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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
19 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER U. Browns Suffer Defeat- t Tigers Hands Irringtoa Tennis Tourney Cornea to a Close Boating, Racing, Baseball, FootbaU,Tennia. News : of -Shorts' Office Attendant Robs Employer and Turns Bookk Naughtoa Takes a Whirl at the FightersAfrikandewina Brighton- Cup. r- 1 bl Journal's i j- i j ..... . , ,: .,, . , , , - . , ' i ; -i v 1 ' " r ! r ' 11 1 : " ," i v- " i'""1."1, . m u-m . ... r ,T ' ..j r TI'EKS EH OUT IX TENTH xrr asm sown inbui maoATioJr sonai BkVjnmra, ' ' Tacoma 4, Portland I. ' ' . V: ' Su Vmltt and iiogant Thlelmaa- and Bt eel man. . . : The Tigers defeated the Browns yea- terday atternoon through bMUr all- - round work. While th ami was in teresting from the start, yet the lack of team work M) the Brown nod the pUr of team work furnished by the Ta torn nltM wm In evidence from th opening to the closing chapter, and ' drtnonatrated dearly tlial th Portland " ttam a -constituted now U outclassed Id every department except tha pitcher's, C left field, third tea and possibly be hind the bat. Of ooura In center Acid. t: Drennea baa beea handicapped conaldar ; ably this year on account of Injuries, ) and with due credit to him. It may be i aatd that if be ta la condition he la 1 capable of playing good nugh ball for present company, Tha Inferiority of tha Portland, team t waa shown yesterday on nor than one occasion and It waa on this account that the visitors emerged victorious Ik. the tenth inning-. Thielman aad St. Vrain . were tha opposing pitch era and both did splendid work. After tha third Innlng kit. Vrain allowed but tour scattered - lilts, and although tha Browns bad sev eral good chances to tally the murh needea hit did not materialise. Thiel man allowed but Ave htta after the see- , und Inning, and managed to work out , .of several very night placet In tha tenth Inning Doyle led off with a double ' and la the twlnaitng at an eye stole third and before tha lumbering wheeleter groke up tha Impressible lyl took a sneak home, and aa the play came, Sheehaa hit the baU and , Doylle was sat at home. Thia waa the. winning run end aa Tig and his man . didn't care for anymore they rushed tha game along and Ota posed of the locals In one, two, three order In the last half of the tenth. During tha melee 19 ' Portlandera died on the circuit. Back. Nadeau, Steel roan and Weed played the beat ball tor Portland. while the entire Tacoma team played In their customary fashion! - ,a " ," , ,, ; - ' Smw aba vanytea; Was oau v Tfa Tigers started off with a niah, - for Mike had impressed them with the 1 necessity of winning that game, for Jim liorley'e Angela were capturing the '- seal pa of Lehman's men with too much druatrequency to suit tha Spendthrift Kid, taswod his men obeyed instruction. Charlie 1 Doyle led tha enal aught with a hit to Weed, which he beat to Brst. Tommy Bheehan cracked one to center. Nor dyke'a effort waa a pop fly to Hurley, t Then the mighty Eagaa praaaad to tha ' plate and placed a Texaa out -of Spen- eer'a reach which waa miedgad on tha bound by Clynea and Bfaeenaa, eom- ' ins all the war from first, followed - Doyle acroae tha pan on tha dinky hit. i Thla made two runs, and aa tha next two . were outs. It ended the ball tapping for - that per mm. e Drenaen led off for the Browns with ,- a safety and waa advanced by Hurley's sacrifice, but there waa nothing doing aa : Nadeau popped a fly ta Caaey and Clynea only agitated the, atmosphere. Jimmy St. Vrain poked out a safe swat af tar two were down in tha seoond, but ' Doyle failed to conneet In three swing and Jamie waa left. . : .The Duga got busy la the swat Une la their half of the seoond and aafa clouts by Spenoec; Weed and Thielman brought one tally os-er the register. i , The Tigers took the one, two, three rout In the third, but not so the Duga. Jamie St. Vrain developed a streak of wlldnesa In this Inning and walked Oasaaaaa BUI and Whispering Phil. A fielders' choice advanced both worthlea. Brve Beck bolted one to Charles Kagend and Bill of tha Turkey Point walk waa caught between'thlrd station and home. . but the Tigers, In the person of Happy ' Hogan, slipped a cog and when the gentleman with Che Joyfull handle muffed g throw from Thomas Sneehan, Scraping Bill scored, and so did Philip, : for the ball after eluding Hogaa's ' grapplcre rolled to tha stand, because 11 . Jamie, the wrong sided, failed to back ' on. Thus It was that the poor, despised ' Brownies captured the lead, but It was not for long, for In tha next sesalon " Mlchal Angelo Lynch, h of tha &; seraphic visage and graceful form, gently pot tha wood to one af Thlel ' man's choicest and before Philip the ' eourageoue could retrieve the sphere the Mick had ucoulred two - pillows. A J fielders' choice placed fatm an third from : wheno he scored, when gentle Harry ' of tha surname of Spencer, allowed - George UcLaugblln'a poke to go ua- molested to the fight patch. After this ' period both twlrlera and their reapaetlva team mates settled down to business and ' hits were few and far between during the ensuing five Innings. When Hurley flew out to Clynea In tha last half of ' the ninth the crowd settled down with ' the tdea that they were to witness an L extra Inningv session. Hike decided that - lata suppers were unhealthy far his ehamptons and after Jimmy St. Train ' went out, aa the drat . man to face The State Fair Management Was disappointed because our steam-heated polishers were not on exhibition; but we couldn't spare them. Thia is tha only laundry in Oregon employing these rharnificent inventions, and they are busy all tha time polish ing the garments of mow and women . WHO DON'T WANT" ; TKTIR LINEN , COOKED DONE EJtOWN Second and Columbia.' TjL Main .CS. . B'G n moaBi battib td a ooma vsjji ssowi simasoav Adr- rmvwa)J SiarC Thielman ta the tenth, he hold a oon sultatloa with Doyle, Bheehan and the other and a 'plan for vanquishing the Duga was formulated. EMyle walked to the. plate and waited, until he got one that he liked, ableh Jte cracked for two baa. Following his Instructions, Doyle daringly stole third, and on a hit and run signal, he darted far the -terminal, which ha acquired whn Bhee han bunted tha pitch aad was out at flrat. Nordyke hit safely but was left as Eagan'a effort was a fly ta Nadeau Nadeau came up first In Portland's half of the tenth and was . passed. Doyle muffed Clynea' fly, but threw Nadeau out at second. Beck beat out a alow hit and Bpenoef's out advanced both men. but tha hope of tha fans ware bleated . who Weed bit to Nor dyke. The score follows:, .. PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. m. premten. & vV ..,,.. I V 19 t t Hurlev. lb. B 1 I 14 1 ivadeau. L z. a Clynea. r. t ...,..,. 4 lit Clynea. r. t 4 9 9 I Beck, lb- I 1 4 Spencer, Xb. ........ 1 I 1 1 Weed. 14 Steelman, C Thielman, P Totals : 1 1 4 .17 14 1 TACOMA. " Dorla. r. f. ii-iii Sheehan, lb. ......... Nordyk. lb. Kagan, aa. .$ Lynch, c f. ......... Caaey, lb. u.,....m McLaughlin, L t .A Hogan. c, ... ...... 8t vrata, v,'t.v t XI t Totals .......It 4 M II 8CORVJ)T INNINGS. Portland ... 1 I M 0 M I 9i Hits 1IM1IM4 18 Tacoma ..J 1 I Hits ... utiii i,i -l i SUM HART. Earned runa Portland, ir Tacoma. a. Stolen bases McLaughlin, Doyle, Baaea on balls Off St Vrafn, -a. Struck out By Thielman. 3; by St. Vrain, 1. Two baa hits Lynch. Caaey, Doyle. Left on be sea Portland. It? Tacoma, 4. Tim, of game: 1:44. Umpire. Tom Brown. , . . ., ANGELS PLAY PRANKS' ON TEXAS TWIRLER (spseml DUsatsfc ay teased Wtr ta la learsat) San rranclsoo. Sepfe 17 -Mr. Jackson of Fort Worth, Texas, made hla Initial bow to a San Franclsed baseball audi enca today at Recreation park, but as the team behind him gave a miserable fielding exhibition ha had little oppor tunity ta abow his real worth. Loo Angeles won easily. Although tha score shews seven, errors, for tha Oakland buaeh, there were numerous stupid and careless mlsplays not shown In tha of ficial .tabulation. Tha soore; OAKLAND. AB. R. H Pa A. at. Prancka, as. ..a...... 4 4 1 1 araoley. r. r. 9 i a i u Dunleavy. L X. :rl... 4 I Schlafley. 4 4 Kruser. c f ...4 14 1 si rem, in. l 4 U 2 Deveraaux, Stark c Jackson, p. Totals ;,.:. LOB AHOBLKS. 4 17 It 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. K Bernard. e. t ........ 11114 4 1 ! i 3 4 4 Flood, lb. .',.'.-.... I Bmlth, lb. ........... I Cravath. r. L 4 Chase, lb, ...A,.... S Toman, as. ......... t i s . l Ross. L ,'.:::::::::: Mil ICas:er. n. Be urn. 0. 1 1 1 Totals H II 9 1114 0COBJD BT INNINGS. Los Angeles 4 4 1 1 4 l'"s Ifft Base Hlta .....4 44111111 Oakland ... .- Baa Hlta . ltOltll--' SUM MART. Stolen base Bernard,. Smith. Chase it). Three bass bit Flood. Two base bits Bernard, Dunleavy. Schafly, Chase. Sacrifice hits Flood, Schalaf ley. Baum. First baaa on errora Los Angeles, 4; Oakland, 1. Flrat on called balls Off Jackson. 4 Left on be see Los Angeles. 1; Oakland. 4. Struck out By Baum, 4; by Jackson, 4 Hit by fiitcher Smith. Double plays Ganley o Strelb; Schafley to Btrelb. Passed ball Bagar. Wild pitch Jackson. Time of gams 1:41. Umpire McDon ald. TENNIS TOURNAMENT ? ENDS AT 1RYINGT0N The tennla tearney wt the Irrlngton oourta came ta a successful eloa yes terday afternoon, with tha exception of tha mixed doubles, which were poet ponad on account of darkness, and will be played off Monday afternoon at 4:10 o'clock. The) play - yesterday waa flrst- olaae. and a large crowd witnessed the matches. Miss Sutherland receive It, defeated Mrs. Cook, who owed 14 l-. in the la dies' singles by tha acoraa 4-1, l-e and 4-4. Mra. Cook played a faultless game, but oeuld not overcome bar big handi cap. The men's singles wars won by B. W. Morse, who defeated George C. Dunham by tha scores 4-4, s-T, 1-4, 4-1 and -L Both played from the scratch and dis played great akUL but Morse's endur ance prevailed. Tha men's doubles were won by MeAl- pln and Raley, who defeated Moras and Brown, reoelve lft 1-4. Tha play -waa very pretty and both MoAlpIn ami Haley received well earned applauae from tha spectators. Toe scores were. 4-1,-7-i, .4-4 and 7-f. In the ladle' dsubtea, Mtss Carstena and Mrs. Burks triumphed ever Mra. McLaughlin and Mia Raiay, tha scores being, !- and 7-4. Mlsa Cox defeated Mrs. Iforthrua la the oonaolatlon. ,( The membera af the Irvrarton Tennla club feel jubtUnt over the great Inter est that was manlfeeted In the tourna ment and the Sna article of tennla playad. ...... , ... euin em Ana lea ..... Tamaw .......... fctltla as rrtarieua Oakland Fort laad Lest TseteiMay's performance was the beat evidence that the locale were outclassed. Tha fans knew tt and shouted their dis approval of the situation. ! Fm l iuf 9i mi at Tn J f 111 .ST2 4. J M s loo 4 4 :. 9 14 .40 0 4 . . 10 33 ,4M iiiiiellisii . ., T,D ARE THE REAL - FIGHTING CHAMPS OS1 AKOsTO uv- atouaaa or mui ajm kaju to ivooAvm, V The time may not be long until Jansc JefTrles. welterweight champion of the world, will1 be wrangling over the weight question with Gus Ruhlla, tha famous lightweight Tom Sharkey, emi nent holder of the featherweight honor. will snub the dangerous advance of Robert Fltssimmona. that noted bantam weight fighter. Why not? With the present arithme tically progressing wslght limits among the smaller fight re nothing saams im possible. -Frank! Nell, tha actual . bantam weight champion of America (and that la to aay of the world), la compelled to fight boya weighing not Idea than 110 pounda. nd . one of theee happening to beat .him would promptly claim tha title. Popular clamor would back him. and In a few weeks he would be aooepted i a holder of tha honora. Joa Gana, bolder of tha lightweight title, will not, or pannot. maka tha light weight limit for his fight. Tha bast ha can do 1 UI at 4 o'olook; and the legitimate weight la" 111. not In the af tern oon. but at the ringside. - Young Corbet t, started tha tangling of boning tltlee. Imntedlately after hla defeat of Tarry M Govern at Hartford he waa asked . ... "How about the title?" "Oh. I don't claim any title. W didn't fight at weight. 1 will be known as -the man who whipped Terry MoGov- ern. and that la enough glory for me. It , took Toung Corbatt luat about day in New York to change hla mind. Then tha demands of tha theatrical business made It neceaeary Tor him to be billed as champ loa of tha world." The featherweight Unfit atands at 111 pounda, ringside. Toung Corbett's light est weight, at which ha fought Terry, waa five pounds over that In. tha after noon. Than Toung Corbett la turn fought Jimmy Brltt of 'Frisco at 119 pounds. weighing in bourn before .the fight, and loet. urltt, enreleea of It at flrat. claimed the title, and waa popularly given tha credit of holding U. If there can bo a 110-pound .featherweight cham pion, than there can- be a 444 or 160 or ztf, for that matter, pound . feather weight champion. The lam .reasoning asp Ilea to the bantam, light, welter, middle and .light heavyweight classes. A Championship cannot be won by fighter who contests for It at any weight over tha clasa limit, in amateur con- tea ta governed by ruling of tha A. A. U would be tmpoaelbta for a, boxer to bold honors he was not entitled to." If a rational list of ohamplona worn Written, It would read as follows: Heavyweight -Unlimited weight Jamas J. Jeffrtss. . Light heavyweight 141 pounds rtng- aiae, Robert -Fltaslmmons. Middleweight 141 ' pounds, , Tommy Ryan. ' Welterweight 141 pounda, Joe WaJ. oott. , : ' . Lightweight lM pounda r-' Jamas A Brltt, Featherweight 111 - Pounds, Franki Nell. ,. Bantamweight 111 pounda, Franki Nell. - In tha matter of tha featherweight etaasi Terry- MeOovern- -la -nd longer tn the class at all, and oould'not maka the weight. At present there la no ill pound hoy In sight who can whip Nell. All of the crack ao-called faatharwalghta m nbj. i ( - - -k f ... . , . ROBS EMPLOYER ANft TURNS BOOKMAKER J. (pedal Dtapateh ay f mill Wlra teTa leeraal) New York, Sept. 1 7. Perched on a stool In the betting ting at tha Brighton Beach track thla afternoon, the center of maelstrom of the gambling-mad crowd that surged and fought with money In hand, Frank O'DonaelL is years old, his hat pushed back from hla forehead and his shirt aleevea rolled to his elbows, shouted: "Come on. boya; they're at the post and will be off In n minute. Oat your gaoosy sown, Boya. A detective stepped up to O'Donnall and said: "O'DonneH, ro . are under arrant. I don't suppoaa any explanation aasary." - S The boy turned pale, hesitated a mo ment and replied: 'That'll be all right Til ga. Bat wait until I pay off after hlg race. It wouldn't do to weloh you know. Be- sidea, l owe soma money around the ring. ' Theee debts of honor' must be paid." Tha detective agreed ta watt An hour later O'Donnell waa In a cell at police headquarters charged with the smbesslement of 124,040 from hla em ployer. Bdward H. Floyd Jonee. a lawrer at el wau street. . . . - ' RACING AT MEADOWS RESUMES ON MONDAY (spedat THaaatefe 4 the toarssM eattle. Wash., Sept. 17. On Monday afternoon the King county Fair associa tion will open a six days" meet at the Meadows. Carload after carload of horses era arriving,5 filling up the ac commodations with tha cream of two divisions. t A special train will leave Salem today with tha crack that have been racing there, while most of the Portland ship ments are already here. It w the intention of tha association to intersperse several daya with harness BALL DIRECTORS MET LAST EVENING Tha directors of the Portland Baeehalf club mat last evening and discussed the artistic and financial sides of tha local baseball situation. Mention waa mad of tjie poor ahowmg of the Browns, but no action was taken. What will be dona la now matter of conjecture and la a subject that la giving tha local mag ntea moon worry. i r ssM ,, UIBB CARBTaTNaV " Clever Racquet. Who Played Splendid Tennis in tha Irvlngton Tourney. FIRSKEEK'SKCJtK : m CLUB ElEYEH MTJXTVOhtAX FOOTBAU asf BT TaTJI liUT The first "week's nracttce of -tha Multnomah football oqund Is ended and the general opinion la that Portland will be well represented thla "season on tha gridiron. Tha selection of George Mo Milan aa head ooach was a move that waa . applauded on all aldoa, and" now that everything la under way tha; men will settle down to hard work. 1 Tha changes in tha rulea thla year will oc casion several new. schemee In . the formation of plays. The fact that six men will be compelled to be upon the Una of acrlmmag at all times, and when there are only six on tha line one man behind tha lino must have both feet outalda of tha end rush, will naosa aitate changee from hurt ynara style of attack In mass playu, Tha prlnclpaU al terations la rules In brief form are aa follows: ' v. X, Instead of seven man tn the line of scrimmage between the II yard lines there must ha six men la tha llnb In every part of tha field. 2. When there are only an man In tha Una of scrimmage tha additional n an tha back field must ha stationed out side of either extremity of the line. 1. Goals from field, no matter how made, shall count four Inatead of five points. -- - -.--.?. 4 .; 4, The quarterback or the first man receiving the ball from tha center may run with It in any part of the field In stead of only between the II yard llnee, providing ho go flv ynrda outalda of center. I. The umpire and referee shall have distinctive signals. I. When tha umpire signals for "a penalty the play may continue until tha ball Is dead., when. Jbe referee shall In flict the penalty. Tha aide offended against may takd either tha penalty or Jho ground gained by tha play. 1. When one side kicks out of bounds twice in succession on a tduchback or a safety the ball shall go to the opposite side on the l instead of tha -21 yard Una, -- ' Tha rule making any goal from tha field oount for four inatead of . five points la on of tha boat changea fen the entire scheme. - With tha beginning of thla weak Multnomah will Una up each evening against the seoond team and try out the new formations. Captain - Dowling realises that a lineup will do mora to show up the good or bad featuree of a play quicker than anything els, and with thla and In view will give hla man all the scrimmages be can. Word from California indicates that both Berkeley and Stanford are going to take extra precautions thla year against Multno mah, aa their cracks realise the strength nt lha Vnrtlend eleven. Tha Astorla- Multnomah game on tha tth of October will furnish tha football fans of thla city tha first opportunity to Judge- tha work of Multnomah, . . TEN PIN PLAYERS . ON LOCAL ALLEYS ' The past week wag a banner one for too double century boat! era, on the Port land alleys. . Knevsa ban n String of 11 to hla credit the highest being 147,' also 111, 111, 101. Ill, 111. Ill, 114, 111, 204, 111, 114. 107, 111, 111, 104. Ill, Ml, 117, 111, 104. Hanson til. 104, Ttl. Watklne 114. 101. 100. 101. McMWTKMOT 131, 117, 2J4, 111, Ml. Ill, 10L - ' - ' HAinekanp 111, 101, , lit. Kelly 101, 110, 104, HI Wflklns lit, HI. 100. 117. B. Clossett 111, M4. Hysmlth , tot. Hoffman 111 Flier lit. ? ,. Van Horn 111. ' -Qalllard 110. 1,1 Bonlangar 104. Lamond 114. - ;'-' ' Bach week there Is a vrlae offered for tha bowler making the fifth hlgboet score. Next Weeneedav evening there will be a game between tha Monarch and tha Pretasla. Tha teams are evenly matched and a good game la looked for. Tha Monareha have played six games since being organised and have an undefeated record. Haneon and ffysmHh, the winners of last week's double, have been chal lenged by Kneyee and Armltage for six same for til a aide. Tha ladms team "The Overalls," played the side Una hard Thursday ntghtr Gal Hard, Hanson and Hysmlth be ing tha lucky one to receive tha ap plauae rendered by the fair sax. The mascot for tha Overalls team la 41ttle brown pup, to which the ladies con tinually faad pretaeia. gviTTTm 1,1 Stand Silverfleld's ad. Page 11. TCE EE3T0 CE? m fsonun MUbaa mr, jam croub ovf evoats to traxivB Bfowri1 JBa 4wmA Msuaaaaai van aooaT nsBULTs at wmm (serial Dtapateh hr Leased Wire to The Jearnal) NBW TORK. Sept. 17. Weather olear, track fast. Flrat race, tt furlongs, 1 year-olds Dandelion (Shaw), x to I, won; Paaa Idena, seoond; Bedouin, third. Time, 1:07. Seoond race, the Chaatllly staepls- ahaee, full oouree. 1-year-olds and up Flying Butresn (Finegan). I to 1, won; Amur, seopad ; Judge Phillips, third. Time, fcll. : Third race, lit furlongs, t-yaar-olda. the Undergraduate stakes, 11.444 added Broadcloth Buraa), 1 to 1. won; Gam- ara. second; Dance Muuio, third. Tims, 1:4T. Fourth raoe, tha Brighton oup. 14 mil, l-year-olde and up; 114,000 and a 11,000 gold oup Afrikander (O'Nall), I to I, won: McChasney, seoond; Major Dalngerfleld (Lyne). third. Time. 1:11. Fifth race, mile and a quarter, handt- eap; l-year-olda and up. 11.100 added Carbuncle Red fern). . to I. won; Lord Badge, second: Brigand, third. . Tfma, 2:46 1-1. Sixth raoe, g furionga. 1-year 4!da and up, maidens Falmouth Henneay). I to 1. won; Lom Reed, seoond; Prince A thai lag, third. Time. 1:11 1-4. ' At aTnwtteano. -. 1 - CHICAOO, Bept 17.-Weather dear. track fast Flrat race, I furionga, sailing Man sard (Henry), I to I, won; Mary Mo- Cafferty, second; Beautiful and Beat, third. Time, 1:114-1. Second raoe, 4W furlongs, purse De vout (Larson). I to I. won: MoClelian, seoond; Annie Alone, third. . Time, 1:11. Third raoe, mile and 71 ynrda, handi cap Branoas (Aubuchon), 4 to L won; Bthlana, aeoond; Felipe : Lugo, third. Tim. 1:441-4. Fourth raoe, 1 mile, - tha September stakes. 41.100 added Beareatcher (Nich ols), to 4, won; Prince SUverwlnga, seoond. Two starter. Time. l:Stt- - Fifth raoe. mile and sixteenth, selllng Leila (Greenfield). I to 1. won; Port Royal, seoond; Singing Master, third. Time, 1:41 1-4. Sixth raoa, Itt fuiionga, oelllnr Handy BUI (Shaenan), S to L won; Dun- dall. second; Useful Lad. third. No Uane given. - Seventh raoa, furionga. puree Nanv nfs Hodge (Gannon), 4 to 1. won; Mag istrate, aeoond: Frontanaa .third. Mo time given. ' - As Bemmalr noofe ' ST. LOUIB, Sept 17. Weather clear. track faat . First race. 1 turlongs 'Iftaa Dovle (Rice). to 1. Won; Mafalda, seoond: Tha Regent third. Time. 1:11. Seoond raoa, 7 furlongs, eelllng1 Dar- Stiff U and- ; Styles T5io Hzt , 45-87 TSBD STKET I II -..i-VmW es-aeao ', gtn (Anderson), 1 to 1, w cm; Algonquin, second; Phlora, third. Time.' 1:111. Third race, mile, and gUtaanth, .soil ing larro (Dugan), I to L wa; Miss Betty, seoond: CheaK Morgan, third. Tim. l:U.- Fourth race, I furionga, tha Osark selling stakes Braden (Austin), f to 10, won: Tom Shelly, second; Anadareo. third. -Tim hot given. - Fifth raoe. tu furionga, selling King Rosa (Anderson). T to 1, won; Vestry, second; Orient third. Time not given. Sixth raoe,, 4 furlongs, selling Eto- genta B. (Anderson), I to L. won; .Bid silver, aeoond r Potter, third. Time not given, ' - , . . . Seventh rao. mil and - threa-slx-taenths, selling Lacy Crawford (An derson), i ttfl. won: Lubln. seoond; Goo Goo, third, . Time not given. , ' - SEALS POUND SHIELDS ALL OVER THE LOT (Spaelal Dtapateh by Leaaet.Wlra Tks eoarsal) SeatUa, Wash, Sept -17. Ban - Fran cisco easily defeated Seattle today by a score of llgto I- Shields pitched for Seattle and "was touched for total of twenty-one hlta Wheeler pitched good nma nod allowed but five hits. Tha oooro: -.:- ' - "e , -,.-:t 4HBATTLB. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. B. i till Van Hattron. stonier, zc Delahanty, Blankanahln, aa. omun. r. I. Murphy, lb, 4 I A I 0 I Wilson, C 4 0 I 11 Shields, P- ........... 4 1 f 4 11 Totals ..V Vf......lT I IT II : SAN FRANCISCO. - ab. r ir wv a. wl van Bursa, in. I 1 iuran, lb. I rand, L f. 4 on, o. f. I rA.:::::;:: i 10 0 1 riiaenrand, L 1 4 ii 3 ! weiaron. Meany, Irwin. Anderson, lb. f Gochnaur. aa. ....... I Leahy. C ........... 4 11111 Whoslar. n, ......... 4 14 4 4 1 Totals ..a n ii it i4."i" SCOBS BT INNINGS. TS52T .:'.:::::! MJ It Hfc I Han Kranoisoo ...1 Itlllll 4 14 Hits ..10141411 ' . SUMMARY. FJarned runs Ban Francisco. I 411 baa hlta Delahanty, Hltderbrand. Leahy, Wheeler, Anderson. Three baaa hfts Mohler. VanBuren. Stolen baaea Blankenebtp. Double plays HUder- orano to Laany. Basea on balls Off Shields, 4; off Wheeler, I. Hit by pitcnea nail rasa, Meany. irwtn, van- Huron, ntrucx out ht nnieioa a: Wheeler. 1. Time of gam 1:04. U piroa WlUhuna and, Wbalan. (Jearnal special sarvlea.) Spokane. Waah., Sept 17. President Lueao of the P. Jt. L., haa turned down the offer from tha east to take charge of one of the minor leagues, and will remain In the northweat where ho has been caked to help la too reorganisation of a strong circuit next sea son. 'Tis Fall-Time and Clothing AB of tha tsAhkmable coiofs , manv styles that go to make up s GREAT STOCK , OP MEN'S AND, YOUNO MEN'S CORRECT ... , : ' fl rtTUtPO imp tfAT T 1tarki.H - -. -. (', -i ter wlaa t garmetit you waut ' wfaattryer the-ehade, if ft is worn by the particular ; dreeaere of the east youH find H here at 4 PRICE - v ALWAYS LOWER than asked at uptOwu stores. - SUITS AND TOPCOATS OF TODAY iiilli ' itV yC'- S&apes -rf: Displayed anastaa uae aau a a eHPSiatta. - '' . V Th-t Mz& 53 - CT DOCX KCSI2 CF CLLl OF CCZSSCE lim STILL lEO'v LEAGUE EITTERS BBATnars vm hmuM uazhv txsj ooAjra asosuh4atz4 nr ' ttntaeosfuia Mont Ajua awat asiw jmo, sok Bxxira mmmmmn. . The batting' averagea of tha Coasl league up to and Including September la, show that FrUk of Seattlo stUl holds tha lead by a good margin. Portland has not on man batting .140, Beck be lng tha highest and his figures staadlntf at. .189. - Those batting- .104 and ovea are: - Fianra , " AB. rrtoa. Saettat.. ......... ftU Nordyke. Tacnsta, ,, Oil lf.bler, Seattle. 5RI Ht(n, Taeoais 5T0 OratM, O., Oakland ITT Bernard. Loa A. partes. AM 10 1M ITS S4 let 141 U 181 180 101 JOS ia 1S4 let' tn 118 04 Si-haffly, OakUod S aiankenablp, Bcattia.. 4X1 HbMhao. Tacoma. .674 Smith, O., Scattta... Oil Dnlahanty, geattla... Ill Meanjr. Baa maaae.......:UJ Beck, PorttaDd.. 171 Hilriebraad, a rraaclaaa. . . -MS Wftldroa, Sea lraBclaoi.......a4 8ml tn. f.. Loa Aaseles Ill Oaolry, Daklasd.... 02 Braaaear, Be. ana U. A....;..SO ' Maeklisan, Oaklant. ...0S Bblelda P. and fie lxl Corbatt, lea ftaadaee. ....... . M 10 ro SS XI4 Vaa Bam. Sea iranelsea. .IBS Oaaey, TacosM AT ' 4t ri naasaa. rartiua..MMt....Ua 103 HaU. X.. Seattle ........MT 1M IlleiiaaB. Portland ShS at log 14S 1T4 IS 1ST OS 14T 144 14 . I Wllaoa, Seattle aM h-wla. Baa yrsactaae...M.....04T Vaa Baltara. Seattle...., ar Crarath, Loa Ana-elae....,....ft3 , fAaa. Las aanlea. ,..,.., ...4H1 . Kracawr. Oakland...., ttrr Wbeelar, L. A. aad B. r...X UcUugklla, Taeaata 67 Lynch, Tacoata Sot Tbamae, Tacoma ..IRS Hasting. PerUaad. . . S3 LUrsbaio. fx. Taccana.. ....... Set i rtotxi, nom anxeM,.. ....... ooi 18 sa 117 TS 144 US - SI lit 81 ISO 44 IT OS lot OS M u rranxs, uatland nks, Oakland , -0QA ilevr, OakUod... Sfl i. Las Aoglaa..'......,..47 , IMnlei kcas. Barowed. Btrelb, T.. Omklaad ."....SOS Doyle. Taeoaw..,...,.M vT Mar pay. p. and Be...... 1SS Dresses, Fertlaad....H 4WS Byraa, Oakland. .Ml DeTarvaox, Oakland,, ...,..,,.BTS Bpcocar. Pert land. 1ST ritagerald, Taeoaw T Oortoa. gas yra ru-teoa.. ...... .tTt IV'maa. Loa Angela........,, .T 8iirs. Loa aaaelea ......431 hirebuaa, PortUad.........410 WhaleaTnas rraadses ...18 Caer. Loa aASel.,.. 1SS Bcbmldt Oakland let Andanee, Baa frascIaaa......9T Ktfa. TaeosM 11T Hot ley, Portland.,. ...... ...,118 ttet, Portland. It. Barber. Be. ao4 Sf lH ISO Overall, Tecum .....1S1 njoea, Portland IP Bansm. Lsa Angela., ..HI at Z2J lOf r Mf S ui 4 ,111 st ana IT a! h4 Tool Brown's work yostardnF was -not np to tha standard. Last year there was en umpire who waa giving Portktnd the worst of It and tha directors a4 bias shipped to anotherolty. tj - Time trad weaves aa of tbs boweter iti mads and Fall Famous BM ' 820. or M si 101 Sfld, 2U0 904 a he) 2 Ml ' M an SM Its) US' BST W BM SbO SOT K4 1 tco 140 14 VA 144 IS S40 fMO tao tat 1ST M SU 13 134 124 ft?S XZS 1