evanlns aerviee la omitted. . Firat Spiritual Sootaty---ArtlaaxcV hall.. Ablavtoa building. Third street near Washington, 11 a. av, conference; 11:10 p. av, child rca's progressive lyoeumi f :4f p. av. Bar. O. C Lova will lecture. Y M. C A. Aasoolatlon adltortVBi. Fourth aad YasabiU. , Men's meeting Sunday. 4:10 p av; add rasa bp CaL John Sobleskc on "The Christie a.- MUlenntal Dawn Best Ninth and Baat Orant atreato.. p. av, "Who, la the Days of Hla Flesh, Was Perfection Through Bufferlngsf Boston Talnless Dentists Known the world over, ara the only dentists In Portland having1 the lata botanical discovery to apply to the fuma for Patnlcea Extracting, Filling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed tew a 25.oo set: ... i2.5o $20.00 St. .-..flO.OO sifi.oo bet..,..,.....,. S7.rU $10.00 Set.... $15.00 Gold Crown...T $10.00 ooirj crown. ... $10.00 Bridge Work. ..a Gold Fillings. Silver Fillings. war caul Bridge Work ad Bow a cpeolaity. Oar Fatoat Baucis i wlU hold yeeur toeh ap. Cnma hi at once and take aoTvmntaaa ef tow rates. AU work done by spsetaUsta without pain and fuarenteed xoy 10 yaara, iW , - . 4 - Boston Palnlt. Dentists Fifth and Morftasa) streeto, entraaes m Morrtaoav RESTAURANT' " t led Sa hath seta at ,4 etoBls a k ftrem ff a, av to S p, am, L k Do)lksOa DbiiMrr : , 4nM to S p. av dea . 50 oomU i yaara. . - niMM Wmmk' Bi m ' aj. A4 wi f: - S5.00 -7.50 S5.00 r ; 5.00 r f 1.00 50o t a: i - . P I