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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
)g WOMEN'S CEUBS SItfWQW.QBfr 1 It . i'-' It t ( ! a "in i "i- i " ' mri'e .v.'urie i 'i'II ' "" ' " ' V 7 .Urm. Whit Writes of Her Trip Through tha Wwt i The fellow! ta portion ol very ' chermlnc Utter that hii i"t Nm rs : .'ctlfid la Portland from M J" ' White, the art erltle of Chicago who , ao delightfully entsrtaloed the ChU r Vu aDdlinoN at the Uat aesembly: - cweac. in-rMy PJ i 4 ou t eelse thU opportunity t www I " WW act bo able to kMTWj u work to rednced, -I errlved EmtVTi m. t. .1 White aweltto ma. At S I woo otUnd- fate the eaalcnmaota awaiting SM M th Academy of Fine Arts. - . ta a.. ko OKMh I P- wrectate your extreme kindness to n during my stay ta Portland, I do wish yo cooM novo bora with ao ol Tneome, Seattle olid Butt. 1 to clorlouoly re-e-tvd krtlltlw woaeen'e mob ol taeee nlaoes. A aeon oa I registered ot "Ttto - Toeoma." I wont for ft atreet oar no i Point Denenee perk, returnlnc to th oo i - tol mt f, Imacioo my aurpriae a nndinc ? myself tatervtawed. and otiU more eur . prtoed to Bod myself, at t be v" )nc watted on by ft delegation from th club. Tho no dor tho editor of ni ' tho papers eoUod mo over tho "phone i and aeld that tho society oditor of his t, paper weald, fet I oo Itted. mho me to . band for tho day and -ohow mo T -omo." Of enure I wma wUllni, , and auch ft rlorlooo day oo I badl Tho evan " tec of that day I waa scant wottod npoe "by eaeth-r botch of ladle and ae there ' ..Minn on axhtbltMa ttl tho grand parlors of tho hotel tho John Allvtliw k Baa set IB tho parlor oo wswa e-w- BMrtta of tho palntlnco. oomo la dub br. Thoro Voro oomo oxqulotto worfca, ytproaonUoc Dutch, Fronch ond Amort cur artlata. Thoy wont mo lor two or Boro loetBroa at Tacamo Bomt oorioc- 1 took too boat to Boottlo, orrlvlac thoro la tho midat of a g-iorloua autioeL 1 MClitorod ot -Tba WoahtBCMm." and woabatnc tetorrtowod with la fl mlo toa after my arrtraL - X nod boom -paoaid on" from Taoomft aoomft I Mllod my frtond who trovolod from . Paul on my outward bound trip. Mloa It k by. phono ond lot hor know of my arrival. Tho aoxt day o-foro it M and hor mot hor oallod. and tekln mo to tho low offloo of Mr. V I w takoB In cbarco by all throo for th day, and wndorwont aaothor latomow dor aa eyonlnc paper. Tho V frolldlnc aa oloamnt bom on tho belch to nf LAke WoohlnctoB. 1 wac taken out thoro partly by oar and portly by boot. ouch ft charming nam, w wm - -R ta ft leading mombor of .-the Wonu'i elb ond obe lot tho tadloo know I wao at the hotel, and ta the voatac I wao waited upon by ft heautl Sul eompany, olub woman and oxtleta twth. Hero too 1 am to loctur aoxt Tear, ftinoa my return thoy hare Written for ft date to AprlL Tho Journoy to Butte wno thrllllB. tho train cllmblnc. ao It ooamed. tho moot otupondoua helchta of the HoofcMo. ' 1 remained In Butte until Tharoday and lmd a glorlouo time. Climbed tho "Con tinental Divide," one party of aix Clo t.H. tar nrmottoabla IB ft .croon fertile opot ta the mountain by matilnv atraam that made : .4 i. lh tlllnaao WO tethorod OUT nuM mi munwd mii lunch baakota. m-trft-ff ton over a roculax Inotan oamp . . .flra. Then after rootlnc wo oommonoeo ' tho oacont of oomo M foot, Tho day V v waa not too warm, tho aun a lttUo rolled and tho Bxhlltratioa aomoutmc pe forevor rememborod, llko tho ollmb to , Portland MelcbU that Sunday moraine i Thm mouatalna are well named hs Itocklea." QlcaaUo rooko. oomo of loao pretentloaa, then omaU rooko that you T eold oaoUy lift or roU aside, but where m aartk did they all oomo fromT One on the top, of aparkllnc granite, wao Juot tho ahapo of ft aettoo. with ft lone . t ootatool la front. - Hero four eould alt s with eaee. Wo wore 10,fc foot ahove 1 tho level of the eea. Mr. Paxaon had brought up oomo Mauoer bulltU for mo to Bodoratftnd tho alnclnc" board by w. L4t.Mii m ou miiDBinoa. Ho nrod them over my bond 1 kneoliac l front like tho Bret rank la wax. It waa a anomont of awooomo thrllL Howover a fallow otanda that X don't know, oxospt that ho muat ooncrfttulato klmaelf every time ho boar tho bound, knowlnc that U ho had been bit there would bar been M "tune In Ita oomtne. A roeoptioB of tho Womon'a dmb jrf fiutto waa hold for mo at Mr. Dr. O - end X apoko on "Tho Conquoot" and roftliaod tho thrill of pride tho women felt when the? told mo X woo right la the "heart" of the portion travelled by Lewie and Clark yoara beforo, for tho "Oread Dlvldo" la hero. But thooo loneooma, aolema mountalna, tripped of their rorduro, partly by ffwoat area, but more particularly by tho polaoBOua cas from the omoltlnc worka. Not ft Undo of croon araea nor flower grows la Butte, and not one tree through the whole city. They have a, beautiful public park, "Columbia Oar- nena," aevon mlloa dtetant and la ft pocket of tho mountalna. Hero Irriga tion baa doae woadera, here too m tho oureo of the Columbia river. X atoppod acroao tho bright, gurgllod little atream, and aont a loving thought over Ita elng 4n rvthmm murmuiina to the brood atream ao many mlloa beyond that wkiuUm thMUfh the orandour of fer tile patho, aa well aa among tho wftya- of Utter dcooutlon. On. tno women or bm mtHdarfiill How oan they be no bright and happy, oo cultured and ao intelligent, and not go utterly lnaane with the groat, forlorn, domlnatlnc aur roondugar Ah, with your Mount Hood the witching, lovely darting that o4 va mad to nil mv ooul with ft pro- Mui rfth Mmuri of hone, of Inspiration you cannot understand the depth of atupennoua Dmrrenneoa aa evi denced 1ft the "Rooklea" of thla locality. ' n BAtuaiiv snada ma fool and and a ten der sou of sympathy for the women, for tho ohtldron, yea, ftno ovea ror ine bmo, haa crept late my bean, and will vr remala there, ta thinking rf Buttot for copper hi king and mana greed for Wealth haa destroyed, every thing of beauty that to taer. the nek and the wild entawla that furnished food for tho first oeuiora, aa for the Indiana be fore them, are found no more. Tot Jtutte haa Ita place la tho World e thrift and procreeov and fortunate are tho tampers menu that caa romalu aweot. appy, booyant and hopeful amid that which to while majerttc and wonderful -oo overwhelm ln-ly eppraaalvo, 1 am M lootaro there noat yoftf, oo wow aeo ear olroult la mada. 1 will m aa nallfornio. dlroot. In Maroh oraapa, and make my way up from there, previous to any Chautauqua work la Dakota Or Colorado. Thla la a partial llt of plaooa wanting gee aost year: Tacoma. boattlo, Mooeow unl werolty and Bo lee. Idaho; Boulder, OoL, and Chautauqua, work la North Dakota, ' "fly to ft. Loula on Wodnoadar aoat to bo cooo about Id daya. , It will be atiwauoua work while thoro. The OrvgYfti number will bo tho op tomhor Tioo Arte Journal.' It la go to to be named "The Oroator Weet Ita Art and Literature." Homo to awoet and everything ta oar Itttlf auhnrb la rteh With greennoa.'and the flnaera, too, are beautiful, although me owok rooeo ond auuittem I aaw tn tho 'Oroator Wwt" .. '. t-' Z I One of tba Moot kuoqueni Bpeakars ta ... . Next Tho Iftdloa of the Hobart-Curtla are alao very pieaaantiy wannwnw w Tell them thla, If you pleaee, and any that' I can recall each one individually' when I think of them, end tho amue or kind nose, tho hand of frlendahlp atlll linger ta dear remembrance. For your own good, uneeinan apim & con only any that my etay In Portland will over bo eaaoetated with the aweot eat remembrance of a aentlo, reniibd tittle sMini hMiuiL wbooo eananimiiy. tact end forethought heipoa mo m every particular, end that, my etay there Waa ell the more bright en that aoooont. Tour Slnoare Krtoad. . r, v MARIAIf i friraiTB. . ' " - M M ?i Womaq Fumhanda, . ,t, ..:y. In State of Pennsylvania. ' Th Mm tha the Macedonian err for worker ta tho barveet field, la confined r..u. miA tu wOatarn wheat bolt meat bo abandoned. If the newe from Pennsylvania to to be eroaiioe. n has been one of tho meet remarkable haymaking and barveet aeaaonft la Berka county for many yere. It to reported. Tho late ooaeon caused an accumulation of farm work, end farm hende became 00 aoarce that wagoe eovencea tempt me 1 r.' In the northam part, af the. county from St to II. U per day wee peie lor male help. Many women wore also em ployed, receiving from tl to 11.25 per day end board. The picture of a Berks county farmer wife operating a eelf- blnder to ft neio ox npe wnon, or or nm daughter of tiller of the poll piloting e mowing machine through the lueh meadow grass, haa beau reel enough to eerve aa an illustration of aa article on 'Horvoot Time ta the steppea ox Russia, nn tka (a tMrottablo vaeuenaoe about the report from Berks county. Wo fell to understand how It happened that women received only ai ana n per Amw .km m ware nafd tl and St. 25. Haa Berks never heard of the eeonomle quality of the eoxeer Thla la a very cooo etory wr a now Tor paper to tell, and the only wonder ta why "the farmer that atlll votes for Andrew Jackson down ta Borca county happenod to be toft out Delegate Should Reply Promotlv to Invitations. x ' The request haa come from the oor reapoadlnc oooreury of the etste fed- miIm In ttl la danartmlDt Of The JoUf- nal asking that the attention of the club women of the atete ao oaueo, panio ulariy the elub offloere. to the neooeelty d ealralillltv of a Dromot response to the letter sent out by her, and published on thla page tooey, containing a ceu iw the eooventtoB, At the Astoria, conven tion, ft year ago tost Juno, eeverel clubs ft thm atata oxtondod Invitations to the convention to held ta next aeealon ta their dty, the guest of their club. By a vote of the body Baker City waa ehoeen, with the date ta October to he left to the entertaining elub. The 11th to Itth ere tho datee that have been ehoeen, end a gala the hospitable wo noa of Baker City, through tho efftctel ..h.nnai undo out Ita Invitation to the aiub woman of the atata to be their cuoete. Aivldual women; and aotteekeapera know what to Implied by an Invitation, (t mains the outline away of all ordin ary occupations for the time guests m imm and oarnlah the houea that the guests may. be pioaeed by its eppperenoei to consider thooo little deli cacies of the table, end procure the food that will tickle the palate end be rel ished by the vlattora, end to plan such amueemente for their entertainment aa win a-tv them tho area teat uteeattre. All this eaa and ahould be done without "making eompany of the guest; it to only the pleasurable preparation for thoeo honored with Invitations end who ." honor the otty with their preeenoe. tor ell thooo preparations have bean planned for thoeo who have promised to oome and later fall to write the details of their visit: when and what train to expect them on or moat trying of ell fall to toll bow many of the family have been able to accept the Invitation, end the entertainer awelta with the vagueet Idea of whether She to to lay oovera for one or Id, tho keen edge of enloymeet U token from tho expected pleasure by tho anxiety lest hitches will occur which wiU threw the beet told lane tnto eonfualon. Now this to ex actly the situstkm between the tavlted lube and the entertaining olub. Something JJke 10 women ore en titled to co. nd hare received InvtU ItoM ta stoker Clly. Unleee they hear tba United Btatea. Will Vtoit Portland Jane. otherwiee, thla to the number they will prepare and provide for, ana as me aei m(m ara ta ha antortatned ta the n ha Individual momheTe. thto means en tmroeuee amount of work, par ticularly aa the women who entertain will wish to attend the convention, end necessarily, will have to do much of the preparation before tno -cueeu nmvw. Thla la. ha homl aide Of It. end ahOUtd upon the nrlnolplee of the Oolden Rule prompt clube to-tcepono immooiaieiy w Mrs. Whites letter. Officially olub presidents and oeere tkrtoe ehoujd realise that to get the work of tber'enventloa properly In hand, to prepare; officially for It end to make tte eeseioA count to the very best advan tage! U la absolutely necessary to know how many delegatce will be preeent. who they are. and what representation each elub will nave, that time may be given to each and that none be crowded cut. Dilatorlneso In thto matter will neither apeak well for the high eenae of oour teay, which should distinguish elub wo men, nor the bualneae ability which ahould be aa seasonal ta -chooslnc elub off leers, end It to certainly to be boned that the kind entertainers wui not tm harassed by eaxelaaaneaa in torn re aped. ... P jt ft at et , j The Fineer Nail Aa a Health Barometer. a MBMHdvtlf now and Quite ft lu crative employment for women to that of the manicure. The care of the nalto haa come to he one of the requisites ox ik. aj.n lailv. and the women of mesne and position think no mere of sitting before ins opew iwn of the down-town "parlors" ta Portland and having tneir nana manicures un their huebanda do to be aeon lathered and shaved by the gaping public. It however, a Bt. ixraia paper u wm orwa Ited, It reeelree ood health aa well aa cleanliness to produce the nerfeet growth. It sore: ' One who make a doe study of fta-irer-nall will find many curioua thing about them to excite hie wonder and Interest, but none more ao tnen tno studies of physical condition told ta their growth. The nail of a person ta good health crows at the rate of about L.Uiunik nt a a inch aah Week slightly mors than many authorities be lle w but during uineas or aiier acci dent, or during hours of mantel depres sion, this growtn le not oniy suieciwu end retarded ao f ar aa Ita tongrth la oob oamed. but also ae regards Its thickness. wh.- m.--m allshtaa lllnaaa Will thus leave an indelible mark on tha nails. which may do res any aeieciea as uw nail grows out. If one haa a sudden et tack, such as aoute rheumatlam. which ends the temperature boundlac upward to 1S4 or let within the apace of three or four hours, It will be found on the nalle, Indicating the difference ta thick ness of growth between the time when health waa enjoyed and the thin growth bf the 111 period. If the Illness Is one that eomee on gradually Mk typhoid fever, for example Instead of a tide a ...ti. injuria will annoar on the nail. Bhnuid ona have an arm broken, the kinb 4A mr ha aaan only en the fin aera of the one band, but In all eaee of general sickness the ridge or elope appeare on the finger of both band. Whoa one ha pasesd through a period mma avnitaanant or mental de pression the fact wlH be Imprinted on the nails, either with an abrupt ridge or a cntle slope, according to the acute aese of the mental influence. "In ao Instance een the marks of 01 nese, Occident or mental condition be clearly seen on the nail until the growth ha carried the line beyond the white or k.if.anM Avtlmi of M but ft week or ao subsequent to sny of these things the I aaajiM viaihia to the ores: but Am aintta buy no rouno on ira savii. If not, me merx may oe lourm r nine the tip of the finger down any of the nail." - Official Organ ol Club Women Ta Tust a Year Old in tha club column" of d New Tor .uvhh rniiowtnar Bonuneate are found on "Our Official Organ," ft block or two separated! Thle department eongrotulatee the Club Woman on it A ret birthday, that la, en the first simWereary of It re luvonetlon. The aeptemher number, just out contain many entertaining feature .a Muuaiina heaina to wear the air of aa aeeredlted official orcaa of the oanarai federal le. Mrs. Deckers monthly Bteeaace will be looked forward to with especial interest. - And again MTh. ciub Woman should Bet be 0 scornful of tho non-aubeertber. Doubt- lean the aea-eubeorlber dsssrvee n, put, after ell, people do -not subscribe for a paper or magazine from a eenae of. doty. but beoauae they want to reao wem. i ist Mt a deitw to euovoH a party Organ Juat because one shares 1U oplnlone. , It Is e pleasure to do ao when the organ really serve the party, women ouy macaalnea. that pleaee - them, iuat aa men- do." ; . 1 The nub ' women tor - snnrawr mekea some rather oauetlo eommeate ttm nrtttna and faalB OOmmendablr humble over what It he a aooompliehod the first year of ita exiaionoe. i ia buoyant over lis future proapeeta awl e..n ne nrnmlu nw futuro areaUiese- The Boptesnbor number doee chow eoaae improvement.. In spite pr u neinc -?uat Ale tala month." It waa aa "of ficial organ" and a pretty good macaatna. according tnie, oerere it wao worn, for the Chtb 'Woman which tftey bought out. edited end conducted by Mlaa Helen Wlnalnw waa a VaTV aCCODtablO little teecaalne and the only aerloua ohlecUon to this, ita euooeooor, i nm weakened lUelf by at temp tine too much. An offlrfcit repree en tatlve will, ftttend the Baker City convent ion end the Ore wnmaM wilt make their wsrtte and neede known.' end when eupplied.- wlU give their loyal support ana euDoonv uona to the -o racial." n m m Young Women's Chriitian. , , Association Winter's Jorecaat. It ta a matter of deepeat regret to the worker la the Tounc Women S Chrle tiaa aawocWtlon. aaneciallv .to. that branch of H which to tateroetod ta the domoatle eclonoe eohool, that tnoy wm ha ha itMMeal tn nnnn tha oobOOl WhOB the' other elaaaee of the aaeooletloa be gin. Arrangements had been made wito Mra. Xllen R. Miller, who haa previously conducted da eaee auooeasfully la this and other cities and who to a general favorite wherever ahe haa been, to take charge for the aaaoetatlon thto winter hut tuat nravloua to the open ing alrcunutanoeft arooe which oompelled Mra. Miller to rellnqaMn tno poaiiton rwttif, a tha raarret of every one con. oerned. Not wishlnc to make a mistake la the selection of a teacher, the ae aoclatloa officers have been "making k.ata bIawIv" a eunnlv tha nlace. and aa competent teachers are not to be had for the aaklnc oome dlfnoulty ta balnc experienced la) preeurinc one who oan be cuarenteeoT aa entirely satisfactory to tha patronace. It to hoped, however, ha with tha anonlne of the oecond school term ta January tha oooklnc echool will be prepared to take up ita work with auch earnest neos that a great deal of the toot time can be made up, Another branch of work eontemplated by the association to ft domestic eervloa cuild. The "eervaat Ctrl problem" to quite aa rampant ta Portland aa In vr Athav eltv ta the land, and how a vaaa U and hOW tO . COmbet It IB ,.. Mmin a niiaatinn hero aa else tM rhiMM woman eeem to feel Hit a r arnMrlanelna' the beeiny nlng of the end of tno prooiem xnrouen i nlng or tno eno ox w r their "guild,- which waa formed ft yaor or two ago. Retber too anon a ume would eeem to eoive'oo etupenaous im latrtMta a ehattar. and while they don't pretend to have overcome the monster t the. servant airl boogey-boo they do claim they ere on the right road end. It will only now take steady peraever enee to nuke It ft question of time. Alone the lines adopted by the Chicago women the Portland women hope to work,, maklnc such alteration eft lo eel condition demand. The mothoda are entirely different from those pur sued In the ordinary employment bu reau and win be announced a oon ea perfected. A new branch of work, which will be taken up within a few week, la a tea room ta the annex which to betac built by Olda, Wortmaa as King to their atore. Thla ta one of the long-felt wants Of Portland a quiet, secluded nook where ladles who are out ebopplnc, may drop ta and take ft enp of tea or coffee end a aandwieb sc light refreshments without havlnc to run the eauntlet of ever-erowded restaurants with their josUlkc crowd and reeking odor. It will be central and more then one weary ahopper will no doubt find H a haven of rest: Much ether work upon broad buel- Bess and philanthropic lines is pmnneo and ft winter of unusual activity to an ticipated. ,,,- . . ? 1 si st t j. , . f Kara la we Sutue Gets Notice Irom Far Away Texaa. k awMtaaaa atatn at ettrBOI- . from afar, aa well aa at home, to evidenced front the following notice ia the Delias. .w- oent date: tlae Alio coopera- mw for the atatue ot nacajawes, - Woman' who aooompenlea jswis aim Clerk o their memorable expedition, haa been finished, end tbe aMa of the larger model eight feet ta helcht re oaretory to the bronxe figure will foi foiSortly. The statue will be placed tn Portland, or. H . Scetoweaetatue aaeoototlen, of wWch "VTJarv Dve, the author of "The Conquoat,- to president. M toe Ceoper statue repreeenie a rni " t t-- olad la fringed ""il carries her papoose strapped U her beck. The ocee auggeets tno mi" neeri the flair to apnarnt advanc tac In? the aotloe tolUnc 'tu?U th .lTthe fane of the young Indian la ZtiilA and wear an Mealtaed eapree- .v , .nir. the upraised hand seem to be parti nC the branohe ta the forest pew. -A-Ilt to The sculptor has sboww adelity to wnohrthru'Sen Mr pSIou. 1 -Pint of the l--ortal SseeJews ta portrayed and the Bird wST to llftid by the hand el. art fromthe degrading oractertstloa SSSh mark the feeturee f her ; eVu Tamonc the Bhoehone or Snake In stim Mjwuw tnAm Miss cooper IS e weetern an". " mTr"'..i.t i.' feace Art institute ana tudto work wun wnwi . , Si H - . - Can for Convention ' - , Federation of Woman, aubs.- Baker City. Or.. Sept. IS.-4eer ifJSl U h.ld ln ak- City. rrb v.- end It to of the 1"PU.n "f these delegatoo, with T" elected by your chtb, and a ltat tbelr names sent to Mr. fcU-y2 reepondinc teeretery ef the O at Baker City, Or., a oon a peeelble, Jot wS tta. Septbr JPt of time may be given to mek Asrrst Ust?"or tti eredentlal and entertaln msnt eommitfto; that al W-ant. may be made for the dlepetch of the federation business. It the state delegation wni be targe, that quVstlon. of E women, which will eoaaa before the body. may. be atoeMsed by delegatee : 1 MRS. LILLIAN M. H. rriTVBN; . Tce-Prwildeat of the Worirs Woman Christ lea- Temperance ITnlen, Presloant f the National Chrtotlaa Temperande,. Union.- ' ; ' ' V from every elub belonging to the O, T. W. & Chairmen of committees re ex pected to make reports of their work. wM. .tt.MiAn a Mllal ta sect ion S. article VL of the constitution of the a Bach elub with IS member, or'bm. included ta the federation, ahall be ea tttled to two delegatee. one of whom ahall be the president, or her appointee. Clube' of So shall he entitled to three delegates; for each additional 10 mem bers elub shall be entitled to eae addi tional delegate. No delegate may repre sent more than one elub, or have more then one votv The delegates and board of director Shall constitute the Toting body." , . : Also section X, of article tJL ' "ttacbv dub in the state federation ahall pay to the state treasurer annual due at tha rate of IS cemta per oaplta; duea payable In advance at the annual meet I nc. and tin call for that meeting ahall Innliwta ' a tiotleo.' to that OffCOt. To any club that falls to pay He dueaf within one monta. notice or ramiow .k.n -- .w ilia Haaanrar and If the ,w m- 'T : . I due are ot rerelved bef ore the flret loay i p' v . , : :J" snau mwi wyw .""7" " tary Shall strike tha .name of the alub irom tno roil wmwui runner . irtM anektaa credential earoT muet be presented by the delegates or alternates to the credential eommitteo at staaex Otty, Or. . Mra. Mary apauldlnc of The Dalle: OrM will be appointed to errand matters regardlnc trensporta- tton. Kindlv atva this latter romr Imme- diato attention. Very sines rely. , . , FRAMCSw av .B. WHITnv Coireepondlnc Secretary O. F, W.. C . si si SI m tf. Succesaful EzperimemV irTl In Civic Imorovement The Woman's Civic Improvemeat Leecue of Kelameaoo, MlclL, nae rin- lahAd . Ita avtvarlmant U tha WSV Of ebowtac how the atreete of tha elty may be efficiently eiranoa ana aepi so. It will be recalled that they asked for MmiuiM ta take aharso. throuah the department of health, of the cleenlnc of Mala a tree t, tot uiree monms. xr a lataana af alv ati a half blocks, the elty to pey them aum equal to that usually expenaea xor mv won, ami a Mwwtita that annltanMa ma tMurti annniiad. fhav Inau aurated the Waring system and had the stueet fre westlr floahedi pieced metal boxee en ik. AAma-a ntalnlv enarkad ae waste re- ceptaclea, aecured the co-operation of the ebutting property owners and tan- ante and procurea tno eniorvvmsnt m lone necleotsd ordlneneos. After the experiment we success fully concluded a report wae prepared by Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane, who had Initi ated the movement, apeeklnc of It ed itorially the "Outlook" said: "rnis naia maaoe experiment clearly indicate whet women oan doi what officials can do If they will only eo about the work in the right way; and that the average com munity doea not so much need more lew, more ordinance and regulations aa It needs the enforcement of those already on the statute book. Tno went au thorities of Ka Is me eno have learned thetr lesson, a they have agreed to edo tlnue the work begun by the women." . ft ft ft . Medical Missionaries - Ndad In Central India. There to a great need of women phye lctane at Jubbulpora ta eeatral India. The positions offered ars under the auspice of th Methodist Episcopal Woman'a Foreign Mission society. Any' on wiahlnc to avail herself of thle op portunity oaa leant about It by corres ponding with Miss Nettla M. Hyde. Clifton Springs, H. J. Miss Hyde wishes some one to return, to India with br thto fall. ... Help Askew of Oregon t v . Women from California. - The following petition to being largely oiroulated among the women of Orecon with a request that every woman ta the atete alcn tt and saeura mother sicna ture: . To the Honorable, tba Coneress ol the United etetee: We. the undersigned, hereby respeet fttlly petition and request that lands In severalty be granted to the landless In dian of northern California, Bubetan tlally SS suggested by th Northern Call torn la Indian assoclatloa, and that auch further relief be S Staf baj P- PIAmpanrl"S these petitions to S eary strong letter from the Northern California Indian association slsned by the president. Mrs. T. C ltd wares, setting forth the oondltlonr which bare prompted them to take this metter be fore eoncreee. The claim to made that because theec Indiana have been sub, missive and loyal to the government. k.M ne averted, while those who foueht See their sand, have . 1 amnlv nrovlded with 'lend nasi ednoar tlonal advantafee. ' ' . . IX wo Tacts re em rain in n MHBiiMnt with tha atatamenta of thto lettar-nd the officers ef the ae- sociatton ars all representative men ana women of Callfomuv It would be well wnrth tha whiia of tho wo men of Ors con to help those of their Stotar State to most laudable worn. ft ft st '' InviUtion from Boiae -'.i V-V' To the Sacajawea Aasociatkm. . . a ennlial invitation ha been tweetved from Mrs. Pestu Foster, president bf the Second District Pederathm Of Idaho, by the aaoatawea Statue aaeoc lotion, in viting them to praasnt the project be fore their state oonventton, wnicn eon venae ta Boise : October 11-11. and to give a talk, on- th ttowto and Clark expoeirkrn. It to an emfwrtvnato ett oumetaaoe that the date eeatuote who tho- Orecon -state - oenventloa. whtoh meets ta Baker City October IB-14. If, however, the matter een no anjuaien some one will go .over from Baker City In time for .the Mat -way or me awie oonventton. ? - I The Sacajftwea aaepctttmi reete ae Ughted and aretlfted at thla. recogni tion and attention from their club sis ter of Idaho, and feels that It would be an opportunity both for their work and for the Lewis and Clark fair that eoukl illy afford to be toot. If the matter to not presented, however, ta person, there i. ... imiht win ha in a communica tion, and the matter left with th cood womsn of Idaho to runner. . v ; .; ft ft ft .'' i Incident at the Indian V " ';J. VUlags at the St, Louis Fair. e wa rilnnewa wnsaSn from White Berth scene y. Mlnaeeote, light In the euphonious name -yah-sne-wha.she-quaji. was busily en gscod ta weaving delleately oolored beads into a belt of elaborate design end exquisite worfcmanahip. Silently, akllt fully ahe wroucht. while ourloue enlook rs crowded aroemd the booth, toanlng over the rail ae they admire work and picturesque eoetam. A tyi2 attired young woman, whose delicate oomploxton did not look Hk. beauty uo edornsd by coemetlca, remarked to her PIANO RECITAL . ew, i V ' m '. - - ' . ' :, ' ' iT j-.- ,f HOFMANN Direction LOIS STEERS farquam Grand ThcatrerMon He " Evciiinga Sept 26, ;( 1904, at 8:15 oU t PRICES- , , ",., -4 . ' Box oflto win opea for Bale of seats Friday ai 18 SB, ,. 'DIDN'T HURT A BIT" BY. OUR We ars emWeS m SB teew after effects. sutt wore eaeoiA, emfnrl.My, Te fa the eae. We ss. t r. M. ee yoa. WISE BROS Corner THIRD AND WASHINGTON companion: :1 nrtah she emild talk &nm- ' Hah, I want to ask her why she points - her face." The ooneternation ox tnia , fair lnterloetftor 1 mere easily Imagined than deeerlbed when Ah-yah-shft-wah- - ehe-quah promptly replied: "Maybe, for - the same reason tnat e-ou tim yvu. -the audience smiled. , .- ... ? . ft ft ft - State Federation Newe; ' v Many Questions Answered. ' - So aaanr enaulries have been asad. f- a the annual convention of the atete : federation draw near, regardlnc ta number of elub In the federation, their Individual membersbip, tno numoer ox ; Ua,iu auik flluh la amtltlafl to, that through the courtesy of Mrs. Samuel i White of Baker city, oorreaponoinc ' secretary for the Stat organisation, i e,u Hat rtt tha nil tha with their raanOe- Uve mambershtp and representation at J the state convention max wui oe netu n $ Baker City Oetober 11-14, is Civ en ftft follows i - - i List of stubs In a P. W. C 1104. ., , -.. . ,.. , No. Ifo. I Name, 1 - Mem. DeL The Womaji-a elub Astoria..., St. The Readlac club, AOtona. ... it The Prlday Afternoon, Aatoruw. St Study olub, Ashland... IS The Modem Traveler, Albany. IS The Alpha Literary, Baker City. IS Ladles' Afternoon olub. Bums., st Ladles' Social elub. Carlton. ... Woman' Study olub, CoqulU.. 14 Tuesday Readlnc dub, CorvftUle It rortnlrhtly elub, Hucene. ...... S Deuchtem of Progreae, Oranlte. IS Woman' olub, Oranta Paaa..., S Neighborhood elub, La 0 rondo. IS Lyle Mualeal. La Grande.. .... 4 Waa..'. l,.h Umhfl.ld . aw i a , I- ' 1 : I field M f rimraw Attih. Ifarshflald...... IS ' - t . rWedsesday deb. Ntwberg..... St , ' Woman's culture duo, uregoa .City. . I Si; Ceeisnwamtlonal dlulld. Oeweera.. SS "S Thursday Afternoon, Pendleton. St The Woman's dub. Pendleton.. 4 . Current Literature. Pendleton.. S , Women; dub. Portland ..... k.lS . Tuaoday Afternoo. Portland... SS TeacherC assoclatloa, Portland. Poreatrr olub. Port toad. ...... w M . New Kna-fand Com er vatorv. " t Portland ! '' GouncU of Jewish Women, Portland ... .17 . Mental Culture due,- Roeeberg SS wnnun'i alnb. Salem. .......... TS : Inqutrlnc Twetve, Salem. . . .. IS Social Selena elub, BUverton.- ia 1 Tha tftnat. The rial lea .' . 40 Woaman' club, .Tiwutdale.nw 4S Woman a dub umoo ... . . , - 't ". .' ; II ft. ft ,,'tk. MM.f, r .j V ' 1 Has an Unusual History v 1 rw. vua tnhaie ee CbleeeM to s we- man of an anueual history. Born tn . Bnctona at a time when women had not 1 yet Invaded the profesalons, she became Imbued erith the Idea that ahe would like to study medicine, ana met wun manifold difficulties, the strongest of ; which was the traditional nrejudtoe - against ""woman eut of her sphere,'" - She. however, etermeC the door or one of the medical eoUecea and paid for her WtUoc by aitlnc one of the "dootor who aaade tuberculosis a special fv. In her work of examination, Dr. Laphaa, wbe wa never of a roowst eoaetllutloo. i oontracted tuberouloel and waf oom- -palled to leave Unglaod to aeek health' Conalns) t Aaaerloa ahe went to Chi 1 eaco) where ahe haa since Uvea. Sh to considered by authorities to be one ' of the cleverest toaohera ta histology ' and pathology la the medical wortd. She oocuple the analr of hletolocy ta the Northwestern university; ehe to ft member of the American Medical asoo- elation and chairman of on of It aeo- ' tlons; a member ef the Chleaco Medical . socle ties and haa, tare practice. It , le expected that Dr. Lejtham will visit Portland next year. - , Try i So'sdiy Trtllcr Trip, A The a W, P. offer a variety of rids from S cents to SS cento. Round trip, to v Canemah Park, overlooktae the fella of the Willamette, st sent. To BsUcada , et the Canyon of th Cm chain a, SS mils from Portland. SS oonte. round k trip. nrstelase hotel aooommodiatlona 1 et tow at tow rate. Lower floor, except last t row....SI SS t 'Lower floor, last S row J IS Balcony, first S rowi i. " Balcony, second I row ........... 1.S Balcony, last S row ...... .j Boxss and Loga . ..suss, 15 WMAT THBY SAY MHTnuu to exwaet t","" ene . v - 1 ici2t2 . m, . -- IS the ehMpeet V oes sav - , DENTISTS Sunday from S Phone, Mala STS, n m. . trat. J a ; -'-SI 'i r