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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
1 ; 3, SUNDAY MOKXIO, I TEMBSR 18, 1904. rr-t:r. MimBmeBSBsmmsasswwwsa&!!smwas' it. - 4 J V lira lend a -btaerre effect to th iU Bertie Oku Royallleu. afterwards known aa "Louts Victor". nd 'Bel-a-falr- . puf" Edgar Rati Berkeley Cecil RorsHleu. a, brother to " Bertie. Donald Bowlee Hon. i Lord Royalllau, father of Bertie and Berkeley ........ George R. Rerrell Lard Rockingham. friend of Bertie's -', ULtlllan. RahuhI i., .. Rake, Bertls'e valet. George Bloomqueet Colonel Chateoaroy, the "Black Hawk" v: . ...t. Scott Beaton ' Sam BaronL a" money lander - ..William Dllla i Claude Cbaurelon, captain of tha Chas , aaura d'Afrlqus. . . Harry W. Hawks Marehal -i Dupont. commanding tha ' French foreaa la Algeria. Q. W. Barton JNii BrMU J.,...tW. H. Harkaeea f . Pierre Martin )....( Junes WUaon '. Ta T , )...... Robert Harris Cbaaeeura d'AfriQue , . : Arab Chief C. T. Wilson f Sentinel .Robt. Graham Orderly W. Kenaey - Babaaum. Turkish. vendor William Dills tnnceas veoeva -uorooa, im nnver - . Pheasant" ...... .v. ...Louise Brandt Levlna, her maid ...Roy Barnard Lady Baatrloa Guinevere .. Marlon Barhyte ' Cigarette, tha 'Daughter of tha nasi - BinL "A Soldier of France" f i ... . ....CathrtneCountlea 4 . SYNOPSIS OF SCENHRT. V v Act I Bertie Cecil's LodainkaLen' v. don. Twelve ream era supposed to Act II Al Bier, tha Bermoka of tha . x Chaaaeurs d'Afrkme. i . Act XII The Tea of Tha Stiver " Pheasant. i Act IV O!nanoe Boom la Fort Eden. , - Act V The Dmm of Alaiere. , . Aet VI Courtyard, ot the Barrack- s- ' Sunrise, , . ' ' ' w ' VtrB40MAsrrsm. av masqvak. .' . At tha) Marquam Grand theatre neat - Thursday, Friday and Saturday nlg-fata, t September IS, M and it with a special matinee on Saturday, that aver popular y- and eflarveaoant musical eomedy, "The Burgomaster," will again bid for pop ' ular favor. Frank Plxley,.' a newspaper nan, la responsible for the worda and . tha atory they taU, and Ouatav Ludera la tha composer of the music xna lines are exceptionally funny, and beat of all. .. there la not a syllable that eaa attend '. tha moat fastidious. Mr. Ludera nauale Id squally worthy of eommendation. The melodies are all -;. aatohy. tuneful, admirably orcheetraed ana anouna in.wirnw anu muvb Ludera did not atrlra to write elaaaloa that would so thundeiina down the acea - like a Waxner . overture. He wrote to ui ' -f ju kMmln- tine n& enea blood olroulatlna taster, and how wall ha auo eaedad la proven by tha wonderful auo- oees ox nia anorta. ine Buriummit la Sail of these tantalising tunes and one can acaroely. retrain from whiatllns .' them. . Tha soene of tha prologue m Man . battan laland In It 10. where . Peter stuyvaaant, tha burffomaeter, and Doodle von KulU hta secretary, foarlnr that the settlers are- to Da aiiaoaaa or tttm. RrltUh and Hwadlah foreaa and bv tba Tammany tribe of Indiana, decide to avoid the duties wnicn auoa an ai- , tank nnM naturally - force UDOB them y and la a moment of despondency, tbey drink tha intffvea wins onsinauy prs v pared tor their enemies, and alnk Into a .. ' Rip Van Winkle alumbar uotu tae uw ' Uai hlnw nvar. Tha two fall asleep ao aoundlr. that th JIb not waka un until tba year 191, when a tan of laborers dlsaina a , trench an sroaaway, mw ion -y. h tlu anaADhlatloatad Dutohmao. wKa nrhwlth set out to see tha towa f mnder tha vuldaaoa of Willie von Aeter- bill, a alidad youtn, ana tne nexfem Spider, typical puctllat af the. da . who beltevea la words, not blows. , ' t, - Tha burvomaater and Doodle aaa Ufa t Ynrb naka a tAUP of Wall BtrMt and Coney laland. and Incidentally visit ' a wtatiat . ball room la one of New i v Vnrk'a mMt hmoii manslona. where a private theatrical performance la jMina; given. In fact the pace la ao 'rapid . and tha axcltlnr airhts ao vanea worda fait the old burgomaster, and aU . ai Ml njr a, 1l K poaalbler L ' Tha prodaetioa this year, aa wall aa the aoatumlna. la entirely new, and both ' are said to be the moat elaborate "Tha Burgomaster" baa aver had. In tha bis aaat are Oaoar L. Flvmaa, aa tha bur 'ri aomastar: Chprlea Sharp, Oaoar B. Rac V - land. Fred Bailey, R. J. Moye, George MoKlaaock, Oiaa. von Hatafeldt, Loulae Braokett, Harriett Sheldon, porothy Baa, Maa Franklin, the Lock hart eiatera and many othara of prominence, The ad- " vance bate af seats will open aa Tvee . .a FaTOOmA AT UKla, .A t : ardou s masterpiece- Is the oharae tarlsaUon lvea "Fedora" by moat erlUoa who are familiar with all of tha playa of tha great French drama Oat. And that the verdict la a fair aaa la eaeraUy ' screed by playaoera after witnessing: a performance of tba play. It is a fair pradlotwn, therefore, and ana that, la as sured of verification, that an unusually fine treat awalta patrona of tha Baker theatre thla week, for "Fedora," with htelbouma - McDowell and Charlotte la tha nrlnelnal narta ooeoa a week s eocasameat wiU thla aftarnooa'a gaatlneai Tadora" la tha tale of two cities, the aoaaea belns; laid In St. Petereburc and Farla Strooi' In love and strong- In hate la Fedora, the Ruaalan prlnoesa who la tha eentral flrure la tha plt For tha - sake of venaeance aba follows tba aup- - poaad a layer of bar aflanced husband. and In apite of herself aha falla la love with hum Great la that love, but greater still tha hate which la born of fancied wrong, nnd when Fedora gets tha oppor tunity aba gives up tha object of her . retribution and her love, without heai ' taUon, to a horrible death. Before hla doom overtakes him. she learns that her dead flanoe has wronged her and that "". hla violent death waa iuat retribution . for hie sine. Then aha attempts to save the Ufa of tha man aba loves, but her work of vengeance has been ao well dona "v '1' that aha cannot undo It. Her lover w Mined aim mum, vtwiuwi r weight af her woes, commits aulolda ' . Lorla Xpanoff la one of Mlbourne llopowaira truly great parts. Indeed, l some eiitlca have pronounced It hta greatest effort. In tha character of Fa. dora. caariotta iMane win again uno "im portunity to give full aeope to her aplen i MAtimii ahllltlea. Mr. Bsmelton. Mr. Orlffltb, Mr. inslea and the other members of tha oompany are all well aaat. A aotaworthy feature In eonnaetloa with tha production of "Fedora" la that It will preeent tha only opportunity of tha present engagement for patrons Of the Baker to aaa tha favorite McDowell oompany In other than historical ooa - -tumaa. Conventional evening dreee la ;" snueb In evidence la "Fedora." -- - .- ' - . "--v--.- Tha attraction at tha Marquam Grand theatre next Wertneeday night, Septem ber tl, will be Oortan'a Mlnatrala An Innovation which haa become popular la tha emtinfloua performance presented by thla famoua company. There are aa Ions, tiresome waits, and na inferior acta put on merely to fill out the time, 'arverythlng? presented la elever and interesting- and goee with dash and vtoa from aurl to finish. - The oompany ta eompoeed of tha heat performers, each one being selected with special reference a hia ability and tha persormaaoa la ...... ...... .. . . , - - - .. ... v guaranteed to aw entirely free from any thing that could of mod tha moat fas tidious. Among tha f tret-olaaa apeclal acta whtoh comprise Che olio la the eom edyand dancing; epec laity of Wei by. Pearl and FelL Jaka Welbya negro ooaiedy haa Ions; been noted for Us originality and1 exoellenoe and forma a conaplououa part of this sketch. 'C. C Pearl contrlbutea a marvelous 4anclng perforaoance, and Mlaa Cleona Pearl Fell haa bean Included thla season to add still mora dash to en already lively perform ance. , Tha company has lone been re garded aa one of the standard attrac tions, whlcti may always bo depended upon to more than -fulfill its promises and tha addition thla eeaeoa of many new and Important features Insures a performance of unusual excellence. A Lgrand -street parade, which la unrivaled In Ita magnificent and costly equipment, will be given. Tha advance sale of seats will open Monday. V ww ' n- mi TmacFaw a ooautsuvrs. Jules Walters la hla new version of "Side Tracked,' opens a week's engag-e-meat with today' e matinee at Cord ray's theatre, .This piece la ft' rollicking, sprightly faros comedy, constructed for laughing purpoaea only, and from one and of thla country to tha other It haa always acopmallshed Ita aim. Tha star. Jute Walters, aa Horatio Xerxes Booth, has given-to tha stage a new con ception of the genus tramp. It Vilfters entirely from that of any other jmd la both amusing and aa original character study. Tha comedy situations in "Side Tracked" are humorously complicated, the cllmaxaa are excellent while tha wholF thing haa a breeay atmosphere that adda to tha merriment of mankind la general. Tba company carries a largo amount of apeclal acesaryaba eoatumea of the ladies aaa brilliant, while tha epaclaltlee are bforp than usually enter taining. A apeclal feature af tha ahbw la a new and original specialty intro duced la tha third act and which fur nlsbes no end of laughter. In thla lat est sketch Mr. Walters aaaumee tha role of an Impecunious Insurance agent aad hla methods of entrapping tha unwary are decidedly new and original. Several specialties are Introduced In each act and all . are of tha moat antartalnlng character. Tha entertainment la a mirth provoker from start to finish and wlU oartaialy give great pleaeure to tha patrona of Cord ray's, theatre. Tha en gagement begins with tojay'a matinee and will ha oontlnued throughout tha aatlra v'. . ' STAR'S alaf wakZ ? 1 Without axoeptloa tha greatest vaude ville bill that haa aver beam presented at tha Star theatre .will be shown at that house for tha week beginning on Monday afternoon. Tha bright particu lar stars of tha new program- will be the Lorotta twrna, whose marvelous turn on tba triple bar haa become tha sensation of the vaudeville world.' It la one of the higheat salarled acta aver brought to the Pacific coast ' and It waa originally played at tha Crytal palace In London, Stag land. On account of tha great expense thla aet' has not 'been generally played throughout America aad tha management of the Star la to ha congratulated for for Ita patrona.'' Tha trouble with most .lady cornet tsts la that their Up lat not sufficiently strong to sustain tha notes. With Irene Frank lin, however, Amerlca'a foremoat eolo lat, aa such fault oan be -found. An other high class, act on tba Star's new program la O'Neal. Russell and O'Neal. Thla elever turn la uaually billed aa a top liner and would be entitled to the plaoa at tha Star next weak were it not for tha engagement of the Loretta twins, v- --r -V- - Leo and Sulky are a team of laugh able singers and dancers, and as a fun produoer their aet la In tha first rank. A novelty la tha dancing' line will be presented by Gaatoa and Harvey, who do all their steps attired la top boots. WU1 O. Hoyt haa selected a new and beautiful Illustrated song, and tha plo tureo on tba projeotosoope will Interest varyona. '. ' - 1 - "TJVOsVS fOVf CAMXX. The Empire will offer Ita patrona this weak, commencing with a matinee thla afternoon at S, tha finest production of "Uncle Tom 'a Cabin" ever seen seen on tha Paclflo ooaat. Manager Weidemann haa secured tha William A. Brady ver sion, which waa used at the time the great revival of the old classic waa made la New York a abort time ago, The Weldemana. oompany has been working hard for tba paat weak and each member la prepared ta give tba per formance of their oareera. Elaborate apeclal scenery baa been painted and ao expense haa been spared in providing oomplete etage aet tings and mechanical effects. X amall army of supernumera ries wlU be utilised. Including a quartet of oolorad Jubilee alngera. A pack of fierce mao-hnntmg blood hounds haa been secured and a number of ponies and donkeys will be used. Many people have never seen Mrs. Stowa'a masterful play properly pre sented, and It waa with a view of fining tha demand for a high el aaa production of tha wonderful drama that Manager Weldemana decided to give hla patrons "Uncle Tom" for thla week. Thousands of people wore delighted with tha work of tha Weidemann oompany mat week and tha advance sale already shows that eeats will b t a premium thla week. f XWTJTS AV AROASR. An aot whma haa few rivala af its kind la America will be presented at the Arcade theatre beginning next Monday afternoon at 1:11 by tha OlrdeUera, two twins who are counted among the moat expert and amaalng head balancers and acrobata la aU the world of vaudeville. It la not difficult ta find medium par- fonnere la thla Una of work, but teams like tha QlrdeUers are few and far be tween. .- Two sketch artists who have the originality to bill the team as Mr. and Mrs. Hunun, wlU preeent a sketch which la worth all tha money aa a mirth maker. Aiding them In their nefarious designs of amusing tba public will be Billy Miller, a oomedlan who la really funny. . Two marry Jesters Who iw awake at Bight thinking of new featurea for their aot are McCoy m Knight, who will In troduce aome wonderful eoloe on that old and melodloua Instrument of the south, the "bones." Kate Coyle. that great favorite of Arcade audlenoea, will alng a new Il lustrated ballad, while tha American bio scope haa eecured aoma new aad sensa tional views. , Tha Bvenlng Newa of Saulte Sta. Marie, Mien,, pays thla tribute to "Sweet Clover, an attraction to be aeea before long at the Marquam: "Not el nee Adelaide Thurston, who, by the way, made her greatest htt aa Lola? was aeea la tha Boo la '"Polly Primrose, M baa aa finished a production been presented here aa waa "Sweet Clover" laat night The atory af tha play ta not new. tha characters are not new. but tha atory waa told in a hew manner and tha characters were por trayed by a meat eaeellent oompany. Tha atory la merely that of the country gdri marrying against - tha dictates of her heart ta please her father, tha appear ance af her -former lover, dteeovery of tha paat affection by the husband, aue- plcwa, accusation, separation, return to the old home, tha diacovery of th error by tha husband and reconciliation after It has aeea found Out by tha wife that aha lovee her husband moat. Tba eaaraotera are the Maw amglaad XJnder V'- ''V'-'A'C ' wa Blanche Bates' greatest success. This Columbia ,i.i; '.V; V;:X Theatre production surpasses aU others. 'r '. ' '.. ''t The horseback ride of the heroine through the driving ; ? - - desert sand storm and up the mountain is realism supreme. ' 'j'TT? Every member, every energy at the superb Columbia ' Stock Company will be used to make mis a memorable, magnifi cent treat to 1RI0RS lie, lie. Ic; an- . Ura gallery. It. Matl .,' aaa, lao and lie;. aatlra iv.' EMPIRE THEATRE Y Cor. Uth and Morrmoa Sis. ' ALL WEEK WfUlMaTtaSlMfsarlaTy, Weswadwy tw4Sata4atr OPBNINO SEPT. 18 SBrayMatl UNCLE TOM'S CABIN A REAL ' PRODUCTION PRICES . e e 10c, 15c, 35c MATINEES . . . v 4 1VC. IJv BASEBALL Tacoma ? VS. - : -r" Portland RBCRBATION PARK isifl aun ee .. kqabov Arrauoos. , "sadtas days, Thin Hey aad Friday. CHuns eaUed a liSO p. am. Sdmlaaloa, SSei oaUdraa. Ida. Qesia aalled weak days at S p. av farmer, aid daughter aaaaUfal af coarse, an old maid sister la love with a horse trader, aa artist, a millionaire and all the, mat of tha leaeer lights who, however, la this nlay oan scarcely aa atyled aa players ot minor parta." . sTRW RXXR A TXR RTRUL . Thla week's bill at tha Lyric la one of the most varied yet presented by the management. It ta full Hat of clever artiste from top to bottom. Rvery aot la a top liner and should pack tha Lyric at ovary, performance. Tha bill la aa rollowa: J. H. Jackson; contortionist; Bellveu and Roberta, comedians; Ro mano and fitch, the dramatic sketch ar tiste of renown; Thomaa Ray, tha popu lar ballad alnger la Illustrated apnga; Swor and Westbrooa. comedians, who are always doing something at tha right time; Stella Roes, the pretty aad charm ing eoubrette, who eaptlvatea, aad the vltaaoopa la sew moving pictures. This week's blU haa proved a great' drawing sard and eloeea Sunday night. The new blU opens Monday afternoon. Aa usual tha Hi la gold la to be given away frtday night. A eonttnuaua per formance la gives today- from 1:lt to lt:M S S. s --.MR -' " . " wnrw rzjou mmsi, A btg arnatoal oarleaque will be tha mala attraction at tha Bljoo) thla week. The new Mil begtas with tha matinee tomorrow afternoon. Tha Elna oompany will appear In A Courtship ta Japan,' tba newest, treaheat and moat pleasing piece of light operatic eomedy ever aeen ta Portland. Oreat acsnio affeota are being axraaged, and tha oompany will appear in coatameo ta heaping with the aoeoe af tha play. Plenty of muaio that ' V "' X'',' '' - 1 ' i ''- , iCoIuiii!ia7hcatre 14tfa ft Wsshington, R. 0. yelch, losses ft Mgr. Main tlU The SeriMrioiiaUy Romantic and Thrilling 1 WO ffew. Version by EisnerAfter Ouida's Famous Story. All Www, Bcrfinning Motttiew Sunday, Sept ' By ths 5npsrl CohnnbU Thetrw Stock ,' No play aver written la more thrilllnf ..tfnidilng than Under Two Flags." -V Portland. r-',r 1 --'.'. Ticket offloa at Rows A Martin'a drug tore (Sixth and Washington), from 10 a. m, to f m. Phone. Main 11A, At theatre (14th and Washington), from I p. m. to 19 p. m. Phone, Mala UL 7 The Girdellers THIS WEEK : ; ; TATS .WOSXDw ROM AKAsTSw HKAP BAiAsoxaj AJTD raxxxxaa acso. SATs, XX A aaXAT SOTRUT AOT. NEW BILL STARTS' MONDAY m adthrJsa a me eagajasHne eslraorslaarr af tse Mllenvw Awaes'wiM atawM MR. and MRS. HUNN tea Menr-lfskuu BkebEB. B1LLIE MILLER a Oeenflise Was ' la - Always Immy. McCoy and Knight The Merrr fetters, latmeectag serfal SohM oa the "Boaei Waa- , KATE COYLE arim a L y ?mrti V" AMERICAN BIOSCOPE Hww and Bntreactag Ttewe af Seeaea fa Beat Ufa. CONTINUOUS BILL fODAY a U a. aa. ' Wesfe day aaewa, ; 4:99; to M4B Admission 10 Cents Vaudeville The World's faatcst Jcautrtt at THE STAR. This Wed, U$m Noftdiy The Loretta Twins RASTaXOTni RlTOIini OaT ncx TaMTLS SAIa, RIghMt Balarlid Act la Weatera adsvrna. Plratt rrosi the Crystal PaUca, Loodoa. IRENE FRANKLIN Peraanat Zady Coraettlat ' O'Neal, Russell and O'Neal High Clase OosMtfy Act. LEO a SULKY Surer and Ceeaea Basy. Q ASTON A HARVEY Paawaa Tes Beet Daaeera. WILL C. HOYT la a Kw Ittastrated Soeg. EDISON'S PROJBCTOSCOPB The Mevleg Pfctere Mshiaa With t tonal Blfbts sad Iffwa C0NIIMJ0US BILL 10DAY . .laUaa ' Wert asy avtwe. t:M to :; f to 10:) p. m. Grarrel sdetlealea, 19 eSBOJ. BerrM box mti, erou. Id worth whistling after one leavea tha house and plenty of comedy that will make one forget hla troubles sad laugh moat heart II r. mexe Bp an Meal produc tion for a high elaaa vaudeville theatre. All tha leteat New Tork mualeal bits will be heard from tba oaly pony ballet, tha alx graceful stria who have become tba rage of the town. Berrien and fclackln. tha major and tha general, have a new eklt fresh from fun headquarters. The performancee will be oontlnuoua today. Purlng tha week, a very afternoon end evening. Keep aaat year ht mind and do what you oan, or at least what your duty la. to make Portland a mora attractive city. ';'V Drama A'. v. : r" IS, 2:30 p. nu Company and beautifully I '.V ? VI v TV. J, :' i- -'J THEATRE WEEK OF SEPT.. 19th Zl tin's ! Burlesquers -'' ih nw Charxdag SerlAW ;,v "OOVSTSRTP f JAPAR, v laltlal spgisraaA af Berrlah , dMackln Toe Major aad toe OeneraLi . sun Pony Ballet a-la Mi SM RSW SOTaXTTRC Admission IOg afteraaosa ffew l:t to 4:PX from f: la n;aa Steatags ContlRoons Paoniisaces Sun- aUys frotn a:$o to forjo " LYRIC ; r THEATRE -v TXXfS ft VROOSv Seating Capacity Tot. WEEK OF MONDAY, SEPT. 19 eTBBTVRS ST LTBJO OMRawTaA. , . Tls Aaataw flat gfawwttaass ' k JetleJAl.50N ; ' ODatoruertst. Beltvcau Roberta CWrer OmMdlasa. ftTLXA TOM RoiAistr men Dramatla Sxeteh Arttoto. ' THOMAS HA, s ; ; ' , mavtrU4 aaega. , . - ftCVOR Wf ftTBROOH lagtag aad Beating Onawslam. STELLA ROftft OharaMag aMBMtta. TI1C VITA5C0PC fa Mew fletoraw Thla ad. and loo will admit two to any matinee, excepting Sunday aad holiday. . ADMISSION fOc NO HIGHER trORAT. - ta MnMw w StiS aad Ttia. J 1 :.7 Wtffft fair Excanloos. . , Oa October t, 4 and I tha Canadian Pa cific will again place on sale special roanaVtrlp tickets to SC Ixmla aad east em points at vary low rates. Ttcketa good (or stopovers, with final Mmtt af daya Thla will ha the laat opportu nity to eecure warM'a fair tickets at re duced re tee. Bieeptng-oar reset1 rsttoaa should ae made well ta advance. For full partloulara, call en or address F. R. Johnson. 9. aad f. At 11 Third street. Pert land. Or. Vaaaoek flour la the baa faaay patsat at tha aaarkaU At leading araaarav Flags Bijou MARQUAM GRAND TIIEAT: M Prom Maim 969. W. T. Pauajrla. atawiafaaf Wednesday Night September 21, 2Zl G O R TO N'S Famous MI . FRSSSNTXNO Entirely New, Costly . '.. arORTOR APTO SjRR . thi atarveloua Mardo Tronpa RRsrafTRR AORORATaV " 0RSWTRaT CXTTT QDXPTTRTTR i The Wonderful ' VAROR TRIO . . ' PRICES Lower floor, except last Tie. Balcony, first alx rowa, 7 sc; Ita Boxes nd logee, 7.i, . k. V TUB ADVANCE SALFJ OF SEATS f.A4 BKrTEMBKK '' PAom Muim 969. - - CP. MARQUA I'M Three Nights, StsrtiojE Thursday, September 22, 1904 ; SPECIAL PRICED MATIN KB SATURDAY ' ; W. P. BURGOMASTER Ry Rtslap sam XaHaaa, Aatkoea aa "PHaui af VQsea." With 0car L. flgman as the Burgomaatcr V-v.'J , r.- Asm '1 si l '.: : ' 'I AtJQMBNTRD S UCH MUSIC UCH. Ol RLS y6H A CAST VKNINO rRICRS Lower floor, except last three rowa, f 1 N; last three rows, $1.0. JSaloony. first three rowa. 91.0a; second three rows, Teej Uat six rows, too. Gallery, 86a and Sao. Rosea and logee, 1 10.00. SATURDAY MATINKB PR ICES parq uette, 1.M; parquetU alrola, tao. Balcony, first three rowa, 7 to; second three rowa, IPs; laat alx rows, tee. . Gallery, Ma and Jea :, - -v-- THR ADVANCTB SAUff OT BBAT WILL OPEN NEXT TURSDAT . "t MORNING SEPTKMBBR , AT W O'CLOCK. ta M BAKER Oa. (Baa.) i ONE WEEK SS" MATFNKB MELBOURNE , ' . BTJPPORTSD RT AN IN SARDOtTS "FEP0C?A" '- t , . -".-.. ,t--,.--. ... ' THR ONLT MODKRN SOCTbTTT PLAT , ' . f ; ; Uf MR. MACDO WEILL'S RRPERTOIRR. Never bafora hag aoeh big inductions seen praaantad by Mlborna I tneiWGISc, 25i 35c, 50c MATINEE- Kfe 15c, 2Sc f I Grand Production "EMPRESS THEODORA" mmmmi hseeeeeeesseeeeeesMSseda ; CORDRAY'S HiT.5E tOfVIAS I Sept. 18 , 4 MR. JULB8 WALTERS "''i;' ;'. THR PRINCE Of TRAMP COMEDIANS J'':''- Praaantlna; ; t - Side TracKcd -Cn i 'V UP-TO-DATE ;,'.. - ' . WWW ARXTfTIOR, RRWRT AaTR "ATCRT.- IRfltRtttBrRRRV PtTsTRT, . crook nu OJ eutTRR SFBCIAUTIE COME AND PIAVH A GOOD LAVOB - " : . ' :': ... A NOW Play Ehoh Week. New Paoaa, New Music. New Sea y, everybodr up ta their Hnea, everything goes with a vha. all stage evrere aliaUaated by many performancee before coming to Portland. GET TOUR RESERVED SKATS EAI,Y ToaT ARO AVOID L , AT BOX Orrical TOrT. ' ' " RflSRtrRAR, tO and SO cents- R"mmM1 v 0 a 4 tt cents te any pit vt (All White) and Up-to-date Features Comedienne and Da noes, ' : gARTRR Roama . .Tramp Juggler Character Impersonator mastwr biosarr eeo Phenomeaal Tenor Solo lat. three rows, li ao;- last three rows. last alx rows, c Gallery. 4o ad . WILL OPKN MONDAT MORltlrtO, A1-M O'CLOCK. ; . . " : M GRAND THEATRE T. PamgU, Rmaidmt Mwrngmr. CULLEN t STtfRRIRR RRA VTf OKORVS . . ORCHESTRA. , BAT LESDAY AUB WMMMveWMme THEATRE TODAY, SEPT. 18 ! SATtTRDAT. HACDOWELL KXCBILLBNT COKPANT BBAUTIFTJL DRAMA 1 START I NO TODAY SUNDAY MATINEE i and All Week wtth SATURDAY MATINEE t