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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
...i Ii U I NEWEST NEWS OF NEWEST STYLES ON THIS PAGE TODAY; TIPS PROM AN AUTHORITATIT STYLE SOURCE OP 18014 FALL A WINTER FASHIONS ON THiS PA PORTLAND, OREGON . SUNDAY MORNING. ' SEPTEMBER 18. 1901 L. J liUI 11 1 I x. - ... . --( i . i i 1 1 i i r grand 'i-. y : FORMAL1 .CViU AUTUMN 1"""" ; OPENINGS WEDNESDAY AND ; . y-r THURSDAY NEXT, : SEPTEMBER 21 AND 83. DifTcrcnt tore P ORt LAN D S ' F O REM O 9 T ST O R C .yes if mM -rm r w m m mm-- m -mm .yy Portland's Qaalityi : : FORMAL i.:- -."-is . j ... 1TTTTTUU OPENINGS WEDNESDAY' AND ; j ; : '3 4 THURSDAY NEXT, 7 SEPTEMBER 21 AND 22. THE BOUNDARYiLINE JS PASSED! EXIT SUMMER AU REVOIlt l ENTER, AUTUMN WELCOME V.i.i T Grand fonnal season openings this week Wednesday and Thursday gala week's surpassing performance starts tomorrow ! The first act of a week's mercantile drama; full of sensational interest ! The greatest Bargain Monday of all the year J A host of ; colossal values ! ) An aggregation of authoritative fashions ! i A mighty musing of f matchless bargains I A mes sage fromPortland's reliable store that tells of desirable, worthy,seasonable merchandise! Thrifty buyers will be quick to profit by the sayings told on thfe'page. for: Monday;? :;:f The Greatest Salt Sale Yet! The grandest, biggest values in lew and Desirable Sila ever off crcd by a Western house. Bar gains without precedentand such Silks lt" An intensely interesting study awaits, our patrons to morrow in $ie Annex. Values so matchless . you can't resist their magnetism.: And this is to be the greatest year for Silks ever known in history! This Grand Opening Sale wjch we holt) to-' morrow includes all the smartest silk ideas of the new season We owe our immense Silk busi ness to the .'superfine QUALITY of our Silks the reliability, of every yard as well as to our matchlesa prices. " Months -ago-we placed the order for these beautiful, lustrous fabrics an order larger than ever crossed the Rockies before. '..We received a big concession on the price, copse quently your savings tomorrow. REMEMBER, THESE PRICES ARE FOR MONDAY ONLY. THE SALE INCLUDES BLACK SILKS. FANCY SILKS, BLACK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, The Itemsi Out rcffular S.l Fttn Sol u6 ' 8Ud ItaclMM WMqualMI flor finish tod durability: aha far. Monday OnF rMtilar 9X.1l all Par Silk Blaofc riu d Sol In two wldtte SS frnd t taobs wMk piadid vaiuM for aits and ota; pol4l for Monday, ooir. mriiM S1.8' Our Mffiitar S.M all Put Silk Black Pmo d 0oi SwiM Tafftaa and Tafftaa, baaaUful, hlvhly flalahad and dorabl &onibii ap elal for Monday oly, par yard ..a.h .. I1.6B Our rafular fl-71 air Par Bilk Blaok Paa d Sof. OMtant Tufata and awla Tartota, aacoallaot valaaa; sp oial for Monday only, par . yard ..............S1.4 Our rasalar S1.IS aH Pur 811k Black Paw d Sol, Importod Bwtaa Taff eta and aw CoatnnM Tafft- on latohabl mlna at th - rasnlar arlo; apaolat for Monday only, pr yard -n...Sl.lft Two araat spoelat barsala ta li-lncn Black Taffataa, th bawt waarlns kTaffataa aaad for drop aklrta .Rafular fit Talu; apaelal tor Monday, par yard .......1.S9 -BCular S1.7S ValMi apclal for , Mondar. pw r&rd B1.4 ',' ,stA,: C . ?..-:;';'. -V: v;;;- ' t,tS yards of Oolond TafStrtaa, Wr raavlar tSograda, rry ir and ' shad nwtdiito b found ta th lot. is ur atlr Una of Cbanraabl 6!ao Taffvtav th rasnlar par ) yard , grad; spolal for Monday only, par yard .... wU Blaofc Draai Pabrles for Moo day; prloaa radioaUy ndaod; aU th hwat wvava 1. th dUarant Iota Ow rocalar silS fabrlea, Laos Slav broidond Poplin do China, BlUr and ' Wool Crvpoua, Chiffon VvUaa. Crap do Parl Poplia d Chin. Tnrklsh Mohair and Broadoloth; apaalal " for Moaday only, par yard . .S3I.9S Ovr rofular las fabrka, Silk and Wool Carltaa, Crap d Paris, Chlf- ion and 4opUa da China, Km - praSdarod Volla and Poplin do Ohln Tarklah Mohaira, Broad " eloth. to.; apaelal for Monday only, par yard ......... ....Sa.ftB Oar rogvlar fl.Tf Whip. Cords, Ar , num. Oranlt dotha. Satla Ciraola, Enrllah Mohair, Rainproof Clotha. Twin and Frnoh Voiles, Crep- d , Paris and Poplin d Chin; speun ' for Monday only, par yard...S)1.4T mmmm svoom : - Po af ays niaj, . ooTosmp Rcalar tS.M Franoh Norty and Plata CamaTa Hah- and Sthalta, vary awn far stiaot wafi la SpK ' lowUvr oalora: y chKn-pam, faaada, plunk, brawa,' mod. astorM trays, ; navys, Oxford and black; spvelsl for Monday only, par yard. . .f 1.60 Basnlar S1.M Kaw Fall Snltins. W snUr llna Mannish Twaoda, Hafr Una StrlpM, for walat avlt Xlln Blnatad Kncllsh Tw da, Pranoh and Otraw Ta da, Snltteaa and ZlbeHnaa, ta fact trory mw down t dat aultta fabrl aaowa thia asasoa and ovary nw oolor la tha Una, valaa at tha roanlar 'prtos , . that eannot b dnplloatod In tha eity; apsolal for Moaday nly, par yard , Oar rarolar tLW onaUty f SUtt aad - Wool Crop d Paris and Crap do China, spatially ssad for swu party and strast gowna, la a oraa . taaT aad atrart ahada, Ineludlnc eraaat and blaok; apaelal for Mon day only, par yard Monday's Matchless Ntllinery Specials 'r.;;;r;:y:yr: .:vtr,:rtt;ifaaw bbuosj noom. '.V-'v j .r-y t $Sj9iT SlSbT 9o $L9fiT $1.4? fcaaajSjaapjaaajiaBBBBa Newest and Smartest Tailored Crvtibrts at Spedal Opening-SaI Meet Monday Orr IM BOW autnsaa stylaa In th ehoeatnai ah or w prsaant fly Ideas alctd from tha atoat popular hat sal tad fee Mn an Brom miss to dowaawr, ta a rana of olorlnsa and ootablmOoas o wld la soop as to laelad vry whim Pt Madan rashion. Think of tl f so and mora dlWlnet stylas to ohoos from. W submit brlf daoortpUoa of th fly nrodooad abora. A fuH Una of tha h la-bar clams tsUorvd hata, amhraolaa; tha Qaaah "O. W SL," Coaaally and Barn- dl tailored hata and tnrbaaa, ara aar la almost HmUlesa rartoty. Cat Ho. 1 show a Silk Valrst Tarban with ohaalU braid trtmmm oloaa fltttas back, vary trif and trtmt snasml Monday. - . - ; t-Sa.wA Cat Ka S IBastrata a Soratoh Pott Tarbam with Bated edr. two aaOls at lap, aH oolora, apaelal Monday..,. Cut Na S Is a raprodoetlon from a Jaoaty Proooh Sailer, with atttehod brim, ValvoC trtanalnia, with- anBls had ores- maal; aatia apaaml. Monday aaly, at , ............ 84 Cat Iff o. 4 was drawn from a hand made Pert Tarbam modal, trimmed with twist of allk vol, and aft ornament; anarasl Moaday at Vu.,....,,..ii'M.. ..... . . Sa.Bft Cat No. R la after a mod! of a mrca, vary swu Ptsiam aauor. with valval odd, band tnmaas with a awna haokia faather breast; polal. Monday aaly. at............ atS ' - ' WOVMaV S4 Monday morula we ptao a sal a lln of aw EM aivrea, s mpe. full Blow and som s 1 eras em. all very etrona and will fit perfeetly. wtU pivr ta a a all-ronna aaua factory sov aemaa In whlta, black and 4ors; tttlar S1.1S; apecaU prloa, per pair S8 GRAND ' - -V.'' vr FORMAL AUTUMN - V OPENINGS WEDNESDAY AND . , THTTRfiDAY NEXT. SEPTEMBER H AND SI 'I That amk af haadharehtofs to ma parted direct by tfcl hoo ta te mea aaatiua and oanaot be boasHt el where m the etty; a fin aaw lot Juet la which will ha cold at epeemlly low prions; aad H tneh beam; the kind that wear best; special prlooa. ear, 10t 1SH, lftd, BOw M. , SXX MCT,"DAY OILECOIAN tOK MONDAY BAHCAIMS A Mohair ! Trtmmtea; BraMa, ta white and aotora, tech ta I laches wld, wars well and la all nht far trlmmln- ahUdraa'a aoheel ' dreeees ' . ( ; Bayalar . T hratdi apaelal, par yard .................... ....a4 - Byamr 14 braid; Mi I hi, per 94 Beiralar 11, braid; apeataL per yard d Biralar. IS braMj apaaml, per yard . 10d i Xaavlar . S braid; apaelal, pr yard -....w XM4 Recular .- yard tie bratd: , sptnlsl. If v : A GRAND OPENING SALE OF WOMEN'S SUITS Baamt Salaas of Bras See end yisoa ' C .', 1 MBVftdJRTB LaSaSR Hnft APPAMB& SB OS WOBTBSPS TOBBBBT Jfo suoh Salt boraalns wra ever offered before In Portland at tha, very b SinntaS of-tha season. : ., . t. '-. . $28 and $25 Sidts for $19.85 Monday' Only , THE VOTING FOUTHX Panama Canal Model Stand In of the Schools , Interest Is tncreaslnc dally fat the voting eoatest for th. aohool to be awarded the valuable model , af , tha propoaed Panama, oanal now on exhi bition la th lara Uht area between Sret and second floors. A rota . aoea with ovary SS sent purchase. Totlaa eloM WedneadaV; November ft at S p. m. For th preeent, oa seoount of preseur - of advertlaixur mtUr--thls store la so full of good thfnawa shall only publish tha nam of the IS schools hanns the hlshest-vot at tlma of eoanc BDtTOATIOBTSJb J , Sasat tha Waal The aeoeasloa of the stats of Pan ama from Columbia, and Its prompt MffOtlatton and rat moat ton af a treaty with thia government la all recent history, and th United State govern ment has bought: all th rights here tofore belonging to the new Panama Canal Co., for the sum of I40.000.qoo, which has been paid la cash, aonv mlsloh has been appointed by this government to carry through th work of constructing the canal, which it Is supposed will require about eight years work aad M00.W0.00 to oom- S"-...$ -V- . ' '' na totb as I r. a. BAnrBBXT. .......... 4.S44 ".I'.'.'.'. MSB ....... 4.031 Atkinson SL Mary's Academy High School Hsxrlaoa Park ... Clinton Kelly Caatral fotai Tote V . . ....... . 4siai anna mac emoraoa nm wwm oonovpuons ox new xorers emanem man 11 Williams Aventt ............. t 497 tailors, and Ohl what a ohang there has been la styles. The new Ideas fairly II ruuna . ..,.s 1 17J oompel one's admiration. Every fashion artlet of not Is represented but. II Hlanland ..iU 11T7 will be admitted to tbla star. Suits of character. You cannot make a atts take here, experts have chosen- for yon and seen te It that every garment In the "Style Salons' baa despotic! Dame Fashion's seal of. approval stamped apoa it .', , . The Suite comprising the offering are th aeweet of tha newt son to the store yet 10 days from their Newv York makers. BVery on strictly man-tailored, from the best shops In th groat Eastern style center. In two styles, th long Butcher Coats and Jackets la Jaunty Norfolk ff eets. Colors are bia lar English and Scotch,- roach.- mans eks, navy, browns and th oltra-aopu-lsh mixtures, shading from light to dark. Materials embrace handsome pebble ohevoit and tha mannish stuffs. Trimmings of velvets, braids, fancy novelty buttons and stitching effect. Soma hav trimmings of plain broadcloth la shades to match materials the la th swell novelty mixtures, forming a vary smart effect. The skirts are II gored or kilt plaited. Th mixtures afford a wide color rang, em bracing grey, light to Oxford, browns, blues and greens. Th best values ever shown la Portland at X6 ' and SZS.M (other houses would say to $U), at choice Monday for.......... S 19.66 The Homely Needs of Homemakers , V ; ARE BEST FILLED HERE Tomorrow offers exceptional opportunity to stock wp the closets with sturdy, inexpenstxe supplies. Hotel and restaurant man should read thlsv Moaday aaly we offer th following DOMESTIC ISLE SPECIALS . IS " Bleached Sheeting for beds. good, heavy, standard quality, . IS Inches . wmt rata ISa, Special for Monday only, yard ........lSf gic bxjBAOSTbd fff "' it. Standard Bleached Sheeting, full width, linen Snlsh. round thread tha fcted that waara longest 71 Inches wld. Vain Sic. Special for Moaday, . yard ....... .v...lTd Ua OAJfBmXO PYJnSSI BTtrSBasT Sa, Two eases of Pin Muslin, S laches wide, cambric rlnishj Just tha staff for aader gaimainr vaius lis Speoiai for on day, yard ... S3 -7:-. TOWELS vV'-Vv-VV- BrMB TOWBIAI IS, HuafJOiu To a da, hammed sis SsxSS, heavy and sbsorbent. tSMfl jawo for wsshsf nd, Bpeolal. each ....lQ Prlngsd Crochet Cottoa Towels, mad af aaest oottoa yara, alss lrxtd. Sp elal. each -.. . 14 Wa have test received a delayed shipment of colored Bed Spread which we will sow sell at reduced prloes. Those Spreads, com at all colors and ,; ara alealy frtoged w Aotual value ti le: special, each .Stl.Tft 4 Actual valaa SI.MI special, sach K.6S .... m umem omih so. ZAnd Laneh Cloths wtth faacy drawn work, slss SxS tnchea-a $eiAd bar gain valaa U.t. Special prloa, each ..Sd CORSETS "Royal Worcesters" ,T SAXJL 1 ro vt$TKAf or wle7 lUO and S3.fS Sa Ai th Bast for IV days past has brought n shipments from tha famous Royal Worcester Cor set folk. Th Corset Salon afford hat scant room for suoh vast stocks, car aew Corset Salons wfU ha mora then doable th Use of th present anas. N moat hare for llnea that ar bretorev Bo well make a antefe vttdaaoa tomor rowthis way. Thru beat selling numbers In th lot. all new, straight fronte, has gored aad medium low basts full over hip. Slses II to SS; black and white woiy; regular and SATS values; Monday only, ehte for Sl.SB Here are Positive Savings Women's Knitwear and Hosiery Shop "A Autvms's chilly breath suggests TJnderwear ehangas. Toa'd better ahaage her Chang hack, for year purse. If you'll bay here tomorrow. Here's Monday price that save botv they are for MONDAY. CWLJ. Woman's Pin Natural-Wool Union Suits, nao ribbed, half pea front and opea across ta. bust specially dn garment. Beguter arte N-l. extra special, for Monday at, Salt ,. S2.8S woHiii ss. ss woss assswssa sua r Women's Pm Ribbed White and Ndtoral Wool Tests aad Pants, ion slv Vests and Preach band Pants, a vrv UN&PD WRA s? fine soft media m-walght amrmsnt. Stegular SUSO; ape- , .( . eiai xor moooay, eaca ............. ........b)i,ib wOStBB'B SO OiaWhTSTslB SBOBB SS. Woman' Pin Ribbed Black Cashmere Moss, grey heels and toss; ragnTMr SO guality. Special, per pair j. .......... 34 snaa.Taowsia. . nial Ptsea, fesd Oerd Oeata, embroidered at aape and bottom; regular prtoa from tsis to net; special at.v, smtesf BVhsgwwaev mt plaid pink or bin domet flanaal, roand yoho. trimmed with threa row of wblt fiaiahiag braid, or square yoke aad oUar, trimmed with plain white doaaet flannel In front, yoke, collar aad sleeves, edged with fancy hraM; regular price tl.l and tl.U; sp etai for Mnadsy and Tuesday A A bow 1st of fin antra Taffeta Rib bons, mchao wide, la black, white, . cream and color, this ribbon la very swell and la moat popular lust now; special for Moaday aaly, per yard . 1Hm4 Fmtt4t Children' Orvam Tinted Cottoa Vesta and Pants, (004 Pall god : Wmtef weight, slightly fleeced , , . , ; fllisa l to ; regular SS, Special. ..,,... '' .. ....lft' Slse S snd St -.regular too. Special .23f "'' Slses Si. IS and t4; regular SSc Special ........... .SIV4) Monday in the Menfolk'sShop Ptrst Picas, A lln of Mea a ieraey Ribbed Uader shirts aad Drawer, In Mo and whit strips; extra good valu even at Tec Oa eeU Monday at. -".f- .......Bw t POa) ase. Man's Pins Hlf Hons, extra Sua Snlsh, with fancy silk eloc-klng sa aid; a regular Ss seller; Monday sate price, S pairs Jar SS A Its ef Mea'B White Hoaurtltehed Mandkerehlefa, mmOm of nne meroiirlswd doth which retains its luaiar after we a I a lbs best SO grade. Ssental for Moaday, S Uaadkerehtefa for ,............Ba1 ' t S1JS PAJbSi gJLlsVtg sda A ttno of Men's Pall Shirts la stiff aad eeml-stlff bosoms, ta plate t pleated style the eelebrtd Oiiffoa brand oa of the heat auaas ta the iand. Regular ti t valu Spenial Saw BWSfBAV POM SSa Mad af venles laoa, not mo and batmt, all worth morn mare than - th prloa at which w offer the-a, and a fin variety from whkh to -l"t; sfwrlal pr1ra. each, le, BOw. oad hsf. of cm ltsv art drm ' , S' t t d GRAK 1: