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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
7 ' i i i 'i. t The f . - f9 V . T CftN THE ii CrHTi O vT ' Arto THEN & J 'v TRVISGTOflD : MATCH FOR JEf P mm abita -e 1 -i i eV WIT for womiai cuudf? mmi vvnou jejxr&b CABBIBA - - ' (y w. w. iHikte) 1 V San Francisco, Sept feet that 'v;?Jlii Jeffries Is regarded as Invincible -. agitating a whole lot of people,. Staid ':V r, eitlssns who -were never Nipwtl of , WMHWMlns a speck or pusde of sport ins 4 blood are suggesting war and aseana . . j of unearthing a match for the retired . f boiler aikr, -white country nwpond . anta axe aiding in the hunt for mm antV- dotai aa ' though tha . . champtonus v - it; gigantus needed checking aa aiucb w the dread phyaUusra or euehlonyeeale. : ; it mt have beed icoKDittoB of th , , general dMlr to im Jeff trouBoad thst . Unpallad - Ralph Kom, tba famous ;' , v- amataur hammer girowar; to -proclaim " y . -tkat-ha wouM bo aaody to taohla the aaaotaion whao bis -eolleca days ara i, ano4. No doubt BIHr Madden has v ,4lad RoWa nam to bla llat of UUvtbla --Jhr thla lna.-'aad aManwbila a oorra- -a3pdan boa flaaad mm te m paalttoa to I-1, publlab tha bum of other 'WllUr- ; hanapdoiia" that Madden will do well to mako a not of. Mr oorrospoodant algna huuMlf fef. Caaey, ad bla tattor la da tad from Oxford, tha sugar boat aertloo which davalopod tha eelored dan McVar. Prom' tha mannar In wtileh Mr. Caaar startad out I be trot tha notion that ha waa almplr IncMnod to dlaplay bla Matlva wit, but ha dropped into, aaora aa rtous vaia. aa ha wreta on, , ' M Bays: - - - , ' A w Oypuaiaaw. , "A faw ausaatlona la rcirard to tha ndlnc of an opponent for Mr. Jeffriea. Why dooan't soma antarprtslDaT manaaTet aaour tha wild a of Ttppararr for chaiay- ?lonahln material T Sklrelr tha 'nahtlna; lp' la not antlraly extinct, or. that matter wa need not ao farther than our own state for promlalna; raerulta. Tha mountain dJstrlot a well aa tha Tallera of California, boasta numbara af brawnr rouna; atanta who are Jeffrlea equal In alae, atrancth and eouraca. I am aura that a yar or ao under a flrat elaaa inotmotor would render any one of them abla to eope with Jeff. Hollla- tar baa a atrapptna. 14 years old and at feat two Inches UU, who araltba MO ' r ' pounda after worhtng a. whole aeaaoa Id tha hot aun aa a hay baler. Sallnaa baa a rouna Irish Canadian, Malloy by name, i who walgha lie pounda, elear tha bar at feat 11 Inobes. pllea wheat aaeaa ; IT htft-b In 'too warehouaa and haa a ',. J record aa a rouajb-houa man af Whipping- nine awma aiuia Banoaa nan Lute Obispo baa Orvtll iBlane, It years .aid. atx feet 114 Inches blab, wets-nt 111 pounda. aad 44 Inches aroowd tha cheat In tha aama dlstrtot Uvea Will iam Bandera, .who ta atn feet fovr Inehea hlh and walrha 140 pounda All these rouna; awn .are native sons, aad tha woods are full of them. If you will re member, Mr. Jeffrlea did wot perform vary brilliantly whea ba nrat aama out . It waa hia brawn that carried him orer ; - tha danitaroua apots, and theoa . ytrana ;V man 1 have named are aa well sifted aa ,; ba In tha matter mt alaa aad atrenath do be pin with.' On tha nick af Beptamber leth. the ; ' ian Pranclseo Athletle club will present ' 'vU an "all black" attraction for tha aan ; avent of ita dufrlltatM aaUrta lament at - Woodward's pavilion. Tha principals f -are Joe Waleott and Joe Oana, and thaw ' never a question or the flahttna; prow . aas of either of theoa dnaky etara la J their reapectiva classes Waleott and V" Oaas have toraed as far to tha front as It 4. BnMlhla foe 4ham ta eat. ' W: A wan ft W a notorloua fast, h waver, that the aJuteheon of each of the two Joaa baa bean baamaMlaad at one time or an other In tha past. There la a firmly fixed belief In aportdom that neither of them ta entitled to "tha white flower af a blameiess life." and for this reaaon a usptrton will always attach to any con test which has either man for a prin cipal. Naturally. haa the pair are to hook va as ana team tha atmosphere of dletraat thickens, it m tha old, aid story of the chirkens that IH come homo to roost or the cheat af tha past that will not down. It sose without ser ine; that either man haa boxed "on tha level" scores of times to tha once ha baa faked. ' But to puirlllam as In other ttimai ttta area are remembered when the a red liable ctlofia are forgotten. Mo far aa can be ludd from tha taction of tha "rival i 1 darklea- to data they are bent apna pat tint ap an honest exhibitions of 'laO- ' avffa thta ttma. ft la known that apart front tha areH- aarr Jealoustea of tha peme. there hi bad Mood betweea tha two Joaa. Aatda from that a fa in. a clean ut vlctorr tn the eomlnajaitll aan onnalderable distinction and I acres aad asmlnc power for tha man rhe aatna It. .Waleott boa a daseent upon Australia tn view and Oana, If ha wins, -will sorely poatpona ats mtonded reUremant and maka wba '' ' '-' tez Question in - : ; PIT, CORBTt,AD if.ftRE.V J- capital ha can out of tha defedt of tha "Barbadoaa demon." . ,t ' The pBbllo, howavar. needs aoma aa-raiwnca- that the puailleta will strive fairlr and souaralr. and it la up to the San . Prabclaco Athletic club to hede tha oonteat about 'with aondltlona which ill prevent any kind of a trick from betas turned. ... s Alarl. . A- i-l It la understood, for that matter, that the clab la alert to tha sttuattoa and that whaa Oana and WaJoott enter tha nn tha spactotora will ba. auro of seeing what they pant to aas aa honaat Tlaht. Tha details of Ita plana for protecting lta patrona and tha bettlns; public, the olub U not prepared to maka known iuat yet. but tt ta stated that tha puflllsta will not handle one cant of tha puree money If attempt la made to practice fraud. Furthermore, tha ohib will only deal wttb a nforea who will stand pre pared to declare all beta off If tha bout has an unhealthy appearance. Billy Pleree, manaaar af Waleott. waa In formed that aoma auch arrangement waa contemplated, and amid ba waa fully in aooord with It - - The Loa Angeles sports are evtnctnsra lively interest In tha coming bout be tween "Kid" McCoy and Twin" Sulll van. This affair la aaheduled for Sep- tembe 17th, and both men are in tl full awing of training. McCoy writes from aanta Monica that ba m happily altuated ao far ad sllmato and tralntmx faailltlea are ooncerned. 1 want to win tnla match, for If 1 am auoeeaafu with Sullivan I can eea other angademcata ahead, said McCoy. I have gauged sxy work ao aa to teat my ability to to A routs and I am aura that those who think I will blow up quickly if tha paoe la bat will find themselves mletakta. It will ba a haw. experience for ma ta tackle a 'man lighter than myself after being- accustomed to fellows Ilka Plaeha. Rubila and Sharkey, and that la one of my reasons for thinking well af my THINKS OVERALL IS v ? A GREAT PITCHER ' Tom DHehanty, who ta a member of tha greatest hatting family of ball play ers tha world has ever seen, remarked a few days ago; "Well. I amass that fa! low Overall comes pretty near being tha best pitcher oa tha coast." , . - Thomas was about right. For ana gBBM a week Overall Is- not tha supertor f Bobby Kcefa, aaather af Mike's won ders, but whan It eomes to heavy work Overall has Bobby beaten mile. Whan he la right Jay Hughes baa It over Over all tn several of tha Iner points of tha game, and at tha present rate ha la go ing will ba rated aa aaa of tha boat fielding pltcbara In tha buelneoa. It m really wonderful bow easy Over all does bis work. There la no apparent effort la h threw lag. Ha baa all tha oarvaa Including tha ftlgh drop ball. and If aeceeaary be oaa throw the "spit oaii." .,. "Tea, cad throw tha wait ball.' aatd overall, "but I ahull never use It la ame. Thoa who want it aaa have It: tha ordinary eurvea, together with the faat ones and tha change of pace are all I care to handle." , There waa never a pitcher turned But oa the coast who carries hia hooora with mora modesty than Overall. Ula head haa not become enlarged. Ha seldom talks unless spoken to, aad than he does not aaab to parry the conversation hlm aelf. Ha la vary popular with his fal low players and tn Taooma ba la bald Si high regard throughout tha city. ,,,, DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Dor la gtoto third am canto home on tha bit and ran game In, great shape la tha tenth inning with Urn Inning tally.. T - . - Tea Fart land anew died an be see, a colossal testimony to tha baa ruaatog of tha toeela . At times the gam bacama tntoreattog. but aa Urn other hand It was a defeat, and tha arawd wooded ha war boaaa sadly. Back. Wadeau, and ThManhS Sat Us beat work, for Um tooala. enacv svxoay 'joura& ..rcTxaxiv Sunday PufriHstic Circles Is How ' CARTOONIST TAD IN THE PICTURE OFFERS BACHELORS TROUNCE MARRIED OFFICERS The baseball match on Friday after noon at Vancouver barracks, bat wean tha married of f Icera and single officers, waa aa exhibition of skltl and science that has scarcely ever been equaled at tha military reservation, and although U waa won by tha Utter, tha lose of the game was no disgrace to tha benadicta. Ehrery player In both ntnea objected to tha rulings of Captains Wrens and Ker by, tha charge being made that they never saw a ball game before. Tha contest came to aa aad When Nefey Tlllolaoa said that. tha referees were much worse thaa Rube Levy when ha waa at nla worst. Thaa tha offi cials Inquired how Levy stood-with the Portland fans, they refused to partial nata further in tha proceedings. Enochs, Taylor and Evans starred for the Bacha." while tha satire Benedlctrve combination7 played brilliant ball throuabaufa balna,, especially effective ob trouble" plays. The official score follows: BACHELORS. 6 AB, R. H. PO. A. K- Terrell. B. ,t ...... THloteon. . i. Dew, lb. .... Enochs, tn,... ........ Bond. lb. .w. 1 i Taylor. Parker, Lawaoav a. a f. 1 $vsna,i oa, L Totala-.... .........14 t 11 ST IS BENEDICTS, Bethel. Will i Smith. Fenner, t ?.r::;::::: i i I Wilson,- 2b. 'i... 4 f 1 i Supples, Sb. f I f i Oxaham. lb- t i I C N. Allan, p. TOtalg ... S4 7 11 11 11 SCORE BT INN1NOS. r"-::ii!Ji:i:fc:.I Batheiorg' ... ...4 I I I 1 1 f I I HltS. IKtllf I " 1 SUMMARY, B!ai wal ma Bachelors. 1; Rwnadlcta 1 Stolen baaea Enochs. TiUotaon fit. Fanner. Smith. Baaa on ball Off Ter- seU. 4( off Alien, i. Struck But By Terrei. 7; py Alien, a. two oaee nits TUlotson. Bond J), BethaL Boon. Three bass hits Bethel. Allen. LawsoiL Homo runsDew. Bethel. Double lays Taylor, Enochs and WW! Terrel, ;nocha and tew. Smith and Graham: Supplea, WUsoa snd Uranam, Hegeman an d Bethel. Passed ball TUlotson tt, rll. Hrgemau X. Wild pitches Ter- Time or game i s". Lmpirea Captalna Wrenn and Kerbr, Scerer L.leutsmtnt Mygatc Y.M.C.A.GYM CLASSES BEGIN NEXT WEEK . , -r 4 i 111 1 1 '' -. - .'-( : r Tha gymnasium classes of tha T. M A A, will bold their opening avenlng Best .Tuesday. September - . There will ba exhibition work la tha gym- nastum bp the Leaders' etub, which will Include marching drllla snd work on the horse aad horlaontal bar. A basket ball game between tha Juniors and tha First Working boys, will follow. Wish ing ap tha work la tha gym will ba a baseball gams between tha Champtaan and the Tigers.. la lbs handball court there will ba a tournament. iaoJudlnar both alagtas and doublea. . Tha ptunga will alaa ba a plaoa .at great activity. Baimiainm long aad faney diving will ba la order there. All tha members af laet year's gym alsssea and their gentlemen friends are cordially invited to soma aad apisd .lag. ; Tom Sharhar precipitated i aisad rtot at Balttmara yeeAefdar wnara tha San-ies are now holding a sonvea- tlon. What realry started tha racket waa Shark ay effsrtag to aat up tha drtnka - Instead of Eagiaa '4Vopptag daad about tha bar. aa might have hap pened, a fight ensued. One bald eagle. whs waa alaa la a uy mood, ordered Sailor Team to nuaa bid saaBay back in f r " "dF iB II. ' MM . inn ' I I 0m WHO a. Fred WUaoa, who aa re lease from prieoa waa reoently effected by Attor ney j. F. Watts oa a technicality, la accused - of biting tha hand that suc cored aim. According to tha lawyer's (own statement. It appears that WUaoa broka Into his office and atols B num ber, of articles belonging to htm. Wil son la bow wanted by tha authorities on a charge of larceny, but aaema to have made good his escape. He ta slso wanted fct Australia, aad a reward af f l.oad is offered for Bis arrest by the Australian officials, Soma time ago Wllssa waa arrested for Larceny. Ha gave Watta a gold chatn aad a number of other artlclea for nla fee. Ha waa released on prelimin FEARING CONSUMPTION HOSPITAL NURSE QUITS To the surprme af County Judge Web ster, tha superintendent of nursing at tha osaaty haapitaL Mtsa A, Drab ap peared at hla adtoa raatardap aftoraoan aad handed la her raalgaattoa. Sha as signed aa bar reason for tha step that aba does not ears to a&lk dally with ooBBumptlvaa, aa aba1 ta fearful of ooa tractlng the dread malady herself. ' Miss DralB declared that tha only condition oa which aha would stay at the instltatloa would ba tha contraction his pocket. Tom spurned tha tn Janet ton. He waa reckless, and bant on spending. TO cap tha climax and start tha rough housa Sharkey was told that hla money Was counterfeit. Thle hurt bha mora thaa tolling him that ba could not be tha spendthrift kid. Sharkey slugged tha Impertinent euas under tha chin, and they went to tha floor together. Raalea Dulled thorn apart after a desper ate atruggla, and thaa averynody fought m. Munii nut Sharkey, wbosa belli gar- ant spurt suddenly swrcaasa hla spend ing proclivity. !.. , t . , . iaIBsAU 4 iromala, ' . Jeer eel Sptelal Btrvtae.l fmokane. Wash.. Sept. 17. This Is tha mat week af league Baseball tn tha city, the last series for tha seaaoa ending wtth two gamaa an Sunday. President WIlHama had wired a propoaittoa that tha closing series sa games, to ba played during the alx days preceding tbp 24th. should bo played in Spokane. this senaa is to be betweea tha Spokane and Botee toama. Charles Shaffer, tha Bolsy first sscksr. who waa reoently secured from Wllmot by Spokane, baa bean sold to the Beaton club of tha American league, and has received bla first installment for his contract. The aala waa mads oy wi- ot before ha sold snarcer to svoaana. PAYMASTER KNOCKED DOWN AND ROBBED tfsm ml BBcetet Service.) Peorta. UL. Sept. llFraak Cassell. paj ibs si st of tha Oread Waa tern distil lerr, waa knocked down and robbed ST a eatobei aontalnlng t.T0t while oa bla way to tha dlatlUery to pay tha abb this afternoon. Tha robber wad Immediately pursued by a posse, but up to a lata hour today had eaoapad capture v. morning, siptember u Can Jim Jeffries Be Whipped? A FEW SUGGESTIONS LAWYEi F RE i D HIM ary examination tn the police court. Shortly afterward ha waa arrested with Charles Meebaa on a charge of burg lary, and incarcerated In the county jati. During tha time between Ilia release and his second arreet a thief broka -Into Watta offlcs and stola tha chain and a number of other articles of value from his desk. When Wilson was arrested fW. that burglary, tha charge from which ba waa reosntly acquitted by tha lawyer, ha waa searched. . Watts learned yee- Lterday that tha chain given htm by Wilson and other artlclea stolen from hla desk wars discovered aa tha prla onar. Ha waa dumfouaded at this evi dence of Ingratitude, but takes tha But ter philosophically. , .1 of a building to ba occupied only by consumptives. She said that aha would not enter such a building but would be willing to exerclas- general supervis- loa over tt. Judge Webster Informed bar that auch a building hi Beaded and would doubt less ba erected la time but that tt could not ba dona at once, bliss Drain aatd aha would aot wait any length of time. but would remain at tha institution for a few days, . nata A sucoeseer oould be found. SQUADRON ON CRUISE (Continued from Page One.) ego to ba tha station boat In that har bor. Tha Bennington returns here, Tha Boatoa and the Nero will spend soma time la South American watera Tha admiral aspects -to meat tha Chi cago on bar way to this coast from Bos ton, snd transfer his flag to her. The New York will than proceed around toe Horn and to tha New York navy yard, where aba will anJergo aitaasivs re pairs Tha Chicago, Boa ton and Nero will ra tora to Saa Franclaoa after their cruise. (Oaayrlgat. Hearst dm Serrlee, by Leastd Wire is The Journal. St. Petersburg, Sept. 11. I hear from wel Informed sources that tha situa tion af Oeneral Stoeesel at Port Arthur la considered extremely critical owing to lack of ammunition. Tha fact can not ba surprising- to anyone who baa noted tha terriflc output af shot and shell atnea) January last. Oeneral Btoeecel according to tha tenor of a dispatch m few days ago. haa full liberty to surrender whaa ha ftnda the situation hopeless. Indeed ha has Instructlona to do so. . Independent and apart from sea retry of ammunition, the garrison for an me time haa baaa reduced to a dlat of black bread, while tha masses of anburted bodies which the Japanese refuse te al low to ba buried eauae tor rl bla pollution of tha air, Oeneral Kuropatkla telegraphs that ha wants offlcsra, and great efforts are being made to provide tha aama. A official arder haa baea issued rellev' gaaaioyts of tad atota railways uait - amrnnamea Sim is. . wot ARAWVOON AND DftOPTMIHeV CM r-HE eiVMH-awOaN : ta serve as ofllesra, A number of sec tion torpedo boats have baaa smpplted to Russia by Oermany. Tea may ba ouiu sura neither Mukden aor Tieltng will ba aerlouair bald. Tha utter nas been called tha Thermopylae of Man churia, but It can ba easily turned. Owing to the la teat news from Port Ar thur, the Idea of tha Baltic fleet start ing appears to ba quite abandoned, Part Avtha is a Stsm sf Fiavy (Copyright, Beatvt Mewa Sanka, by Isaaat Whs ta TM JsaraiLt Chef oo. Sept. 11. A Jape nee e who arrived hare today resorts that tha ctl sena of Dainy aa September Uth oa pected that tha general attack, upon Port Arthur would ba renewed upon the following day. Hs haa reliable Infor mation that tha Japanese alaga works at Rlblungshaa and Klkwaahaa warn ocaa plated oa September 14th. Both Chtneas and Japaaaaa recent ar rlvala agree that- tha bombaraVng of Port Arthur became tarriflo at dawa of September ltb and continued until the forenoon at September 14 th. Tba Jap- aneaa fired from Sbushtysa and Palung shan at Pigeon bay. where heavy guns from Japaa have baaa placed la poaiuoa lately. Tha shells fall with great frsansaey ta tba Chtaasa now town. . - ; (Cepyrlgbf, Beaiat Hews Service, ay lassn Wtra a The Jearml. . London. Sept. 17. Tha following est I mates of tba Snanatal poet t ton of the belligerents, though neocaearlry baaed oa ausssworfc aa regards details la gener ally accepted aa correct la 1U broad fea tures. Jsnan ta believed to bo spending t. 400. 004 storting monthly in her mili tary operations. As tha national debt email her other expenditure is rar below bar reoelpta and her trade ta in- nrsaelas artn whlTa tba war goes on Her position la excellent though she bad to aav high for her Srst loan. Her recent rueoesscB will probably enable bar to borrow mors ohssply In future. Russia's war expenditure la estimated at,4to monthly. Her finances are far from sound at present 1b spits of tba vastnesa af fear latent wealth. Bha baa hitherto bach living an The French loan raised ta May, out an ukase has lust asthortaed tha issue af new rente bonds for 14,400 act. It m l lieved she axpsetfl to Begot lets a large loan shortly In Germany. Russia a pol icy m to gat all foreign loans before re sorting to a note issue act Dacaoo oy gold or freak taxation. The latter would probably ba worth little, aa tha taxable ma rain of Kueeiaa ocoaomioa ia amaii atwi aba ta naturally laath to do any thing to Interfere with tha old reserve whlcn la a basis af bar ereo-fc. . ramtM. Bmtit Mews aarvtea, by laaatd whs W Tae jsarasi.j VrAin aa, 11. tt la stated that Ruaaiana oomoel Chinese tn Siberia to cut Off their queues snd en 11 at In tha arMy at tha front Disobedience is pnn- tehed wtth instant connscaiwn or prop arty and death. fXAWJB SjVCOK VFORT. V From tha Saturday Evening Post. Senator Veet asad to toll a story of good took and hard luck without, a coun terpart. He aapa: -One day wniie j Waa a htoanbar sf tba Confederate sctv sxaas f lost a month's pay somewhere on the streete of Richmond. Just sa tha woman da Scripture who tost a pteea of stlror called together her friends and neighbors an sought diligently until aha found 1t I called my rrtenda and wmt with them oa what seemed a hope less search through tha snow covered, dimly lighted streets af Richmond. The chances wars a thousand to boo a gal oat success. -We hadn't baea out IS mrmttva when a young lieutenant to our party etooped down and picked up my tost mil. I was in htgh glee and wanted to treat we were piloted ta a safe which pending soma repairs, had a ladder of a boat a dosen rungs Instead of atelra. Ws all climbed up, considering tt a great lark. all tha while talking about What a lucky fellow the young- lieutenant waa and predietfag great things for htm, Aa wo ollmbed down again the young lieuten ant fell ram the ladder and broka hla BSCS." v- Front the. Chicago Titbuna. "And how does your daughter seem nthee she has coma horns from colleger' asks the neighbor. TWalL maybe If. a s Judgment on as for ksepla summer boarders to g4 the money to send her off to school," re plies tha mother. "Since she aama home f acta lust Ilka oaa a them.' "ii u ir " nfakee aa watt breakfast on in tia hammock ail mornin,' I afternoxn an flirts w h la the tau'.m i 3 v- USEE ROAD O'C 10 COAST rXA OTRCrtOfj,- gay BTS AWTsTOBXTT FOB STATaV Was STSBsUUsT CTTBaV OF ROAR B artfTfUrSe f (to tut Dbajslm to Leased Waa 4 the JearaalK New York. Sent. IT A survev haa been made for aa extension of the Chi cago. Milwaukee St Paul railroad to ths Pacific cos at Tha authority for this statement la tha unofficial admlaaloa of one of the moat Influential directors of the system. Surveying- part lea were sent out four ears ago and for two years they remained ta tba field, taking unueual precautlona to keep their bbovs BMnts QUlei. When these engtneeiu had about completed their work aa ink! lag of their Important project got Into the western aswspspsrs and the executive officers of tha company Ware besieged for tba facta. . fOb, we are simply aoetng about.' said President Easting, "There la noth ma aenmuiy onjtne iapia. When the rumor that the St. Paul was arranging ta buaM a itae to tba Pert no coast first got Into Wall street Csmir man Roawell Miller saM. guardedly: -No- action nas been taken by the- St Paul . managamant. The directors mar be depended upon, however, to do what ever la a Pessary to protect tba interacts of this property." - Railroad affairs' west of the Missis sippi liver are aa shaping themselves that the Interests of the Chicago, Mil waukee St St Paul road demand an lade pendent outlet to the Pacific This la the view taken of tha situation by the Rockefellers, who are tha largest hold ers of St Paul stock. Tha traffic agree meat arranged between- tha St Paul and Untoa Pacific has aot worked out to tba en t Ira satisfaction of the St Pan, Inane much as tha relations betweea thg Unioa Pacific and Northwestern con tinue to bctoloso. Even though there is no ostensible discrimination against tha St Paul, Jt ta apparent that the North western ta the real eastern outlet aad) feeder' of tha Uatoa Paclfto ayateat I1A fiAA-l CAn LMM - IW KU,1 I U DIuI while im:;3 I .! Mspatea ay Leased Wife a The Joeraall Saa FraaclBco, Sept. IT. railing to an effort to secure transportation from Manila to thla city oa the troopship Sherman, Henry Brown, a school teach er, decided that hla dead body should ba brought horns oa the vessel. The Sher man arrived hers from the Philippines yesterday, bringing tha body of the teacher, who had died by hla own hand. Brown had been an Instructor of tha native children af Manila for several years, and waa la the employ of tha civil government He wanted to visit aln hla former home In this sertloa of tha United States. The hot, strifling atr of the city la tlto tropica waa sap. ping his strength, and be wanted to re turn to health la ble own country. The t ran a pert Sherman was aa fling from Manila, and Brown strove to se en re passags from the govern men I of- . tic la Is on tha steamer. Hla pleas Wars in vain There waa SB room for him. He could act s It waa thaa hs de cided that tf be could not reach tba land of his birth ajlve, at least his. body should find a resting placa there. Thirty minutes befoxs tha steamer aatled Brown fired a shot Into hla brain, and fonnd the death he sought. -There waa no room for Brown, alive, aa the transport Sherman, but space plenty for hla lifeless corps Tha- body waa landed here yesterday la a rougb-hewa coffin, ; t- WAJTV OAJBAJPA im . . ' ISpectel ISmstrb by Leased Wire t The Jeavsst)! Ottawa. Canada. Spt 17. W. W. Olenn, organiser of the Contlrental Baal- prority lea gen. tells ia a letter lasaedl today ef a great plot to secure Canadian Imlewentlence, Qlena asserts that Car negie sffersd to contribute ml 1 1 lose to accomplish It. and an me ether big man. Including Learter. who are favorable to) tha schema. - ' tiadtes Tou 0 flt-d MrverfleM'S ad the society page. Read If: 'f