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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
i ... f Autumn Brings TFresh Amusements for ; Society Folk THH OKSGOM SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18 190L i 4 TH vlntw nuoh ktf begun, though) social work hu not v yl become very active. Much :. attention Is twin lrt to Uh , reorganisation of. w later clubs and plan , Bin for tha season's work. Several will bt ready next WMk to announce - 'definitely thlr winter campaign. Tba concert musicals given by Mr. Peas Tuesday evening opened tba nu Blonl aaaaoii auspiciously. Portland look forward With plaaaur to tha an Joymeut this quartet of etngere will ; furnish during tha year. Tbara will ba lull In big musical affalra bow. till "-after tha appearance of Josef Hoffman, ' , an event eagerly anticipated by many who hava learned . lova him at hla '. former appearance here, ' ': Ttia state fair at Salem hurt week at . tractad ta good many visitors among ' thoaa who hava. frlanda in th ompltol ' ettyi Among thoaa attending from "' Portland were Mra. E. F. Sterna, lilaa Bthel Roaalter. Hlaa Claud lot Mo Monlea, T. Rota, Mr. and Mra. Silas ; Soul. Barney McCaufh. lflaa Doilie Lovcll, At Cft n ton, U. D. Wisdom, Hon, -'':,v 1 '- A V MR .EDGAR - . ; and Mrs. Edward Htrsch are antartala in Ouy Hirsoh, Mr. Lovanateln and Miss Bhanahaa from PortUnd. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lova, Mrs. U J. Parkas and Mlaa KrnasUna Palttns; visited friends In alem for a few days, : Tha announcement of Miss Anna Har ris encaavnant is of Interest to many. MJee Bdna annons matrlace to Gtoorse Brown will take plans September U. Talk of football already taklna; vp time. The eommeneament of evening practice on tha Multnomah field brln tha football anthuslaats to tba front at once, and tha season schedules ara belna; atudled with Interaat. Events cf tKc Weet in i ' ' ' f A pleasant event of the week was tha reception Monday evening- glve-by tha Western Aoademy of Arts in honor of the new membera of tha faculty. Tbara ' waa an attendance of about 400. A formal prog-ram was first given Intro ducing some of the new faculty, each in his peelal work.. Mordaunt A. Oood Dougti. who baa bean heard here before. . waa well fseelved In hla piano numbers. Kuthyn Turner, violinist, played two selections of hla own eomposftlon. which dlaplayed his versatility with tha bow. O. Lester Paul waa received en thusiastically In his dramatle work. During tha evening there waa muaia given informally In the various rooms. . Mlaa Bertha Royal, Mlas Mas B reel In and Mlaa Petronalla Connelly were among tba singers. . J, Adrian Bpplng and William M. Rasmus were tha hoau of tha evening. ' ' Tha borne of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Simon waa tha scene of a pleasant cele bration of tha fifteenth anniversary uf their marriage on last Sunday night. About to of their friends called and ax tended their good w tehee. Tba game of "too" was played until midnight, tha priaee being won by Miss TUlle Harrla and Mra.- Ban Blumnuer. A delicious supper wea served, and after 'music the guests departed during tha early an- ; ing hontn. f ',. j , , y f A nnkua and enjoyable evening waa given Friday, September t. In Albany, by Mr. and Mrs. Percy A, Toung In honor of Miss Rablna Longwlll of San TTanotsco. Mr. and Mrs, Toung ars leaders ef tha smart set of Albany and hava a pretty homo where Mlaa Long will has bean passing her summer and Mr. Olbaon, their ooualn, paaaad a few days on bis way to reeume hie work In tha University Of Oreae). . r " Miss Lets Steers entertained charm ingly with an Informal luncheon at tha Portland Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Norton of Albany. Her gut besides Mra. Norton avers Mrs. Fletcher Linn and Mrs, Percy 'A. Toting of Albany. WW. - About M of the helpers from - tha third floor of Olds, Wort man A Xing' department store, led by Mr. and Mra. J. C. Olds, invaded the noma of Mr. and Mra. W. I. MastSTeon, Beat Pine Street, Tuesday evening. Tha affair was par fact I y planned and carried out asm tba surprise waa 'complete, w w Dr. A. H Raekey entertained Wednas "day evening with a trolley party to Ketscarta and a dinner In honor of Mra Anna Selkirk Norton of Albany. There , were present Mr. and Mrs. Norton. Mra Waitx Reed, Mrs. Albert G, Sheldon, Miss Sanaberry. Lauren Pease, Arthur Alexander and Dr. RookeyVV ... ; - . w w - The Barred Heart Parochial- school opened last Monday with an increased attendance. ' plana, are being made fof extensive sodal work- , w - Miss Nan Wood entertained ehara- tngly with an afternoon tea Thursday afternoon at her noma an Ford and Madison streets. Tba gneat of- honor was Mlaa ereanouga of New York, w Tba Porta sia alab was entertained at the noma of Mr. and Mra. R. A. Wood- bum, 181 Sixth atraet Thursday, Sep tember It. Tha first part of the evening- was- spent in playing progressiva whist, after which refreshments wen served, and tha monthly business meet Ing held. It Is the intention of the club to giva- a series of part lea daring tha winter and a oommlttee of five, cone let tng of W. F. Damert, J. M. Sheets, H. J. Houghton, It. P. Thornton and N. Paul sen was appointed. Tha first party will take place in October. Tba prises for wblst wara awarded Mlaa Carrie Stipe and M. Pawleoa. ' An elaborate wedding took place In St. Jaraea' -Lutheran church at 4 o'clock Wednceday afternoon when Arthur B. Holdarman of Dayton, Wash., and Miss Margaret Oellaeky were married. Tha church - was decorated with autumn leaveai fema, pal ma and flowera. The ohaneat was covered with autumn fo liage. Tha aisles were outlined with bouqueta of flowera and tha ohandellsrn wound with autumn leaves. Pslms and -ferns wera banked on tha rostrum and a wedding bell of roses and, fern waa hung overhead. ' ' ..Rev. H. A.' Start Bang "O; Promise Me." - and Mr. Schrlttanbsrg followed with the Mendelssohn wedding march. Tha uahem. Emmet Baker of Portland and Oscar Towerage of Dayton, Wastu entered, followed by 'the two brides maids. Miss Anna Stub) Ing of Thv Dalles and Mlas Blsle Lowiu of Portland. Tha former wore jmm yellow organdie touched with burnt orange. Miss Stub link; wore corn yellow crepe db chine shirred. Both wore alack picture hats snd earrtad Maresehal NIel rosebuds. Tba maid ef honor. Mlaa Vlnnte Mayo of Portland, gowned la green etamlne aver silk, wore k green bat tea berg hat and oarrled La Franca rosea. Tha bride en tered on tha arm of her brother. Km 11 R. Oelinsky.- She was gowned In white crepe da chine and las, with a vail and carried Bride rosea.. The groom with his beat man. Dr. S. P. Bittner, met bar at the altar. Rev. J. A. Leas read tha wadding service. . . , After ' tha eeremony,'' earrtagas eon- vayed tha guests to the home of tha bride's pa rente. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Oel insky, 174 Taylor Street. ' Tha houes was gay with autumn Waves, roses and palma Tha attendants at (ha wedding assisted tha hostaas la receiving and enr tertalBlnf the gueeta . Mr. and Mra Holderman left on the evening train for a eta week's tear of California and other southern states. They wUl be at home at 74 Taylor street. . . r , 1 'ww' ' '1 Oeorga B. Maxwell and Miss Leila A, Cooke wars soarrted at T :I0 Monday avatOAaT at the bride's bona, 4SI Fifth PROMINENT MUSICIANS WHO TOK MRS. ROSE BLOCH BAUER L: V' atraet, with a vary unlet service. - Rev, William a Gilbert performed tha cara mon y. - About It relatlvea and Immedi ate frlanda wars preeent - Tha rooma wera prettily decorated with ettturan leaves, ferns and sweat peas. Tha bay window was banked with, ferns and a bell of green and white hung from the oenter. An Informal reception followed tha oeremony. Mrs. Harriet K. Mo- Arthur and Mra. R E. Ankany of Eu gene presiding aver tha serving of re freehmants. Mr. and Mrs. MaxweU left on the evening train for their now noma In Sterling City, Cel. , . - -Frank H. St ruble and Mlaa ' Etta Debsnbam wera married by- Rev. B: L. House, at tha First Congregational parsonage at 1:10 Saturday evening. September 10. They left on tha night train for Mont Beano, Wash, where they will raslda. . w ' - ' One of' tha loading weddlnga thta weak waa that of Miss Ona Thayer and Albarry Lewie Oeorga, at a o'clock Wed nesday evening. Tha eeremony waa par- formed at Taylor street Methodist church by Rev. F. Burgettd Short. Tha altar waa massed with Oregon grape and an arch of tha same with two white doves resting In tha green curved above tha brldabt eoupla.- - White sweetness variegated the green and baskets of pink and white blossom and sword ferns wera hung around tha room from the gallery. Tha decorating waa dona by the Toung People's Social club which is oomposed of Mra. B. Lee Paget a Sun day school class and Mr. Royal's Mass, of which both tha bride and groom are members. w . Preceding tha eersraony Mr. Brooks at tha organ gave a number of appro priate selections. At tha sound of tha Lohengrin wedding march the "uahers. Roy Searlea, Freedom Stackpola, Hiram Wilson and Charles Oaller entered. Tha four bridesmaids followed, all daintily gowned fcn pink chiffon with narrow ribbon trimmings, and oarrylng abawer bouqueta of white . sweetpeaa srtth trailers of aaaaragua fern. They were Mtea Blanche Metcalfe, Miss Pearl Ehukla,, Mlas Veda Will lama ae.4 Miss Bdna Brown. Blvtra Thurow and Ruth Thayer wara flower girls, dressed In white silk and carrying beak eta of pink sweetpeaa Tha bride's sister, ' Miss Helen, followed, gbwawd m whiter mull with orturoa trimmings ana nonaa. ana earrtad Bridesmaid rosea. Tha bride entered on the arm of bar father who gavs bar away. The groom and hla beat man. Lyla Metoalfe, mat tha party at tha elter. Tha bride's dress waa whits crepe da chins over taffeta with shirred self, trimmings and a handsome yoke of all-over lac. Her veil waa secured with a pla af dainty deelgn. a four-leafed alover af pearla and dia monds. She carried a shower ef Bride Tha bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thayer gave a reception after he eeremony at their home, IU Twelfth street The reception-room was a of flowera with blossoming elematla I and wait sweat pees wound about thelsh M vary popular la the soaisty strcles. PART IN THE ALEXANDER RECITAL POM J.'TAN windows, tha doorways and tha ahand llera. -Tha bay window with a back ground of green waa banked with palms and her Mr. and Mra. Gears received congratulation. - Mra. Thayer, gowned In black etamlne over taffeta, received and presented the guests and she was asstated by Mlaa Alberta Bocles. Throughout the even ing Fisher's orchestra furnished muaia ' Ths drawing-room waa decorated with feme and La Franoa roses. Hera Mlas Myrtle Chamberlain. Miss Lorn Allen and Mlas Millie Carothera served punch. In' -the dining-room wars autumn leaven. In gorgeous oolors and rod aweetpeaa The table waa lighted with red shaded candles snd a huge bowl of red sweatpaaa formed the centerpiece. Presiding over tba refresh ments were Miss Winifred Rankin. Mlaa Bdlth Berns, Miss Btta Upton. Mlaa Sadie Francis and Miss Hassl Wilson, Upstairs Miss Hattie Orussl bad charge of the gtft room where there waa an elaborate display of china, out glass,' sil ver, fancy work snd furniture. Tha Toung People's social club gave a hand eome, dinner set ef gold-decorated hsvl land china. - . f Mr. and Mr. Oeorga left Friday to pass a month In California. They will be at home after November 1 at their new home on East Eighteenth and Madi son streets. '-it w ' Ouy F. Via and Mlaa Mamie Raywood were married at noon Tuesday by Rsv. fE. L. House at the First Congregational manse. They will live in Portland, -' w w Charles n. Kerr and Lennah F. Bam ware married at 1 o'clock Thursday ev ening in Calvary Presbyteries church. Rev. William & Gilbert officiating. Tha church waa beautifully decorated. Miss Margaret Lam hereon played the wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr received con gratulations la tha ehuroh, , ww - ' i Rudolph B. Schloth and Miss Florence If. Dillane were married quietly Thurs day evening, st the residence of James Dillane, 4M Williams avenue. Judge M. C. Oeorga ' officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Schloth left, after a brief and Informal reception, for the east. . , . ir it " v'' " " Miss Lflllaa Patten MoElroV and Lester Alexander Luekey. ef Eugene, war married at the home of the bride's aunt, Mra. J. P. FrlasalL la Salem Wed nesday evening. At I o'clock. Mlas Alicia McBlroy. a later of the bride, played Mendelssbon'e wedding anarch, and little Agnes Marie McKlroy, nteoe of the bride, entered bearing 'a' baakat ef rosea, which aba strewed in the path of the bridal party. Mra. J. P. Frlssell was matron of honor. and Mlaa Myra Loverlda acted as brides maid, while B. R. Davis attended the groom. Rev. DavM Brreu. pastor ef the First Christian oh u rob, officiated. The bride ta tha eldeat daughter af Mra. B. B. McBlroy and the lata Hon. B. B. McBlroy, who- was for twelve year state eupertntandent af public ta a traction. - Her horn t la- Eugene, and and ta well-known m this city. Bhe ta a sister ef Prof. Willis McBlroy, leader of tha Salem Military hand. Mr. Lackey Uf a prominent young boslnesa man of Bugana. Mr. and Mra. Luekey hava son on a wedding trip, to the Puget sound dtlea, after which they will return to lratfen, where they will make their future home. They have the best wishes of a large olreie of frlanda, ' Frank E. Bamford and Mlas Ellpah A. Oraham were married at 4 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. Herslnger. 244 Seventh street Rev. W. S. Gilbert read the oeremony. Only relatlvea and Immediate friend were preeenL Mr. and Mra, Bamford STORE CLOSED 1; Ladies' Outfitters ; Itfull :i MM tt; Fourth snd Morrison . : i j JF . , Fowtk snd Morrtooa I m INITIAli EXH1DIT v ; Wednesday and Thursday, September 21 and 22 Exclusive Admo-tr of tha msxtett creations of new Fall Styles will b of clfrrcraess. All ths new models of tha master designers will i are at homo to their friends' at their new home. Third and MU1 streets. Engagements ' Mr. and Mra, Nathan Harris an ami nee tha . engagement of their, daughter, Anna Elisabeth, to Matbew P. Oevurta of thta city. - At home Sunday, Septem ber J, and Wednesday. September St, from a to ft selook at TSt Oliaaa street Musical Notes : An event In. mualoal circles was tha lecture4 recital given Monday aigbt In tha Y- M. C- A. building for tha benefit of tha Oregon Humana society. Edwla Cahn, violinist, gae an excellent leo ture on. "Tha Vtolm and Its Oreat Mas ters," and Illustrated It with beautifully colored storoptJoeu views. . Ha traced tba growth of tha violin, down to the present day and told tha history of ttio famous Stradivari as violin and named the present owners of the moat famous ones. The greateat maatera of the vio lin ware menLioned. together with their ooatii buttons t this realm of muaia. Mush of his explanation waa dona by ac tual Interpretation oat his ltrtnnRt. Mrs. Ross Bloch-Baoer eang Altlteen's "A Song of Thanksgiving," and Oreene's "Sing Me to Sleep" with violin obllgato by Mr. Cahn. Mr. ' Alexander waa her aoeompaalet. The audience waa repr eentative of musteel Portland, - w The leading event of the week and one of the most fashionable of the sea son waa the complimentary musicals given by Lauren Pease Tuesday even ing at the Hobart-Curtls Introducing ALI DAY MONDAY HOLIDAY or Millinery, Suits A MOTHER'S PRIDE Is in seeing her children dressed neat. If there are several children in a family it takes a small fortune to keep them in clothes, if judgment is not need in buy ing their suits, coats, etc We aim to make our Misses' and Children's Department ft MONEY SAVER FOR MOTHERS. - See what we offer you -this week: . ; The new Japanese Military Coat, Norfblks and Peter Thompson', In sibeline, novelty mixtures, Scotch tweeda and broadcloths, in tans, greens, blues, browns and onion skinhaAdaoTne tailored garments, military effects ; some collarlesa, others cape collars, turn-back cuffs trimmed with braid, inlaid velvet and T Q & imported buttons; ages to 14. This week. 470 FALL FASHIONS IN FURS At September Priced Arthur Alexander, recently af Seattle. The audience of some to people waa representative of musical taste and fashion alike. Mr. Peas proved him self a worthy host la the excellent choice and arrangement af hi program. The best talent In the eity united to render a pleasing program and to show their recognition of a fellow artist. Ed gar B. , Courses was accompanist. In tha opening number Mr. Alexander immediately captivated hla audience, few of whom had ever beard him, and th applause that followed each number of hla group ahowed the well earned, ap preciation f a erltloal audience. WUliam Wallaoe Oraham followed this number with Rubinstein's "He. manga," on tha Violin: An Imperative encor called forth a dainty Moaakowshl dance, Mr. Zan's aexlbts baritone was heard to advantsgs In the proiogun from "I Pag! lace I," by Leoncavallo. Tr-h Uebe Dlch," Orelg. sung with her Usual vivacity, waa peculiarly suited to Mrs, Rosa BIosh-Bauar'a voice. Her other two songs war equally good, but ah won her audience with her dainty re sponse, the simple lullaby, , "Sing Me to Sleep," by Greene. Mr. Alexander them sang a collection of songs In Eng lish, with his own accompaniment as . before Mrs. Walter Reed met with her customary ovation aa aha gave two songs in her rich contralto voice. "War Ich Nloht Bin Halm." Isohalkowskt. was especially good. - She responded with ths old favorite. "Just a-Wearytn' for. Ton.? Mr. Alexander's best work probably waa . In his Schumann songs. Tha final num ber, Ich O rolls Nlcht, waa Interpreted well and snowed much technique. A repetition was anthusisatically de- Mr. Alexander Is justly considered sn Important addition to musical Portland. His tenor voice la of a deep eympethetki quality that can be mads to produce a simple ballad or a heavy operetta se lection with equal Justice. One of hla charms la ta tha ease with which be playa his own aoompanlments. . Though ba 1 being recognised ss a singer. It must be remembered that he has also a reputation as on of ths best organ tats on the eoasL Hs has spent some time In Europe ta study ef both organ and Voles, . All are generous In their praise of the performers of th evening and ef Mr. Pease who conducted the affair so gracefully. It was a. delicate oompU mant an tha part af ona tenor toward another and haa served to put Mr. Alex ander at one In his rightful place among Portlands artists. r. - ... . . ' V Mi' Anna Selkirk Norton, the pop alar contralto from Albany, attended the musicals at ths Hobart-Curtls Tuesday. She passed ths week .to. the, city visiting her husband. Boy E. Nor-, ton of Tha Journal. An event la musical circles was the benefit given Tuesday night ha the T. M. C A. building for the Oregon Hu mana society. - w V w; Qtfford Nash, pianist, returned yesterday to reopen hla studio, - ( ' w w The quartet of singers who were on the program at th muslcaia Tueeday' evening expect to do concert work to gether this winter. Already they have commenced practice for future apgear ance. The singers are Mra Roe Bloch-Bauer, soprano? Mrs. Walter Read, oontralto; Arthur Alexander, toner, and Don J, Zen. baritone. . - - WW' . ' ' Mis Amp Seller of San Franetsoo, who haa been visiting for several weeks with her brother snd sister'. Mrs. Fred Seller, will leave this week for the east. She ts a brilliant pianist and expeeta to take ap bar study on her fcetum attar a rest. . . f w' -' Special services will be conducted at Temple Beth Israel tomorrow evening and all day Monday, ta recognition of Tom Klppur. or the Day of AtoneraeoC, Th mo sic fa a feature af the aarv fees, being strangely solemn and weird. Tba greater portion la Hebrew, but this IS interspersed with, anthem and sol work. - .'Si. it it ' This evening an nntlphonal service wlH be conducted at the First Christian church under the direction of Mlas Katb- ryn Llnehan. The regular quartet will occupy the front gallery or choir loft. A large aborus will respond from the back nllerv. where will be also an orchestra of four ptecee Mlas Ens Hah and Oeorga (Continued on Pag Eighteen.) and Coats delighted with this exposition be shown here on this eccaeioav. v..t